SI BIM Guidelines Apr2021

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The document outlines guidelines for BIM project execution plans including software, responsibilities, sharing procedures and level of detail requirements for Smithsonian facility projects.

Existing conditions modeling, design authoring, design reviews, 3D coordination/clash detection, asset management, as-built modeling are some BIM uses discussed.

The document specifies using Revit templates for BIM authoring and provides file naming conventions. DWG is also referenced for sheet files.

Smithsonian Facilities

BIM Guidelines

April 2021
Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

LIST OF FIGURES .........................................................................................................................III
LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................III
DOCUMENT REVISION LIST ..........................................................................................................IV
1.INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1
2.BIM PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN (PXP) REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 2
2.1 BIM Execution Plan Overview................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Procurement Strategy and the PxP ....................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 BIM Sharing ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Design....................................................................................................................................... 2
Construction Documents/Bid Set............................................................................................... 3
Construction Phase ................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 BIM Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 BIM Software .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.6 BIM Goals and BIM Uses in the PxP ...................................................................................................................... 5
Existing Conditions Modeling..................................................................................................... 5
Design Authoring ...................................................................................................................... 6
Design / Model Review.............................................................................................................. 6
3D Model Coordination / Clash Detection (“Interference Checking”).......................................... 7
SF Asset Management ............................................................................................................... 8
As-Built / Record Modeling........................................................................................................ 8
2.7 BIM LOD Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3.SF REVIT TEMPLATES AND REVIT TEMPLATE USER GUIDE ......................................................... 11
3.1 Overview of the Templates ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 SI-GIS and Space Naming ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Model Ownership and After-Project Use............................................................................................................ 12
4.FILE ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Model, View and Sheet File Naming ................................................................................................................... 12
SF Model File Naming .............................................................................................................. 12
SF View Naming ...................................................................................................................... 13
SF Sheet Naming ..................................................................................................................... 13
Sketches and Supplemental Drawing File Names ..................................................................... 14
SF Combined PDF Naming ....................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Federated Model File Coordination .................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Electronic File Storage ......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.PROJECT DELIVERABLE STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 20
5.1 Project Folder Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Project Collaboration and Data Security ............................................................................................................. 20

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5.3 BIM Deliverables .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Design..................................................................................................................................... 21
Construction ........................................................................................................................... 25
Final Deliverables/As-Built Documentation .............................................................................. 26
5.4 Autodesk Revit BIM Deliverables Checklist......................................................................................................... 26
5.5 CAD Deliverables from BIM ................................................................................................................................. 27
Sheet Drawing Submission Standards ...................................................................................... 27
Standard Title Block and Cover Sheet ...................................................................................... 30
SI Sheet Sizes .......................................................................................................................... 31
SF Project Units, Fonts and Dimensions ................................................................................... 32
Symbols .................................................................................................................................. 33
SI Space Class Determination for GIS and TRIRIGA Facilities Center .......................................... 35

Figure 4-1: File Naming Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4-2: Sheet Numbering System and Sheet File Naming System ............................................................................. 14
Figure 5-1: Project Folder Structure................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 5-2: Custom SF annotation symbols ....................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 5-3: Custom SF view title symbols .......................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 5-4: SF CAD symbols available from the Smithsonian Facilities A/E Center website ........................................... 34

Table 2-1: BIM Software by Discipline/Use for Project Development ............................................................................... 4
Table 2-2: BIM Uses .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 2-3: Summary of the BIM Forum Level of Development (LOD) Definitions........................................................... 10
Table 4-1: Components of the BIM file name(s) ............................................................................................................... 12
Table 4-2: Discipline Codes ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Table 4-3: Drawing Type Codes .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 4-4: Sheet Sequence Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 18
Table 4-5: Components of the Combined PDF file name.................................................................................................. 18
Table 5-1: Design Deliverables ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Table 5-2: BIM Deliverable Checklist.................................................................................................................................. 26
Table 5-3: Layer Standards for Standard Base Plans – Site Plan....................................................................................... 28
Table 5-4: Layer Standards for Standard Base Plans – Floor Plan .................................................................................... 29
Table 5-5: SI Sheet Sizes...................................................................................................................................................... 31

