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Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project (RRP SRI 50275-002)

Financial Management Assessment

Project Number: SRI (50275-002)

August 2018

Sri Lanka: Science and Technology Human

Resource Development Project
(as of 1 August 2018)

Currency unit – Sri Lanka rupee/s (SLRe/SLRs)

SLRe1.00 = $0.0062637
$1.00 = SLRs159.65


ADB – Asian Development Bank

AGD – Auditor General’s Department
AMC – Audit Management Committee
CIGAS – Computerized Integrated Government Accounting System
COPA – Committee on Public Accounts
COPE – Committee on Public Enterprises
CPS – country partnership strategy
EA – executing agency
FMAQ – Financial Management Assessment Questionnaire
GOSL – Government of Sri Lanka
GPS – Government Payroll System
IA – implementing agency
KU – University of Kelaniya
MHECA – Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs
MOFMM – Ministry of Finance and Mass Media
MOHE – Ministry of Higher Education
MPAM – Ministry of Public Administration and Management
PISU – project implementation sub unit
PIU – project implementation unit
PwC – PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pvt.) Limited
RUSL – Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
SLPSAS – Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards
SLRe – Sri Lankan Rupee
SUSL – Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
TA – technical assistance
TOR – Terms of Reference
UGC – University Grants Commission
VFM – Value for Money

In this report, “$” refers to United States dollars.

A. Overview 3
B. Strengths 13
C. Weaknesses 15
D. Personnel, Accounting Policies and Procedures, Internal Control, Internal and
External Audit 18
E. Financial Reporting Systems, Including Use of Information Technology 24
F. Disbursement Arrangements and Funds Flow Mechanism 26

1. Financial Management Assessment Questionnaire - Executing Agency 40
2. Financial Management Assessment Questionnaire - Implementing Agency 74

Proposed Project Title: Proposed Loan Amount:

Science and Technology Human Resource USD 145 million
Development Project (STHRDP)
Executing Agency Source of Funding:
Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs Asian Development Bank (ADB)
(MHECA) Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL)

Implementing Agencies
University of Sri Jayewardenepura (SJP)
University of Kelaniya (KU)
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL)
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL)
Prepared by: PwC – Sri Lanka/ ADB Date: 17 May 2018


1. This Financial Management Assessment (FMA) was commissioned by the Asian

Development Bank (ADB) to meet its ‘due diligence’ requirements, as a precursor to the proposed
project titled Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project (STHRDP) in the
higher education sector in Sri Lanka. The FMA, together with the Procurement Capacity
Assessment (PCA) was carried out by the Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pvt.) Limited,
(PwC) Sri Lanka, in accordance with the Terms of Reference (TOR) issued by Ms. Gi Soon Song,
Principal Social Sector Specialist, Human and Social Development Division, South Asia
Department, ADB, in March 2017. The FMA enabled the evaluation of financial management
capacity of the executing agency--Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs—(MHECA)
and the four university implementing agencies, to effectively manage the finances of the project.

2. The approach and methodology for the FMA was based on the Technical Guidance Notes
on FMA, issued by the ADB in May 2015. The preparation activities for the FMA included, review
of relevant literature and documents, experience gathered by the consultants (PwC) on similar
assignments carried out in the past for the Public Sector in Sri Lanka, interviews and discussions
with the counterpart which include the Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs (MHECA),
the executing agency for the proposed project, and four university implementing agencies. The
assessment process also included on-site observation of systems and controls in operation,
compliance tests on samples of transactions and review of documentary evidence made available
by the respective agencies to support facts, forecasts and reported results.


3. The STHRDP under consideration for the higher education sector in Sri Lanka, with the
funding and technical assistance from ADB, has earmarked four universities for support, namely
University of Sri Jayewardenepura (SJP), University of Kelaniya (KU), Sabaragamuwa University
of Sri Lanka (SUSL), and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL). Main objective of the project
has been announced as “development of new technology faculties to nurture a new breed of
technology-oriented graduates equipped with market relevant skills and entrepreneurial spirit”.
Accordingly, construction of infrastructure facilities for the new engineering faculty at the

University of Sri Jayewardenepura and technology faculties for the other three universities are
being considered under the new project under consideration. The development would involve civil
works for faculty buildings, equipment and furniture for academic programs including laboratories,
capacity development programs, and consulting and non-consulting services.

4. It is envisaged that the project would be implemented supported by the ADB, through a
loan facility under the ‘project-based lending mode’ and the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL),
which would meet any counterpart financing obligations. Total loan funds to be provided by the
ADB amounts to USD145 million, which might however be subject to change during loan
negotiations between the ADB and GOSL. It is anticipated that any excess project costs over the
loan amount would be met from counterpart financing made available by the GOSL. As of now,
the duration of the project has been tentatively decided as 5 years, starting from year 2018.



5. ADB, through its country partnership strategy (CPS)1, 2018–2022, will support Sri Lanka’s
transition to upper middle-income country status. The CPS will focus on two strategic objectives:
strengthen the drivers of growth by promoting diversification of economic activities and
productivity enhancement (pillar 1), and improve the quality of growth by promoting inclusiveness
(pillar 2). The priority investment areas for pillar 1 will be to (i) expand the provision of growth-
oriented infrastructure (transport, energy, and urban) and logistics; (ii) develop an economic
corridor; and (iii) upgrade human capital. For pillar 2, the priority investment areas will be to (i)
strengthen agriculture infrastructure and commercialization, (ii) improve rural connectivity, (iii)
improve public service delivery, and (iv) expand access to finance for small and medium-sized
enterprises. Key thematic priorities are (i) promoting private sector development and public–
private partnership (PPP); (ii) strengthening environment, climate change, and disaster risk
management; and (iii) promoting gender equality.

6. ADB assistance is closely aligned with the development strategy of the GOSL as outlined
in (i) the two policy statements of the Prime Minister in Parliament in November 2015 and October
2016; and (ii) the Public Investment Program, 2017–2020. The CPS is in line with ADB’s corporate
strategy under its Midterm Review of Strategy 2020.

7. As pronounced in CPS (2018–2022), ADB’s support will focus on an integrated human

capital development program involving secondary education, technical and vocational education
and training (TVET), and higher education. ADB will give greater attention to the linkages between
its education sector interventions and emerging jobs. Efforts will also be made to introduce new
training programs for selected industries, especially those identified by the government and the
economic corridor study. Interventions in the higher education sector will support the government
in establishing a technology university using the PPP modality, and assist in preparing market-
oriented degree programs. Support for technology education will be extended to selected state
universities, so the model can be replicated. By initiating expansion in the human resource base
in science and technology, ADB’s intervention will provide the first steps toward greater infusion
of technology and innovation in the economy. As a next step, ADB will initiate and continue
dialogue with the government and other development partners for strengthening the linkages
between industry and technology institutes, and increasing the scale of research and
development expenditure.

1 ADB institutional document.


8. With reference to ‘Human Capital Development’ under the ‘Country Knowledge Plan’2, the
CPS recognizes Sri Lanka’s reorientation needs for secondary education and technical and
vocational education and training, with a greater focus on science and technology, information
and communication technology (ICT), and the English language to meet market demand. This
also entails the need to strengthen higher education to prepare for absorption of contemporary
technology transfer, and to enhance the capacity of the country for knowledge creation and

9. The ADB’s resolutions specified in the CPS (2018–2022) in relation to the use of country
system and managing governance risks include;

(i) ensuring predictability in the availability of funds by making full use of country
public financial management systems, in particular country budgeting, treasury,
accounting, and auditing systems;

(ii) adopting the use of country systems selectively in safeguards and procurement,
taking into consideration agency capacity and associated fiduciary risks; and

(iii) raising awareness of ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date) and
its impact on operations in collaboration and engagement with ADB’s Office of
Anticorruption and Integrity and Sri Lanka's Commission to Investigate Allegations
of Bribery or Corruption.


A. Overview

1. Organization and Staff Capacity

a. Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs – MHECA

(Executing/ Implementing Agency)

10. The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has functioned from time to time in the past as
a standalone ministry under a subject specific minister. This arrangement had provided the MOHE
with its own infrastructure facilities including permanent office premises, a pre-defined
organization structure and a team of experienced staff, though they are subject to periodic
transfers in line with government policy. Thus, in keeping with tradition, ‘Higher Education’ arm of
the present ministry continues to function as a unit independent from ‘Cultural Affairs’ subject,
which operates separately, from a different office location. Whilst, the Secretary to MHECA is in
overall charge, an Additional Secretary has been assigned the task of administration and
oversight of the ‘Higher Education’ arm of the MHECA. The MHECA will be the executing agency
as well as key implementing agency under the proposed project under consideration.

11. The organization structure of MHECA’s higher education arm includes a Chief Accountant
and a Director–Infrastructure Development, reporting to Additional Secretary/ Secretary and
heading the finance/ accounting function and procurement function respectively. As per the
approved cadre of the ministry, there exists a Chief Financial Officer position which had fallen
2 Appendix 2 – CPS (2018 – 2022)

vacant in February 2017 and yet to be filled. The Chief Accountant is supported by an Accountant
and16 assistants (Management, Staff and Book Keeping) for the finance/ accounting. The Chief
Accountant of the MOHE was of the view that the present staff strength is adequate with some
excess capacity which could be channeled to the proposed ADB – project management unit
(PMU), if necessary. The Infrastructure Development (Procurement) operates with a flat
organization structure with no levels of responsibility in between the Director (Executive/
Management grade) and six non-executive Development Officers who report direct to the
Director. The existing capacity is observed to be meeting the current HR requirements for
satisfactory procurement operations.

12. The ‘Organization Chart’ of MHECA, pertaining to the finance and procurement function
and the qualification/ experience profile of senior executive staff appear below.

Figure 1: Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs

Organization Chart - Finance and Procurement.

Secretary – MOHECA
(Mr. J J Rathnasiri)

State Secretary – Higher Education

State Secretary – Cultural Affairs
(Ms J M C Wijethunga)

Chief Finance Officer


Chief Accountant Director – Infrastructure

Director – Procurement*
(Mr W K L E Walallawita) Development
(Mr Somanath Gamage) (Ms A S P Weerasooriya)

(Mr G R K S Ganegoda)

Procurement Officer (1) and

Development Officers (6)
Development Officers (5)

Management Assistants (6)

Office Assistant (1)

*This position has been newly filled in August 2017.


b. Universities (Implementing Agencies)

13. As per the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, all the public universities operate with common
management structure, which consist the following key university officials.

Vice Chancellor,
Dean of each Faculty

14. The Vice Chancellor and Registrar also act as the Accounting Officer and Assistant
Accounting Officer of the university, respectively. In the public university system in Sri Lanka, the
‘University Council’ is the executive and governing body, in which the Vice Chancellor holds
chairmanship. The Senate is the topmost body responsible for academic affairs. By statute, the
Registrar is also the Ex-Officio Secretary of both the Council and Senate.

15. In practice, Registrar of the university heads administrative functions while the Bursar is
responsible for finance/ accounting. It is pertinent to note that Registrar and Bursar are directly
recruited by the University concerned and they are not transferable to other Universities, whereas
their deputies/ assistants, recruited by the University Grants Commission (UGC), are transferable.
The common procedure prevails in the four universities assessed is that the procurement function
is divided between these two key divisions namely, administration and finance. Accordingly, the
procurement of goods (supplies) has been made responsibility of the Bursar while capital works/
renovations and services (including consultancies) have been assigned to the Registrar. A
deputy/ assistant registrar or bursar level officer in respective divisions, as the case may be,
exercises the oversight for each of these procurement sub functions. In some universities there
are provisions to have a Project Manager, a permanent senior position in the university hierarchy,
to overlook mainly the capital works. Of the four universities assessed, the Universities of Sri
Jayewardenepura and Kelaniya employs Project Manager in-charge of capital works whilst
respective positions were vacant at Rajarata and Sabaragamuwa Universities at the time of
assessments in late 2017.

16. The staff cadre positions in administration and finance at the four universities are in a state
of fulfillment except for a few vacancies yet to be filled. [The vacant senior positions include (1)
One Senior Assistant Bursar position at Kelaniya University and (2) Deputy Bursar and Assistant
Bursar position each at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, as of the respective date/s of

Figure 2: Public Higher Educational Sector (University) Organizational Structure

Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)

University Grants Commission (UGC)


Senate Council

Vice Chancellor


Bursar Librarian

17. HR Capacity Development. No need based, function specific HR capacity development

plans were observed to have been prepared by the MHECA or Universities assessed. However,
some universities such as Rajarata had devised in-house training programmes for non-executive
staff. Externally conducted (e.g. by Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration) training
programmes, workshops, seminars etc., and overseas training have usually been reserved for
the executive level officers.

2. Information Management

18. The collection, management and dissemination of financial information at MHECA is

similar to that of all government ministries and departments in Sri Lanka. Financial information,
mainly expenditure items of the ministries are recorded and managed through a Computerized
Integrated Government Accounting System (CIGAS) which is the main accounting software in
use. CIGAS had been developed, implemented and is monitored/maintained by the Department
of State Accounts – Ministry of Finance and Mass Media (MOFMM). CIGAS had been in use for
more than two decades.

19. The system maintains all government accounts at operational level and facilitates
preparation of financial reports (Appropriation Accounts of Ministries), bank reconciliations,
inventory management and cash-flows. It has data security features of encryption, decryption and
password privileges and also provide for journals, sub-ledgers, SLIPS payments and integrates
payroll, but in practice, at MHECA these features have not been utilized up to their full potential.
Accordingly, at MHECA the system is used as a standalone system.

20. At MHECA the system captures both recurring and capital expenditure based on the
budgeted sector accounting codes. However, manual intervention is required to prepare the
appropriation account and other financial reports. The payroll system, which is also a system
commonly used by all ministries and government departments - the Government Payroll System
(GPS), is a standalone system and not integrated to the main accounting system.

21. It is expected that in the near future MHECA will use an advanced customised software
Integrated Treasury Management Information System (ITMIS), being developed and
implemented under the sponsorship of General Treasury, which will be an online, real time
centralised system.

22. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura uses a customized software package developed
by the ‘Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies’ to process financial information, which
has been in use for over 10 years. This General Ledger software programme was observed to be
advanced, compared to the packages being used by the other three universities and also
integrated with all faculties of the university, except the medical faculty. Whilst a software system
developed by the University’s management information system (MIS) centre has been in use for
the payroll processing, fixed assets management and inventory control functions have been
outsourced to an external service firm which also provides software maintenance development
services. These standalone software systems have resulted in extensive manual intervention to
incorporate information generated from different systems/ summaries and other periodic journal

23. Three of the universities assessed (Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa) use a
common customised software package for the recording, processing and reporting of financial

information except for the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, which uses a customized software
package developed by the ‘Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies’ Moratruwa, Sri
Lanka. The customised, locally developed software used by Universities of Kelaniya, Rajarata
and Sabaragamuwa - ‘Equal – Packsoft’ - had been supplied by a software vendor/ agent who is
responsible for maintenance and upgrade of the system based on periodic (annual) maintenance
agreements. The software agent provides university specific personnel who will respond to
universities requests for modifications either on-line (for minor issues) or by visits (for major
issues). The staff at University of Sri Jayewardenepura had been trained for the use of software
package supplied by Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies’, while all maintenance
work and upgrades are handled by the Institute. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura also has
an MIS Manager who is responsible for maintenance of hardware and networking system.

24. The ‘Equal – Packsoft’ package is used as standalone General Ledger, Payroll and
Inventory packages by some of the Universities whereas in others the General ledger, Payroll
and Inventory systems have been integrated. The software used at the University of Sri
Jayewardenepura integrates all accounting modules such as General Ledger, Accounts
Payables/ Receivables, Purchases Orders and Cash/ Bank, except for the Payroll processing and
Asset/ Inventory management.

25. The software packages and systems described above had been in use for more than 7
years at respective universities.

3. Budgeting and Funds Flow Arrangements

26. The individual budgets of the MHECA and four universities are components of the national
budget of the GOSL, which is presented to the parliament of Sri Lanka, debated and approved
with any amendments, usually before the commencement of the upcoming financial year, running
from 01 January to 31 December. All the public universities in Sri Lanka, which operates under
the UGC, are required to submit their budgets to the Department of National Budget/ General
Treasury with the concurrence of the UGC.

27. Budget preparation process is usually initiated by the middle of the year preceding the
year for which the budget is prepared, and instructions titled ‘Budget Call - (Year) - Guidelines
and Directions for the Preparation of Annual Budget Estimates' are issued by the General
Treasury around July every year.

28. The budget contains separate estimates for recurrent expenditure, capital expenditure and
any foreign aid/ funding anticipated for the particular entity or sector.

29. Amendments to the budget, which will result in cost overruns, are usually not permitted
once the budget is passed by the parliament, unless a change in government policy or other
unforeseen event/ national issue takes place during the financial year. In such an event
supplementary estimates would have to be approved by the parliament, covering the additional
cost estimates. However, changes to budget allocations would be permitted between line items,
subject to prior approval and such change would not result in increase to overall budget allocation
already approved for the entity. All the agencies assessed contended that they are however,
unlikely to exceed any budget line item more than 10% of the original allocation.

30. At the ministry and university levels, a routine budgetary control process through variance
analyses is almost nonexistent. However, before incurring every expenditure item, availability of

adequate budget allocations has to be ensured. The votes ledger maintained at every public entity
is updated with cumulative expenditure against line items, which helps this certification process.
Any explanations for variances are required to be provided to the Treasury, when the
appropriation accounts (financial statements) are submitted annually. Any unspent allocations,
for which funds have already been received, have to be refunded to the ‘Consolidated Fund’ at
the end of the financial year.

31. Request of funds from the General Treasury by the universities has to be channeled
through the UGC and upon approval the Treasury remits funds direct to the university’s
designated bank account. In the case of MEHCA, the request is made direct from the Treasury.

32. The total budget allocations for the four universities ranged from SLRe 1.7bn to SLRe
4.7bn for the years 2016-2018, as below. (At average annual SLRe/ USD exchange rates -
148.44, 150.56 and 155.24 for 2016, 2017 and 2018 –up to May, respectively.)

Aggregate Approved Budget

University 2016 2017 2018
SLRe – m. USD – m. SLRe – m. USD – m. SLRe – m. USD – m.
Sri Jayewardenepura 4,068 27.4 4,697 31.2 4,754 30.6
Kelaniya 3,361 22.6 3,250 21.6 3,650 23.5
Rajarata 1,872 12.6 1,731 11.5 1,989 12.8
Sabaragamuwa 1,659 11.2 1,535 10.1 1,751 11.3

4. Exposure to Project Management

33. MHECA and the four selected universities have implemented a considerable number of
infrastructure, capacity building, HR development and academic refinement projects in the past,
through both local and foreign funding. It was however observed that the volume of capital
development projects implemented through foreign funding sources, as a percentage of total
capital expenditure budget of the sector, had not been significant, which contributed only 7%
approximately for 2016.3 Projects implemented by the MHECA within past (10-15 years) through
foreign funding sources are as tabulated below.

Name of Project Funding Source Duration Project cost

Improving Relevance and Quality of World Bank 2003 – 2010 USD 31.6m
Undergraduate Education (IRQUE)
Distance Education Modernization Project ADB 2003 – 2009 USD 60.0m
Higher Education for Twenty First Century World Bank 2011 – 2016 USD 40.0m
Tsunami Rehabilitation Project Government of 2005 – 2010 KWD 6.0m
South Eastern University Development Government of 2007 – 2011 USD 8.6m
Project (Phase 1A) Kuwait

3 Progress Report 2016 – Ministry of Higher Education and Highways.


Name of Project Funding Source Duration Project cost

South Eastern University Development Government of 2012–2018 USD 14.0m
Project (Phase 1B) Kuwait

34. A new project funded by the World Bank titled Accelerating Higher Education Expansion
and Development Operation has received approval in May 2017 and due for implementation
between 2018 and 2023. Key objectives of this project are to increase enrolment in priority
disciplines, improve the quality of degree programs, and promote research and innovation in the
higher education sector.

35. The approximate combined value of major construction (capital works) projects in
progress/ completed by MHECA, during five years up to 2017 amounted to SLRe 15,540 million,
as reported by MHECA, of which LKR 1,821m represents foreign funds. A detailed analysis
appears in PCA report. The gross values of construction capital expenditure incurred by
universities during past 5–7 years are as tabulated below.

University Amount in SLRe m Amount in USD m*

Sri Jayewardenepura 5,153 37.8
Kelaniya 2,224 16.3
Rajarata 3,591 26.3
Sabaragamuwa 635 4.6
Total 11,603 85.0
* At 6-year average exchange rate – SLRe 136.50/ USD.

36. Continuous infrastructure development and project management initiatives, which the
MHECA and the Universities have been exposed to, are observed to have provided impetus
towards improvement of know-how and managerial skills of the senior finance, procurement and
administrative staff attached to these agencies. Such exposures have imparted a cumulative
learning impact, particularly at the Universities where the staff is not subject to regular and periodic

5. Accountability Measures (e.g., public audits, legislative oversight)

37. The legal and regulatory framework that guide accountability includes the Finance Act No.
38 of 1971, certain sections of which need to be complied with by all universities, Establishment
Code of the GOSL, where the universities adopt a modified version, Financial Regulations (FR-
1992) and the Universities Act. With the objective of strengthening oversight, a National Audit Bill
is in the discussion stage with the policy makers, which will confer wide powers to the National
Audit Commission, which would ultimately replace the Auditor General’s Department (AGD). In
addition, the AGD has set up two new divisions for performance and investigative audits,
introduced advanced methodologies, and established a dedicated training division to continue
staff education and training4, which would contribute in a significant way to ensuring accountability
by public entities.

Public-Private Partnerships on Public Financial Management Reforms in Asia – Opportunities and Lessons (May
2017) – World Bank Group.

38. Accountability for acknowledging and assuming responsibility for actions, decisions,
policies, administration, governance and implementation primarily rests on the GOSL. Both the
political executive and the administrative executive of the government is accountable to the

39. Accountability encompasses financial accountability among others such as transparency,

responsiveness, regularity, empowerment etc. The Parliamentary Committees ensuring the
executive accountability are the Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) and Committee on Public
Enterprise (COPE). The COPA probes the management efficiency and discipline of the
government, ministries, departments, provincial councils and local authorities whilst COPE
ensures the observance of financial discipline in public corporations, public universities and other
semi-government bodies, in which the government has a stake. Both committees examine the
reports of the Auditor General on the respective entities.

40. The Auditor General through the AGD provides an independent review of performance
and accountability of the public sector institutions and reports to Parliament. The AGD aims to
meet the needs and expectations of the Parliament and therefore performs independent audits of
state institutions ensuring propriety, regularity and compliance with statutory and regulatory
requirements and the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of operations.

41. Accountability is also ensured in all government institutions including ministries by the
application of Financial Regulations on all financial transactions. These regulations issued by the
Public Finance Department of the MOFMM are being revised to suit more challenging
development demands. Government institutions also follow Administrative Regulations contained
in the Establishment Code issued by the Ministry of Public Administration and Management

42. Government institutions are also regulated by Circulars issued by the MOFMM and
MPAM. The Circulars provide instructions and guidance on specific financial and administrative
matters and are issued as circumstances arise with date and number reference. The MOFMM
issues circulars under several of its’ departments such as Department of Management Services,
Department of Public Finance, Department of Management Audit and Department of State
Accounts etc.

43. The Internal Audit Departments established in each government department, ministry,
provincial council, local authority, public corporations also ensure accountability of public funds
and compliance with legislation.

6. Effectiveness

44. It was evident from the assessment that the financial management function of the MHE
has been fulfilled, particularly in the recent past (<3 years) to satisfy the overall objectives of
accountability, fairness and compliance with established legal framework, guidelines, regulations,
and accepted practices. However, the comment made by the Auditor General in his report for the
year ended 31 December 2014 indicate that there are improvements required over resolving
contentious issues5 and native results. This implies the financial management effectiveness has
5 Contentious issues comprise expenses incurred not relating to the Ministry such as foreign training to dairy farmers
and incidental expenses and warm clothes allowances to an officer who had gone abroad on behalf of the Sports
Ministry. Further such issues as non-acceptance of scholarships awarded and expenditure on Television and Radio
Broadcasting which had not been provided but spent from the allocation for construction of hostels.

not been totally achieved. Further, the AGD reports for the years 2015 and 2016 are yet to be
finalized which reflects that the external audit process has not been effective, particularly in
respect of 2015.

45. As far as the four universities assessed are concerned, the effectiveness in their
operations was observed to have been satisfactory in varying degrees. As observed during
assessment, the four Universities can be ranked in the descending order of effectiveness, starting
from (i) University of Sri Jayewardenepura, (ii) University of Kelaniya, (iii) Sabaragamuwa
University of Sri Lanka, and (iv) Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, in terms overall financial
management performance. The comparatively higher number of procurement related issued
identified at the assessment weighed down and contributed to the lowest rank earned by Rajarata
University of Sri Lanka, in spite of their stronger accounting and non-procurement related FM
performance. The opinion on the audited financial statements for all universities, except for
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, for the years 2014 and 2015 have been qualified,6 due to
significant issues, some which have been repetitive (Please refer “table” below). In the year 2016,
the opinion on financial statements of only the Sabaragamuwa and Rajarata Universities have
been qualified. This implies that the financial management effectiveness has not been totally

46. Overall, the financial management capabilities of both the MHECA and Universities, which
contributed to successful implementation of large scale development projects in the past, both
local and foreign funded, implies that the proposed executing agency and four implementing
agencies possess required level of financial management effectiveness to successfully implement
the ADB funded technology faculty development project in the offing.

