Nick 2011

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A Very Low Phase-Noise Voltage-Controlled-Oscillator at X-Band

Morteza Nick, and Amir Mortazawi

Department ofElectrical Engineering and Computer Science

University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, ML 48109, USA

Abstract - An X-band veo is designed by employing a sustains the oscillation (Fig. l(b». Here, we take advantage of
compact tunable high-Q negative-resistance resonator. The the active filter's instability to design a low phase-noise
implemented active resonator not only provides a high degree of
oscillator. A dual-mode square loop resonator is used for the
frequency-selectivity, but also initiates and sustains the
oscillations. The loaded-quality-factor of the resonator is 510. As
compact filter design. The two resonant modes are coupled to
a result, a simple and compact veo has been designed by each other to form an elliptic response band-pass filter. Two
eliminating the need for the parallel feedback amplifier and active devices are incorporated in the filter design to over­
external load coupling network. Therefore, size and De power compensate the losses of the resonant modes, causing
consumption are significantly reduced without degrading the
instability. When properly designed, oscillation occurs at the
phase-noise performance. The fabricated veo operates at 8.2
GHz with 105 MHz tuning range. It shows a measured phase­
filter's pass-band edge where it exhibits the highest frequency
noise of -149.5 dBclHz at 1 MHz frequency offset, and achieves a selectivity, resulting in the lowest phase-noise. In contrast to
figure-of-merit (FOM) value of -211.7 dBclHz. To the best of the previous designs [4-6], there is neither a need for an extra
author's knowledge, the veo presented in this pa per achieves amplifier in the oscillator loop, nor for a coupler to deliver
the lowest phase-noise and FOM compared to other planar
power to the external load.
oscillators reported to date.
The new approach is experimentally verified by
Index Terms - Active resonator, dual-mode resonator, elliptic
filter, oscillator, phase noise, quality factor.
designing a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) at 8.2 GHz.
The VCO demonstrates a measured phase noise of -149.5
dBclHz at 1 MHz frequency offset with 2 dB variations within
I. INTRODUCTION a tuning range of 105 MHz. The output power level is 7 dBm
As the worldwide wireless market sees continued growth, with 12.5% DC-RF efficiency. The VCO's figure-of merit
the demand for compact and low-cost low phase-noise (FOM) is -21l.7 dBclHz. To the best of author's knowledge,
oscillators has become stronger. Microwave oscillators are this oscillator achieves the lowest phase-noise and FOM
conventionally designed by providing parallel or series values among published works on planar oscillators. The
feedback to an active device, as shown in Fig. l(a). Usually, a VCO could be designed to occupy an area as small as 1J8 x
frequency-selective element, such as a resonator or a bandpass 1J8, making it suitable for the design of compact hybrid or
filter, is used in the feedback network. According to Leeson's integrated circuits.
linear model [1], phase-noise is proportional to the inverse­
square of the resonator's loaded-quality-factor (QL).
Unfortunately, due to the high dielectric, conductor and II. COMPACT HIGH- Q NEGATIVE-R RESONATOR DESIGN
radiation losses, the quality factors of the available planar
resonators are limited; leading to oscillator's phase-noise The proposed resonator's structure and its equivalent circuit
degradation. Therefore, despite numerous efforts [2-6], the are shown in Fig. 2. It consists of an active filter whose
design of low-phase-noise compact planar oscillators is still second port is terminated with a reactive element OXT). The
very challenging. reactive termination converts the two-port active filter to a
Previously [6], we reported on the design of an oscillator single-port high-Q negative-resistance resonator.
using a high-Q active resonator in its parallel feedback loop, A compact filter can be designed by employing a dual-mode
which achieved a record low phase-noise performance for square loop resonator with two degenerate resonant modes
planar oscillators. In this paper, we introduce a new design along its horizontal and vertical axis [7].
technique that offers significant advantages in terms of In our design, the filter's input and output ports are coupled
tunability, DC power consumption and size while achieving a to both resonant modes through offset-to-center feeding lines.
similar state-of-the-art phase-noise performance. The The resonant modes are coupled to each other by the patch
oscillator's core is a reactively-terminated active filter, acting perturbations at resonator's two inner comers. The
as a high-Q negative-resistance resonator, which provides combination of the resonant modes cross-coupling along with
the asymmetric feeds allows for a pseudo-elliptic band-pass
high frequency selectivity and, at the same time, initiates and
response between the input and output ports. A pseudo-elliptic

978-1-61284-757-3/11/$26.00 C2011 IEEE


coefficient Horizontal
(a) (b) o e

Fig. I Block diagram of (a) a conventional parallel feedback Port 1 iX,

oscillator, and (b) the proposed oscillator.