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Document Revision List

Task Details Revision Date

Document organization Rearranged some sections for better flow in the

Naming convention Changes as per SF naming convention in SF CAD
Discipline code changes Changes as per NCS 5.0 and SF CAD Standards

Title block changes Automation of some fields led to rearrangement

of them on title block
Wall section and detail section Wall section and detail section annotation
annotation changes changes
Document title Changed from SF BIM Standards to SF BIM Oct. 2016
File naming convention Change of OFEO to Smithsonian Facilities Oct. 2016

BIM deliverable changes Adding details about the federated model file Oct. 2016
types and 3D PDF deliverables
Document organization Rearranged some sections for better flow in the Nov 2016
Project Folder Structure Highlighted project folder structure image March 2017

Model File Naming Edits Added option for submission type in lieu of March 2017
submission date
SF Combined PDF Naming Added combined PDF naming March 2017

Model Review Report Clarification and instructions when deviations March 2017
occur in a project
3D PDF Eliminate 3D PDF Requirements October 2017

Laser Scanning Added additional notes for Laser Scanning October 2017
Clash Detection Revised Clash Detection Section October 2017

BIM Deliverables Updated Deliverable Requirements October 2017

Text Size Text height Requirement has been changed to October 2017
3mm (1/8”)
Layering Standards Revised Layering Standards September 2018

Asset Management Revised Asset Management to align with new September 2018
SI Space Naming Guidelines Added Space Naming Guidelines September 2018

LOA Requirements Added LOA Requirements for Modeling September 2018

Construction / Bid Set Added documents that may be available April 2021

Electronic File Storage Added OneDrive April 2021

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

Building Information Modeling, or BIM, is utilized throughout the building industry for developing and
documenting building projects, from early in the conceptual design phase through to project delivery.
“Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional
characteristics of a facility. A BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a
facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from
earliest conception to demolition. BIM is used for the purpose of visualization, engineering
analysis, conflict, analysis, code criteria checking, cost engineering, as-built product,
budgeting and many other purposes…” -- National BIM Standard - United States (NBIMS)
The Smithsonian Institution (SI) encompasses over 12 million square feet of space in over 640 buildings in
the US, Panama, and other international locations. Management of Building Information Models (BIM) at
the SI is the responsibility of the Smithsonian Facilities office, the organization that is responsible for both
in-house design efforts and administration of repair, renovation and new construction projects for the
museums and other facilities.
The purpose of this manual is to convey the key processes, responsibilities and details for BIM
development for SF projects by architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) consultants. The goal of
the standards documents is to assure accurate and consistent project deliverables.
This document includes guidance for drawing appearance, BIM element standards and symbols, and
deliverable requirements. The SF BIM Standards is one of several interrelated documents that assist
project teams to fulfill the SI’s project requirements. Additional SF BIM-related guidance includes:
• SF BIM Integration Flowchart
• SF CAD Guidelines
• SF Revit Model Review Instructions
• SF BIM Execution Plan Framework Document
• SF BIM Content LOD Matrix
• SF Revit Template User’s Guide
• SF Revit Templates (Architectural, Mechanical/Plumbing, Electrical, Structural, & Fire Alarm /
Security BIM files)
• Revit Model Review Checker
• Specification Section – 01 3250 BIM Requirements
• Specification Section – 01 7823 O&M Data Requirements
• SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet
• SI Space Naming Guidelines

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Smithsonian Facilities requires that a BIM Project Execution Plan (PxP) be developed for project
employing BIM. The “SF BIM Execution Plan - Framework Document” has been developed as a template
by Smithsonian Facilities to assist project teams developing BIM execution plans, consistently across all SF
BIM projects.

