Passing Off and Infringement of Trademar

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• A trademark in relation to goods conveys to the general public and specifically to

the consumers about the origin and quality of those goods.
• A trademark is the foundation of o e’s business to distinguish from others.
• Protection of trademark is important not only from the business point of view but
also for the protection of consumer from fraud and imposition.
• The first Trademark legislation was enacted in India in 1940, but before that,
protection to trademarks in the country was governed by the principles of common
law based on English cases.
• Passing off action is based on common law principle
• The da ages clai ed for i a actio for passi g off is u -liquidated da ages .
• a man may not sell his own goods under the pretence that they are the goods of
another a
• Passi g off cases are ofte cases of deliberate and intentional isreprese tatio
• The law of passing off applies whenever there is the prospect of confusion between
marks and getup or where there is the prospect of confusion of identity through the
unauthorised use of similar marks or get-up
• Passing off is not defined in the Trademark Act, 1999. It is referred to in Section 27
(2), 134 (1)(c) and 135 of the Act.

 “classical trinity” – the three elements of tort of passing off – Goodwill, Misrepresentation &
 Goodwill:- Goodwill is the benefit and advantage of a good name, reputation, and
connection of a business. The goodwill of a business must emanate from a particular center
or source. it has power of attraction sufficient to bring customers home to the source from
which it emanates.
 Misrepresentation:- In its classic form the misrepresentation which gives rise to an action of
passing off is an implied representation by the defendant that his goods are the goods of
the plaintiff.
 Damage: the plaintiff must demonstrate that he suffered or in a quia timet action, that he is
likely to suffer damage by reason of the erroneous belief endangered by the defendant’s
misrepresentation that the source of the defendant’s goods or service is the same as the
source of those offered by the plaintiff. In a passing off action, damage is presumed even
if there is likelihood of deception.
ICC Development (International) Ltd. vs. Arvee Enterprises, the
Court held that “passing-off” is:
A misrepresentation;
 Made by a trader in course of business;
 Toprospective customers of his or ultimate consumers of goods
or services supplied by him;
 Which is calculated to injure the business or goodwill of another
trader which can reasonably be foreseeable; and
 Which causes actual damage to a business or goodwill of the
trader by whom the action is brought or in a quia time action will
probably do so.

 Proof of fraudulent intent not necessary

 Passing off not limited to goods
 Evidence of false representation, but not deception
 Plaintiff and defendant need not be in the same field
 Prior user to be established

would the users of the defendants, either the

actual user or the proposed user, be likely to
lead persons, either members of trade or of the
public, to suppose that the defendant’s goods
so sold were the product of the plaintiff’s, or
that the business concerned in its production
was the plaintiff’s or was associated with the
plaintiff’s business
 The
nature of the marks, i.e, whether the marks are word marks or label
marks or composite marks, i.e, both words or label works.
 The
degree of resemblance between the marks, phonetically similar
and hence similar in idea.
 The nature of goods in respect of which they are used as trademarks.
 The similarity in nature, character and performance of goods of the
rival traders.
 The
class of purchasers who are likely to buy the goods bearing the
marks they are likely to exercise in purchasing and/or using the goods.
 The mode of purchasing the goods or placing orders for the goods.
 Anyother surrounding circumstances which may be relevant in the
extent of dissimilarity between the competing marks.
 Thedefendant may prove that the plaintiff’s business is either
fraudulent or forbidden by law
A false representation contained in the mark itself did furnish a
defence at law and at equity
 Themark complained of is not distinctive of the plaintiff’s business
and there is no likelihood of passing off by reason of defendant’s
use of the mark
 Theplaintiff is guilty of acquiescence, latches, etc. or the
defendant has prior used the mark.
 Thedefendants mark represent his own name which he has the
right to use.
 Innocent misrepresentation by the defendant also constitutes a
valid defence against passing off action.
 The defendant is using the Plaintiff’s mark by way of a license.
 The field of activities of the parties are completely different.
 The defendant claims right of concurrent use of his mark of his
mark. Honest and concurrent user of a trademark when established
will constitute a defence.
 The
defendant’s use of the mark is the bona fide description of the
character or quality of goods or services.
 Thedefendant may successfully plead and establish that the
alleged misrepresentation was made by his employee outside the
scope of his authority and contrary to express instructions.
 thedefendant may plead that the plaintiff has abandoned his mark
and that the defendant has either already moved for rectification
of register for removal of mark or proposed to do so