B. Strengths

• Dedicated GOSL ministry for the higher education sector supported by a Cabinet
and a State minister.

• Well-structured legal and regulatory framework governing public entities, including

GOSL ministries, departments and universities.

• Effective organization structure pertaining to the MHECA, UGC and universities,

embedded with top down oversight framework.

• Adequately qualified and experienced staff attached to MHECA particularly at the

executive level.

• Well qualified academics retained by the universities, in addition to administrative

and accounting/ finance staff with sufficient experience and professional

• Capacity building initiatives, mainly targeting the executive staff.

• Past/ present project management exposure (both local and foreign funded)

6 Please refer the attached table for significant and recurring issues.

• Time tested systems, procedures and controls in place at government agencies

which has contributed to enhancing overall fiduciary responsibilities.

• Adequate resources – office premises/ buildings, ICT and office equipment,

vehicles, other fixed assets and consumables available to both MHECA and
universities to deliver efficient service.

• Sufficient budget allocations and funding by the GOSL where recurrent

expenditure commitments are usually fully met.

• Preparedness and positive attitude of the MHECA/ university management and

staff with regard to the proposed project to be funded by the ADB/ GOSL.

• A formalised internal audit function in which the Internal Auditors of the Ministry
and universities function independent of management except that they report to
the head of respective agency, Secretary to the MHECA and Vice Chancellor

• Competent Heads of internal audit units at the Ministry and the universities.

• Execution of internal audit according to plans developed based on the Audit and
Management Circulars issued by the Department of Management Audit of the

• Risk based approach to internal auditing at the MHECA and University of Kelaniya
and inclusion of all faculties and institutes of the Universities to the internal audit

• Annual audits by the AGD under Constitutional and other regulatory requirements
and performed in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards consistent with
International Auditing Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI 1000 –

• Comprehensive audits covering both financial and management aspect of

transactions, addressing economy, efficiency and effectiveness of transactions.

• Participation by AGD representative of the respective audit team at Audit and

Management/ Audit Committee meetings of MHECA and the universities by

• The AG who is the external auditor of both MHECA and the Universities does not
engage in any non- audit services thus ensuring independence and absence of
conflict of interest.

• The AGD’s experience in auditing foreign funded projects including ADB.

• Quarterly financial statement and variance analysis by the universities.

C. Weaknesses

• Gaps in information management process with no central data base, uniform

systems among agencies affecting the accuracy, completeness and integrity of
data and information generated by the MHECA and four universities.

• Unfilled/ vacant project manager positions at the Sabaragamuwa and Rajarata


• Lack of capacity building initiatives aimed at non-executive staff.

• Insufficient knowledge and exposure to ADB’s current project management,

monitoring and reporting systems.

• Ineffective fixed assets control – with no labelling of assets, un-reconciled master

fixed assets registers with inventory records maintained by divisions/ departments/
units at both MHECA and university levels.

• Use of accounting software packages supplied and serviced by relatively

‘unknown’ organizations with no guarantee of continuity of software maintenance
and support at the universities.

• Outdated accounting software (CIGAS) and payroll system (GPS) used by the
MHECA, with no compatibility to current ICT systems.

• Use of software systems without effective password controls and ineffective/

inadequate physical and access controls at the universities.

• Absence of sound data backup system with facilities such as offsite/ cloud storage
of data, at both MHECA and universities.

• Sub optimal internal audit plans.

• Presence of management at Audit and Management/ Audit Committee meetings

where internal audit findings are discussed, impairing independence.

• Delay in finalization of audit reports, especially at MHECA diluting the effectiveness

of audit since corrective action is delayed.

• Financial activities pertaining to foreign funded projects are not subject to audit by
the AG at Universities unless the capital expenditure of the project is captured in
the financial statements of the Universities as capital assets. Generally, the foreign
financing had been captured at Ministry level budget estimates and are subject to
detail audit at the Ministry level where the Ministry is the executing agency.

• The reports of the AG do not provide recommendations and is limited to audit

observations/ findings.

• The automated accounting systems at MHECA and the universities do not facilitate
generation of end user financial statements/reports. Manual intervention is
required for preparation of financial statements with use of Excel spread sheets,

• Absence of formal information technology (IT) policy governing the automated

accounting systems at the respective Universities.

• Standalone, computerized systems requiring extensive manual intervention to

integrate data processed from GL, payroll, asset and inventory management

• Inadequate access and password controls that does not totally ensure data
confidentiality and integrity.

• Non formalised back up procedures with ineffective/ risky storage of backups either
stored in the hard drive of the same machine or saved on pen-drive or CD which
are kept at the same location.

Significant/ recurring findings reported by the Auditor General

University of Sri Jayewardenepura Amount Audit Report for
LKR ‘000 2014 2015 2016

1. Fully depreciated assets still in use had not being revalued and brought to 1,224 √ - -
account in line with Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards
2. Inclusion of asset not used by the University in the financial statements 61,500 √ √ -
3. Instructions of COPE to devise a method for arrival, departure and leave of - √ √ -
academic staff in line with Establishment Code of UGC and Higher Education
Institutions not followed.
4. Amount paid in 1998, for taking over 3 Acres of land of which only 1 Acre and 34.2 24.000 √ √ -
Perches had been taken over for the Faculty of Medicine shown as unsettled
5. Non-recovery of advance paid to contractor for renovation of laboratory building 1,764 - √ √
and new Arts theatre in the year 2011 ,in respect of work not done
6. Non-recovery of long outstanding bond amounts from Employees Provident Fund 2,306 - - √
of officers who proceeded abroad prior to release of the Fund amounts to the
respective employees

University of Kelaniya Amount Audit Report for

LKR ‘000 2014 2015 2016
1. Lands belonging to the University not been assessed for fair value and brought to 2014 - 648,302 √ √ √
accounts in line with Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards 2015 - 654,759
2016 -
2. Register of Fixed Assets had not been updated as per Treasury Circular - √ - -
3. Salaries an allowances paid without ensuring attendance and leave of academic 2014 - √ √ -
staff in line with Establishment Code of UGC and Higher Education Institutions 916.236
2015 -
4. Amounts credited to two bank accounts reflected as “Accounts Payable” without 1.627 - √ -
identifying the nature and period of transaction.
5. Action not taken to settle retention from contractors for contracts completed from 3,327 - √ -
2006 to 2010
6. Assets from Projects not accounted in books of account as fixed assets 4,376 - - √
7. Long outstanding tender, security and miscellaneous deposits have not been 14,484 - - √
cleared for more than two to nine years.

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Amount Audit Report for

LKR ‘000 2014 2015 2016

1. Cash outflow for acquiring fixed assets have been understated (2014) and interest 2014 - 9,987 √ - √
income received have been overstated (2016) in the cash flow statements of the 2016 – 5,417
respective years contravening Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards.
2. Receivables for breach of contracts and bonds, agreed to be paid by the 2014 - 41,110 √ √ √
respective officers, have not been included in the statement of financial 2015 - 61,178
position/books of account (2014) and action had not been taken to recover the 2016 - 60,346
balances subsequently (2015). Further, liquidated damages from officers who
proceeded abroad on study leave and failed to report back at work had not been
3. There had not been audit evidence in the form of detail break-ups and explanations 2014 - 36,942 √ √ √
for debit and credit entries passed for provision for depreciation (2014) and items (Net debit)
included under fixed assets(2015 and 2016). 2015 -
4. A register of fixed assets have not been maintained as per Treasury Circular. √ √ √
5. Assets from Projects not accounted in books of account as fixed assets 54,768 - √ -
6. Salaries and allowances paid for members of academic staff without obtaining 468,596 - - √
confirmation of their arrival and departure times as per the Establishment Code for
the UGC and Institutions of Higher Education.

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Amount Audit Report for

LKR ‘000 2014 2015 2016
1. Cost of two hostel buildings, although completed and vested for use by students 8,533 √ - -
and capital assets purchased had not been transferred from work- in- progress to
fixed assets.
2. Payment to contractor for construction of wall capitalized without establishing 7,327 √ - -
whether work had completed.
3. Professors, Senior Lecturers and Probationary Lecturers of the Faculty of 2014 – 4,783 √ √ √
Medicine had been paid monthly retention allowances without approval of the 2015 – 20,142

Treasury or recommendation of the Secretary to the Ministry as per Treasury 2016 – 21,915
4. Differences observed in mobilization advances paid for construction of new 6,690 - √ -
building for Faculty of Agriculture and swimming pool between books of account
and financial statements.
5. Fully depreciated assets still in use had not being revalued and brought to account 260, 276 - - √
in line with Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards
6. Unexplained difference between computerized Fixed Assets Register and 11 266,314 - - √
items of fixed assets in financial statements.

D. Personnel, Accounting Policies and Procedures, Internal Control, Internal and

External Audit

1. Personnel

47. MHECA and the four universities assessed employ adequately qualified and experienced
personnel, especially at the executive level. At the MHECA all the executive staff in-charge of
administration, accounting/ finance and procurement/ infrastructure development are members of
Sri Lanka Administrative Service (SLAS), Sri Lanka Accountants Service (S.L.Acc.S) and Sri
Lanka Engineering Service, as the case may be.

48. The tables below provide summarized profile of relevant academic/ executive staff at the
MHECA and four universities assessed, who are likely to be engaged in the execution and
supervision of the proposed project, as of the date of this assessment. (N.B: Details are as
provided by the MHECA authorities/ individuals themselves and not independently verified for
their accuracy.)

Ministry of Higher Education

Name/ Designation Qualifications Experience
Mr. Russell Davidson Masters in International and Development Over 20 years in
Aponsu. Economics (Australian National University) the public sector
- Director Planning M.Sc. Physics (University of Colombo)
- ADB Project B.Sc. Physics (University of Ruhuna)
Coordinator Post Graduate Diploma in International &
Development Economics (Australian National
Post Graduate Diploma in Development
Studies (Institute for Development Economies
Advanced School, Chiba, Japan)
Mr. W K L E Walallawita MA (Econ) Over 25 years in
- Chief Accountant BSc (Business Admin) Special the public sector
Member – Association of Public Finance
Accountants (APFA) of Sri Lanka
SLAcc.S – Class 1
Mr. Somanath Gamage B.Sc. (Engineering) Over 20 years in
- Director, Infrastructure PG.Dip. in Engineering the public sector
Development C.Eng.

Name/ Designation Qualifications Experience

Dip. in Computer Systems Design
S.L.Eng.S – Class 1
Mrs. A S P Weerasuriya B.A (University of Kelaniya) Over 15 years in
- Director, Procurement M.Soc.Sc.- Reading (University of Kelaniya) the public sector.
SLAS – Class 1
NB. The benefit of experience gained by the staff at all levels in the public entities will not confine to single
GOSL entity, as all employees in the system are subject to periodic mandatory transfers.

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Name/ Designation Qualifications Experience
Dr. Akila Subasinghe Ph.D. – Electrical & Computer Engineering Over 10 years of
Dean – Faculty of (Western University, Canada) academic and
Engineering/ M.E.Sc. - Electrical & Computer Engineering teaching
Programme Coordinator (Western University, Canada) experience.
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (First Class
Honours - University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
AMIE (Sri Lanka)

Mr. K G Britto B.L.E – Special (University of Colombo) Over 20 years.

Registrar M.A (University of Kelaniya)
P.G.Dip. – Business Management

Ms. K T C Priyangani M.B.A (University of Sri Jayewardenepura) Over 20 years.

Bursar B.Sc. – Special (University of Sri
FCA (Sri Lanka)
ACMA (Sri Lanka)

University of Kelaniya
Name/ Designation Qualifications Experience
Dr. Chamli Ph.D. (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) Over 27 years in
Pushpakumara B.Sc. (1st Class Honours University of industry and
Head, Dept. of Applied Kelaniya) academia.
Computing CIMA – Stage 1 (UK)
- Technology Project

Mr. W.M. Karunaratne) B.Sc. Over 20 years.

- Registrar M.S.Sc.
Licentiate Certificate (Institute of Chartered
Accountants, Sri Lanka)

Mrs. U T M I D B.Sc. (Accountancy and Financial Over 10 years

Thennakoon Management)
- Bursar ACA (Sri Lanka) – Chartered Accountant

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Name/ Designation Qualifications Experience
Dr. T C Bamunuarachchi Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Over 14 years in
- Coordinator – (University of Peradeniya) academia.
Technology B.Sc. (Open University of Sri Lanka)

Mr. A M G B Abeysinghe B.A.(Hons) Sociology Over 37 years

- Registrar M.A. Development Sociology executive
Post Graduate Diploma in Management experience

Mr. M I F Rahman B.Sc. (Biology) Over 15 years

- Bursar ACMA (UK) executive

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

Name/ Designation Qualifications Experience
Dr. A D Ampitiyawatta D.Eng. (Hydrology and Water Resource Over 15 years in
- Coordinator - Proposed Engineering – Wuhan University, China, academia.
Faculty of Technology People’s Republic of)
M.Sc. Agric. (University of Peradeniya)
B.Sc. Agric. (University of Ruhuna)
Mr. M F H Careem DMS (India) Over 20 years in
- Registrar MBA (PIM – SJP) public sector.
B.Sc. (Eastern University)
PGDM (Open University, Sri Lanka)
FCPM (Sri Lanka)
Mr. K A R S Jayakody B.Com. Over 20 years in
- Bursar Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Accounting public/ private
Chartered Accountancy – Final Examination sector.
Diploma in Accountancy

2. Accounting Policies and Procedures

49. The Accounting policies and procedures in GOSL entities have been determined within a
commonly applicable framework. The GOSL ministries and departments have adopted the cash
basis of accounting from ‘time immemorial’. However, the Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting
Standards (SLPSAS) issued by the public sector wing of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Sri Lanka requires the adoption of accrual basis of accounting gradually in stages by all relevant
entities. Of the ten (10) SLPSAS issued thus far, the public entities such as GOSL ministries and
department have opted to adopt them selectively. Accordingly, respective entities have
commenced partial accrual accounting and reporting from recently where a noteworthy omission
is ‘depreciation of fixed assets’. The MHECA has prepared its financial statements on accrual
basis, for the first time for 2016. The Financial Regulations (FR) of the GOSL, which had been

last amended/ modified in 1992, address the procedures at the operational level, adherence to
which is mandatorily for the entities referred to above.

50. The accounting policies and procedure applicable to and adopted by public universities
have largely been determined and recommended by the UGC of Sri Lanka. Public universities
have adopted the full accrual basis of accounting from their inception in 1978 or later, as the case
may be. Universities have adopted all 10 SLPSAS, and usually consult relevant Sri Lanka
Accounting Standards for the situations not addressed by SLPSAS. Universities too are required
to comply with Financial Regulations (FR) of the GOSL, which recommends procedures to be
observed at the operational level.

3. Internal Controls

51. For the agencies assessed, the common internal control procedures reviewed include (a)
Physical Controls; (b) Authorization and Approval Limits; (c) Segregation of Duties; (d)
Management Controls; (e) Arithmetic and Accounting Controls; (f) Human Resources Controls;
and (g) Internal Check.

52. Physical Controls. Physical controls in satisfactory operation included restrictions

on entrance to ministry/ university premises through employment of security personnel
round the clock, passwords to access computers systems and safe keeping of valuable
records/ cash/ cash equivalents under lock. Physical restraints such as fixing non-current
assets to prevent their removal were commonly practiced, where appropriate.

53. A common lapse observed across all agencies assessed was over the safe keeping of
unused cheque leaves which had not been stored in designated iron safes (often requiring the 2
persons to operate with more than one key/ combination pass codes), under the custody of a
senior officer of the finance division or Shroff (Cashier). Instead, junior (non- executive) assistants
have been assigned responsibilities for keeping unused cheques in cupboards used for general
offices purposes. Further, no stock control records were being maintained, indicating the receipts
and issues for cheque leaves, supported with respective cheque serial numbers, relevant dates
and signature of receiver.

54. Authorization and Approval Limits. All the agencies reviewed, had approved financial
authority levels and delegation of powers to their officers, in writing. These powers have also been
reviewed periodically and updated where deemed necessary. All banks where accounts are
operated have also been notified in writing of the limits of cheque signing authority of designated
officers of the agency, either as the first or second signatory, as the case may be.

55. Segregation of Duties. Segregation of duties for the finance and accounting function was
commonly practiced by all the agencies assessed. Job descriptions had been issued to respective
staff in writing. However, not conducting periodic reviewing of duties assigned to staff and
absence of procedures to rotate staff between different functions from time to time were observed
as weaknesses in the system.

56. Management Controls. Across all the agencies reviewed, adequate organization
controls, performance management of subordinates and supervision controls were
observed to be satisfactorily practiced. However, other key management controls such
as variance analysis at regular intervals (at least monthly) which leads to performance

review of each key (executive) were absent. The current, annual/ bi-annual variance
analysis effort was observed to be ineffective as it fails to support a regular performance
measurement process.

57. Arithmetic and Accounting Controls. These controls were in satisfactory operation
to ensure accurate recording and processing of transactions, reconciliations and trial

58. Internal Check. The aspect of internal check was weakly administered in all the agencies,
i.e. the MHECA and four universities, particularly in respect of the non-executive staff. The
procedure commonly followed was the breakdown of work among staff, by grouping the volume
rather than by task. Accordingly, for example, the payroll processing has been assigned by
dividing the total names on agency’s employment among the staff, who carry out entire process
from data entry to issuance to pay slip/ preparation of payment voucher for the group assigned to
him/ her, under the supervision of Accountant/ Assistant Bursar in-charge of overall payroll
function. From the point of internal check, the sub division of work among payroll staff could have
been more effective, if work was assigned to different staff, task wise, i.e. data entry, validation,
processing and payment. The level of internal check prevailing in four universities seemed
satisfactory in other transactions.

59. Internal Audit. The Internal Audit Departments/ Divisions at the MHECA and
respective Universities (SJP, KU, RUSL, and SUSL) had been set up following the
establishment of the Ministry and few years subsequent to the establishment of the
Universities respectively and provides assurance on financial management risk.

60. At present, the Annual Internal Audit Programmes/Plans of the Ministry and the
four Universities do not include current project activities in to the Programmes/Plans.
However, there is consensus that the proposed project activities could be included
provided adequate human resources are available. Currently, the two World Bank
projects implemented are subject to an independent third party audit at the Rajarata
University of Sri Lanka. Accordingly, at the time of finalizing the loan arrangements, the
need to cover project activities by the existing internal audit departments and divisions
need consideration. The capacity of the respective department and divisions require
strengthening by way of enhanced experienced and qualified staff cadre and structured
training monitored and coordinated by the UGC and MHECA covering the University
internal audit network.

61. In developing internal audit plans, in addition to the Audit and Management
Circulars issued by the Department of Management Audit of the MOFMM, reference is
made to the Auditing Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri
Lanka, Financial Regulations, Establishment Code and regulations issued by the
MOFMM and Sri Lanka Public Sector Auditing Standards. There is necessity to provide
centralized instructions and guidance in the preparation of internal audit plans and the
approach need to be based on risk assessment rather than coverage of functions and
financial statement areas.

62. The Internal Audit Department of the MHECA does not carry out pre-audit of
transactions unless specifically requested. However, at the four Universities all payments
in relation to University Provident Fund, gratuity, pension, constructions (mobilization to
final) and at Rajarata certain selected supplier payments and payments on vehicle repairs
are subject to pre-audit. Although such pre-audits eliminate the risks of misappropriations
and irregularities in payments to a certain extent the time required for such pre-audit
diverts the internal audit objectives over other financial activities such as identifying
process/system weaknesses, control deficiencies and also non-compliance with laws and
regulations, especially with staff resource constraints experienced.

63. The internal audit findings raised as “Audit Queries” are addressed to the Secretary
to the Ministry at MHECA and to the Vice Chancellor at the Universities. These audit
findings are discussed at the Audit and Management Committees/ Audit Committees
(AMC/AC) held quarterly and followed up for action. Responses from the respective
Department/division Head are obtained and documented as part of the minutes of the
meetings. The CIA at the MHECA and the Heads of internal audit divisions of the
respective Universities are the convenors of the quarterly AMC/AC meetings. The AMC
meeting at MHECA is chaired by its Secretary. The committee members are generally,
Director – Management Audit Department, General Treasury or representative, Chief
Financial Officer – MHECA (Higher Education Sector) and Superintendent of Audit –
Auditor General’s Department (as observer).

64. At present, the staff and Heads of the Internal Audit Units at MHECA and the four
Universities do not have prior experience or knowledge on ADB guidelines and
procedures including Loan Disbursement Guidelines.

65. External Audit. The appropriation account of the MHECA and the Commission under that
Ministry and the financial statements of the four Universities are subject to annual audit by the
Auditor General. The AGD is the Supreme Audit Institution in Sri Lanka and under Article 154 of
the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has a mandate to audit all public
sector institutions.

66. The MHECA audit is carried out in pursuance of provisions in Article 154 (I) of the
Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and prior to the issue of the final
audit report on the Appropriation Account two management audit reports are issued to MHECA
and UGC separately. The audits of the financial statements of the four Universities are also carried
out in pursuance of provisions in Article 154 (I) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka in conjunction with Sub-section 107(5) of the Universities Act, No.16 of

67. The Auditor General does not express an opinion on the Appropriation Account of the
Ministry but provides general information on the accounts followed by audit observations. The
Auditor General has a responsibility to express an opinion on the financial statements of the
Universities and conducts the audits in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards consistent
with International Auditing Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI 1000 – 1810).

68. The audits of both MHECA and the Universities are required to be completed by 30 June
of the subsequent year. However, neither MHECA nor the Universities have been able to meet

the required timeline for completion of audits for the past three years. The last published audit
report in respect of the MHECA is that relating to the year ended 31 December 2014. Please refer
Attachment 4 for timeliness in the audit process. The audit of the Appropriation Account also
includes the activities of Foreign Aid Projects, although the audit of the financial statements of the
Universities do not cover Project activities.

69. A review of the audit reports of MHECA and the universities indicate that the Auditor
General has observed several significant issues and the audit opinions on the financial statements
of the four universities have been qualified in the past three years for some of the universities.

70. The scope of the external audit carried out by the AGD is comprehensive and provides
assurance that the organization, systems, procedures have been properly and adequately
designed and effective in operation, that activities and financial transactions have been in
accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, there have been economy, efficiency and
effectiveness in the commitment and utilization of funds, there is satisfactory safeguard over
property and accounts are prepared to present a true and fair view.

71. In implementing the proposed project, the MHECA and the universities should place
emphasis on the timely completion of the AGD audits as undue delays undermine the
effectiveness of the process of audit and delays timely corrective action. Similarly, the audits
should also capture the total project financial activities as in the AGD audits of the MHECA.

E. Financial Reporting Systems, Including Use of Information Technology

1. Financial Reporting System

72. Statutorily, both the MHECA and universities report to the Parliament of Sri Lanka
annually, where the annual report of the entity, which includes the audited financial statements
and the AGD report together with the observations and comments are tabled for discussion and
approval. The oversight on public entities is exercised by two standing committees of the
Parliament, namely COPA and COPE. Focus of the COPE in on public entities engaged in
commercial and business operations.

73. All the universities, primarily report to the UGC which is the governing body established
by the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 along with all public universities in Sri Lanka. However,
there is no mandatory reporting structure to the UGC, over the finances of universities, with pre
specified reporting timelines. Accordingly, universities report to the UGC as and when it is deemed
necessary and when and ad-hoc or special reports are called for. Within the university, the
financial reporting is made to the Council and the reports submitted for Council’s approval
includes quarterly financial statements and variance reports processed annually.

74. As far as the planned ADB supported project is concerned, the executing agency and the
four implementing agencies lack exposure to the monitoring, updating and reporting requirements
specified by the ADB, as no ADB funded projects have been implemented in the higher education
sector, after 2009. In this respect, the staff to be assigned to the PMU at the MHECA and Project
Implementation Units (PIUs) at the four universities would require adequate training, guidance
and follow up.

75. Information Technology. The MHECA as well as the four universities use information
technology to record, process and report on financial transactions. The MHECA similar to all

government departments, ministries and other institutes use CIGAS to process financial
information, whereas the Universities of Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa use a common
customized software package - ‘Equal – Packsoft’. Both software packages have been in use for
decades and although updates have been made over time to meet enhanced reporting
requirements and also have been made user friendly are very basic and requires manual
intervention in some form to produce the required financial reports.

76. It is understood that plans are in place to replace both software systems to enable accrual
basis of accounting at the ministries with a real time on-line system, and at the Universities to
capture all faculty and institutes financial information on a centralised basis and also have
integration of information on both financial and physical performance. Currently, the systems are
standalone and requires integration with payroll, inventory and fixed assets modules.

77. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura uses a customized software package developed
by the ‘Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies’ to process financial information, which
has been in use for over 10 years. This General Ledger software programme was observed to be
advanced, compared to the package being used by the other three universities and integrates all
faculties of the University, except the medical faculty. Whilst a software system developed by the
University’s MIS centre has been in use for the payroll processing, fixed assets management and
inventory control functions have been outsourced to an external service firm which also provides
software maintenance and development services. These standalone software systems have
resulted in extensive manual intervention to incorporate information generated from different
systems/ summaries and other periodic journal entries.

