Acid-Base Disorders in The Critically Ill Patient

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CJASN ePress. Published on September 13, 2022 as doi: Care Nephrology

and Acute Kidney Injury

Acid-Base Disorders in the Critically Ill Patient

Anand Achanti and Harold M. Szerlip

Acid-base disorders are common in the intensive care unit. By utilizing a systematic approach to their
diagnosis, it is easy to identify both simple and mixed disturbances. These disorders are divided into four
major categories: metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, and respiratory alkalosis.
Metabolic acidosis is subdivided into anion gap and non–gap acidosis. Distinguishing between these is
helpful in establishing the cause of the acidosis. Anion gap acidosis, caused by the accumulation of organic Internal Medicine/
Nephrology, Medical
anions from sepsis, diabetes, alcohol use, and numerous drugs and toxins, is usually present on admission to University of South
the intensive care unit. Lactic acidosis from decreased delivery or utilization of oxygen is associated with Carolina, Charleston,
increased mortality. This is likely secondary to the disease process, as opposed to the degree of acidemia. South Carolina
Treatment of an anion gap acidosis is aimed at the underlying disease or removal of the toxin. The use of
therapy to normalize the pH is controversial. Non–gap acidoses result from disorders of renal tubular H1 Correspondence:
transport, decreased renal ammonia secretion, gastrointestinal and kidney losses of bicarbonate, dilution of Dr. Harold M. Szerlip,
Division of
serum bicarbonate from excessive intravenous fluid administration, or addition of hydrochloric acid. Nephrology, 822 CSB,
Metabolic alkalosis is the most common acid-base disorder found in patients who are critically ill, and most Medical University of
often occurs after admission to the intensive care unit. Its etiology is most often secondary to the aggressive South Carolina, 96
therapeutic interventions used to treat shock, acidemia, volume overload, severe coagulopathy, respiratory Jonathan Lucas Street,
Charleston, SC
failure, and AKI. Treatment consists of volume resuscitation and repletion of potassium deficits. Aggressive
29425. Email: Szerlip@
lowering of the pH is usually not necessary. Respiratory disorders are caused by either decreased or increased
minute ventilation. The use of permissive hypercapnia to prevent barotrauma has become the standard of
care. The use of bicarbonate to correct the acidemia is not recommended. In patients at the extreme, the use of
extracorporeal therapies to remove CO2 can be considered.
CJASN 18: –, 2023. doi:

Introduction difference, as advocated by Stewart (2). Although

Because of the very nature of critical illness, nephrolo- many intensivists have gravitated toward the Stewart
gists seeing patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) method, there is no advantage to utilizing this more
frequently encounter a variety of acid-base disorders. complicated approach (3,4). The classic approach to
Sepsis, diabetes, kidney failure, drug overdoses, hep- acid-base divides the disorders into four categories:
atic dysfunction, and compromised respiratory func- metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory aci-
tion all disturb the body’s ability to defend pH and dosis, and respiratory alkalosis. A comprehensive
maintain homeostasis. In addition, the therapeutic review of acid-base homeostasis and the myriad
interventions used in the intensive care setting further causes of acid-base disorders is beyond the scope of
derange acid-base balance. Changes in blood pH in this review, which focuses on those disorders that
either direction are associated with higher mortality occur in the critically ill for which a nephrologist is
(1). Therefore, the ability to identify these acid-base most often consulted.
disorders, understand the underlying pathophysiol-
ogy, and provide appropriate therapy is paramount to
the care of patients who are critically ill. Approach to Acid-Base Disorders
Normal blood pH is between 7.36 and 7.44, which Although it is often said that understanding acid-
corresponds to a hydrogen ion concentration of 44–36 base disorders is complicated, if approached in a sys-
nmol/L. When pH is ,7.36, an acidemia is present, tematic fashion, it becomes quite simple. Five basic
whereas when it is .7.44 an alkalemia exists. It needs steps should be followed in all patients (Figure 1).
to be stressed, however, that because multiple acid-
base disorders can exist simultaneously, the pH may (1) Perform a thorough history and physical to obtain
be in the normal range. Therefore, the clinician needs clues pointing to an acid-base disturbance.
to follow a systematic approach to identify the under- (2) Obtain a blood gas analysis. This will indicate if
lying disorders. there is an acidemia or alkalemia, and whether it
There are two competing approaches to the diagno- is metabolic or respiratory. If the patient is hemo-
sis of acid-base disorders: the classic Henderson– dynamically stable because there are minimal dif-
Hasselbalch method using carbonic acid/bicarbonate ferences between arterial and venous specimens,
as the conjugate acid-base pair and the strong-ion either one can be utilized (5,6). In patients in Vol 18 January, 2023 Copyright © 2022 by the American Society of Nephrology 1