 Factsof the case:- the Plaintiffs were selling tooth powder

under the Trademark “Colgate” in cans bearing distinctive
get-up and colour scheme. The colour combination was
purportedly applied by the defendants on their cans for a
similar range of products. Colgate alleged that Anchor had
adopted similar trade dress in terms of layout, get-up and
colour combination with the obvious intention to encash
upon the plaintiff’s goodwill and reputation.
 Decision:- As the Court found similarity of look and
appearance of the defendant’s trade dress was that with the
plaintiffs trademark, the Plaintiff succeeded and the Court
granted a perpetual injunction in favour of Colgate
 Section 27(1) of the Trademarks Act, 1999 provides that a person shall be
entitled to initiate legal proceeding to prevent or recover damages for
the infringement of a registered trademark.
 Infringement occurs when someone else uses a trademark that is same
as or deceptively similar to registered trademark for the identical or
similar goods or services as to cause confusion in the mind of the public
 This right of bringing an infringement action against the defendant has
been conferred by Section 28 of the Trademarks Act, 1999
 Section 28 of the Act provides that the registration of a trademark gives
to the proprietor of a registered trademark an exclusive right to use the
trademark in relation to the goods and services in respect of which the
trademark is registered and to obtain relief in respect of infringement of
the trademark.
 Trademark infringement claims generally involve the issues of likelihood
of confusion, deceptive marks, identical marks and dilution of marks
Section 29 of the Trademarks Act, 1999 deals with infringement. In this context, the
ingredients of Section 29 (1) are as follows:-
 The plaintiff’s mark is registered.
 The defendant’s mark is identical with, or deceptively similar to plaintiff’s registered
 The defendant has taken any essential feature of the mark or has taken the whole of the
mark and then made a few additions and alterations.
 The defendant’s use of the mark is in course of the trade in respect of goods/services
covered by the registered trademark.
 The use of the infringing mark must be printed or usual representation of the marking
advertisements, invoices or bills. Any oral use of the trademark is not infringement.
 The use by the defendant is in such manner as to render the use of the mark likely to be
taken as being used as a trademark.
 The defendant’s use of the mark is not by way of permitted user and accordingly
unauthorised infringing use.
 Theregistered proprietor of a trademark has exclusive right to the use of
the trademark in relation to the goods and services in respect of which the
trademark is registered and to obtain relief in respect of infringement of the
trademark in manner provided by the Act.
 Whetherit is deceptively or has become publici juris is a question of fact to
be established.
 When a number of marks, all have a common element, may it be prefix,
suffix or root, i.e. essential part or the core of the mark, they come to be
associated in the public mind as an indication of the same source, which
misleads or causes deception or confusion.
 Marks must be looked at from the first impression of a person of average
intelligence and imperfect recollection.
 It is the common element that has to be identified in an impugned mark and the
registered trademark and if such common element is highly distinctive and is not just
a description or a commonly used word, the likelihood of deception or confusion
would be very much there, despite the fact that it might differ in similarity in certain
 The nature of the commodity, the class of purchasers, the mode of purchase and
other surrounding circumstances must also be taken into consideration.
 Marks must be compared as a whole, microscopic examination being impermissible
 The broad and salient feature must be considered, for which the marks must not be
placed side by side to find out the differences in design.
 Overall similarity is the touchstone.
 It is not the colour of the container or the difference of the product, but it is the
statutory right to the word that has to weigh
 The plaintiff need not in general show prima facie case that is required to be shown
must be something more than a case that will avoid the action being struck out as
frivolous or vexatious and even if the chance of success at the trial are only twenty
percent, the statutory protection is absolutely necessary by way of an injunction in
order to prevent confusion or deception arising from similarity of marks.
 Taking substantial feature of the mark
 Additions
 When a mark is copied
 Marks likely to cause confusion
 Use of reconditioned or second articles
 Printing of labels
 Goods manufactured by third party would constitute infringement
 Marks used along with other’s mark
 Similar marks in medicinal products
 Marks with international reputation used unauthorisedly

 The proprietor of the registered trademark or his legal successor.

 A registered user of a trademark subject to a prior notice to the
registered proprietor and consequent failure of the registered
proprietor to take any action against the infringer.
 An applicant for registration of a trademark. Legal heirs of the
deceased proprietor of a trademark.
 Any one of the joint proprietors of a trademark.
 A foreign proprietor of a trademark registered in India when
Infringement occurs in India

 The infringer who directly by his action causes infringement or who uses or
contemplates or threatens to use a trademark infringing plaintiff’s right.
 The master responsible for his servant’s act of infringement. For example, a
worker who is engaged in the business of making false labels is a servant of
the master who orders the making of such labels. It is the master in such a
case who is to be sued.
 The agents of an infringer.
 Directors and promoters of a limited company cannot be joined as co-
defendants unless they have personally committed or directed infringing

 Suitfor infringement or for passing off is to be filed in the court

not inferior to a District Court having jurisdiction to try the suit.
 DistrictCourt having jurisdiction includes a District Court within
the local limits of whose jurisdiction, at the time of the institution
of the suit or other proceedings, the person instituting the suit or
other proceedings, or where there are more than one person,
any of them who:-
 Actually and voluntarily resides; or
 Carries on business; or
 works for gain;
 can bring in an action against the defendant.