78. Manual intervention can circumvent the automated controls that address the risk of
misstatement of financial statements which may lead to information integrity and accuracy

79. Staff using the customised software packages are trained in the use of the systems and
maintenance including updates to the systems are by the software developers/agents. The
Department of State Accounts – MOFMM is responsible for CIGAS maintenance and updates
whilst the agents to ‘Equal – Packsoft’ take care of updates and maintenance of the software at
the Universities of Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa. At the University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, the system administrator and all users of the system have been trained on
updates to the system and general maintenance, except for major upgrades for which the
software vendors are contacted. The University also has an MIS Manager who is responsible
hardware and network maintenance.

80. Both MHECA and the universities require a centralised IT policy governing the IT assets
on which awareness and communication among the IT users need to be strongly advocated.
Absence of a comprehensive IT policy could lead to IT asset abuse as there are no proper
directive to address the protection of IT infrastructure and IT assets. The policy should entail
company's policy on governance covering various IT processes and protection of IT assets.
Notably, user access management, change management and backup policies, IT security
awareness, IT asset purchases/disposals should be addressed in the IT Policy.

81. Appropriate access and password controls are not in place at both MHECA and the
universities although there is some form of control. Lack of appropriate access controls gives rise
to the risk of unauthorized access to respective applications, which would adversely affect the
integrity and confidentiality of the residing information. A more formal user access management

process with strong password configurations will safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of data.

82. A formal and effective backup process was not evident at the MHECA and at the four
universities. Backups are an integral process which helps achieve information availability in the
event of a disaster or a disruption to the IT infrastructure. Backups help to ensure the resumption
of information processing with existing data. Neither the MHECA nor the universities formally test
the backed-up data to ensure the effectiveness of the backup process.

83. Backups should undergo periodic testing to determine the effectiveness of the backup
process and rectify any issues identified. A formal and documented backup process identifying
data that needs to be backed up (virtual machines, application databases, file servers),
determining the frequency and backup media, offsite location for storage and restoration testing
nature and frequency need to be designed and implemented.

F. Disbursement Arrangements and Funds Flow Mechanism

84. MHECA and the universities fall within the general funds flow mechanism practiced by
GOSL entities. Accordingly, funding requirements of the ministry and universities are met by the
General Treasury, which transfers funds to the entity’s bank account direct, against the approved
annual budget allocation. However, these disbursements are not automatic and the entity
concerned is required to make a request with adequate justification to the General Treasury to
effect the transfer. The request for funds is made by the MHECA directly whilst the universities
channel the request to the General Treasury, through the UGC.

85. As any major change to the current fund disbursement procedure is not expected to take
place in the foreseeable future, it could be assumed that same procedure would prevail, including
disbursements out of any loan funds received by the General Treasury.



Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
Inherent Risk
1. Country Specific Low Likely Moderate
(i) Insufficient stakeholder input The project under
and consultation in policy consideration does not have
preparation, especially at provincial/ local level
provincial and local levels involvement. In the case of
remote possibility of such
intervention, the GOSL/
MHECA policy makers need
to consult relevant parties for
their inputs.

(ii) Inadequate audit resulting High Unlikely Substantial Possibility of project specific
from lack of resources and external auditing
competencies with the arrangements should be
Auditor- General’s explored with the AGD, with
Department. option to hire private firms of
auditors, under the approval
and oversight of the AGD at
least for the four university

(iii) Insufficient counterpart High Likely High Firm commitments for

funding for projects counterpart funds should be
implemented jointly with sought, supported by
central government under adequate budgetary
which all public universities allocations.
function. (Any devolved
subjects being implemented
through provincial and local
government implementing
agencies are unlikely to have
impact on the projects under
consideration herein)

(iv) Unavailability of a Parliament Low Likely Moderate All the public entities should
sanctioned procurement law mandatorily comply with
prevailing National
Procurement Guidelines,
which provide a set of
comprehensive and robust

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
(In the absence of Parliament
sanctioned procurement law,
courts in Sri Lanka have
repeatedly ruled that the
Procurement Guidelines
issued by the National
Procurement Agency have
the force and effect in law.)

(v) Suboptimal capacity of High Likely High A comprehensive procedure

project implementation staff manual should be developed
of borrower on designing and with in-built integrity systems.
implementing project-wise The project, being
integrity systems. implemented by public
entities in Sri Lanka will need
to operate within regulatory
and procedural framework of
GOSL. Hence, existing
systems and procedures
would have to be considered
in designing of a manual,
after strengthening any weak
areas of concern and
mitigating identified risks.

(vi) Insufficient capacity, Low Unlikely Low Any material effect will not
especially in provincial and result in from this risk event to
local authorities, in financial the project, as the
management of large scale implementation
infrastructure projects. responsibilities would rest
with central government

(vii) Suboptimal accountability High Unlikely Substantial Accountability concerns

should be fully addressed
prior to project
Strengthening of Internal
Audit function, regular
performance review by
project team and making
arrangements with the AGD
for project specific annual
external audit would
effectively address
accountability issues.

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
2. Entity-specific
The roles of the Entities Low Likely Moderate A clear organizational
(executing agency/ structure will need to be
implementing agency) as a prepared for the PIU at
whole, the Project executing agency (MHECA)
Implementation Unit for the level and PISUs planned for
ADB-assisted project, implementing agencies
organization structure of (universities); Specific terms
PIUs and the design and of reference will need to be
supervision consultants are developed for PMU staff and
yet to be clearly determined employment and supervision
and delineated at the time of of consultants.

Overall Inherent Risk Moderate

Control Risk
1. Implementing Entity
The Implementing Entity for High Likely High Capacity building training
the project (MHECA) is programmes/ workshops
expected to play a dual role aimed at finance (as well as
as both executing agency other functional) staff should
and implementing agency in be organized initially at the
addition to the beneficiary beginning of the project and
implementing agencies. refresher/ update programs
MHECA will also be directly thereafter.
involved in the procurements
valued above a certain
threshold, as per the
guidelines in force. The
capacity gaps of senior
finance staff at executing
agencies in relation to ADB
guidelines, reporting and
disbursement procedures
may affect the accountability
and reporting aspects.
2. Funds flow
Due to budgetary/ financial High Unlikely Moderate Government counterpart
constraints of the central funding will be limited to tax
government (GOSL), release and duties and recurrent
of funds for planned capital expenditures. ADB's direct
expenditure has been payment will be adopted to
curtailed in the recent past. pay ADB's share of project
This trend, if continued, may costs for payments in large
affect the any counterpart amount. Advance account will

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
funding responsibilities be established at PMU and
assumed under the sub accounts will be
proposed project. It also established PIU to facilitate
could have a significant project activities. A covenant
impact in providing the ADB to be included in the loan
share of project expenditure agreement requiring the
in advance (or on the basis government to provide
of reimbursement) affecting adequate and timely
the progress of project. counterpart funding.

3. Staffing
While adequate book- Low Likely Moderate Rotation of staff to be carried
keeping/ accounting skills out to the extent feasible and
are available at the Ministry periodic transfer of seconded
(MHECA) Level, there is a finance staff between the
routine staff turnover, owing project and the respective
to government’s regular, executing agency/
periodic staff transfer policy. implementing agencies
The replacements provided finance unit is recommended
may not same level of skills/ as it will create a pool of staff
aptitude in general and no conversant with project
entity specific experience, operations, providing
resulting in protracted flexibility in any
learning curves. There is no contingencies. Staff to be
procedure in place for provided specific training in
regular rotation of staff on ADB requirements.
different duties at both
MHECA and university level Staff, who will be hired
and there is no process of externally to be remunerated
performance based at market rates to mitigate
rewarding system and turnover (as the prevailing
imposition of penalties for government recommended
non-performance. rates seems uncompetitive,
Accounting staff have limited particularly for the skilled and
knowledge of ADB experienced staff).
requirements. From the
perspective of the proposed
project, the impact of these
shortcomings would be
mostly on any staff seconded
to the project from executing
agency/implementing agency

4. Accounting policies and


Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
At the Ministry (MHECA) Low Likely Moderate Cash-base accounting policy
level a partial accrual and system should be
accounting system is implemented across
implemented (with no executing agency and all
depreciation accounting for implementing agency Project
fixed assets). Implementing Units for the
project. Technical support will
be needed by the executing
agency (MHECA) to prepare
an Accounting Manual, and
disseminate the manual
among all relevant staff
(executing agency/
implementing agency and
project) including close follow
up for initial implementation.

5. Fixed Assets Control

Control exercised by the High Likely High Regular quantity-wise
agencies, particularly the reconciliation of Master FA
four implementing agencies register (computerised) with
was observed to be weak divisional/ sectional
with under mentioned inventories should be carried
shortcomings: out, especially before the
annual physical verification.
(i) Master FA register
(maintained centrally by All asset items should be
Accounting and Finance labelled with a unique, one-
Division) not reconciled with time code which should be
inventory records maintained indicated in the FA register
at asset user locations. and all other assets records.

(ii) Absence of uniform coding

system for the records and
labeling of respective asset
using the same code.

(iii) Annual Board of Survey

(physical verification) is
rendered ineffective due to
inability to identify asset
items, cross referenced to FA
register and departmental
inventory records.

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
(iv) Lack of effective procedures
to record transfer of assets
between internal/ external
divisions or departments.

(v) FA control software system

not integrated with main
accounting system, requiring
manual intervention and

6. Internal Check
Due to distribution of work High Likely High At the project level the scope
among the finance staff (by available for internal check
the executing agency and all can be further limited due to
implementing agencies), few staff directly assigned to
grouping the work based on PMU/ PIU. To mitigate the
volume instead of function, associated risks, the level of
the control exercisable internal audit on project
though internal check has operations should be ramped
been affected, rendering up. Further, possibility of
segregation of duties using executing agency /
ineffective (e.g. distribution implementing agency staff for
of work among payroll staff certain critical functions such
by allocating a certain as payments should be
number of names, instead of considered while exercising
functional distribution – data closer supervision by the
entry, validation/ processing, executive finance staff.

7. Risk Management of
Physical Assets
The executing agency/ Low Likely Moderate Insurance cover for project
implementing agencies assets, including work sites,
currently insure only cash in to the extent not covered by
safe/ cash in transit and contractors, should be
vehicles, as a matter of considered at implementation
government policy. stage.

8. Internal Audit Medium Likely Substantial

(i) MHECA and the four Medium Likely Substantial The reporting should be to
Universities have internal members independent of
audit units with independent management of University
reporting to management operations.

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
(VC at Universities) and
Audit Committees.
Medium Likely Substantial The annual audit plans of all
(ii) Only MHECA, and Universities need to be
Universities of Sri streamlined and prepared
Jayewardenepura and based on Audit and
Kelaniya have followed the Management Circulars issued
Audit and Management by the Department of
Circulars issued by the Management Audit of the
Department of Management MOFMM with direction and
Audit of the MOFMM in monitoring by MHECA and
preparing the annual audit UGC.

(iii) The internal audit units of High Likely High At least the approved cadres
MHECA and two of the four for each internal audit unit
Universities do not have need to be filled and staff with
adequate experienced and qualifications and experience
qualified staff to perform in commensuration with
internal audit functions internal audit functions
effectively. recruited especially at
Rajarata and Sabaragamuwa
Universities. As a stop gap
measure, a dedicated internal
auditor will be hired at PMU
to support all PIUs in project
implementation activities in
coordination with internal
auditors at MHECA and the

(iv) No structured training to Medium Likely Moderate Existing staff strengthened

enhance capabilities of with regular and systematic
existing staff. training in internal audit.

9. External Audit Medium Likely Substantial

(i) The AGD carries out annual Low Unlikely Low Documentation of existing
audits of the MHECA and the process
four Universities with
Government Audit Units
established at each location.

(ii) There are only audit Low Unlikely Low Documentation of existing
observations made in process
relation to the Appropriation
Account of MHECA.

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.

(iii) The Auditor General has High Likely High Continuing audit observations
issued modified audit and those resulting in
opinions on all four qualification to opinion need
Universities. to be addressed in a timely

High Likely High The timeliness in audit of

(iv) The audit reports for 2015 is MHECA Appropriation
yet to be issued for MHECA Account and financial
and audit process at statements of Universities
Universities too has taken need to be ensured if the
time in excess of that external audit is to be
stipulated. effective.
High Likely High
(v) Project financial reports are A consensus need to be
subject to audit at MHECA reached on Project
but not at Universities. expenditure statements being
subject to audit by AGD or by
an independent external
auditor at Universities in
agreeing terms on Loan.
10. Reporting and Monitoring Medium Likely Substantial
(i) Annual Appropriation Medium Likely Substantial Both CIGAS and the
Accounts prepared at customized software used by
MHECA using CIGAS. the Universities need
Comprehensive financial modification/ updates to
statements prepared in configurations to enable
accordance with Sri Lanka generation of financial reports
Public Sector Accounting without manual intervention to
Standards at the Universities ensure integrity and
from trial balances extracted accuracy.
from a common customized
software package requiring
manual intervention and use
of Excel spread sheets for
preparation of financial

(ii) Financial information is not Medium Likely Substantial The customised software
linked to physical progress packages at the Universities
and the University financial also need to be modified to
statements do not include facilitate financial and
Project expenditure. Project physical progress reporting
financial reports are and to include Project
financial information that can

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
independently prepared for be integrated with
purposes of monitoring. University’s.

11. Information Systems High Likely High

(i) The computerized software High Likely High The MHECA is expected to
used by MHECA and the migrate to an advanced
Universities are standalone customised software
systems. Integration at (‘Integrated Treasury
MHECA is through upload of Management Information
peripheral information to System’ – ITMIS). The
CIGAS, whereas at the Universities on a priority basis
Universities the payroll, fixed need to either centrally at
assets management and MHECA/ UGC level or at
inventory are integrated to university level introduce a
General Ledger (GL) by new accounting software
manual intervention. developed especially for the
current and future information

(ii) The staff although trained to High Likely High Staff should be trained on
use the systems foe required access and password
purpose do not exercise controls. Backup procedures
standard access and formalised addressing data
password controls. Back-up retrieval for continuity of
procedures are informal and operations in case of disaster.
do not meet back-up
requirements of offsite A common IT policy should
storage and periodic testing. be formalised covering
Weak password control, MHECA, UGC and the
weak backup procedures Universities.
impair data integrity,
confidentiality and

(iii) The accounting, fixed assets High Likely High In the event of sourcing any
control and payroll systems accounting systems software
(Equal - PackSoft) being for the project the risks
used at the universities, identified with the current
except for University of Sri system should be taken into
Jayewardenepura have been consideration and mitigated.
supplied and serviced by a
software developer with no
assurance over the continuity
of software maintenance,
upgrading and technical

Risk Description Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Measures or Risk

Assessment Management Plan1.
support. The systems are
also not highly customizable,
needing considerable
manual interventions. These
shortcomings have placed
the IAs at high information
management risks with no
ready-made solutions in the
event of any contingencies/
Overall Control Risk Substantial
Overall (Combined) Risk Substantial


Weakness/ Mitigation Action Responsibility Timeframe

Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs (MHECA) and Universities
(i) Constituting of a ‘Project Steering Committee’, MHECA – Immediately following the
comprising the Secretary,vice chancellors, and Executing Agency signing of loan agreement with
represenatatives from UGC, NPD and ERD. (PMU) ADB or initiation of project
Project Director will be the secretary. implementation, whichever
occurs earlier.
The committee will oversee the project
implementation and monitoring of progress. Its
tasks would involve enforcing financial oversight,
reporting and a seamless project performance
framework, in coordination with other project
functions, which are identified to be mission
(ii) Constituting of a ‘Project Coordination Committee’ University Immediately following the
at each university, comprising the Vice Chancellor, implementing signing of loan agreement with
Dean/ Head (who is expected to be in charge of agencies ADB or initiation of project
proposed Technology Faculty), Technology Project (PIUs) implementation whichever
Coordinator, Registrar, Bursar and a occurs earlier.
representative from the PIU, as ex-officio
The committee would oversee the project
implementation and monitoring of progress at the
university level, under the overall project
management initiatives and guidelines specified by
the main committee established at the ministry
(MHECA) level, as referred to in (i) above.
(iii) Assignment of an appropriate accounting officer MHECA – Within one (01) month of
(Chief Accountant) from the MHECA to PMU to Executing Agency signing the loan agreement
assume overall accountability (on time sharing with the ADB or initiation of

Weakness/ Mitigation Action Responsibility Timeframe

basis). Effective financial management and project implementation
reporting would be the key responsibilities of this whichever occurs earlier.
position, supported by a financial management
specialist, a full time professional staff at PMU.
(iv) Assignment of one (1) Accounting Assistant (for MHECA – - do -
record keeping) from the MHECA to the PMU (full- Executing Agency
time basis) or recruiting externally if suitable
candidate is not available from within, to ensure
effective record keeping and accounting from the
inception of project. Up to date, complete and
accurate information dissemination would be
critical for effective decision making and
(v) Recruitment of full time Project Director and MHECA – - do -
technical/ supervisory staff. The Project Director Executing Agency
would assume responsibility for planning,
coordination, execution and overall supervision of
project performance.
(vi) Procurement of ‘Accounting and Finance System’ MHECA – - do -
software for the PMU and PIUs (four universities) Executing Agency
to the extent the existing resources fall short in and each
meeting capacity, integrity and performance gaps university
and any licensing issues. The systems to be Implementing
acquired needs to have double entry book keeping Agency
capability with integrated Stock Control, Fixed
Assets Control, Accounts Payable and Payroll
The areas indicated above were observed to have
weak controls and performance gaps, particularly
with the existing systems at university level.
Alternatively, use of a suitable manual record
keeping/ accounting system could be considered,
following an assessment of anticipated volume and
frequency of transactions and reporting
(vii) Opening up of new dedicated bank account/s for MHECA – - do -
the PMU/ PIU with the view to ensure efficient Executing Agency
project fund management and prevent any risk of and each
commingling of project funds. university
(viii) Strengthening of internal audit function, through MHECA – Within two weeks of setting up
hiring of additional HR (following a needs Executing Agency PIU
assessment), capacity building training and

Weakness/ Mitigation Action Responsibility Timeframe

formulation of an annual internal audit plan, and each
covering the project activities. university
(ix) Agree to a TOR with the AGD for external audit of MHECA – Project negotiation stage
the project. Arrangements to be made in Executing Agency
consultation with the AGD to have project audit and each
conducted direct by the AGD or through retaining a university
firm of auditors. Implementing
(x) Assignment of Bursar of the university to assume Each university Within one (01) month of
overall financial and accounting responsibilities of Implementing signing the loan agreement
the project (time share basis) Agency with the ADB or initiation of
project implementation,
whichever occurs earlier
(xi) Recruitment of a Project Management Head for the Each university - do -
PIU (if the requirement cannot be met internally Implementing
from current resources). (time share/ part time Agency
(xii) Recruitment newly of one (1) Accounting/ Each university - do -
Management Assistant (for record keeping and Implementing
office support) for each PIU (full-time basis) Agency
(xiii) Recruitment newly of one (1) Technical Assistant/ Each university - do -
supervisor to support project implementation and Implementing
coordination at each PIU. Agency


86. Loan proceeds disbursed by the ADB should be used only for the intended purposes of
setting up engineering/ technology faculties at the Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura, Kelaniya,
Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa.

87. Project specific annual financial statements should be audited by the AGD of Sri Lanka or
any other independent auditor retained for the purpose with the concurrence of AGD.

88. Identified risks pertaining to internal control, internal and external audit, accounting
systems and fixed assets control at the executing agency/ implementing agencies should be
addressed by implementing the risk mitigation measures recommended so as to prevent any fall
over effects, resulting from existing weaknesses, on the implementation of proposed project.


89. The FMA carried out in view of the proposed project for the ‘development of science and
technology human resources in the higher education sector’, encompassed the Ministry of Higher
Education and the four universities, which are expected to operate as the Executing and
Implementing agencies for the project respectively, revealed that;

(i) The respective agencies possessed the required financial management capacity
to implement the project planned for the period 2018–2023, successfully;

(ii) Overall financial management risk of the agencies was assessed to be

substantial; and

(iii) The deficiencies and high risk processes and controls in the respective agencies
will need to be addressed by implementing the recommended risk mitigation
measures and time bound actions.
40 Annex 1


(Note: This questionnaire should be used as a tool only to gather information relevant for assessing financial management
capacity of executing and implementing agencies. It may be used selectively for second subsequent projects, or periodic
financing reports. Additional questions may be required as deemed fit).

Executing/ Implementing Agency – Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event

1. Executing / Implementing
1.1 What is the entity’s legal Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs (MHECA) is a line ministry of the Government of Sri Not Applicable
status / registration? Lanka. Under the proposed project, it is anticipated that the MHECA will have a dual role as both (N/A)
Executing Agency (EA) and one of the Implementing Agencies (IAs).

1.2 How much equity Fully owned by Government. N/A

(shareholding) is owned by
the Government?

1.3 Obtain the list of beneficial Not applicable. N/A

owners of major blocks of
shares (non-governmental
portion), if any.8

1.4 Has the entity implemented MHECA had implemented the indicated projects, which were externally financed, during the recent N/A
an externally-financed past.
project in the past? If yes,
please provide details. Details of externally (foreign) funded projects implemented by MHECA in the recent past are as

(a) Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) – World Bank –
USD 31.6m (2003-2010).
(b) Distance Education Modernization Project (DEMP) - ADB – USD 60m (2003-2009).
(c) Higher Education for Twenty First Century (HETC) - World Bank – USD 40m (2010-2016)
(d) Tsunami Rehabilitation Project – Government of Kuwait – KWD 6m (2005-2010).

7 This questionnaire should be administered by ADB staff or consultant (the Reviewer), and utilized only to obtain information, and to identify and describe potential
risk events. Rating of risks should be carried out separately by assessing their likelihood and impact.
8 In such cases, consult OAI on the need for integrity due diligence on non-governmental beneficial owners.
Annex 1 41

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
(e) South Eastern University Development Project (Phase 1A) - Government of Kuwait – USD 8.6m
(f) South Eastern University Development Project (Phase 1B) - Government of Kuwait – USD 14m

1.5 Briefly describe the statutory Reporting responsibilities are to the Parliament of Sri Lanka. The Parliament exercises its oversight N/A
reporting requirements for via two standing committees viz. ‘Committee On Public Enterprises – COPE’ and ‘Committee on
the entity. Public Accounts – COPA’.

Audited Annual Financial Statements of the Ministry need to be tabled at the Parliament within a
specified timeline, along with Auditor General’s report.

1.6 Describe the regulatory or The regulatory and supervisory agencies for the MHECA are as follows: N/A
supervisory agency of the (a) Ministry of Public Administration.
entity. (b) Ministry of Finance.
(c) Department of Management Audit of Treasury.
(d) Auditor General’s Department.
(e) Chief Internal Auditor of the Ministry

Overall, the Ministry is reporting responsibilities are to the Parliament of Sri Lanka, which exercises
oversight through the Parliament ‘Committee on Public Accounts’ (COPA).

1.7 What is the governing body The governing body for the project will be the MHECA, within the regulatory framework of the N/A
for the project? Is the External Resources Department (ERD) – General Treasury.
governing body for the
project independent?

1.8 Obtain current organizational Organisation Chart of the MHECA is attached. Please refer Attachment 1. N/A
structure and describe key
management personnel. Is Key management personnel of the MHECA include:
the organizational structure 1. Secretary to the Ministry
and governance appropriate 2. Additional Secretary to the Ministry (In-charge of Higher Education Sector)
for the needs of the project? 3. Chief Accountant
4. Director – Infrastructure Development
5. Director – Procurement
6. Director – Planning
42 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
The MHECA operates under the purview of a Cabinet Minister (Minister of Higher Education and
Cultural Affairs) and a State Minister in-charge of the Higher Education Sector.

1.9 Does the entity have a Code Yes.

of Ethics in place? As a Government Ministry, the MHECA is required to adopt and observe the ‘Establishment Code’, Low
which specifies ethical aspects.

1.10 Describe (if any) any There are no reports or information available on violation of ethics involving MHECA, which was N/A
historical issues reports of confirmed by ministry senior management during discussions.
ethics violations involving the
entity and management. How
were they addressed?

2. Funds Flow Arrangements

2.1 Describe the (proposed) Fund Disbursements: Low

project funds flow (1) ADB to Central Bank USD Account
arrangements in detail, (2) Central Bank to MHECA / PMU
including a funds flow
(3) GOSL to PMU (Counterpart Funds)
diagram and explanation of
the flow of funds from ADB, (4) PMU to Universities/ PIU
government and other
financiers, to the Payments:
government, EA, IA, (1) ADB to Contractors Suppliers
suppliers, contractors, (2) PMU/ PIU to Contractors Suppliers
ultimate beneficiaries, etc. as
Withdrawal Applications:
(1) PIU to PMU
(2) PMU to ADB
Annex 1 43

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event

ADB Fund Flow :

Counterpart Fund Flow :
Payments to Contractors/ Suppliers :
Submission of Withdrawal Applications :
44 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
2.2 Are the (proposed) Yes.
arrangements to transfer the The existing procedure has been in satisfactory operation for a considerable period of time, with N/A
proceeds of the loan (from regard to funding from foreign sources and no negative outcomes had been reported by the end
the government / Finance recipients (universities).
Ministry) to the entity and to
the end-recipients
2.3 Are the disbursement Yes. Low
methods appropriate? No negative outcomes were observed.