Systematic approach to acid-based disorders

History and physical

n HCO3– n PCO2 p HCO3– p PCO2
metabolic metabolic
pH >7.45 Measure pH, PCO2 pH <7.35
(Alkalemia) (ABG or VBG) (Acidemia)
p HCO3– p PCO2 n HCO3– n PCO2
respiratory respiratory
Is compensation appropriate?
If not mixed disorder

Anion gap >30 Anion gap >18

Mixed and metabolic Measure anion gap
Na+ – (CI– + HCO3–) + 2.5(4-albumin) Metabolic acidosis
acidosis and alkalosis

Measure change in anion gap from normal (10)

Add this change to the HCO3– if >28
There is a concomitant alkalosis

Clues to mixed disorders

Compensation inappropriate
HCO3 and PCO2 moving in opposite directions
Change in anion gap from normal + HCO3 >28
Normal pH with abnormal HCO3 or PCO2

Figure 1. | A systematic approach to acid-base disorders.

shock, however, we recommend using an arterial electrolytes vary between laboratories, a normal AG is
specimen. If the pCO2 and the HCO3 are moving in between 6 and 12 meq/L. For practical purposes, 10
the same direction, there is usually a single distur- meq/L can be considered the normal gap.
bance. If they are moving in opposite directions, there (5) Assuming that the proton space and the bicarbonate
is a mixed disturbance or laboratory error. space are approximately equivalent, then for every
(3) Determine whether compensation is appropriate (Table 1). 1 meq/L increase in the AG, there should be a 1 meq/
Remember compensation almost never returns the pH L decrease in the TCO2. To determine whether the
to normal. decrease in TCO2 is equal to the increase in AG above
(4) No matter what the pH, always calculate the anion normal, add the increase in AG above normal to the
gap (AG)5Na 2 (Cl 1 TCO2). Note that the calcula- TCO2. This will determine what the TCO2 would have
tion of the AG uses the TCO2 obtained from the chem- been if there were not an elevated AG. If .28 meq/L,
istry panel. This includes HCO3, carbonate, and dis- there is likely a concurrent metabolic alkalosis. An AG
solved CO2 and is usually 2 meq greater than the .30 (delta gap .20) almost always indicates an under-
HCO3 calculated on the ABG (Figure 2). Because the lying metabolic alkalosis.
major unmeasured anion is albumin, it is important to
correct for hypoalbuminemia. For every 1 g/dl
decrease in albumin from normal, add 2.5 to the AG
(7). An AG .18, regardless of pH, almost always indi- Metabolic Acidosis
cates the presence of an organic acid (the retention of Metabolic acidosis is extremely common in the ICU and
sulfates and phosphates that occur with markedly often is present on admission. It results from either an over-
depressed kidney function will increase the AG but production or decreased elimination of acid, or from a loss
rarely will it be .18). Because of differences in each of base. Although a simple metabolic acidosis will lower
individual’s AG and the fact that the normal values for the pH, depending on whether there are other acid-base

Table 1. Expected compensation for acid-base disorders

Disorder Expected Compensation
Metabolic acidosis PCO25HCO3115
PCO251.5 x HCO318 6 2
Metabolic alkalosis PCO2 " by 0.5–0.7 for each 1 meq " HCO3
Acute respiratory acidosis 1 meq " in HCO3 for every 10 mm Hg "PCO2
Chronic respiratory acidosis 3.5 meq " in HCO3 for every 10 mm Hg "PCO2
Acute respiratory alkalosis 2 meq # in HCO3 for every 10 mm Hg # in PCO2
Chronic respiratory alkalosis 5 meq # in HCO3 for every 10 mm Hg # in PCO2
CJASN 18: –, January, 2023 Acid-Base Disorders, Achanti and Szerlip 3

Anion gap acidosis Normal gap acidosis

Unmeasured cations
(K, Ca, Mg)
Normal Anion gap Normal
gap 10 Unmeasured anions 10 gap 10
Anion gap (proteins, SO4, PO4,
25 organic anions)

10 10

140 105 120 140

Figure 2. | Because the concentration of unmeasured anions, predominantly albumin, is greater than that of unmeasured cations, there
is an anion gap (AG) (Na1 2 [Cl2 1 HCO32]) between 8 and 10 meq/L. The addition of an organic anion (i.e., lactate, b-hydroxybuty-
rate) increases the AG. However, when Cl2 is the anion that accompanies H1, there is no change in the AG.

