Phrasal Verbs

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14. He came………….a rash after eating a kids of strawberrier.

15. Her latest novel is coming………….in paperback soon.

16. Long hair for men is coming………….again . More and more men are starting to wear their hair long.
17. After the flood, hundreds of volunteers came………….with offers of assistance.
18. We don’t know yet how we’ll solve the problem but I’m sure someone will come………….a solution
19. Most of the companies which managed to come………….the economic crisis are now operating very
20. I’m not sure how the accident came………….but I suspect somebody was being careless.
2. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
be done for = be ruined
deal in = trade in sth
deal with = tackle a problem; cope with
do away with = abolish
do down = criticise
do out of = deprive of
do up = fasten (a coat etc)
do with = need/would like
do without = manage in spite of lack
drive at = imply, suggest

1. Can you……………my dress, please?

2. I’m……………! Here comes my teacher and she’ll see I should be in my Maths lesson.
3. The law limiting the amount of foreign exchange you can take out of the country should have
been……………years ago.
4. I’m really thirsty. I could……………a cup of tea.
5. What were you……………when you said you might not see Mark for some time?
6. He……………antique furniture and paintings.
7. The old man was……………his life savings by a confidence trickster.
8. Surely you can……………sugar in your coffee for once?
9. How do you……………a class when they are constantly unruly?
10. You shouldn’t……………your classmates just because they didn’t pass their exam.
3. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
cheat out of = prevent sb from having sth usu in an unfair way
check in = register as a guest at a hotel
check out = pay one’s bill and leave a hotel
check up on = investigate sb's behaviour etc.
feel for = sympathise
cut back = reduce (outgoings)
cut in = interrupt sth
cut down on = reduce (consumption)
cut off = (1) isolate, (2) disconnect
cut out = omit
drop in = visit unexpectedly
drop off = decrease
drop out of = withdraw from
fit in = mix well with others
fit up/out = furnish/equip
fold up = collapse or fail
draw in = shorten (of days)
draw on = use part of a reserve
draw out = extend
draw up = come to a stop (of vehicles)
eat into = consume a part of sth
fly at = attack (with blows or words)
head off = prevent

1. The government have decided to cut…………..expenditure on health services.

2. He was cheated ………….. his full holiday entitlement due to a change in company policy.
3. I truly feel ………… in your terrible misfortune.
4. The interviewer kept cutting…………..when the Minister was trying to answer the question on
environmental policy.
5. Sales of records and cassettes have dropped…………..considerably thus year.
6. She's trying to get on with her schoolmates but she doesn’t really fit…………..
7. Their house was cut…………..from the village by the flooding river.
8. Winter is coming. It’s getting darker and the days are really starting to draw…………...
9. He had to draw………….. his savings to pay his rent after he was made redundant.
10. I wish you wouldn’t fly………… like that every time I make a mistake.
11. The limousine drew………… front of the thearre and the actress got out.
12. Yes, I’ve already heard the news. Simon dropped………… tell me this morning.
13. During the power workers’ strike the electricity was cut………… regular intervals.
14. He was forced to drop ………… when his father died.
15. The unforeseen expense on the new house ate………… savings but it was worth it.
16. He was told to cut…………..sugar and fats or he would suffer serious health problems.
17. This composition would be better if you cut…………..the second paragraph.
18. They’ve fitted…………..their kitchen with new cupboards.
19. She drew the lecture………… nearly three hours although it was only supposed to last an hour.
20. I’m afraid their business is on the verge of folding…………..due to a lack of orders.
21. We’ll have to organise a union meeting if we want to head…………..a strike.
22. Could you check…………..the children and see what they’re up to?
23. We had to wait to check………… the hotel as the receptionist was not at his desk.
24. All guests should check………… 12 o’clock or they will be charged for an extra day.
4. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
get about = (1) move about, (2) spread (of news, gossip etc)
get across = make understood
get ahead = succeed
get along/on = be on friendly terms with
get at = mean
get at sb = criticise, tease in an unkind way
get away with = escape punishment
get by = manage despite diffculties
get sb down = depress sb
get off = send
get off with = nearly escape punishment
get on = make progress
get on with = continue doing sth
get out of = avoid
get over = recover from
get round = persuade
get round to = find time
get through = contact by phone
get up to = be busy with sth surprising or undesirable