2.4 What have been the major Delays in disbursement from the treasury have been observed in the past, particularly in respect of High
problems in the past non-payroll expenditure. However, fund requirement for recurrent expenditure have been met by the
involving the receipt, treasury despite occasional delays.
accounting and/or
administration of funds by It was reported that the entirety of capital expenditure allocations for the Ministry had not been
the entity? released in the recent past.

2.5 In which bank will the Bank of Ceylon – Ward Place, Colombo 07. Low
Imprest Account (if
applicable) be established?

2.6 Is the bank in which the Yes. Low

imprest account is The Bank of Ceylon, Ward Place, Colombo 07, where the Ministry’s main accounts is capable of
established capable of: providing all local and foreign banking needs.
• Executing foreign and
local currency
• Issuing and administering
letters of credit (LC)?
• Handling a large volume
of transaction?
• Issuing detailed monthly
bank statements
Annex 1 45

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
2.7 Is the ceiling for A ceiling is not required. MHECA has experienced in handling large volume of funds to the Moderate
disbursements from the designated bank accounts. For 2016, the MHECA had operated with a budget of SLRe 45b (USD
imprest account and 290m approx.).
statement of expenditure
(SOE) appropriate/required?
2.8 Does the (proposed) project In general, the MHECA possesses previous experience in handing ADB funded projects (Distance N/A
implementing unit (PIU) have Education Modernization Project - DEMP). The experience gained by the senior management of
experience in the MHECA is expected to contribute positively to the management of proposed PIU.
management of
disbursements from ADB?

2.9 Does the PIU have adequate PIU is yet to be established at the MHECA. N/A
administrative and
accounting capacity to The proposed PIUs would not be able to demonstrate any past exposure over managing imprest
manage the imprest fund and fund and statement of expenditure (SOE) procedures in accordance with ADB’s Loan Disbursement
statement of expenditure Handbook (LDH). Yet, experience it has gained in carrying out similar lender/ government funded
(SOE) procedures in projects in the past implies that the IA has built up sufficient administrative and accounting capacity.
accordance with ADB’s Loan However, PIU staff would require ADB specific imprest fund management and SOE training in the
Disbursement Handbook event, the proposed projects are implemented.
(LDH)? Identify any concern
or uncertainty about the
PIU’s administrative and
accounting capability which
would support the
establishment of a ceiling on
the use of the SOE
2.10 Is the entity exposed to The MHECA is not exposed to the foreign exchange risk due to the non-involvement with significant Moderate
foreign exchange risk? If yes, foreign currency transactions. No any risk management tools had been used recently to hedge any
describe the entity’s policy known/ anticipated risks.
and arrangements for
managing foreign exchange
2.11 How are the counterpart Counterpart funds would be provided by the government (via treasury) based on the allocations High
funds accessed? made annually for capital works.
46 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
2.12 How are payments made In accordance with current practice, counterpart funds would be disbursed to the EA and IAs who N/A
from the counterpart funds? would in turn make project related payments as appropriate.

2.13 If project funds will flow to Yet to be decided. N/A

communities or NGOs, does
the PIU have the necessary (No fund flows to communities or NGOs are anticipated under the proposed project)
reporting and monitoring
arrangements and features
built into its systems to track
the use of project proceeds
by such entities?

2.14 Are the beneficiaries There could be potential contributions from the primary beneficiary Universities by way of land Moderate
required to contribute to grants, administrative and technical inputs by MHECA personnel, labour and material but the extent
project costs? If beneficiaries and volume such contributions have not been determined at this stage.
have an option to contribute
in kind (in the form of labour
or material), are proper
guidelines and arrangements
formulated to record and
value the labour or material
contributions at appraisal
and during implementation?

3. Staffing
3.1 What is the current and/or The MHECA accounting department is headed by the Chief Accountant with another Accountant as N/A
proposed organizational deputy. The organization structure of the MHECA’s accounting department is relatively flat with no
structure of the accounting hierarchical arrangements below the ‘executive’ officer grade (i.e. Accountant level). Accordingly, all
department? Attach an the ‘non-executive’ grade staff in the accounting department report directly to the Accountant.
organization chart.
Accounting and finance cadre includes an approved position for Chief Financial Officer (CFO), which
is equal to Additional Secretary position in the Sri Lanka Administrative Service (SLAS), remains
vacant from February 2017.

Please refer Attachment 2 - Organization Chart of the Accounting and Finance Division.
Annex 1 47

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
3.2 Will existing staff be MHECA suggests to have mix of existing and new staff for the project. Please refer ‘Response’ for Moderate
assigned to the project, or 3.4 below.
will new staff be recruited?

3.3 Describe the existing or The accounting staff to be assigned to the PIU is expected to be as below: Moderate
proposed project accounting
staff, including job title, • Chief Accountant – overall supervision of finance and accounting function of the project, on time
responsibilities, educational sharing (part-time) basis.
background and professional • Accountant – supervise/ carry out project financial and accounting activities, on time sharing
experience. Attach job (part-time) basis.
descriptions and CVs of key • Accounts/ Management Assistants (2 – one fulltime and another seconded on pert time basis) –
existing accounting staff. possessing of payments and other transactions of the project, stock record and inventory
maintenance, accounting and book-keeping, record keeping, etc. on full-time basis. The
restricted number of personnel in this category may create issues over segregation of duties and
internal check hence appropriate risk mitigation measures would need to be introduced.

Please refer Attachment 3A - CVs of key executive staff.

3.4 Is the project finance and Staffing arrangements for the project are yet to be finalized. N/A
accounting function staffed

3.5 Are the project finance and Staffing arrangements for the project are yet to be finalized. N/A
accounting staff adequately
qualified and experienced? However, the Chief Accountant and the Accountant of the MHECA who have the potential to head
the finance and accounting function possess following qualifications/ experience, which are deemed
to be adequate:

- Chief Accountant (with 25 years of experience) – Sri Lanka Accountants Service – Class 1); MA
(Econ); BSc (Business Admin) Special; MAAT (SL); Association of Public Finance Accountants
(APFA) of Sri Lanka
- Accountant (with 4 years of experience) - BSc Accounting (Special); Chartered Accountants of
Sri Lanka - Intermediate Level.

3.6 Are the project finance and Finance authority of the MHECA is of the view that the accounting and finance staff whom will be Moderate
accounting staff trained in engaged in the proposed project need to be trained on ABD procedures including the disbursement
ADB procedures, including guidelines and progress reporting.
48 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
the disbursement guidelines
(i.e., LDH)?

3.7 What is the duration of the Existing staff are on permanent basis. If new staff is recruited for the project, it should be on contract N/A
contract with the project basis renewable annually.
finance and accounting staff?

3.8 Identify any key positions of There is no approved cadre separately for finance division. The approved cadre is for the MHECA as N/A
project finance and a whole and from that the functional divisions could request staff to fill the requirement.
accounting staff not
contracted or filled yet, and As contended by MHECA, the existing cadre for finance division is adequate and also excess
the estimated date of capacity exist.
3.9 For new staff, describe the Considering the size and scope of the project, the following staffing structure (Accounting and N/A
proposed project finance and Finance) is proposed:
accounting staff, including
job title, responsibilities, Chief Accountant – MHECA (Supervisory role on time sharing basis)
educational background and Accountant – MHECA (Operational role on time sharing basis)
professional experience. Procurement specialist – 1 (Need to be recruited externally, full/ part time basis)
Attach job descriptions. Finance/ Staff Assistant – 2 (Existing MHECA staff seconded on full/ part time basis)
Secretary/ Office Assistant – 1 (Existing MHECA staff on time sharing basis)

3.10 Does the project have written Position descriptions and allocation of duties are yet to be determined and finalized. Moderate
position descriptions that
clearly define duties,
responsibilities, lines of
supervision, and limits of
authority for all of the
officers, managers, and

3.11 What is the turnover rate for Staff turnover is taking place mainly due to periodic transfers as per Government policy. Otherwise, High
finance and accounting the turnover due to resignation/ retirement is observed to be minimal.
personnel (including
terminations, resignations,
transfers, etc.)?
Annex 1 49

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
3.12 What is training policy for the No formal annual training plan has been formulated for MHECA. Moderate
finance and accounting staff?
However, training opportunities have been made available to the staff as and when necessary and
no training needs assessment has been carried out.

3.13 Describe the list of training Three (3) out of 12 finance and accounting division staff had attended the following trainings: N/A
programs attended by - Training on cashier’s (Shroff’s) responsibilities;
finance and accounting staff - Finance Management;
in the last 3 years. - Finance Regulations 104 (Examination/ Investigation).

All the finance and accounting division staff had been training on CIGAS.

Further, no training had been conducted on ADB project related reporting requirements and LDH,

4. Accounting Policies and

4.1 Does the entity have an The common accounting system used by the public sector in Sri Lanka, Computer Integrated Moderate
accounting system that Government Accounting System (CIGAS) is being used at the MHECA for General Ledger
allows for the proper accounting. To process the payroll, separate standalone, DOS based system (Government Payroll
recording of project financial System - GPS) is used. The staff attached to finance and accounting division have been received
transactions, including the adequate training to use these systems.
allocation of expenditures in
accordance with the CIGAS is a customized system, the capacity of which is limited to capturing transactions both
respective components, recurring and capital. However, the same records are maintained manually as a long standing
disbursement categories, practice, mainly to minimise the risk of data loss, system breakdown and lack of reliability of this
and sources of funds (in ‘Windows’ based system.
particular, the legal
agreements with ADB)? Will The MHECA plans to use an advanced customised software system (‘Integrated Treasury
the project use the entity Management Information System’ - ITMIS) being developed by the Ministry of Finance, in near
accounting system? If not, future.
what accounting system will
be used for the project? It is also expected that the current and proposed new system will be used for the ADB project as
50 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
4.2 Are controls in place Yes. Moderate
concerning the preparation All transactions pass through several stages relating to preparation, certification and approval.
and approval of transactions, Transactions are supported with explanations where appropriate. Data entered into the CIGAS are
ensuring that all transactions validated by the Accountant before the month end processing.
are correctly made and
adequately explained? Password control is in effective use with staff concern having been given personalised password.

4.3 Is the chart of accounts The Chart of Accounts Is adequate for the Ministry’s current levels of activity. In the event, the Low
adequate to properly account project is implemented, the Chart of Accounts will need to be expanded to accommodate project
for and report on project activities. (However, if a separate accounting system is to be used for the project, a new Chart of
activities and disbursement Accounts will have to be developed.)
categories? Obtain a copy of
the chart of accounts. An abstract copy of the Chart of Accounts was obtained.

4.4 Are cost allocations to the Only the direct costs are allocated against the various funding sources. There is no procedure to Moderate
various funding sources absorb/ allocate common overheads/ costs against these funding sources.
made accurately and in
accordance with established

4.5 Are the General Ledger and Yes. Moderate

subsidiary ledgers reconciled The main subsidiary ledger (record) available at present are for the staff loan/ advances.
monthly? Are actions taken
to resolve reconciliation

4.6 Describe the EA’s policy for As per prevailing Government practice, all documents and records should be retained for minimum Low
retention of accounting five (5) years.
records including supporting
documents (e.g., ADB’s Newly enacted Right to Information Act No. 12 of 2016 specifies that the public documents and
policy requires that all records should be maintained and retained up to maximum 12 years.
documents should be
retained for at least 1 year
after ADB receives the
audited project financial
statements for the final
accounting period of
Annex 1 51

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
implementation, or 2 years
after the loan closing date,
whichever is later). Are all
accounting and supporting
documents retained in a
defined system that allows
authorized users easy
4.7 Describe any previous audit The audit report on the appropriation accounts provide observations and as per the 31 December High
findings that have not been 2013 and 31 December 2014 audit reports, the MHECA’s inability to fill the approved cadre
addressed. vacancies and delay in commencement of projects have not been addressed.

Segregation of Duties
4.8 Are the following functional The level of segregation of duties seemed satisfactory. The functions of the accounting and finance Moderate
responsibilities performed by division have been distributed among the six (6) Development Officers and six (6) Management
different units or persons: (i) Assistants with adequate ‘internal check’.
authorization to execute a
transaction; (ii) recording of
the transaction; (iii) custody
of assets involved in the
transaction; (iv) reconciliation
of bank accounts and
subsidiary ledgers?

4.9 Are the functions of ordering, Yes. Moderate

receiving, accounting for, Ordering works, goods and services takes place at the Procurement Division, other user division/
and paying for goods and unit subject to the specified levels of authority. Goods are received by the stores concerned at the
services appropriately MHECA.
Payment vouchers are generated by the division/ unit which placed the orders and payment process
is executed by the Finance Division.

Budgeting System
4.10 Do budgets include physical Yes (where appropriate). Low
and financial targets?
52 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
4.11 Are budgets prepared for all Yes. Low
significant activities in Prepared according to format specified by the General Treasury. Budget guidelines are issued by
sufficient detail to allow the General Treasury every year which all public entities should comply with.
meaningful monitoring of
subsequent performance?

4.12 Are actual expenditures Yes. High

compared to the budget with Actual expenditures are compared with the budget annually, although ideally this exercise should
reasonable frequency? Are have been carried out at least monthly.
explanations required for
significant variations against On the variances reported annually, sufficient explanations have been given in the variance analysis
the budget? report. In the event any expenditure head is to exceed the approved budget, prior approval is
obtained by MHECA from the Treasury and the budget allocations are amended accordingly, without
revising the total approved budget for the year (recurrent or capital).

4.13 Are approvals for variations In advance for cost overruns. High
from the budget required (i) After. For the savings more than 5%-10% or LKR 10,000 depending on the expenditure categories.
in advance, or (ii) after the
fact? Reference: Circulars issued by the Department of State Accounts, General Treasury #
DSA 252/2016.

4.14 Is there a ceiling, up to which No. Moderate

variations from the budget
may be incurred without
obtaining prior approval?
4.15 Who is responsible for Chief Accountant and Director Planning of MHECA under the oversight of Secretary to the MHECA, Low
preparation, approval and who is the Accounting Officer responsible for Ministry finances.
oversight/ monitoring of

4.16 Describe the budget process. Budget preparations are made after consulting with and obtaining proposals from all relevant parties Low
Are procedures in place to of the MHECA. Government entities, including the Ministries are mandated to follow the GOSL
plan project activities, collect budget process which is usually communicated by 'National Budget Circular, issued by General
information from the units in Treasury annually, titled 'Budget Call - (Year) - Guidelines and Directions for the Preparation of
charge of the different Annual Budget Estimates'.
components, and prepare
the budgets?
Annex 1 53

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event

4.17 Are the project plans and Yes. Moderate

budgets of project activities Recurrent budgets are based on the actual cost on the level of activity and know rates.
realistic, based on valid
assumptions, and developed Budget preparation takes place under the supervision of Accountant and Chief Accountant.
by knowledgeable
In respect of MHECA budgets prepared in the recent past, mid-year revisions have not been
Is there evidence of required unless additional allocations are needed due change in Government policy or unplanned
significant mid-year activates (e.g. special mid-year salary increase in 2015).
revisions, inadequate fund
releases against allocations,
or inability of the EA to
absorb/spend released
funds? Inadequate fund release against allocations have been experienced, particularly in relation to capital
Is there evidence that
government counterpart
funding is not made available
adequately or on a timely
basis in prior projects? Finance authorities of the MHECA contended that variances had always been positive (actuals
below the budget). Prior approval is obtained from Treasury for any foreseen cost overruns due to
What is the extent of over- or reasons beyond the control of MHECA. No consistent trends were observed.
under-budgeting of major
heads over the last 3 years?
Is there a consistent trend
either way?

4.18 Do invoice-processing Yes. Moderate
procedures require: (i) The invoice processing is initiated at the division/ unit which requested/ originated the purchase. As
Copies of purchase orders such, relevant checks and scrutinizing of documents are also initially carried by the originator of
and receiving reports to be transaction, followed by secondary processing of documents by the Finance Division.
obtained directly from issuing
54 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
departments? (ii) Documents required to complete a purchase transaction include:
Comparison of invoice
quantities, prices and terms, Purchase Requisition, Approval, Purchase Order (PO), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Invoice,
with those indicated on the Goods Received Note (GRN) etc.
purchase order and with
records of goods actually
received? (iii) Comparison of
invoice quantities with those
indicated on the receiving
reports? (iv) Checking the
accuracy of calculations? (v)
Checking authenticity of
invoices and supporting

4.19 Are all invoices stamped Yes. 'PAID' seal is stamped upon preparation of cheque or payment of cash. Account code is Moderate
PAID, dated, reviewed and assigned prior to payment.
approved, recorded/entered
into the system correctly, and Validation process of data entered takes place at the end of the month where the data entered is
clearly marked for account compared with the manual records and any corrections are effected prior to processing it.
code assignment?

4.20 Do controls exist for the Yes. The payroll preparation access to the GPS is password controlled. The same payroll is also Moderate
preparation of the payroll? prepared manually using salary ledgers and entries made to the system are compared with the
Are changes (additions/ manual ledgers and any errors/ omissions corrected at the end of the month. The payroll entries
deductions/ modifications) to (additions, deductions and modifications) are approved by the Accountant.
the payroll properly

Policies And Procedures

4.21 What is the basis of Cash basis of accounting had been adopted. However, accrual based financial statements are Moderate
accounting (e.g., cash, prepared annually from 2016, where relevant entries are made on memorandum basis.
accrual) followed (i) by the
entity? (ii) By the project? The accrual basis of accounting will be adopted for the proposed project. The MHECA officials are of
the view that a new accounting software package need to be used for projects as the existing
Annex 1 55

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
Government accounting package (CIGAS) is not usable for the project mode using accrual basis of

4.22 What accounting standards Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards (Standards 1 to 10) have been adopted from the year Low
are followed (International 2015 onwards.
Financial Reporting
Standards, International
Public Sector Accounting
Standards – cash or accrual,
or National Accounting
Standards (specify) or other?

4.23 Does the project have Accountability of the university is governed by the Establishment Code (E-Code/ AR) and Financial Low
adequate policies and Regulations (FRs) – 1992 applicable to state entities. Further, circulars issued by the Ministry of
procedures manual(s) to Finance/ General Treasury, Ministry of Public Administration and other relevant authorities are
guide activities and ensure applicable. In respect of procurement, guidelines issued by the National Procurement Agency (NPA)
staff accountability? are required to be adopted.

It is envisaged that same policies, procedures and guidelines would be applied to any project
implemented by the MHECA.

4.24 Is the accounting policy and Yes. Moderate

procedure manual updated Any updates would be dependent upon amendments made to the aforementioned, at the Central
regularly and for the project Government level. FRs have been last amended in 1992.

4.25 Do procedures exist to The establishment of introduction of new procedures and policies takes place at the Central Low
ensure that only authorized Government level. Department of State Accounts (DSA) and Department of Public Finance, under
persons can alter or the Ministry of Finance/ General Treasury usually execute accounting policy changes for the public
establish a new accounting entities.
policy or procedure to be
used by the entity?

4.26 Are there written policies and Please refer Sections 4.22 to 4.25 above. Low
procedures covering all
routine financial
56 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
management and related
administrative activities?
4.27 Do policies and procedures Establishment Code and Financial Regulations address safeguards relating to ‘Conflict of Interest’. Low
clearly define conflict of
interest and related party
transactions (real and
apparent) and provide
safeguards to protect the
organization from them?

4.28 Are manuals distributed to Yes. Available for reference at the MHECA. Low
appropriate personnel? (Manuals are publicly available for downloading from the General Treasury website or purchasing
from the Government Publication Bureau.)

4.29 Describe how compliance The compliance aspect is addressed mainly through the annual external audit carried out by the Moderate
with policies and procedures AGD and the Internal Audit of the MHECA.
are verified and monitored.

Cash and Bank

4.30 Indicate names and positions The current authorized signatories for bank transactions of the MHECA are as noted below: Low
of authorized signatories for
bank accounts. Include those First/ second signatory:
persons who have custody Mr J J Rathnasiri – Secretary
over bank passwords, USB Mr W K L E Walallawita – Chief Accountant
keys, or equivalent for online Mr G R K S Ganegoda – Accountant

Second signatory only:

Mr T B M Athapaththu – Additional Secretary (Administration)
Mr M A I K Manthriratne – Senior Assistant Secretary
Ms A S P Weerasuriya – Director (Procurement)
Mr H D S N Hettige – Assistant Secretary (Establishment)
Mr J Fernando - Assistant Secretary (Administration)

4.31 Does the organization Yes. Cash books are updated regularly in the software system (CIGAS) while simultaneously Moderate
maintain an adequate and maintaining manual cash books.
up-to-date cashbook
Annex 1 57

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
recording receipts and

4.32 Describe the collection The main sources of receipts of the MHECA is transfers from the General Treasury against the Moderate
process and cash handling budget allocations, which are deposited direct to the Ministry’s bank accounts. Any other collections
procedures. Do controls exist at Head Office level are deposited at the bank account on the following business day are raising
for the collection, timely official receipts.
deposit and recording of
receipts at each collection

4.33 Are bank accounts All bank reconciliations are on a monthly basis and updated till June 2017 at the time of this Moderate
reconciled on a monthly assessment in July 2017.
basis? Or more often?
Is cash on hand physically
verified, and reconciled with
the cash books? With what
frequency is this done?

4.34 Are all reconciling items Yes. Moderate

approved and recorded?

4.35 Are all unusual items on the Yes – Accountant. Moderate

bank reconciliation reviewed
and approved by a
responsible official?

4.36 Are there any persistent/non- No non-reconciled items were noted in the bank reconciliation prepared for main bank account. Moderate
moving reconciling items?

4.37 Are there appropriate Unused cheques and receipts are kept in a safe, under the custody of a senior Management Moderate
controls in safekeeping of Assistant and Shroff who have the key of the safe. They are responsible to hand over the key to the
unused cheques, USB keys Accountant or another Management Assistant assigned by the Accountant, if the safe needed to be
and passwords, official opened in their absence.
receipts and invoices?
The USB keys and passwords are with the custody of the respective users and not kept at the safe.
58 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
4.38 Are any large cash balances On average a maximum cash balance maintained is LKR 200,000. This includes petty cash float and Low
maintained at the head office cheques encashed to pay for fuel, transportation and staff overtime.
or field offices? If so, for what

4.39 For online transactions, how No online transactions. Low

many persons possess USB
keys (or equivalent), and
passwords? Describe the
security rules on password
and access controls.

Safeguard over Assets

4.40 What policies and The following procedures have been implemented to safeguard assets: Moderate
procedures are in place to
adequately safeguard or Recording of and accounting for all assets held by the MHECA.
protect assets from fraud, Periodic physical verifications/ annual Board of Survey.
waste and abuse? Round the clock security system for the MHECA premises.
Insurance cover for vehicles.
Accountability for assets by those who hold/ use them.
Adherence to Establishment Code of the Government which spells out procedures for
safeguarding assets from fraud, waste and abuse.

4.41 Does the entity maintain a Yes. Moderate

Fixed Assets Register? Is the The MHECA maintains a Fixed Assets Register, which is updated regularly. Assets are coded based
register updated monthly? on common Government coding method, which is indicated in the register. However, no codes have
Does the register record been assigned to the individual asset item.
ownership of assets, any
assets under lien or Register also indicates the location, where the asset is held.
encumbered, or have been
pledged? None of the assets are under lien or pledge.

4.42 Are subsidiary records of In addition to the Fixed Assets Register maintained at the Accounting and Finance Division, Moderate
fixed assets, inventories and inventory records are maintained at the divisions/ sections/ units, where assets are held. There is no
stocks kept up to date and evident whether these inventories are reconciled with the main fixed assets register maintained
reconciled with control centrally.
Annex 1 59

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
As per Government procedures a Board of Survey (physical verification of assets) is carried out
annually, usually at the end of financial year in every December.

4.43 Are there periodic physical Labelling of asset items has not been done. Moderate
inventories of fixed assets,
inventories and stocks? Are
fixed assets, inventories and
stocks appropriately

4.44 Are the physical inventory of Please refer Section 4.42 above. -
fixed assets and stocks
reconciled with the
respective fixed assets and
stock registers, and
discrepancies analysed and

4.45 Describe the policies and Decision of disposal of assets are taken based on the recommendation made by Board of Survey. Moderate
procedures in disposal of Further, a special committee will be appointed by the Secretary to decide on the disposal of
assets. Is the disposal of technical items, such as computers, equipment and vehicle upon receipt of recommendation made
each asset appropriately by Board of Survey.
approved and recorded? Are
steps immediately taken to Final disposal decisions of the assets either destroy or auction/ sale will be listed and confirmed by
locate lost, or repair broken the Board of Survey for accuracy. Head of division (i.e. Secretary for MHECA) will execute the
assets? decision by appointing separate committee comprising 3 or 5 members.

Recommendation made by Board of Survey on lost or repair of broken assets are executed by the
respective head of division.

4.46 Are assets sufficiently Only vehicles are insured. High

covered by insurance

4.47 Describe the policies and No depreciation is charged for assets handled by Government entities as a matter of policy. Low
procedures in identifying and
60 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
maintaining fully depreciated
assets from active assets.