disorders, the pH may be normal or even elevated. Meta- common metabolic acidosis in patients who are critically
bolic acidosis can be further divided into high AG meta- ill, and there is a strong correlation between the rise in lac-
bolic acidosis and normal AG metabolic acidosis (Figures 2 tate and mortality (10,11). Because the AG, even when cor-
and 3). Distinguishing between these two disorders is help- rected for hypoalbuminemia, is a poor predictor of lactate
ful in establishing the cause of the acidosis. levels, it is important that lactate be directly measured
(12–14). Elevated lactate levels can occur due to increased
AG Metabolic Acidosis production or decreased clearance (Figure 4). Lactic acido-
AG metabolic acidosis results from a buildup of unmeas- sis is divided into type A, which occurs when there is
ured organic acids. Increases in AG .18 are clinically sig- decreased oxygen delivery to tissues from severe hypox-
nificant, although the unmeasured anion may not always emia or decreased perfusion, and type B due to impaired
be identified (8). The greater the AG, the more likely the mitochondrial function (Table 3). The sources of lactic aci-
cause can be determined (8). The differential for an AG aci- dosis in the ICU are numerous, including increased metab-
dosis can be remembered using the mnemonic GOLD- olism, tissue ischemia, the use of catecholamines, and a
MARK (9) (Table 2). We will briefly review the major wide variety of other medications.
causes of AG acidosis most prevalent in the ICU. An important cause of lactic acidosis that occurs in the
L-Lactic Acidosis. L-lactic acidosis is defined by a ICU and may not be recognized by the clinician is thiamine
L-lactate level of .4 mmol/L. L-lactic acidosis is the most deficiency (15). Thiamine deficiency can occur due to

Metabolic acidosis

Increased acid production Decreased acid excretion Increased loss of base

Organic acids Mineral acids RTA Type 1 and 4 RTA

Kidney failure GI losses
(AG) (HCMA) hypoaldosteronism Type 2

Figure 3. | Etiology of metabolic acidosis. HCMA, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis; RTA, renal tubular acidosis.

Table 2. Mnemonic for causes of anion gap acidosis (9) Table 3. Causes of lactic acidosis
Letter Meaning Type A Type B
G Glycols Decreased oxygen delivery Impaired oxygen utilization or
O Oxyproline (pyroglutamic acid) defective lactate metabolism
L L-lactate Systemic hypoperfusion Underlying disease
D D-lactate Shock Liver failure
M Methanol Sepsis Kidney failure
A Acetylsalicylic acid Malignancy
R Renal failure Sepsis
K Ketoacidosis Pheochromocytoma
Thiamine deficiency
Diabetic ketoacidosis
malnutrition, removal by dialysis, urinary losses with use Alkalosis
of loop diuretics, increased metabolism as seen in sepsis, Local hypoperfusion Drugs/toxins
and during parenteral nutrition lacking in vitamins. Treat- Thrombus/emboli Acetaminophen
ment with thiamine will rapidly lower the lactate levels. Volvulus/torsion Salicylate
Compartment syndrome Metformin
Methanol. By itself, methanol is not toxic, but it is rap- Sepsis Catecholamines
idly metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase to formalde- HARRT (first generation)
hyde, then formic acid (16,17). Accidental or intentional Linezolid
ingestion of windshield wiper fluid, glass cleaner, or con- Propofol
taminated beverages containing methanol can result in tox- Profound hypoxia Congenital metabolic defects
icity. As little as 15 ml of methanol can be fatal. Initially ARDS, COPD, asthma
after ingestion, there is an osmolar gap (measured osmola- Carbon monoxide
lity2calculated osmolality .15) caused by the alcohol, but Methemoglobinemia
as methanol is metabolized, the osmolar gap decreases and
HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; ARDS, acute
an AG acidosis appears (Figure 5). It is therefore important
respiratory distress syndrome; COPD, chronic obstructive
to calculate the osmolar gap in patients who are obtunded pulmonary disease.
for unknown reasons, even in the absence of acidosis.
Visual impairment and central nervous system depression
are the hallmark signs of ingestion. Treatment consists of avoiding the use of heparin (18). Folic acid plays a role in
fomepizole or, if it is not available, ethanol (both competi- formic acid oxidation, and although animal studies utiliz-
tive inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase) to prevent further ing folate have shown a benefit, except for case reports, no
breakdown of methanol to its toxic derivatives. Dialysis human trials have been carried out (19). However, because
should be considered in the setting of methanol levels administration of either folate or folinic acid is benign, it
.500 mg/L, severe acidemia, coma, abnormalities in can be used as an adjunct therapy.
vision, kidney failure, or hemodynamic instability. Because
clearance of methanol is greater using intermittent hemodi- Ethylene Glycol. Ethylene glycol is a colorless, sweet
alysis than with continuous modalities, unless otherwise liquid often used as antifreeze. Ingestion of 1–2 ml/kg is
contraindicated, this is the therapy of choice. Dialysis is potentially lethal (17,20). Similar to methanol, the toxicity
typically discontinued when methanol levels become unde- of ethylene glycol is related to its metabolism by alcohol
tectable. Because of the association of methanol toxicity dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase, at first to
with intracerebral bleeding, some authorities recommend glycolic acid and ultimately to oxalic acid. Patients present

Pyruvate TCA cycle

1300 mmol/day

<2 mmol/L Cori cycle
Liver (60%)
Kidney (30%)
RBCs Lactic acidosis = production > metabolism