 Under the Limitation Act, 1963, the period of limitation

for filing a suit for infringement of a trademark is three
years from the date of infringement.
 Where the infringement is a continuing one, a new
course of action arises every time an infringement
occurs. For example, a continued sale of infringing
article would give rise to a fresh cause of action.
• Whether the plaintiff is entitled to file a suit; i.e. whether he is proprietor of a
registered trademark or a registered.

• Whether the use or proposed use of the mark by the defendant is an

infringement of the registered trademark.

• Whether the defendant has succeeded in establishing one or more of the

defences set up by him.

• If the plaintiff’s succeeds in the suit, what reliefs he is entitled to?

• Whether the plaintiff is entitled to any interlocutory relief?

• Whether there has been actual instances of deception and confusion

amongst the public?
• The fact of registration of the plaintiff’s mark is to be proved by production
of a copy of the entry on the register certified by Registrar and sealed with
the Trademark Registry.
• The certified copy shall contain all the entries in the register relating to the
mark including the conditions, if any, subject to which a mark is registered.
• The plaintiff must establish that the use of the mark complained of comes
within the scope of definition of infringement.
• Where the defendant has absolutely copied the mark and made a
facsimile representation of it, no further evidence is required.
• Where the mark used by the defendant is not identical with the registered
trademark, the court has to determine the two marks are deceptively
• Opinion evidence is not admissible, but statement of witnesses to the effect
that they themselves would be. deceived are admissible
• Where the plaintiff has no title to sue;
• Where the registration of the trademark is not valid and liable to
be expunged;
• When the use of the mark by the defendant is not an
infringement under Section 29;
• When a person uses a trademark in accordance with honest
practices in industrial and commercial matters that do not take
unfair advantage.
• When a person uses a trade mark in relation to goods or services
indicating character, quality or geographical origin
• When a person uses a trade mark in relation to services to which
the proprietor has already applied the mark or registered user
the object of the use is to indicate that the proprietor or the
registered user has performed the services.
• When a person uses a trademark, which is subject to any conditions
or limitations, beyond the scope of such conditions or limitations will
not constitute infringement.
• When a person uses a mark in relation to goods to which the mark has
been lawfully applied, or where the registered proprietor has
consented to the use of the mark. This applies to cases where goods
are purchased in bulk and sold in retail applying the mark.
• When a person uses a mark in relation to parts of a product or
accessories to the goods in respect of which the mark is registered if
the use is reasonably necessary to indicate that the goods so
• When a person uses a mark or a similar mark in the exercise of a right
conferred by independent registration.
• When a person assigns a trademark to another, this will not affect the
right of that person to sell or deal in the goods bearing that mark.
1. Castrol Limited Vs P.K. Sharma
• Facts of the case: Plaintiff is the registered owner of the trade marks
Castrol, Castrol Gtx And Castrol Gtx 2 in respect of oils for heating, lighting
and lubricating. During the month of December 1994, plaintiffs came to
know that the defendant was carrying on business of selling multigrade
engine oil and lubricants under the trade mark 'Castrol Gtx & Castrol Crb'
IN IDENTICAL containers as used by the plaintiffs. Plaintiff filed a suit for
perpetual injunction.
• Held: Hon’ble Delhi High Court while passing an ex parte decree held that
the user of the said trade marks by the defendants, who have no right
whatsoever to use the same is clearly dishonest and is an attempt of
infringement. The prayer of the plaintiff is accepted and they are
restrained by a decree of injunction from selling, advertising directly or
indirectly in multigrade engine oil with the aforesaid trade marks in
containers which are similar to the containers being used by the plaintiffs.