1. What are you getting………….? I can’t understand what you’re trying to say.
2. I only get………….watching TV when the children are in bed.
3. Instead of being given a ticket, the driver got ………….a warning.
4. She’s having trouble getting………….with her sprained ankle.
5. Do you get………….with your colleagues?
6. If you don’t get those invitations………….today, they’ll never arrive on time.
7. How are you getting………….at school?
8. He has a talent for getting the most complicated ideas…………..
9. I've been trying to get………….for ages but the line is always engaged.
10. This awful weather is really getting me…………..
11. My father is always getting………….me about my clothes.
12. If you aren’t well organised, you’ll never get …………..
13. I don’t know how he gets………….cheating on his tests.
14. Stop talking and get………….your work , will you?
15. She has barely enough money left to get…………..
16. I wish I could get………….going to this wedding but I have no choice.
17. News of their “secret” wedding got………….fast.
18. She says she won’t help us, but we’ll soon get………….her.
19. I don’t know if she’ll ever get………….her husband’s death.
20. What are the children getting………….in the garden?
5. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
give oneself up = surrender
give away = (1) reveal, (2) give freely as a present
give in = (1) deliver, yield
give off = send out/emit
give out = (1) come to an end, (2) announce, (3) distribute
give up = (1) stop doing sth, (2) admit ddfdat
give oneself up = surrender
hype up = exaggerate the value of sth

1. The chemicals give……………toxic fumes, so be extremely careful when using them.

2. The teacher reluctantly gave ……………to the students’ request to change the date of the exam.
3. The athlete has decided to give……………amateur competition and become a professional.
4. The man was forced to give himseif……………to the police.
5. She unintentionally gave……………the secret of the surprise party.
6. Haven’t you given……………your application form yet?
7. Eventually their savings gave …………… and they were forced to apply to the State for assistance.
8. I can’t guess the answer. I give……………!
9. On the news last night it was given……………that the Prime Minister had resigned.
10. They have hyped this car……………to such an extent that it should be the biggest ’seller of the year.
6. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
hold back = (1) prevent development, (2) delay, (3) withhold
hold in = control (feelings, oneself)
hold off = (1) keep at a distance, (2) delay
hold on = wait
hold out = (1) last, (2) resist
hold out for = wait to get sth desired
hold out on = keep a secret from sb
hold over = postpone to a later date
hold up = (1) rob (a bank, vehicle) (2) delay

1. Can’t, you hold……………those reporters until I've finished the rehearsal?

2. He is a talented actor but his lack of ambition holds him…………….
3. Although they tried, they couldn’t hold……………their laughter.
4. Hold……………a minute while I get something from my room.
5. They offered to buy her a BMW but she’s holding……………a Porsche.
6. Some Japanese soldiers refused to believe the war was over and held……………in the jungle for years,
7. Due to the chairman’s illness, the meeting was held …………… till the next week.
8. Strike action held……………trains and buses all day yesterday.
9. He says he knows nothing about the missing documents but I’m sure he’s holding……………me.
10. Our water supplies held……………for three weeks when we were marooned in the desert.
7. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
go down = (of remarks, proposals etc) be received in a specified way
go down with = become ill
go for = be sold
go in for = take part in
go into = describe, examine in detail
go off = make a sudden loud noise
go off = happen
go on = happen
go on with = continue sth esp after a pause
go round = be enough for everyone to have a share
go through = (1) examine sth closely or systematically, (2) consume
go up = be built
go with = be included in the price