Figure 4. | Pyruvate, which is a byproduct of glycolysis, can enter the tricarboxcylic acid cycle where it is further metabolized to CO2
and water, enter the Cori cycle to regenerate glucose, or, under anaerobic conditions, be hydrolyzed to lactate.
CJASN 18: –, January, 2023 Acid-Base Disorders, Achanti and Szerlip 5

seen in the ICU are diabetic and alcoholic. Although affect-

Osmolality H+ (AG) ing different populations, the underlying pathophysiology
of these disorders is similar: decreased insulin, increased
counterregulatory hormones (glucagon, cortisol, catechol-
amines), and lipolysis, resulting in an increase in ketoacids,
especially b-hydroxybutyrate acid.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) usually occurs in patients
with type 1 diabetes, although #35% of the patients pre-
senting with DKA have type 2 diabetes (26). It is important
to rule out any underlying stressors, such as infections or
myocardial ischemia. Patients usually present with nausea,
abdominal pain, and signs of volume depletion. Labs
reveal an AG acidosis, and due to both the lack of insulin
and hypertonicity, hyperkalemia. It needs to be stressed,
however, that although the potassium level may initially be
elevated, total body potassium is almost always decreased,
and treatment of the hyperglycemia will drive potassium
back into cells and uncover the hypokalemia. Because
ketone bodies are rapidly excreted in the urine, if volume
Figure 5. | Relationship between AG acidosis and osmolality after contraction was avoided and GFR maintained, a concurrent
ingestion of a toxic alcohol. Initially, the alcohol produces an hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis may also be present.
increase in osmolality without an increase in the AG. Metabolism Treatment is aimed at volume resuscitation, restoring ade-
of the alcohol reduces the osmolality and increases the AG.
quate insulin levels to turn off ketogenesis or decrease
hyperglycemia, and correct hypokalemia.
with altered mental status and kidney failure. Labs will ini- Patients with alcoholic ketoacidosis are typically chronic
tially reveal an osmolar gap and an AG acidosis. As the alcoholics, often with a recent episode of binge drinking
ethylene glycol is oxidized, the osmolar gap will decrease (27). They present with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
as the AG worsens. Microscopic examination of the urine and usually have discontinued nutrition 24–48 hours before
will often show calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals. It admission. Labs reveal ketonemia and an AG acidosis. The
should be noted that some point-of-care analyzers may acid-base status is often complex, with an AG acidosis,
show a falsely elevated lactate level, due to interference by metabolic alkalosis from vomiting, and respiratory alkalo-
glycolate, one of the metabolites of ethylene glycol. Treat- sis from underlying liver disease. In fact, frank alkalemia
ment consists of fomepizole or, if it is unavailable, ethanol may exist. In addition, labs will frequently reveal hypokale-
and for patients that are severe, dialysis. Dialysis should mia, hypomagnesemia, and hypophosphatemia. Although
also be considered when serum ethylene glycol levels are the glucose is usually normal or low, hyperglycemia may
.50 mg/dl. Administration of pyridoxine and thiamine occur, making distinction from DKA difficult. Treatment
may be beneficial, both of which convert glyoxylic acid, a consists of thiamine, correction of electrolytes abnor-
toxic metabolite of ethylene glycol, to nontoxic metabolites. malities, dextrose if the glucose is normal, or insulin if
Propylene Glycol. Propylene glycol is used as a vehicle hyperglycemic.
for numerous medications. Although considered safe, tox- Salicylates. Salicylate toxicity presents classically as a
icity may result when used at increased doses (21,22). Pro- mixed acid-base disorder with respiratory alkalosis due to
pylene glycol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase to stimulation of the respiratory center and an AG metabolic
both D- and L-lactic acid (23). Patients will exhibit both an acidosis (28). Although in most patients with salicylate toxic-
AG acidosis and an osmolar gap. Because D-lactate is not ity the AG is elevated, occasionally the AG may be negative.
measured by the usual assay, the AG is typically greater This occurs because salicylates can cause an artifactually ele-
than can be explained by the measured lactate level. Most vated chloride level (psuedohyperchloremia) if the chloride
reported patients have been associated with infusions of selective electrode used for measurement is toward the end
lorazepam. Treatment consists of decreasing the dose of its lifecycle. Symptoms of salicylate toxicity include tinni-
of medication. tus, nausea, and tachypnea. More severe patients may pre-
Pyroglutamic Acidosis (5-Oxoproline). Although most sent with hyperthermia, coma, and pulmonary edema.
initial reports describing pyroglutamic acidosis were in Treatment consists of gastrointestinal decontamination with
chronic acetaminophen users with malnutrition, it has activated charcoal and alkalinization of the serum and urine
more recently been shown that patients who are septic to prevent salicylate entry into the central nervous system
have higher pyroglutamic acid and lower glutathione lev- and to increase kidney excretion (29). Intravenous sodium
els than healthy control (24,25). Thus, even acute use of bicarbonate should be infused aiming for a urine pH
acetaminophen may pose a risk of this AG acidosis. between 7.5 and 8. The presence of a respiratory alkalosis is
Because the ability of most clinical labs to measure pyro- not a contraindication to the use of sodium bicarbonate.
glutamic acid is lacking, this acidosis often goes Blood pH should be frequently monitored, however, to pre-
unrecognized. vent severe alkalemia (pH .7.6). If the patient is obtunded,
Ketoacidosis. Patients with ketoacidosis often require has pulmonary edema, or has a salicylate level .100 mg/dl,
admission to the ICU. The two major causes of ketoacidosis dialysis is indicated.

Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis

Decreased renal ammonia excretion

Loss of bicarbonate
Gain of H+

Kidney GI losses Acid addition Dilution

Renal tubular acidosis Diarrhea

Acute kidney injury Ureteral diversion
Hydrochloric acid Normal saline
Acetazolamide Pancreatoenteric fistula
Mineralocorticoid deficiency Vesiculoenteric fistula

Figure 6. | Etiology of a non–gap metabolic acidosis.

Metformin. Elevated levels of metformin inhibit mito- Gastrointestinal Losses. Losses of pancreatic, biliary, or
chondrial respiratory chain complex 1, which can result in duodenal fluids, which are rich in bicarbonate, will cause a
the accumulation of lactic acid. Lactic acidosis associated metabolic acidosis. Diarrhea is another cause of non-AG
with the use of metformin is uncommon, with an incidence metabolic acidosis. Diarrhea not only diminishes colonic
between 3 and 10 per 10,000 patient-years. Because metfor- bicarbonate reabsorption, but also increases fecal loss.
min is primarily secreted unmetabolized by the kidney, Normal Saline. The infusion of copious quantities of
toxicity generally occurs in patients who have significant normal saline frequently causes a non-AG metabolic acido-
impairment of kidney function. Unfortunately, because it is sis. In two small studies, the infusion of 6 L of normal
difficult to promptly obtain metformin levels in patients on saline lowered the arterial pH to slightly below 7.35 (32,33).
metformin who present with lactic acidosis, it is often nec- Although the pH of normal saline is approximately 5.47
essary to assume the cause of the acidosis is secondary to because it contains no buffer, this represents a minimal
metformin. If the lactate level is .20 mmol/L or pH #7.0, amount of acid. It is therefore not the pH of normal saline,
RRT should be initiated (30). Hemodialysis will not only but the dilution of the serum bicarbonate without a change
clear the metformin, but will also improve the pH. Because in pCO2 that produces the acidemia (3,34).
the clearance of metformin is far greater with intermittent
hemodialysis than with continuous modalities, if the
patient is hemodynamically stable, this is the therapy of Complications of Metabolic Acidosis
choice (30,31). The presumed effects of metabolic acidemia are multiple;
however, the severity and reversibility of dysfunction are
Normal Gap Metabolic Acidosis. Normal gap acidoses largely dependent on the underlying cause and magnitude
result from disorders of renal tubular H1 transport, of the derangement (Table 4). Acidemia caused by sepsis
decreased kidney ammonia secretion, gastrointestinal and has a much different outcome than a similar degree of aci-
kidney losses of bicarbonate, dilution from excessive intra- dosis seen in DKA, thus suggesting the cause of acidosis is
venous fluid administration, or addition of hydrochloric more important than the actual pH. Although multiple
acid (HCL) (Figure 6). studies have looked at the effects of acidemia on isolated
Kidney Failure. Both acute and chronic kidney failure cells and organs, little is known about the effects of changes
are common contributor to non-AG metabolic acidosis. in pH on whole-body physiology. This is especially true in
This results from the inability of the kidney to generate patients who are critically ill. Although it intuitively makes
adequate ammonia, thus limiting H1 excretion. sense that severe acidosis should have adverse effects

Table 4. Purported effects of acidemia

Cardiovascular Respiratory Neurologic Metabolic
Decreased cardiac Increased minute ventilation Obtundation Inhibition anaerobic
contractility metabolism
Decreased fibrillation Dyspnea Increased cerebral blood flow Hyperkalemia
Decreased sensitivity to Decreased diaphragmatic Decreased sympathetic discharge Hyperphosphatemia
catecholamines contractility
Decreased renal and hepatic Respiratory muscle fatigue Decreased cerebral metabolism Increased protein
blood flow metabolism
Centralization of blood Increased metabolic rate
CJASN 18: –, January, 2023 Acid-Base Disorders, Achanti and Szerlip 7