Other Offices and Implementing

4.48 Describe any other regional The Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura, Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa are expected to -
offices or executing entities participate in implementation of the project.
participating in (Assessment of respective Universities have been carried out separately)

4.49 Describe the staff, their roles Roles and responsibilities pertaining to the project are yet to be determined and finalised. -
and responsibilities in
performing accounting and
financial management
functions of such offices as
they relate to the project.
4.50 Has the project established No. The project is yet to be commenced. -
segregation of duties,
controls and procedures for
flow of funds and financial
information, accountability,
and reporting and audits in
relation to the other offices or

4.51 Does information among the Reporting and information flow takes place manually at present, as the MHECA, UGC and the High
different offices/ Universities are not electronically linked.
implementing agencies flow
in an accurate and timely Further, the MHECA and Universities use different accounting and different accounting system.
fashion? In particular, do the
offices other than the head
office use the same
accounting and reporting

4.52 Are periodic reconciliations Not applicable. -

performed among the
Annex 1 61

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
different offices/implementing
agencies? Describe the
project reporting and auditing
arrangements between these
offices and the main

4.53 If any sub-accounts (under No sub-accounts will be maintained. -

the Imprest Account) will be
maintained, describe the
results of the assessment of
the financial management
capacity of the administrator
of such sub-accounts.

Contract Management and

4.54 Does the agency maintain Only project wise (not contract wise) accounting records are maintained on cash basis. Actual Moderate
contract-wise accounting payments made to the contractors/ suppliers are charged to this account.
records to indicate gross
value of contract, and any While the gross value of the contract is not indicated in the accounting records, they are usually
amendments, variations and consistent with the physical output (value of work certified).
escalations, payments made,
and undisbursed balances?
Are the records consistent
with physical outputs/
deliverables of the contract?

4.55 If contract records are No. Not reconciled with the contractors. High
maintained, does the agency
reconcile them regularly with
the contractor?

62 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
4.56 Describe project The project is currently (as of November 2017) in negotiation stage. The MHECA authorities intend -
arrangements for reporting to apply same systems, controls and procedures being used for the MHECA in reporting fraud,
fraud, corruption, waste and corruption, waste and misuse, to the project too.
misuse of project resources.
Has the project advised In this respect, the Internal Audit unit of the MHECA is expected to play a major role. Further, all
employees, beneficiaries and employees within and outside of the project are expected to be 'Whistle Blowers' in relation to fraud,
other recipients to whom to corruption, waste and misuse of project resources.
report if they suspect fraud,
waste or misuse of project The annual external audit of the project may be carried out as part of the audit carried out by the
resources or property? AGD. There are provisions to engage private audit entities (firms), with the approval of the ADB to
carry out annual statutory audit of the project. Such a provision may have to be included as a special
clause in the loan agreement.

5. Internal Audit
5.1 Is there an internal audit (IA) Yes. Internal audit department which exist in the Executing Agency (EA), Ministry of Higher Low
department in the entity? Education and Cultural Affairs (MHECA), in addition to performing internal audit of the Ministry,
coordinates with UGC and Universities in relation to internal audit matters.
5.2 What are the qualifications Current Positions: -
and experience of the IA Chief Internal Auditor
staff? Commencement of employment: 2015 onwards. Has completed Sri Lanka Accountants Services
(S.L.Acc.S) (Class I) exams and has 20 years’ experience.
Development Officers (3)
(1) Commencement of employment: 2013 onwards
(2) Commencement of employment: 2016 January onwards
(3) Commencement of employment: 2016 January onwards
All three Development Officers are with B Com. qualification.

As per Chief Internal Auditor, requirement is six (6), but only four (4) staff members are available.

Current personnel resources are considered inadequate to carry out tasks efficiently.

5.3 To whom does the head of Secretary to the MHECA / State Secretary. Low
the internal audit report?

5.4 Will the internal audit Yes, with amendments made to the current annual work programme accordingly. Moderate
department include the
Annex 1 63

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
project in its annual work
5.5 Are actions taken on the Yes. As per the Chief Internal Auditor, internal audit findings are discussed at Audit and Moderate
internal audit findings? Management Committee (AMC) meeting held at quarterly intervals. The Secretary initiates actions
on the findings reported and the internal audit division follows up on such actions.

5.6 What is the scope of the The internal audit plan considers functions of the MHECA as per the annual action plan/ budget
internal audit program? How estimate and considers the goals, budget provisions and key functions under each goal in identifying
was it developed? audit fields based on risk assessment. Further, internal audit objectives are identified and the time
frame and resource allocated are decided.

The internal audit plan is developed based on Audit and Management Circulars DMA/2009(1) and
DMA/2009(I)(i) dated 09 June 2009 and 28 January 2016 respectively, which provides a specimen
audit plan structure to be followed.

Generally, audit fields are identified based on areas not covered during the previous year.

5.7 Is the IA department Yes. Reports directly to the Secretary to the MHECA. Moderate

5.8 Do they perform pre-audit of Pre-audit of transactions is rarely carried out, unless specifically requested. Moderate

5.9 Who approves the internal The Secretary to the MHECA approves the internal audit plan. Moderate
audit program?
After Secretary’s approval, Director General of Department of Management Audit will be informed on
the audit plan.

5.10 What standards guide the Auditing Standards issued by the CA Sri Lanka, Financial and Administrative Regulations, Low
internal audit program? Establishment Code, Government Circulars, certain regulations issued by Finance Ministry and Sri
Lanka Public Sector Auditing Standards are used as guidance.

The following circulars are given specific attention in developing and implementing the internal audit
• DMA/2009/ (1) dated 09 June 2009 – Appointment of audit management committee (AMC).
• DMA/2009/ (2) dated 09 June 2009 – Guideline on recording of state assets, IA and Internal
64 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
• DMA/2009/ (3) dated 10 October 2009 – Internal Auditing Standards and Code of Ethics
• DMA/2010/ (4) dated 10 February 2010 – Guidance for personal emolument audit.
• DMA/2010/ (5) dated 26 July 20110 – Guidelines for Internal Audit to Projects Funded by
Foreign or Local Funds.
• DMA/2011/(6) dated 15 November 2011 – The Guideline on the Evaluation of Internal Control
• DMA/2012/(7) dated 13 January 2012– Guidelines for Internal Auditing in a Computerized
Information System (CIS) Environment
• DMA/2016/ (1) dated 01 January 2016 – Maintaining a database for state owned vehicles.
• DMA/2016/ (2) dated 10 June 2016 – Appointment of internal auditors for projects funded by
foreign finance. Section 1 and 2 require an Internal Auditor be recruited for projects with total
project cost of more than USD 10m and life time of one year or more.
• DMA/2017/ (1) dated 15 January 2017 – Obtaining Internal Auditing assisting for the
development projects funded by foreign financing.

5.11 How are audit deficiencies No formal system to track audit deficiencies is in place. High

5.12 How long have the internal Chief Internal Auditor has been working at MHECA for last two (2) years. -
audit staff members been
with the organization? One (1) Development Officer (DO) is working for last 4 years and the other two (2) DOs are working
for last one and half years.

5.13 Does any of the internal audit Yes. Most staff in the internal audit division are conversant with IT and can independently process Low
staff have an IT background? data and generate reports.

5.14 How frequently does the The internal auditor who is the convenor of the AMC meets with AMC members every quarter in Moderate
internal auditor meet with the presence of management.
audit committee without the
presence of management? Audit findings are discussed at quarterly AMC, which chaired by the Secretary, MHECA. The
members of the AMC are as follows:
- Director – Management Audit Department, General Treasury
- Chief Financial Officer – Higher Education Sector (Vacant from February 2017)
- Superintendent of Audit – Auditor General’s Department (as observer)
- Chief Internal Auditor – MHECA (convenor of the Committee)
Annex 1 65

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
Other participants at the meeting consist of Additional Secretaries (Development/ Administration and
Finance/ Non-State Universities), Directors (Planning/ Procurement), Chief Accountant, Accountant,
Senior Assistant Secretary – MHECA, Assistant Secretary – Planning, etc.

Due to the participation of the above officials, the independence of the internal audit is impaired.

5.15 Has the internal auditor Based on the internal audit queries raised at the last quarter of 2016 and first quarter of 2017 AMCs, High
identified / reported any there are no internal audit findings with reference to availability and completeness of records.
issue with reference to
availability and completeness All relevant information required for internal audit had been received from respective institutions.
of records?
5.16 Does the internal auditor No prior experience and knowledge on ADB guidelines and Loan Disbursement Handbook. Moderate
have sufficient knowledge
and understanding of ADB’s
guidelines and procedures,
including the disbursement
guidelines and procedures
(i.e., LDH)?

6. External Audit – entity level

6.1 Is the entity financial Auditor General annually audits the appropriation accounts of MHECA including the UGC. The audit Moderate
statement audited regularly also covers Foreign Aid Projects, which form part of the appropriation account of the MHECA.
by an independent auditor?
Who is the auditor? Audit queries are raised by the Auditor General prior to the finalisation of the audit report and
communicated by way of a draft audit report for which responses are required within a specified
period of time. On receipt of responses, within the specified time period the Auditor General finalises
the audit report and issue the final audit report to the MHECA / UGC.

In the event responses are not received within the specified time period audit report is finalised
based on the findings reported in the draft.

The Auditor General issues management audit reports and also a report on the appropriation
account heads, for management’s responses and no opinion is expressed by the Auditor General.

6.2 Are there any delays in audit The annual financial statements are submitted during the latter part of March of the following year. Moderate
of the entity? When are the Audit queries are raised during May/ June. Management responses are submitted in June/ July.
audit reports issued?
66 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
The draft report is submitted in September and the final report is submitted in November upon
receipt of final responses from management during October each year.

Accordingly, it infers that the completion of external audit proceedings takes about 10 to 11 months,
which is not constructive since corrective actions can only be taken after a significant lapse of time.

Please see Attachment 4.

6.3 Is the audit of the entity The MHECA does not maintain final audit reports issued by the Auditor General. The draft audit Low
conducted in accordance reports issued by the Auditor General for management response does not specify the auditors’
with the International responsibility, but specifies the audit scope and the management responsibility. As per the audit
Standards on Auditing, or the scope, the audit is conducted in pursuance of provisions in Article 154 (1) of Constitution of
International Standards for Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Supreme Audit Institutions,
or national auditing There is no mention of the audit being conducted in accordance with International Standards on
standards? Auditing, or the International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions, or national auditing

6.4 Were there any major The audit reports in respect of 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2016 are yet to be received High
accountability issues noted in from the AGD.
the audit report for the past
three years? In the audit report for the year ended 31 December 2014, there were several accountability issues
noted related to advances to Public Officers, non-settlement of liabilities, assets management and
transactions of contentious nature.
6.5 Does the external auditor Representatives from Auditor General’s Department (Superintendent of Audit) also participate in Moderate
meet with the audit quarterly AMC meetings along with the Internal Auditor and management.
committee without the
presence of management? The committees are chaired by Secretary to the Ministry.

The external auditor does not meet with AMC without management representatives.

6.6 Has the entity engaged the No. Auditor General’s Department of the GOSL is the sole auditor of all Ministries and Government -
external audit firm for any institutions engaged only in provision of statutory audit services.
non-audit engagements
(e.g., consulting)? If yes,
what is the total value of non-
audit engagements, relative
Annex 1 67

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
to the value of audit

6.7 Has the external auditor Yes. The draft audit reports on the appropriation account refers to issues on completeness of -
expressed any issues on the information/ documentation. Since, the final audit reports have not been made available to the
availability of complete Assessment Team, as those reports are retained at the Ministry of Highways at the time
records and supporting assessment, the outcome of these issues reported could not be assessed.

6.8 Does the external auditor Yes. The AGD has experience in auditing donor funded Project expenditure statements of several Moderate
have sufficient knowledge state organisations including ADB funded Projects.
and understanding of ADB’s
guidelines and procedures,
including the disbursement
guidelines and procedures
(i.e., LDH)?

6.9 Are there any material issues The appropriation accounts of the MHECA was not subject to review by the Assessment Team. -
noted during the review of
the audited entity financial
statements that were not
reported in the external audit

External Audit – project level

6.10 Will the entity auditor audit Auditor General’s Department of the GOSL is the sole auditor of all Ministries and Government -
the project accounts or will Institutions. The Auditor General will continue to audit Foreign Aid Projects included in the
another auditor be appointed appropriation accounts of the MHECA. Auditor General may also consider carrying out a separate
to audit the project financial audit of the project expenditure statement, in case the respective donor mandates such audit in the
statements? loan agreement.

Based on the loan covenants in the agreement, an independent third party auditor (recognised firm
of Chartered Accountants) may also be appointed to audit the project expenditure statements.

6.11 Are there any The Auditor General does not make recommendations, but observations in auditing the project Moderate
recommendations made by expenditure statements. Several matters have been observed by the Auditor General in relation to
the auditors in prior project Foreign Aid Project implementation in the draft audit reports of 2013, 2014 and 2015.
68 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
audit reports or management
letters that have not yet been

6.12 Is the project subject to any Yes. The Auditor General is the supreme audit institution which is independent and is required to -
kind of audit from an carry out audit of Foreign Aid Projects included in the appropriation accounts of the Ministries.
independent governmental
entity (e.g. the supreme audit
institution) in addition to the
external audit?

6.13 Has the project prepared Not applicable at the moment. Terms of Reference for audit will be prepared in consultation with -
acceptable terms of funding agent and MHECA at the time of finalizing the loan terms and conditions.
reference for an annual
project audit? Have these
been agreed and discussed
with the EA and the auditor?

6.14 Has the project auditor Not applicable at present. -

identified any issues with the
availability and completeness
of records and supporting

6.15 Does the external auditor Yes. The AG has sufficient knowledge and understanding of ADB’s guidelines and procedures. Moderate
have sufficient knowledge
and understanding of ADB’s
guidelines and procedures,
including the disbursement
guidelines and procedures
(i.e., LDH)?

6.16 Are there any Not applicable at present. -

recommendations made by
the auditors in prior audit
reports or management
Annex 1 69

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
letters that have not yet been

[For second or subsequent Not applicable at present. -

6.17 Were past audit reports
complete, and did they fully
address the obligations
under the loan agreements?
Were there any material
issues noted during the
review of the audited project
financial statements and
related audit report that have
remained unaddressed?

7. Reporting and Monitoring

7.1 Are financial statements and Yes. An appropriation account is prepared and submitted for audit annually. Low
reports prepared for the
entity? The MHECA also prepares financial statements under accrual basis of accounting, which comprise a
revenue and expenditure statement, a statement of financial position, cash flow statement and notes
to the financial statements.

7.2 Are financial statements and Yes. Financial statements are prepared for all four (4) Universities [which have been identified as Low
reports prepared for the Implementing Agencies – IAs – for this project), as a whole combining faculties, education centres
implementing unit(s)? and departments.

7.3 What is the frequency of Appropriation accounts for financial years ending 31 December are prepared in a timely manner. Low
preparation of financial
statements and reports? Are Monthly imprest accounts are also prepared together with a summary of accounts reconciling the
the reports prepared in a imprest account in a timely manner.
timely fashion so as to be
useful to management for
decision making?
70 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
7.4 Does the entity reporting The current system presently adopts project reporting, which are included in the appropriation Low
system need to be adapted account.
for project reporting?

7.5 Has the project established Not applicable, since project has not commenced as yet. However, once commenced, based on -
financial management terms and conditions of the loan agreement financial and management reporting responsibilities will
reporting responsibilities that be established.
specify the types of reports
to be prepared, the report
content, and purpose of the

7.6 Are financial management Yes – to a limited extent. Moderate

reports used by
7.7 Do the financial reports The MHECA prepares a statement annually explaining variances between actual expenditure and Moderate
compare actual expenditures net estimates made from the recurrent budget for the MHECA based on expenditure head 117.
with budgeted and
programmed allocations? The explanations for variances are limited to variance of above 5% or LKR 10,000 of the net
estimates. Generally, variances are below estimates, since if actual expenditure exceeds net
estimates, a correction is made to the net estimate for reallocation with approval.

7.8 How are financial reports A list of expenditure both recurrent and capital are extracted from the Computerised Integrated Low
prepared? Are financial Government Accounting System (CIGAS) and by use of Excel spreadsheets, an appropriation
reports prepared directly by account is prepared manually.
the automated accounting
system or are they prepared
by spreadsheets or some
other means?

7.9 Does the financial system The CIGAS does not facilitate linking of financial information with physical progress. High
have the capacity to link the
financial information with the Project progress reports/ construction progress reports are separately prepared, but not system
project's physical progress? generated. These reports are not synchronized with financial data in the CIGAS.
If separate systems are used
to gather and compile
physical data, what controls
Annex 1 71

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
are in place to reduce the
risk that the physical data
may not synchronize with the
financial data?

7.10 Does the entity have Yes. MHECA had been the EA for the following projects funded by World Bank and Government of Low
experience in implementing Kuwait including ADB.
projects of any other donors, (a) Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) – World Bank –
co-financiers, or USD 31.6m (2003-2010).
development partners? (b) Distance Education Modernization Project (DEMP) - ADB - USD 60m (2003-2009).
(c) Higher Education for Twenty First Century (HETC) - World Bank – USD 40m (2010-2016)
(d) Tsunami Rehabilitation Project – Government of Kuwait – KWD 6m (2005-2010).
(e) South Eastern University Development Project (Phase 1A) - Government of Kuwait – USD 8.6m
(f) South Eastern University Development Project (Phase 1B) - Government of Kuwait – USD 14m

8. Information Systems
8.1 Is the financial accounting Yes. The financial accounting is computerised. The MHECA, similar to all Government Departments Moderate
and reporting system and Ministries uses CIGAS to record financial transactions.
Manual intervention is required to prepare final accounts/ appropriation accounts and other financial
8.2 If computerized, is the CIGAS is a customized system, but is limited to capturing expenditure both recurring and capital. -
software off-the-shelf, or
customized? The MHECA will use an advanced customised software (‘Integrated Treasury Management
Information System’ - ITMIS) in the future similar to all other Departments and Ministries under
Ministry of Finance.

8.3 Is the computerized software Stand alone. Integration is done by uploading peripheral information to the CIGAS at the Treasury. Moderate
standalone, or integrated and
used by all departments in ITMIS is expected to be centralized – online real time.
the headquarters and field
units using modules?
72 Annex 1

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
8.4 How are the project financial At present, project expenditure data is included with that of the MHECA expenditure in the Low
data integrated with the appropriation account. The appropriation account identifies Foreign Aid Project expenditure
entity financial data? Is it separately from that of MHECA.
done through a module in the
enterprise financial system Accordingly, project financial data is not integrated with the MHECA financial data.
with automatic data transfer,
or does it entail manual
8.5 Is the computerized software CIGAS is used to record all recurrent and capital expenditure of MHECA and project expenditure. Moderate
used for directly generating However, CIGAS does not generate periodic financial statements - the appropriation accounts/
periodic financial statements, imprest accounts which are manually prepared using Excel spreadsheet after extracting expenditure
or does it require manual balances from CIGAS.
intervention and use of Excel
or similar spreadsheet
8.6 Can the system No. Manual intervention is required to prepare project financial reports. Moderate
automatically produce the
necessary project financial CIGAS facilitates generating expenditure statements in relation projects.
8.7 Is the staff adequately Yes. All finance and accounts division staff at MHECA are trained on using CIGAS. Low
trained to maintain the
computerized system? Maintenance and updates required to the system are either carried out by the staff themselves or
carried out with assistance from the Ministry of Finance and Mass Media (MOFMM), which is in-
charge of the system.

8.8 Do the management, Only two (2) staff members (Development Officers) have access to enter data into CIGAS, although Moderate
organization and processes all staff members in the finance and accounts divisions are trained on data entry to CIGAS. The two
and systems safeguard the (2) members exercise password controls in accessing CIGAS for data entry.
confidentiality, integrity and
availability of the data? Further, the Government Payroll System (GPS), which is a standalone system from CIGAS for
processing payroll has similar password control for access. However, a single person is responsible
for payroll processing, as per staff profiles and duties shared.

Due to restricted access to CIGAS and GPS, there is safeguard over data confidentiality, integrity
and availability.
8.9 Are there back-up Yes, but limited to data being uploaded to a pen drive based on usages of the system. High
procedures in place?
Annex 1 73

Topic Assessment Team’s comments
Risk Event
8.10 Describe the backup Backups are generally taken if the system is updated. Accordingly, if on a particular date if there is High
procedures – online storage, no system update, a backup is not taken on that date, otherwise a daily backup is taken.
offsite storage, offshore
storage, fire, earthquake and The storage of backup (pen drive) is not effective, since it is retained either by the person who takes
calamity protection for the backup or by the Accountant and stored in the same location.
Although there is a safe is available, which could be used for backup storage, at present the backup
is stored in a drawer of a desk at the finance and accounts division of MHECA.
74 Annex 2


(Note: This questionnaire should be used as a tool only to gather information relevant for assessing financial management capacity of
executing and implementing agencies. It may be used selectively for second subsequent projects, or periodic financing reports.
Additional questions may be required as deemed fit).

Implementing Agencies – Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura, Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
1. Executing /
Implementing Agency
1.1 What is the entity’s All state universities have been established under the Universities Act No.16 of 1978, including the four Universities -
legal status / subject to this assessment.
The ‘Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura and Kelaniya’ had been established as ‘Vidyodaya University and
Vidyalankara University’ in 1959, with the enactment of the ‘Vidyodaya University and Vidyalankara University Act No.
45 of 1959’. However, it is noteworthy that both these universities had been in existence since latter part of nineteenth
century, as two Pirivenas (i.e. seats of higher learning in Buddhist and Oriental Studies). Subsequently, with the
enactment of ‘University of Ceylon Act No. 1 of 1972’ all the state universities at the time became campuses of the
‘University of Ceylon’ and these two universities were renamed as the ‘Vidyodaya Campus’ and ‘Vidyalankara Campus’
of the of the ‘University of Ceylon’ (later Sri Lanka).

The above two Universities have been re-established as the ‘University of Sri Jayewardenepura’ and ‘University of
Kelaniya’ respectively, under the new ‘Universities Act, No.16 of 1978’ which conferred independence status to all
universities established under it.

Both Rajarata and Sabaragamuwa Universities have been established in 1996 under the new Universities Act of 1978.

1.2 How much equity Fully – As a state-owned universities, the entirety of equity had been provided and owned by the GOSL. -
(shareholding) is
owned by the

9 This questionnaire should be administered by ADB staff or consultant (the Reviewer), and utilized only to obtain information, and to identify and describe potential
risk events. Rating of risks should be carried out separately by assessing their likelihood and impact.
Annex 2 75

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
1.3 Obtain the list of Not Applicable. -
beneficial owners of
major blocks of
shares (non-
portion), if any.10
1.4 Has the entity Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. -
implemented an SJP had implemented the UK had implemented the (a) Higher Education for The most recent project
externally-financed following externally financed following externally financed Twenty First Century implemented was ‘Higher
project in the past? project in the past: project in the recent past: (HETC) project. Funded Education for Twentieth
If yes, please (a) Higher Education for (a) Higher Education for by the IDA, this project Century (HTEC) project
provide details. Twenty First Century Twenty First Century had been implemented funded by the IDA, from
(HETC) project. This (HETC) project. from 2011 to 2016. 2011 to 2016 (Project cost
project had been Funded by the IDA, Focus areas of funding LKR 135 Million).
implemented from Nov this project had been were mainly on areas
2010 to 2016. Project implemented from such as HR capacity
cost LKR 396 Million. 2011 to 2016. Focus development, research
areas of funding were etc.
(b) Improving Relevance mainly on areas such
and Quality of as HR capacity (b) Improving Relevance
Undergraduate development, research and Quality of
Education (IRQUE) etc. Undergraduate
Project. This project had Education (IRQUE)
been implemented from (b) Improving Relevance Project
Dec 2006 to Jun 2010. and Quality of
Education (IRQUE)

10 In such cases, consult OAI on the need for integrity due diligence on non-governmental beneficial owners.
76 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
(a) Swedish International
Development Agency -
Department for
Research Cooperation
(SIDA SAREC) Project

1.5 Briefly describe the Reporting responsibilities are to the Parliament of Sri Lanka, through the UGC. The Parliament exercises its oversight Low
statutory reporting via the ‘Committee On Public Enterprises’ (COPE).
requirements for the
entity. Audited Annual Financial Statements need to be tabled at the Parliament within a specified timeline, along with Auditor
General’s report.