2.1 BIM Execution Plan Overview

BIM Project Execution Plans will be living documents, updated by the consultant team throughout project
development and delivery then transferred to the Contractor for updating throughout the construction.
The BIM PxP works in concert with the other SF BIM guidance documents noted in Section One.
Any changes made to the BIM PxP during the course of a project must be approved by the authoring
party, and reviewed and approved by the SI’s COTR (Contracting Officer's Technical Representative) for
the project.

2.2 Procurement Strategy and the PxP

The BIM Execution Plan (PxP) will be tailored to align with the project’s procurement method (such as
Design-Bid-Build (DBB), CM at Risk, Design-Build (DB), etc.
Procurement strategies will influence whether there are separate design and construction BIMs and who
will be the responsible party for the final project BIM deliverable. Separate contracts will require a
separate BIM PxP, but should align with each other to ensure a collaborative process.
When a project BIM is to be developed collaboratively for both design/documentation and construction,
the BIM Execution Plan (PxP) should address how the model(s) can be handed-off between stages

2.3 BIM Sharing

Project development is an intrinsically collaborative process. The PxP will detail BIM authoring tools, data
integration, and collaborative team workflow environments that will be employed throughout the project
BIM development process.
Listed below are the possible BIM information products that will be delivered during different stages of
the project lifecycle.
The A/E design consultants for a project shall be responsible for providing Design Intent Model(s) as part
of project deliverables, as described in the project scope of work. The design phase PxP will describe the
details of the project model, including file formats, coordination/federation of the model(s), and format
for deliverables.

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

Construction Documents/Bid Set

For projects having a bid phase, BIM requirements will be defined and reviewed with potential bidders.
The design phase PxP will be provided as part of the overall SF BIM guidance for the project.
Prior to the start of construction, the following building information, obtained and developed by the
Architect and/or Engineer during the design phase, may be available to the Contractor for the
development and use by the contractor during the construction process:
1. Design Intent Model(s) (.rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg)
2. Contract Documents (.pdf, .dwg)
3. Point Clouds (.rcs)
4. Scans of the original building design drawings (.pdf)
5. BIM PxP (.docx, .pdf)
6. LOD Matrix (.xlsx, .pdf)
7. SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet (.xlsx)
The Contract Documents are the binding document(s), the Design Intent Model(s) are provided for
reference only.
Construction Phase
• It is the contractor’s responsibility to assure that all major trades are modeled as per the contract
and used for clash detection, construction phasing, and installation coordination and noted in the
• Subcontractor’s fabrication model(s) shall be coordinated within the Coordination model(s)and
noted in the PxP.
• Clash analyses and reports for the project will be detailed in the project PxP.

2.4 BIM Responsibilities

The PxP will detail all parties’ responsibilities in the project BIM development process.

2.5 BIM Software

The Smithsonian BIM practice employs Autodesk Revit as their primary BIM authoring application. The
software version that is used for project BIM development will be noted in the BIM PxP.
Smithsonian Facilities will advise project consultants on the preferred version of any software to be used
before project execution. Any deviation from that version must be approved by the SI project COTR prior
to commencement of work. The SF will approve version updates, if necessary, for multi-year projects
during the course of project development.
The following table shows a list of current acceptable BIM and CAD applications for SF projects. This list
does not preclude the utilization of other software for the prescribed uses. Software other than listed
below may be used but are subject to SI project COTR’s approval due to interoperability requirements.

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Table 2-1: BIM Software by Discipline/Use for Project Development

BIM Use Discipline Software Version
Architecture Architecture AutoCAD and Revit As agreed by SF and project
Design consultant at project
Structure Structure AutoCAD (Add-on) and Revit
HVAC Design HVAC Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on) CADduct
and CADmech
Plumbing Plumbing Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on) CADduct
Design and CADmech
Electrical Electrical Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on) CADelec
Civil Design Civil AutoCAD Civil 3D
Fire Protection Fire Protection MEP CAD AutoSprink
HVAC HVAC Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on) CADduct
Fabrication and CADmech
Plumbing Plumbing Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on) CADduct
Fabrication and CADmech
Electrical Electrical Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on) CADelec
Fire Protection Fire Protection MEP CAD AutoSprink
Structure Structure Revit / AutoCAD (Add-on)
Coordination CM Navisworks Manage, Revizto
Model Check All disciplines Revit Model Review report, output to
(as detailed in a PDF format (converted from *.html
the project format)
scope of work)
Design Review All disciplines Bluebeam, Revizto, I-Manage