in vivo, evidence clearly supporting this supposition is lack- do not recommend the routine use of bicarbonate in
ing (35–37). patients with respiratory acidosis.
The use of CRRT for the removal of CO2, however, may
be beneficial. Significant CO2 can be removed during con-
Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis tinuous venovenous hemofiltration (49). In addition, there
The pH level requiring correction of acidemia is contro-
has been increasing interest in pairing extracorporeal CO2
versial. In patients with DKA, treatment with sodium bicar-
removal devices with continuous venovenous hemofiltra-
bonate has not been shown to improve outcomes, even
tion (50). Anecdotal reports using these devices showed a
when the pH is ,7.0 (38). In lactic acidosis associated with
decreased pressor requirement and better management of
sepsis, the parameters for treatment have been a moving
acidemia (51,52). Thus, in patients requiring kidney
target. We do not generally treat lactic acidosis unless the
replacement who have severe lung injury, the use of CO2
pH is ,7.1. Unfortunately, treatment has not been shown
removal devices in series with CRRT can be considered.
to improve overall mortality (39,40). However, in a recent
study, treatment with bicarbonate did improve mortality
and decrease the need for RRT in a subset of patients with
stage 2 or greater AKI and a median pH 7.15 (41). There-
Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis is the most common acid-base disor-
fore, in this population, the use of bicarbonate is
der seen in patients who are critically ill (53). Unlike meta-
bolic acidosis, which is commonly present on admission to
Administration of bicarbonate therapy can have several
the ICU, metabolic alkalosis more frequently occurs after
negative repercussions, including hypernatremia, hypocal-
admission to the unit (53). Its etiology is most often second-
cemia, increased lactate production, elevated mixed venous
ary to the aggressive therapeutic interventions used to treat
pCO2, intracellular acidosis, and decreased cardiac output
shock, acidemia, volume overload, severe coagulopathy,
(40). Treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbon-
respiratory failure, bowel obstruction, and AKI (54).
ate in the absence of severe metabolic acidosis with a pH of
Metabolic alkalosis results from the gain of base or the
,7.15 not only lacks benefit, but may also be harmful
loss of acid. Most often this will result in an increase in pH
(42,43). If used, it is recommended that sodium bicarbonate
and HCO3. Because under normal conditions the kidney
be infused slowly as an isotonic solution, with careful moni-
can excrete enormous quantities of HCO3, the development
toring of ionized calcium.
of a metabolic alkalosis requires not only a phase during
Although other alkalinizing agents such as Tham (tro-
which HCO3 is either added or acid is lost from the body,
methamine) or Carbicarb have been suggested as alternate
but also a maintenance phase during which the kidney is
agents to treat acidemia, there are no data to support their
unable to excrete the HCO3; for an in-depth review see
benefit. Furthermore, neither are readily available. In addi-
Emmett (55). Although the underlying etiology can fre-
tion to the use of bicarbonate to normalize pH, continuous
quently be determined by the history and physical exam, if
RRT (CRRT) has been advocated to remove lactate. Unfor-
the cause of the metabolic alkalosis is not obvious, the etiol-
tunately, in the presence of shock, lactic acid generation
ogy can be narrowed by measuring the urine Cl- (Figure 7).
exceeds its clearance by CRRT (44,45). In addition, the
removal of lactate, a base equivalent, may be harmful.
Overall, the best therapy remains treatment of the underly- Etiology of Metabolic Alkalosis in the ICU
Nasogastric Suction or Vomiting. Secretion of hydro-
ing cause of the acidosis.
gen ions by gastric parietal cells via the H1–K1–ATPase
produces an equal amount of HCO3, which is secreted in
the duodenum, where it combines with the protons in the
Respiratory Acidosis gastric chyme to form water and CO2. Thus, gastric acid
Respiratory acidosis is caused by an increase in pCO2 secretion is a net neutral process. The parietal cells can
secondary to hypoventilation, increased dead space, or, secrete 140–160 meq/L of hydrogen ions. Nasogastric suc-
less commonly, increased production. The most common tion results in the loss of protons resulting in an increase in
cause of respiratory acidosis in the critical care setting is blood HCO3 (Figure 8). If extracellular volume remains
underlying chronic lung disease. This is best treated using normal, HCO3 will be rapidly excreted by the kidney.
noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation. An increas- However, in the presence of volume depletion, less HCO3
ing cause of respiratory acidosis is the use of permissive will be filtered at the glomerulus and volume-mediated
hypercapnia in patients who have acute lung injury or increases in angiotensin II and aldosterone will increase
acute respiratory distress syndrome. The use of permissive both proximal and distal tubule HCO3 reabsorption, main-
hypercapnia has become standard practice in patients with taining the metabolic alkalosis. In addition, hypokalemia
acute lung injury to reduce barotrauma. In addition to the caused by an increase in urinary potassium excretion sec-
prevention of barotrauma, there is also evidence that respi- ondary to elevated aldosterone levels and increased distal
ratory acidosis may have beneficial effects in attenuating tubule sodium reabsorption will exacerbate the alkalosis as
the inflammatory cascade (46). Although bicarbonate is potassium moves out of cells in exchange for H1. The alka-
often used to ameliorate the acidemia associated with per- losis will persist until the extracellular volume is restored
missive hypercapnia, whether this is beneficial has not to normal and potassium is repleted.
been clearly documented, and it may not only negate some Contraction. Patients in the ICU, due to their underly-
of the benefits of this therapy but also be associated with ing disease or because of resuscitation with intravenous flu-
adverse effects (47,48). Therefore, unless the pH is ,7.1, we ids, are frequently volume overloaded. Aggressive diuresis