• Facts of the Case:-the plaintiff company manufactured drugs

under the trade name "Calmpose". The defendant company
subsequently floated its similar product under the trademark

• Held: The Hon’ble Delhi High Court held that the two
trademarks having appeared phonetically and visually similar
and the dimension of the two strips being practically the same
including the type of packing, the colour scheme and manner
of writing, it is a clear case of infringement of trade mark and
the ad interim injunction granted in favour of the plaintiff.
 The pleadings must contain a clear and conscience statement of all material
facts relied upon by the plaintiff, but not evidence.
 It should specifically allege what the defendant has infringed or threatened to
infringe in case of registered mark.
 In case of passing-off, the plaintiff must specifically allege the wrong that has
been done to his goodwill or business and also the act of misrepresentation
committed by the defendant.
 Particulars of the acts committed by the defendant which form the basis of
allegation must be given.
 Where the fraud is desired to be raised, it must be clearly pleaded, and
particulars of fraud must be stated.
 Where both the infringement and passing off are combined in the suit, the
plaintiff should state that by virtue of such user the mark has become
distinctive of his goods.
 Accounts of Profit
 Damages
 Injunction
 Section 135 (2) further provides for ex parte injunction or any interlocutory
order for any of the following matters, namely:-
 For discovery of documents;
 Preserving of infringing goods, documents or other evidence which are
related to the subject-matter of the suit;
 Restraining the defendant of or dealing with his assets in a manner which
may adversely affect plaintiff’s ability to recover damages, costs or other
pecuniary remedies which may be finally awarded to the plaintiff.

Anton Piller Order

Mareva Injunction
Interlocutory Injunction
Perpetual Injunction
 Durga Dutt Sharma V. N.P. Laboratories, Hon’ble Supreme Court
AIR 1965 SC 980 laid the difference between the two –
infringement and passing off.
 “An action for passing off is a Common law remedy,
being in substance an action for deceit, that is, a
passing off by a person of his own goods as those of
another. But that is not the gist of an action of
infringement. The action for infringement is a statutory
remedy conferred on the registered proprietor of a
registered trade mark for the vindication of the
exclusive right to use the trade mark."


 Passing off action is based on common law principle that nobody has any right to
represent his goods as somebody else. Such action is recognised both in respect of
unregistered as well as registered trademark. An action for infringement on the other
hand is based on the right acquired by registration and is possible only in respect of
registered trademarks.
 An action for infringement is a statutory right. It is dependent upon the validity of the
registration and subject to other restriction laid down in the Act. On the other hand, in a
passing off action registration of trademark is not relevant. It is based on property in
goodwill acquired by use of the mark.
 The proprietor of an unregistered trademark whose mark is unauthorisedly used by
another cannot sue for infringement of a trademark. His only remedy lies in bringing a
passing off action.
 In an infringement action, the plaintiff is not required to prove the reputation of his mark,
which is not the case in case of passing off. In passing off action, the plaintiff has to
prove that his mark has acquired reputation in relation to any goods delt with by him.
 An infringement action can result in the restraining of defendant from using the
registered trademark whereas in a passing off action the defendant is restrained from
selling the article without clearly distinguishing from the goods of the plaintiff.
 In an action for infringement, the use of trademark of the plaintiff, in relation to goods is a
sine qua non for the action. In contradiction, in a passing off action, it is deceit as
practiced on the public and not the use of the trademark that is to be shown.
 In an infringement action, if there was colourable imitation, the fact that the get up was different was
not relevant in an infringement action though it might have had relevance in a passing off action.
 In passing off action identity or similarity of marks is not sufficient, there must also be likelihood of
confusion. But in case of infringement if the marks are identical or similar no further proof is required.
 An infringement action is based on the violation of the proprietary right and deception can be one of
the ways whereas in a passing off action deception or likelihood of deception is the only thing to be
 An infringement action does not require the use of the mark. The proprietor could have never used the
mark in the course of the business and still bring an action for infringement whereas in a passing off
action the plaintiff must establish that the mark by usage has become distinctive of his goods i.e. the
goods are identified by the mark.
 In an action for infringement, the plaintiff must make out that the use of the defendant’s mark is so
close either visually, phonetically or otherwise and the court reaches the conclusion that there is an
imitation, no further evidence is required to establish that the plaintiff’s rights are violated. Whereas, in
case of passing off the defendant may escape liability if he can show that the added matter is
sufficient to distinguish his goods from the goods of the plaintiff.
 In case of a passing off action, the defendant's goods need not be same as that of the plaintiff, they
may be allied or even different. In case of an action for infringement, the defendant's use of the
offending mark may be in respect of the goods for which the mark is registered or similar goods.

 Where a mark is registered, the plaintiff may

combine his action for infringement along with
an action for passing off, where the plaintiff
has used his mark and can establish goodwill
and reputation in connection with his business.
This provides for a better protection of

 Protection of trademark is important not only from the business

point of view but also for the protection of consumer from fraud
and imposition.
 However, it is beneficial if combined action for infringement and
passing off is brought in one suit as incorporating a plea of
infringement, if the mark gets registered can always amend the
 The present Act expressly recognises the common law remedy
and thus saves both the registered and unregistered trademarks
from being misused.

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