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Global Atmospheric


h ry
1 Introduction

2 The Atmosphere of Earth
3 Global Temperature
4 The Greenhouse Effect
5 Global Energy Balance
6 Carbon Dioxide: The Principal Greenhouse Gas
7 The Other Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols
8 Radiative Forcing of Climate Change
9 Global Warming Potential
10 IPCC Assessment Reports
11 Stabilizing Greenhouse Gases
12 The Oceans and Climate Change
13 Changes in Stratospheric Ozone


“The observed increase [in temperatures] could be largely due to natural

variability; alternatively, this variability and other man-made factors could have

offset a still larger man-made greenhouse warming.”

—IPCC 1990
“The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global
—IPCC 1995

“There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over
the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.”
—IPCC 2001
“Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-

twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic

greenhouse gas concentrations.”
—IPCC 2007
“Be Worried. Be Very Worried”
—Time, April 3, 2006

From Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science. Third Edition. Gilbert M. Masters, Wendell P.
Ela. Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Global Atmospheric Change

1 Introduction
The preceding four quotes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) demonstrate a cautious evolution in the degree of certainty expressed by
climate scientists about the role played by human activities in causing the past half-

century’s rapid rise in global average temperature. The Time magazine cover story
in April 2006, with the provocative title “Be Worried. Be Very Worried” well cap-
tured the growing awareness among the general public that dealing with global
warming is perhaps the most important environmental challenge of the twenty-first

While the atmosphere is made up almost entirely of nitrogen and oxygen,
other gases and particles existing in very small concentrations determine to a large

extent the habitability of our planet. In this chapter, we will focus on several of these
other gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4),
and ozone (O3), as well as a category of man-made gases called halocarbons that in-
cludes chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydroflu-
orocarbons (HFCs), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), methylchloroform (CH3CCl3),

and halons. The two problems of greenhouse effect enhancement, leading to global
climate change, and stratospheric ozone depletion, which increases our exposure to
life-threatening ultraviolet radiation, are linked to changes in these trace gases and
are the subject of this chapter.
The problems of global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion are linked
by their shared dependence on minute changes in our global atmosphere, and they
are, by their very nature, problems whose solutions require international coopera-
tion. The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to (1) assess avail-
able scientific information on climate change, (2) assess the environmental and
socioeconomic impacts of climate change, and (3) formulate appropriate response

strategies (IPPC, 1995). The IPCC provided the technical documentation that
led to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
which was signed by 150 nations, including the United States, at the UN
Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The
UNFCCC is a climate treaty that laid the groundwork for nations to stabilize

greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dan-
gerous interference with the climate system. It took effect on March 21, 1994, after
50 countries ratified the treaty. The subsequent Kyoto Protocol had its origins in

Another effort by WMO and UNEP to organize the scientific community

around the issue of stratospheric ozone depletion led to the signing of the Montreal
Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987. The Montreal
Protocol, and subsequent Amendments framed in London (1990), Copenhagen

(1992), and Vienna (1995), has been extraordinarily important both in terms of its
success in reducing emissions of ozone depleting substances and its clear demonstra-
tion that nations can come together to address global environmental problems.
Much of this chapter is based on the multivolume scientific assessment reports
on climate change and ozone depletion that have been written as part of the WMO
and UNEP efforts.

Global Atmospheric Change

2 The Atmosphere of Earth

When the Earth was formed, some 4.6 billion years ago, it probably had an atmo-
sphere made up of helium and compounds of hydrogen such as molecular hydro-
gen, methane, and ammonia. That early atmosphere is thought to have escaped

into space, after which our current atmosphere slowly began to form. Through
volcanic activity, gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and various com-
pounds of nitrogen and sulfur were released over time. Molecular oxygen (O2)
eventually began to form both as a result of photodissociation of water vapor and

by photosynthesis by plants that were evolving underwater where life was pro-
tected from the sun’s intense, biologically damaging ultraviolet radiation. As atmo-
spheric oxygen levels gradually increased, more and more ozone (O3) was formed

in the atmosphere. It is thought that the absorption of incoming ultraviolet radia-
tion by that ozone provided the protection necessary for life to begin to emerge
onto the land.
Table 1 shows the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere as it exists now,
expressed in volumetric fractions. The values given are for “clean,” dry, air and

don’t include the relatively small but extremely important amounts of water vapor
and particulate matter. While most of the values in the table are essentially un-
changing, that is not the case for the principal greenhouse gases carbon dioxide
CO2, methane CH4, and nitrous oxide N2O, which are rising.
It is convenient to think of the atmosphere as being divided into various hori-
zontal layers, each characterized by the slope of its temperature profile. Starting at
the Earth’s surface, these layers are called the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
and thermosphere. The troposphere and mesosphere are characterized by decreasing
temperatures with altitude, while the stratosphere and thermosphere show increas-
ing temperatures. The transition altitudes separating these layers are called the


Composition of Clean Dry Air (Fraction by Volume

in Troposphere, 2006)
Constituent Formula Percent by Volume Parts per Million
Nitrogen N2 78.08 780,800

Oxygen O2 20.95 209,500

Argon Ar 0.93 9,300
Carbon dioxide CO2 0.038 380
Neon Ne 0.0018 18

Helium He 0.0005 5.2

Methane CH4 0.00017 1.7
Krypton Kr 0.00011 1.1
Nitrous oxide N2O 0.00003 0.3
Hydrogen H2 0.00005 0.5
Ozone O3 0.000004 0.04

Global Atmospheric Change





Altitude (km) Mesosphere



Tropopause Troposphere

−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20

Temperature (°C)

FIGURE 1 The U.S. Standard Atmosphere, showing the four major layers.

tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause. Obviously, the conditions in the actual

atmosphere of Earth vary with time and location, but a useful, idealized temperature
profile, known as the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, provides a convenient starting
point for atmospheric studies (Figure 1).
More than 80 percent of the mass of the atmosphere and virtually all of the
water vapor, clouds, and precipitation occur in the troposphere. At mid-latitudes, the
troposphere extends up to 10 or 12 km (about the altitude of a typical commercial air-
line flight). At the poles, it may be only about 5 to 6 km, while at the equator it is about

18 km. In the troposphere, temperatures typically decrease at 5 to 7°C per km, which
is essentially the wet adiabatic lapse rate corresponding to the rate of change of tem-
perature as water-saturated air rises. The troposphere is usually a very turbulent place;
that is, strong vertical air movements lead to rapid and complete mixing. This mixing
is good for air quality since it rapidly disperses pollutants.

Above the troposphere is a stable layer of very dry air called the stratosphere.
Pollutants that find their way into the stratosphere may remain there for many years
before they eventually drift back into the troposphere, where they can be more easily
diluted and ultimately removed by settling or precipitation. In the stratosphere, short-

wavelength ultraviolet energy is absorbed by ozone (O3) and oxygen (O2), causing the
air to be heated. The resulting temperature inversion is what causes the stratosphere to
be so stable. The troposphere and stratosphere combined account for about 99.9 per-
cent of the mass of the atmosphere. Together they extend only about 50 km above the

surface of the Earth, a distance equal to less than 1 percent of the Earth’s radius.
Beyond the stratosphere lies the mesosphere, another layer where air mixes
fairly readily, and above that the thermosphere. The heating of the thermosphere is
due to the absorption of solar energy by atomic oxygen. Within the thermosphere is
a relatively dense band of charged particles, called the ionosphere. (Before satellites,
the ionosphere was especially important to worldwide communications because of
its ability to reflect radio waves back to Earth.)

Global Atmospheric Change

3 Global Temperature
The common definition of climate suggests it is the prevailing or average weather of a
place as determined by temperature and other meteorological conditions over a period
of years. Average temperature, then, is but one measure of climate; many others, includ-

ing precipitation, winds, glaciation, and frequency of extreme events such as typhoons
and hurricanes, are also important parameters. Long-term variations in average temper-
ature, however, are the single most important attribute of climate change.
Climatologists have used a number of clues to piece together past global tem-

peratures, including evidence gathered from historical documents, tree rings,
changes in ice volume and sea level, fossil pollen analysis, and geologic observations
related to glacial movements. One of the most fruitful approaches involves the

analysis of concentrations of various stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen as
found in ice cores and sea-floor sediments.

Isotopes and Temperature

Recall that atoms of a particular element all have the same number of protons but
may have varying numbers of neutrons. The sum of the protons and neutrons, called
the mass number, identifies which isotope of that element we are talking about. Some
isotopes are radioactive, such as radon-222 (222Rn), and their decay rate can be used
to date various geological events. Other isotopes are stable, which means they can be
used to track the movement of substances in the environment over geologic time.
Consider water, H2O. Hydrogen, with one proton, has two stable isotopes, 1H
and H (also called deuterium, D). Oxygen, with eight protons, has three stable iso-
topes, 16O, 17O, and 18O. Thus we can imagine many different combinations of
atoms making up molecules of water, including the two most important “heavier
water” molecules 1H2H16O and 1H1H18O.

When water evaporates from the oceans, it contains a mix of isotopes of

hydrogen and oxygen. Heavier water containing 18O or deuterium (2H) evaporates less
readily and condenses more quickly than light water, which means those heavy iso-
topes get left behind as water vapor from the ocean travels toward the poles. That
means snow falling in the Arctic and Antarctic will have lower concentrations of deu-

terium (D or 2H) and 18O than seawater. This separation of light isotopes from heavier
ones is temperature dependent. As it gets colder, less and less of the heavier deuterium
and 18O make it to the poles. The 2H> 1H and 18O> 16O ratios in precipitation that
forms glaciers and ice sheets therefore decrease when it gets colder and increase when

it gets warmer, thus providing a very important historic measure of global temperature.
The relative abundance of 2H and 18O in seawater is so important that stan-
dardized concentrations have been established called the Vienna Standard Mean
Ocean Water (VSMOW) ratios. The VSMOW ratio of 2H> 1H is 0.00015575 (1 deu-

terium per 6,422 atoms of conventional hydrogen) and the standardized 18O> 16O
ratio is 0.0020052 (1 part 18O to 499 parts 16O). The shifts in isotope ratios are com-
pared to the standard using a parts-per-thousand dX(0 > 00) notation. For example, the
d18O(0 > 00) concentration is expressed as

(18O> 16O) sample

d18O(0 > 00) = c - 1 d * 103 (1)
(18O> 16O) standard

Global Atmospheric Change

Negative values of d18O or dD represent isotope ratios below the standard,

while positive numbers correspond to higher ratios. For example, d18O(0 > 00) = - 10
means the concentration of 18O is lower than the standard by 10 parts per thousand
(“10 per mil”), or 1 percent. Changes in dD and d18O in precipitation seem to be lin-
early related to temperature. For d18O, the change is about 0.7 per °C, while for deu-

terium, it is about 6 per mil per °C (McGuffie and Henderson-Sellers, 2005).

EXAMPLE 1 Deuterium in an Ice Core

Suppose a deuterium measurement taken near the surface of an ice core yields an

isotope ratio of 2H> 1H = 8.753 * 10 - 5.
a. Find the corresponding dD(0 > 00) using the VSMOW standard for deuterium.

b. Suppose an ice sample from a deeper, and older, depth in the core shows
dD(0 > 00) = - 445. Using the estimate of 5.6 dD(0 > 00) per °C, how much
colder was it at the time that ice layer was created?

a. Using the VSMOW standard of 0.00015575 for deuterium in (1) gives
(2H> 1H) sample
dD(0 > 00) = c - 1 d * 103
(2H> 1H) standard
8.753 * 10 - 5
dD(0 > 00) = c - 1 d * 103 = - 438
b. The 7 per mil drop in dD from - 438 to -445 translates to about 7>5.6 *
1°C = 1.25°C colder than the present.

As the world’s ice volume increases, it selectively removes 16O from the hydro-

logic cycle and concentrates the remaining 18O in the decreasing volume of the
oceans. Hence, marine organisms that build their shells out of calcium carbonate in
seawater will have a higher ratio of 18O to 16O in their shells when it is cold and
more of the world’s water is locked up in glaciers and ice. By dating marine sedi-

ments extracted from deep sea cores, and observing the ratio of the two oxygen iso-
topes in their carbonates, a historic record of the volume of ice storage on Earth can
be created. Figure 2 shows a reconstruction of climate based on d18O in benthic
2 2

100 kyr cycle 41 kyr cycle

2.5 0
carbonate (per mil)

Vostok ∆T (°C)
δ18O Benthic


3 −2

Five million years of −6
4 climate change
from sediment cores −8
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Millions of years ago

FIGURE 2 Five million years of climate change from deep sea sediment cores.
(Source: Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005.)

Global Atmospheric Change

carbonates over the past 5 million years. The temperature scale calibration is based
on a comparison with ice core data. Notice the isotope record in ocean sediments
moves in the opposite direction to the isotope record in glacial ice. That is, for
example, while warmer temperatures cause decreases in 18O in oceans and sedi-
ments, warmer temperatures cause increases in 18O in that year’s layer of glacial ice.

The Antarctic and Greenland Ice Cores
Analysis of ice cores taken in Greenland and Antarctica have provided a remarkable
picture of the climate and composition of the Earth’s atmosphere over hundreds of

thousands of years of history. Isotopic analysis of glacial ice provides the tempera-
ture record, while analysis of the composition of the air bubbles captured in the ice
as it was formed gives a corresponding record of the concentrations of various

atmospheric gases as well as wind-blown dust and ash.
The Vostok station in Antarctica is the site from which a number of significant
cores have been drilled, the deepest of which extends 3,623-meters into the ice. The
Vostok core provides a climate record that extends back some 420,000 years and
includes four past glacial cycles. The record-holding ice core in terms of the length

of its historical record, as opposed to its depth, is the 3,270-m European Project for
Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) core drilled into an ice summit called Dome C
located several hundred miles away from Vostok. The EPICA core goes back in time
by more than 720,000 years and covers 8 previous glacial cycles.
Figure 3 shows a very strong correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide
and methane concentrations taken from air bubbles in the Antarctic cores compared

CH4 (ppbv)



δD Ice (‰)



CO2 (ppmv)


0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000
Age (yr BP)

FIGURE 3 Antarctic carbon dioxide and methane concentrations correlate well with the
climate proxy dD. The current CO2 concentration (390 ppm in 2007) is far higher than it
has been over the past 650,000 years.
(Source: Data from Siegenthaler et al., 2005, and Spahni et al., 2005.)

Global Atmospheric Change

with the dD temperature surrogate. During glacial periods, the greenhouse gases CO2
and CH4 are low; during the warmer interglacial periods, they are high. Perhaps the
most startling feature in the figure is how much higher the current CO2 concentra-
tion is (390 ppm in 2007) than it has been in over 650,000 years. What the data do
not make clear is whether it is changing concentrations of greenhouse gases that

cause temperature changes or vice versa. Switches from glacial to interglacial periods
may well be triggered by other phenomena, such as natural variations in the Earth’s
orbit, coupled with positive feedbacks between warming and increased greenhouse
gas emissions.
In the opposite hemisphere, a number of cores have been drilled into the the

3-km-thick glacial cap in Greenland. The Greenland data show cycles of gradual
cooling, followed by rapid warming, during the last glacial period. These cycles,

which have a period of between 500 and 2,000 years, are called Dansgaard-
Oeschger events after their discoverers. They seem to be linked to another phenom-
enon, called Heinrich events, in which it is thought that enormous flotillas of
icebergs periodically drifted across the North Atlantic; their melting deposited
unusual layers of sediments on the seafloor that were used to identify and date these

events. One of the most startling observations from Greenland ice cores is the speed
with which large, regional temperature jumps can occur. During the last glacial
period, 10,000 to 110,000 years ago, the temperature of Greenland showed jumps
of 5 to 7°C within just a decade or two. Global temperatures, on the other hand, do
not seem to have changed nearly that rapidly in the past. Over the past 10,000 years
(the present interglacial period), it seems unlikely that global mean temperatures
have ever changed faster than 1°C per century (IPCC, 1995, 3.6.3).

More Recent Global Temperature

While ice cores and seafloor sediments provide indirect methods of estimating tem-
peratures over many hundreds of thousands of years of Earth history, ever since the

mid-nineteenth century, the temperature record has been based on actual measure-
ments. Most of the data are from actual thermometer readings taken at weather sta-
tions across the globe, including ships at sea, augmented more recently with satellite
data. Adjustments have been made to discount the impact of warming caused by the

growth of cities around meteorological stations. Dark surfaces in urban areas

absorbing heat from the sun, along with waste heat from energy consumption, cause
elevated temperatures referred to as the urban heat island effect. To offset the bias
caused by urban warming, nighttime satellite images are used to identify stations

outside of brightly lit urban areas. Greater reliance is then placed on data sets taken
from those unlit areas and other rural areas across the globe. After these adjust-
ments, the remaining urban influence on the global record is estimated to be less
than 0.1°C (Hansen et al., 2001).

Figure 4 shows the Goddard Institute for Space Sciences (GISS) estimate of
the mean annual global temperature expressed as a deviation, or anomaly, from a
fixed reference temperature. In this graph, the reference is the 1951–1980 average
global temperature, estimated to be 14°C. Eleven of the years between 1995 and
2006 rank among the 12 warmest years in the instrumental record of global surface
temperature (IPCC, 2007). The current average temperature is probably the highest
it has been since the beginning of the current interglacial period, which began some

Global Atmospheric Change


Land-ocean temperature index


Temperature anomaly (°C)



Annual mean
5-year mean

1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

FIGURE 4 Global mean annual temperature anomaly referenced to the 14°C estimated
average for 1951–1980. The Earth has warmed about 0.8°C since 1990.
(Source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Web site, 2006.)
12,000 years ago. While the overall temperature trend has been steeply upward, the
period between about 1940 and 1980 shows an actual decline in temperature. That
cooling is attributed to particulates, especially sulfates, caused by rapidly growing
fossil fuel combustion during a period of time when emission controls were not yet
in widespread use. Those aerosols reflecting sunlight back into space are thought to
have masked the ongoing global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

When power plant emissions began to be controlled, global warming reemerged and
the post-1980 temperature increases have averaged about 0.28°C per decade. The
more recent 1992–1994 cool spell is attributed to the increased reflection of sunlight
off the atmosphere caused by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, in

June 1991.
Attempts have been made to combine the measured temperature anomaly with
other temperature proxies such as historical documents, tree rings, corals, ice cores,
and lake sediments to reconstruct patterns of the past thousand or so years of tem-

perature change. These attempts focus on the Northern Hemisphere mean tempera-
ture since there isn’t much data available for the rest of the globe. One such study is
shown in Figure 5. Several periods of time are sometimes noted, including a
“Medieval Warm Period” from roughly 900 to 1300, during which some regions of

the globe experienced unusual warmth, and the “Little Ice Age” from about 1500 to
1900, when the opposite occurred.
The overall shape of the 1,000-year profile shown in Figure 5 has picked up
the nickname of the temperature “hockey stick.” The hockey stick has been a source
of some controversy, with some arguing that the current temperature and rate of
change of temperature might not be without precedent in the past 1,000 years, and
therefore the warming we are now observing may be a natural phenomenon. The

Global Atmospheric Change


1998 instrumental value

Northern Hemisphere anomaly (ºC)

relative to 1961 to 1990


− 0.5

1000 1200

ho 1400

FIGURE 5 The Northern Hemisphere temperature anomaly, sometimes referred to as the

1800 2000
“hockey stick.”
(Source: IPCC, 2001.)

data set from which the graph has been drawn has enough uncertainty in it to keep
this controversy alive, but the National Research Council took up the issue in 2006
and concluded that there is a high level of confidence that the global mean surface

temperature during the past few decades is higher than at any time over the preced-
ing four centuries, but beyond that there is less confidence. Whether or not the
warming is unprecedented, the current rapid increase in anthropogenic greenhouse
gas emissions, the well understood physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, and

direct measurements of greenhouse gas impacts, all tell us the climate is changing,
and we have a lot to do with causing that change.

Orbital Variations and Sunspots


The history and future of the Earth’s orbit around the sun can be calculated
precisely. The connection between orbital variations and climate were first proposed
in the 1930s by an astronomer, Milutin Milankovitch, and the orbital cycles are
now referred to as Milankovitch oscillations. Changes in the orbit affect the amount

of sunlight striking the Earth as well as the distribution of sunlight both geographi-
cally and seasonally. Those variations are thought to be quite influential in the tim-
ing of the coming and going of ice ages and interglacial periods.
There are three primary orbital cycles. The shape of the Earth’s orbit oscillates
from elliptical to more nearly circular with a period of 100,000 years (eccentricity).
The Earth’s tilt angle with respect to its orbit fluctuates from 21.5° to 24.5° with a
period of 41,000 years (obliquity). Finally, there is a 23,000-year period associated

Global Atmospheric Change


Earth’s orbit

N N. pole
152 × 106 km 147 × 106 km


Summer solstice, (a) The current orbit Winter solstice,

June 21 December 21

21.5° to 24.5°

N. pole

(b) Obliquity 41,000 years

(c) Eccentricity 100,000 years (d ) Precession 23,000 years
FIGURE 6 Orbital variations affect the timing of ice ages: (a) the current orbit;
(b) the tilt angle variation, with period 41,000 years; (c) eccentricity variation, with
period 100,000 years; (d) precession, with period 23,000 years.

with the precession, or wobble, of the Earth’s spin axis (precession). This precession
determines where in the Earth’s orbit a given hemisphere’s summer occurs. Figure 6
illustrates these variations.

Careful analysis of the historical record of global temperatures does show a

primary cycle between glacial episodes of about 100,000 years, mixed with second-
ary oscillations with periods of 23,000 years and 41,000 years that match the
Milankovitch theory reasonably well. Although these orbital variations only change

the total annual dosage of sunlight by about 0.1 percent, the impacts on seasons and
the resulting patterns of oceanic and atmospheric heat distribution around the globe
are thought to be significant enough to trigger major climate changes.
Another factor that affects the amount of solar radiation reaching the top of

the Earth’s atmosphere is variations in the intensity of radiation emitted from the
sun itself. For example, the sun spins on its axis making one complete rotation every
27 days. There are darker and brighter areas on the solar surface that cause varia-
tions of up to 0.2 percent in the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth over

that 27-day period. Those variations occur so rapidly, however, that they are not
thought to be particularly important in determining average global climate.
Of greater importance is an 11-year cycle of sunspots that were first described
by an amateur astronomer, Heinrich Schwabe, in 1843 (Figure 7). During peak
periods of magnetic activity on the sun, the surface has large numbers of cooler,
darker regions, called sunspots, that in essence block solar radiation, accompanied
by other regions, called faculae, that are brighter than the surrounding surface. The

Global Atmospheric Change





ho Year

FIGURE 7 Mean annual sunspot number showing the 11-year Schwabe cycle.
net effect of sunspots that dim the sun, and faculae that brighten it, is an increase in
solar intensity during periods of increased numbers of sunspots. The variation in
solar radiation reaching the Earth as a result of these cycles is roughly 0.1 percent,
which is thought to be enough to change the Earth’s temperature by roughly 0.2°C.
Sunspot activity helps provide an explanation for the continuous up and down jig-

gling of the Earth’s temperature that complicates the problem of deciding whether a
true global warming “signal” is emerging from the “noise.”

A Simple Global Temperature Model


Measurements of historical global temperatures show that our planet has main-
tained its average temperature within a limited range, but within those bounds, it
seems to be continuously changing. If we hope to predict future impacts of anthro-
pogenic changes in our environment, we need to develop mathematical models that

explain the past. Mathematically modeling of global climate and predicting the im-
pacts of changes in key environmental parameters is an extremely important but dif-
ficult task. Such models range from very simple back-of-the-envelope calculations,
to complex, three-dimensional General Circulation Models (GCMs, also known as

Global Climate Models) that attempt to predict climate on a regional, seasonal, and
annual basis. The most sophisticated of these models can take weeks to run on a
supercomputer, yet they must still be considered primitive. In comparison, our treat-
ment here is just the briefest of introductions. For a much more thorough introduc-
tion, see McGuffie and Henderson-Sellers (2005).
The simplest starting point for modeling climate begins with models that focus
on factors influencing the single parameter, temperature. Obviously, other factors

Global Atmospheric Change

Misses Earth

Incoming Earth
Sun short-wavelength
solar energy, R Rate at which
S = 1370 W/m2 R solar energy hits

the Earth = SπR 2

Hoop Spherical Earth

Area = πR2 radius R

FIGURE 8 Solar energy passing through a “hoop” with the same radius as that of the Earth,
hits the Earth. Radiation that misses the hoop also misses the Earth.

such as precipitation patterns, winds and storms, ocean currents, soil moisture, sea
ice, glacial cover, and so forth are exceedingly important, but they are more difficult
to approach with simple models. Even beginning with just temperature as the single

quantity of interest, we could try to find out how temperature varies in all four
dimensions (latitude, longitude, altitude, time), which is the domain of very complex
GCMs. At the other end of the complexity scale is a simple “zero-dimensional”
model in which a single average global temperature is obtained that is not a function
of location or time. The following is such a model.
The basic zero-dimensional energy balance model equates solar energy
absorbed by the Earth with the energy that the Earth radiates back to space. Radiation
from the sun arrives just outside the Earth’s atmosphere with an average annual
intensity, called the solar constant, S, currently equal to about 1,370 watts/m2. A sim-
ple way to calculate the total rate at which energy hits the Earth is to note that all of
the flux passing through a “hoop” having radius equal to that of the Earth, and
placed normal to the incoming radiation, strikes the Earth’s surface. From Figure 8,

we can write
Rate at which solar energy strikes the Earth = SpR2 (watts) (2)

S = the solar constant, taken to be 1,370 W/m2

R = the radius of the Earth (m)
Some of the incoming solar energy that hits the Earth is reflected back into
space, as shown in Figure 9. Such reflected energy is not absorbed by the Earth or its

atmosphere and does not contribute to their heating. The fraction of incoming solar
radiation that is reflected is called the albedo, and for the Earth, the global annual
mean value is now estimated to be about 31 percent. What isn’t reflected is
absorbed, which leads to the following expressions.

