Jagan Nath University, Jaipur: Ph.D. Regulations

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Introduction Jagan Nath University has a strong commitment to high quality research for quality education and enhance the professional competence of the students rich in knowledge and innovative in approach. The University offers Ph.D programmes to the eligible students who are interested in doing research. Preamble The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is the Research Degree of this University. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23(3) of the Act, the Academic Council of the Jagan Nath University, Jaipur makes the following regulations: The Ph.D., degree is awarded to a candidate, who, as per these regulations, has submitted a thesis on the basis of original research work done by him / her in any particular discipline or more than one discipline (interdisciplinary), that makes a contribution to the advancement of knowledge or to innovative methods of application of existing knowledge, so as to contribute to the betterment of lives of the people and has had the thesis approved by suitably constituted examiners as per requirement. Short Title and Commencement 1. These regulations shall be called The Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of Jagan Nath University, Jaipur.

These Regulations govern the conditions for Ph. D programme, admission procedure, appointment of Supervisors, imparting courses of instructions, implementation methodology, conduct of the examinations and evaluation of students performance leading to award of Ph.D. Degree. There shall be a Research Board, which shall be responsible for Promotion and maintenance of the standards of research. To monitor and guide all research programmes including Doctoral research. Identify Research and Development thrust areas within the frame work of the objectives of the university. Formulation of regulations and procedures for research development and consultancy work. Plan, initiate, review and oversee the research activities. Evolve and implement multi-disciplinary programmes utilizing the infrastructure and resources of the university gainfully. Research Board shall consist of: The ViceChancellor (Chairman) Pro Vice Chancellor Deans of the Faculties Senior Most Professor or in case there is no professor, the Senior most Associate Professor( Readers) in the teaching departments of the University; Three distinguished members who are not employees of the university, to be nominated by the Chancellor.

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The members other than the ex-officio members shall have a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-nomination. 1. One third of the members shall form the quorum. 2. In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the senior most Dean present at the meeting will preside. 3. The recommendations of the research Board shall be considered by the Academic Council. 4. The Research Board shall meet at least once in one academic session. The functions of the Research Board shall be as follows:i) ii) To recommend the minimum qualifications for recognition as supervisor for research work. To consider and recommend applications from teachers for recognition as research supervisors.

Iii) To recommend names of distinguished persons from outside the University for guiding research work. iv) To consider the cases for registration for doctoral degrees where there is change of faculty. v) To consider cases of difference of opinion between examiners of doctoral thesis and other exceptional situations not expressly covered by the rules on the subject. Doctoral Programme leading to Ph.D. will be offered in the following Faculties of the University Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty of of of of of of Management Engineering and Technology Architecture Law Information Technology Mass Communication

Categories of Ph. D. candidates and place of research There shall be three categories of Ph.D. candidates as listed below: a) Full -time, b) Part-time (Internal), c) Part-time (External) i) Full-time Candidates All approved candidates who pursue full-time study and research in this University shall belong to this category. ii) Part-time Candidates (Internal) All approved candidates who are employed in this University and actively involved in the relevant area of teaching, research or development as part of their regular work shall belong to this category.

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Part-time Candidates (External) Candidates working in other educational institutions or Industry involved in R&D activities or Research Organizations recognized by this University, and who are permitted for pursuing Ph.D. Programmes in this University while continuing in their job, shall belong to this category. While they shall pursue research in their place of employment, such candidates shall report to their respective supervisor as and when required.

Regulations for Ph. D. 1. A candidate for admission to the degree of Ph.D. in any of the Faculties must have obtained the Masters degree with first class or at least 55% marks (CGPA 5.5 - 6 in a scale of 10) at Post-graduate examination and second division at the degree examination of the University or of another University recognized as equivalent thereto for General Category and 50% in UG and PG for SC / ST candidates. A candidate who takes his Masters Degree from a University /Foreign University where the University does not award any division or grade and only mentions pass/fail shall be required to appear and pass a written test of at least three hours duration to be conducted by the Faculty Research Committee on payment of prescribed test fee, judging his proficiency in the subject concerned. The students will be given admission through entrance test to ensure quality, to be organized by the School/ Department/ Institution/ University as the case may be. The Test should examine research aptitude, grasp of the subject, intellectual ability and general knowledge of the prospective candidates. It should be followed by an interview to be organized by the School/ Department/ Institution/ University. Only the predetermined number of students may be admitted to Ph D program. The candidates who have passed UGC/CSIR/NET/SLET examinations shall be exempted from the written test; but shall have to take the viva-voce examination. At the time of interview, doctoral candidates are expected to discuss their research interest/area, The admission to the Ph .D Programme would be either directly or through M Phil Programme While granting admission to students to M Phil/Ph D Programmes, the University/Institute/School will pay due attention to the National/ State Reservation Policy. Provided that: (a) (b) This provision will however, not debar those persons, who have at least five years teaching experience of Post-graduate classes. For teachers of University and colleges of standing of at least ten years the conditions of obtaining second division at the Degree examination may be relaxed at the discretion of the Research Board. No candidate will ordinarily be permitted to do research work for the degree of Ph.D in a Faculty different from the one in which he/she has obtained his/her Masters Degree. Permission to pursue Ph. D degree in a different Faculty may be granted in special cases on the recommendation of Faculty Research Committee after conducting a written test of 3 hours duration judging the proficiency of the candidate in the subject concerned on payment of prescribed fee. All candidates for the degree of Ph. D. shall apply for registration in the beginning of term of the academic year and shall work under the guidance of a supervisor approved by the University.