Metabolic alkalosis

Urine Cl– <20 meq/l Urine Cl– >20 meq/l

Vomiting/nasogastric suction
Diuretics Normotension Hypertension
Rebound or
Hypokalemia Hypotension
Balanced salt solutions
Alkali administration with reduced Severe hypokalemia Hyperaldosteronism
kidney function (NaHCO3, citrate, Bartter syndrome Renal artery stenosis
balanced salt solution) Gitelman syndrome Kidney failure with alkali
Diuretics intake

Figure 7. | Etiology of a metabolic alkalosis.

using loop or thiazide-type diuretics produces a urine that metabolized, consuming protons and raising the HCO3
is almost free of HCO3. Thus, the extracellular fluid con- (56,57). If kidney function is abnormal or volume contrac-
tracts around a fixed HCO3 content, raising the pH. In tion is present, the excess HCO3 is not excreted and a meta-
addition, the decrease in effective arterial blood volume bolic alkalosis ensues.
stimulates neurohormonal effectors that promote bicarbon- Citrate. Citrate is used as an anticoagulant in blood
ate reabsorption by the kidney. Furthermore, metabolic products, especially fresh frozen plasma and platelets. The
alkalosis is further exacerbated by hypokalemia from uri- administration of these products, or the transfusion of
nary losses of potassium. greater than 8–10 units of red cells can cause a metabolic
Intravenous Fluids. Balanced salt solutions containing alkalosis as citrate is converted to HCO3 (58). Citrate is
lactate, acetate, or gluconate (base equivalents) have the increasingly used as an anticoagulant during CRRT.
potential to be alkalinizing if used in excessive volume in Although between 30% and 60% of the administered citrate
patients with kidney dysfunction or in patients who are is cleared through the dialysis membrane, if the rate of cit-
sodium depleted and unable to excrete a HCO3 load. rate administration is excessive, blood flow is limited, or
Rebound. Often in an overzealous attempt to correct the membrane becomes clogged, citrate can accumulate,
pH in patients with organic acidosis, a large amount of producing a metabolic alkalosis (59,60).
base is administered. When the process that created the Post-Hypercapnic. In the presence of chronic hypercap-
excess organic acids (e.g., sepsis, DKA) is terminated, the nia, kidney hydrogen ion excretion and HCO3 reabsorption
accompanying anions (lactate, hydroxybutyrate) are by the kidney are increased to bring the pH back toward

Nasogastric suction

Urine K+ loss Hypovolemia Gastric H+ loss

Increased reabsorption
Hypokalemia HCO3–

Shift K+ out of cells in exchange HCO3–

for inward shift H+

Figure 8. | Etiology of a metabolic alkalosis associated with nasogastric suction. Loss of gastric contents containing H1 and Na1 increases
the serum HCO3 and causes hypovolemia. Initially, the kidney excretes the excess HCO3 along with K1 causing hypokalemia. Potassium
comes out of cells in exchange for the shift of H1 into cells, worsening the alkalemia. Finally, hypovolemia activates neurohormonal
mechanism that increases tubular reabsorption of HCO3.
CJASN 18: –, January, 2023 Acid-Base Disorders, Achanti and Szerlip 9