Energy reflected by Earth = SpR2a (3)

Energy absorbed by Earth = SpR2(1 - a) (4)

where a = the Earth’s albedo, taken to be 0.31.

On the other side of the energy balance equation is the rate at which Earth
sends energy back to space. Since there can be no heat transfer from the Earth to

Global Atmospheric Change

Albedo α
α SπR 2

hitting Earth Earth
(1 − α) SπR 2
SπR 2 Qrad = σ4πR 2 T 4

FIGURE 9 Simple global temperature model.

space by conduction or convection, the only way for the Earth to get rid of energy is

by radiation. Every object radiates energy at a rate that is proportional to its surface
area times its absolute temperature raised to the fourth power. For this model, we
will assume the Earth is a blackbody; that is, it radiates as much as any object with
the same temperature and area possibly can (emissivity = 1). We also assume it is
isothermal; that is, the temperature is the same everywhere on the planet. Since the
area of a spherical object is 4pR2, we can write

Energy radiated back to space by earth = s4pR2T e4 (5)

s = Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 * 10 - 8 W/m2-K4

Te = earth’s “effective” blackbody temperature (kelvins)

If we go on to assume steady-state conditions, that is, the Earth’s temperature is not
changing with time, we can equate the rate at which energy from the sun is absorbed

(4), with the rate at which energy is radiated from Earth back to space (5):
SpR2(1 - a) = s4pR2T e4 (6)
Solving for Te,
S(1 - a) 1>4
Te = c d

Substituting appropriate values into (7) yields

1,370 W/m2(1 - 0.31) 1>4

Te = c d = 254 K = - 19°C (8)
4 * 5.67 * 10 - 8 W/m2K4
Notice the conversion from kelvins to Celsius (°C = K - 273). The actual value of
the Earth’s average surface temperature is currently about 288 K (15°C). While we
are off by only 12 percent, which might seem a modest error, in terms of life on
Earth, the 254 K (-19°C) estimate for Te is terribly wrong. We need to find an

Global Atmospheric Change

explanation for why the Earth is (fortunately) not that cold. The key factor that
makes our model differ so much from reality is that it does not account for interac-
tions between the atmosphere and the radiation that is emitted from the Earth’s sur-
face. That is, it does not include the greenhouse effect.

4 The Greenhouse Effect
The surface of the Earth is 34°C higher than what is predicted by (8). Wien’s dis-
placement rule gives the wavelength at which a blackbody spectrum peaks as a func-

tion of its absolute temperature:

l max (mm) = (9)
The sun can be represented as a blackbody with temperature 5,800 K, so its
spectrum peaks at 0.5 mm. The Earth, at 288 K, has its peak at 10.1 mm. Figure 10
shows these two spectra. The area under these curves, between any two wavelengths,

is the total radiant energy in that range of frequencies. For example, the area under
the curve of incoming solar radiation just outside the atmosphere is the total solar
radiant flux; that is, it is the solar constant, 1,370 W/m2. Notice nearly all the incom-
ing solar energy as it arrives just outside the Earth’s atmosphere has wavelengths less
than 3 mm, while the outgoing energy radiated by the Earth has essentially all of its
energy in wavelengths greater than 3 mm. With so little overlap, it is convenient to
speak of solar energy as being short-wavelength radiation, while energy radiated
from the Earth’s surface is long-wavelength, or thermal, radiation. The infrared (IR)
portion of the spectrum begins at about 0.7 mm and extends out to 100 mm, so some
of the incoming solar radiation and all of the outgoing thermal radiation is IR.

2000 30

Incoming extraterrestrial Outgoing radiation from

Intensity (W/m2)/μm

Intensity (W/m2)/μm

solar radiation, 5800 K sun Earth’s surface, 288 K

(short wavelengths) 20 (long wavelengths)


λ max λ max

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 10 20 30 40 50
Wavelength (μm) Wavelength (μm)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 10 Blackbody radiation at 5,800 K and 288 K. (a) Incoming solar radiation just outside of
the Earth’s atmosphere. (b) Radiation from the Earth’s surface at 288 K.

Global Atmospheric Change

IR through
IR through atmospheric window atmospheric Reradiated IR
window to space
100 IR window
80 Space
Absorption (%)

Absorbed by
60 O3 H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O
40 H2O
Reradiated IR
back to surface

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IR radiated Earth surface
Wavelength (µm) from surface

(a) (b)

FIGURE 11 Some IR radiated from the Earth’s surface passes through a relatively clear IR
window between about 7 and 13 mm (a). Most, however, is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere (b).

As radiant energy attempts to pass through the atmosphere, it is affected by
various gases and aerosols in the air. Those atmospheric constituents can let the
radiant energy pass through unaffected, they can scatter the energy by reflection, or
they can stop it by absorption. The key phenomenon of interest here is the ability of
gases to absorb radiant energy. As the atoms in gaseous molecules vibrate toward
and away from each other (vibrational energy) or rotate around each other (rota-
tional energy), they absorb and radiate energy in specific wavelengths. When the fre-
quency of these molecular oscillations is close to the frequency of the passing
radiant energy, the molecule can absorb that energy. This absorption occurs over a
rather limited range of frequencies, not just at the oscillatory frequency of the mole-
cule, and results in an absorptivity spectrum, which is a plot of the fraction of in-

coming radiant energy that is absorbed as a function of wavelength.

Figure 11a shows the absorption spectra for the key greenhouse gases of con-
cern in this chapter, along with the their effect on outgoing infrared (IR) radiation
emitted by the Earth’s surface. Most of the long-wavelength energy radiated by the

Earth is absorbed by a combination of radiatively active gases, most important of

which are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide
(N2O), and ozone (O3). Water vapor, which is by far the most important greenhouse
gas, strongly absorbs thermal radiation with wavelengths less than 8 mm and greater

than 18 mm. Carbon dioxide shows a strong absorption band centered at 15 mm, as
well as bands centered at 2.7 mm and 4.3 mm. Between 7 mm and 13 mm there is a
relatively clear sky for outgoing thermal radiation, referred to as the atmospheric
radiative window. Radiation in those wavelengths easily passes through the atmo-

sphere, except for a small, but important, absorption band between 9.5 mm and
10.6 mm associated with O3.
Radiatively active gases that absorb wavelengths longer than 4 mm are called
greenhouse gases. This absorption heats the atmosphere, which, in turn, radiates
energy back to the Earth as well as out to space, as shown in Figure 11b. These green-
house gases act as a thermal blanket around the globe, raising the Earth’s surface
temperature beyond the equivalent temperature calculated earlier. The importance of

Global Atmospheric Change

Application of the Simple Model (7) to Compute Effective Temperatures,
Compared with Actual Surface Temperatures
Distance Atmosph. Solar Effective Surface Greenhouse
to Sun Pressure Constant Albedo Temp. Temp. Warming

Planet (106 km) (atm) S (W/m2) a (%) Te (K) Ts (K) (°C)
Venus 108 90 2,620 76 229 750 521
Earth 150 1 1,370 31 254 288 34
Mars 228 0.006 589 25 210 218 8

Note: Mars, with little atmosphere, shows almost no greenhouse effect while on Venus it is quite pronounced.
Source: Hoffert, 1992.

water vapor as a greenhouse gas is quite evident on clear nights, when the Earth cools
much more rapidly than it does on cloudy nights. It is also interesting to note that the
term greenhouse effect is based on the concept of a conventional greenhouse with
glass acting much like the aforementioned gases. Glass, which easily transmits short-

wavelength solar energy into the greenhouse, absorbs almost all of the longer wave-
lengths radiated by the greenhouse interior. This radiation trapping is partly
responsible for the elevated temperatures inside the greenhouse, although much of
the effect is simply due to the reduction in convective cooling of the interior space
caused by the enclosure. The elevated interior temperature of your car after it has
been parked in the sun is another common example of the greenhouse effect.
If the Earth did not already have a greenhouse effect, its temperature would be
254 K as predicted by (8). That is, the planet would have an average temperature of
- 19°C, or about - 2°F. In fact, one way to quantify the magnitude of the green-
house effect is to compare the effective temperature, Te, given in (7), with the actual
surface temperature, Ts

Magnitude of greenhouse effect = Ts - Te (10)

Thus, since the actual temperature of the Earth is 288 K, and its effective tempera-
ture is 254 K, we can say that the greenhouse effect adds 34°C of warming to the

surface of the Earth.

In Table 2, this notion is applied to Venus and Mars. Even though the
atmosphere of Mars is almost entirely carbon dioxide, there is so little atmosphere
that the greenhouse effect is barely apparent. The atmospheric pressure on Venus,
on the other hand, is nearly 100 times that of Earth, and its atmosphere is 97 per-

cent CO2. The greenhouse effect on Venus is correspondingly very pronounced. It is

interesting to note that without the greenhouse effect, the greater albedo of Venus
would make it cooler than the Earth in spite of its closer proximity to the Sun.

5 Global Energy Balance

As suggested in Figure 11, a simple model of the greenhouse effect treats the Earth’s
surface, the atmosphere, and outer space as three separate regions. Figure 12
expands the diagram to include incoming solar energy as well as outgoing IR and

Global Atmospheric Change

107 Reflected solar 235 Outgoing

radiation 342 Incoming
107 W m−2 solar
235 W m−2
342 W m−2
Reflected by clouds,
aerosol, and

atmosphere 77
Emitted by 40
77 Absorbed by atmosphere 165 30 Atmospheric
atmosphere window


24 78

Reflected by 40 324
Latent 350
surface Back
30 radiation

24 78
168 Thermals Evapo-
Absorbed transpiration 324
by surface Absorbed
by surface
FIGURE 12 Average energy flows among space, the atmosphere, and the Earth’s surface for a global
equilibrium model. Units are watts per square meter of surface area. Values given are from Kiehl and
Trenberth (1996) as they appear in IPCC (1996).

adds some quantitative detail to help us track energy flows. Some of this detail is rel-

atively easy to derive. Begin by normalizing energy flows between these three regions
by expressing them in terms of rates per unit of surface area of the Earth. For exam-
ple, (2) indicates that the total amount of solar radiation striking the Earth is SpR2.
Distributed over the entire surface of the Earth, the average incoming solar radiation

is equal to

Incoming solar radiation SpR2 S 1,370 W/m2

= = = = 342 W/m2 (11)
Surface area of Earth 4pR2 4 4

Since the albedo is 31 percent, the amount of incoming radiation reflected back into
space per square meter of the Earth’s surface is

Solar energy reflected SpR2a S


== a
Surface area of Earth 4pR2 4 (12)
= 342 W/m2 * 0.31 = 107 W/m2

Of this 107 W/m2, it is estimated that 77 W/m2 is reflected off the atmosphere itself,
while the remaining 30 W/m2 is reflected off the Earth’s surface. The solar radiation
that is not reflected is absorbed by the Earth and its atmosphere. Calling that

Global Atmospheric Change

absorbed energy Qabs (again, with units of watts per square meter of surface) gives

Solar radiation absorbed SpR2(1 - a) S

= Qabs = 2
= (1 - a)
Surface area of Earth 4pR 4 (13)
= 342 W/m2 * (1 - 0.31) = 235 W/m2

Of that 235 W/m2, 67 W/m2 is absorbed by the atmosphere, and the remaining
168 W/m2 is absorbed by the surface of the Earth.
If we assume that global temperatures are unchanging with time, then the rate

at which the Earth and its atmosphere receive energy from space must equal the rate
at which energy is being returned to space. The 107 W/m2 of reflected energy is al-
ready balanced; that is, 107 W/m2 hits the Earth/atmosphere, and 107 W/m2 is

reflected back into space so we can ignore that component for now. The Earth and its
atmosphere absorb the remaining 235 W/m2, so the same amount must be radiated
back into space. If the Earth’s surface were at 254 K, it would radiate 235 W/m2,
which is just enough to balance the incoming energy. We know, however, that green-
house gases would absorb most of that outgoing 235 W/m2, so the required energy

balance would not be realized. Therefore, to force enough energy through the atmo-
sphere to create the necessary balance, the temperature of the Earth’s surface must
be higher than 254 K.
If we treat the Earth as a blackbody radiator, we can use (4) to estimate the
rate at which energy is radiated from the Earth’s surface toward the atmosphere.
With the surface of the Earth at its actual temperature of 288 K, it will radiate the
following amount per unit of surface area.

Energy radiated by surface s4pR2T s4

= = sT s4 (14)
Surface area of Earth 4pR2
= 5.67 * 10 - 8 W/m2K4 * (288 K)4 = 390 W/m2

Of that 390 W/m2, only 40 W/m2 passes directly through the atmosphere, mostly
through the atmospheric radiative window between 7 and 13 mm. The remaining
350 W/m2 is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The atmosphere then

radiates 324 W/m2 back to the surface.

There is also heat transfer from the surface to the atmosphere by convective
heating, evaporation, and condensation of water. Convection transfers 24 W/m2 to
the atmosphere, while condensation of water vapor provides 78 W/m2 of latent heat.
All of these energy flows are shown in Figure 12. If this model is an internally

self-consistent equilibrium model, the rate of energy gain should equal the rate of
energy loss in each of the three regions: space, the atmosphere, and the Earth’s sur-
face. Consider the following checks:

Rate of energy gain = Rate of energy loss?

Earth’s surface: 168 + 324 + 30 = 78 + 24 + 30 + 390 (checks)
Atmosphere: 67 + 78 + 24 + 350 = 165 + 30 + 324 (checks)
Space: 107 + 165 + 30 + 40 = 342 (checks)
So, the model shows the necessary balances.

Global Atmospheric Change

6 Carbon Dioxide: The Principal Greenhouse Gas

Thus far, the greenhouse effect has been described as a natural phenomenon that is
responsible for Earth having an average surface temperature 34°C warmer (288 K vs
254 K) than it would have if it didn’t have radiatively active gases in the atmo-

sphere. As is now well known, anthropogenic sources of a number of gases and
aerosols are enhancing the natural greenhouse effect, leading us into a future of un-
certain global climate. The principal greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, and a category of carbon-based gases called halocarbons, which are

molecules that contain atoms of carbon plus fluorine, chlorine, and/or bromine. In
addition, emissions of black carbon, or soot, particles also add to atmospheric
warming. We begin our exploration of these gases and particulates with the most

important one, carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has been recognized for its impor-
tance as a greenhouse gas for over a century. The Swedish chemist Svante August
Arrhenius is usually credited with the first calculations on global temperature as a
function of atmospheric CO2 content, and his results are not that far from those
obtained today.

Atmospheric Concentration of CO2

The first continuous, precise, and direct measurements of atmospheric carbon
dioxide began in 1957 at the South Pole, and 1958 at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. At that
time, the concentration in Mauna Loa was 315 ppm and growing at less than 1 ppm
per year. In 1979, NOAA began assembling data from a network of sites to deter-
mine a global average value. The global average in 1990 was 354 ppm and growing
at 1.6 ppm per year. In 2006, it reached 380 ppm, and the rate of growth had in-
creased to about 2 ppm/yr.
Figure 13 shows NOAA data for monthly global CO2 for the recent past. The

oscillations are caused by seasonal variations in the rates of photosynthesis and res-
piration. During photosynthesis, carbon is transferred from the air into plant mate-
rial (indicated by the carbohydrate, glucose, in the following reaction). During
spring and summer, when plants are growing their fastest, atmospheric CO2 levels

drop, tending to reach their lowest point in the Northern Hemisphere in about
sunlight, chlorophyll"
Photosynthesis: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O C6H12O6 + 6 O2 (15)

Reversing the preceding reaction yields the equation describing respiration, which is
the process that living things use to obtain energy. During respiration, complex or-
ganic molecules are broken down, returning carbon to the atmosphere. When the
rate of respiration exceeds the rate of photosynthesis, as tends to occur in the fall

and winter seasons, there is a net replacement of carbon into the atmosphere, which
globally results in peak concentrations around May.

Respiration: 6 C6H12O6 + 6 O2 : 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (16)

Carbon thus moves continually from the atmosphere into the food chain dur-
ing photosynthesis and returns to the atmosphere during respiration.

Global Atmospheric Change




CO2 (ppm)


CO2 concentration (ppm)

1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005




2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
FIGURE 13 Recent global CO2 concentrations. The oscillations are month-by-month
mean values; the smoothed line is a moving average over 10 adjacent months.
(Source: NOAA Web site http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/index.php#mlo, 2006.)

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations inferred from Antarctic ice cores

and other evidence over the past 1,000 years, combined with more recent direct

measurements, are shown in Figure 14. Over most of that time period, the concen-
tration of carbon dioxide hovered at close to 280 ppm, and that is the value that is
commonly used as a reference point for comparison with current readings and
future projections. Carbon dioxide concentrations are now more than one-third

higher than they were just before the industrial revolution.

The Carbon Cycle


The atmosphere contains about 800 GtC, where 1 GtC means 1 gigaton of carbon
(109 metric tons or 1015 g). Since almost all of that carbon is stored in the form of
CO2 (less than 1 percent is in other carbon-containing compounds such as methane
and carbon monoxide), in most circumstances it is reasonable to assume that

atmospheric carbon is entirely CO2. The amount of carbon locked up in terrestrial

vegetation (610 GtC) is of the same order of magnitude as that in the atmosphere,
but both of these amounts are dwarfed by the 39,000 GtC stored in the oceans.
Natural processes continuously transport enormous amounts of carbon back
and forth among the atmosphere, biosphere, and the oceans. The carbon flux into
and out of the atmosphere during photosynthesis and respiration is on the order of
60 GtC/yr. The oceans absorb around 90 Gt/C/yr and store almost all of it in the

Global Atmospheric Change

380 ppm in 2006


Temperature anomaly (°C)

CO2 concentration (ppm)

0.6 340

0.2 N. Hemisphere temp.

0.0 300

− 0.2
CO2 280

1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

FIGURE 14 Carbon dioxide concentration and Northern Hemisphere temperature over

the past 1,000 years.
Atmosphere net gain 3.2 ± 0.2 GtC/yr

6.3 ± 0.4 2.2 ± 0.8 2.9 ± 1.1 2.4 ± 0.8

Fossil fuel Land-use Land uptake Oceans
& cement change

8.5 GtC/yr ± added 5.3 ± GtC/yr removed

FIGURE 15 Human perturbations to the global carbon cycle during the 1990s.
(Source: Based on data from Houghton, 2003.)

form of bicarbonate ions (HCO3- ), but some becomes part of the marine food chain.
A similar quantity is returned to the atmosphere. A very small portion of nonliving
organic matter each year ends up in sediments. The slow, historical accumulation of

that organic carbon is the source of our fossil fuels—oil, natural gas, and coal.
When these are burned, ancient carbon is returned to the atmosphere.
By comparison with the natural fluxes of carbon, the additional amounts
added to the atmosphere by combustion, cement production, and changes in land
use are modest, but they are enough to cause a significant response by the climate
system. Figure 15 summarizes the impact of human perturbations to the carbon

Global Atmospheric Change

fluxes into and out of the atmosphere during the 1990s. Fossil fuel combustion and
cement production deliver 6.3 GtC/yr to the atmosphere, while land use changes,
such as biomass burning and harvesting of forests, add another 2.2 GtC/yr. Not all
of that 8.5 GtC/yr remains in the atmosphere, however. Greater carbon uptake
through purposeful reforestation efforts, as well as stimulated plant growth caused

by higher CO2 levels and increased nitrogen deposition on the soils from fossil fuel
combustion, removes around 2.9 GtC/yr. Finally, higher atmospheric CO2 increases
the oceans’ absorption of carbon, providing an additional 2.4 GtC/yr sink.
As Figure 15 suggests, fossil fuel combustion and land-use changes in the
1990s added about 8.5 GtC/yr to the atmosphere. Of that amount, 5.3 GtC/yr was

returned to the oceans or other terrestrial sinks, leaving about 3.2 GtC/yr remaining
in the atmosphere. The ratio of the amount of anthropogenic carbon emitted to the

amount that remains in the atmosphere is known as the airborne fraction. Using
these data, the airborne fraction has been:

3.2 GtC/yr remaining in atmosphere

Airborne fraction = = 0.38 = 38% (17)
8.5 GtC/yr anthropogenic additions

Thus, roughly speaking, somewhat less than half of the carbon we emit stays in the
atmosphere. But the airborne fraction is not necessarily a fixed quantity. For exam-
ple, if large areas of land are deforested, the ability of the biosphere to absorb car-
bon would be reduced, and the atmospheric fraction would increase. Likewise, CO2
fertilization of terrestrial biomass can stimulate plant growth, which increases the
rate of removal of atmospheric carbon, so the airborne fraction could get smaller.
The airborne fraction also depends on how fast carbon is being added to the atmo-
sphere. For scenarios with little or no growth in emissions or even declining emis-
sions, the oceans and plants have more time to absorb carbon, so the atmospheric
fraction could be lower. On the other hand, for rapidly increasing emission rates,
carbon sinks cannot keep up and the fraction remaining in the atmosphere may be

The following example develops another useful relationship, this time between
the concentration of CO2 and the tons of carbon in the atmosphere. This ratio, cou-
pled with an estimate of the airborne fraction, provides the key to predicting future

CO2 concentrations for various carbon emission scenarios.

EXAMPLE 2 Carbon Content of the Atmosphere


Find a relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide and the total
amount of carbon in the atmosphere. The total mass of the atmosphere is esti-
mated to be 5.12 * 1021 g.

Solution We will need to know something about the density of air. That, of
course, varies with altitude, but finding it under some particular conditions will
work. From Table 1 we know the concentration of each gas in air. Recall from
Section 1.2 that 1 mole of each gas occupies 22.414 * 10 - 3 m3 at Standard

Global Atmospheric Change

Temperature and Pressure (0°C and 1 atmosphere), which is 44.61 mol/m3. The
following table organizes the calculation:

m3 gas mol g
Gas * g/mol * =
m3 air m3 gas m3 air

N2 0.7808 28 44.61 975.3
O2 0.2095 32 44.61 299.1
Ar 0.0093 40 44.61 16.6
CO2 0.00038 44 44.61 0.75

Total 1291.8 g/m3

If all of the atmosphere were at standard temperature and pressure, it would have

a density of 1291.8 g/m3, and its mass would still be 5.12 * 1021 g. Putting these
together gives
1 m3 CO2 * 1021 g air
1 ppm = # 44.61 mole # 12 g C # 5.12 # 10 - 15 GtC = 2.12 GtC
6 3
10 m air 3
m CO2 mole g air gC

1291.8 3
m air
Notice this calculation has taken advantage of the fact that volumetric concentra-
tions (ppm) are independent of temperature or pressure.
From Example 2, we have the following very useful relationship:
1 ppm CO2 = 2.12 GtC (18)
For example, knowing the concentration of CO2 in 2006 was 380 ppm, the total
amount of carbon in the atmosphere can be estimated to be
380 ppm * 2.12 GtC/ppm = 806 GtC

EXAMPLE 3 Estimating the Rate of Change of CO2

Suppose global fossil fuel combustion emits 7.4 GtC/yr and cement production

adds another 0.5 GtC. Assuming the an airborne fraction of 0.38 and assuming
no change in emissions associated with land use, what rate of change in CO2 con-
centration would you expect?

Solution Including the 2.2 GtC/yr land-use emissions from Figure 17 gives a

total emission rate of 2.2 + 7.4 + 0.5 = 10.1 GtC/yr. Using the 0.38 airborne
fraction along with the 2.12 GtC/ppm ratio gives
10.1 GtC/yr * 0.38
= 1.8 ppm CO2/yr

¢CO2 =
2.12 GtC/ppm CO2

Carbon Emissions from Fossil Fuels

Use of energy and the resulting emissions of carbon vary considerably from country
to country. The United States, with less than 5 percent of the world’s population,
emits 22 percent of global energy-related CO2. The second largest emitter is China,

Global Atmospheric Change



1,400 USA

Million metric tons C/yr



400 Japan

200 India
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

FIGURE 16 Fossil fuel carbon emissions.

(Source: EIA data, 2006.)


Per capita tonnes C/yr

3 2.9


0.3 0.3












FIGURE 17 Per capita carbon emissions.

(Source: EIA data, 2006.)

and as Figure 16 indicates, it is very rapidly closing the gap with the United States.
In fact, it is projected that China’s emissions will exceed those of the United States

by 2010. While China’s emissions growth is certainly worrisome, two other meas-
ures provide some insight into the root cause of our global carbon problem. On a
per capita basis, the United States emits far more carbon than any other country—
roughly double that of most other advanced countries and more than five times as
much as China (Figure 17). Moreover, it is the accumulated emissions from
developed countries that are overwhelmingly responsible for the rising CO2 concen-
trations in the atmosphere (Figure 18).

