Syllabus 6903

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Centofanti School of Nursing

NURS 6903-A1
CRN 44056 & 44206
Fall A01 2022

Course Title:
Advanced Pharmacology

Class Time:


Patricia Hoyson
Professor & FNP Program Director
Email: [email protected]

Office Hours:
Online Office Hours available by appointment via Webex or telephone.
M: 09:00-11:00 & TH 09:00-11:00 & other times by appointment
Email instructor for appointments. All emails will be answered within 1 business day.

Catalog Description:
Application of pharmacological concepts in clinical settings with examination of major
categories of pharmacological agents. 3sh.
Pre-requisites: NURS 6902

Last Day for Withdrawing with: 100% refund : Sept 4, 2022

(Refer to Schedule of Classes) Grade of “W”: Sept 30, 2022

Last Day of Class: Saturday, Oct 16, 2022

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Course Objectives / MSN Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): National Organization of Nurse
Practitioner Faculties Learning Competencies (NONPF).

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Utilize prototypical approach to comprehend the pharmacotherapeutics of broad
categories of drugs. (SLO 1); (NONPF 1)
2. Explore the relationship between pharmacological agents and physical responses.
(SLO1); (NONPF 1)
3. Analyze the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of broad categories of drugs
to promote optimal levels of well-being in individuals across the lifespan. (SLO 1);
4. Evaluate select pharmacological agents for the management of health problems
based on client variations, the problem being managed, and cost effectiveness. (SLO
1, 2); (NONPF 1,5)
5. Examine the motivations of clients seeking prescriptions and adherence to
prescribed regimens. (SLO 1,2); (NONPF 3,9)
6. Analyze the ethical and legal responsibilities for advanced practice nursing
prescriptive authority. (SLO 1,2,4); (NONPF 2,6,8,9)

Required Texts & Materials (Texts will be used in 7045, 7046, 7047)

Rosenthal, L & Posenjack Bruchum, J. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for

advanced practice nurses and physician assistants. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-55495-4

Up-to-Date is free and available through MAAG library. See access directions on the
Blackboard site

Teaching Strategies
Lecture, discussion, case studies, reading assignments, worksheets, and quizzes.

Course grades will be based on the YSU College of Graduate Studies grading policy as
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70– 79
D = 60 – 69 *
F = below 60*

*Requires repetition of the course.

Required Components for Course

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Unit Exams and Due Dates
There will be three (3) 50 question multiple choice exam quizzes given throughout the semester
on designated weeks. Respondus Lockdown Browser with camera & microphone will be
required to be used during quizzes (See Backboard for more information). All required reading
assignments, on-line lectures and discussions will be included in the material considered for the
Exam Covers content in Modules Quiz opens at 12:01 am EST Quiz closes at 11:59 pm EST
1 1, 2, 3 Wednesday – Sept 14 Wednesday – Sept 21
2 4, 5, Wednesday – Sept 28 Wednesday – Oct 5
3 6, 7 Wednesday – Oct 12 Saturday – Oct 15

Discussions Board (five @ 5% each)

There will be five activities on Blackboard. The activities will cover current topics and are due
the according to the schedule below. Post a response to the following discussion prompts no
later than Wednesday of the assigned week at 23:59. Then complete a follow-up post on two
(2) classmates’ posts by Sunday at 23:59. The last follow-up post in Module 7 is due Saturday,
October 15th .

Module 2: Autonomic Nervous System

Module 3: Prescribing Schedule 2 Drugs
Module 4: Cardiac
Module 5: Diabetes
Module 7: Antibiotics

In the Discussion section of Blackboard, please complete the questions for each Discussion
Activity. Your responses are to be a thoughtful ~ 200 words. After you complete your initial
response, you will see your classmates’ responses to the discussion.

Please review all Classmates’ Discussion Activity postings in the forum and select two (2) to
respond to – identify/explain your responses & thoughts that are similar and that differ. Include
anything new you may have learned from your colleague.

Each of your responses to your classmates’ posts should be a thoughtful ~ 100 words.
*Review grading rubric criteria on Blackboard for each course assignment prior to submission.
*Comments and feedback will be available in the grade center for each submitted assignment.

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Weighting of Required Components for Course Grade:

Requirements Points
Discussion Board Assignments (five at 5 points each) 25
Unit Quizzes (three at 25 points each) 75
Total Possible Score 100

Course Policies:
1. Class attendance in accordance with University regulations. Class online attendance is
considered crucial for successful completion of this course. Students are expected to
attend class by participating in discussions and assignments posted on Blackboard.
Students should admit themselves (if not auto-enrolled) to the course on Blackboard
and check at least two days per week for any updates and assigned modules to
complete. Check your YSU email frequently for instructor communications.

2. All course materials, reading assignments, Blackboard discussions, weekly assignments

and class notes will be included in the material considered for theory examination.