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Allocation of Supervisor The allocation of the supervisor for a selected student shall be decided by the Department concerned in a formal manner depending on the number of students per faculty member, the available specialization among the faculty supervisors, and the research interest of the student as indicated during interview by the student. The allotment/allocation of supervisor shall not be left to the individual student or teacher. The supervisor is directly responsible for the supervision and mentoring of the student. In this capacity, the supervisor assists the student in planning an appropriate program of research and coursework. The supervisor is to ensure that the student is aware of and understands all program requirements, degree regulations, and general regulations of the faculty, department and/or program. The supervisor is to provide counsel on all aspects of the program and to be informed and involved in the student's research activities and progress. 2. (a) The following persons will be ipso-facto eligible to act as research supervisors: All Professors and Associate Professors (Readers) in the University Teaching Departments provided they posses doctoral degree of at least five Postgraduate research experience. years


All Assistant Professors (Lecturers) in the University Teaching Departments possessing a Doctoral degree of five years standing and with at least Ten years teaching experience of post graduate/ B. Tech/B.E/ B. Arch classes. Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deans of the Faculties and persons holding any other academic position in the University, if they were recognized research guide in any other university prior to joining the Jagan Nath University. Registration The University shall notify the Ph.D. Programme through a notification Published in leading News papers, once in a year preferably in the month of July/August.



Admission Admission for registration to the Ph.D. degree will be made by Chancellor on the Recommendation of the Faculty Research Committee. the Vice-

Each eligible candidate for registration to Ph.D. course in University Teaching Department shall submit his/her application for registration on the prescribed form to the Head of the Department, along with Demand Draft towards payment of prescribed fees for entrance test, through his supervisor submitting a scheme or outline of the subject he proposes to investigate with a statement of work and any prior work that he may have done on the subject . The Head of the Department will examine the following conditions and forward the same through the Dean of the Faculty to University office for registration after the topic is approved by the Faculty Research Committee, within 15 days after the receipt of the application: (i) (ii) Whether the candidate is eligible for registration. Whether the candidate is within the permissible quota of the supervisor.

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After satisfying himself in all respects he will place the application along with the synopsis before the Faculty Research Committee consisting of the following persons for adjudging the scope and suitability of the subject: Dean of the Faculty concerned Head of the Department concerned Senior Most Professor, other than the Head of the Department/Senior Most Associate Professor other than the head, if there is no Professor. At least one specialist in the concerned subject of the research nominated by the Head in consultation with the person as mentioned in two above. The specialist can also be a person not connected with the university.


Joint Supervision The Joint Supervision in the same Department or different Department/Faculty is permissible in special cases provided (a) (b) The reasons for joint supervision are well defined by the supervisors. In every case the Faculty Research Committee will decide as to who of the two will be the main supervisor. In the case of External Supervisor , the co-guide must be from the university. The candidate will be counted as one full candidate in the quota of main Supervisor. The co-supervisor will not act as an examiner. The Research Board may, on the recommendation of the Dean concerned, permit as a special case a candidate to work under the guidance of a research supervisor not belonging to the University, provided that the proposed research supervisor has qualifications to be a supervisor of the university.