Global Atmospheric Change



Cumulative emissions GtC

200 Everybody else



50 countries

FIGURE 18 Cumulative carbon emissions by region.
(Source: E. Wanless with data from G. Marland, Oak Ridge National Labs.)
Carbon Emissions from Industrial Processes
A number of manufacturing processes result in carbon emissions on site that are not
included in the usual accounting for fossil fuel combustion. The primary source of
these industrial emissions is the calcination of limestone (CaCO3) to create lime
(CaO). These two compounds are basic materials in the production of cement, iron

and steel, and glass. Other industrial emissions result from the production and use
of soda ash (Na2CO3), the manufacture of carbon dioxide, and the production of
The largest single industrial CO2 source, however, results from cement produc-

tion. Concrete, which is probably the most important building material in the
world, is made up of a mixture of Portland cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse ag-
gregate (crushed stone), and water. Portland cement, which is the binding agent for
concrete, derived its name in the early nineteenth century from its similarity to a

particular type of stone found on the Isle of Portland in Dorset, England. It is typi-
cally on the order of 12 to 15 percent by weight of the concrete mix.
The major raw material needed for the manufacture of Portland cement is
limestone (CaCO3), along with a source of silicon such as clay or sand. Processing

of those materials is done in high-temperature kilns, usually fired with fossil fuels
whose combustion leads to CO2 emissions. In addition, the calcination of CaCO3
into lime (CaO) that occurs in those kilns emits its own CO2 as the following reac-
tion suggests:

Limestone (CaCO3) + Clay or Sand (Si) + Heat : Cement (CaO, SiO2) + CO2

Global Atmospheric Change

The average intensity of carbon emissions from cement production is about

0.222 tons of carbon per ton of cement, with about half of that being the result of
calcinations and half released during combustion (Worrell et al., 2001). In addition,
power plants supplying electricity for plant operations emit their own carbon, but that
is usually not included in the category of industrial process emissions. All told, cement

manufacturing globally contributes close to 5 percent of all anthropogenic carbon
emissions. The total industrial emissions category accounts for about 0.8 GtC/yr.
As it turns out, fly ash from coal-fired power plants can be used as a replace-
ment for some of the cement in concrete. This fly-ash concrete not only reduces car-
bon emissions by roughly one ton of CO2 per ton of replaced cement, but it also

results in a concrete that is stronger and more durable than its conventional counter-
part. It also recycles a relatively useless waste product that would otherwise have to

be disposed of. Concrete mixtures with more fly ash than cement are now becoming
popular in the emerging green building industry.

Carbon Intensity of Fossil Fuels

The amount of carbon released per unit of energy delivered is called the carbon
intensity. Some fuels have high carbon intensity, such as coal, and some conversion
systems release no direct carbon at all, such as wind turbines or nuclear power.
Interestingly, biomass fuels may also be used in ways that emit little or no carbon
when new plants are grown to replace the ones that were burned. No energy system is
likely to have zero carbon emissions, however, since it is hard to avoid such emissions
during the mining, materials processing, and construction of any energy facility.

EXAMPLE 4 Carbon Intensity of Methane


Find the carbon intensity of methane based on its higher heating value (HHV) of
890 kJ/mol (which includes the energy of condensation of the water vapor
formed. Then find the carbon intensity based on the lower heating value (LHV)
of 802 kJ/mol.

Solution First, write a balanced chemical reaction for the oxidation of methane:
CH4 + 2 O2 : CO2 + 2 H2O
So, burning 1 mol of CH4 liberates 890 kJ of energy while producing 1 mol of

CO2. Since 1 mol of CO2 has 12 g of carbon, the HHV carbon intensity of CH4 is
12 g C
HHV carbon intensity = = 0.0135 gC/kJ = 13.5 gC/MJ
890 kJ

Similarly, the LHV carbon intensity would be

12 gC
LHV carbon intensity = = 0.015 gC/kJ = 15.0 gC/MJ
802 kJ
The LHV carbon intensity assumes the latent heat of the water vapor produced is
not available as usable energy.

Global Atmospheric Change

LHV and HHV Carbon Intensities and Emissions for Typical Fossil Fuels
LHV Carbon HHV Carbon 2004 Global Carbon
Fuel Intensity (gC/MJ) Intensity (gC/MJ) Emissions (GtC/yr)

Natural gas 15.3 13.8 1.58 (21.2%)
Petroleum 20.0 19.7 2.96 (39.8%)
Coal 25.8 24.2 2.89 (38.9%)
Sources: Carbon intensities from NAS, 1992; emissions from EIA, 2006.

We can get a quick estimate of the carbon intensity of other fuels by using the

fact that the energy released during combustion of carbon-based fuels is approxi-
mately proportional to the amount of oxygen they consume (Baird, 1995). For
example, if we consider coal to be purely carbon and oil to be approximately CH2,
we can write the following oxidation reactions:
Coal: C + O2 : CO2 (20)

Oil: CH2 + 1.5 O2 : CO2 + H2O (21)
Natural gas: CH4 + 2 O2 : CO2 + 2 H2O (22)
The same amount of carbon is released for each of these reactions, but since energy is
roughly proportional to oxygen consumption, per unit of carbon emitted we would
expect about 1.5 times as much energy from oil as coal and twice as much energy
from natural gas compared to coal. Turning that around, coal is more carbon-
intensive than oil, and oil emits more carbon than natural gas.
The actual LHV and HHV carbon intensities for typical fossil fuels, combined
with estimates of total carbon emissions, are given in Table 3. Note the slight dif-
ference between the carbon intensity of natural gas and the intensity of methane
itself found in Example 4. Natural gas is mostly methane, but it also includes other

hydrocarbons, which alters the calculation slightly. Since the proportions of

methane and other hydrocarbons vary from one source to another, the carbon
intensities given in Table 3 are “typical,” and you are likely to find other, slightly
different, values in the literature. The same goes for variations in types of coal.

Another comment worth making is that energy consumption figures in the United
States are often based on the higher heating value of a fuel, while most of the rest of
the world, including the IPCC, uses LHV values. The LHV value makes more sense
for power plants since they never recover the latent heat of their water vapor emis-

sions, but HHV values are more appropriate for high-efficiency condensing furnaces
and water heaters, which do capture that heat. To be consistent with the IPCC, in
this chapter, all energy data and carbon intensities will be based on the LHV values.
The carbon intensity data given in Table 3 suggest that sizable reductions in car-

bon emissions are possible by switching from coal to natural gas. It is unfortunately
the case, however, that most of the world’s fossil fuel resources are in the form of coal.
It is interesting to note that almost 90 percent of the world recoverable resources of
coal are in just three regions: the United States, the former USSR, and China.
Table 4 presents data on the world’s fossil fuel resources. These resources
are shown as a resource base, which consists of already identified reserves plus an
estimate at the 50-percent probability level of remaining undiscovered resources. The

Global Atmospheric Change

Energy Content of Global Fossil Fuel Resources and Occurrences,
in Exajoules (EJ)
Conventional Unconventional Total Additional
Fuel Resources Resources Resource Base Occurrences

Natural gas 9,200 26,900 36,100 7832,000
Petroleum 8,500 16,100 24,600 725,000
Coal 25,200 100,300 125,500 7130,000

Totals 42,900 143,300 186,200 7987,000
Source: Nakicenovic, 1996.

resources are also described as coming from conventional sources of the type now
being exploited, as well as unconventional sources that might be usable in the future.
Unconventional sources of oil include oil shale, tar sands, and heavy crude; uncon-
ventional natural gas sources include gas in Devonian shales, tight sand formations,
geo-pressurized aquifers, and coal seams. An additional column in Table 4 is labeled

“additional occurrences.” These are additional resources with unknown certainty of
occurrence and/or with unknown or no economic significance in the foreseeable fu-
ture. Enormous amounts of methane locked in methane hydrates (CH4 # 6H2O) under
the oceans (estimated at over 800,000 EJ) are the most important of these.
Example 5 suggests what might happen to the CO2 concentration in the
atmosphere if we were to burn all of the world’s coal resource base.

EXAMPLE 5 Burning the World’s Coal

Estimate the increase in atmospheric CO2 if the 125,500 EJ of coal were to be

burned. Assume a constant airborne fraction of 38 percent.

Solution We can first estimate the carbon content using the LHV value from
Table 3:
125,500 EJ * 25.8 gC/MJ * 1012 MJ/EJ * 10 - 15 GtC/gC = 3,238 GtC

which is roughly four times as much carbon as currently exists in the atmosphere.
Converting this to CO2 and including the 0.38 airborne fraction gives
3,238 GtC * 0.38
¢CO2 = = 580 ppm CO2

2.12 GtC/ppm CO2

That would result in 2.5 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as we have today.
In fact, it would likely be higher than that if the airborne fraction increases due to
the oceans ceasing to be such a good carbon sink.

It is interesting to note that a similar calculation to that shown in Example 5

suggests that the oil and gas resource base has the potential to add only about one-
third as much CO2 to the atmosphere as would burning all of the world’s coal
resources. That calculation is less certain, however, because of the relatively un-
known carbon emission factors that would be appropriate for the unconventional

Global Atmospheric Change

oil and gas resources. It is also complicated by the fact that the principal component
of natural gas, methane, is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, which
means methane leakage can amplify its potential global warming.
The carbon-intensity factors given in Table 3 suggest that switching from
coal to oil or natural gas would reduce emissions significantly. For example, it

would appear that switching from coal to natural gas would reduce carbon emis-
sions by about 41 percent while delivering the same amount of energy. Example 6
shows how efficiency advantages as well as carbon advantages associated with using
natural gas can substantially increase that advantage.

EXAMPLE 6 Efficiency and Carbon Intensity Combined

Compare the carbon emissions to heat household water using the following three
energy systems: 1) a very good, 37 percent-efficient coal-fired power plant deliver-
ing electricity to a 100 percent-efficient electric water heater; 2) a new, 50 percent-
efficient natural-gas-fired combined-cycle power plant for that same electric water
heater; and 3) an 85 percent-efficient gas-fired water heater. Assume 6 percent

losses in electrical transmission lines.

Solution Let us base our comparison on 100 MJ of energy provided to each

system. Using the LHV values given in Table 3, burning 100 MJ of coal releases
2,580 g of carbon, while 100 MJ of natural gas releases 1,530 gC. As suggested
here, the coal-plant system delivers 100 * 0.37 * 0.94 = 34.8 MJ to heat water;
the more efficient gas-fired power plant delivers 100 * 0.50 * 0.94 = 47 MJ to
heat water; and using gas in the water heater delivers 85 MJ of heat.
37% 100%

100 MJ 37 MJ 34.8 MJ 2580 gC

= 74.1 gC/MJ

Coal 34.8 MJ 34.8 MJ


50% 100%

100 MJ 50 MJ 47 MJ 1530 gC
= 32.5 gC/MJ
Natural 47 MJ 47 MJ
gas Electric


100 MJ 1530 gC
= 18.0 gC/MJ
Natural 85 MJ 85 MJ


The carbon intensities for each system are shown in the figure. Switching from
coal to gas in the power plant reduces carbon emissions for the electric water
heater by 56 percent. Using gas directly in the water heater reduces carbon emis-
sions by 75 percent (much more than the 41 percent improvement expected based
just on the carbon intensity of natural gas versus coal).

Global Atmospheric Change

Estimating Emissions: The Kaya Identity

Predicting future concentrations of carbon dioxide depends on numerous assump-
tions about population growth, economic factors, energy technology, and the
carbon cycle itself. The usual approach involves developing a range of emission sce-
narios that depend on those factors and then using those scenarios to drive mathe-

matical models of how the atmosphere and climate system will react to those inputs.
At the level of treatment given in this short section, we can’t begin to approach the
complexity of those models; however, we can make a few simple calculations to at
least give a sense of some of the important factors.

One way to build simple models of environmental problems is to start with the
notion that impacts are driven by population, affluence, and technology, which is

sometimes referred to as the IPAT identity (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971).
Environmental Impact = (Population) * (Affluence) * (Technology) (23)
The following application of IPAT to carbon emissions from energy sources is often
referred to as the Kaya identity (Kaya, 1990).

GDP Primary Energy Carbon
C = Population * * * (24)
Person GDP Primary Energy
C = carbon emission rate (GtC/yr)
= = per capita gross domestic product ($/person-yr)
Person P
Primary Energy PE
= = primary energy intensity, (EJ/$)
Carbon C
= = carbon intensity, (GtC/EJ)
Primary Energy PE

Equation (24) incorporates the key quantities that drive our energy-related
carbon emissions. It includes economic and population scenarios plus two factors
that are central to energy: energy intensity and carbon intensity. Carbon intensity

has already been introduced. Energy intensity is the amount of energy required to
create a unit of economic activity as measured by gross domestic product (GDP). It
is usually thought of as a surrogate for the country’s energy efficiency. For example,
Japan, which only needs half the energy to produce a unit of GDP, is often consid-
ered to be roughly twice as energy efficient as the United States. While there is some

truth to that assertion, it sometimes masks differences in the standard of living and
the climate in each country. For example, the United States has larger houses that
are kept warmer in more severe winters, so if more energy is required it may have
more to do with those factors than whether or not homes are better insulated in one

country or the other. Japan is also a small, densely populated country with relative-
ly short travel distances, so transportation energy would likely be less as well, even
with an equivalent level of transportation efficiency.
For example, the Kaya identity for the year 2010 looks something like this:
C = 6.9 * 109 people * $4,605/person-yr * 14.9 EJ>$1012 * 0.016 GtC/EJ
= 7.6 GtC/yr

Global Atmospheric Change

1990 to 2020 Average Annual Growth Rates (%/yr) Used in the
IPCC IS92a Scenario for Energy-Related Carbon Emissions
GDP PE Carbon
Region Population Person Person PE

China and centrally planned Asia 1.03 3.91 ⫺1.73 ⫺0.32
Eastern Europe and ex-USSR 0.43 1.49 ⫺0.66 ⫺0.24
Africa 2.63 1.25 0.26 ⫺0.21
United States 0.57 2.33 ⫺1.81 ⫺0.26

World 1.40 1.53 ⫺0.97 ⫺0.24

Equation (24) expresses the carbon emission rate as the product of four terms:
population, GDP, carbon intensity, and energy intensity. Recall from Section 3.2 that
if each of the factors in a product can be expressed as a quantity that is growing (or
decreasing) exponentially, then the overall rate of growth is merely the sum of the
growth rates of each factor. That is, assuming each of the factors in (23) is growing

exponentially, the overall growth rate of carbon emissions r is given by
r = rP + rGDP/P + rPE/GDP + rC/PE (25)
By adding the individual growth rates as has been done in (25), an overall growth
rate is found, which can be used in the following emission equation:
C = C0ert (26)
C = carbon emission rate after t yrs (GtC/yr)
C0 = initial emission rate (GtC/yr)
r = overall exponential rate of growth (yr - 1)

Table 5 shows population, economic growth, carbon intensity, and energy in-
tensity values that have been used in one of the most-cited IPCC emission scenarios
(IS92a) for energy. For the world as a whole, energy intensity and carbon intensity are
both improving over time, which helps offset population and economic growth.

The cumulative emissions from a quantity growing exponentially at a rate r,

over a period of time T is given by
C0 rT
Ctot = C0ert dt = (e - 1) (27)
L0 r

Combining (27) with an estimate of the atmospheric fraction, along with our
2.12 GtC/ppm CO2 conversion factor, lets us make simple estimates of future CO2
concentrations in the atmosphere, as Example 7 demonstrates.

EXAMPLE 7 Kaya Estimate of Future Carbon Emissions

Emissions from fossil-fuel combustion in 2010 are estimated to be 7.6 GtC/yr. In

the same year, atmospheric CO2 concentration is estimated to be 390 ppm.
Assume the atmospheric fraction remains constant at 0.38.

Global Atmospheric Change

a. Assuming the energy growth rates shown in Table 5 don’t change, estimate
the energy-related carbon-emission rate in 2050.
b. Estimate the cumulative energy-related carbon added to the atmosphere
between 2010 and 2050.

c. Add into your scenario carbon emissions from industrial processes (espe-
cially cement) of 0.7 GtC/yr in 2010 and growing at 1.3%/yr. Also add a
constant 0.9 GtC/yr from land-use changes. Estimate the CO2 concentra-
tion in 2050.


a. The overall growth rate in energy-related carbon emissions is just the sum
of the individual growth rates:
r = 1.40% + 1.53% - 0.97% - 0.24% = 1.72% = 0.0172/yr

With 40 years of growth at 1.72% per year, the emission rate in 2050

would be
C2050 = C2010erT = 7.6 e0.0172 * 40 = 15.1 GtC/yr
b. Over those 40 years, the cumulative energy emissions would be
C0 rT 7.6
Ctot = (e - 1) = (e0.0172 * 40 - 1) = 437 GtC
r 0.0172

c. The cumulative carbon emissions from industrial processes and land-use

changes is
C0 rT 0.7 0.013 * 40
Industrial Ctot = (e - 1) = (e - 1) = 37 GtC
r 0.013

Land Use Ctot = 0.9 GtC/yr * 40 yrs = 36 GtC

Using the 2.12 GtC/ppm CO2 ratio and a 0.38 atmospheric fraction makes
our estimate of CO2 in 2050

(437 + 37 + 36) GtC * 0.38

CO2 = 390 + = 481 ppm
2.12 GtC/ppm CO2

One of the weakest aspects of the Kaya identity as expressed in (24) is its use

of primary energy per GDP as a measure of energy efficiency. Primary energy, which
is in essence energy as it is taken out of the ground, can be reduced by efficiency
improvements on the supply side (e.g., more efficient electric power plants) as well
as on the demand side (e.g., by making light bulbs more efficient). One way to
address the two different efficiency improvements is to introduce another factor, call
it final energy FE, which is the energy purchased by consumers (e.g., gasoline, natu-
ral gas, electricity). Another extension is based on prospects for carbon capture and

Global Atmospheric Change

× × × ×
Economic welfare Energy intensity Efficiency of energy Carbon intensity of Fraction disposed
(GDP per capita) of economic activity supply energy supply to atmosphere

Carbon per unit of energy (MtC/EJ)

50,000 2.0 20 1.0

Energy use/$GDP (EJ/US$1990T)

GDP/capita (US$1990/person)

Primary energy/Final energy

Reference Reference Ref

Fraction not sequestered

Reference 1.5 15

1.0 10 0.5
20,000 Intervention
Reference 0.5 5
10,000 Intervention
Intervention Intervention
0 0 0.0 0 0.0

1990 2100 1990 2100 1990 2100 1990 2100 1990 2100

FIGURE 19 An expanded Kaya analysis showing a reference scenario and an intervention scenario
designed to stabilize atmospheric CO2.

(Source: Hummel, 2007 based on the IPCC A2-4.5 W/m2 scenario.)

storage in the future. Letting TC be total carbon in the fuel and C be carbon actual-
ly emitted to the atmosphere, the Kaya identity can be expanded as follows:

C = P * * * * * (28)
This much more useful disaggregation breaks the overall carbon emissions into
much tighter packages for analysis. One such analysis showing a comparison be-
tween a more or less business-as-usual carbon scenario with one designed to
ultimately stabilize CO2 is shown in Figure 19.

A Climate Sensitivity Parameter

As we pump more and more CO2 into the atmosphere, the marginal impact of each
additional ton decreases as its absorption bands approach saturation. That suggests
a nonlinear relationship between CO2 and the resulting global warming that it

causes. One commonly used representation of this phenomenon is given in (29).

ln c d
¢T2X (CO2)
¢Te = (29)
ln 2 (CO2)0

¢Te the equilibrium, global, mean surface temperature change

¢T2X the equilibrium temperature change for a doubling of atmospheric CO2
(CO2)0 the initial concentration of CO2 =
(CO2) the concentration of CO2 at another time

The increase in surface temperature that results from a doubling of CO2 in the at-
mosphere is called the climate sensitivity, ¢T2X. Notice what happens to (29) when
CO2 is double the initial amount. The change in surface temperature is what it
should be, that is,

ln c d =
¢T2X 2(CO2)0 ¢T2X
¢Te = ln 2 = ¢T2X
ln 2 (CO2)0 ln 2
If the concentration of CO2 is quadrupled,

ln c d =
¢T2X 4(CO2)0 ¢T2X
¢Te = ln (22) = 2¢T2X
ln 2 (CO2)0 ln 2

Global Atmospheric Change

In other words, the logarithmic function suggests that for every doubling of CO2,
the surface temperature goes up by the same amount. For example if ¢T2X is 3°C,
then the first doubling raises the surface temperature by 3°C, doubling it again to
four times its initial value raises the temperature by another 3°C, and so on, as illus-
trated in Figure 20. The climate sensitivity ¢T2X is a convenient benchmark that is

often used to compare various general circulation computer models. It has long been
estimated to be between 1.5°C and 4.5°C, with the best estimate as of 2006 being
somewhere around 3.0°C.

Equilibrium Temperature and Realized Temperature
The surface temperatures dealt with thus far, Te and ¢Te, are known as equilibrium

temperatures; that is, they are temperatures that would eventually be reached for a
given atmospheric configuration. In reality, of course, the temperature of the Earth
will not adjust instantaneously to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. A con-
siderable period of time is needed to warm the upper layer of the oceans and the sur-
face of the land, which means the actual realized surface temperature of the Earth will

lag somewhat behind the equilibrium temperature. As shown in Figure 21, at any

3∆ T2X
Temperature change ∆ Te

2 ∆ T2X

∆ T2X

FIGURE 20 For every doubling of

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CO2, the global equilibrium
Concentration ratio (CO2 ) /(CO2 ) 0 temperature increases by ¢T2X.


briu Commitment
uili ze
Eq ali

Tr Re

FIGURE 21 At time t1, the real-

ized surface temperature of the
Earth is Tr, but even if there are no
further increases in greenhouse
gases, it will continue to rise to the
t1 t2 equilibrium temperature Te with a
Time lag time of t2 - t1.

Global Atmospheric Change

given time, the difference between realized and equilibrium temperature is referred to
as the temperature commitment, while the time it takes to achieve equilibrium is the
lag time. Coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models indicate that the
realized temperature is roughly 60 to 85 percent of the equilibrium temperature.

7 The Other Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols
While most of the attention on greenhouse gases has been directed toward CO2

emissions, a number of other gases, as well as aerosols, contribute to our global
warming problem. After introducing each one, we will see how they interact with
each other and with the atmosphere to affect not only climate but also ozone deple-

tion in the stratosphere.

Methane (CH4)
Methane is another naturally occurring greenhouse gas that is increasing in concen-

tration as a result of human activities. As shown in Figure 22, methane concentra-
tions in the atmosphere were approximately 750 parts per billion (ppb) for many
hundreds of years before they began their rapid climb in the 1800s. After a period of
very rapid rise, their concentration in the atmosphere in the early years of the
twenty-first century seems to be leveling off at about 1,750 ppb. Whether this is
some new steady-state level or a temporary pause, remains to be seen.
Methane is produced by bacterial fermentation under anaerobic conditions,
such as occurs in swamps, marshes, rice paddies, landfills, as well as in the digestive
tracks of ruminants. Total emissions have been estimated to be on the order of
600 teragrams per year, of which about 60 percent are related to human activities
such as agriculture, fossil fuel use, and waste disposal. Recent estimates of methane

emissions from short-lived biomass and plant litter under aerobic conditions suggest
methane’s contribution to the observed global warming may have been significantly
underestimated and a reassessment may be called for (Keppler et al., 2006).

2000 1800

Concentration (ppb)
Concentration (ppb)


1250 1700



500 1600
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004
(a) (b)

FIGURE 22 Methane concentrations from Antarctic ice cores (a) combined with more recent direct
measurements (b).
(Source: IPCC, 2007.)

Global Atmospheric Change

Waste Rice production Energy

treatment 11% 30%

Ruminants 11%

FIGURE 23 Anthropogenic sources of methane emissions, totaling some 370 Tg/yr.

(Source: Based on Houweling et al., 1999.)

Almost half of anthropogenic methane emissions are the result of human food
production, especially rice production and livestock, including cattle, sheep, and
buffalo, which belch some 115 Tg of methane per year. Clearing and burning of bio-
mass, in part to prepare land for grazing and crops, also contribute. Almost one-
third of anthropogenic emissions are associated with fossil fuel use (Figure 23).

Methane has an absorption band centered at 7.7 mm, which places it right on
the edge of the atmospheric window and makes it a very potent greenhouse gas. Its
relatively short residence time in the atmosphere, on the order of 9 to 15 years, cou-
pled with its high potency, suggests reducing methane emissions could be an effec-
tive means to reduce global warming on a relatively short timescale.
Methane is removed from the atmosphere primarily through reactions with
the hydroxyl radical (OH), as the following reaction suggests:
CH4 + OH + 9 O2 : CO2 + 0.5 H2 + 2 H2O + 5 O3 (30)
Methane is of course a greenhouse gas, so it has direct effects on the Earth’s radiation
balance. There are, however, a number of indirect effects that provide additional im-
pacts, which reaction (30) helps explain. First, when methane reacts with hydroxyl

(OH), the concentration of OH decreases. With less OH available, the rate of removal
of CH4 slows down, lengthening the atmospheric lifetime of the remaining methane.
With a longer lifetime for CH4 in the atmosphere, it continues to absorb infrared for
a longer time, increasing its global warming potential. The second indirect effect that

(30) implies is that as methane reacts with hydroxyl, it produces water vapor. When
this reaction occurs in the troposphere, the increase in water vapor is insignificant, but
in the stratosphere, it becomes quite important. Finally, (30) indicates the destruction
of methane produces an increase in ozone, which is itself a greenhouse gas. The sum
of all of these indirect effects greatly increases methane’s climate impact.