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2.6 BIM Goals and BIM Uses in the PxP

BIM goals are included within the Project Execution Plan to summarize the scope of the project BIM
development effort. BIM utilization for AEC project development may include existing conditions
modeling; design visualization; design reviews; clash detection and constructability exercises; asset and
space data development; and as-built documentation.
Existing Conditions Modeling
Description: A process in which a project team develops a 3D model of the existing conditions for a site,
facilities on a site, or a specific area within a facility. This model can be developed in multiple ways,
including laser scanning and conventional surveying techniques.
An existing condition model may be used as a basis for design studies, sight line studies, move
management and logistics, day lighting, area calculations, space allocation studies, volume calculations
for HVAC, planning standards, phasing studies, testing locations, and other studies relevant to the project
Scope of Work (SOW). The project SOW will define the approximate area, relevant building systems, and
associated equipment to be modeled. The BIM PxP will define the agreed upon modeling effort.
The SI COTR will provide access to master drawings, any partial models for preliminary modeling and
current exports from SI’s Facility Center (Tririga) of space and asset data. Field verification is part of this
process unless otherwise specified by SI. All applicable SF BIM and CAD standards and requirements
At a minimum, an existing conditions model will contain:
• The visible architecture elements walls, floors, ceilings, columns, and roof. These elements are to
be modeled to LOD 300 with an LOA of 12mm (½”) unless noted otherwise in SOW.
• Assembly and product information must be added to the model as required by the SOW.
• Space volumes and data (numbers, functional use, space ownership)
• Date attribute field noting as to when the existing conditions were verified, indicating the
currency of the model and its associated data.
• Element(s) may be modeled to a greater LOD and/or LOA in accordance with the SOW.
• MEP equipment and routing may be modeled in accordance with the SOW.
• Assets, furniture and fixtures may be modeled in accordance with the SOW.
• Extend the modeling beyond the immediate SOW areas to show context and additional
information based on project needs.
Laser Scanning for Existing Conditions
Laser scanning is a technology-based process for capturing 3D environments, including distances, in a 3D
digital model called a point cloud, which is comprised of millions of measured points.

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The SI COTR will evaluate the cost and efficiency benefits of laser scanning to capture existing conditions,
as well as the optional conversion of the point cloud data to BIM, based upon the size and complexity of
the project. The scope and procedure for the laser scanning, and conversion to BIM, if specified, will be
clearly stated in the project BIM PxP.
The required object surface density shall be a minimum of 6mm (¼”). RGB color shall be mapped to both
the exterior and interior scans. Selected areas or objects may require a greater object surface density as
directed by COTR and/or SOW.
Design Authoring
Description: A key process in which 3D software applications are used to develop a Building Information
Model (BIM) that illustrates the design intent.
The first step in design authoring for an SF project is to incorporate SF Revit template(s) as a part of the
project BIM. A project BIM may include multiple component models including the architectural, HVAC,
electrical, plumbing, structural, fire protection, life safety and security disciplines. Typically, multiple
engineering models may be linked to or federated with, the architectural model, as required by the
project scope.
BIM authoring software shall be used to model parametric components and objects. Modeled objects
shall contain parameters and associated data applicable to the building system. The level of development
in a project model will accumulate as the project matures. This is noted within the SF BIM Content LOD
Matrix. At minimum, project LOD must include all features that will accurately describe the design
1. At a minimum, all required models shall be detailed to the Level of Detail required by each design
phase and/or sub-phase.
2. BIMs should include all geometry, physical characteristics, information and data necessary so to
describe and facilitate the design, intended construction, and cost estimating of a project,
meeting the requirements noted in project’s BIM Content LOD Matrix, for each design phase
and/or sub-phase of a project.
3. All drawings, simulations, and services required for analysis and review shall be extractions from
the project BIM(s).
4. Modeled elements in the project BIM need not illustrate the individual parts required for the
assembly and/or the manufacture of the component. The intent of the project model is to
provide a level of detail to describe the overall size, shape, clearances, information, data for
building components and coordination with other components and work.
Design / Model Review
Description: A process in which the project BIM is evaluated against a set of established criteria/rules. The
criteria can cover compliance with spatial requirements, data or parameter completion, and established
drawing standards.

