CBL Assignment

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Assignment Cover Sheet

Qualification Module Number and Title

HD in Business Management SRI 4151: Introduction to Management

Student Name & No. Assessor

Name: K.P.D Harini Mayuri Wickramarathne
Student No: HDBM/90/40 Ms. Amandi Kulasinghe

Handout date Submission Date

Assessment type Duration/Length of Weighting of Assessment

Assessment Type
Coursework Report (4500 words) 100%

Learner declaration

I, K.P.D Harini Mayuri Wickramarathne certify that the work submitted for this assignment is
my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Marks Awarded

First assessor

IV marks

Agreed grade

Signature of the assessor: Date:


Progra No of 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt

HD in Business Management
m Attemp (Original  (Re-
Unit No SRI 4151 t Submission) submission)
Unit Introduction to management Assessment type & Individual Report
(Weight) (100%)
Student K.P.D Harini Mayuri Assessors’ Name & Ms. Amandi
Name Wickramarathne Sig. Kulasinghe
Date of Evaluation

Task No Task Assessors’ Feedback

“Managers of an organization should

essentially engage in functions of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and
controlling aiming to accomplish
organizational goals and objectives in the
dynamic organizational environment. The
person who is engaging in these functions is

1 recognized as a manager”. Identify and

briefly explain the roles what should be
played by managers in the business
environment for accomplishing its goals and
objectives and knowledge and skills needed
for managers to ensure the better
performance of their roles in executing
management functions. (25 Marks)
Identify and explain the management
theories that are followed by the
organizations and highlight the places where
these theories are used. (15 marks)
External business environment is so dynamic
compared to the internal business
environment. This dynamism is mostly
created by ever-changing broad forces what
cannot be controlled by an organization.
These broad forces directly affect the profit
intention and other goals and objectives of
all the organizations regardless of the size,
nature or type. Discuss how these broad
forces affect the businesses in a positive or
negative way with reference to the selected
organization. (25 marks)
"Management starts from planning and ends
up with controlling". Discuss this statement,
giving suitable examples. (25 marks)

A Proper report by following the guidelines.

5 (10 marks)
*Please note that the final result of an assessment is subject to Exam Board review. Above is a
constructive feedback only.

Coursework – Individual report

Prepared by,
K.P.D Harini Mayuri Wickramarathne
Student no. – 40
HD/BM Batch 90
Table of Contents
Executive summary.......................................................................................................................6
Recommendations References....................................................................................................12
Executive summary

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