There is some concern for the possibility that global warming could free large
amounts of methane currently frozen in permafrost in the far northern regions of
the world and could allow anaerobic decomposition of organic matter also frozen in
permafrost, producing more methane. This is an important example of a positive

feedback loop. Warming leading to increased releases of the greenhouse gas,

methane, could reinforce the original warming.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) is another naturally occurring greenhouse gas that has
been increasing in concentration due to human activities (Figure 24). The current

Global Atmospheric Change

Nitrous oxide

N2O (ppb)


1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

FIGURE 24 Increasing concentration of nitrous oxide and corresponding radiative forcing.
(Source: IPCC, 2001.)

atmospheric concentration is about 320 ppb, which is a 16 percent increase over the

preindustrial concentration of about 275 ppb.
Nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere mostly during the nitrification
portion of the nitrogen cycle:
NH4+ : N2 : N2O : NO2- : NO3-
Ammonium Molecular Nitrous Nitrite Nitrate
ion nitrogen oxide ion ion
It is estimated that natural sources of N2O deliver 9 Tg per year to the atmosphere,
with most of that coming from oceans and wet forest soils. Anthropogenic sources,
which add another 6 Tg/yr, are largely the result of forest clearing and nitrogen fer-
tilizers. Other sources include three-way catalytic converters on cars, combustion of
fuels containing nitrogen, and a variety of industrial processes such as the manufac-

ture of nylon.
Apparently, there are no significant tropospheric sinks for N2O, and it is only
slowly degraded in the stratosphere by photolysis. As a result, it has a long atmo-
spheric lifetime, estimated at about 120 years, which means perturbations in the

natural cycle will have long-lasting repercussions. Nitrous oxide has an absorption
band at 7.8 mm that is associated with a stretching of the bonds, and another at
8.6 mm associated with bending of the bond angle. The band at 7.8 mm is on the
shoulder of the atmospheric window, and the band at 8.6 mm is right in the window,
so N2O is a very potent greenhouse gas.

Halocarbons are carbon-based molecules that have chlorine, fluorine, or bromine in

them. The carbon-to-fluorine bonds in halocarbons oscillate, and hence absorb, at

wavelengths around 9 mm, and other bond stretching and bending in halocarbons
also occur with frequencies in the atmospheric window, so these molecules are all
potent greenhouse gases. They are environmentally important not only because they
contribute to global warming, but also because chlorine and bromine atoms that
find their way into the stratosphere have the ability to catalytically destroy ozone, as
will be described later in this chapter.

Global Atmospheric Change

Subcategories of halocarbons include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which have

only carbon, fluorine, and chlorine, but no hydrogen; hydrochlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs), which are like CFCs, but do contain hydrogen; hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
which contain no chlorine; and halons, which are carbon-based molecules contain-
ing bromine along with fluorine and perhaps chlorine. These halocarbon gases dif-

fer from all of the other radiatively active gases in that they do not occur naturally,
and their presence in the atmosphere is due entirely to human activities. Other
important halocarbons include carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), methyl chloroform
(CH3CCl3), and methyl bromide (CH3Br). With so many categories, it may help to
show some examples, which Table 6 does.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are nontoxic, nonflammable, nonreactive, and
are not water soluble, which led to the belief when they were first invented that they

were truly benign chemicals. But because they are inert and don’t dissolve easily in
water, they aren’t destroyed by chemical reactions or removed from the troposphere
by rain. That means they have long atmospheric lifetimes, as Table 6 suggests. The
only known removal mechanism is photolysis by short-wavelength solar radiation,
which occurs after the molecules drift into the stratosphere. It is the chlorine freed

during this process that can go on to destroy stratospheric ozone. Similarly, halons,
which contain bromine, have no tropospheric sinks, and their only removal mecha-
nism is also photochemical decomposition in the stratosphere, which releases the
ozone-depleting bromine.
Examples of Halocarbons
Formula Designation Atmospheric Lifetime (yrs)
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
CFCl3 CFC-11 50
CF2Cl2 CFC-12 102

CF2ClCFCl2 CFC-113 85
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
CHF2Cl HCFC-22 12.1
CH3CFCl2 HCFC-141b 9.4

CF3CF2CHCl2 HCFC-225ca 2.1

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
CF3CH2F HFC-134a 14.6
CH3CF3 HFC-143a 48.3

Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
CF4 Tetrafluoromethane 50,000
C2F6 Perfluoroethane 10,000

CF3Br H-1301 65
CF2ClBr H-1211 20
CH3CCl3 Methyl chloroform 4.9
CH3Br Methyl bromide 0.7
CCl4 Carbon tetrachloride 26
Source: IPCC, 1996.

Global Atmospheric Change

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are being introduced as replacements for

CFCs. By adding hydrogen to the molecules, they are no longer chemically inert,
which means chemical reactions can destroy them in the troposphere before they
have a chance to drift into the stratosphere. Notice the much shorter atmospheric
lifetimes for the HCFCs in Table 6. HCFCs are only temporary replacements for

CFCs, however, since they do still have some potential to deplete the ozone layer,
and they are still potent greenhouse gases.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) have no chlorine at all, so they are even better
than HCFCs in terms of stratospheric ozone protection. The hydrofluorocarbon
CH2FCF3 (HFC-134a) is quickly becoming the refrigerant of choice for automobile

air conditioners and refrigeration equipment. Even this chemical, however, has a siz-
able atmospheric lifetime (14.6 years), and, as a greenhouse gas, it is 1,400 times as

potent as CO2.
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are hydrocarbons containing only carbon and fluo-
rine atoms. They are characterized by extreme stability, nonflammability, low toxic-
ity, zero ozone depleting potential, and high global warming potential. For example,
tetrafluoromethane (CF4) has an atmospheric lifetime of 50,000 years, and its

global warming potential is 6,500 times that of carbon dioxide.
Halons have the ozone-destroying element bromine in them. They are very sta-
ble molecules with no tropospheric sinks, so they only release that bromine when
they eventually drift into the stratosphere and are broken apart by photolysis. The
primary use of halons is in fire extinguishers. They are nontoxic and leave no
residue when sprayed onto fires, so they are ideal for use in confined spaces contain-
ing critical equipment such as computers.

Halocarbon Numbering Systems. In Table 6, most of the halocarbons are

identified by a simple numerical designation as well as a chemical formula. The
CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs are referred to using a number system developed years
ago by DuPont. For example, trichlorofluoromethane, CFCl3, is CFC-11, and the

hydrochlorofluorocarbon CHF2Cl is HCFC-22. To determine the chemical formula

from a fluorocarbon number, begin by adding “90” to the number and then inter-
pret the three-digit result as follows: The leftmost digit is the number of carbon
atoms, the middle digit is the number of hydrogen atoms, and the right digit is the

number or fluorines.
To determine the number of chlorine atoms, begin by visualizing molecules in
which each carbon atom forms four single bonds to other atoms (if the other atoms are
all hydrogens, this is the familiar alkane series: methane, ethane, propane, and so on):

4 sites 6 sites 8 sites 2n + 2 sites


1 carbon 2 carbons 3 carbons n carbon atoms

A single carbon atom has four sites to fill, two carbon atoms have six sites, and so
forth. All of the sites will be occupied by hydrogen, fluorine, or chlorine. So, to find
the number of chlorines, just subtract the number of hydrogens and fluorines from
the total available sites. Each vacant bonding site not taken up by fluorine or hydro-
gen is occupied by chlorine.

Global Atmospheric Change

For example, to figure out what CFC-12 is, add 90 to 12 giving 102. So, there
is 1 carbon, no hydrogens, and 2 fluorines. With 1 carbon there are 4 sites available,
2 of which are taken by fluorine, leaving 2 for chlorine.

CFC-12 12 + 90 = 102 F F


Cl Cl
Carbon Hydrogen Fluorine

Thus, CFC-12 is CF2Cl2.
The halons also have a number system, but this one is not so complicated.

Halons are given a four-digit designation, with the leftmost digit being the number
of carbons, the second is fluorines, the third is chlorines, and the fourth is bromine.
For example, H-1211 is CF2ClBr.

EXAMPLE 8 Halocarbon Numbering

a. What is the chemical composition of CFC-115?

b. What is the CFC number for CH2FCF3?
c. What is H-2402?
a. CFC-115: Adding 90 to 115 gives 205. Thus, a molecule contains 2 car-
bons, no hydrogens, and 5 fluorines. Two carbons have 6 bonding sites, 5
of which are taken by fluorine. The remaining site is taken by chlorine. The
chemical formula would therefore be C2F5Cl (more correctly written as

b. CH2FCF3 has 2 carbons, 2 hydrogens, and 4 fluorine atoms. Subtracting 90
from 224 gives 134. There is no chlorine or hydrogen, so this halocarbon is
a hydrofluorocarbon, HFC-134. Notice that we can’t tell whether this is

CHF2CHF2 or CH2FCF3. To distinguish one isomer from another, a letter

designation is added. For example, CHF2CHF2 is HFC-134 (1,1,2,2-
tetrafluoroethane), and CH2FCF3 is HFC-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane).





c. H-2402 is C2F4Br2 (CBrF2CBrF2).

Refrigerants. Chlorofluorocarbons have many unusual properties that have led

to their widespread use. For example, they are easily liquefied under pressure, and
when that pressure is released, they evaporate and produce very cold temperatures.

Global Atmospheric Change

In fact, they were originally developed to satisfy the need for a nontoxic, nonflam-
mable, efficient refrigerant for home refrigerators. Before they were introduced in
the early 1930s, the most common refrigerants were ammonia, carbon dioxide,
isobutane, methyl chloride, methylene chloride, and sulfur dioxide. All had signifi-
cant disadvantages. They were either toxic, noxious, highly flammable, or required

high operating pressures that necessitated heavy, bulky equipment. From those per-
spectives, CFCs are far superior to any of the gases that they replaced. As a side
note, fluorocarbons used in refrigeration equipment are often referred to with a
“Refrigerant” number. For example, CFC-12 is often called “Refrigerant-12” or,
more simply, R-12. The DuPont trade name Freon has also been used, so occasion-

ally it is still called F-12. The “R” designation is also applied to other hydrocarbons
such as methane (R-50) and ethane (R-170).

Until recently, most refrigerators, freezers, and automobile air conditioners
used CFC-12 as the refrigerant, and large building air conditioning systems have
tended to use CFC-11. CFC refrigerants do not wear out, so as long as they are
sealed into equipment, the total emission rate can be small. Automobile air condi-
tioners, however, tend to develop leaks that necessitate periodic recharging of their

systems. Not long ago, when car air conditioners were serviced, the old refrigerant
was usually vented to the atmosphere rather than being captured and recycled,
which compounded the loss rate. As a result, automobile air conditioners used to
contribute on the order of 20 percent of all emissions of CFCs in the United States.
The Montreal Protocol and subsequent changes in the Clean Air Act have changed
that picture significantly. Production and importation of CFCs ended in 1996, and
air conditioners on new cars now tend to use HFC-134a and HFC-152a, which
contain no chlorine. Only licensed facilities that use CFC recycling equipment can
service older automobile air conditioners.

Aerosol Propellants. When CFCs were first hypothesized as a danger to the

ozone layer by Molina and Rowland (1974), over half of worldwide emissions were

from aerosol propellants for products such as deodorants, hair spray, and spray-
paint cans. At that time, the United States alone was using over 200,000 tons per
year of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in aerosols. The EPA responded rather quickly to the
threat, and acting under the Toxic Substances Control Act, it banned the use of

CFCs in nonessential aerosol propellant applications beginning in 1979. Norway,

Sweden, and Canada adopted similar restrictions, but the rest of the world lagged
far behind until recently. The Montreal Protocol has led to total bans in most of the
developed world. Replacements for CFCs in aerosols include isobutane, propane,
and carbon dioxide. In some applications, simple pumps or “roll on” systems have

replaced the propellants.

Foamed Plastics. The second most common use for CFCs in general, and the

most common use for CFC-11 in particular, has been in the manufacture of various
rigid and flexible plastic foams found in everything from seat cushions to hamburg-
er “clamshell” containers to building insulation. When liquid CFCs are allowed to
vaporize in plastic, they create the tiny bubbles that make the plastic foamy.
Sheets of rigid “closed cell” urethane foams are used primarily as thermal
insulation in buildings and refrigeration equipment. In such applications, the CFCs

Global Atmospheric Change

or HCFCs, which are poor thermal conductors, trapped in foam cells reduce the
heat transfer capabilities of the product. CFCs have also been used to manufacture
nonurethane, rigid foams such as extruded polystyrene (Dow’s trade name is
Styrofoam) used extensively for egg cartons and food service trays, and expanded
polystyrene foam, which is used to make drinking cups. Since CFCs are trapped in

the holes in closed-cell foams, they are only slowly released into the atmosphere as
the material ages or is eventually crushed. It is estimated that the “bank” of CFCs
and HCFCs trapped in rigid foam insulation is equivalent to about 19 Gt of CO2.
New production of HCFCs will be banned by 2020.
Replacements for these foams are possible. Polyisocyanurate foams made with

hydrocarbon blowing agents such as pentane have no global warming potential or
ozone-depletion potential, and they are excellent insulators. Fiberglass insulation,

although thermally not as effective per unit of thickness, also contains no CFCs.
Various cardboards and other paper products can be used to replace many of the
polystyrene applications in the food industry.
Flexible foams, which are used in furniture, automobile seats, and packaging,
have cells that are open to the atmosphere (open-cell). Hence, CFC release is almost

immediate. These foams are made using carbon dioxide as the primary blowing
agent, but the CO2 is often augmented with methylene chloride.

Ozone (O3)
Ozone has a strong absorption band at 9 mm, right in the middle of the atmospher-
ic window (refer to Figure 11), so clearly it is a greenhouse gas of importance. It has,
however, proven to be a difficult one to understand. It is not a “well-mixed” gas in
the atmosphere the way all of the greenhouse gases described up to this point are.
Not only does its concentration vary from place to place and time to time around
the globe, but its effect on climate depends on its vertical distribution as well.

Ozone in the troposphere is formed by photochemical reactions involving rel-

atively short-lived precursor gases, including NOx, nonmethane-hydrocarbons, and
CO. It is the principal gas in photochemical smog. And since smog is associated
with the major industrialized areas of the world, it is not surprising that tropos-
pheric ozone concentrations are higher in the Northern Hemisphere than in the

Southern Hemisphere. Those concentrations also vary seasonally as sunnier sum-

mer months energize the formation of ozone. Ozone transported from the industri-
alized countries in the Northern Hemisphere to the Arctic has been identified as a
major contributor to the current rapid warming of that region.

In the stratosphere, ozone concentrations are decreasing as a result of the

attacks by chlorine and bromine released by UV-exposed CFCs and halons. These
stratospheric ozone losses also vary by geographic location and by season as the
annual appearance of the ozone hole over Antarctica in September and October cer-

tainly demonstrates. This ozone loss helps open the atmospheric window, which off-
sets some of the global warming caused by halocarbon emissions. As emissions of
CFCs and halons into the atmosphere are curtailed, it is expected that ozone will re-
cover in the early part of the twenty-first century, so this helpful impact of ozone
depletion will diminish.

Global Atmospheric Change

Suspensions of particles having an effective diameter of less than 10 mm are called
aerosols. Some particles enter the atmosphere as solids (e.g., soil dust), and others
are formed in the atmosphere when gases such as sulfur dioxide condense into liquid
particles such as sulfates. Combustion of fossil fuels and biomass burning are the

principal anthropogenic sources of aerosols. Natural sources of aerosols include
wind-blown soil dust, evaporation of sea-spray droplets, and volcanic eruptions.
While the natural emission rates from these and other sources far exceeds anthro-
pogenic emissions, most of these particulates are so large that they quickly drop out

of the troposphere. Smaller particles, especially ones that reach the stratosphere, are
much more important in terms of their impact on climate as well as human health.

Aerosols have characteristics that make them considerably different from the
well-mixed, long-lived greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, N2O, and halocarbons. For
one, they have atmospheric lifetimes that are measured in days or weeks in the tro-
posphere, and a few years in the stratosphere, while greenhouse gases have lifetimes
measured usually in decades, but for some, in thousands of years. The aerosols in

the troposphere today are mostly particles that entered the atmosphere within the
past few days. That means aerosol concentrations can vary considerably from week
to week and from place to place. That short lifetime also implies that the radiative
impacts of aerosols are likely to be regional phenomena, centered around the indus-
trialized areas of the world, whereas greenhouse gas impacts are much more uni-
formly distributed around the globe. In fact, in some heavily industrialized parts of
the world, the cooling caused by aerosols can be greater than the warming due to
greenhouse gases. That doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that such an area would
experience cooling, since regional temperatures are so much affected by other factors.
Aerosols are also different from most greenhouse gases in that they cause both
heating and cooling of the atmosphere. As Figure 25 suggests, they affect the
Earth’s energy balance in three ways: (1) they can reflect incoming solar radiation

back into space, which increases the Earth’s albedo; (2) they can provide cloud con-
densation nuclei, which increases cloud reflectivity and cloud lifetime, which also
increases albedo; and (3) carbonaceous particles such as soot from fossil-fuel com-
bustion can increase the atmospheric absorption of incoming solar energy. Sulfates

and white smoke increase the albedo by enhancing atmospheric and cloud reflection,

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect



Absorption absorption,
Cloud condensation
Sulfate nuclei Black

carbon Ice

FIGURE 25 Aerosols provide cooling by increasing solar reflection off sulfates (direct
effect) and white clouds (indirect). Black carbon warms the planet by absorbing sunlight
(direct) and reducing albedo by helping to blacken and melt ice (indirect).

Global Atmospheric Change

which helps cool the planet, and solar absorption by black smoke causes warming.
The term black carbon (BC) is used to describe that black smoke, which consists of
various carbonaceous products of incomplete combustion, including chars, char-
coals, and soots.
The direct effect of black carbon absorption of incoming solar energy, warm-

ing the air itself, is amplified by its indirect effect as soot is transported and deposited
onto snow-covered areas. By making the snow darker, its albedo is reduced causing
further warming. And, as the soot-blackened snow melts, it exposes darker under-
surfaces, further reducing albedo. These indirect albedo effects are estimated to
more than double the warming impact of black carbon, making it a very important

contributor to current global warming. Its importance, coupled with its extremely
short atmospheric lifetime, suggest reducing black carbon may be the quickest way

to slow the current rate of global warming.

8 Radiative Forcing of Climate Change

In the global equilibrium model shown earlier in Figure 12, the incoming 235 W/m2
of solar energy absorbed by the Earth and its atmosphere is exactly balanced by
235 W/m2 of outgoing long-wave radiation. If, for some reason, an additional
amount of energy is added to the incoming energy, then the balance will be tem-
porarily upset. Over time, however, the climate system will adjust to that change ei-
ther by either increasing or decreasing the surface temperature of Earth until a
balance is once again attained.
Mathematically, we can represent that process as follows. In Figure 26, the
incoming energy absorbed, and outgoing energy being radiated, are shown as they
exist at the top of the troposphere—that is, at the tropopause. Initially, the balanced
system has energy absorbed equal to energy radiated:

Qabs = Qrad (31)

When the system is perturbed by adding radiative forcing, ¢Q (W/m2), to the

incoming absorbed energy, a new equilibrium will eventually be established so that

(Qabs + ¢Qabs) + ¢Q = (Qrad + ¢Qrad) (32)

Qabs = Qrad (Qabs + ∆Qabs) ∆Q (Qrad + ∆Qrad)


= + =

Troposphere Troposphere

Earth Earth
(a) Before (b) After

FIGURE 26 Radiative forcing, ¢Q, perturbs the balance between incoming solar energy
absorbed, Qabs, and outgoing radiant energy, Qrad. (a) The balanced system before perturba-
tion; (b) the balanced system after radiative forcing is added.

Global Atmospheric Change

where the deltas refer to changes in the quantity in question. Subtracting (31) from
(32) gives

¢Q = ¢Qrad - ¢Qabs (33)

As we shall see, the value of the radiative forcing concept is that it provides a

common currency for comparing the impacts of changes in individual greenhouse
gases and aerosols, changes in albedo, and changes in the sun’s radiation.
Determining the radiative forcing associated with these has been one of the most im-
portant research areas for atmospheric scientists.

Another Climate Sensitivity Parameter

The key question, of course, is how much does the equilibrium surface temperature
change ¢Te for a given change in radiative forcing, ¢Q. The quantity that links the
two is called the mean climate sensitivity parameter (l) with units of °C of tempera-
ture rise per W/m2 of radiative forcing. A linear expression for this relationship is
often used:

ho ¢Te = l¢Q (34)

It has been established that a doubling of CO2 is equivalent to a radiative forcing

¢Q of about 4.2 W/m2. We already had another climate sensitivity parameter
¢T2X, which is the equilibrium surface temperature change for a doubling of CO2.
The relationship between these two climate sensitivities is therefore

a b
¢T2X °C
l L (35)
4.2 W/m2

Following a procedure outlined by the National Research Council (NRC, 2003) as a

first cut at estimating l, we might consider the Earth as a blackbody with no green-

house effect and no complicating feedback factors, just as we did in Figure 9. The
rate at which this Earth radiates energy (on a per-unit-of-area basis) is given by the
Stefan-Boltzmann equation,

Q = sT4e (36)

from which,
dQ d
= (sTe4) = 4sT3e (37)
dT dT

Using (8), we already have derived the equilibrium surface temperature Te for this
simplified Earth and found it to be 254 K. Substituting that value, along with the
Stefan-Boltamann constant, into (34) gives

1 1
lB = = = 0.27°C>(W/m2) (38)
dQ>dT 4 * 5.67 * 10 W/m2K4 * (254 K)3
- 8

where the “B” in lB indicates this was derived assuming a blackbody Earth. If this sen-
sitivity is used in (34) with a ¢T2X forcing of 4.2 W/m2, we would expect a doubling
of CO2 to cause an equilibrium surface temperature increase of 4.2 * 0.27 = 1.1°C,
which is far below what most general circulation models predict.

Global Atmospheric Change

Not surprisingly, (38) is not a very good estimate because it does not account
for any of a number of complicating feedback factors.

Ice-Albedo Feedback. Ice and snow are highly reflective. If global warming
decreases their surface area, they will reflect less solar radiation (decreasing the albedo)
and absorb more of it, which leads to greater warming. That is an example of a positive

feedback effect in that a perturbation in one direction or another feeds back onto itself,
increasing the original perturbation.

Water-Vapor Feedback. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas.

Global warming increases evaporation, which enhances the absorption of long-
wavelength energy radiated from the surface. That means the atmosphere warms up

and radiates more energy back to the surface, which increases surface temperature.
It is another positive feedback loop.

Cloud Feedbacks. Since clouds can be highly reflective, surface warming could
lead to more clouds, which could increase the albedo, which could lower the surface
temperature. This is an example of a negative feedback effect, in which feedback re-

duces the original perturbation. On the other hand, clouds contain water vapor,
which is a greenhouse gas, so increasing clouds could lead to an enhanced green-
house effect, which leads to more surface warming—positive feedback. Modeling
both phenomena has proved to be one of the most challenging problems in climate
science, but the consensus seems to be that the net effect of clouds yields a positive

Lapse-Rate Feedbacks. Water vapor and clouds in the upper troposphere are
colder than the surface of the Earth, which means they radiate less energy toward
space than does the surface. The difference between the two is, in essence, the green-
house effect. If the lapse rate changes, which is the rate of decrease of temperature
with altitude, then the temperature difference from surface to upper troposphere

also changes, which can lead to greater or lesser greenhouse effect. When surface
warming causes the lapse rate to increase, the greenhouse effect will be enhanced,
which is a positive feedback.
Figure 27 shows one way to model feedback loops using a summing device

and a feedback loop with a gain factor of g. The input is the blackbody sensitivity
lB. The output l is the climate sensitivity factor, including the impacts of feedback.
The feedback factor g is positive for processes having positive feedback, and nega-
tive for those with negative feedback. From the diagram, we can write the following:

l = lB + g l (39)

gλ λ

+ λ=
λB + λB + gλ 1−g
Blackbody With feedback

FIGURE 27 A simple model used to modify the blackbody climate sensitivity factor
lB into a climate sensitivity factor l that includes feedback phenomena.

Global Atmospheric Change

Solving for l gives

l = (40)
1 - g
The gain g used in the feedback model can be expressed as the sum of individ-
ual feedback factors

g = gwater vapor + gcloud + gsurface ice + glapse rate + gother (41)

EXAMPLE 9 Climate Sensitivity with Feedback

Suppose the combined radiative forcing of greenhouse gases, aerosols, and solar

intensity is 4.2 W/m2, which is the focing that is thought to result from a doubling
of CO2. Using the blackbody sensitivity found in (38), lB = 0.27°C>(W/m2), find
the global equilibrium temperature increase when the following feedback factors
are included:

a. Water-vapor feedback, g = 0.5
b. Water-vapor feedback, g = 0.5, plus ice-albedo feedback, g = 0.25
c. Water-vapor feedback, g = 0.5, plus cloud feedback, g = - 0.25
d. What feedback factor would yield an equilibrium ¢T2X = 3.0 K?
Solution: Including the specified feedbacks in (40) gives
lB 0.27
a. The new sensitivity factor is l = = = 0.54°C>(W/m2).
1 - g 1 - 0.5
From (34), ¢Te = l ¢Q = 0.54°C>(W/m2) * 4.2 W/m2 = 2.3°C.
b. Including an additional g = 0.25 yields

lB 0.27
¢Te = ¢Q = * 4.2 = 4.5°C
1 - g 1 - 0.5 - 0.25
c. With the -0.25 negative feedback provided by clouds,

lB 0.27
¢Te = ¢Q = * 4.2 = 1.5°C
1 - g 1 - 0.5 + 0.25
d. From (35), for ¢T2X = 3.0°C,

l = = = 0.714°C>(W/m2)
4.2 4.2
Rearranging (40) gives a feedback factor of

lB 0.27
g = 1 - = 1 - = 0.62
l 0.714

The results shown in Example 9 span the typical range of climate sensitivity
factors ¢T2X used in global circulation models, ranging from 1.5°C to 4.5°C, and
shows the feedback factor needs to be about 0.62 to produce the often-used
¢T2X = 3°C. Figure 28 points out how sensitive l becomes as the feedback factor

Global Atmospheric Change


Climate sensitivity λ °C/(W/m2)


∆T2X for CO2 doubling (°C)

1.4 6.0

1.2 5.0
0.8 ∆T2X = 3°C

0.4 Blackbody λB
0.2 1.0

0.0 0.0
−1.0 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Feedback factor g

FIGURE 28 The climate sensitivity l becomes very sensitive to the feedback factor as g ap-
proaches 1. An example with a 3°C equilibrium surface temperature change for a CO2 dou-

bling (¢T2X) is also shown.

increases. Once a strong positive feedback is present in the system, the impacts of
other feedback processes are amplified.
The preceding analysis depends on a number of gross simplifications. It is a
linear response model, which is really only valid for small perturbations around the
equilibrium climate system. It assumes the various feedback processes (cloud, ice,
lapse rate, and so on) are independent and additive, when in fact they do interact
with each other. And it is an equilibrium analysis that ignores thermal capacitance
and lag time responses, when the actual climate system is certainly not in equilib-
rium and won’t be so for a good long time. Finally, the mathematics of (40) blows

up for a feedback factor of g = 1, at which point the slightest radiative forcing

would produce an infinite temperature change. It is introduced here as a rough
guide to the relative importance of feedback processes.