1.6 Describe the The Ministry in charge of the subject of higher education (presently, Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs) -
regulatory or and the University Grants Commission – UGC established under Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978.
supervisory agency
of the entity.
1.7 What is the Council of the respective Universities would be the primary governing body with the oversight and direction of the -
governing body for Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs (MHECA). All state Universities in Sri Lanka are decreed as
the project? Is the independent entities.
governing body for
the project
1.8 Obtain current Organization Structure is attached. -
structure and Please refer the following attachments:
describe key Attachment 5 - Organization Chart of University of Sri Jayewardenepura (SJP)
management Attachment 6 - Organization Chart of University of Kelaniya (KU)
personnel. Is the Attachment 7 - Organization Chart of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL)
organizational Attachment 8 - Organization Chart of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL)
structure and
governance As specified by the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, key management personnel of the university consist of:
Annex 2 77

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
appropriate for the (i) Vice Chancellor
needs of the (ii) Dean of each faculty
project? (iii) Registrar
(iv) Bursar and
(v) Librarian

The organizational structure and governance style of the universities are appropriate for the needs of the project. All the
four universities assessed have implemented substantial infrastructure development projects in the past, in addition to
the projects currently on-going.
1.9 Does the entity have Yes. -
a Code of Ethics in All state universities have adopted the ‘Establishment Code’ of the government with modifications, which specifies Code
place? of Ethics to be observed by the universities.
1.10 Describe (if any) As per the Registrar/ Senior Officials of the Universities, no incidents of ethics violations have been reported in the -
any historical issues recent past (i.e. within past five years). No evidence was available to the review team to prove otherwise.
reports of ethics
violations involving
the entity and
management. How
were they
2. Funds Flow Arrangements
2.1 Describe the Fund Disbursements: -
(proposed) project (1) ADB to Central Bank USD Account
funds flow (2) Central Bank to MHECA / PMU
arrangements in (3) GOSL to PMU (Counterpart Funds)
detail, including a (4) PMU to Universities/ PIU
funds flow diagram
and explanation of Payments: :
the flow of funds (5) ADB to Contractors Suppliers
from ADB, (6) PMU/ PIU to Contractors Suppliers
government and
78 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
other financiers, to Withdrawal Applications:
the government, EA, (7) PIU to PMU
IA, suppliers, (8) PMU to ADB
contractors, ultimate
beneficiaries, etc. as

ADB Fund Flow :

Annex 2 79

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
Counterpart Fund Flow :
Payments to Contractors/ Suppliers :
Submission of Withdrawal Applications :

2.2 Are the (proposed) Yes. Low

arrangements to The existing procedure has been in satisfactory operation for a considerable period of time and no negative outcomes
transfer the had been observed by the universities.
proceeds of the loan
(from the
government /
Finance Ministry) to
the entity and to the
2.3 Are the Yes. Low
disbursement No negative outcomes were observed.
2.4 What have been the Delays in disbursement from the treasury have been observed in the past, particularly in respect of non-payroll High
major problems in expenditure. However, fund requirement for recurrent expenditure have been met by the treasury despite occasional
the past involving delays.
the receipt,
accounting and/or It was reported that the entirety of capital expenditure allocations for the universities had not been released in the recent
administration of past.
funds by the entity?

2.5 In which bank will People’s Bank – Foreign People’s Bank – Dalugama. Bank of Ceylon – Bank of Ceylon – -
the Imprest Account Branch, D R Wijewardena Mihinthale Pambahinna, Belihuloya.
(if applicable) be Mawatha, Colombo 10.
80 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
2.6 Is the bank in which -
the imprest account
is established
capable of −
• Executing foreign Yes. Yes. Yes. Local currency - Yes /
and local currency Foreign currency – No.
• Issuing and
administering Yes. Yes. Yes. No.
letters of credit
• Handling a large
volume of Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
• Issuing detailed
monthly bank Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

2.7 Is the ceiling for No. No. No. No. Low

disbursements from
the imprest account The University has been The University has been The University has been The University has been
and SOE operated with an annual operated with an annual operated with an annual operated with an annual
appropriate/ budget of LKR 4,697m budget of LKR 3,361m budget of LKR 1,872m budget of LKR 1,659m
required? (USD 30m approx.) for (USD 22m approx.) for (USD 12m approx.) for (USD 11m approx.) for
recurrent and capital recurrent and capital recurrent and capital recurrent and capital
expenditure for 2017 with expenditure for 2016 with expenditure for 2016 with expenditure for 2016 with
year on year increases year on year increases year on year increases year on year increases
recorded for the past recorded for the past recorded for the past recorded for the past
several years. several years. several years. several years.
Annex 2 81

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
As a result of large scale allocations and expenditures, the universities have gained adequate experience in handling
large scale fund flows, limiting the requirement to impose any ceiling on disbursements.

Further, it could be considered to make large project payments to contractors via the Executing Agency (Ministry of
Higher Education), that would lessen the scale and burden of fund flows to be executed by the IA.

2.8 Does the (proposed) A Project Implementation Sub-Unit (PISU) is yet to be established at the universities for the proposed ADB funded Moderate
project project.
implementing unit
(PIU) have Several projects funded by the World Bank Group (‘Higher Education for Twentieth Century - HETC’ and ‘Improving
experience in the Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education – IRQUE’) had been concluded recently in all four universities,
management of which had provided them with exposure to implementing large projects.
disbursements from
ADB? These projects had also contributed towards enhancing project management capabilities of the universities. Some of the
senior officers involved in these projects are expected to be associated with the proposed ADB project as well.

2.9 Does the PIU have PIUs are yet to be established at the universities. Moderate
administrative and The proposed PIUs would not be able to demonstrate any past exposure over managing imprest fund and statement of
accounting capacity expenditure (SOE) procedures in accordance with ADB’s Loan Disbursement Handbook (LDH). Yet, experience it has
to manage the gained in carrying out similar lender/ government funded projects in the past implies that the IA has built up sufficient
imprest fund and administrative and accounting capacity. However, PIU staff would require ADB specific imprest fund management and
statement of SOE training in the event, the proposed projects are implemented.
expenditure (SOE)
procedures in
accordance with
ADB’s Loan
Handbook (LDH)?
Identify any concern
or uncertainty about
82 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
the PIU’s
administrative and
capability which
would support the
establishment of a
ceiling on the use of
the SOE procedure.
2.10 Is the entity Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Moderate
exposed to foreign The University has been The University has been The University has been The University has not
exchange risk? If making direct procurements making direct procurements making direct procurements been exposed to foreign
yes, describe the from overseas (equipment, from overseas (equipment, from overseas (equipment, exchange risks or
entity’s policy and consumables etc.), vehicles etc.), exposing to consumables etc.), mechanisms of managing
arrangements for exposing to foreign foreign exchange risks. exposing to foreign such risks due to the nature
managing foreign exchange risks. Some exchange risks. ‘Faculty of of its financial operations
exchange risk. faculties (e.g. Medical There is no policy or Medicine and Allied which in its entirety had
Faculty) admits foreign arrangements in place to Sciences’ admits foreign been single currency (LKR)
students, but they pay in manage any foreign students, but they pay in based.
local currency. exchange risks arising from local currency.
above situations. Thus no policy and
There is no policy or The University has been arrangements have been in
arrangements in place to Rest of the university exposed to foreign place for managing foreign
manage any foreign transactions do not pose exchange risks due to exchange risks.
exchange risks arising from any such risks because admission of foreign
above situations. entirety of its financial students to its ‘Faculty of
operations had been single Medicine and Allied
Rest of the university currency (LKR) based. Sciences’.
transactions do not pose
exchange risks as entirety There is no policy or
of its financial operations arrangements in place to
had been single currency manage any foreign
(LKR) based.
Annex 2 83

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
exchange risks arising from
above situations.

Rest of the university

transactions do not pose
any such risks because
entirety of its financial
operations had been single
currency (LKR) based.

Even upon the implementation of proposed project any foreign exchange risk would rest with the General Treasury/
External Resources Department of Sri Lanka, as the managers of foreign funds related to the project. However, foreign
exchange risks linked to the Universities could not be ruled out in relation to any foreign inputs to be acquired for the
project (i.e. consulting services, direct procurements, etc.) from foreign sources.

2.11 How are the Counterpart funds are expected to be provided by the government (via treasury) based on the allocations made annually High
counterpart funds for capital works.

2.12 How are payments In accordance with current practice, counterpart funds would be disbursed to the EA and IAs who would in turn make -
made from the project related payments as necessary.
counterpart funds?

2.13 If project funds will Yet to be decided. -

flow to communities
or NGOs, does the (No fund flows to communities or NGOs are anticipated under the proposed project)
PIU have the
necessary reporting
and monitoring
arrangements and
features built into its
84 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
systems to track the
use of project
proceeds by such

2.14 Are the beneficiaries There could be potential contributions from the primary beneficiary Universities by way of land grants, administrative and Moderate
required to technical inputs by Universities personnel, labour and material but the extent and volume such contributions have not
contribute to project been determined at this stage.
costs? If
beneficiaries have Apart from the above, counterpart funding arrangements may be appropriate depending on the loan conditions entered
an option to into by the ADB and GOSL.
contribute in kind (in
the form of labour or
material), are proper
guidelines and
formulated to record
and value the labour
or material
contributions at
appraisal and during

3. Staffing
3.1 What is the current The University Accounting Department is headed by Bursar with several Deputy, Senior Assistant and Assistant Bursars -
and/or proposed to support him/ her. The organization structure of the university accounting department is relatively flat with no
organizational hierarchical arrangements below the ‘executive’ officer grade (i.e. Assistant Bursar level). Accordingly, all the ‘non-
structure of the executive’ grade staff in the accounting department report directly to the Deputy/ Senior Assistant/ Assistant Bursar
accounting concerned.
Annex 2 85

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
department? Attach
an organization For the detailed Accounting Department organization structure, please refer following attachments:
chart. Attachment 9 - Organization Chart of Accounting/ Finance Division of (SJP)
Attachment 10 - Organization structure of Accounting/ Finance Division of (KU)
Attachment 11 - Organization Chart of Accounting/ Finance Division of RUSL
Attachment 12 - Organization Chart of Accounting/ Finance Division of SUSL

3.2 Will existing staff be While existing staff may be assigned fulltime/ time sharing basis new staff will be required to fill gaps and meet specific Moderate
assigned to the skills (e.g. Technical personnel).
project, or will new
staff be recruited?
3.3 Describe the The accounting staff who are available to be assigned to the PIU would be as follows: -
existing or proposed
project accounting - Bursar – overall supervision of finance and accounting function of the project, on time sharing (part-time) basis.
staff, including job - Deputy/ Assistant Bursar – supervise/ carry out project financial and accounting activities, on time sharing (part-time)
title, responsibilities, basis.
educational - Staff/ Management Assistants (1 or 2) – possessing of payments and other transactions of the project, stock record
background and and inventory maintenance, accounting and book-keeping, record keeping, etc., on full-time basis. The restricted
professional number of personnel in this category may create issues over segregation of duties and internal check hence
experience. Attach appropriate risk mitigation measures would need to be introduced.
job descriptions and
CVs of key existing Available CVs/ personal profiles of proposed senior staff of the four Universities for the project are attached. Please refer
accounting staff. Attachment 3B - CVs of key executive staff.

CVs have not made available by the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka up to the time of concluding this report.

3.4 Is the project Staffing arrangements for the project are yet to be finalized. -
finance and
accounting function
staffed adequately?
86 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
3.5 Are the project The Bursars and Deputy/ Assistant Bursars available to be assigned to the project to oversee finance and accounting Moderate
finance and function are adequately qualified and experienced as per the CVs/ personal profiles provided by them.
accounting staff
adequately qualified - Bursar of University of Sri Jayewardenepura is a professionally qualified Chartered Accountant with post graduate
and experienced? degree in business administration with adequate experience.
- Bursar of University of Kelaniya is a professionally qualified Chartered Accountant with experience. However, given
the current limitations in staff availability, University authorities suggested that new staff would be needed if the
proposed ADB project is implemented.
- Bursar of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (UK) with adequate work/ project management experience.
- Bursar of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka is a passed finalist of the Chartered Accountants examination and
holds a Diploma in Accounting. Possesses adequate work experience.

3.6 Are the project The last ADB funded project, Distant Education Modernization Programme (DEMP) for the Universities had ended Moderate
finance and several years back. Hence, most of the potential staff who may engage in project work would not have prior exposure to
accounting staff ADB procedures and Loan Disbursement Guidelines (LDH). This situation will necessitate adequate training and
trained in ADB awareness programmes initiated by the ADB.
including the
guidelines (i.e.,
3.7 What is the duration The project is expected to run for a period from three (3) to five (5) years. Nevertheless, one-year renewable contract for -
of the contract with the newly recruited project staff would be appropriate.
the project finance
and accounting
3.8 Identify any key All positions relating to project finance and accounting are yet to be filled and finalized. -
positions of project
finance and
accounting staff not
Annex 2 87

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
contracted or filled
yet, and the
estimated date of
3.9 For new staff, Please refer section 3.3 above. -
describe the
proposed project
finance and
accounting staff,
including job title,
background and
experience. Attach
job descriptions.

3.10 Does the project Position descriptions and allocation of duties are yet to be determined and finalized. Moderate
have written position
descriptions that
clearly define duties,
lines of supervision,
and limits of
authority for all of
the officers,
managers, and
3.11 What is the turnover Very low (generally, less than 5% annually). Low
rate for finance and
88 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
personnel (including
transfers, etc.)?
3.12 What is training The Universities have identified training needs of the finance and accounting staff and provided necessary training from Moderate
policy for the internal and external sources. It was noted that the selection criteria of staff for such training had not been clearly
finance and defined and no specific policies pertaining to the finance and accounting division were available. Further, detailed
accounting staff? training plans were not available, supported by a needs assessment carried out and any skill gaps identified.

3.13 Describe the list of In general, training opportunities had been extended by Universities to the executive staff (above Assistant Bursar level) -
training programs in finance and accounting division. The programmes attended by them included:
attended by finance • Awareness training on Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards
and accounting staff • Computer applications
in the last 3 years. • Procurement and Inventory Management

A few Universities such as Rajarata have organized in-house programmes for the non-executive staff.

4. Accounting Policies
and Procedures
4.1 Does the entity have Yes. -
an accounting
system that allows SJP has been using an accounting software system provided by ‘Sir Arthur C Clarke Institute of Modern Technologies’ at
for the proper Moratuwa, Sri Lanka for accounting, payments and reporting activities. The payroll is processed using a software
recording of project package developed internally by the University IT Services Unit. Fixed Assets and Inventory controls are carried out on
financial proprietary systems supplied by an external vendor who provided software maintenance and support services. These
transactions, difference software packages function as standalone systems, requiring considerable manual intervention.
including the
allocation of University of Kelaniya operates a centralised accounting system, other than for the Faculty of Medicine, which functions
expenditures in from a different location. Accordingly, same software system (‘Equal - Pack Soft’) is used at Faculty of Medicine and the
accordance with the accounts are amalgamated subsequently with main campus.
Annex 2 89

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
components, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka deploys a fully decentralised system where each faculty/ unit conducts accounting
disbursement separately, under the responsibility of an Assistant Bursar, using same software package, standalone. Accounts are
categories, and amalgamated subsequently.
sources of funds (in
particular, the legal Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka operates a fully centralised accounting system.
agreements with
ADB)? Will the These Universities intend to use the same accounting system for the project as well, as a separate stand-alone system
project use the or as extension to the current system.
entity accounting
system? If not, what
accounting system
will be used for the
4.2 Are controls in place Yes. Moderate
concerning the All transactions pass through several stages relating to preparation, certification and approval.
preparation and
approval of However, password and physical controls to access the accounting system were observed to be weak due to the
transactions, following:
ensuring that all - Same password has been shared to access the accounting system by a number of people engaged in the
transactions are accounting process.
correctly made and - Internal check and segregation of duties within a unit in the accounting and finance department are ineffective as
adequately same individuals performing a series of activities. E.g. payment process where preparation of payment vouchers,
explained? processing of cheques, keeping custody of unused cheque leaves and data entry are done by same person due to
the limited number of staff available in the payment unit.
- Access to computers has been open to all and not restricted with password.

4.3 Is the chart of Current Chart of Accounts is extensive and satisfactorily designed. However, any provisions for the project activities are Low
accounts adequate yet to be accommodated. A copy of the chart of accounts was obtained for the assessment from each University.
to properly account
for and report on
90 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
project activities and
categories? Obtain
a copy of the chart
of accounts.
4.4 Are cost allocations Yes. Moderate
to the various Where, special funding sources are existent, related costs are matched and allocated.
funding sources
made accurately
and in accordance
with established
4.5 Are the General Yes. Moderate
Ledger and The main subsidiary ledger (record) available at present are for the staff loan/ advances.
subsidiary ledgers
reconciled monthly?
Are actions taken to
4.6 Describe the EA’s As per government policy/ regulations, all records are required to be maintained for a minimum period of five (5) years. Low
policy for retention University usually keeps records for longer than five (5) years.
of accounting
records including Newly enacted Right to Information Act No. 12 of 2016 specifies that the public documents and records should be
supporting maintained and retained up to maximum 12 years.
documents (e.g.,
ADB’s policy Record storage and archiving facilities are available within Universities.
requires that all
documents should
be retained for at
least 1 year after
Annex 2 91

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
ADB receives the
audited project
financial statements
for the final
accounting period of
implementation, or 2
years after the loan
closing date,
whichever is later).
Are all accounting
and supporting
documents retained
in a defined system
that allows
authorized users
easy access?

4.7 Describe any Generally, previous audit findings have been addressed, although exceptions were observed.
previous audit E.g., Non recovery of E.g. “Land legally owned by E.g. Substantial differences E.g. Absence of audit
findings that have balance of advance paid in the University had not been observed between evidence to establish
not been addressed. 2011 to a contractor for revalued, as required by computerised register of ownership, existence and
renovation of laboratory SLPSAS, from 2008 and fixed assets and 11 items of completeness of property,
building and new art theatre accounted accordingly. This fixed assets shown in the plant and equipment
for work not performed, issue had been repeatedly financial statements. This recorded in financial
although the contract had raised in the audit reports discrepancy has continued statements. These lapses
been cancelled 2012. This issued by the AGD from from 2015. have continued for several
issue remains unresolved 2014 to 2016. years.
since then.

Segregation of Duties
92 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
4.8 Are the following Segregation of duties and Yes, but with exceptions on certain functions. E.g. unused cheque leaves are kept in the Moderate
functional internal check were custody of the Assistant who is handling payments.
responsibilities observed to be adequate.
performed by Data validation process under the accounting system was observed to be weak.
different units or
persons: (i)
authorization to
execute a
transaction; (ii)
recording of the
transaction; (iii)
custody of assets
involved in the
transaction; (iv)
reconciliation of
bank accounts and
subsidiary ledgers?

4.9 Are the functions of Yes. Moderate

ordering, receiving, Satisfactory internal check is in place.
accounting for, and
paying for goods Ordering is taking place at the faculty level (varying up to a maximum threshold of LKR 1m) or the Assistant Registrar/
and services Assistant Bursar in charge of procurement at main campus. Accounting and paying responsibility rests with the Finance
appropriately Division and receiving by the stores.
Segregation of functions at faculty level is not optimal, mainly due to narrow organization structure.

Budgeting System
Annex 2 93

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
4.10 Do budgets include Yes (where appropriate). -
physical and
financial targets?
4.11 Are budgets Yes. Low
prepared for all Prepared according to format specified by the General Treasury. Budget guidelines are issued by the General Treasury
significant activities every year which all public entities should comply with.
in sufficient detail to
allow meaningful
monitoring of

4.12 Are actual Yes. Significant variances are analysed monthly and presented to the Finance Sub Committee and University Council for Low
expenditures review. Based on any approved variances original budget allocations would be revised.
compared to the
budget with
frequency? Are
required for
significant variations
against the budget?
4.13 Are approvals for Approval required in advance for any cost overruns (which is anyway kept not more than 10% of the original budget for Moderate
variations from the any particular line item) from the University Council, with recommendations from Finance Committee.
budget required (i)
in advance, or (ii) However, it is required to set-off excess in a line item against the savings from another and total approved budget for the
after the fact? year cannot be exceeded without Treasury approval.

4.14 Is there a ceiling, up No. For spend over the budget allocation, prior approval is required but often post approval is obtained when prior
to which variations approval is not obtainable due to practical reasons.
from the budget
94 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
may be incurred
without obtaining
prior approval?

4.15 Who is responsible Vice Chancellor, Bursar and the University Council with the recommendations of Finance Committee are responsible. -
for preparation,
approval and
of budgets?

4.16 Describe the budget Budget preparations are made after consulting with and obtaining proposals from all relevant parties of the University. Low
process. Are Government universities are mandated to follow the GOSL budget process which is usually communicated by 'National
procedures in place Budget Circular, issued by General Treasury annually, titled 'Budget Call - (Year) - Guidelines and Directions for the
to plan project Preparation of Annual Budget Estimates'.
activities, collect
information from the
units in charge of
the different
components, and
prepare the
4.17 Are the project Not applicable. -
plans and budgets Plans and budgets for the proposed project are yet to be finalized.
of project activities
realistic, based on In respect of University budgets prepared in the recent past mid-year revisions have not been required unless additional
valid assumptions, allocations are needed due change in Government policy or unplanned activates (e.g. special mid-year salary increase
and developed by in 2015).
individuals? Inadequate fund release against allocations have been experienced, particularly in relation to capital expenditure.
Annex 2 95

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
Is there evidence of
significant mid-year
inadequate fund
releases against
allocations, or
inability of the EA to
released funds?

Is there evidence
that government
counterpart funding
is not made
available adequately
or on a timely basis
in prior projects?

What is the extent of

over- or under-
budgeting of major
heads over the last
3 years? Is there a
consistent trend
either way?

4.18 Do invoice- Yes. Moderate
processing The invoice processing is initiated at the division/ unit which requested/ originated the purchase. As such, relevant
procedures require: checks and scrutinizing of documents are also initially carried by the originator of transaction, followed by secondary
(i) Copies of processing of documents by the Finance Division.
96 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
purchase orders
and receiving Documents required to complete a purchase transaction include:
reports to be
obtained directly Purchase Requisition, Approval, Purchase Order (PO), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Invoice, Goods Received Note
from issuing (GRN).
departments? (ii)
Comparison of
invoice quantities,
prices and terms,
with those indicated
on the purchase
order and with
records of goods
actually received?
(iii) Comparison of
invoice quantities
with those indicated
on the receiving
reports? (iv)
Checking the
accuracy of
calculations? (v)
authenticity of
invoices and

4.19 Are all invoices Yes. 'PAID' seal is stamped on original documents upon preparation of cheque or payment of cash. Account code is Moderate
stamped PAID, assigned prior to payment.
dated, reviewed and
Annex 2 97

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
recorded/entered Validation process of data entered to the system was observed as weak as no procedure is in place to have the entered
into the system data verified by a second person (or online validation of data entered at the payment approval stage.)
correctly, and
clearly marked for
account code

4.20 Do controls exist for Limited controls were in existence. Moderate

the preparation of
the payroll? Are Modifications to employee master files are required to be carried out by a staff officer (i.e. .Assistant Bursar or above).
(additions/deduction However, due to weak password controls observed (use of single password by multiple users), integrity of payroll
s/modifications) to preparation process cannot be upheld.
the payroll properly

Policies And Procedures

4.21 What is the basis of Accrual Basis' is applied by the entity and the same basis is expected to be applied for the project. Low
accounting (e.g.,
cash, accrual)
followed (i) by the
entity? (ii) By the
4.22 What accounting Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards (SLPSAS) are followed and the 'Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (SLAS) Low
standards are are applied wherever the Accrual Basis.
Financial Reporting
98 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
International Public
Sector Accounting
Standards – cash or
accrual, or National
Standards (specify)
or other?

4.23 Does the project Accountability of the university is governed by the Establishment Code and Financial Regulations – 1992 applicable to Low
have adequate state entities.
policies and
procedures Further, the legal framework governing Universities includes Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, Finance Act No. 38 of 1971
manual(s) to guide and Circulars issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) from time to time.
activities and ensure
staff accountability? It is expected that same policies, procedures and guidelines would be applicable, where appropriate, to any project
implemented by the Universities.