Port 2
r- ------------
band-pass response is desired since it improves the frequency
: jXT Reactive
selectivity by introducing a close-to-passband zero in the :
transfer function [5]. The square resonator shown in Fig. 2(a) 1_- ______________
occupies an area of A/4XA/4, where A is the wavelength.
However, the size can be reduced to A/8XA/8 by using a
meandered-line square resonator [7].
In the circuit of Fig. 2, each resonant mode is coupled to a
negative-resistance device for loss compensation. The
negative-resistance devices are implemented by using series
feedback at the emitter terminals of SiGe HBT transistors in a
common base configuration. The loss compensation networks
are designed such that they over-compensate the losses of the
resonators; namely, the amount of energy produced by the Fig. 2 (a) A reactively terminated dual-mode active filter used as a
active devices exceeds the energy loss within the resonators. high-Q negative-resistance resonator for oscillator designs. (b)
Therefore, the active filter is made unstable having a Equivalent circuit of the filter. Each resonant mode is modeled with
reflection coefficient of larger than unity. The instability can a shunt -rLC network. The negative resistance, -r, indicates the
over-compensation of the losses by active devices.
be enhanced by terminating the filter's second port with a
reactive termination, XT• The microstrip filter shown in Fig.
2(a) was designed on a 32 mils thick R4003C substrate and
20 '---�--�-----"" ,

simulated using Agilent's Momentum EM solver. The 1 1 ,.
\ ,

�-----�! i
simulated active filter's input reflection coefficient is shown L

in Fig. 3, where a band-pass elliptic response is observed EO

� 10 " , -,
when the filter's second port is matched terminated. Fig. 3 C \1 :
also depicts the filter's frequency response when its second .� 5
" I
-\ I

port is reactively terminated. As it can be seen, the reactive �

termination causes a strong peak in the input reflection 0
8 r---:---=:::-""
coefficient. The location of the peak depends on the o -5
termination value. The value of XT is optimized such that the n
peak occurs at the filter's pass-band edge for highest �

frequency selectivity. --Reactive Termination

� -15 -- Matched Termination
At the vicinity of the peak reflection coefficient, the c

reactively-terminated active filter behaves like a high-Q LC -20

7.7 7.8 7.9 8.1 82 8.3
resonator having a negative resistance in shunt, as shown in Frequency (GHz)
the inset of Fig. 4. Based on the simulated reflection
coefficient's phase-response, the active resonator achieves a Fig. 3 Input reflection coefficient of the active filter with reactive
loaded quality factor of 510. This value is about six times and matched termination at the second port. The reactive
higher than that of a passive single resonator implemented on termination causes a strong peak in the input reflection coefficient.

the same substrate. Therefore, it can be used in the design of

low phase-noise oscillators as discussed in the next section. reactive terminations to the emitter and base terminals of the
transistors. The optimum emitter/base reactance values were
In active resonators and filters, the transistors introduce
excess noise whose effects should be minimized for low-noise determined based on the procedure introduced in [8].
applications. This can be accomplished by providing proper Matching-networks are then used to transform the drain

978-1-61284-757-3/11/$26.00 C2011 IEEE

"' 40 '-'-TTTITrrr-'�TTnTI'-'-TTTITrnr-'-'TT�
I -50 - 1. --'...J l.l.llU _ _ 1_ L LI.lI.lIL _ 1....J...J l.l.lllJ _ _ 1 _ L LI.lI.l
- + --i -i
I I I III111
+I+IH -
-1 - t-I-I+I+II-
- + --i -i + I+I H - -1 - t-I-I+I+
� I I I III111
� TITIn -
I I I III111
-1 - r rITITI!
I I I III111 I I I III11
- T --, -, TITln - -1- r rlTIT
en -80 ..
.... 1 _ Ill!) _ _ 1_ L LillllL _ 1. _I..J lllllJ _ _ 1_ L Li1111
'0 -'.1. I
c: -90 - + �•.� 4 'H - -1 - 1-1-1+1+11- - + -l-l
+I+IH - -1 - 1-1-1+1+
"'w -100
- T --, -, T'r-f.l -1- r rlTITlr --, -, TITITI - -1- r rlTIT
- T