Radiative Forcings Since Preindustrial Times

The concept of radiative forcing of climate change can be applied to the accumula-
tion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, changes in aerosols from natural and
anthropogenic sources, ozone depletion in the stratosphere, photochemically pro-

duced ozone accumulation in the troposphere, and the natural variability in solar in-
tensity reaching Earth’s outer atmosphere. Both positive and negative forcings are
possible. Positive forcings contribute to global warming, while negative forcings
tend to cool the Earth.

Gases and particulate matter added to the atmosphere can exert both direct
and indirect radiative forcing effects. Direct forcing is caused by substances in the
atmosphere that have actually been emitted from some source. Indirect forcings are
those that occur when those substances go on to cause other atmospheric changes
that affect radiative properties of the atmosphere. For example, aerosols have a
direct effect on forcing when they absorb or reflect sunlight. Aerosols can also cause
an indirect effect when they induce changes in the albedo of clouds. Halocarbons

Global Atmospheric Change

provide another example of direct and indirect effects. The direct effect of halocar-
bons is an increase in radiative forcing as these gases absorb long-wave radiation
from the Earth. They also, however, cause an indirect effect by destroying ozone in
the stratosphere. Recall from Figure 11 that ozone absorbs in the middle of the
atmospheric window, so ozone destruction opens the window and allows the Earth

to cool more readily. The direct effect of halocarbons therefore contributes to glob-
al warming, while the indirect effect of destroying ozone works in the opposite di-
rection to help to cool the planet.
Figure 29 shows global average radiative forcing estimates associated with
CO2, the other greenhouse gases (CH4, CFCs, N2O), aerosols, land-use changes,

and the estimated increase in solar intensity that has occurred in this period. Aerosol
effects are broken out into the positive forcing caused by black carbon and the neg-

ative forcings caused by the indirect impact of reflective aerosols and induced cloud
Several features stand out. Carbon dioxide provides the largest forcing, but the
others are significant; conventional air pollution, responsible for black carbon and
ozone, is also substantial; and the largest uncertainties are associated with aerosol

RF Terms

Long-lived ho CO2
RF values (W m−2) Spatial scale

1.66 [1.49 to 1.83] Global

greenhouse gases 0.48 [0.43 to 0.53]
CH4 Halocarbons 0.16 [0.14 to 0.18] Global
0.34 [0.31 to 0.37]
−0.05 [−0.15 to 0.05] Continental
Ozone Stratospheric Tropospheric
0.35 [0.25 to 0.65] to global

Stratospheric water
0.07 [0.02 to 0.12] Global
vapor from CH4

Land use −0.2 [−0.4 to 0.0] Local to

Surface albedo Black carbon
on snow 0.1 [0.0 to 0.2] continental

Direct effect −0.5 [−0.9 to −0.1] Continental

to global

aerosol Cloud albedo Continental
effect −0.7 [−1.8 to −0.3]
to global

Linear contrails 0.01 [0.003 to 0.03] Continental


Solar irradiance 0.12 [0.06 to 0.30] Global

Total net 1.6 [0.6 to 2.4]


−2 −1 0 1 2
Radiative forcing (W m−2)

FIGURE 29 Global mean radiative forcing during the Industrial Era, 1750–2005, in W/m2. Carbon
dioxide is the best understood and ranks as the most important. Estimates of aerosol effects are signifi-
cant and show the greatest uncertainty. Error bars are based on one standard deviation probabilities.
(Source: IPCC, 2007.)

Global Atmospheric Change

effects, both direct and on clouds. In spite of the significant black carbon contribu-
tion to warming, the net effect of aerosols seems to be negative, meaning global
cooling, but the uncertainties shown make that not a clear assertion.
The 2007 IPCC 4th Assessment Report (AR4) asserts with very high confi-
dence that the globally averaged net effect of human activities since 1750 has been
one of warming with a radiative forcing of +1.6 W/m2 ( +0.6 to +2.4). The com-

bined forcing due to greenhouse gases themselves is +2.3 W/m2, and its rate of in-
crease during the industrial era is very likely to have been unprecedented in more
than 10,000 years.

EXAMPLE 10 Combined Forcings

Using the IPCC estimate of 1.6 W/m2 net radiative forcing shown in Figure 29,
along with an equilibrium temperature increase caused by those forcings of
0.8°C, find the following:
a. The climate sensitivity factor l, °C>(W/m2)

b. The feedback gain factor g
c. The temperature climate sensitivity ¢T2X (°C)

a. From (34), we get the climate sensitivity:
¢Te 0.8
l = = = 0.5°C>(W/m2)
¢Q 1.6
b. From (40), the feedback gain factor is
lB 0.27
g = 1 - = 1 - = 0.54
l 0.5

c. From (35), we estimate the temperature sensitivity for a doubling of CO2:

¢T2X = 4.2l = 4.2 * 0.54 = 2.27°C

The simple summation of forcings suggested in the preceding example assumes


that 1 W/m2 of one constituent (e.g., CO2) has the same impact as 1 W/m2 of another
(e.g., solar intensity). A new radiant forcing efficacy factor E is based on weighing
each climate sensitivity in terms of its global warming impact with respect to CO2.
E = (42)

For example, the well-mixed greenhouse gases have an efficacy of 1.0, while
the direct and indirect effect of aerosols might have an efficacy of 0.72 (National
Research Council, 2005). If, for example, the forcing of greenhouse gases is

3.0 W/m2 while aerosols have a net forcing of -1.8 W/m2, the combined impact of
the two with and without considering efficacy would be
(CO2 + aerosol)-forcing without efficacy = 3.0 + ( -1.8) = 1.2 W/m2
(CO2 + aerosol)-forcing with efficacy = 3.0 * 1.0 + (- 1.8) * 0.72 = 1.7 W/m2
Clearly, the efficacy factor concept could have a significant impact on models based
on radiant forcing.

Global Atmospheric Change

9 Global Warming Potential

The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a weighting factor that allows comparisons
to be made between the cumulative global warming impact over a specified period of
time of some greenhouse gas and a simultaneous emission of an equal mass of CO2.

There are three primary factors that affect GWPs. The first is the radiative forcing
associated with the addition to the atmosphere of a unit mass of each greenhouse gas.
The second is based on estimates of the rate at which that unit mass injected decays
over time. The third is related to the cumulative radiative forcing that the unit addi-

tion to the atmosphere will have over some period of time into the future.
Some examples of how the GWP index can be used include the following:

1. By combining GWP with estimates of the cost of curtailing emissions of each
greenhouse gas, a country-by-country, least-cost approach to prevention of
climate change could be identified.
2. GWPs could facilitate trading of emissions reductions among countries. For
example, one country might decide the least expensive way to offset emis-

sions of CO2 might be to reduce emissions of CH4 in another. Buying and
selling international carbon emission offsets could lead to technology and
economic transfer from the developed to the developing countries (Swisher
and Masters, 1991).
3. Country by country rankings of their individual contributions to climate
change are made possible. Quantifiable goals can then be established for
future reductions.
4. Combined with other indices, they could be part of an overall environmental
impact assessment for products and industrial process audits. Included in an
environmental labeling system, consumer choices could be affected.

Calculating the GWP

Mathematically, we imagine an impulse function in which 1 kg of the greenhouse
gas in question and 1 kg of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere at the same time.
As the concentration of each gas decreases with time, so does the radiative forcing

associated with the remaining amount of gas. Mathematically, the GWP of a green-
house gas is given by

Fg # Rg(t) dt

GWPg = T

FCO2 # RCO2(t) dt

Fg = radiative forcing efficiency of the gas in question, (W/m2)/kg
FCO2 = radiative forcing efficiency of CO2, (W/m2)/kg
Rg(t) = fraction of the 1 kg of gas remaining in the atmosphere at time t
RCO2 = fraction of the 1 kg of CO2 remaining at time t
T = the time period for cumulative effects (years)

Global Atmospheric Change



Fraction of CO2 impulse remaining


Carbon cycle model,

atmospheric CO2 increasing

0.4 (S650)

0.2 Carbon cycle model,
atmospheric CO2 constant

0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (yr)

FIGURE 30 The impulse response for an injection of 1 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere; that
is, RCO2(t) in (43). The solid line is for an atmosphere in which the CO2 concentration is con-
stant; the dashed line is for an atmosphere that stabilizes at 650 ppm of CO2 by the year 2200.
(Source: IPCC, 1995.)

For some greenhouse gases, Rg can be modeled using a simple exponential

decay function. And for some, the radiative efficiency is a constant. Neither is the
case for the comparison gas, CO2. As Figure 30 suggests, CO2 decay is rapid during
the first few decades as the biosphere absorbs the carbon, and then for next few
hundred years, it decays at a much slower rate corresponding to the slow uptake of

the oceans. To further complicate matters, the decay also depends on the assump-
tions made for the background concentration of CO2. Two curves for RCO2 are
shown, one corresponding to an atmosphere in which CO2 concentration is un-
changing, while the other has been drawn for a more realistic atmosphere in which

CO2 reaches 650 ppm by the year 2200.

The choice of the GWP time horizon that policy makers might use depends on
the issues that are being addressed. For example, shorter time horizons might be
used when it is the rate of change of global temperature, rather than the ultimate
temperature increase, that is of concern. Short time horizons would also seem

appropriate when the most effective greenhouse abatement strategy is needed to head
off possibly abrupt climate changes that might be triggered when warming reaches
some threshold level. On the other hand, long time horizons might be used to evalu-
ate strategies to avoid long, slow, irreversible impacts such as sea level changes.

Carbon Dioxide Equivalents of Greenhouse Gases

Table 7 shows GWPs for a number of widely used chemicals. As can be seen, all of
these species have very high GWPs relative to CO2 because they all absorb in the
atmospheric window. Notice the three standard time horizons for GWPs are 20 years,
100 years, and 500 years. By including a time horizon, the GWP accounts for the

Global Atmospheric Change

Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) Relative to Carbon Dioxide
(kilograms of CO2 per kilogram of gas)
Global Warming Potential
(Time Horizon in Years)

Chemical Lifetime
Chemical Species Formula (yrs) 20-yr 100-yr 500-yr
Carbon dioxide CO2 50–200 1 1 1
Methane CH4 12 62 23 7

Nitrous oxide N2O 114 275 296 156
CFC-11 CFCl3 45 6,300 4,600 1,600
CFC-12 CF2Cl2 100 10,200 10,600 5,200

CFC-113 CF2ClCFCl2 85 6,100 6,000 2,700
CFC-115 CF3CClF2 1,700 4,900 7,200 9,900
HCFC-22 CHF2Cl 12 4,800 1,700 540
HCFC-141b CH3CFCl2 9.3 2,100 700 220
HCFC-142b CH3CF2Cl 19 5,200 2,400 740

HFC-23 CHF3 270 9,400 11,700 10,000
HFC-134a CH2FCF3 14 3,300 1,300 400
HFC-152a CH3CHF2 1.4 410 120 37
Tetrafluoromethane CF4 50,000 3,900 5,700 8,900
Hexafluoroethane C2F6 10,000 8,000 11,900 18,000
Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 3,200 15,100 22,200 32,400
Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 35 2,700 1,800 580
Methyl bromide CH3Br 1 16 5 1
Halon-1301 CF3Br 65 7,900 6,900 2,700
Source: IPCC, 3rd Assessment, 2001.

greater impact that a gas with a long atmospheric lifetime will have compared with

one that quickly disappears after it has been emitted. For example, CFC-115 and a
replacement HCFC-22 have almost identical 20-year GWPs, but the longer atmo-
spheric lifetime of CFC-115 (1,700 vs. 12 years) means its 100-year GWP is more than
five times higher (7,200 vs. 1,700), and its 500-year GWP is almost 20 times higher.

Notice the extremely high GWPs for several gases in this table. Some of the
HFCs, which were developed as alternatives to ozone-depleting substances, stand
out—especially trifluoromethane (HFC-23). HFC-23 has a lifetime of 270 years and
a 100-yr GWP of 11,700. Reducing HFC-23 in developing countries has become
one of the most sought-after (least expensive) approaches to meeting Kyoto Protocol

obligations. The perfluorocarbons CF4 (tetrafluoromethane) and C2F6 (hexafluo-

roethane), used in semiconductor manufacturing and primary aluminum produc-
tion, have extremely long atmospheric lifetimes and GWPs thousands of times
higher than CO2. One gas, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) has a GWP of 22,200, which

gives it the distinction of being the most potent greenhouse gas the IPCC has ever
evaluated. SF6 has excellent dielectric properties and was widely used in electric
power and distribution equipment.
The purpose of the GWPs is to assess the relative importance of various emis-
sions, which means the GWP for each gas should be multiplied by the emission rate for
the gas. The 100-year GWPs are often used to describe non-CO2 emissions in terms of
carbon dioxide equivalents (CDE, or CO2-eq), as Example 11 demonstrates.

Global Atmospheric Change

EXAMPLE 11 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent of Greenhouse Gases

Annual anthropogenic emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O are estimated to be

27,000 MtCO2/yr, 370 MtCH4/yr, and 6 MtN2O/yr (where “Mt” means million
metric tons). Compare the impacts of these three gases over a 100-year time hori-

zon, and find the total equivalent CO2 emissions.

Solution The comparison will be based on the products of emission rates and
GWPs. GWPs are found in Table 7, and the emission rates are given. Carbon

dioxide has a GWP of 1 (by definition) over all of the time horizons, so its prod-
uct doesn’t change:

CO2: GWP100 * emissions = 1 * 27,000 Mt/yr = 27,000 MtCO2
CH4: GWP100 * emissions = 23 * 370 Mt/yr = 8,510 MtCO2-eq
N2O: GWP100 * emissions = 296 * 6 MtN2O/yr = 1,776 MtCO2-eq
The total carbon dioxide equivalence of the combined emissions is

27,000 + 8,510 + 1,776 = 37,286 MtCO2-eq
If we multiply this by the C/CO2 ratio of 12>44 and switch the units, we can get
an equivalence expressed in gigatons of carbon:
Total CO2, CH4, N2O emissions = 37.3 GtCO2-eq * 12>44 = 10.1 GtC-eq
Of this 10.1 GtC total, 7.4 GtC is actual carbon dioxide, and 2.8 GtC is other gases.

Example 11 suggests that almost three-fourths of the impact for the next cen-
tury from current emissions of the three key greenhouse gases will be caused by CO2.
If we redo the calculations using 20-year GWPs, the near-term importance of control-
ling methane emissions stands out. Over the next 20 years, today’s CH4 emissions will

have nearly as much impact on climate (85 percent as much) as today’s CO2 emissions.
Applying the above carbon dioxide equivalence approach to emissions puts the
combination of greenhouse gases into perspective. Figure 31 shows the GWP-
weighted emissions of U.S. greenhouse gases, and Figure 32 shows a “spaghetti chart”

representation of their sources and the end uses responsible for those emissions.

carbon dioxide
5,903.2 (82.6%)

HFCs, PFCs, and SF6

160.2 (2.2%)
Nitrous oxide
366.6 (5.1%) FIGURE 31 U.S. greenhouse gas
emissions using 100-year GWPs (millions
Methane of metric tons of CO2 equivalents and
611.9 (8.6%)
Other carbon dioxide percentages of the total.
105.4 (1.5%) (Source: EIA, 2006.)


[k] International bunkers 101

[ j] U.S. territories 59
d ]
leu [l ]
mC tial
O Residen
2 2,6 O 1,266 1 ,284
14 C 2 18

Non-CO 2
[b, Direct fuel uses
d] 3,570 [m]
Co rcial
al C Comme
O Greenhouse gases 1,061 1,3 1
2,1 CO 2
O 240
2 CO2
42 2005 Total
Energy subtotal Non-C 2

d] CO2 Coal 1,944
Na Conversion
Unadjusted total Natural gas 319
tur to electricity
al g 6,051 Petroleum 100
as C 2,375
O Renewables 12 CO2
2 1,17 1,804 Industrial [n]
8 Non-CO 757
2 2,562
es CO Industrial processes
2 12 105

[ f ] Industr
d ial proc

ses CO 2

ne 6

id e
1 05

ra Methane,
nitrous oxide,
other gases
Non2- 1,
CO 877 Tr
2 123 ansp
2,00 tion [o]

r o u s ox 60
[h] Nit s1
as e
r g
the (Million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent)
[i] O

FIGURE 32 Greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. economy, 2005.

(Source: EIA, 2006.)
Global Atmospheric Change

EXAMPLE 12 Water Heater Emissions, Including Leakage

In Example 6, CO2 emissions from a coal-fired power plant delivering power to

an electric water heater were compared with emissions for a natural-gas-fired
water heater.

37% 100%

100 MJ 37 MJ 34.8 MJ 2580 gC 44

× = 272 gCO2 /MJ

Coal 34.8 MJ 34.8 MJ 12

That analysis, however, didn’t include the global warming impacts of the roughly
1.5 percent methane leakage to the atmosphere during the mining, transporta-
tion, and storage of natural gas before the gas makes it to the house. Including
that leakage, what is the equivalent carbon emission rate for the 85 percent-
efficient gas water heater? Use the 20-year GWP for natural gas.

Solution Starting with 100 MJ of natural gas, we’ll lose 1.5 MJ in leakage and
deliver 98.5 MJ to the gas-fired water heater.
From Table 3, the LHV carbon intensity of natural gas is 15.3 gC/MJ. From
Table 7, the 20-year GWP of methane is 62 gCO2/gCH4. So, the CO2 equivalent
of that 1.5 MJ of methane leakage is
16 gCH4 62 gCO2
1.5 MJ * 15.3 gC/MJ * * = 1,897 gCO2-eq
12 gC g CH4
The actual CO2 emissions from the 85 percent-efficient water heater are

44 gCO2
CO2 emissions = 15.3 gC/MJ * 98.5 MJ * = 5,525 gCO2
12 gC

1,897 gCO2-eq
5,525 gCO2

1.5 MJ 98.5 MJ 89 gCO2-eq/MJ

100 MJ
N. gas CH4 83.73 MJ
η = 85%

Total emissions from the gas-fired water heater per MJ actually heating water are
1,897 gCO2-eq + 5,525 gCO2
= 89 gCO2-eq/MJ

83.73 MJ heat to water

which is still a 68 percent savings compared to the 272 gCO2 for the electric
water heater (without including the leakage, the savings in Example 6 was
75 percent).

Global Atmospheric Change

10 IPCC Assessment Reports

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an organization founded
in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO). Its role is to assess scientific, technical, and

socioeconomic information related to the risks, potential impacts, and options for
adaptation and mitigation of human-induced climate change. The IPCC itself does
not carry out research but instead relies on literally thousands of climate and policy
experts from around the globe who contribute their expertise as authors and review-

ers of IPCC reports. Its principal output has been a series of assessment reports,
which are based on peer-reviewed and published scientific and technical literature.
The first IPCC Assessment Report, completed in 1990, provided the overall scien-

tific and policy basis for addressing climate change adopted by the 1992 UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which entered into force in
1994. The Second Assessment Report (SAR), Climate Change 1995, was instrumen-
tal in negotiations that led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by the UNFCCC in

The Third Assessment Report (TAR), Climate Change 2001, and the Fourth
Assessment Report (AR4), which was released in 2007, continue to be the most au-
thoritative summary documents on the status of climate research. The IPCC also
prepares special reports and technical papers to fill the gaps between those major,
comprehensive assessment reports.
The IPCC is organized around three focus areas: Science (Working Group I),
Impacts and Adaptation (Working Group II), and Mitigation (Working Group III).
The mitigation group develops scenarios that describe possible combinations of
population, economic growth, and technology drivers that lead to future greenhouse
gas emissions. These emissions scenarios are then handed off to the climate model-
ing community, which converts them into regional and global temperatures and cli-

mate impacts. Those, in turn, can inform decision makers about the potential to
mitigate these impacts (by modifying the emissions driving forces) and/or adapting
to those climate changes (e.g., raise the levees). Figure 33 summarizes these interac-
tions and helps frame the climate problem in terms of both sustainable development
and environment.

The Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES)

The IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) published in 2000 is based

on a set of four storylines that weave demographic, technological, and economic

driving forces into four distinct scenarios that can be translated into future emis-
sions. Scenarios provide alternative images about how the future might unfold. They
are not forecasts, nor do they carry with them any probabilities of their likelihood.

No preferences for one scenario over another are offered by IPCC, and they are not
meant to infer policy recommendations. They are narratives, around which emission
scenarios can be built.
The SRES report describes four narrative storylines, designated as A1, A2, B1,
and B2. The A storylines focus more on economic growth, while the B storylines
have more of an environmental emphasis. The A1 and B1 lines are based on more of
a homogeneous, globalized future, while the A2 and B2 imagine a more fractured

Global Atmospheric Change

Impacts on human
Climate change
and natural systems

Food and water
Sea level
Ecosystems, biodiversity
Human settlements
Droughts, floods
Human health


Emissions and development paths


concentrations Economic growth
Greenhouse gases Technology
Aerosols Population

FIGURE 33 Sustainable development, adaptation, and mitigation interactions.
(Source: IPCC, TAR, 2006.)

Rapid economic growth More Heterogenous world

Rapid technology improvement economic Varying growth rates
Low population growth Higher population growth

-B: balanced
-F: fossil intensive
-T: non fossil
More More
global regional

B1 B2

Service and information economy Social equity

Clean technology Environmental protection

Low population growth environmental Medium population growth

FIGURE 34 The four families of storylines in the SRES emission scenarios.


world with different regional priorities and growth rates. The A1 line is further des-
ignated to be either fossil-fuel intensive (A1-F), nonfossil fuel, technology emphasis
(A1-T), or a more balanced combination of the two (A1-B). These characterizations
are summarized in Figure 34.

Within each of the four storylines, multiple scenarios have been developed.
Table 8 summarizes population, world GDP, and primary energy that result from a
single illustrative scenario for each of the six categories (A1F, A1B, A1T, A2, B1,
B2), but in reality there are many more within each category. One clue to the
emphasis placed on technology in each scenario is the relative dependence on coal
versus zero-carbon energy sources for each scenario, also shown in the table.
Carbon dioxide emissions that result from these scenarios are shown in Figure 35.

Global Atmospheric Change

Some Main Driving Forces for Illustrative Scenarios from the Six SRES
Storylines (each of the six categories has multiple scenarios not shown)
A1F1 A1B A1T A2 B1 B2

Population (billion)
1990 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3
2020 7.6 7.5 7.6 8.2 7.6 7.6
2050 8.7 8.7 8.7 11.3 8.7 9.3
2100 7.1 7.1 7.0 15.1 7.9 10.4

World GDP (1012 $1990/yr)
1990 21 21 21 21 21 21

2020 53 56 57 41 53 51
2050 164 181 187 82 136 110
2100 525 529 550 243 328 235
Primary Energy (1018J/yr)
1990 351 351 351 351 351 351

2020 669 711 649 595 606 566
2050 1431 1347 1213 971 813 869
2100 2073 2226 2021 1717 514 1357
Share of Coal in Primary Energy (%)
1990 24 24 24 24 24 24
2020 29 23 23 22 22 17
2050 33 14 10 30 21 10
2100 29 4 1 53 8 22
Share of Zero Carbon in Primary Energy (%)
1990 18 18 18 18 18 18
2020 15 16 21 8 21 18

2050 19 36 43 18 30 30
2100 31 65 85 28 52 49
Source: IPPC, SRES, 2000.


25 A1F1
Carbon dioxide emissions (GtC/yr)




B1 FIGURE 35 Illustrative SRES
5 scenarios for fossil-fuel plus land-
use carbon dioxide emissions
corresponding to the scenarios
0 shown in Table 8.












(Source: Based on IPCC, SRES, 2000.)













Global Atmospheric Change



CO2 concentration (ppmv)






1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

FIGURE 36 Simulations of CO2 concentrations for three SRES scenarios done for the
Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).

(Source: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 2006.)