4.24 Is the accounting Accounting Policy and Procedure applicable to the Universities are based on the Financial Regulations - 1992 (FR), Low
policy and Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and Finance Act No. 38 of 1971, and the ‘Sri Lanka Public Sector Account.ng Standards’
procedure manual (SLPSAS).
updated regularly
and for the project Any updates would be dependent upon amendments to the aforementioned, which along with any deviations
activities? recommended, are notified by the UGC through circulars issued from time to time, for compliance.
4.25 Do procedures exist Yes. Low
to ensure that only
authorized persons There is only limited leeway to alter or establish a new accounting policy or procedure at the University level. Accounting
can alter or policies and procedures are as determined and authorized by the UGC on university-wide basis within the guidelines
establish a new and recommendation in the government’s Financial Regulations (FR 1992) and other regulations referred to herein
accounting policy or before.
procedure to be
used by the entity?
Annex 2 99

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
4.26 Are there written No specific procedure manual is available. Instead, circulars issued by the UGC, 'Universities Act No. 16 of 1978', Moderate
policies and 'Finance Act No 38 of 1971', NPA Procurement Guidelines and 'Financial Regulations - 1992' are required to be adhered
procedures covering to.
all routine financial
management and
4.27 Do policies and Establishment Code and Financial Regulations address safeguards relating to ‘Conflict of Interest’. Moderate
procedures clearly
define conflict of
interest and related
party transactions
(real and apparent)
and provide
safeguards to
protect the
organization from
4.28 Are manuals All appropriate personnel are required to be conversant with regulatory pronouncements referred to in section 4.26 Moderate
distributed to above, which are in public domain and available for reference at the University.
4.29 Describe how Primarily, the University Council bears the responsibility for oversight on compliance with policies and procedures, where Low
compliance with the internal audit units (both at University and UGC levels) performs as apparatus for such monitoring. The annual
policies and external audit by the AGD also monitors the compliance aspect in a wider perspective.
procedures are
verified and
Cash and Bank
100 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
4.30 Indicate names and Only Bursar and Registrar Only Bursar and Registrar of Only Bursar and Registrar Only Bursar and Registrar -
positions of of the university (including the university (including their of the university (including of the university (including
authorized their deputies and deputies and assistants), in their deputies and their deputies and
signatories for bank assistants), in addition to addition to the Vice assistants), in addition to assistants), in addition to
accounts. Include the Vice Chancellor are Chancellor are authorized the Vice Chancellor are the Vice Chancellor are
those persons who authorized signatories for signatories for bank authorized signatories for authorized signatories for
have custody over bank transactions as noted transactions as noted below: bank transactions as noted bank transactions as noted
bank passwords, below: below: below:
USB keys, or First/ second signatory:
equivalent for online First/ second signatory: 1. Ms. U.T.M.I.D. First/ second signatory: First/ second signatory:
transactions. 1. Mrs. K T C Priyangani - Thennakoon - Bursar 1. Mr M.I.F Rahman – 1. Mr. K A R S Jayakody -
Bursar 2. Ms. D.C. Fernando - Bursar Chief Accountant/ Bursar
2. Mrs. P H C M Hiripitiya - Deputy Bursar 2. Mr R.M Dassanayake – 2. Mr. K D D S Sugathapala
Deputy Bursar 3. Mr. H.M.N.C. Herath - Deputy Bursar - Senior Assistant Bursar
3. Mr. G H Gamini - Deputy Deputy Bursar 3. Mr S.K Godakumbura – 3. Mr. R M N K Rathnayake -
Bursar 4. Ms. W.L.S. Wijesekara – Deputy Bursar Assistant Bursar
4. Mrs. J T L Dharmasena - Senior Assistant Bursar 4. Mr D.M.R Samantha – 4. Ms. C P Hatharasinghe -
Deputy Bursar 5. Ms. A.N. Samaranayake – Assistant Bursar Assistant Bursar
5. Mrs. Priyangika Assistant Bursar 5. Mr J.M.S.K Jayalath – 5. Mr. K H A De Silva -
Chandradasa - Deputy Bursar 6. Mr. P.H.U. Nissanka - Assistant Bursar Assistant Bursar
6. Ms. Mayuri Suraweera - Assistant Bursar 6. Ms M.G.D.C Muhandiram 6. Ms. A Liyanagamage -
Senior Assistant Bursar 7. Ms. S.U. Nanayakkara - – Assistant Bursar Assistant Bursar
7. Mrs. Dammika Galkaduwa - Assistant Bursar
Senior Assistant Bursar Second signatory only Second signatory only
8. Mrs. S Walpola - Senior Second signatory only: 1. Prof. K.H.R Wijewardhana 1. Mr. M Sunil Shantha –
Assistant Bursar 1. Prof. D.M. Semasingha - - Vice Chancellor Vice Chancellor
9. Mr. K H U D W Kumara - Vice Chancellor 2. Mr. A.M.G.B. Abesinghe - 2. Mr. M F H Careem –
Senior Assistant Bursar 2. Mr. W.M.Karunarathna - Registrar Registrar
10. Ms. A A K N Ranasinghe - Registrar 3. Mr. N.C Sudath Senaka - 3. Mr. K Gunawardana –
Senior Assistant Bursar 3. Ms. A.L.M.S.D. Abeygoda Deputy Registrar Deputy Registrar
11. Mr. Mohan Nandana - - Deputy Registrar 4. Mr. S.A.I. Somarathne - 4. Ms. S D D Hiranthi -
Senior Assistant Bursar 4. Ms. M.M.N.T.K Yalagama - Senior Assistant Registrar Senior Assistant Registrar
12. Mrs. G W L Priyanthika - Deputy Registrar 5. Mr. C. Hettige - Senior 5. Mr. M L Warnasuriya -
Assistant Bursar Assistant Registrar Senior Assistant Registrar
Annex 2 101

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
13. Mrs. M G Kumukage - 5. Mr. R.M.M.L.B. 6. Mr. M.M.S. Sanjeewa - 6. Mr. J G P U Rathnayake
Assistant Bursar Wewegama - Senior Senior Assistant Registrar Senior Asst. Registrar
14. Mrs. Uthpala Dissanayake - Assistant Registrar 7. Mr. W.M.U Keerthirathne - 7. Ms. M L W O M
Assistant Bursar 6. Mr. B.A.N. Krishantha - Senior Assistant Registrar Karunaratne – Assistant
Senior Asst. Registrar 8. Mr. A.R Ramesh - Senior Registrar
Second signatory only: 7. Mr. K.A.B. Damunupola - Assistant Registrar 8. Mr. M Z M Rizan –
1. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge - Senior Assistant Registrar 9. Ms. P.J Senevirathna - Assistant Registrar
Vice Chancellor 8. Mr. K.B.S.L. Wijerathna - Assistant Registrar 9. Ms. H M D Y Herath –
2. Mr. K Gnanasiri Britto - Senior Assistant Registrar 10. Mr. W.B. Dissanayake - Assistant Registrar
Registrar 9. Mr. M. Piyathilaka - Senior Assistant Registrar 10. Mr. G A D M Thennakoon
3. Mr. L L Wasantha Perera - Assistant Registrar 11. Mr. M. Arunshankar - – Assistant Registrar
Deputy Registrar 10. Ms. W.E.M. Wagalath - Assistant Registrar 11. Ms. A A S Priyadarshanee
4. Mr. Anuraddha Bandara Senior Assistant Registrar 12. Ms. D.M.N.S. – Assistant Registrar
Welivita - Deputy Registrar 11. W.N.P.M.N.N. Dissanayake - Assistant 12. Ms. R N Neluwapathirana
5. Mr. Kolitha Bandara - Deputy Karunarathana - Assistant Registrar – Assistant Registrar
Registrar Registrar 13. Mr. W.M.K.Upuldeniya - 13. Ms. N Subothini –
6. Mr. Nalinda Dharmaratne - 12. Ms. D. Pushpa Tharangani Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar
Deputy Registrar - Assistant Registrar 14. Ms. S.D.S.K. 14. Ms. H H K N Dharmasiri –
7. Ms. A M S Mendis - Deputy 13. Mr. S. Maniwannan - Samarathunga - Assistant Assistant Registrar
Registrar Assistant Registrar Registrar
8. Ms. U D S S Gunasinghe - 14. Ms. J.T.M. Jayasinghe - 15. Ms. H.S.M.D.S.M.
Senior Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Samarakoone - Assistant
9. Mrs. P K C Senarath - 15. Ms. A.S.P. Dodanthanna - Registrar
Senior Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar 16. Dr. B.A Karunarathne -
10. Mrs. K P Y T Malkanthi - Dean
Senior Assistant Registrar 17. Dr. K.G.A Udayakumara -
11. Mr. N S Thalagune - Senior Dean
Assistant Registrar 18. Dr. C.R Withanachchi -
12. Mr. Manjula Thalgahagoda Dean
- Senior Assistant Registrar 19. Prof. S.H Siribaddana -
13. Mrs. Preethika Dean
Weheragoda - Senior Assistant 20. Dr. A.M.J.B Adikari - Dean
14. Mrs. H K S D Geeganage -
Senior Assistant Registrar
102 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
15. Mrs. Charya G Balasooriya
- Assistant Registrar
16. Mrs. W K B P Lakshanthie -
Assistant Registrar
17. Ms. A D S Samadaree -
Assistant Registrar
18. Mr. U R Sumathipala -
Assistant Registrar
19. Mrs. V B De Labrooy -
Assistant Registrar
20. Mrs. L P Perera - Assistant
21. Ms. W M S Maduwanthi -
Assistant Registrar
22. Mrs. A K A S Amarasinghe
- Assistant Registrar
4.31 Does the Yes. Yes. Entries are made to the Yes. Entries are made to Yes. Moderate
organization Entries are made to the cash book in the computer the cash book in the Undergraduate studies –
maintain an cash book in the computer system and updated on a computer system and Separate Cash Books are
adequate and up-to- system and updated on a regular basis. In addition, a updated on a regular basis. maintained for the two
date cashbook regular basis. manual register is also In addition, a manual accounts with Bank of
recording receipts maintained for all payments register is also maintained Ceylon.
and payments? made in cheques/ by cash. for all payments made in
cheques/ by cash. Faculty of Graduate
Studies –
A separate Cash Book is
maintained for the account
with Bank of Ceylon.

Centre for Open and

Distance Learning –
Separate Cash Books are
maintained for the two
Annex 2 103

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
accounts with Bank of

4.32 Describe the Collection is made by Shroff (cashier) and deposited daily (usually, same or on the following working day) into the Moderate
collection process relevant bank accounts. Receipts are entered to the system on regular basis.
and cash handling
procedures. Do Through a system introduced by the University, all payments made by students (external, distance learning, post
controls exist for the graduate) as fees are required to be directly deposited in the designated bank accounts by the students themselves.
collection, timely
deposit and Apart from the above average daily cash collections were observed to be minimal as bulk of the funds are remitted by
recording of receipts the General Treasury direct to the bank.
at each collection
4.33 Are bank accounts Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Moderate
reconciled on a All bank accounts for 2017 All bank accounts are All bank accounts are All bank accounts had been
monthly basis? Or had been reconciled reconciled monthly. reconciled monthly. reconciled up to May 2017.
more often? monthly.
Is cash on hand Cash in hand is physically Cash in hand is physically Physical cash count is
physically verified, Cash counts are taken on verified periodically/ when verified once in two weeks weekly, every Friday.
and reconciled with ad-hoc basis. shroffs (cashiers) take turns. and when shroffs (cashiers)
the cash books? take turns. Physical
With what frequency Preparation of monthly bank balances are reconciled
is this done? reconciliation statements for with books.
2018 had not been
completed up to the time of
conducting this assessment.
Reasons provided were that
due the trade union actions
(work stoppage) by non-
academic staff at the
Universities during
104 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
February/ March 2018
disrupted this work.
4.34 Are all reconciling Yes. Bank reconciliations are checked and certified by the Assistant Bursar, in charge. Moderate
items approved and
4.35 Are all unusual All unusual items are required to be identified, clarified and entered into the cash book (system) via journal entries. The Moderate
items on the bank Assistant Bursar, in charge is required to check and certify the journal entries.
reviewed and
approved by a
responsible official?
4.36 Are there any No. No. No. Moderat
persistent/non- e
moving reconciling All non-moving items are Although the non-moving items should be cleared with All non-moving items are
items? reversed from reconciliation appropriate accounting treatment after six months as per reversed from reconciliation
after six months. standing instructions, unrectified and non-moving items after six months.
were observed in the latest reconciliations.

4.37 Are there appropriate Yes. The unused cheques/ No. Controls over unused Yes. Moderate
controls in cheque books, USB keys cheques were observed to
safekeeping of Unused cheque leaves are are kept in the safe be inadequate. As Unused cheque leaves are
unused cheques, kept under lock, under the available at the payments observed, cheques had kept under custody (under
USB keys and responsibility of Bursar of division of the finance and been stored in a cupboard lock) of Staff Assistant in
passwords, official the University. accounting department of in the Finance Division with charge of payments.
receipts and the University. A Deputy physical access to more
invoices? Bursar is responsible for the than one person.
key of the safe.

Receipts are kept in the

safety locker available at
Annex 2 105

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Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
Shroff’s office and the key is
available with the Shroff.

4.38 Are any large cash No large cash balances are No large cash balances are No. No large cash balances are Moderate
balances maintained, except for the maintained, except for the Current cash and petty maintained, except for the
maintained at the daily collection. Usually daily collection pending cash imprests at Bursar's daily collection pending
head office or field banking is done daily (on all banking on next business office (main campus) are banking on next business
offices? If so, for business days) at difference day. LKR 50,000 = USD 320 day.
what purpose? times. each, with maximum
Petty cash floats are payment of LKR10,000 per Petty cash floats are
maintained at each faculty/ voucher for main cash and maintained at Bursar Office,
unit. Size of the float and LKR 5,000 per voucher for each Faculty and
ceiling per payment vary. petty cash respectively. At Department Size of the float
field offices (faculties) limits and ceiling per payment
There are two types of petty are lower than the above. vary as below
cash floats maintained. One
is LKR 5,000 and the other Bursar Office/ Deans of
is LKR 50,000. These floats Faculties – Float LKR
are allowed to spend with a 25,000 (voucher limit LKR
voucher limit of LKR 250 5,000)
and LKR 5,000 respectively,
depending on the nature of Faculties – Float LKR
the expenditure. 25,000 (voucher limit LKR
The float LKR 50,000 is
mainly used to reimburse
travel expenditure, fuel etc.

4.39 For online No online transactions are Bursar and a Subject Clerk Only 4 persons (Bursar, No online transactions are Low
transactions, how effected. However, (Computer Application one Assistant Bursar and 2 effected.
many persons authorised staff have Assistant - CAA) are Book Keepers have online
106 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
possess USB keys permission to access some authorised check bank access bank accounts
(or equivalent), and bank accounts to verify balance online using their through passwords for the
passwords? transactions and balances. user names and passwords. purpose of checking
Describe the account balances only.
security rules on A corporate credit card is
password and available to make online
access controls. payments, such as
international affiliation fees,
with a limit of LKR 500,000.
Bursar is authorised to
make such upon Vice
Chancellor’s approval.

Safeguard over Assets

4.40 What policies and The university identify the following procedures that have been implemented safeguard assets: Moderate
procedures are in
place to adequately Recording of and accounting for all assets held by the university.
safeguard or protect Periodic physical verifications/ annual Board of Survey.
assets from fraud, University-wide round the clock security system.
waste and abuse? Insurance cover for assets such as cash and vehicles.
Accountability for assets by those who hold/ use them.
Adherence to University Establishment Code (Adopted from public Establishment Code) which spells out procedures
for safeguarding assets from fraud, waste and abuse.

4.41 Does the entity Yes. No. A formal fixed assets Yes. Yes. High (UK)
maintain a Fixed register is not maintained. Fixed assets register is Presently, separate Fixed
Assets Register? Is Fixed Assets registers are maintained centrally at Assets Registers are Moderate
the register updated maintained by each The online system (‘UK Bursar's office (Master maintained for each (other)
monthly? Does the Division/ Faculty and a Finance’) developed in- Register) which is updated operational unit (i.e.
register record Master FA register is house is used by the monthly, recording the administrative offices,
ownership of assets, maintained centrally at University for maintenance ownership of assets and faculties and other service
Annex 2 107

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
any assets under Bursar’s office. All these of assets and inventory location. facilities). However, no
lien or encumbered, records are expected to be movements. This system ‘Master Fixed Assets
or have been updated regularly. captures data pertaining to Although fixed asset Register’ has been
pledged? Purchases Order (PO), inventories are maintained introduced and maintained,
Annual Board Of Surveys Goods Received Notes at various departments/ which seriously impairs the
involve with physical (GRNs) and Goods Issued offices they have never integrity of the control
verification of assets. to requesting user division been reconciled with the system.
on a day to day basis. Master Register maintained
centrally. Authorities informed that an
However, this system does automated ‘Fixed Assets
not capture data such as Further, assets entered in Register’ and a control
exact locations of the the register have been system are under
assets, any assets under assigned identification development and it could
lien or encumbered or have codes but such codes had be implemented at the
been pledged. not been indicated/ beginning of 2018.
imprinted on the
corresponding asset
(coding is not a requirement
for assets such as vehicles
having registration number)

4.42 Are subsidiary Yes. Yes. Yes. High (UK)

records of fixed No effective reconciliation Reconciliations have been carried out at central level but
assets, inventories As noted in 4.41 above. process is in place not with records maintained at the periphery. Moderate
and stocks kept up (other)
to date and
reconciled with
control accounts?
4.43 Are there periodic Yes. Yes. Yes. Moderate
physical inventories Verifications (by the Board of Survey) being carried out Physical verification (Board Verifications (by the Board
of fixed assets, annually, usually in December/ January in every year. of Survey) had been carried of Survey) tare done
108 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
inventories and out annually. Occasionally annually, usually in
stocks? Are fixed assets had been labelled December/ January.
assets, inventories with codes which were
and stocks however, different from
appropriately codes assigned in the FA
labelled? register.

4.44 Are the physical Yes. Moderate

inventory of fixed Verified physical balances have been compared with inventories maintained by user units but not with FA registers
assets and stocks maintained centrally. Variations have been investigated after the physical verification (Board of Survey) and action
reconciled with the initiated for recovery of losses from those held responsible.
respective fixed
assets and stock
registers, and
analysed and
4.45 Describe the Recommendation made for disposal will be forwarded by Disposal items are identified by a committee appointed by Moderate
policies and Board of Survey to General Administration Division, which the University Council. Disposal made accordingly with the
procedures in is headed by the Registrar. Alternative a request for Council's approval.
disposal of assets. disposal could be made by the respective divisional/ faculty
Is the disposal of head as well Committee is represented by Internal Auditor,
each asset Representative of the Bursar and Examination Division.
appropriately Vice Chancellor will appoint a committee with 3 or 5
approved and members including Internal Auditor, Technical Officer to Action for repairs/ renovations taken by appropriate
recorded? Are steps carry forward the disposal action - either to destroy, auction division, upon notification.
immediately taken or to donate to schools, which requested similar items.
to locate lost, or
repair broken
assets? Generally, disposal takes The committee will obtain
place via public auction, tender by publishing the
Annex 2 109

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
following notification made information on the University
through newspaper notice board and at closest
advertisements. Government Institutes to
destroy and auction the
items recommended for
same by BoS.

The information is not

published via newspaper
advertisement, as not much
benefit is expected by the
4.46 Are assets Insurance cover is obtained Insurance cover obtained only for motor vehicles and cash in hand/ transit. Moderate
sufficiently covered for all assets owned by the
by insurance University.

4.47 Describe the As per the UGC guidelines assets are depreciated and fully depreciated and usable assets are revalued and taken back Low
policies and to account as per guidelines in the Establishment Code/ UGC circulars.
procedures in
identifying and Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standard #07 applies in this respect.
maintaining fully
depreciated assets
from active assets.

Other Offices and

Implementing Entities
4.48 Describe any other The proposed 'Faculty of The proposed 'Faculty of The proposed 'Faculty of Faculty of Applied Sciences Low
regional offices or Engineering' project comes Technology' project at Technology' project is is expected to promote the
executing entities under the purview of ‘Dean University of Kelaniya is initially to be promoted by proposed 'Faculty of
– Faculty of Engineering’. initially to be promoted by the 'Faculty of Applied Technology'.
110 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
participating in (Admission of students to the 'Faculty of Applied Sciences' and the Dean of
implementation. the new Engineering Faculty Sciences'. which is entrusted with the
had commenced two years responsibility of project
back, using a temporary A few batchers are already implementation. 'Project
rented facility. Two batches in enrolment, particularly in Coordinator' also is
of students have currently ICT related programmes. attached to the Faculty of
been enrolled.) Applied Sciences, which is
The University has identified at a location separate from
The University has identified a separate block of land the main campus.
a separate block of land away from the main
away from the main University campus for the
University campus to set up Faculty of Technology.
the ‘Faculty of Engineering’.
There are no other regional offices, institutes or affiliated facilities participating in the implementation.

4.49 Describe the staff, 'Project Implementation Unit' (PIU) is to be established by drawing human resources from across the University as well Moderate
their roles and as new recruitments where necessary when HR are not available from within.
responsibilities in
performing of such The basic staffing for accounting and financial management functions of the proposed PIU could include:
offices as they (1) Bursar: to hold responsibility for overall accounting, reporting, financial management and control functions. These key
relate to the project. functions could be fulfilled on time share basis as volumes of work pertaining to new project is not expected to be high.

(2) Project Accountant - a Deputy/ Assistant Bursar may be considered for appointment by the university on time share
(3) Staff Assistant (1 or 2 positions) - to be assigned by the university on full/ part time basis (mainly, payment
processing, accounting, record keeping and administrative functions).

4.50 Has the project No – the project is yet to be floated. -

segregation of
duties, controls and
Annex 2 111

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Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
procedures for flow However, such segregations have been made to a limited extent in the current University system due to fewer number of
of funds and staff available within a sub unit/ office. (E.g. the officer processing payments in finance division at University Head/ Sub
financial Office, also enters payments to computer system and prints cheques.)
accountability, and
reporting and audits
in relation to the
other offices or
4.51 Does information Information flow to offices such as UGC and MHECA are made on reporting templates provided by information Moderate
among the different requesting agencies.
implementing Although same accounting and reporting system is applied across all universities, the software packages being used /
agencies flow in an processing capabilities among them vary significantly.
accurate and timely
fashion? In Bottle necks and occasional delays in the information flow were evident at the assessments.
particular, do the
offices other than
the head office use
the same
accounting and
reporting system?

4.52 Are periodic Yes. Yes. Not applicable (due to Moderate

reconciliations Monthly reconciliations are carried out where the situation Currently, separate sub centralised system being
performed among demands. offices under finance are used).
the different offices/ maintained only for the
implementing Separate audit arrangements are made for the University faculties/ institutes located
agencies? Describe and the other agencies. However, as and when required remote to the main campus.
the project reporting the inter-institution balances are compared to check
and auditing accuracy.
112 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
arrangements Funds needed for such
between these faculties/ institutes are
offices and the main transferred by central
executing/ finance unit periodically and
implementing transfer out and in accounts
agencies. maintained by each end are
reconciled monthly.

4.53 If any sub-accounts No sub-accounts are maintained. Faculty level sub accounts No sub-accounts are Moderate
(under the imprest maintained under the maintained.
Account) will be responsibility of an
maintained, Assistant Bursar and Senior
describe the results Assistant Registrar
of the assessment assigned to the respective
of the financial faculty, are monitored by
management Finance Division regularly.
capacity of the No separate position is
administrator of available within the
such sub-accounts. university system to
administer such accounts.

Contract Management
and Accounting
4.54 Does the agency Yes. A separate ledger account is maintained for each contract to charge costs, which Contract wise accounting Moderat
maintain contract- would be treated as 'Capital Work in Progress' until the work is completed and handed accounts are maintained at e
wise accounting over by the contractor. the Finance Division which
records to indicate disseminates only the
gross value of In addition, a personal account is maintained in the name of the contractor under extent of payments made
contract, and any 'Creditors' for each contract. for each contract plus
amendments, payables on work certified.
variations and
Annex 2 113

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
escalations, Other information such as
payments made, gross value, amendments,
and undisbursed variations, escalations are
balances? Are the not captured in the financial
records consistent accounting system but
with physical memorandum records are
outputs/deliverables maintained in respective
of the contract? contract files (manual)
under the Senior Assistant
Registrar in charge of
contracts administration
(capital works/

4.55 If contract records No. Contract records are maintained independently by the university, based on certified bills submitted by the contractor. High
are maintained, It was however contended that the year end balances would be selected randomly at the External Audit to call for direct
does the agency confirmations.
reconcile them
regularly with the

4.56 Describe project The project is currently (as of May 2018) in negotiation stage. The university authorities will be required to apply same -
arrangements for systems, controls and procedures being used for the University in reporting fraud, corruption, waste and misuse, to the
reporting fraud, project too if it is not implemented as an activity independent and standalone from routine University operations.
corruption, waste
and misuse of In this respect, the Internal Audit unit of the university is expected to play a major role. Further, all employees within and
project resources. outside of the project are expected to be 'Whistle Blowers' in relation to fraud, corruption, waste and misuse of project
Has the project resources.
114 Annex 2

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Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
advised employees,
beneficiaries and The annual external audit of the project may be carried out as part of the audit carried out by the AGD. There are
other recipients to provisions to engage private audit entities (firms), with the approval of the ADB to carry out annual statutory audit of the
whom to report if project. Such a provision may have to be included as a special clause in the loan agreement.
they suspect fraud,
waste or misuse of
project resources or
5. Internal Audit
5.1 Is there an internal Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Moderate
audit (IA) The University initially University established in University established in University established in
department in the established in 1959 and 1959 and the Internal Audit 1996 and the Internal Audit 1996 and the Internal Audit
entity? Internal Audit Branch had Division has been in Division established in Division established in
been there for over 30 existence for over 20 years. 1999. 2000.
The functions of the Internal Audit Divisions of the respective Universities are coordinated with the internal audit units of
the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Ministry of Higher Education snd Cultural Affairs (MHECA).

Internal Auditor of UGC participates at Audit Committee Meetings, by invitation, at University of Sri Jayewardenepura and
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Internal Auditor of UGC also visits the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka at least twice a
year and performs audits of selected areas.

Evidence of participation by either the Internal Auditor of UGC or the Chief Internal Auditor of MHECA was not available
at University of Kelaniya, and Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.