� -110 30 dB/dec Ji
: .�..� 1 L III IL
_1_ 1..J lllliJ _ _ 1_ L Lllill
l� � � � �:�:� I : � � : �:�

-120 _
+ -l-l
I1 1 1 11111
� ��.�
I I ·jo..l
_ _ _ _
I 1 1 1 11111 I I 1 11111
2 -130 - T --, ..., TITIn - -1- r r'r'::::� "... --,..., TITIn - -1- r rlTIT

a, -140 - + -: � +:+:H - - : - � :-:+:+:��":::�...J : l �+: � - - : - � :-:+:+:

� -150 - -l- -l-l -l-1-1-IW - -1 - 1-1-1-1-1-1-11- - -l- -l··�·-I,.;I-1-
, _ _ 1 _ 1-1-1-1-1-1-
I I I I I1111 I I I II 1111 I I I l j"r·"oI.1. ' I I II III
_Q, -160 - i II ililn - -1- Illilill - i ;J - r
... . .

; ··T· . 11111
g' -170 -1-1 -1111111- -1-'1-111111- -1 1 1 111111 -1- , ti·;;·IJ..I
I I 1 1 11111 I I 1 111111 I 20dB/dec .L

-180 '-;-..L.L.LLLLI-'-'-;----'-----'--1..LLl.Lll.-,,----'-
---' -.LLLllil-:- -'--LLJ...l.. .l..Ul
1� 1� 1� 1� 1�
output Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 5 Measured phase-noise of the fabricated YCO at 8.2

GHz. Phase noise at I MHz offset from the carrier is about -
149.5 dBc/Hz.

8.3 ·144 �
I u
·146 -;
N ·0

::.,::.,.;.-,---,----------------------- � '"
negative �
u r ·148
c: Cl.
Q) I
resistance ::l r-:..---+ u
u.. .a
+ + + + f- f- f- I- �150 �
Fig, 4, Top view of the fabricated YCO, Four varactors are Q)
coupled to the resonator to provide frequency tuning c:
8.1 ·152
(circuitry at the center of the resonator), 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Tuning voltage (v)

impedances to the negative-resistance values required for the

active filter design, Fig. 6 Measured characteristics of the YCO versus varactors'
tuning voltage. Phase-noise is measured at 1 MHz frequency

III. LOW PHASE-NOISE YCO FABRICATION AND The measured oscillation frequency range is 8.150-8.255
MEASURMENT GHz. The output power level varies from 6 to 8 dBm across
the tuning range, while DC-RF efficiency varies from 9 to12.5
The fabricated YCO is shown in Fig, 4, consisting of the
%. In this design, the tuning range is mainly limited due to the
high-Q negative-resistance resonator described in the previous
narrowband response of the negative-resistance devices used
section, and the external load matching network. Two
NESG2030M04 SiGe HBT transistors with 2 dB noise-figure in the active filter. Higher tuning ranges could be achieved
through a more broadband negative-resistance circuit design.
and 8 dB associated gain were used to design the negative­
The YCO's phase-noise is measured by the FM
resistance devices for the active resonator. The external load
discriminator technique using an Agilent's E5500A phase­
matching network steps up the 50 n load impedance to twice
the absolute value of the active filter's negative input noise measurement system. As shown in Fig. 5, the YCO
impedance, in order to guarantee oscillation start up. Four shows a measured phase-noise of -149.5 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz
MA46H120 hyperabrupt varactor diodes with capacitance frequency offset at 8.2 GHz. The flicker phase-noise comer
range of 0.2-1 pF and quality factor of 15 were attached to the frequency is approximately 90 KHz. The phase-noise and
resonant modes, for frequency tuning. The varactors' control power variations across the tuning range are plotted in Fig. 6.
voltage of 1-10 volts simultaneously changes the frequency of To the best of author's knowledge, the YCO presented here
resonator's coupled modes, thereby tuning the oscillation demonstrates the lowest phase-noise among microwave planar
frequency. oscillators reported to date. The figure-of-merit (FOM) of the

978-1-61284-757-3/11/$26.00 C2011 IEEE

Device Resonator Fo Po Tuning Range Efficiency L(f)t FOM
GHz dBm MHz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz