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Model Checking
The SF has developed a customized rule set for use with Revit Model Review add-in application to verify
the completion of project models. The add-in application can be downloaded from the Autodesk
subscription website, for installation into Revit. The SF configuration file is available for download from
the Smithsonian Facilities A/E Center website.
As part of the model development process, the project A/E team should periodically perform automated
checks of the Revit model. Model review check reports are required to be run by the project BIM team
and delivered for every SF project milestone BIM deliverable. Additional rules can be added to the
configuration as needed.
Note that some of the checks may not pass the Revit model review as per the SF rule set provided. In that
case, a clear explanation of the failure for each failed check in the report will be required. The explanation
should comply with the specific project exceptions that are outlined in the project execution plan (BIM
PxP). All exceptions or deviations from the SF BIM guidelines should be approved by the SI Project COTR
and stated in the project BIM PxP.
Clash detection or collision reports allow for the identification, inspection and reporting of interferences
in a 3D project model(s). These can be generated by the project team, using either Revit or Autodesk
Navisworks, and reviewed by the SF in consultation with the project team.
Informal or ‘over the shoulder’ reviews can lend insight to the design development process on an ad hoc
3D Model Coordination / Clash Detection (“Interference Checking”)
Description: A process during the coordination process that employs clash detection software to identify
conflicts between building systems by analyzing a combined or federated model. The goal of the clash
detection is to reduce the number of changes during construction due to major building interferences to

Clash Detection - Design:

SF requires Clash Detection Reports (CDRs) from the design team at each design milestone starting at the
35% design deliverable. CDRs must include the results from an automated model checking software to
indicate level of model coordination and other applicable codes. Both hard and soft clashes should be
included in the model checking process.

SF classifies clashes in two categories described below:

Category 1 - Clashes that can be internally resolved by a single entity (consultant or subcontractor). The
goal is to reduce error propagation in the design and to ensure compliance with good design practices
and applicable codes and regulations.

These clashes should be resolved prior to submission of a design deliverable.

Category 2 – Clashes that require coordination between multiple entities. For example, this could be a
clash between the structural and mechanical designs. The goal is to reduce the number and impact of

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field changes during the construction phase of the project. As a best practice, clashes should be resolved
prior to submission of a design deliverable.

These clashes should be resolved prior to submission of a design deliverable.

At final submission models shall be free of conflicts among major systems, their subsystems and elements
that would cause coordination issues during construction.

For any unresolved clashes indicated in the final CDR at Final Submission, the design team must provide a
separate narrative explaining why the clash could not or need not be resolved.

Clash Detection - Construction:

Clash detection during construction is primarily a coordination tool. As in design, both hard and soft
clashes should be considered during the coordination process. During the construction phase, the
accuracy of fabrication models shall be verified. Prior to each fabrication or shop drawing submittal for
approval, fabrication contractors shall submit their models to the Contractor's BIM Manager for
integration into the federated model for clash detection / coordination and resolution.

CDRs shall be provided with fabrication or shop drawing submittals.