(c) (d) (e)



The following shall be fee payable by the Ph. D candidates: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Explanation: A No Dues certificate duly signed by the Head of the Department, Director of Libraries/Hostel Warden concerned shall be required to be submitted along with the thesis. 7. The application of the candidate for registration shall be finally placed before the ViceChancellor, who after satisfying himself that the subject offered is one, which can profitably be pursued, and the candidate possesses the requisite qualifications, will permit the candidate to be research scholar. The University will inform the candidate accordingly 8. Every candidate shall be duly enrolled as research student of the University on payment of the prescribe fee before he/she is registered for the degree. The application for enrolment shall be sent to the University and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, the original Masters degree and the Migration Certificate of the University from which he/she took the Masters degree. Application Fee Annual Fee( to be paid after registration) Thesis Submission Fee Provisional Certificate Fee Degree in Absentia Fee Rs. Rs. Rs Rs. Rs. 1,000. 00 30,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 1,000.00

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Explanation: (a) Candidates who have already been enrolled once in the University shall not be required to enroll themselves again. (b) The date of commencement of research work will be accepted either from the date of application or from the date of permission letter issued by the University or any date between the two. Provided that if there is no vacancy with the supervisor concerned on the date of application, the date of commencement may be treated from the date on which vacancy with the concerned supervisor occurs. Further provided that the date of commencement of research work by foreign students may be accepted from the date of their application only if they continuously remain in India after obtaining a research visa. 9. Duration A candidate will be allowed to submit his Ph. D. Thesis only after two years from the date of registration as notified by the university. This period may be reduced to eighteen months if the candidate has a M Phil degree from any university. A candidate will be registered for Ph.D. for a period of three years. After three years the maximum extension of registration could be granted to him up to two years (extension by one year every time). After that a teacher will be required to apply for reregistration, which will be of two years duration. In case a teacher does not submit his thesis within the above mentioned period he will not be permitted to submit the thesis on the same subject and will be required to apply for a fresh registration on a changed topic. In case of other research scholar the minimum time for submission of thesis will be two years after that an extension up to two years, could be granted to him on request. After lapse of the two years, the candidate will have to apply for re-registration. If he fails to submit the thesis even after six years he will not be allowed to submit the thesis on the same subject. Every accepted research scholar can also avail the facility admissible to a teacher from the date he attains status as a teacher after accounting for period already spent as research scholar. Provided that in special circumstances the permission to submit the thesis after the lapse of above period may be granted by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendations of the supervisor explaining the reasons for non-submission of thesis within the stipulated period. Provided further that when a student has been registered as a candidate for the degree of Ph.D. in another University and has worked on the approved subject for not less than a year from the date of admission he may be permitted by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the supervisor or the Head of the University department concerned, to register himself as a research student of the University and to submit his thesis after the expiry of the remaining period, if he continues to work under the guidance of the supervisor 10. Course Work After having been admitted, each M Phil/ Ph .D student shall be required to undertake course work for a minimum period of one semester. The course work shall be treated as pre M .Phil/ Ph .D preparation and must include a course on research methodology which may include quantitative methods and Computer Applications. It may also involve reviewing of published research in the relevant field. The university shall decide the minimum qualifying requirement for allowing a student to proceed further with the next stage of writing of the dissertation.

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11. Progress Reports After registration, every candidate shall submit half yearly progress reports regularly through the guide to the Head of the Department for placement for Research Board for consideration and approval. The half-yearly progress report should cover the following aspects. The review of literature. New data acquired or techniques developed. Progress/Standardization in research methodology. Discussion of the work done including any new findings. If a candidate fails to submit two consecutive half-yearly progress reports in time, or the progress reports submitted by the candidate are not satisfactory, the Research Board shall recommend to the University for cancellation of the registration. However, in all such cases, the candidate will be given an opportunity to be heard. 12. Evaluation and Assessment Methods Upon satisfactory completion of course work and research methodology, which shall form part & parcel of M Phil / Ph.D. Programme, the M. Phil/Ph.D Scholar, shall undertake research work and produce a draft thesis within a reasonable time, as stipulated by the Institution concerned. 13. A Supervisor cannot have more than eight PhD and five M. Phil scholars at any given point of time. Explanation: (i) Teacher candidates (persons teaching in a University or in a college affiliated to any University) registered with a research supervisor will not be counted in his quota. (ii) An Associate Professor / Assistant Professor who has not guided research earlier will be allowed to register only one candidate per year till he reaches his quota. 14. (a) The candidate shall pursue his research at the Head quarter of the supervisor, the period of residence being not less than 100 days in each year from the date of commencement of research. A portion of the period of residence, may for the sake of special guidance or facilities or collection of research material of field study be spent elsewhere, as directed by the supervisor with the permission of the Dean of the concerned faculty. (b) The candidate may incorporate in his thesis, contents of any of his published Papers and he should state this in unambiguous terms in the relevant part of the thesis. (c) If the supervisor considers that the knowledge of a particular language is necessary for doing research the candidate shall not be permitted to submit the thesis unless he passes a test in that language. (d) Normally no candidate registered for Ph.D. degree shall be allowed to take up any other University Examination. However, in exceptional cases in the interest of research the Vice-Chancellor may grant such permission on the recommendation of the supervisor and the Head of the Department concerned.