3. Students are expected to take quizzes on the scheduled dates and times. A “make up”
on a quiz may consist of essay type questions, and arrangements must be made with the
course instructor within 24 hours of testing time.

4. All assignments, and participation in online discussion is mandatory. Failure to

participate, submit and/or complete required course work will result in course failure.
Assignments submitted after 23:59 (11:59 pm EST) on the due date will be considered
late. Work that is submitted late will result in a 10% grade deduction each day.

5. All students are responsible for downloading and/or printing needed course documents
and reading faculty communications from Blackboard and their YSU email.

6. Notice for class cancellation will be sent via student YSU e-mail address as soon as
possible. Online assignments will not be affected by YSU cancellations.

7. Online Student Expectations: Students should ask questions directly and immediately to
the faculty if they do not understand the instructions or due dates for any assignment.
Online classes require students to organize their time and be responsible for keeping up
with readings and assignment due dates as listed in the course schedule and/or syllabus.

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Online assignments and participation in discussions and group work is a requirement of
the course and must be completed for course success. Students should respond
respectfully using proper Netiquette when responding to peer students or faculty.

8. Technology: Students should first contact the help desk with any technical problems
with the course at 330-941-1595. Blackboard student help videos are also available for
troubleshooting with frequently asked questions. Technical problems related to
computer equipment, software or the Internet cannot be used as an excuse for failure
to complete assignments or to participate as required online. Please allow adequate
time to complete and submit assignments by the listed due date. Software
requirements for online classes are listed online under “Common Plug-Ins Needed for
Online Courses”. The YSU campus computer labs or public library equipment may be
utilized as alternate resources as needed.

Lock Down Browser + Webcam Requirement

This course requires the use of Lock Down Browser and a webcam for online exams. The
webcam can be the type that's built into your computer or one that plugs in with a USB cable.
Watch this brief video to get a basic understanding of Lock Down Browser and the webcam
Download Instructions
 Select a test from the course. Please take the Practice Quiz prior to your first exam to
assure there are no technical issues.
 You will see the message "Assessment Security - You need Respondus Lock Down
Browser to complete this assessment."
 Below this will appear a "Download Respondus LockDown Browser" link. Click the link to
go to the download page and then follow the instructions
 Download Respondus LockDown Browser to your computer; follow the installation
 Return to the test and select "View assessment"
 LockDown Browser will launch and the test will begin

Note: LockDown Browser only needs to be installed once per computer or device. It will start
automatically from that point forward when a test requires it.

When taking an online exam, follow these guidelines:
 Ensure you're in a location where you won't be interrupted
 Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them
outside of your reach
 Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and also that you've
allotted sufficient time to complete it
 Clear your desk or workspace of all external materials not permitted - books, papers,
other devices

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 Remain at your computer for the duration of the test
 If the computer, Wi-Fi, or location is different than what was used previously with the
"Webcam Check" and "System & Network Check" in LockDown Browser, run the checks
again prior to the exam

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 To produce a good webcam video, do the following:
o Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims
o Ensure your computer or device is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT
have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you)
are likely to move
o If using a built-in webcam, avoid readjusting the tilt of the screen after the
webcam setup is complete
o Take the exam in a well-lit room, but avoid backlighting (such as sitting with your
back to a window)
 Remember that LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or
applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and

Getting Help
Several resources are available if you encounter problems with LockDown Browser:
 The Windows and Mac versions of LockDown Browser have a "Help Center" button
located on the toolbar. Use the "System & Network Check" to troubleshoot issues. If an
exam requires you to use a webcam, also run the "Webcam Check" from this area
 [Please see “Minimal Technical Requirements” on your course Blackboard for telephone
numbers and information for YSUs technical department.]
 Respondus has a Knowledge Base available from Select the
"Knowledge Base" link and then select "Respondus LockDown Browser" as the product.
If your problem is with a webcam, select "Respondus Monitor" as your product
 If you're still unable to resolve a technical issue with LockDown Browser, go to and select "Submit a Ticket". Provide detailed information
about your problem and what steps you took to resolve it

University Policies
University policies can be found online and provide you guidance on your rights as a student in
this course. The links below take you directly to a specific policy. Should you have any questions
about a policy, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information at the top of the
 Statement of Non-Discrimination from the University
 Academic Integrity/Honesty
 Student Accessibility
 Incomplete Grade Policy
 Classroom Health and Safety Protocols

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MSN Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Graduates of the MSN program and post-master’s certificates will demonstrate the following
1. Synthesize theory and research from nursing and related disciplines for advanced
nursing roles.
2. Utilize leadership strategies to influence health and health care and to promote the
nursing profession in the advanced nursing role.
3. Expand the knowledge of nursing practice by identifying nursing research problems
and contributing to research investigations.
4. Integrate assessment of own learning in developing a lifelong pattern of scholarly

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