1. Let’s go……………the plan once more to make sure it’s all clear.
2. Dtes the shed go……………the house or should I pay extra?
3. She had it cancel her holiday when she went……………the flu.
4. She’s gone……………all her savings since she lost her job.
5. I don’t know what’s going……………next door but they’re being very noisy.
6. I’m planning to go……………the poetry competition this year.
7. Suddenly the fire alarm went……………
8. The Prime Minister promised to go …………… the matter of lowering inflation.
9. Those shoes are going …………… next to nothing. I’ve never seen such a good sale.
10. I don’t think there’s enough fruit to go……………. Could you get some more?
11. His proposals didn’t go……………very well at all ; in fact they were all rejected.
12. He paused to answer the phone, and then he went……………what he was doing.
13. New blocks of flats are going …………… everywhere, destroying the character of the township.
8. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
lay aside = put aside
lay into = attack (with blows or words)
lay off = stop doing sth irritating
lay out = spend
let down = 1) disappoint, (2) lower sth
let in for = involve in trouble etc
let in on = allow sb to share a plan, secret, etc
let on = reveal a secret
let out = (1) make (a garment etc) looser or larger (opp: take in), (2) utter a cry
let sb off = not punish severely
let sb through = allow sb to pass an exam or a test
let up = become less in degree
let up on = treat sb less severely

1. He laid ………….all his savings on that venture which fortunately succeeded.

2 This blouse is too tight for me. I’d better let it…………..
3 He let his parents………….by failing his exams.
4. Don’t let …………. that they’re planning to get married. Their parents don’t know.
5. I wish you’d lay………….telling me what to do all the time.
6. You should really let………….the children . They can’ t be perfect all the time.
7. We’ll let you………….our plans but don’t tell anybody else.
8. Her father laid …………. her when she came home two hours late from a party.
9. I let myself………….a lot of trouble when I agreed to help her.
10. If the rain lets…………., we'll be able to play tennis.
11. For the last twenty years, he has been laying………….15% of his salary for his old age.
12. Your skirt needs taking………….; it’s too large.
13. He was let………….with a warning instead of being given a fine.
14. The student let …………. a cry of horror when she saw her poor exam results.
9. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
lead on = persuade sb to believe or do sth by making false promises
look after = take care of
look ahead = think about the tuture
look at = read
look back = think about one’s past
look down on = despise
look for = search for
look in = pay a short visit
look into = investigate/examine the tacts relating to sth
look on = watch sth wiihout taking part
look onto = have a view
look out = watch out; be careful
look out for = (1) search in order to find sth, (2) be alert in order to see/find sb
look over = examine (a place)
look to = rely on sb
look up = search for (a word) in a reference book
look up = visit esp after a long time
look up to = respect
rise up = rebel
rule out = exclude

1. Looking back………… life I realise I’ve been very fortunate.

2. In 1917 the Russian working classes rose…………..against their masters.
3. She looks…………..Mrs Brown’s children three days a week.
4. This firm looks…………..employees who have initiative.
5. Robert looks…………..people who are not as educated as he is.
6. The police are looking…………..the matter hoping to find a solution soon.
7. Look…………..! There’s a car coming.
8. He looks…………..his older brother and follows his example in everything.
9. Look…………..this manuscript and tell me what you think of it.
10. Let’s make an appointment to look…………..the house that is for safe.
11. The hotel room looked…………..the swimming pool.
12. Passers-by looked………… the circus passed through town.
13. They looked…………..him to provide funds for the new magazine.
14. We’ve been looking…………..a new flat for months but we haven’t found one yet.
15. You’d better look…………..the dates in the encyclopaedia.
16. I’m sorry; I haven’t had time to look…………..your composition yet.
17. Have you looked………… what you’ll be doing in two years’ time?
18. Could you please go to the station and look………… grandmother?
19. He was led………… her flattery but soon discovered how insincere she was.
20. I don’t think we can rule…………..this possibility after all.
10. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
put about = spread (false) reports, rumours
put across = communicate
put aside/by = save for later use
put away = put into confinement
put back = delay
put down = write in a particular place
put down to = attribute to
put forward = suggest, propose
put in (a request) = make an official request
put in for = (1) apply for, (2) make an official request
put off = discourage
put off = postpone
put on = (1) gain weight, (2) pretend to have, (3) advance, (4) clothe oneself with, (5) present
put out = extinguish
put sb up = give accommodation to
put sth behind one = deliberately forget
put through = (1) carry sth out, (2) cause sb to undergo (an ordeal)
put through to sb = connect by telephone
put up with = tolerate