The SRES scenarios provide estimates for greenhouse gas emissions over the
next 100 years or so. Those emission rates can then be used as inputs for climate
models that estimate future atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, N2O, and
other greenhouse gases, from which GWP-weighted equivalent CO2 concentrations
can be estimated. Figure 36 shows one set of simulations done at the Max Planck
Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) in Hamburg for three of the SRES scenarios,
A1B, A2, and B1, which cover the range of scenarios shown in Figure 35. Under
the most optimistic scenario B1, CO2 stabilizes at close to double the preindustrial


General Circulation Models

Scenarios for future greenhouse gas emissions are used as inputs to computer mod-

els that attempt to predict likely impacts of these perturbations on the Earth’s climate
systems. At this point in time, even the largest supercomputer cannot handle all of
the mathematical complexity that could be included if scientists tried to model
everything they know about how the climate system works. So, a hierarchy of mod-

els has been created, with the most sophisticated of those being general circulation
models (GCMs). There are both atmospheric-GCMs and ocean-GCMs, which can
be coupled together to form an atmospheric-ocean coupled general circulation
model (AOGCM). As GCMs have evolved in complexity, they have gotten better

and better at matching the historical record, which adds confidence in their predic-
tions for the future. A complete global climate model would couple an AOGCM
with a land model, a sea-ice model, and models for aerosols, carbon cycle, vegeta-
tion dynamics, and atmospheric chemistry.
A 3D (actually 4D if you include time) atmospheric general circulation model
is based on a cartesian grid in which the atmosphere is divided into cells, such as
are shown in Figure 37. For the ECHAM5/MPI-OM coupled atmosphere-ocean

Global Atmospheric Change

Vertical exchange COLUMN
AT THE SURFACE between levels
Wind vectors
Ground temperature, Humidity
water and energy Clouds
fluxes Temperature


Horizontal exchange
between columns

FIGURE 37 A cartesian (or rectangular) grid GCM in which horizontal and vertical
exchanges are handled between adjacent columns and layers.
(Source: Based on Henderson-Sellers and McGuffie, 1987.)
model used at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany, the cells have
a horizontal resolution of approximately 200 km with 31 vertical levels. Their ocean
GCM has regionally varying horizontal resolution between approximately 10 km
and 150 km. Each cell is characterized by a number of variables such as tempera-
ture, humidity, pressure, cloudiness, and so forth. Those cells then communicate
(mathematically) with adjacent atmospheric cells and are updated with some speci-

fied time increment. A grid coupling of atmosphere, ocean, and land models is shown
in Figure 38.

Global Mean Temperature Simulations

After having run simulations for accumulating concentrations of carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gases, GCMS attempt to predict future global climate re-
sponses. A major uncertainty introduced at this stage of modeling is properly esti-

mating the appropriate climate sensitivity factor, ¢T2X (the change in mean global
temperature resulting from a doubling of the equivalent CO2 concentration above
its preindustrial level).
The IPCC has often used three possible values of climate sensitivity, 1.5°C,

2.5°C, and 4.5°C, but a more recent approach has been based on trying to use a
probability density function (pdf) and its accompanying cumulative probability dis-
tribution to help quantify the uncertainty in this key parameter. Figure 39 shows
two such probability estimates. One (labeled WR, after its author’s initials), is based
on a log-normal fit to the long-stated IPCC 90 percent probability range for ¢T2X of
1.5°C to 4.5°C. The WR pdf has a median ¢T2X probability of 2.6°C and indicates
a 10 percent chance that it is greater than 4°C. The other (labeled AS) has a median

Global Atmospheric Change

Atmospheric model sigma levels

Layer clouds

Cumulus clouds

Land surface model layers
Ocean model layers
FIGURE 38 Coupled atmosphere, ocean, and land GCM grid.
(Source: Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.)

Median 2.6 (WR)

Cumulative density
Probability density

Median 3.2 (AS) 0.7

0.6 AS: 10%
0.5 AS probability
0.4 DT2X > 5°C

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Climate sensitivity DT2X (°C/CO2 doubling) Climate sensitivity DT2X (°C/CO2 doubling)

FIGURE 39 The probability density function and cumulative probability function for two esti-
mates of the climate sensitivity factor, ¢T2X. The dotted lines for the AS pdf indicate a 10 percent
probability that the sensitivity factor is over 5°C.

(Source: WR ⫽ Wigley and Raper, 2001; AS ⫽ Andronova and Schlesinger, 2001.)

value of 3.2°C, a 90 percent probability that ¢T2X is over 2.2°C, and a 10 percent
probability that ¢T2X is greater than 5.0°C. The difference at the high end of cli-
mate sensitivity for these two pdfs has a huge impact on the likelihood that we will
be able to avoid dangerous climate changes in the future.

Global Atmospheric Change



Global surface warming (°C) 4.0


3.0 A1B
A1T and B2

2.0 B1


Constant year 2000



1900 2000 2100


FIGURE 40 IPCC estimates of future global average surface warming relative to 1980 to
1999 for the six SRES scenarios. The gray bars to the right show best estimates and likely
ranges for each scenario.
(Source: MTI-M, 2006.)
Figure 40 shows simulations of global average surface temperature for the
six SRES scenarios. According to these 2007 simulations, a mean global warming
between 2.4° and 4.4°C relative to mid-nineteenth-century levels is likely. Anywhere
within that range would make the planet warmer than it has been for hundreds of
thousands of years.

Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference with Climate

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change calls for the “stabi-

lization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would

prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference (DAI) with the climate system”
(UNFCC, 1992). Note the difference between stabilizing the rate at which carbon is
emitted and stabilizing its concentration in the atmosphere. In fact, with a constant

carbon emission rate at the current level, the equivalent carbon dioxide level would
likely be double the preindustrial concentration of 280 ppm by 2100. Moreover,
even if we stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, it will
take decades for the climate system to adjust to its new equilibrium temperature.

One way to begin thinking about dangerous climate change is to outline the
sorts of impacts that global warming could have. The IPCC has done that, and their
list of likely impacts in the relatively short term includes more frequent heat waves
such as the one experienced in Europe in 2003, responsible for 35,000 deaths; more
frequent intense storms like Katrina in 2005, leading to more extreme flooding and a
surge in property damage; drier summers and increased risk of severe droughts with
accompanying loss of farm productivity, especially in mid-latitude areas such as the

Global Atmospheric Change

Mediterranean, Central America, and Southern Africa; less snow and reduced gla-
cial extent, impacting areas that rely on snowmelt for water supply such as China,
India, and Peru; sea-level rise and increased risk of coastal flooding that would dis-
place millions of people in areas such as China, Bangladesh, and Egypt; and increas-
ing ocean acidity as carbon dioxide is absorbed and converted to carbonic acid,

leading to widespread impacts on marine ecosystems and biodiversity.
In the longer term, future warming could cause large-scale, potentially rapid
and nonlinear climate responses, including the deglaciation of polar ice sheets, such
as those in Greenland and West Antarctica, which could lead to several meters of sea
level rise above that already expected due to thermal expansion of the oceans. Some

climate changes could be nonlinear, producing responses that cause the climate sys-
tem to jump from one stable state to another, as would occur if the North Atlantic

thermohaline circulation system were to collapse (more on this later).
The question then arises as to how likely those impacts will become as a func-
tion of global temperatures increases. We have already seen the introduction of prob-
ability density functions in the context of the climate sensitivity factor. Some have
tried to link probabilities to avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interference with

climate. One such study shown in Figure 41 combines a number of assessments of the
likelihood of exceeding the 2°C temperature rise thought to be capable of everything
from widespread coral bleaching to disintegration of the Greenland ice sheet and per-
haps a collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet. As shown, a number of studies suggest
that the stabilized CO2-eq concentration needs to remain below about 450–500 ppm
for the odds to be in favor of not exceeding a 2°C temperature rise.

Radiative forcing (W/m 2)

1.23 1.95 2.58 3.14 3.65 4.12 4.54 4.94 5.31



Probability to stay below 2°C (IPCC terminology)


Risk of overshooting 2°C warming











350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

CO2 equivalence stabilization level

FIGURE 41 Estimated risks of exceeding a 2°C global mean temperature rise depending on
the stabilized equivalent-CO2 concentration. For example, if CO2-eq stabilizes at 550 ppm
(doubling of preindustrialized levels), the risk of overshooting a 2°C warming appears to be
above 70 percent. Dotted and dashed lines correspond to different studies.
(Source: Meinhausen and den Elzen, 2004.)

Global Atmospheric Change

11 Stabilizing Greenhouse Gases

The warning provided by studies of the likelihood of dangerous anthropogenic inter-
ference with climate increases our awareness of the need for mitigation strategies to
help control greenhouse gas emissions. Since greenhouse gases accumulate in the

atmosphere, to stabilize their concentration, we must do more than simply hold their
emission rates constant. They need to be reduced to the point where their rate of
addition to the atmosphere equals the rate at which they are removed. Figure 42
shows how emissions would have to decrease for the atmospheric concentration of

CO2 to stabilize at various levels. Notice avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interfer-
ence would require emissions to start declining within the next 30 to 40 years.
Figure 43 suggests mitigation approaches that can contribute to reducing

fossil-fuel carbon dioxide emissions. It consists of a reference emission scenario as a

Carbon dioxide emissions (GtC/yr)

15 750


2000 2100 2200 2300

FIGURE 42 Pathways to climate stabilization. The numerical values refer to the eventual
CO2 (ppm) stabilization level achieved.
(Source: IPCC, 2001.)

Reference emissions
Annual emissions


switching Mitigated
Demand reduction

Path to stabilization

2000 2100

FIGURE 43 An example of a mitigation strategy for reducing fossil-fuel carbon dioxide

emissions from a reference scenario to a stabilization path.

Global Atmospheric Change

starting point, a target emission rate that would lead to the goal of climate stabiliza-
tion, and an array of mitigation techniques that could be used to achieve that stabiliza-
tion goal. Approaches to mitigation of carbon dioxide include demand reduction by
increasing the efficiency with which we use energy and/or structural changes in the
economy (e.g., a shift from manufacturing to a more service-oriented economy); fuel

switching, which includes shifting from one fossil fuel to another (e.g., coal to natural
gas) as well as increasing generation from nonfossil-fuel sources (e.g., nuclear, wind,
solar, biomass, geothermal, and hydro); and sequestration, which includes carbon cap-
ture and storage (CCS) at power plants as well as increased sequestration in biomass.
An intuitively persuasive way to frame the problem of controlling future car-

bon emissions was introduced by Pacala and Socolow (2004). The concept is simple.
Their reference scenario is in essence a 50-year projection of current carbon emis-

sion growth rates from 7 GtC/yr in 2005 to 14 GtC/yr in 2055, which makes it quite
similar to the SRES B2 scenario. Their mitigation goal is to at least hold emissions
constant at 7 Gt/yr over that 50-year period. To do so would require the elimination
of 175 GtC of emissions over the next 50 years, which is the area of the emissions
stabilization triangle shown in Figure 44.

As shown in Figure 45, they then proceed to break that emissions triangle into
seven stabilization wedges, with each wedge having the ability to eliminate 1 GtC/yr
in 2055. The Princeton Carbon Mitigation Initiative is in the process of identifying
a significant number of strategies already available that could reduce emissions
equivalent to one wedge of carbon emissions if deployed on a large scale. Their list
includes the following:
1. Double the fuel efficiency of every automobile by 2050.
2. Drive half as many miles.
3. Utilize the best efficiency practices for all residential and commercial buildings.
4. Double the efficiency of coal-fired power plants.

5. Using natural gas instead of coal at 1,400 power plants.


Carbon dioxide emissions (GtC/yr)

e na 175 GtC
e sc total
fer Emissions over
Re 50 years

Stabilized emissions

CO2 released to atmosphere stabilization

1955 2005 2055

FIGURE 44 A 50-year emissions stabilization scenario.

(Source: Pacala and Socolow, 2004.)

Global Atmospheric Change

14 GtC/yr

Carbon dioxide emissions (GtC/yr)


7 Climate stabilization wedges 6


7 GtC/yr
1 1 GtC/yr

2005 2055

FIGURE 45 Each stabilization wedge eliminates 1 GtC/yr by 2055.

(Source: Pacala and Socolow.)

Triple the current nuclear power generation capacity.
Increase existing wind turbine capacity by a factor of 50.
Capture and store carbon emissions from 800 coal-fired power plants.
9. Use 4 million wind turbines to produce hydrogen fuel.
10. Install 700 times the existing solar power capacity.
11. Increase ethanol production by a factor of 50 using cellulosic sources.
12. Eliminate tropical deforestation and double the rate of new forest planting.
13. Increase soil conservation tillage in all agricultural soils.
14. Capture and store carbon from 180 coal-based synfuels plants.

15. Increase hydrogen fuel production from fossil-fuel sources by a factor of 10.
Every one of these options is already available on a commercial scale. Full
deployment of seven of them offers the enticing potential to at least stabilize emis-

sions over the next half century. Realize, of course, that stabilizing emissions does
not stabilize the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and to avoid
dangerous anthropogenic interference with our climate system, we must do much
better than that.

12 The Oceans and Climate Change


The oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and contain over 97 percent of the
Earth’s water. They have high heat capacity, so they warm slowly, and their currents
distribute heat around the globe, greatly affecting local and regional temperatures on
the land. They store 50 times as much carbon as the atmosphere, and they exchange
carbon dioxide back and forth across the atmosphere-ocean interface at a rate that
dwarfs the contribution by humankind. In other words, the oceans significantly
affect and are affected by climate change. Greenhouse enhancement can affect the

Global Atmospheric Change

ocean in many ways, but three of the most important changes have to do with ocean
acidification, rising sea levels, and changes in the ocean circulation. In addition,
biological processes that result in the removal of carbon from the atmosphere can be
affected by climate change, and in turn, those changes can affect climate.

Ocean Acidification
The oceans are performing a great service to the climate system by absorbing so
much of the carbon dioxide we continuously pump into the atmosphere. That
absorption comes at a price, however, since it is causing subtle chemical changes in

the oceans that may have enormous implications for marine ecosystems.
Dissolved inorganic carbon exists in three forms: dissolved CO2 gas, bicarbon-

ate (HCO3- ), and carbonate (CO23 - ) ions. When CO2 dissolves into sea water, some
of it creates carbonic acid (H2CO3), which in turn ionizes to form hydrogen and

CO2 + H2O 3 H2CO3 3 H + + HCO3- (44)

The bicarbonate ions (HCO3- ), in turn, ionize to some extent into hydrogen and
carbonate ions:
HCO3- 3 H + + CO23 - (45)
The natural pH of the oceans is between 8.0 and 8.3, which means it is somewhat
alkaline. The preceding reactions release hydrogen ions, which make the water more
acidic (less alkaline) as CO2 absorption increases. Studies have shown that the oceans
have already experienced a drop in pH of about 0.1 since preindustrial times, and it
seems likely ocean pH will fall by another 0.3 by the year 2100 (Caldeira and
Wickett, 2003). If that happens, the oceans will be more acidic than they have been
for hundreds of millions of years.
The preceding reactions proceed in both directions, and the resulting balance of

aqueous CO2, bicarbonate, and carbonate ions is a function of the pH (Figure 46).
As Figure 46 shows, one consequence of a decrease in pH is that carbonate
decreases as well. And carbonate is needed to build the calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

[CO2] [HCO3−] [CO32−]

aq Bicarbonate Carbonate
ty Partitioning fraction


FIGURE 46 The relative proportions

of dissolved CO2, bicarbonate
(HCO3- ), and carbonate (CO23 - )
depends on pH. When pH drops, less
0 carbonate is available for calcifying
4 6 8 10 12 organisms to grow and maintain
pH calcium carbonate shells.

Global Atmospheric Change

in shells and other hard parts of marine organisms. Some of the most important
organisms likely to be affected by a lack of carbonate are certain types of plankton
and small marine snails that are a major source of food for fish and marine mam-
mals, including some species of whales. Coral reefs would also be affected since they
are built from secretions of calcium carbonate by small sea anemone-like animals and

coralline algae, which colonize and literally create the reefs.
Another impact of the drop in carbonate ions in seawater is the increased
potential for shells to literally dissolve. The balance between the rate at which solid
calcium carbonate dissociates and the rate at which it is formed is related to the con-
centration of carbonate ions:

CaCO3 3 Ca2 + + CO32 - (46)

With less carbonate, the reaction shifts to the right, increasing the tendency for
calcium carbonate to dissolve. The dissociation constant that goes with (46) is tem-
perature and pressure dependent, and in cold, deep waters, the shift is sufficient to
dissolve calcium carbonate shells. There is a depth, called the saturation horizon,
below which shells dissolve and above which they survive. With more atmospheric

CO2, the shift in pH and carbonate has caused the saturation horizons to shift closer
to the surface, in some areas by as much as 50 to 200 meters compared to where
they were in the 1800s. Thinning of the shell-friendly, upper layer of the oceans,
with unknown consequences, is a rising concern for climate and marine scientists
trying to predict the impacts of global warming.
Rising Sea Level
Water expands as it warms, decreasing its density and increasing its volume, which
causes sea level to rise. In addition, melting glaciers and ice caps contribute to
increasing ocean volume and rising sea levels. Thermal expansion is the primary
cause of the current 3 mm per year rise in sea level, but melting glaciers have the

potential to accelerate that rise substantially in the future.

Almost all of the world’s nonoceanic water is stored in ice caps and glaciers,
and almost all of that is contained in just two great ice sheets—the Antarctic ice
sheet and the Greenland ice sheet. Table 9 shows the volume of ice in these ice sheets

plus the remaining ice stored in glaciers and ice caps along with the equivalent rise
in sea level that complete melting could incur. As shown there, the Antarctic ice
sheet stores enough water to raise the level of the oceans by 73 meters.
The Antarctic ice sheet is projected to grow slightly in the future due to
increased precipitation coupled with extremely cold temperatures, so it may not

Some Characteristics of the World’s Ice

Area Volume Sea Level

(106 km2) (106 km3) Equivalent (m)
Antarctic ice sheet 12.1 29 73
Greenland ice sheet 1.71 2.95 7.4
Glaciers and ice caps 0.64 0.1 ; 0.02 0.3 ; 0.05
Source: IPCC, 1995.

Global Atmospheric Change

contribute to rising sea levels. A portion of Antarctic ice, however, rests on the ocean
floor, and there has been some concern that if that West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIC)
were to break loose and slide into the ocean, it could cause a rapid rise in sea level
of perhaps 5 or 6 meters. Indeed, a 200-m thick, 3,200 km2 chunk of the Larsen Ice
Shelf did collapse into the sea in 2002, amplifying concern that ocean warming and

the acceleration of ice flows may be destabilizing the ice sheet that could cause a
runaway discharge into the oceans. Some studies indicate a critical threshold for
WAIC collapse might be in the range of a 2°C to 5°C global temperature rise, but
too many uncertainties remain to be confident that this is an accurate estimate.
Inland portions of the Greenland ice sheet have shown a slight increase in vol-

ume, but significant melting is occurring along the coasts. Meltwater seeping down
through the crevices of the melting ice seems to be acting as a lubricant that is accel-

erating glacial movement toward the ocean. There is great concern for a potential
tipping point, beyond which the surface temperature of the ice sheet will become too
warm to allow winter glacial growth to offset summertime melting. At that point,
which is estimated by some to be a 2 to 3°C mean global temperature increase above
preindustrial levels, the Greenland ice sheet will begin to melt irreversibly.

Atmospheric-ocean coupled general circulation models have been used to esti-
mate future sea-level change for a great many SRES scenarios. For the illustrative
A1B and B2 scenarios shown in Figure 47, a sea level rise on the order of one quarter
of a meter by 2100 is projected. Multiple variations on all of the SRES scenarios
show much wider variation, with most lying somewhere between 0.2 to 0.7 meters in
2100. The enormous thermal capacitance of the oceans means that sea level will con-
tinue to rise well beyond the time when carbon dioxide concentrations stabilize in the
atmosphere as the oceans slowly adjust to the increased radiative forcing.
Rising sea levels coupled with the projected increase in the fraction of hurricanes
and storms that are predicted to be highly dangerous may result in large areas of
densely populated coastline having to be abandoned. With approximately 20 percent

0.6 900
A1B-Sea level
0.5 CO2 800

Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm)

Mean global sea-level change (m)

Sea level
0.4 700
0.3 600

0.2 B1-CO2 500

B1-Sea level
0.1 400

0 300

−0.1 200
1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200

FIGURE 47 Sea-level rise and CO2 concentrations for illustrative SRES scenarios A1B
and B2.
(Source: Max Planck Institute-Meteorology, 2006.)

Global Atmospheric Change

h ry
FIGURE 48 Flooding in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 caused $81 billion in
damages and 1,800 deaths.
of the world’s population living within 30 km of a coastline, tens of millions of people
may become climate change refugees. Damage due to storm surges could be devastat-
ing to coastal areas that have not been adequately fortified, which places an added
burden on countries that don’t have the resources to adapt to rising water levels.
Hurricane Katrina (Figure 48), which slammed into the Gulf Coast in 2005, provided
a stark example of how costly, both in terms of human lives (over 1,800 deaths) and

property damage (over $80 billion), storm events can be. Other potential impacts of
rising sea levels include increased shoreline erosion, exacerbated coastal flooding, in-
undation of coastal wetlands, and increased salinity of estuaries and aquifers.

Thermohaline Circulation and the Biological Carbon Pump

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by the oceans and forms inorganic dis-
solved bicarbonate and carbonate ions. A small fraction of that carbon is taken up

by phytoplankton during photosynthesis and becomes part of the food chain in the
upper layer of the oceans (the euphotic zone). Photosynthesis, respiration, and
decomposition taking place in the surface layers of the ocean remove and replace
some 40 to 50 GtC per year. There is a net removal, however, of about 10 GtC per

year (nearly twice the carbon emission rate from the combustion of fossil fuels) from
the surface waters as dissolved organic carbon, particulate carbon, and CaCO3 in
the “hard” parts of marine algae and animals sink into the intermediate and deep
ocean. That removal process is known as the biological carbon pump.
Related to the biological pump is another process called the thermohaline cir-
culation system, or sometimes the Atlantic conveyor, that transports carbon-rich
surface waters into the deep oceans. As shown in Figure 49, there is an enormous

Global Atmospheric Change

h ry
cur rent


Cold and salty deep current

FIGURE 49 The thermohaline circulation system is driven by cold, salty water sinking into
the North Atlantic abyss and upwelling near India and in the Pacific.

flow of ocean water around the globe, equal to the combined flow of all the world’s
rivers, that transports heat and nutrients from one place to another. Relatively warm
seawater near the surface flows into the North Atlantic, where winds encourage
evaporation and help sweep the surface waters aside, allowing the warm subsurface
water to rise. That rising warm water gives off an enormous amount of heat as it

reaches the surface. It is this source of heat that accounts for Western Europe’s rela-
tively mild winters. As that warm surface water evaporates and cools, it becomes
more salty and dense, eventually becoming so dense that it sinks down to the ocean
bottom. That North Atlantic deep water then moves southward, around the south-

ern tip of Africa. Some emerges off the coast of India, but most upwells in the Pacific
ocean where it starts its path back to the North Atlantic.
What makes the thermohaline circulation especially important in studies of cli-
mate change is the fact that it appears to have several stable states. It runs at a fast

rate, an extremely slow rate, or at its present rate, which is somewhere in the mid-
dle. The transition between those stable states can occur in a relatively few years.
Shifting from one stable state to another is thought to be responsible for a rather
dramatic climate shift that occurred in northern Europe just after the last glacial

period ended. Some 11,000 years ago, while glaciers were retreating and temperatures
were back to interglacial levels, northern Europe and northeastern North America
suddenly plunged back into glacial conditions. The temperature in Greenland
dropped by 6°C in less than 100 years, stayed that way for 1,000 years, then jumped
back to warm conditions in about 20 years (Broeker and Denton, 1990). The expla-
nation for this event, known as the Younger Dryas (named for an Arctic flower that
grew in Europe during this period), is based on the sudden stopping, then restarting

Global Atmospheric Change

1,000 years later, of the Atlantic conveyor. Apparently, glacial meltwater draining
from the North American ice sheet into the North Atlantic diluted the salty surface
water enough to halt the density-driven dive into the abyss, which stopped the entire
conveyor. Europe lost the warming influence of the current, and glacial conditions
suddenly returned.

Most coupled ocean-atmosphere models show a future decrease in the strength
of the Atlantic conveyor, which on its own would lead to some cooling of Europe and
the east coast of the United States. That cooling would offset some but not all of the
projected regional warming that would otherwise be expected due to an enhanced
greenhouse effect. The possibility of a complete collapse of thermohaline circulation

that could result if precipitation and runoff patterns change sufficiently is another of
the potential “surprises” that worry some climatologists.

13 Changes in Stratospheric Ozone

The changes occurring in the stratosphere’s protective layer of ozone are closely
linked to the greenhouse problem just discussed. Many of the same gases are
involved, including CFCs, halons, methane, and nitrous oxide, as well as aerosols
and ozone itself. Some of the gases that enhance the greenhouse effect, such as
methane, actually reduce stratospheric ozone depletion, so the two problems really
must be considered together.
Ozone has the unusual characteristic of being beneficial when it is in the strat-
osphere protecting us from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, while ozone formed
near the ground in photochemical smog reactions is harmful to humans and other
living things. About 90 percent of the atmosphere’s ozone is contained in the strato-
sphere between roughly 10 and 50 km in what is commonly referred to as the ozone
layer. The remaining 10 percent or so is contained in the troposphere, near the

ground, above cities and industrialized areas. Figure 50 shows this distribution of
ozone in the atmosphere along with some comments on its beneficial and harmful
If all of the atmospheric ozone overhead at any given spot on the Earth were to

be brought down to ground level so that it would be subjected to 1 atm of pressure,

it would form a layer only a few millimeters thick. In fact, one of the common meth-
ods of expressing the total amount of ozone overhead is in terms of Dobson units
(DU), where 1 DU is equivalent to a layer of ozone 0.01 mm thick at 1 atm of pres-
sure at 0°C. At midlatitudes, the ozone overhead is typically about 350 DU (3.5 mm

at 1 atm); near the equator, it is closer to 250 DU. During the annual appearance of
the ozone hole over Antarctica, the ozone column drops below 100 DU.