normal. If a patient with chronic CO2 retention is placed on When alkalosis is secondary to volume contraction from
a ventilator and the pCO2 is abruptly lowered to normal, diuretics, it is often not desirable to re-expand the extracel-
the compensatory bicarbonate retention will be uncovered, lular space. In those patients, the administration of acet-
creating frank alkalemia (61). azolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, will increase
Hypokalemia. Hypokalemia causes metabolic alkalosis renal HCO3 excretion, improving the pH (65). It is impor-
by a variety of mechanisms, including movement of K1 tant to prevent hypokalemia when using this medication. If
out of cells in exchange for H1, increased renal ammonia this is unsuccessful and the pH is .7.55 with a HCO3
excretion, and activation of H1K1ATPase in the cortical .35 meq/L, HCL if available can be infused via a cen-
collecting duct. tral vein (66); 0.1 N HCL in sterile water will supply
100 meq/L H1. This can be infused at 100 ml/h. Assuming
Complications of Metabolic Alkalosis the volume of distribution of HCO3 is approximately equal
Studies have shown that metabolic alkalosis is associated to 50% of lean body weight, the amount of HCL needed to
with a higher morbidity and mortality (54,62). In these bring the HCO3 to 35 meq/L or lower can be calculated. In
studies, as pH increased, so did mortality. It is unclear, patients with kidney failure and severe alkalemia, hemodi-
however, whether the increase in mortality is due to the alysis can be considered.
alkalemia itself or the underlying conditions responsible When metabolic alkalosis is secondary to overventilation,
for the change in pH. The association between alkalemia the first step would be to decrease minute ventilation by
and mortality appeared in the older literature and was not decreasing the respiratory rate or tidal volume. In addition,
adjusted for other morbidities (54,62). In a more recent ret- hypokalemia and volume depletion should be corrected.
rospective study in patients with sepsis, after adjustment Although acetazolamide will improve pH and lower the
for age, Simplified Acute Physiology Score III and AKI, no pCO2, studies have not demonstrated a decrease in ventila-
association between alkalosis and mortality was noted (63). tor days (67).
This study, however, did show that alkalemia was associ-
ated with longer ICU length of stay.
It is clearly established that alkalemia causes a decrease Respiratory Alkalosis
in ionized calcium and an increase in pCO2. Many of the Respiratory alkalosis is frequently encountered in the
neurologic symptoms associated with alkalemia such as ICU. Many of the disorders found in patients who are criti-
paresthesia, tetany, muscle spasm, and seizures are second- cally ill are associated with hyperventilation. One of the
ary to hypocalcemia. In response to the increase in pH, earliest signs of sepsis is an increase in the respiratory rate.
minute ventilation is suppressed with a subsequent Patients with cirrhosis uniformly have an increase in respi-
increase in PCO2, which brings the pH back toward nor- ratory rate, presumed secondary to elevated levels of pro-
mal. This decrease in respiratory drive may make it more gesterone. Hypoxia stimulated increase in the respiratory
difficult to extubate patients who are ventilated. The drive from heart failure, acute asthma, pulmonary embo-
increase in PCO2 also causes a fall in alveolar oxygen con- lism, and interstitial lung disease are all associated with
tent and decreased oxygen saturation. This is compounded hypocarbia. In addition, the anxiety related to being in the
by a shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve toward ICU itself can cause a respiratory alkalosis. Inadequate
the left, decreasing the release of oxygen from hemoglobin. sedation and pain control in patients on mechanical venti-
This, however, is mitigated by an increase in 2,3-diphos- lation is often associated with a respiratory alkalosis.
phoglycerate induced by alkalemia. Increases in both sup- Another cause of respiratory alkalosis seen in the ICU
raventricular and ventricular arrhythmias have been occurs with aspirin overdose. In addition to causing meta-
reported with alkalemia, although these cardiac effects bolic acidosis, salicylates directly stimulate the respiratory
may be secondary to hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia, center to cause hyperventilation in a dose-dependent
which are frequently present in patients with alkalosis manner.
rather than the alkalemia.

Treatment of Metabolic Alkalosis Mixed Acid-Base Disorders

The treatment of metabolic alkalosis depends on the Because of the complexity of patients who are critically
underlying etiology. The pH level at which treatment ill, it is not unusual for them to manifest double or even tri-
should be initiated is not clearly established and is left up ple acid-base disturbances. If a systematic approach to
to the individual clinician. Because morbidity associated acid-base disorders is used on all patients, the clinician
with alkalemia may increase above a pH of 7.55, this is a should easily be able to identify the underlying disorders.
reasonable target value to choose. Because of the effects of Acid-base disturbances are common in the ICU. This
hypokalemia on both H1 movement into cells and the kid- brief review highlights the common causes that disrupt
ney reabsorption of HCO3, hypokalemia should be aggres- normal acid-base homeostasis. It is important to recognize
sively treated. Whenever possible, volume depletion their presence, understand the underlying cause of these
should be addressed and corrected. disturbances, and be able to therapeutically intervene
In patients with metabolic alkalosis from nasogastric suc- when appropriate.
tion, blocking acid secretion with proton pump inhibitors
can decrease but not eliminate the loss of H1 (64). In addi- Disclosures
tion, potassium and chloride repletion will enable the kid- A. Achanti reports having consultancy agreements with Chi-
ney to excrete the excess HCO3. nook Therapeutics and Ad-board for atrasentan and reports

receiving research funding from Cure Glomerulonephropathy 14. Iberti TJ, Leibowitz AB, Papadakos PJ, Fischer EP: Low sensitiv-
Kaneka Medical America LLC sub-I LDL apheresis for FSGS and ity of the anion gap as a screen to detect hyperlactatemia in
critically ill patients. Crit Care Med 18: 275–277, 1990
the Omeros IgA trial. H.M. Szerlip reports having consultancy
15. Attaluri P, Castillo A, Edriss H, Nugent K: Thiamine deficiency:
agreements with Amarin, AstraZeneca, Echonous, and Relypsa; An important consideration in critically ill patients. Am J Med
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Program 19 committee of the American College of Physicians, and tion of methanol intoxication. N Am J Med Sci 5: 623–624, 2013
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Louise Cochran proofed and edited the manuscript.
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24. Emmett M: Acetaminophen toxicity and 5-oxoproline (pyroglu-
tamic acid): A tale of two cycles, one an ATP-depleting futile
Author Contributions
cycle and the other a useful cycle. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 9:
H.M. Szerlip provided supervision, and A. Achanti and H.M. 191–200, 2014
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~o J, Herrera-
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