1. He had a bad time in the army but he has put it…………..him now.
2. It is being put…………..that the vice-president is involved in the scandal but as yet there seems to be no
real evidence.
3. Just put…………..your name and address on this card.
4. The lecturer had difficulty in putting…………..his ideas.
5. He put his failure in the exam…………..bad luck.
6. The drought in Africa has put ………….. development in the area by decades.
7. Why don’t you put…………..that new position at the university?
8. Make sure you put…………..the fire before going to bed.
9. Could you put me………… Mr Jones, please?
10. If you can’t afford a hotel, we’ll put you…………..for the night.
11. He put………… insurance claim after the accident but he got nothing.
12. How can you put…………..the noise in this house? I’d go mad.
13. Don’t be put………… his manner. He always acts that way.
14. They’re putting…………..a dance performance in the town hall tonight.
15. We put…………..a sum of money each month for our summer holidays.
16. Mr Jones has put ………….. the proposal that all members of staff should make a contribution to the
earthquake relief fund.
11. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
hand over = give
live on sb/sth = get the money needed from
live through = experience over time
live up to = reach the standard that may be expected
live with = tolerate/accept sth and endure it
meet with = have as a reaction
miss out = forget to include
move on to = pass to another subject
narrow down = reduce
note down = record
pass over = ignore, overlook
phase out = gradually stop using
piece together = discover gradually

1. His proposal met…………total opposition from the committee.
2. I’m afraid you’ll have to learn to live …………this problem for the rest of your life.
3. We’d better move…………the housing problem before time runs out.
4. Please note…………these figures so we can go over them later.
5. She asked him to hand the document…………to her.
6. We can narrow our options…………to two or three at the most.
7. If you think you can live…………charity for ever, you’re sadly mistaken.
8. You ought to try and live…………your parents’ expectations.
9. I think you’ve missed…………John and Sally from the invitation list.
10. The detective tried to piece…………the events from the few clues he had.
11. He’s used to hardships because he’s lived…………two wars.
12. Tom has been passed…………for promotion in favour of a younger man.
13. New automated machinery in factories has led to the phasing…………of old production methods.
12. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
run across = find by chance
run after = pursue
run away = leave (school, home etc)
run away with an idea = accept it without careful thinking even though it is wrong
run behind = be delayed
run down = (1) criticise, (2) gradually stop functioning, (3) run sb down (with a vehicle)
run in = use a new vehicle carefully
run into = (1) meet by chance, (2) collide with
run off = produce quickly
run out of = exhaust the supply of sth run through = (1) rehearse (2) use up
run up = accumulate (bills etc)
run up against = encounter difficulties

1. He’s always running …………… his boss although she actually treats him well.
2. The secretary was asked to run …………… copies of the report for the employees.
3. We ran Sally at the shops yesterday ; I hadn’t seen her for months.
4. He ran……………the boy, but didn’t manage to catch him.
5. We’ve run……………coffee; Could you go and buy some?
6. He ran……………debts amounting to millions of dollars last year.
7. Let’s run……………that scene again ; then you can all go home.
8. Their son ran……………at the agee of 12 and didn’t contact them for four years.
9. The old woman was run……………by a taxi.
10. You’d better run……………your new car bofore you drive it on the motorway.
11. We ran……………some valuable old bools while we were clearing out the attic.
12. Don’t run……………the idea that you can come home at whatever time you like!
13. Everything was going smoothly until we ran……………the problem of lack of funding.
14. My father fell asleep at the steering wheel and ran……………a lamp post.
15. I’m running……………shedule as my meeting lasted longer than I’d expected.
13. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
see about = make arrangements for
see off = accompany a traveller to his/her train etc
see over = inspect properly
see to = take care of
see through = (1) not be deceived, (2) support sb through a difficult time
see out = accompany sb to an exit
settle down = live a more permanent life-style
settle for = accept sth (less than expected)
settle in = become used to a new house or job
settle on = decide on
settle up = pay (a debt, a bill etc)