The Ultraviolet (UV) Portion of the Solar Spectrum

Ozone (O3) is continuously being created in the stratosphere by photochemical
reactions powered by short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV) radiation, while at the same
time it is continuously being removed by other photochemical reactions that convert
it back to diatomic oxygen molecules (O2). The rates of creation and removal at any
given time and location dictate the concentrations of ozone present.

Global Atmospheric Change

Atmospheric ozone • Contains 90% of atmospheric

35 ozone
• Beneficial role:
30 acts as primary UV radiation
Stratospheric ozone
Altitude (kilometers) 25 • Current issues:
(The ozone layer)

– Long-term global downward
20 – Springtime antarctic ozone
hole each year
15 • Contains 10% of atmospheric

• Harmful impact: toxic effects
10 on humans and vegetation
Tropospheric ozone

• Current issues:
5 – Episodes of high surface ozone
“Smog” ozone in urban and rural areas

05 10 15 20 25
Ozone amount

(pressure, milli-Pascals)

FIGURE 50 Amounts of ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere, including comments

on the beneficial and harmful roles it plays in each region.
(Source: UNEP, 1994.)
The energy required to drive some of these photochemical reactions comes
from sunlight penetrating the atmosphere. As you may recall, it is convenient to
consider such electromagnetic radiation in some contexts as a wave phenomenon
and in others as a packet of energy called a photon. The energy content of a single
photon is the proportional to its frequency, and inversely proportional to its wave-

E = hn = (47)

E = the energy of one photon (J)

h = Planck’s constant (6.626218 * 10 - 34 J s)
c = the speed of light (2.997925 * 108 m/s)
n = frequency (s - 1)
l = wavelength (m)

Thus, photons with shorter wavelengths have higher energy content.

The entire solar spectrum was introduced in Figure 10, where it was used to
help derive the effective temperature of the Earth. In the context of stratospheric

ozone depletion, however, it is only the UV portion of the spectrum that is of inter-
est. Photons associated with those shorter wavelengths can have sufficient energy to
break apart molecules, initiating photochemical reactions. Molecules that are disso-
ciated by UV light are said to have undergone photolysis.
The energy required to drive photochemical reactions is often expressed as an
amount of energy per mole of gas under standard conditions. If we assume the ener-
gy required under stratospheric conditions is not much different, we can easily derive

Global Atmospheric Change

the maximum wavelength that a photon must have to cause photolysis. A single pho-
ton (with sufficient energy) can cause photolysis in one molecule. And since there are
Avogadro’s number (6.02 * 1023) of molecules in one mole of gas, we can convert
energy needed per mole into the energy that one photon must have, as follows:

E(J/photon) = (48)
1 photon/molecule * 6.02 * 1023 molecule/mol
Now we can use (47) to solve for the wavelength.

EXAMPLE 13 Photon Energy for Photolysis

What is the maximum wavelength that a photon can have to photodissociate
diatomic oxygen if 495 kJ/mol are required?
O2 + hn : O + O

Solution The energy that a photon must have is given by (48):

495 kJ/mol * 103 J/kJ
E = = 8.22 * 10 - 19 J/photon
1 photon/molecule * 6.02 * 1023 molecule/mol
Rearranging (46) and substituting the energy that the photon must have gives us
6.626 * 10 - 34(Js) # 2.998 * 108(m/s)
l max = = = 241.6 * 10 - 9m
E 8.22 * 10 - 19 J
= 241.6 nm
Thus, photons with wavelengths longer than 241.6 nm will not have sufficient
energy to break apart the oxygen molecule.

The wavelengths that are most important in the context of stratospheric ozone
depletion are in the 100 to 400 nm portion of the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. It is
called ultraviolet since wavelengths just above 400 nm are violet in color and visible
to the human eye. For analogous reasons, wavelengths above 700 are called

infrared, since 700 nm is the edge of the red portion of the visible spectrum. The
most important portion of the UV spectrum is divided into three regions, designated
as UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C, which have wavelengths as shown in Figure 51.

Ultraviolet Visible Infrared


UV-C UV-B UV-A Violet Red

100 280 320 400 700

Wavelength λ (nm)

FIGURE 51 The ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) portions of the solar spectrum,
including the biologically important UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C regions.

Global Atmospheric Change

About 99 percent of the incoming solar UV that makes it through the atmo-
sphere is UV-A (320 to 400 nm). It is sometimes referred to as “black light” since it
is invisible to the human eye, though some animals can use it for vision. UV-A pen-
etrates deeply into human skin, causing tanning (but little skin reddening), DNA
damage, photoaging (toughening of the skin, wrinkles), and possibly skin cancer.

Some exposure to UV-A benefits human health by helping to induce the formation
of vitamin D. UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) poses the greatest danger to human
health. It causes reddening of the skin (erythema) and reduction of vitamin-D syn-
thesis in the short term; in the long term, it is a cause of skin cancer, cataracts, and
suppression of the immune system. The “SPF rating” of sunscreen products refers to

their ability to protect us from UV-B. Some sunscreens now include ingredients
that also help block UV-A. Photons within the UV-C portion of the spectrum (100 to

280 nm) readily destroy DNA, which makes them extremely dangerous but also lets
artificially created UV-C be used as a very effective disinfectant for water treatment
and other germicidal applications. Fortunately, the atmosphere effectively shields us
from these very potent photons.

The Ozone Layer as a Protective Shield
Ozone formation in the stratosphere can be described by the following pair of reac-
tions. In the first, atomic oxygen (O) is formed by the photolytic decomposition of
diatomic oxygen (O2).
O2 + hn : O + O (49)
where hn represents a photon. As shown in Example 13, for this dissociation to take
place, the photon must have a wavelength of no more than 242 nanometers.
Photons with less energy (longer wavelengths) cannot cause the reaction to take
place; all they can do is heat up the molecule that absorbs them. Photons with high-
er energy than the minimum required use some of their energy to cause photolysis,

and what is left over is dissipated as heat. Diatomic oxygen (O2) has its maximum
absorption at about 140 nm, and it is a very effective absorber of UV-C radiation
between 130 and 180 nm.
The atomic oxygen formed by (49) reacts rapidly with diatomic oxygen to
form ozone,

O + O2 + M : O3 + M (50)
where M represents a third body (usually a nearby N2 molecule) needed to carry
away the heat generated in the reaction.

Opposing the preceding ozone formation process is ozone removal by photo-

O3 + hn : O2 + O (51)

The absorptance of ozone extends from about 200 to 320 nm and reaches its
peak at 255 nm. The reaction shown in (51) is very effective in removing UV-C
radiation and some of the UV-B before it reaches the Earth’s surface.
The preceding combination of reactions (49 to 51) forms a chain in which oxy-
gen atoms are constantly being shuttled back and forth between the various
molecular forms. A principal effect is the absorption of most of the short-wavelength,
potentially damaging, UV radiation as it tries to pass through the stratosphere.

Global Atmospheric Change

100 Extraterrestrial flux

Flux (W/m2-nm)

10−2 Flux at ground
(clear skies)


280 300 320 340 360 380 400
Wavelength (nm)

FIGURE 52 Extraterrestrial solar UV flux and expected flux at the Earth’s surface on

a clear day with the sun 60° from the zenith.
(Source: Frederick, 1986.)

In addition, that absorption also heats the stratosphere, causing the temperature in-
version shown earlier in Figure 1. That temperature inversion, which is what defines
the stratosphere, produces stable atmospheric conditions that lead to long residence
times for stratospheric pollutants.
The effectiveness of these reactions in removing short-wavelength UV is demon-
strated in Figure 52, in which the extraterrestrial solar flux and the flux actually
reaching the Earth’s surface are shown. The radiation reaching the surface has been
drawn for a clear day with the sun assumed to be 60° from the zenith (overhead),

corresponding roughly to a typical mid-latitude site in the afternoon. As can be seen,

the radiation reaching the Earth’s surface is rapidly reduced for wavelengths less than
about 320 nm. In fact, an intact ozone layer shields us from almost all of the UV
having wavelengths shorter than about 290 nm.

Catalytic Destruction of Stratospheric Ozone

As is now common knowledge, the natural formation and destruction of ozone in
the stratosphere is being affected by gases that we release into the atmosphere. In
particular, ozone destruction is enhanced by catalytic reactions that can be repre-

sented as follows:
X + O3 : XO + O2
and XO + O : X + O2

for a net O + O3 : 2 O2 (52)

where X is a free radical such as Cl, Br, H, OH, or NO (recall that free radicals are
highly reactive atoms or molecules that have an odd number of electrons, which
means one electron is not paired with another atom). Notice in (52) how the X
radical that enters the first reaction is released in the second, freeing it to go on
and participate in another catalytic cycle. The net result of the preceding pair of

Global Atmospheric Change

reactions is the destruction of one ozone molecule. The original catalyst that started
the reactions, however, may go on to destroy thousands more ozone molecules
before it eventually leaves the stratosphere.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a major source of ozone-destroying chlorine.
Recall that CFCs have long atmospheric lifetimes since they are inert and nonwater-

soluble, so they aren’t removed in the troposphere by chemical reactions or rainfall.
Eventually, CFCs drift into the stratosphere, where they are exposed to UV radia-
tion, which breaks apart the molecules, freeing the chlorine. CFCs typically require
photons in the UV-C range with wavelengths shorter than 220 nm for photolysis.
For example, CFC-12, which has an atmospheric lifetime of 100 years (Table 7),

undergoes photolysis as follows:
CF2Cl2 + UV-C : CF2Cl + Cl (53)

Eventually the second chlorine atom is also released. The freed chlorine then acts as
a catalyst as described by (52):
Cl + O3 : ClO + O2

ClO + O : Cl + O2
Net: O + O3 : 2 O2 (54)
The chlorine atom makes this loop tens of thousands of times, but eventually it
reacts with methane to become water-soluble HCl that can diffuse into the tropo-
sphere, where it can be washed out of the atmosphere by rainfall.
Cl + CH4 : HCl + CH3 (55)
Chlorine that has been incorporated into HCl, as in (55), is inactive; that is, it
does not participate in the catalytic destruction of ozone represented by (54).
Notice that methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas, helps remove the ozone-
destroying, active form of chlorine from the stratosphere. In the context of climate

change, methane is part of the problem; in the context of ozone depletion, it is part
of the cure.
Another way that chlorine is removed from the catalytic chain reaction is by
its incorporation into chlorine nitrate, ClONO2:

ClO + NO2 : ClONO2 (56)

At any given time, as much as 99 percent of the chlorine in the stratosphere is tied up
in these inactive molecules, HCl and ClONO2. Unfortunately, those inactive mole-
cules are subject to chemical reactions and photolysis that can restore the chlorine

to its active forms, Cl and ClO, especially when there are nearby particles available
that provide platforms upon which the reactions can take place. Sulfate aerosols,
especially from volcanic eruptions, and clouds of nitric acid ice over the Antarctic
provide such surfaces. When gases and particles are both involved, the chemistry is

referred to as heterogeneous reactions, as opposed to homogeneous reactions involv-

ing gases alone.
Bromine in the stratosphere is another potent ozone-depleting gas, as the
following reactions suggest:
Br + O3 : BrO + O2
BrO + ClO : Br + ClO2 (57)

Global Atmospheric Change

As is the case with chlorine, bromine acts as a catalyst destroying ozone until it even-
tually combines with methane to form hydrogen bromide (HBr). Hydrogen bromide
deactivates the bromine, but not for long. Photolysis rather quickly decomposes HBr,
sending bromine back into its catalytic loop with ozone. In this regard, bromine is
much more potent than chlorine since stratospheric chlorine exists mostly in its

inactive forms, HCl and ClONO2.
The main source of bromine in the stratosphere is methyl bromide (CH3Br),
about half of which comes from the oceans, and about half is due to anthropogenic
sources. Methyl bromide is used extensively in agriculture to sterilize soil and fumi-
gate some crops after they are harvested. Other anthropogenic sources include bio-

mass burning and automobile exhaust emissions when leaded fuels are used.
Bromine has also been used as a flame retardent in fire extinguishers.

The Antarctic Ozone Hole
Chlorine that has been incorporated into hydrogen chloride (HCl) or chlorine
nitrate (ClONO2) is inactive, so it doesn’t contribute to the destruction of ozone. In

the Antarctic winter, however, a unique atmospheric condition known as the polar
vortex traps air above the pole and creates conditions that eventually allow the chlo-
rine to be activated. The polar vortex consists of a whirling mass of extremely cold
air that forms over the South Pole during the period of total darkness in the
Antarctic winter. The vortex effectively isolates the air above the pole from the rest
of the atmosphere until the Antarctic spring arrives in September. Stratospheric tem-
peratures in the vortex may drop to below -90°C, which is cold enough to form
polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) even though the air is very dry. The ice crystals
that make up polar clouds play a key role in the Antarctic phenomenon by provid-
ing reaction surfaces that allow chemical species to stay together long enough to
react with each other.

A number of reactions take place on the surfaces of polar stratospheric cloud

particles that result in the formation of chlorine gas (Cl2). For example,
ClONO2 + H2O : HOCl + HNO3 (58)
HOCl + HCl : Cl2 + H2O (59)

ClONO2 + HCl : Cl2 + HNO3 (60)

Once the sun rises in the Antarctic spring in September, the chlorine gas (Cl2)
formed during the darkness of winter photolytically decomposes into atomic

Cl2 + hn : 2 Cl (61)
which then destroys ozone by reinitiating the catalytic destruction process described

in (54):
(Cl + O3 : ClO + O2) + (ClO + O : Cl + O2) = O + O3 : 2 O2 (62)
The destruction of ozone as the sun first appears in the Antarctic spring proceeds as
described until the nitric acid (HNO3) formed in (58) and (60) photolyzes and
forms inactive chlorine nitrate (ClONO2), which stops the ozone destruction
process. As the vortex breaks down in the spring, ozone from nearby areas rushes in

Global Atmospheric Change

Antarctic ozone minimum (60°–90° S)



Minimum ozone (DU)





1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

FIGURE 53 Antarctic ozone minimun (60°–90° S), suggesting the beginning
of recovery in about the year 2000.
(Source: NASA Website.)

and replenishes the ozone above Antarctica. Conversely, the transport of ozone-
depleted air from polar regions is thought to be contributing to decreases in strato-
spheric ozone at middle latitudes. The entire ozone-hole cycle typically lasts from
mid-August until the end of November, reaching its greatest depth and aerial extent
near the first of October.
Concern over possible destruction of stratospheric ozone was first expressed
by two scientists, F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario J. Molina in 1974; however, it

wasn’t until 1985, with the dramatic announcement of the discovery of a “hole” in
the ozone over Antarctica, that the world began to recognize the seriousness of the
problem. In 1995, Rowland, Molina, and Paul Crutzen were awarded the Nobel
Prize in Chemistry for their pioneering work in explaining the chemical processes
that lead to the destruction of stratospheric ozone.

Figure 53 shows how deep the ozone hole has been over the past couple of
decades. The values shown (in Dobson units) correspond to the minimum values
measured anywhere within the hole each year. When measurements first began, in
the early 1980s, those minimums were a little above 200 DU. They reached their

lowest level in 1995 (88 DU) and now seem to be somewhat on the rise as efforts to
control emissions of ozone-depleting substances begin to have effect. The area of the
ozone hole has shown a similar pattern to the depth (Figure 54). The hole grows in
area to about 25 million km2 in late September, making it roughly equivalent in size

to the entire North American continent.

The very low stratospheric temperatures over Antarctica, which form those
polar stratospheric clouds, are not duplicated in the Arctic. The combination of land
and ocean areas in the Arctic results in warmer temperatures and much less of a
polar vortex, factors that do not encourage the formation of polar clouds. The result
is a much less dramatic thinning of the ozone layer over the Arctic in the spring,
although it is still significant. There is concern, however, that greenhouse effect

Global Atmospheric Change

Average area of ozone hole

25 Area of North America

Size (million Sq km)


Area of Antarctica


5 Area of ozone < 220 DU

Average over 30 days
Vertical line = minimum and maximum area

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

FIGURE 54 The average area of the ozone hole, defined as the region within which ozone is
less than 220 DU, is about the size of North America.
(Source: NASA.)
enhancement could lead to stratospheric cooling, which would make an Arctic
ozone hole more likely. Should an extensive ozone hole develop in the Northern
Hemisphere, far more people would be exposed to elevated UV radiation.

Ozone Depletion Potential (ODPs)

The concept of Ozone Depletion Potentials (ODPs) for ozone-depleting substances
(ODSs) is analogous to the Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) for greenhouse gases
already described. In the case of ODPs, the reference gas is CFC-11 (CFCl3). The

ODP of a gas is defined as the change in total ozone per unit mass emission of
the gas, relative to the change in total ozone per unit mass emission of CFC-11.
Notice the definition of ODPs is independent of the length of time required for the
depletion to take place, so, in that sense, they are somewhat different from time-

dependent GWPs.
ODPs have become an integral part of the regulatory approach to controlling
emissions of ozone-depleting substances. The Montreal Protocol on Substances
that Deplete the Ozone Layer and its subsequent Amendments, which governs

international production and use of halocarbons, and the U.S. Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990, which controls domestic uses, both dictate the phase-out of
ozone-depleting substances based on their Ozone Depletion Potentials.
Table 10 lists ODPs for a number of CFCs, halons, and possible replace-
ments. By definition, CFC-11 has an ODP of 1.0, which is the highest ODP of any
of the CFCs. Halons-1211 and 1301 have much higher ODPs than CFC-11 due to
the higher reactivity of bromine and the reduced effectiveness of deactivation traps

Global Atmospheric Change

Ozone Depletion Potentials (ODPs) and 100-Year Global Warming
Potentials (GWPs) Measured Relative to CFC-11
Ozone Depletion Global Warming
Chemical Potential Relative Potential Relative

Species Formula to CFC-11 to CFC-11
CFC-11 CFCl3 1.0 1.0
CFC-12 CF2Cl2 1.0 2.3
CFC-113 C2F3Cl3 1.0 1.3

HCFC-22 CF2HCl 0.05 0.4
HCFC-123 C2F3HCl2 0.02 0.02
HCFC-124 C2F4HCl 0.02 0.12

HCFC-141b C2FH3Cl2 0.12 0.16
HFC-134a C2H2F4 0.0005 0.28
Halon-1211 CF2ClBr 6 0.28
Halon-1301 CF3Br 12 1.5
Methyl chloroform CH3CCl3 0.1 0.03

Methyl bromide CH3Br 0.4 0.001
Source: WMO, The Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, 2002.

compared with chlorine. Notice the replacement HCFCs have low ODPs, typically
less than 0.1, which is a reflection of their short atmospheric lifetimes.
For comparison, 100-year GWPs relative to CFC-11 rather than the usual
CO2 reference molecule have been added to Table 10. These GWPs tell us that the
HCFC and HFC replacements for CFCs are not only much better in terms of ozone
depletion, but they also cause considerably less global warming. The halons, on the
other hand, tend to be worse than CFCs in both categories.

Impacts of Increased Exposure to UV

The biological response to increased ultraviolet radiation is often represented by an
action spectrum. The action spectrum provides a quantitative way to express the rel-
ative ability of various wavelengths to cause biological harm. For example, the

action spectra for plant damage, DNA damage, and erythema (skin reddening) are
shown in Figure 55a. All of these spectra show increasing damage as wavelength de-
creases, and they all show significant damage in the UV-B (280 to 320 nm) region.
There are some differences, however. Plants, for example, show no damage from

wavelengths above about 320 nm, but erythema damage occurs well into the UV-A
(320 to 400 nm) portion of the solar spectrum. Sunscreens that block UV-B, but not
UV-A, can give a false sense of security by allowing people to spend more time
exposed to the sun without burning, but skin damage that may lead to skin cancer is

occurring nonetheless.
By combining wavelength-dependent action spectra, such as are shown in
Figure 55a, with ground-level solar irradiances, a biological weighted effectiveness
of radiation is obtained. Figure 55b shows a representative action spectrum super-
imposed on two solar irradiance curves—one showing irradiance with an intact
ozone layer (dotted line), and the other with an ozone layer that has been thinned
somewhat (solid line). As the ozone column is depleted, the irradiance in those

Global Atmospheric Change


Irradiance (W m−2 nm−1) and relative response

100 Solar
10−1 irradiance

Relative response

10−2 Action
10−3 Erythema 10−3

10−4 DNA irradiance
Plant damage 10−4

10−5 damage

10−6 10−5
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 280 290 300 310 320 330 340
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

FIGURE 55 (a) Action spectra for damage to plants, DNA, and human skin; (b) by combining the
action spectra with solar irradiance a biological weighted irradiance is obtained. The dotted lines
represent irradiance under normal ozone conditions, while the solid lines correspond to a reduction
in ozone.
(Source: Simon, 1993; Madronich, 1993.)
critical short UV-B wavelengths, where organisms are most sensitive, rises rapidly,
as does the potential biological damage. The biologically weighted irradiance
shows the critical wavelengths in terms of biological damage between about 290
and 310 nm (UV-B). Shorter wavelengths are effectively blocked by the remaining
ozone layer, while longer wavelengths do little biological damage.

Most of our concern for increasing exposure to UV radiation has focused on

the increased probability of developing skin cancer. Numerous studies have shown
that skin cancer is readily induced in laboratory animals exposed to broad spectrum
UV radiation, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (1992) states
unequivocally that “there is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of

solar radiation. Solar radiation causes cutaneous malignant melanoma and non-
melanocytic skin cancer.” In fact, exposure to solar radiation is probably the main
cause of all forms of skin cancer and an important, if not the main, cause of cancer
of the lip (Armstrong, 1993).

Skin cancer is usually designated as being either the more common non-
melanoma (basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas), or the much more life-
threatening malignant melanoma. Epidemiological studies directly link skin cancer
rates with exposure to UV-B. At lower latitudes, there is more surface-level UV-B, and

skin cancer rates increase proportionately. Using such data, it has been estimated that
a 1 percent increase in UV-B is estimated to cause a 0.5 percent increase in the inci-
dence rate of melanoma and a 2.5 percent increase in nonmelanoma (Armstrong,
1993). Both types of skin cancer are more prevalent among people with fair complex-
ion than among individuals who have more of the protective pigment, melanin.
Nonmelanoma is most likely to occur on areas of the skin habitually receiving
greatest exposure to the sun, such as the head and neck. While it is rarely fatal, it

Global Atmospheric Change

often causes disfigurement. Melanomas, on the other hand, are as common on

intermittently exposed parts of the body, such as the trunk and legs, as they are on
the head and neck. Melanomas seem to occur more frequently on individuals who
have had severe and repeated sunburns in childhood. This observation has led to a
hypothesis that melanoma is less related to the accumulated dose of radiation, as

seems to be the case for nonmelanoma, than it is to the pattern of exposure.
The incidence rate of melanoma among fair skinned individuals in the United
States is increasing at 2 to 3 percent annually, which is faster than any other form
of cancer. In 1935, the lifetime risk of an American developing melanoma was 1
in 1,500 individuals, while in 2002 the risk was 1 in 68. Approximately 54,000

melanomas are diagnosed each year, and 7,600 die of the disease. While some are
tempted to relate that increase to the thinning of the ozone layer, it is much more

likely to be the result of lifestyle changes rather than increased surface-level UV irra-
diation. More people are simply spending more time outdoors in the sun than in the
past. Moreover, the decrease in stratospheric ozone is a relatively recent phenome-
non, and evidence suggests that skin cancer may have a long latency period. There
very well may be a 20-year lag time between changes in solar irradiance and meas-

urable increases in skin cancer caused by that exposure.
To help alert the public to the dangers of UV exposure, various versions of a
simple index have been created. A UV-index is a nondimensional, single number, in
the range of 0 to 12, that represents an erythemal-weighted irradiance expected at
solar noon (when the sun is at its highest) for the following day. The UV-index is
now a routine part of Web and newspaper weather forecasts. To make the index
more appealing and understandable for the public, it is linked to descriptive words
ranging from “Low” to “Extreme,” and it also provides an estimate of the length of
time required for a fair-skinned person to get sunburned. The World Health
Organization index is shown in Table 11.
Other human health problems associated with UV exposure include ocular
damage (cataracts and retinal degeneration) and immune system suppression. The

effects of increasing UV-B radiation would not be felt by humans alone, of course.
There is considerable evidence that UV-B reduces photosynthesis and other plant
processes in terrestrial and aquatic plants. UV-B radiation is known to penetrate to
ecologically significant depths in the oceans, and besides impairing photosynthesis,

it threatens marine organisms during their critical developmental stages. For exam-
ple, amphibian eggs have little protection when exposed to UV-B irradiation, and
the worldwide decline in frogs and toads, especially at high altitudes where solar
exposure is greatest, may be in part caused by our thinning ozone layer.