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15. (a) A detailed progress report will be called for by the supervisor and record to the effect will be maintained by him. He will also serve a notice to the candidate after three years that a period of one year only is left for submitting the thesis. (b) The supervisor shall submit a report to the Dean of the Faculty concerned on the progress of the work of a foreign scholar or a scholar working out of the state of Rajasthan & out of India once every year. (c) A candidate ordinarily shall not be permitted to change his subject during the course of his study. If, however an occasion arises due to technical difficulties the Vice-Chancellor may, on the recommendation of Faculty Research Committee, permit any modification of the subject. 16. Submission of Synopsis and Thesis On satisfactory completion of the prescribed courses, the Comprehensive Examination, and the required publications in his/her research area, the research scholar shall submit the copies of the synopsis of his/her research work to the Faculty Research Committee. After Synopsis presentation Faculty Research Committee shall approve the panel of the Examiners Prior to submission of the synopsis, two seminar presentations, one seminar at the end of the second year and another one prior to submission of synopsis should be given by the Research Scholar. Publications should be in two referred journals (at least one in international journal). The research Scholar shall make a pre-M.Phil/Ph.D presentation in the Department that may be open to all faculty members and research students, for getting feedback and comments, which may be suitably incorporated into the draft thesis under the advice of the supervisor. Ph.D candidates shall publish one research paper in a referred Journal before the submission of the thesis/monograph for adjudication, and produce evidence for the same in the form of acceptance letter or the reprint. The synopsis should include the following components : Title of the thesis Brief description on the state of the art of the research topic Formulation of the problem Scope of research work Methodology Original contributions Papers published Conclusion

16. (i) The supervisor shall notify to the University that the thesis is ready for submission. Before that he shall make sure that the thesis is presentable in all its aspects and shall forward two copies of the brief summary of the thesis to the University. The candidate shall submit his thesis within six month of this notification by the supervisor along with a declaration (Annexure I). Only in extraordinary cases the Vice-Chancellor shall extend the time. (ii) The thesis when received shall be referred for evaluation to the supervisor and two external examiners who will be appointed in the following manner:

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The supervisor of the candidate will suggest a panel of eight names of external persons (including adequate details regarding designation, address and major work in the field of study of the scholar concerned) competent to evaluate the thesis. The panel will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor through the Dean of the Faculty, who will appoint two external examines out of this panel. If necessary he may call for additional names for the panel from the supervisor. The supervisor shall give a certificate to the effect that the names suggested in the panel are not close relatives of the supervisors. 17. After the thesis is complete the candidate shall supply four printed or typewritten copies of the thesis in the prescribed colour as mentioned below: (i) The colour of the cover of thesis to be submitted in various faculties shall be as follows: (a) Faculty of Sciences (b) Faculty of Commerce and Management (c) Faculty of Law (d) Faculty of Engineering and Technology (e) Faculty of Mass Communication (ii) The thesis should be either in English or in Hindi. (iii) The supervisor shall furnish a certificate indicating that the thesis contains substantial original work of the candidate. (Annexure II) 18. The thesis shall comply with the following conditions to merit the award for the Ph.D. degree: (i) It should be a piece of research work characterized either by the finding of new facts or by a fresh approach towards interpretation of facts and theories. (ii) It should reflect the candidate capacity for critical examination and judgment. (iii) It should be satisfactory in its literary presentation. A critical edition or translation of a work approved specially for the purpose by the Research Board at the time of registration, when accompanied by an adequate introduction and a commentary of a scholarly nature, may also be considered for award of Ph.D. degree provided that the other requirements are fulfilled. A candidate in addition to the conditions laid down above may also submit a thesis based on the work in one or more of the following categories. a) The candidate has constructed equipment capable of research grade measurements. The candidate has designed and constructed equipment, which provides an innovative approach to the teaching and understanding of the fundamental principles relating to a class of phenomena. The candidate has designed developed and fabricated equipment and/or developed a process, which contributes to the Industrial/Technological self reliance of the country. The candidate shall present a survey of literature in the field concerned and make a critical study of the topic showing a comprehensive knowledge of the current status and direction of the field. The candidate shall also present a detailed and critical report of experiments that he has carried out with the equipment developed. Orange Yellow Purple Light Blue Crimson