1. He was hoping to sell his car for £1,000 but he had to settle…………..£800.
2. Once we've settled………….., we’ll invite you for a long weekend.
3 Could you please see…………..getting the sofa re-covered?
4. They settled…………..the Ritz as the best place for the reception.
5. We made an appointment to see…………..the cottage before we decided to buy it.
6. The children were seen………… the station by the entire family.
7. Could you see…………..those messages while I read through this report?
8. He said he would make me a rich man, but I saw …………..him immediately.
9. After wandering for years, they settled………… a small village in Wales.
10. He saw his best friend …………..his divorce.
11. I’ll see you…………..; you may not be able to find your way to the lift.
12. Let’s settle…………..with the waiter and go home. I’m feeling tired.
14. FilI in the missing preposition or adverb.
set about = begin
set aside = save for a special purpose
set back = hinder
set sb back = cost sb a lot of money
set in = begin (of a period, usu bad)
set off = (1) start a reaction, (2) begin a journey (= set out)
set an animal on sb = cause an animal to attack sb
set out = begin a task/job with a specific intention
set up = (1) establish (a record), (2) start a business (3) erect

1. We’d bettor have cetral heating installed before winter sets…………....

2. A wedding reception for two hundred people will certainly set you…………...thousands!
3. They set,…………...for their destination at 5 o'clock in the morning.
4. He set…………...a new world record for the 100 metres race.
5. His jokes set the whole class…………...laughing.
6. A fire in the factory set production………… several weeks.
7. She set …………... to become a dancer but an injury prevented her from fulfilling her ambition.
8. She decided to set,…………...a computer graphics firm with the money she inherited.
9. You’d better set…………...some money every month if you want to buy a new car.
10. How would you set…………...teaching a dog to pefform tricks?
11. The town council has decided to set…………...a memorial to the princess.
12. He threatened to set the dogs us…………...if we didn't get off his property.
15. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
stand by = (1) remain loyal to sb, (2) do nothing to stop a bad situation, (3) be ready for action
stand down = resign from a position
stand for = (1) support sth, (2) mean, symbolise, (3) tolerate, (4) enter oneselt for election
stand in for = replace temporarily
stand out = be conspicuous/obvious
stand up for = defend; support
stand up to = defend oneselt against

1. I'll stand……………Ryan, no matter what people say about him.

2. His grandfather once stood……………Parliament , but lie only got 5.6 . votes.
3. Nobody would stand……………that sort of behaviour for a minute.
4. The police stood……………in case trouble broke out after the football match.
5. He's such a brilliant dancer that he stands……………from the rest of the troupe.
6. Our group stands……………equality for people of all races.
7. Could you stand……………John if he's called away?
8. You ought to stand……………your little brother when the others tease him.
9. The letters MP stand……………Member of Parliament.
10. How can you stand……………and watch him mistreat the children like that?
11. If he can’t stand……………his opponent in a debate, he won’t be a success in Parliament.
12. The President was forced to stand……………due to his involvement in the scandal.
take aback = surprise
take after = look like a relative
take against = dislike sb
take away = remove
take back = withdraw a statement or comment
take down = (1) write down, (2) remove sth from a high place
take sb for = mistake sb/sth for sb/sth else
take in = (1) deceive, (2) allow sb to stay in one’s home, (3) understand, (4) make clothes smaller
take up = (1) begin a hobby, sport etc, (2) occupy space