WHO Exposure Levels and Sunburn Warnings

UV Index Category Descriptor Sunburn Time

1–2 Low More than 1 hour
3–5 Moderate 45 minutes
6–7 High 30 minutes
8–10 Very High 15 minutes
11 + Extreme Less than 10 minutes

Global Atmospheric Change

Political Response to the Ozone Depletion Problem

The political response to warnings of ozone depletion by the scientific community
has been unusually effective and timely. When CFCs were first created in the 1930s
they were hailed as wonder chemicals. They replaced toxic, explosive, and unstable
refrigerants and made possible the refrigeration and air conditioning luxuries that

we now take for granted.
A British scientist, James E. Lovelock (later famous for the “Gaia”), began
experimenting with CFCs in the 1970s and concluded in 1973 that essentially all of
the CFCs ever produced were still in the atmosphere. The first hint of potential

problems came with the publication of Molina and Rowland’s paper in 1974, which
warned of the danger to the stratospheric ozone layer that CFCs presented. The EPA

responded in a remarkably short period of time and banned nonessential spray-can
uses of CFCs by 1979. A few countries followed the U.S. lead, including Canada
and some of the Scandinavian countries, but most continued to manufacture and use
them without concern for the consequences. It wasn’t until the discovery of the
ozone hole over Antarctica in 1985 that the rest of the world awakened to the lurk-

ing danger. At that time, worldwide CFC use as an aerosol propellant was the
largest single source of CFC emissions.
In 1987 an international meeting convened in Montreal that led to the signing
of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. That Protocol
called for a 50 percent reduction in use of CFCs by 1999. It was soon realized, how-
ever, that the called-for reductions were inadequate, and in 1990, 93 nations con-
vened in London and created a new timetable calling for a complete phase-out of
CFCs, most halons, and carbon tetrachloride by the year 2000. The plight of the
developing countries was recognized and their use of CFCs was extended to 2010. A
fund was established to help pay for technology transfer to enable the less-developed
countries to take advantage of proposed replacement chemicals.
The next year, 1991, Mt. Pinatubo erupted, and the ozone hole grew to record

proportions, which led to the London Amendments to the Protocol in 1992. The
phase-out of CFCs was moved up to 1996.
Meanwhile, in the United States, Title VI of the Clean Air Act Amendments of
1990 brought us into compliance with the London Amendment. Major provisions

include the following:

• Two categories of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) were created: Class I
chemicals are those with high ozone depletion potentials, which includes
CFCs, halons, and carbon tetrachloride, and Class II substances have lower
ODPs and include the HCFCs. Production of Class I chemicals was scheduled

to cease by 2000, while Class II chemicals are subject to an accelerated phase-

out schedule that will eliminate all production and use by 2030. Exceptions
for necessary medical, aviation, safety and national security purposes, and for
export to developing countries are allowed.

• Motor vehicle air conditioners received special attention since they had been
the largest single source of CFCs. CFC recycling equipment for air conditioner
servicing is required, and only certified repair persons are allowed to do the
work. CFCs must be removed from car air conditioners before they are
crushed for disposal.

Global Atmospheric Change

• Nonessential products that use ozone-depleting substances such as noise horns,

“silly string,” and some commercial photographic equipment, are banned.
• Warning labels are required for products that contain ODS such as refrigera-
tors and foam insulation.
• Modifications to the Montreal Protocol that accelerate the phasing out of

ODS must be adhered to.
Two years later, in 1992, the Copenhagen Amendments to the Montreal Protocol
called for participating nations to move the ban of many ODSs to 1996. The EPA

responded in 1993 with an accelerated phase-out schedule. Production and imports
of halons ceased in 1994, and CFCs, methyl chloroform (1,1,1-trichloroethane), and
carbon tetrachloride ceased in 1996. Most HCFCs were eliminated by 2003, but some

will still be allowed until 2030.
Has this flurry of regulatory activity been effective? Stratospheric ozone deple-
tion is one of those problems that cannot be reversed in a short period of time. Most
of the CFCs ever produced are still drifting around in the atmosphere and they will
be with us for decades into the future. The production cuts dictated by the Montreal

Protocol and subsequent Amendments have already stopped the steady, historical
climb in CFC atmospheric concentration. Figure 56 sums up the good news. CFC
production has stopped, though HCFCs will still be produced until 2030; the major
ozone-destroying chlorine and bromine concentrations in the stratosphere have
begun to decline; and the overall global stratospheric ozone concentration is begin-
ning to recover. Not only have countless lives been saved, but the Montreal Protocol
has provided a model for effective international cooperation on a major global
environmental problem.




ODS Cl and Br
in stratosphere

Global ozone

1980 2006 2100

FIGURE 56 A global environmental success story. (a) Production of CFCs has ended, and
HCFCs are scheduled to be phased out; (b) stratospheric chlorine and bromine are
beginning to decline; (c) global ozone shows signs of recovery.
(Source: WHO/UNEP, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, 2006.)

Global Atmospheric Change

1 Suppose an ocean sediment sample shows (18O> 16O) = 0.0020150. Using the VSMOW
for seawater, what is the value of d18O? Is this a sign of more or less glaciation at the time
the sediment was deposited?

2 The following data are from a Vostok ice core. Plot the data, and from the slope, estimate
the temperature change in dD per °C.

Depth Years Before Delta D Temperature

(m) Present (0 > 00) (°C)
280 12087 -448.5 -3.09

327 14904 -458.1 -4.68
346 16201 -468.5 -6.34
355 16889 -480.7 -8.33
365 17706 -478.0 -7.84

3 Suppose an ice core measurement taken from the last glacial period resulted in the isotope
ratio (2H> 1H) = 8.100 * 10 - 5.
(a) Find the corresponding dD(0 > 00) using the 0.00015575 VSMOW standard for
(b) If an interglacial sample had dD(0 > 00) = - 435 per mil, how much warmer was the
interglacial period assuming a 6 per mil change in dD(0 > 00) corresponds to a 1°C tem-
perature change?
4 A relationship between the mean annual surface temperature of Greenland and the value
of d18O of the snow pack on the Greenland ice sheet is given by
T(°C) = 1.5d18O(0 > 00) + 20.4

An ice core sample dating back to the last glacation has a value of d18O equal to - 35.
What would the estimated surface temperature have been at that time?
5 Use the following ice core data to derive a relationship between T(°C) and dD similar to
the one shown in Problem 4 for 18O.

Depth Years Before Delta D Temperature

(m) Present (0 > 00) (°C)
0 0 0

12 234 -449.1 - 1.84
20 420 -435.9 0.35
47 1247 -446.9 - 1.48
68 2049 - 0.38

143 5397 - 435.0 0.5

6 Suppose the Earth is really flat (Figure P6). Imagine an Earth that is shaped like a penny,
with one side that faces the sun at all times. Also suppose that this flat Earth is the same
temperature everywhere (including the side that faces away from the sun). Neglect any

Global Atmospheric Change

Flat Earth

Sun S = 1370 W/m2


radiation losses off of the rim of the Earth, and assume there is no albedo or greenhouse
effect. Treating it as a perfect blackbody, estimate the temperature of this new, flat Earth.

7 The solar flux S striking a planet will be inversely proportional to the square of the dis-
tance from the planet to the sun. That is, S = k>d2, where k is some constant and d is the

distance. Using data from Table 2 to find k,
(a) Estimate the solar constant for the planet Mercury.
(b) If Mercury is 58 * 106 km from the sun and has an albedo of 0.06, find its effective
(c) At what wavelength would the radiation spectrum from Mercury reach its peak?

9 ho
The solar flux S arriving at the outer edge of the atmosphere varies by ;3.3 percent as the
Earth moves in its orbit (reaching its greatest value in early January). By how many
degrees would the effective temperature of the Earth vary as a result?
In the article “The Climatic Effects of Nuclear War” ((Scientific American, August 1984),
the authors calculate a global energy balance corresponding to the first few months fol-
lowing a 5,000-megaton nuclear exchange. The resulting smoke and dust in the atmo-
sphere absorb 75 percent of the incoming sunlight (257 W/m2), while the albedo is
reduced to 20 percent. Convective and evaporative heating of the atmosphere from the
Earth’s surface is negligible, as is the energy reflected from the Earth’s surface. The Earth’s
surface radiates 240 W/m2, all of which is absorbed by the atmosphere. Assuming that the
Earth can be modeled as a blackbody emitter as shown in Figure P9, find the following

(equilibrium) quantities:
(a) The temperature of the surface of the Earth (this is the infamous “nuclear winter”)
(b) X, the rate at which radiation is emitted from the atmosphere to space

(c) Y, the rate of absorption of short-wavelength solar radiation at the Earth’s surface
(d) Z, the rate at which the atmosphere radiates energy to the Earth’s surface

Incoming 342 W/m2

Radiated to space, X


Abs. 257

Reflected Convection,
0 evaporation = 0

Earth Absorbed Radiated Z

Y 240 W/m2

Global Atmospheric Change

10 Consider the two-layer atmospheric model shown in Figure P10. An advantage of this
model is it allows us to model radiation so that each layer radiates the same amount off its
top and bottom. Find the unknown quantities W, X, Y, and Z to make this model balance.
What values of T1 and T2 would radiate W and Z?

Incoming solar Window
Reflected 342 W/m2 40 W Radiated to space

Atmosphere T1

Abs. X layer 1

W Z Interlayer radiation

Latent heat,
convection T2
24 78 350 abs.
Abs. Y Layer 2

Absorbed 168 Z Radiated to surface

Earth Surface
390 W/m2

11 In Figure 12, the average rate at which energy is used to evaporate water is given as
78 W/m2. Using 2,465 kJ/kg as the latent heat of vaporization of water, along with the
surface area of the Earth, which is about 5.1 * 1014 m2, estimate the total world annual
precipitation in m3/yr (which is equal to the total water evaporated). Averaged over the
globe, what is the average annual precipitation in meters of water?
12 Suppose a greenhouse effect enhancement raises the surface temperature of the Earth to
291 K, melting enough snow and ice to reduce the albedo to the point where only

100 W/m2 are reflected (see Figure P12). The atmospheric window is closed somewhat so
that only 30 W/m2 now pass directly from the Earth’s surface to space. If the latent and
sensible heat transfer to the atmosphere do not change, and if incoming solar energy
absorbed by the atmosphere does not change, find the solar radiation absorbed at the

Incoming solar Through to space
Reflected 342 W/m2 window Z
100 W/m2 30

67 Sensible,
latent heat
Abs. 24 78 Absorbed

Y Back radiation

W Radiation
Surface at 291 K


Global Atmospheric Change

surface W, the surface radiation X absorbed by the atmosphere, the back radiation from
atmosphere to the surface Y, and the outgoing radiation from the atmosphere Z so that
energy balance is maintained in each of the three regions (space, atmosphere, surface).
13 What would the atmospheric concentration of CO2 be 50 years from now if carbon emis-
sions rise linearly from 10 GtC/yr to 16 GtC/yr over that period of time. Assume the

initial CO2 concentration is 380 ppm, and use a 40 percent airborne fraction.
14 Suppose atmospheric CO2 is growing at 2 ppm/yr, fossil fuel and cement emissions are
9 GtC/yr, and the airborne fraction is 38 percent. If the only other carbon emissions are
associated with land use changes, estimate their net carbon emission rate.

15 The United States derives about 40 percent of its energy from oil, 23 percent from coal,
and 23 percent from natural gas, with the remaining 14 percent from essentially carbon-

free sources.
(a) Using LHV values for carbon intensity for each fuel, estimate the overall carbon
(b) Suppose all of that coal is replaced with carbon-free nuclear and renewable energy
systems; what would be the new carbon intensity?

(c) Suppose that transition takes 100 years. Modeled as an exponential change, what
rate of growth in carbon intensity does that correspond to?
16 Using estimates of the total resource base of coal, petroleum, and natural gas given in
Table 4, along with LHV carbon intensities given in Table 3, and with an assumed air-
borne fraction of 50 percent, calculate the total increase in atmospheric CO2 that would
be caused by burning all of the
(a) Natural gas
(b) Petroleum
(c) Coal with 50 percent of the CO2 captured and stored
(d) Burning all three as stated previously, what would be the equilibrium global tempera-

ture increase with a climate sensitivity factor ¢T2X = 2.8°C and a current CO2 con-
centration of 380 ppm?
17 Suppose that in 100 years the world is virtually out of natural deposits of oil and gas and
energy demand is double the current rate of 330 EJ/yr. At that time, imagine that 28 per-

cent of world energy comes from coal, 60 percent is synthetic gas and oil from coal with
a LHV carbon intensity of 44 gC/MJ, and the remainder is derived from noncarbon-
emitting sources. Using LHV values of carbon intensity,
(a) What would be the carbon emission rate then (Gt/yr)?

(b) If carbon emissions grow exponentially from the current rate of 6.0 GtC/yr to the rate
found in part a, what rate of growth r would have prevailed during that 100 years?
(c) If the airborne fraction is 50 percent, how much of the carbon emitted in the next
100 years would remain in the atmosphere?

(d) What would be the atmospheric concentration of CO2 in 100 years if there is no net
contribution from biomass (and there are 750 Gt of carbon in the atmosphere now)?
(e) If the equilibrium temperature increase for a doubling of CO2 is 3°C, what would be the
equilibrium temperature increase in 100 years if the initial concentration is 356 ppm?
18 Suppose in 100 years energy consumption is still 330 EJ/yr, but coal supplies only 20 per-
cent of total demand, natural gas supplies 30 percent, and oil 10 percent. The remaining

Global Atmospheric Change

40 percent of demand is met by noncarbon-emitting sources such as nuclear and solar

energy. Using this conservation scenario, repeat parts a through e of Problem 17.
19 One reason for sometimes using HHVs rather than LHVs is related to the strange efficien-
cies that may emerge when a conversion device actually takes advantage of the latent heat
normally lost in flue gases. Suppose a methane-fired condensing furnace has an HHV ef-

ficiency of 95 percent. What would its LHV efficiency be?
20 For each of the following fuels, find the carbon intensity based on the higher heating
values (HHV) given:
(a) Ethane, C2H6, HHV = 1,542 kJ/mol

(b) Propane, C3H8, HHV = 2,220 kJ/mol
(c) n-Butane, C4H10, HHV = 2,878 kJ/mol

21 Consider the following four ways to heat a house. The first uses a new high-efficiency
pulse-combustion gas furnace; the second uses a conventional gas furnace; the third uses
an electric heat pump that delivers 3 units of energy to the house for each unit of electri-
cal energy that it consumes (the other 2 units are heat taken from the ambient air); and the
fourth uses conventional electric heating. Using HHV values of carbon intensity (since

these efficiencies are based on American definitions) and power plants fueled with coal,
compute the carbon emissions per unit of heat delivered to the house (gC/MJ).

Option Description Furnace Efficiency (%) Power Plant Efficiency (%)

1 Pulse-gas 95 —
2 Conventional gas 70 —
3 Heat pump 300 35
4 Electric 100 35

22 Supplement Example 6 with a water heater that burns propane (C3H8) with 85 percent

(a) Propane releases 2,200 kJ of energy per g-mol; find its carbon intensity (gC/MJ).
(b) Find the ratio of carbon released to energy that actually heats the water (gC/MJ).
(c) What percentage of carbon emissions are saved using propane compared with electric

heating from a natural-gas-fired power plant as computed in Example 6?

23 Disaggregated growth rates for three scenarios are given in the following table:

Population GDP/person Energy/GDP C/Energy Airborne Sensitivity

(%/yr) (%/yr) (%/yr) (%/yr) Fraction ¢T2X(°C)

(A) 1.0 0.3 ⫺2.0 ⫺0.7 0.4 3

(B) 1.5 1.5 ⫺0.2 0.4 0.5 2
(C) 1.4 1.0 ⫺1.0 ⫺0.2 0.5 3

For each scenario,

(a) Predict CO2-induced global equilibrium temperature increase in 70 years, if the initial
CO2 concentration is 356 ppm, the initial emission rate is 6.0 Gt/Cyr, and the initial
atmospheric carbon content is 750 GtC.
(b) If those growth rates continue, in what year would CO2 concentrations be equal to
double the initial 356 ppm?

Global Atmospheric Change

24 The expanded Kaya analysis (28) applied to SRES scenario A2 averaged from 1990 to
2100 has the following energy-component growth rates:
Population growth rate dP>dt = 0.8%
Per capita GDP growth rate d(GDP/P)>dt = 1.3%
Final Energy per GDP growth rate = d(FE/GDP)>dt = - 0.7%

Primary Energy to Final Energy growth rate d(PE/FE)>dt = 0.1%
Carbon per unit of Primary Energy growth rate d(TC/PE)>dt = - 0.2%
Carbon Sequestration growth rate d(C/TC)>dt = 0.0%
With 1990 energy-related carbon emissions equal to 6.0 GtC/yr and growing at the above

rates, and land-use and industrial emissions a constant 2.5 GtC/yr:
(a) What would the carbon emission rate be in 2100?

(b) What total carbon would have been emitted?
(c) With an Airborne Fraction of 0.5, what would be the increase in CO2 concentration
due to these energy-related carbon emissions?
(d) With 360 ppm CO2 in 1990, what would be the concentration in 2100?

(e) With ¢T2X = 2.8°C, estimate the increase in global equilibrium temperature in 2100
relative to 1990.
25 Indicate whether the following halocarbons are CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, or halons, and give
their designation numbers:
(a) C3HF7
(b) C2FH3Cl2
(c) C2F4Cl2
(d) CF3Br
26 Write chemical formulas for the following:
(a) HCFC–225

(b) HFC–32
(c) H–1301
(d) CFC–114
27 What feedback climate sensitivity l and factor g would correspond to the following

values of ¢T2X? For each, estimate the change in ¢T2X that would result if the feedback
factor g increases by 0.1.
(a) ¢T2X = 2.5°C
(b) ¢T2X = 3.5°C

28 Figure 39 shows two probability density functions for the climate sensitivity factor ¢T2X
labeled WR and AS.
(a) Estimate the AS probability that ¢T2X is less than 2.5°C.

(b) Estimate the WR probability that ¢T2X is greater than 3°C.

(c) Estimate the AS probability that ¢T2X is between 3°C and 4°C.
(d) Estimate the WR probability that ¢T2X is between 3°C and 4°C.
29 The radiative forcing as a function of concentration for N2O is sometimes modeled as fol-
lows, where C and C0 are final and initial ppb concentrations:
¢F = k2(2C - 2C0)

Global Atmospheric Change

Assuming it has been in that region since preindustrial times when the concentration was
275 ppb, find an appropriate k2 if the current concentration is 311 ppb and the forcing is
estimated to be 0.14 W/m2. Estimate the added radiative forcing in 2100 if it reaches a
concentration of 417 ppb.
30 The following is an estimate for radiative forcing caused by the principal greenhouse gases:

+ 0.031(2CH4) - 2(CH4)0) + 0.133(2(N2O) - 2(N2O)0)
¢F = 6.3 ln

+ 0.223(CFC -11) - (CFC -11)04 + 0.283(CFC-12) - (CFC -12)04

where concentrations are expressed in ppb and ¢F is in W/m2. Using the following data
for atmospheric concentrations:

Year CO2 (ppm) CH4 (ppb) N2O (ppb) CFC–11 (ppb) CFC–12(ppb)
1850 278 700 275 0 0
1992 356 1714 311 0.268 0.503
2100 710 3616 417 0.040 0.207

(b) What would be the forcing from 1992 to 2100?
(c) What would be the forcing from 1850 to 2100? ho
(a) What would be the combined radiative forcing caused by these gases from 1850 to
31 What would be the equilibrium temperature change from 1850 to 2100 for the combina-
tion of greenhouse gases described in Problem 30 if the climate sensitivity parameter l is
0.57°C per W/m2?
32 For most greenhouse gases, injection of 1 kg into the atmosphere decays exponentially
with time (but not CO2), so their GWP equation (43) can be simplified to the following:


Fg # Rg(t)dt e - t>tdt
3 Fg 3
= a b
0 # 0
GWPg = T T

FCO2 # RCO2(t)dt RCO2(t)dt

3 3
0 0

where t is their residence time (Table 7). For CO2, the integral for 20-yr, 100-yr, and

500-yr GWPs has been estimated to be roughly the following

20 100 500

RCO2(t) dt L 13.2 yrs; RCO2(t) dt L 43.1 yrs; RCO2(t) dt L 138 yrs

3 3 3

0 0 0

For HFC-134a, (Fg >FCO2) = 4,129 and t = 14 yrs. Compute its GWP for the following
time horizons and compare your results with Table 7.
(a) 20 years
(b) 100 years
(c) 500 years

Global Atmospheric Change

33 Using the procedure described in Problem 32, compute the global warming potential for a
greenhouse gas having an atmospheric lifetime t = 42 years and a relative forcing per
unit mass that is 1,630 times that of CO2. Do this for a time period of:
(a) 20 years
(b) 100 years

(c) 500 years
34 The IS92a emission scenario suggests anthropogenic emissions in 2025 equal to the
following: 44,700 * 109 kg CO2; 320 * 109 kg CH4; and 22 * 109 kg N2O. Weighting
these by their global warming potentials, what fraction of the total impact of that year’s

emissions of these three gases would be caused by each gas over the following time periods?
(a) 20 years

(b) 100 years
(c) 500 years
35 In 2006, the United States emitted 6,000 million metric tons (Mt) of CO2, 26.6 MtCH4,
and 1.2 MtN2O. Using 100-year global warming potentials, what is the equivalent CO2

emission rate of the total for these three gases, in GtC-eq/yr.
36 Direct greenhouse gas radiative forcing in the mid-1990s is estimated to be about
2.45 W/m2. If realized temperature is 75 percent of equilibrium temperature, what nega-
tive forcing by aerosols, and so on, would be needed to match the 0.6°C realized global
temperature increase actually observed? Assume that an appropriate climate sensitivity
factor l is 0.57.
37 Repeat Example 12, but this time use a 100-yr instead of the 20-yr GWP for methane
38 Based on a 1990 world fossil-fuel carbon emission rate of 6.0 Gt/yr and total fossil fuel
carbon ever emitted equivalent to the consumption of 200,000 EJ of coal (LHV) for each
of the following values of maximum emission rate, plot a graph of carbon emissions vs.

time using a Gaussian emission function. In what year would maximum emissions occur?
(a) Maximum emission rate of 22 GtC/yr
(b) Maximum emission rate of 34 GtC/yr
(c) Maximum emission rate of 58 GtC/yr

39 Many economists favor a carbon tax as a way to discourage CO2 emissions. Suppose such
a tax were to be set at $20 per metric ton of carbon emissions as (CO2). Consider a small,
50-MW, 35 percent-efficient coal-fired power plant. Using a carbon intensity for coal of
24 gC/MJ,

(a) What would the annual carbon tax be for this power plant assuming capacity factor
of 100%?
(b) Suppose a tree plantation sequesters (removes from the atmosphere and stores in bio-

mass) on the order of 5,000 kg of carbon per year per acre over the 40 years that the
trees are growing (after which time the forest is mature, and no further accumulation
of carbon occurs). What area of forest would have to be planted to “offset” the power
plant’s emissions over the next 40 years (roughly the lifetime of the power plant)?
(c) How much could the owners of the plant pay for the forestry project ($/acre per year)
and still have it be cheaper than paying the $20/metric ton carbon tax?

Global Atmospheric Change

40 Suppose a landfill leaks 10 tonnes (1 tonne = 1 metric ton = 1000 kg) of methane CH4
into the atmosphere each year.
(a) Using methane’s 20-year GWP, what would the warming (radiative forcing) be equiv-
alent to in terms of tonne/yr of CO2 emissions?
(b) Suppose a soil-vapor extraction system is installed at the landfill to suck up the

methane before it leaks into the atmosphere. If that methane is burned, the methane
is converted to CO2. What would be the CO2 emissions per year now?
(c) What is the equivalent CO2 savings by burning the methane? How many tonnes per
year of C emissions (as CO2) would be saved?

(d) If a carbon tax of $20/tonne of C (as CO2) is enacted, how much tax could be saved
per year by burning the methane instead of letting it leak out of the landfill?

(e) A carbon tax of $20/tonne of C is the same as a tax of $5.45 per tonne of CO2 (car-
bon is 12/44ths of the mass of CO2). Using the tons of CO2 equivalents found in a,
how much tax could be saved per year if the methane is burned instead of letting it
leak out of the landfill?
41 Gasoline is approximately C7H15, and 1 gallon of it weighs about 6.15 pounds. Assume

that all of the carbon in gasoline is emitted as CO2 when it is burned.
(a) Suppose an old car that only gets 12 miles per gallon (mpg) will be driven 40,000 more
miles before it ends up in the junk yard. How much carbon will it emit during that time?
(b) If the car weighs 4,000 pounds, and it is driven 10,000 miles per year, what is the
ratio of the weight of carbon emitted per year to the weight of the car?
(c) Suppose there is a carbon tax of $15 per ton of carbon ($4.08 per ton of CO2). What
would the carbon tax be on 1 gallon of gasoline?
(d) How much would carbon emissions be reduced over those 40,000 miles if that old car
is replaced with a new one that gets 40 mpg?
(e) If an electric utility is trying to reduce its carbon tax by offering incentives to get older

cars off the road, how much should the utility be willing to pay to encourage the
owner of the old clunker to trade it in on a 40-mpg car?
42 Consider the potential carbon emissions from a gasoline-powered car compared with the
carbon emissions to make the electricity for an electric car.

(a) Suppose the conventional car gets 40 miles per gallon (mpg). What are the carbon
emissions (gC/mi) assuming that gasoline contains 5.22 pounds of carbon per gallon?
(b) An efficient combined-cycle, natural-gas-fired power plant needs about 8,000 kJ of
heat to generate 1 kWh of electricity. At 13.8 gC/MJ for natural gas, what would be
the carbon emissions (gC/mi) for an electric vehicle that gets 5 miles/kWh?

(c) Suppose an older, 30 percent-efficient coal-fired power plant generates the electricity
that powers that electric car. At a carbon intensity of 24 gC/MJ for coal, what would
the carbon emissions be (gC/mi) for that 5 mi/kWh electric car?

43 The photon energy required to cause the following reaction to occur is 306 kJ/mol. What
is the maximum wavelength that the photon can have?
NO2 + hn : NO + O
44 Photodissociation of ozone requires 104.6 kJ/mol. What maximum wavelength can a
photon have to drive this reaction?
O2 + hn : O2 + O


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