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(a) The examiners shall be requested to send their reports on the thesis normally Within two months of the receipt of the same by them. (b) (i) A Viva-Voce examination to be conducted by one external examiner and the supervisor shall be held in all cases which shall be open to the Dean of the faculty concerned. The teachers of the subject concerned in the University department and the Research scholars in the Department concerned may attend Viva-voce examination as observers at their own expenses. The observers shall not be entitled to ask any question. (ii) If the original examiners are not available for viva voce, other person from within the country may be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for the same. (c) (d) The examiners shall send their reports independently to the Registrar by name marked Confidential. If in the first instance, all the examiners evaluating the thesis ,as well as those conducting the viva-voce examination recommend the award of degree to the candidate, the degree shall be awarded. If the majority of the examiners recommend rejection of the thesis, the thesis Shall be rejected. In case of divergence of opinion among the three examiners not covered under clause(s) above, the following procedure shall be followed:

(e) (f)

If two examiners have accepted the thesis, while the third has asked for its revision, the extracts of reports of the external examiners be referred to the supervisor of the candidate and his opinion be obtained whether he would like to get the thesis revised by the candidate or would recommend the appointment of a fourth examiner. Opinion of the fourth examiner shall be final. If two examiners have accepted the thesis and the third has rejected it, the thesis shall be sent for evaluation to a fourth examiner, whose opinion shall be final. If one of the three examiners has accepted the thesis another has rejected in, while the third has asked for its revision, the thesis shall be rejected. When the thesis is rejected under such circumstance, the candidate can get himself registered afresh on the same subject. If the candidate fails to satisfy the viva-voce examiners or if there is a divergence of opinion between the viva-voce examiners, the candidate may be allowed to appear at a second viva-voce examination on payment of the required fee, to be held not later than one year from the date of first viva-voce. If at the second viva-voce examination, the candidate fails to satisfy the examiners his thesis shall be finally rejected. If the majority of the examiners recommend revision of the thesis, the thesis shall be revised. 20. If a candidate is permitted to improve and re-submit his thesis, he shall be required To submit it not earlier then six months and not later than twelve months from the date of such permission, along with the required fee. The thesis so re-submitted shall be sent to the same panel of examiners including the fourth examiner, if any, who evaluated the original one, for adjudication unless they or any one of them expresses inability to adjudicate. The Vice-Chancellor shall in such contingency appoint another external examiner or examiners, as the case may be from the original panel suggested by the supervisor. The thesis shall be accepted if at least three examiners recommend its acceptance.

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Explanation: A Candidate shall not be allowed to re-submit his thesis more than once. 21. The reports of the examiners (including those of the viva-voce) shall be placed before the Board of Management for acceptance or rejection, as the case may be of the thesis. The report of the examiners including viva voce may be accepted by the ViceChancellor on behalf of the Board of Management, which shall be reported by him to the Board of Management for confirmation.

22. DEPOSITORY WITH UGC on the successful completion of the evaluation process and announcements of the award of M .Phil/ Ph .D, the University shall submit a soft copy of the M. Phil/Ph .D thesis to the UGC within a period of thirty days, for hosting the same in INFLEBNET, accessible to all Institutions/Universities. Along with the Degree, the University shall issue a Provisional Certificate certifying to the effect that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with these Regulations of the UGC. 23. The Act of Plagiarism In the case of research scholars who have copied a dissertation / thesis / book for Ph.D. degree his / her thesis shall be forfeited and his / her research registration shall be terminated in this university and also he / she shall be debarred to register for any other programme in this University. For the abetment of above such action, the recognition of his / her supervisor shall be withdrawn for a period of 5 years and he / she shall be debarred from guiding the research scholars for any research programme in this University till such period. ******

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Annexure - 1

Candidate Declaration I, ..hereby declare that the work presented in this thesis entitled ... in

fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, submitted in the school of .. at Jagan Nath University, Jaipur, is an authentic record of my own research work under the supervision of ... . I also declare that the work embodied in the present thesis (i) is my original work/extension of the existing work and has not been copied from any Journal/thesis/book, and (ii) has not been submitted by me for any other Degree/Diploma.


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Annexure - II

Certificate of the Supervisor(s) This is to certify that the thesis entitled ... submitted by for the award of Degree of Doctor Philosophy in the School of . of Jagan Nath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan is a record of authentic work carried out by him/her under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is the original work of the candidate and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma. It is further certified that he/she has worked with me/us for the required period in the School of , Jagan Nath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

(External Supervisor)

(Internal Supervisor)

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