5.2 What are the Current Positions: Current Positions: Current Positions: Current Positions: -
qualifications and Deputy Internal Auditor Senior Assistant Internal Senior Internal Audit Senior Internal Auditor
experience of the IA Commencement of Auditors (two) Assistant Commencement of
staff? employment 2014 May (iv) Commencement of Commencement of employment: 2013
( Currently on study leave - employment: 2007 employment: 2010 June. December. (Will transfer to
2016 Dec.to 2018 Nov. – An another university in future)
Annex 2 115

Responses Potential
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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
Acting Deputy Internal November (on Study (May transfer to another Audit Clerk
Auditor is in place from Leave). university in future) Commencement of
2016 December to date) (v) Commencement of Computer Application employment: 2016
employment: 2005 Assistant September
Audit Assistant (Grade II) March. Commencement of
Commencement of Staff Assistant (Clerical employment: 2008 January Approved Cadre:
employment: 2017 October Service) Trainee Senior Internal Auditor
Commencement of Commencement of Two Audit Assistants*
Clerks (Two) employment: 1998 August. employment: 2014 July One Clerk
(1) Grade III - Audit Assistant (Grade II) *DMS approval obtained in
Commencement of Commencement of Approved Cadre: 2017.
employment: 2015 employment: 2010 Senior Internal Audit
November February. Assistant Current personnel
(2) Grade III - Computer Application Two Audit Assistants* resources are not adequate
Commencement of Assistant One Computer Application to carry out internal audit
employment: 2009 Commencement of Assistant function effectively. Delay in
December. employment: 2005 Trainee Assistant recruitment due to lack of
September. *DMS approval obtained in funds.
Staff Assistant Clerk - Grade III (Two) 2016 and applications
Commencement of (viii) Commencement of closed last month.
employment: 1998 employment: 2012
December January. Current personnel
(ix) Commencement of resources are not adequate
employment: 2016 to carry out tasks efficiently
Approved Cadre: October. and the cadre approved by
Approved cadre DMS was based on
requirement is five (5) Audit Approved Cadre: requirement at the time of
Assistants, but only four (4) Approved cadre requirement request and will not meet
comprising one Staff is ten (10), but only seven present requirements.
Assistant, one Audit (7) is available. Only one (1) Current expectation is at
Assistant and two Clerks Audit Assistant is there least five Audit Assistants
are available. within the seven (7) and at to cover each Faculty.
116 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
least two (2) more are
Current personnel required.
resources are considered
inadequate to carry out Current personnel resources
tasks efficiently. are considered inadequate
to carry out tasks efficiently.

Please refer Attachment 13 for qualifications and experience of Internal Auditors.

5.3 To whom does the Vice Chancellor (VC). In addition, the audit queries raised to the VC are discussed at quarterly Audit Committee High
head of the internal Meetings (ACM).
audit report?
5.4 Will the internal Yes, the project expenditure No. Prepared to include if Yes, the project Moderate
audit department will be subjected to audit if At the time of finalising the required human resources expenditure will be
include the project project expenditures are loan agreement, the are available. Currently, the subjected to audit based on
in its annual work included in the financial requirement for internal two World Bank Projects availability of resources.
program? statements of the University. audit or external audit of the implemented are not
project expenditure by an subject to audit by the However, at the time of
independent third party Internal Audit Division. finalising the loan
needs to be considered. agreement, the requirement
Independent third party for internal audit or external
audit teams have audit of the project
conducted audits of the expenditure by an
Projects’ expenditure independent third party
statements. However, needs to be considered.
additions to Property, Plant
and Equipment resulting
from the Projects civil works
are subject to audit by the
Internal Audit Division.
Annex 2 117

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
5.5 Are actions taken on Yes, discussed at Audit Committee (AC) meetings at Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura, Kelaniya, and Rajarata Moderate
the internal audit University and at the Audit and Management Committee (AMC) meetings at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and
findings? action taken for follow up and clearance.
5.6 What is the scope of Annual Internal Audit Annual Internal Audit Plan Annual Internal Audit Plan Annual Internal Audit Moderate
the internal audit Programme lists14 to 17 specifies the focus, extent developed covers Financial Programme covers all
program? How was items including several and boundary of an internal Statement Areas (Fixed divisions of the University
it developed? financial functions and audit. Assets, Stores, etc.) and and additionally, addresses
physical asset verifications Financial Activities financial activities of the
including cash, inventories, The Plan covers all seven (Procurement, Payroll, etc.) Centre of Distance
fixed assets and (7) faculties of the University Learning/ External Degree
accommodates changes (Science, Medicine, Social In developing the plan, Programme, Farm
discussed at Audit science, Humanities, emphasis had been placed Operations and Post
Committee. Commerce and on financial activity areas Graduate University.
management, Computing and disciplines which are
All seven (7) faculties of the including technology and significant and time VC also gives instructions
University (Humanities and post graduate). required in previous year. on specific areas to be
Social Sciences, Applied covered.
Sciences, Management Additionally, the Plan However, the plan does not
Studies and Commerce, addresses financial activities specify the time required The Annual Internal Audit
Medical Sciences, Graduate of the following three (3) but identifies the month/s in Programme is based on the
Studies, Technology and Institutes: which audit will be previous year’s programme
Engineering) are covered in 1. Gampaha performed. with gradual upgrading on
addition to the External Wickramarachchi The plan is submitted to the risk areas identified.
Degree Unit, Welfare Ayurveda Institute Auditor General and is also Further, consultation is
Department, Hostel 2. Paali and Buddhist Post concurred with the Internal made with other sister
(common0 and Stores. Graduate Institute, Audit Units of UGC and Universities to develop the
Kohuwala MHECA. programme.
Pre-audits of all payments 3. Post graduate institute
for contractual services, of Archaeology, The Programme does not
bond and agreement Bauddhaloka Mawatha. specify the time required for
calculations, release of each task but identifies the
118 Annex 2

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University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
University Provident Fund The Plan had been month/s in which tasks will
(UPF) and payment of developed based on be performed.
pension and gratuity are circulars issued by the
covered 100%. Further, any Department of Management The Programme is
special areas or matters that Audit to the MHECA and submitted to the Auditor
are requested to be subject considers both post and pre General and is also
to audit by the Audit and audit. Further, the Plan concurred with the Internal
Management Committee takes into consideration, the Audit Units of the UGC and
(AMC) and special objectives of the MHECA.
investigation at the request organisation, risks
of the Vice Chancellor are assessment, sample and
covered 100%. the internal audit objectives.

The Programme is The Plan is submitted to the

developed based on Auditor General and is also
circulars issued by the concurred with the Internal
Department of Management Audit Units of the UGC and
Audit [DMA/2009 (i) dated MHECA.
09 June 2009] and guidance
obtained from UGC.

The Programme is
submitted to the
Government Audit (AGD) for
their comments and after
discussion at the AMC the
revised version submitted to
5.7 Is the IA department Independent and reports directly to VC. High
Annex 2 119

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
5.8 Do they perform Yes. University Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension payments, all construction payments from mobilization to final -
pre-audit of payment are subject to pre-audit. At the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, pre-audits are also conducted for selected
transactions? supplies and vehicle repairs.

5.9 Who approves the Approved at an Audit Committee (AC) meeting at University of Kelaniya, and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and at Moderate
internal audit Audit and Management Committee (AMC) meetings at University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Sabaragamuwa
program? University of Sri Lanka, where Council members including the VC are present except for at University of Sri
Jayewardenepura where the VC is not present for AMC meetings.

5.10 What standards Auditing Standards issued by the CA Sri Lanka, Financial and Administrative Regulations, Establishment Code, Low
guide the internal Government Circulars (including Public Enterprise Department / Treasury Circular No. 48), Certain regulations issued by
audit program? Finance Ministry and Sri Lanka Public Sector Auditing Standards.

5.11 How are audit UGC sends separate team from time to time to conduct audits over certain areas already covered at Universities of Moderate
deficiencies Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa. At the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, the Annual Internal Audit Programme
tracked? and the Internal Audit Reports are shared with the UGC and Auditor General’s Department staff who follow-up to ensure
the planned activities in the programme are performed in time and also follow-up on issues reported. Further, the AMC
members of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura includes two Chartered Accountants who provide guidance to
address deficiencies.

However, there are no formal systems to track audit deficiencies.

5.12 How long have the Deputy Internal Auditor Senior Assistant Internal Assistant Internal Auditor – Senior Internal Auditor - =
internal audit staff (One) Auditors 07 years 03.5 years
members been with 04 years (1) 09.5 years
the organization? (2) 12 years Computer Application Audit Clerk - 10 months
Staff Assistant (Clerical Assistant - 09 years
Service) – 20 years Staff Assistant (Clerical
Service) – 19 years Trainee – 01 year
Audit Assistant (Grade II) –
0.5 years
120 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
Audit Assistants (Grade II) –
Clerks (Two) 07 years
(1) Grade III – 05 years
(2) Grade III – 15 years Computer Application
Assistant (Grade II) – 12

Clerk (Grade III)

(1) 05 years
(2) 01 year

Please refer response to section 5.2 above.

5.13 Does any of the Yes. All staff in the internal Yes. Most staff in the Yes. Assistant Internal Senior Internal Auditor - IT Moderate
internal audit staff audit division are internal audit division are Auditor with her experience literacy is high.
have an IT conversant with IT and can conversant with IT and can and the Computer Clerk - Graduate who is
background? independently process data independently process data Application Assistant with capable of handling IT.
and generate reports. and generate reports. her experience and
qualifications have
exposure to IT.

5.14 How frequently does The Deputy Internal Auditor, Senior Assistant Internal Auditors, the Assistant Internal Auditor and the Senior Internal Moderate
the internal auditor Auditor of Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura, Kelaniya, Rajarata, and Sabaragamuwa respectively meets with the
meet with the audit Audit Committee (AC) / Audit and Management Committee (AMC) at every quarter as either the Convener or Secretary.
committee without
the presence of However, VC (except at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura), Council Members, the Registrar/ Assistant Registrar,
management? Bursar/ Acting Head of Finance and Assistant Bursars and sometimes the Works Engineer and other required officials
are present at these meetings as participants or by invitation. This indicates that the Internal Auditor meets with the Audit
Committee in the presence of management. Such presence is in accordance with Public Enterprise Circular No. 55 of 14
Dec 2010.
Annex 2 121

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
5.15 Has the internal Yes. Moderate
auditor identified / At Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, only rare instances of issues in relation to availability and completeness of
reported any issue records had been reported.
with reference to
availability and
completeness of
5.16 Does the internal No. However, if required knowledge and understanding can be gathered. Moderate
auditor have
sufficient knowledge
and understanding
of ADB’s guidelines
and procedures,
including the
guidelines and
procedures (i.e.,

6. External Audit – entity

6.1 Is the entity financial Annually audited by Auditor General (AG). AG staff present at four (4) Universities led by either an Assistant Auditor Moderate
statement audited General (AAG) or Superintendent of Audit, who participates at ACM. These officers are supported by staff of at least 3 –
regularly by an 4.
auditor? Who is the
6.2 Are there any Yes. Please refer Attachment 4 - Timeliness in audits conducted by AG. Moderate
delays in audit of
the entity? When
122 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
are the audit reports

6.3 Is the audit of the Audit is conducted in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards consistent with International Auditing Standards of Low
entity conducted in Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI 1000 – 1810).
accordance with the
Standards on
Auditing, or the
Standards for
Supreme Audit
Institutions, or
national auditing
6.4 Were there any Yes. There are significant accountability issues reported in the previous audit reports made available for assessment Moderate
major accountability purposes.
issues noted in the
audit report for the
past three years?
6.5 Does the external No. The AG representative, Assistant Auditor General/ Audit Superintendent Government Audit Unit attends all AC/ AMC Moderate
auditor meet with meetings at which the Registrar and Bursar of the Universities are also in attendance.
the audit committee
without the At Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, the AG representative meets the VC without management quarterly. Internal
presence of Auditor of the UGC also attends such meetings. The VC is not present at AMC meetings at the University of Sri
management? Jayewardenepura.
Annex 2 123

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
6.6 Has the entity No. The external auditor of the Universities is the Auditor General (AG), who does not perform any non-audit -
engaged the engagement.
external audit firm
for any non-audit However, external personnel had been contracted for Board of Survey purposes in 2016 at the Rajarata University and a
engagements (e.g., firm of Chartered Accountants had been engaged to compile the Fixed Assets Register in 2017 for a fee of
consulting)? If yes, approximately LKR 3 m at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
what is the total
value of non-audit At the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, based on management needs specific areas such as inventory counts are
engagements, sometimes performed by selected private audit firms.
relative to the value
of audit services?
6.7 Has the external Yes. The audit opinions of the four (4) Universities for the past three (3) years had been qualified, except the audit -
auditor expressed reports of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, due to several reasons including lack of evidence/ details. The
any issues on the qualifications at Rajarata and Sabaragamuwa Universities are in relation such lack of evidence/ details on property, plant
availability of and equipment and related depreciation, control over vehicles and contract administration respectively.
complete records
and supporting
6.8 Does the external Yes. The AGD has experience in auditing donor funded Project expenditure statements of several state organisations Low
auditor have including ADB funded Projects.
sufficient knowledge
and understanding
of ADB’s guidelines
and procedures,
including the
guidelines and
procedures (i.e.,
124 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
6.9 Are there any material The financial statements of the four (4) Universities were not subject to review by the Assessment Team. -
issues noted during
the review of the
audited entity financial
statements that were
not reported in the
external audit report?

External Audit – project

6.10 Will the entity At present, the Auditor General does not audit the existing No. The accounts of the At present, the Auditor Moderate
auditor audit the project accounts separately. projects implemented by General does not audit the
project accounts or the RUSL had always been existing project accounts
will another auditor However, based on the loan agreement a mandate to subject to audit by third separately.
be appointed to appoint an auditor or the AG to audit the project financial party external auditors
audit the project statements could be made. appointed by the funding However, based on the
financial partner. loan agreement a mandate
statements? In instances where the Executing Agency is the MHECA to appoint an auditor or the
the Project audit will be conducted at MHECA level. Currently, the accounts of AG to audit the project
the two ongoing projects, financial statements could
HETC and IRQUE are also be made.
audited by third party
external auditors.

On completion of projects, once the assets are transferred to the University and form part of the financial statements, the
utilisation and expenses in relation to such assets are subject to audit by the entity auditor (AG).

6.11 Are there any No prior project audit reports made available for Queries raised on the Construction project Moderate
recommendations assessment. HETC Project have been administration not being up
made by the responded to for action. to required standards and
Annex 2 125

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
auditors in prior However, the assessment non-utilization of resources
project audit reports did not include verifying the had been reported and
or management actions taken. action initiated.
letters that have not
yet been Audit report does not Audit report does not
implemented? specify recommendations specify recommendations
but findings. but findings.

6.12 Is the project Auditor General (AG) does not cover existing project accounts of the Universities at present but at the Ministry level. The Moderate
subject to any kind AG will subject the project financial statements or an external auditor will subject the project expenditure statements to
of audit from an audit based on the loan agreement.
governmental entity
(e.g. the supreme
audit institution) in
addition to the
external audit?
6.13 Has the project Not applicable at the moment. Terms of Reference for audit will be prepared in consultation with funding agent and Moderate
prepared acceptable MHECA at the time of finalizing the loan terms and conditions.
terms of reference
for an annual project
audit? Have these
been agreed and
discussed with the
EA and the auditor?
6.14 Has the project Not applicable at present. -
auditor identified
any issues with the
availability and
completeness of
records and
126 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event

6.15 Does the external Yes. The AG has sufficient knowledge and understanding of ADB’s guidelines and procedures. Moderate
auditor have
sufficient knowledge
and understanding
of ADB’s guidelines
and procedures,
including the
guidelines and
procedures (i.e.,
6.16 Are there any Not applicable at present. -
made by the
auditors in prior
audit reports or
management letters
that have not yet
been implemented?
[For second or Not applicable at present. -
6.17 Were past audit
reports complete,
and did they fully
address the
obligations under
the loan
agreements? Were
Annex 2 127

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
there any material
issues noted during
the review of the
audited project
financial statements
and related audit
report that have
7. Reporting and
7.1 Are financial Yes. Low
statements and Financial statements are prepared for each University annually and generally consists of statements of financial position,
reports prepared for financial performance and changes in net assets, cash flows, comparative financial performance with budget, cost per
the entity? student and notes to the financial statements.

The annual financial statements form a main part of the annual reports published by the Universities.

7.2 Are financial Financial statements are prepared for each University as a whole combining faculties, education centres, and Low
statements and departments.
reports prepared for
the implementing
128 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
7.3 What is the Annual financial statements for financial years ending 31 December are prepared and published. -
frequency of
preparation of Financial statements are also prepared monthly for purposes of discussion at the Council meetings. The financial
financial statements statements are prepared within 30 days of year/month end.
and reports? Are the
reports prepared in Annual financial statements are generally prepared by 31 March of the subsequent year. Expected date of completion is
a timely fashion so 28 February.
as to be useful to
management for At the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, quarterly accounts consisting only of an
decision making? income and expenditure account is prepared and submitted to the Finance Committee for monitoring before the end of
the month subsequent to the quarter end.
7.4 Does the entity The current reporting systems at the four Universities can be adopted/ developed based on the activity plan for project -
reporting system reporting.
need to be adapted
for project Present reporting system does not capture project expenses and report separately.
At Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, the Bursar was of the view that similar to common codes being used for expenses of
different faculties with copies of the accounting package used by each faculty a copy of the package could be used for
reporting of project transactions.

The University of Sri Jayewardenepura had already agreed with MHECA and UGC to facilitate Project reporting as
supervision will be effective, Both financial and physical progress reports can be prepared.

7.5 Has the project Not applicable. -

established financial
management Project has not commenced as yet. However, once commenced, based on terms and conditions of the loan agreement
reporting financial and management reporting responsibilities will be established.
responsibilities that
specify the types of
reports to be
prepared, the report
Annex 2 129

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
content, and
purpose of the

7.6 Are financial Yes. Monthly accounts are submitted to Council with reconciliations for monitoring purposes. -
reports used by Progress reports with statistics relating to academic activities pertaining to the faculties of each University are sent to
management? UGC and MHECA, where physical and financial progress are measured and monitored.

7.7 Do the financial Yes. In line with FRs at Audit Committees (AC) and Audit and Management Committees (AMC) meetings the actual -
reports compare expenditures are compared with budgeted and programme allocations and explanations for variances are discussed.
actual expenditures
with budgeted and Further at University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, variance analysis is prepared based
programmed on monthly and cumulative expenditure compared to budget on quarterly basis for monitoring purposes and presented to
allocations? the Finance Committee quarterly. Decisions are taken to change VOTE ledger account based on variances reported.

7.8 How are financial The customised software The automated system, The financial reports are The automated system, -
reports prepared? package designed by ‘Equal – Packsoft’ generates generated through the ‘Equal – Packsoft’
Are financial reports ‘Arthur C Clarke Institute of a trial balance based on ‘Equal – Packsoft’ generates a trial balance
prepared directly by Modern Technologies’ at financial transactions input automated accounting based on financial
the automated Moratuwa, Sri Lanka is used into the system. system. transactions input into the
accounting system by the University to system.
or are they prepared generate trial balances from From the trial balance However, year-end journal
by spreadsheets or which financial reports are extract, financial statements entries are manually input Manual intervention is
some other means? prepared using Excel are prepared using Excel to the system prior to required to prepare
spread sheets. spreadsheets. generation of financial financial statements, using
statements. Excel spreadsheets, since
the system does not
produce financial
statements in the required
130 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event

7.9 Does the financial No. Financial information cannot be linked with physical progress. No facility to link financial and physical progress in the -
system have the system.
capacity to link the
financial information However, both physical and financial progress statements are prepared manually and submitted initially to the Council
with the project's and then to UGC and MHECA in different forms for monitoring purposes.
physical progress?
If separate systems No controls in place to ensure that physical data synchronize with financial data.
are used to gather
and compile
physical data, what
controls are in place
to reduce the risk
that the physical
data may not
synchronize with the
financial data?
7.10 Does the entity have Yes. Higher Education for Yes. Higher Education for Yes. Higher Education for Yes. Higher Education for
experience in the Twenty First Century the Twenty First Century the Twenty First Century the Twenty First Century
implementing (HETC) Project and (HETC) Project funded by (HETC) Project and (HETC) Project and
projects of any other Improving Relevance and World Bank. Improving Relevance and Improving Relevance and
donors, co- Quality of Undergraduate Quality of Undergraduate Quality of Undergraduate
financiers, or Education (IRQUE) Projects Education (IRQUE) Education (IRQUE) projects
development funded by World Bank. Projects funded by World funded by World Bank.
partners? Bank.
Please refer section 1.4 Please ref. section 1.4
above Please refer section 1.4 Please ref. section 1.4 above
above above
8. Information Systems
8.1 Is the financial Yes. Financial accounting system is computerized. Moderate
accounting and
Annex 2 131

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
reporting system However, reporting requires manual intervention.
8.2 If computerized, is The software designed by ‘Equal – Packsoft’ is a customized software used by these three Universities and several High
the software off-the- ‘Arthur C Clarke Institute for other Universities (Open University, Uva-Wellassa etc.,) (UK, RU
shelf, or Modern Technologies’ at & SU)
customized? Moratuwa, Sri Lanka had
been customised for the use
of the University.

8.3 Is the computerized The customised software ‘Equal – Packsoft’ package is used as standalone General Ledger, Payroll and Inventory High
software which is a standalone packages by the University of Kelaniya and Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. However, at
standalone, or General Ledger System is Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, the payroll and inventory systems are integrated
integrated and used integrated with all faculties to the General Ledger system and plans to integrate Fixed Assets module in October
by all departments of the University except the 2017.
in the headquarters Medical Faculty,
and field units using At Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, a copy of the General Ledger package is provided to
modules? The payroll, inventory and all five faculties and at the month end downloaded and combined for financial reporting.
asset systems are not
integrated and processed
through separate systems.

8.4 How are the project At present, financial data of At present, Projects have not been initiated. There is facility in ‘Equal – Packsoft’ to -
financial data Projects are not integrated integrate project financial data, as per Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
integrated with the with that of the University,
entity financial data? unless they form part of the The Bursar of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka was of the view that a copy of the
Is it done through a accounting system through accounting package can be shared for Project purposes the same way each Faculty
module in the receipt and disbursement of process financial data and combine.
enterprise financial funds,
system with
automatic data However, there is possibility
for the project financial data
132 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
transfer, or does it to be integrated if the need
entail manual entry? arises.
8.5 Is the computerized The computerized software ‘Equal – Packsoft’ system ‘Equal – Packsoft’ produces ‘Equal – Packsoft’ system High
software used for does not directly generates does not generate periodic financial statements, but generates financial reports, (UK, RU
directly generating financial statements, but a financial statements. there is manual intervention but not in the required & SU)
periodic financial comprehensive trial balance However, it generates in passing year-end journal format.
statements, or does which require manual budgetary controls variance entries and adjustments.
it require manual intervention for preparation reports. Therefore, a trial balance is
intervention and use of periodic financial extracted from the system
of Excel or similar statements with use of Financial Statements are and with manual
spreadsheet Excel spread sheets. prepared by using Excel intervention through the use
software? spreadsheets from of Excel spreadsheets,
information extracted from financial statements are
the ‘Equal – Packsoft’ prepared.

8.6 Can the system Yes. However, Project progress and performance reports Yes. Financial data can be Yes. However, Project -
automatically need to be separately processed and the system upgraded processed by using a copy progress and performance
produce the to cater for such requirement. of the package similar to reports need to be
necessary project that used by the faculties separately processed.
financial reports? prior to combining at
University level.

8.7 Is the staff The staff using the system The staff using the system for processing financial related data are experienced in using Moderate
adequately trained for processing financial the system.
to maintain the related data are
computerized experienced in using the At Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, one person has been assigned to operate the
system? system. system.

The IT Centre of the

University addresses all
Annex 2 133

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
networking, hardware Maintenance is through an annual maintenance agreement with ‘Equal – Packsoft’
maintenance and other software agents who does on-line modifications on request, but visit the Universities to
peripheral issues. However, address major maintenance issues.
if upgrades are required to
the software ‘Arthur C The system had been in use for more than 10 years at the three Universities.
Clarke Institute of Modern
Technologies’ will provide
the required support.

8.8 Do the There are access and password controls, but these had not been up to expectation, as one University prompting change Moderate
management, of password annually and another sharing the password among all bookkeeping staff. Accordingly, these controls need
organization and to be formalised by documentation and frequent monitoring to ensure system safeguards data confidentiality, integrity
processes and and availability.
systems safeguard
the confidentiality, At the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, the IT Centre Manager monitors access and is responsible for server room
integrity and access and data confidentiality.
availability of the
data? At Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, as a result of a software audit carried out by a third party in May 2017, several
controls to address data confidentiality, integrity and availability are expected to be introduced.

At Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, the authority from Bursar is required to open new account codes, delete and
modify existing account codes and for prior year adjustments.

8.9 Are there back-up Yes. The IT Centre has an Yes. Automated backups Yes, but not effective as Yes. Automated backups Moderate
procedures in automated backup within the system. Annual several weaknesses have within the system. Annual
place? procedure in place and backups are also taken been noted in the software backups are also taken
backups are taken to a separately. audit performed recently. separately.
134 Annex 2

Responses Potential
Topic University of Sri Rajarata University of Sri Sabaragamuwa Risk
University of Kelaniya
Jayewardenepura Lanka University of Sri Lanka Event
Backups of the payroll are
taken daily and weekly
backups of the GL system.
Backups of payments are
made every 10-15 minutes

8.10 Describe the backup Automated backups are Automated backups are Taken to pen-drives/ CDs Automated backups are High
procedures – online stored within the server taken from the server daily daily and sometimes sent taken from the server daily
storage, offsite located in the IT Centre. and there is manual backup by e-mail and stored in the and there is manual backup
storage, offshore performed annually. hard drive of the PC in performed annually.
storage, fire, earth The IT Centre is located which the system is
quake and calamity away from the Computer Centre located installed. Computer Centre located
protection for Administration Office where away from the away from the
backups. backups of the entire Administration Office keeps Following the software Administration Office keeps
system are within the backups of the entire audit backups will be stored backups of the entire
server. system. However, backups in a server located system.
have not been tested. elsewhere.
However, backups have not Backups are generally
been tested. However, backups have not tested by an external party.
been tested. However, backups have not
been tested for the past
three years.

No backup register maintained.

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