1. She takes…………her father: she has the same gestures and mannerisms.
2. His lecture was so complicated that I only took………… a few words of what he said.
3. These magazines must be read in the library. You can’t take them………….
4. The secretary took…………the list of titles as her boss read them out.
5. We were so taken…………by his decision to resign that we didn’t know what to say.
6. I’ll never forgive you if you don’t take…………what you said about me.
7. Since his retirement, he has taken…………painting to fill up some of his spare time.
8. She seems to have taken…………me, as if I had offended her somehow.
9. Nobody was taken…………by his story, although it seemed convincing at first.
10. You have to take…………these curtains. They look very dirty.
11. If you take this skirt…………a little, it should fit you perfectly. It’s too big for you now.
12. She is always being taken ………… Elizabeth Taylor, even though she doesn’t look that much like her.
13. When they discovered that the child was an orphan, they offered to take him………….
14. That desk is so big that it takes…………most of his office.
17. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
take off = (1) remove (clothing), (2) leave the ground (of aeroplanes etc), (3) imitate sb in a comic way, (4)
begin to succeed (of plans, ideas etc)
take on = (1) undertake sth, (2) employ staff, (3) accept sb as an opponent
take out = (1) extract, remove, (2) accompany sb to a theatre etc
take over = take control of sth esp in place of sb else
take to = (1) find agreeable; like, (2) begin a habit, (3) escape to; hide in
take up with = become involved in (usu derog)

1. She took the cover……………the sofa and had it cleaned.

2. The amateur boxer was apprehensive about taking ……………such an experienced fighter.
3. I don't think he'll take……………the new project unless we offer him more money.
4. He has taken……………drinking cocoa at night to help him steep.
5. You'd better take this paragraph……………as it weakens your argument.
6. Their plane was due to take……………at 10 pm but it was delayed because of fog.
7. He's such an aggressive person that nobody really takes……………him.
8. Their daughter has taken …………… a group of friends who have no intention of ever finding work.
9. Mark was sent home from school because he was seen taking……………the headmaster.
10. Mr Johnson's son is going to take……………as chairman of the board.
11. After a slow start, their new line of cosmetics has begun to take…………….
12. They’ve decided to take……………at least twenty new sates peopee this year.
13. The rebels took……………the mountains after their leader had been captured.
14. He promised to take me……………for dinner on Friday evening.
18. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
talk about = (1) gossip about sb, (2) consider
talk at = speak to sb without listening to their replies
talk back = reply rudely
talk down to = speak to sb as if they were less clever than oneselt
talk out = settle a problem by talking
talk out of = persuade sb not to do sth
talk into = persuade sb to do sth
talk round = persuade sb to agree to sth
tell against = spoil chances of success
tell apart = distinguish
tell off = scold/reprimand
think of = take sth into account
think out = prepare plans carefully
think over = reflect upon sth before making a decision
think up = invent or devise sth

1. He was against the plan at first, but they managed to talk him…………...
2. Jane was so determined to become a model that her parents couldn't talk her…………
3. Ann was told………… her father for coming home late.
4. You can't talk me………… you more money . I've given you enough already.
5. His lack of a convincing alibi will tell…………...him at the trial.
6. Out boss talks………… as if we were children.
7. He insisted that children who talk…………...ought to be punished.
8. If you can't talk…………...your differences wish your fiancé , you’d better break up.
9. Stop behaving like that ot the neighbours will start to talk…………
10. The only way one can tell the twins………… by their haircuts.
11. He keeps talking…………...moving to another city , but s doubt if he will.
12. I’ve never had a real conversation with Peter; he just talks…………
13. My parents advised me to think things…………...before accepting the job.
14. Racing drivers rarely think …………...the dangers involved in their profession.
15. She thought her ideas…………...carerully before puttings them down on paper.
16. We need to think………… exciting advertising campaign for our new product.
19. Fill in the missing preposition or adverb.
turn away = refuse admittance to sb
turn down = (1) reject an offer, (2) reduce heat etc
turn in = go to bed
turn sb in = report to the authorities
turn into = convert, change
turn off = switch off
turn on = switch on
turn out = (1) assemble as a crowd, (2) produce, (3) prove to be
turn over = fall on one side
turn sth over (in one’s mind) = think carefully about sth
turn to = go to sb for help
turn up = (1) arrive, (2) increase volume

1. I’d better turn………….early. I didn’s sleep well last night.

2. The woman turned the escaped prisoner………….to the police.
3. They want to turn that basement room………….a play room.
4. Hundreds of people turned………….to welcome the royal Family back to London.
5. After being offered the post Simon turned it………….in his mind carefully before accepting.
6. When her business failed, she turned………….her parents for financial help.
7. Although Mark said he’d be there at 8.00, he didn’t turn………….until 10.30.

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