HEMT [2] Ring 12 5.3 510 48.7% -116.2 -189.3

Si BJT [3] Hair-Pin 9 9 270 4.5% -129 -185.6

HEMT [4] Active resonator 10 10 120 2% -134.4 -187.4
SiGe HBT [5] Passive elliptic filter 8.1 3.5 - 10% -143 -207
SiGe HBT [6] Active elliptic filter 8 10 - 5% -150 -205
SI BJT [9] Microstrip 9.95 7 54 2.5% -134 -191
�iGe HBT [This Work] High-Q negative-resistance 8.2 7 105 12.5% -149.5 -211.7

t Phase-Noise at 1 MHz frequency offset * Mechanical tuning

oscillator can be calculated using [10]

f D
FOM=L(�f)-20IoglO( O)+1OIoglO( P C) (1) [1] D. B. Leeson, "A simple model of feedback oscillator noise
�f ImW spectrum," in Proc. IEEE, vol. 54, Feb. 1966, pp. 329-330.
[2] L.-H. Hsieh, and K. Chang, "High-efficiency piezoelectric­
where L(L1j) is the phase-noise, L1fis the frequency offset,/o is transducer tuned feedback microstrip ring-resonator oscillators
operating at high resonant frequencies," IEEE Trans. Microw.
the oscillation frequency and P DC is the total consumed DC
Theory Tech., vol. -51, no. 4, pp. 1141-1145, April 2003.
power. The FOM of the VCO is -211.7 dBc/Hz. Table I [3] L. Dussopt, D. Guillois, and G. M. Rebeiz, "A low phase noise
compares the performance of several reported VCOs at C and silicon 9 GHz VCO and 18 GHz push-push oscillator," in IEEE
X-band with the design presented here. The VCO presented in MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., vol. 2, June 2002, pp. 695-
this paper achieves the lowest FOM compared to other planar
[4] Y.-T. Lee, 1. Lee, and S. Nam, "High-Q active resonators using
oscillator reported to date. amplifiers and their applications to low-phase noise free­
running and voltage-controlled oscillators," IEEE Trans.
VII. Conclusion Microw. Theory Tech., vol. -52, no. 11, pp. 2621-2626, Nov.
High quality-factor frequency-selective resonators are 2004.
[5] M. Nick, and A. Mortazawi, "Low phase-noise planar
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Currently available resonators suffer from either low quality Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. -57, no. 8, pp. 1959-1965,
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design a low phase-noise X-band planar VCO employing a [6] M. Nick, and A. Mortazawi, "Oscillator phase-noise reduction
compact tunable high-Q negative-resistance resonator. The using low-noise high-q active resoantors," in IEEE MTT-S Int.
Microwave Symp. Dig., May 2010, pp. 276-279.
implemented active resonator not only provides a high
[7] J. S. Hong, and M. 1. Lancaster, "Microstrip bandpass filter
frequency-selectivity, but also initiates and sustains the using degenerate modes of a novel meandered loop resonator,"
oscillation. This results in a simple and compact VCO IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 371-
structure by eliminating the need for the parallel feedback 372, Nov. 1995.
amplifier and external load coupling network. [8] P. Gardner, and D. K. Paul, "Optimum noise measure
configurations for transistor negative resistance amplifiers,"
The fabricated VCO operates at 8.2 GHz with 105 MHz
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. -45, no. 5, pp. 580-
tuning range. It shows a measured phase-noise of -149.5 586, May 1997.
dBc/Hz at 1 MHz frequency offset at 8.2 GHz. Its output [9] A. P. S. Khanna, E. Topacio, E. Gane, and D. Elad, "Low jitter
power level is 7 dBm with 12.5% DC-RF efficiency. The silicon bipolar based VCOs for applications in high speed
VCO's FOM is -211.7 dBclHz. To the best of author's optical communication systems" in IEEE MTT-S Int.
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knowledge, both the phase-noise and FOM are the lowest
[lO]A. Victor, and M. B. Steer, "Reflection coefficient shaping of a
values among published planar oscillators, reported to date. In 5-GHz voltage-tuned oscillator for improved tuning" IEEE
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narrowband response of the negative-resistance devices used Dec. 2007.
in the active filter. Higher tuning ranges could be achieved
through a broadband negative-resistance implementation.

978-1-61284-757-3/11/$26.00 C2011 IEEE

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