Exam Tech Virt 18 19 VF
Exam Tech Virt 18 19 VF
Exam Tech Virt 18 19 VF
Semestre : 1 2
Part 1 (7 Pts)
N.B: Each question may have one or more correct answer(s). You should report the correct choice(s) on
your exam sheet
a. Binary Compatibility.
b. Fault tolerance.
c. Performance isolation.
d. Interposition.
Q2: Bare-Metal virtualization can be supported by a number of solutions such as:
a. Vmware ESX/ESXi
b. Vmware workstation
c. Citrix XenServer
d. MS Hyper-V
Q3: Desktop Virtualization is a software technology that separates the desktop environment and
associated application software from the physical client device that is used to access it. Which of
the following citations is not associated to desktop virtualization?
Q4: A VPN is an assembly of private networks connected to each other but are isolated from public
networks (e.g., the Internet).
a. A VPN tunneling is used to enable the transmission of datagrams across the Internet
in a plain text format.
b. IP-in-IP tunneling is generally used by most VPNs by facilitating the encapsulation of an
encrypted datagram in the payload section of another datagram before its transmission to
destination point.
c. A VPN can be considered as a logical network built on top of one or more existing
physical networks.
d. The network control and forwarding functions are decoupled in a VPN solution
enabling the network control to become directly programmable and the underlying
infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services.
Q5: VM migration is, generally, associated to which citation(s)?
a. Create a library of virtual machine templates and copy them to create new VMs
b. Invest in self-service virtualization provisioning systems
c. Give developers and testers permissions to create and deploy new VMs
d. Define standardized configurations for test environment virtual machines
Q8: In which mode, IPSec protects information delivered from the transport layer to the network
a. Transport
b. Tunnel
c. Either (a) or (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Q9: In RAID, which technique (s) that ensure to spread data across multiple drives in order to use
the drives in parallel
a. Striping,
b. Mirroring
c. Parity
d. Fault tolerance
Q10: Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can be defined as:
a. An isolated environment that behaves as a whole computer that contains its own
hardware resources.
b. The control system at the core of virtualization that enables the creation, management
and governance of virtual machines (VM).
c. Either (a) or (b).
d. Neither (a) nor (b).
Q11: Network virtualization can be employed to improve network efficiency/Increase flexibility
while reducing capital and operational costs. Which among the following citations is NOT a
definition that can be associated to network virtualization.
b. Provides on-disk locking to ensure that the same virtual machine is not powered on by
multiple compute systems at the same time.
c. Is mounted on the compute system in order to allow logical volumes to provide storage
for all VMs.
d. Is used for providing storage space for creating Virtual Machine File System to store
virtual machine files.
1. In order to be able to run multiple OS on your laptop, you have decided to use VMWare
workstation to create different virtual machines (VMs) that need to access to Internet.
a. What are the possible configuration options that could be performed to enable
network connection to your VMs?
b. Explain the difference between them.
2. When dealing with server virtualization, two common hypervisor designs are supported;
namely, monolithic and microkernel architectures.
a. Explain the difference between these two hypervisor types regarding
architecture, use case, advantages and drawbacks, and market products.
b. We assume, at this point, that your VMs are running and one of your physical
servers is overloaded. Consequently, you should perform live VM migration to
another physical server. List the live migration techniques and explain the
difference between them.
3. Your organization is composed of 4 departments, which are distributed over multiple sites
and needs to be connected using Virtual Private Networks.
a. Which type of VPN solution should be deployed?
b. Justify you answer.
4. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture that is dynamic,
manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable solution for building high bandwidth networks.
a. What is the relation between SDN and network virtualization?
5. Your organization need to virtualize its data storage. Two possibilities are offered to you
to make the decision, as illustrated in the figure below. Accordingly, you are asked to:
a. Identify the two approaches presented in the figure,
b. Explain the difference between the two approaches and point-out the
advantages offered by each of them.
6. Your organization asked you to deploy a solution in order to offer software to employees
without the need modifying the host computer or making any changes to the local
operating system, file system, or registry.
a. What are the different deployment types you can use in order to put in place
the application virtualization solution?
b. Could containerization be a solution the organization need? Identify the
relation between containerization and application virtualization.