SF Asset Management
Description: SF has created the SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet, it is way to capture information
regarding assets outside of the BIM for use by SF to import into their facilities management system. SF
will provide A/E current export from SI’s Facility Management system at start of the project and will be a
living document that is updated through the entire life of the project. In addition to the spreadsheet,
customized data fields (parameters) have been incorporated and applied to components in the project
BIM by use of the SF Revit Templates (Mechanical/Plumbing and Electrical).
Data populated in the required fields will be used for incorporation into the SI Facility Center (Tririga)
application for asset management.
The scope and procedures for asset management will be detailed in the project BIM PxP by the AEC
consulting teams, with the SI COTR’s review/approval. Please refer to the SF Facility Asset Data
Spreadsheet for data fields (parameters) and requirements and SF Revit Template User’s Guide for
required data fields (parameters) within the project BIM.
Refer to the project-specific document “01 7823_O&M Data Reqs” for more specificity about
construction phase and asset requirements
As-Built / Record Modeling
Description: Record modeling is the process used to create a model having an accurate representation of
the physical conditions, environment and assets of a facility.
The record model should, at a minimum, contain component information relating to the main
architectural, structural, and MEP elements. Additional information such as custom parameters for
equipment and spaces may be required.

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The project team will update the project BIM PxP to reflect the specific scope, parties responsible,
guidelines and modeling requirements that will be undertaken to deliver a final as-built BIM and reflect all
changes from the design BIM that have been incorporated in the final building at project delivery. Using
the table from the SF BIM PxP (Table 2 below), project teams can identify which BIM uses will be
implemented in a specific project.
Note: Description, scope and requirements for additional BIM Uses that may be applicable to the project
will be included in the project BIM PxP.

Table 2-2: BIM Uses

X Plan X Design X Construct X Operate

Programming Design Authoring Site Utilization Building
Planning Maintenance
Site Analysis (3D Design Reviews / Construction Building System
Field Positioning Model Reviews System Design Analysis
And QC)
3D Safety and Asset Management Asset Asset Management
Logistics Planning Management
3D Coordination / 3D Coordination / Space Management
Clash Detection Clash Detection / Tracking
Structural Analysis Digital Fabrication Disaster Planning

Lighting Analysis 3D Control and

Energy Analysis Record Modeling Record Modeling
Mechanical Analysis
Other Engineering
Sustainability (LEED)
Code Validation
Phase Planning (4D Phase Planning (4D Phase Planning Phase Planning (4D
Modeling) Modeling) (4D Modeling) Modeling)
5D Cost Estimation 5D Cost Estimation 5D Cost 5D Cost Estimation
Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Existing Conditions
Modeling Modeling Modeling Modeling
Legend: X = Confirmed Use; O = Potential Use

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2.7 BIM LOD Requirements

BIMForum (the U.S. Chapter of buildingSMART International) presents a standard document - Level of
Development (LOD) Specification, which underlay’s SI guidance for LOD. The LOD for SF project BIMs will
be detailed in the BIM Project Execution Plan (PxP) for every project.
The AIA in its Document G202 TM – 2013 Project Building Information Modeling Protocol Form provides
another industry-recognized framework as a means of defining the detailed modeling requirements for a
project. The LOD definitions within the BIMForum specification are identical to those published in the
AIA’s updated Digital Practice Documents, with an exception of addition of LOD 350.
The table below summarizes those levels of development as defined by the BIMForum.
Table 2-3: Summary of the BIM Forum Level of Development (LOD) Definitions
LOD Description
LOD 100 The model element may be graphically represented in the model with a symbol or other
generic representation, but does not satisfy the requirements for LOD 200. Information
related to the model element (i.e. cost per square foot, tonnage of HVAC, etc.) can be
derived from other model elements.
LOD 200 The model element is graphically represented within the model as a generic system, object,
or assembly with approximate quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic
information may also be attached to the model element.
The model element is graphically represented within the model as a specific system, object
or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic
information may also be attached to the model element.
LOD 350 The model element is graphically represented within the model as a specific system, object,
or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, orientation, and interfaces with other building
systems. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the model element.
LOD 400 The model element is graphically represented within the model as a specific system, object
or assembly in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with detailing,
fabrication, assembly, and installation information. Non-graphic information may also be
attached to the model element.
LOD 500 The model element is a field verified representation in terms of size, shape, location,
quantity, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the model

Table Source: BIM Forum’s Level of Development Specification

SF projects employing BIM require a BIM Content LOD matrix to be filled out and submitted, utilizing the
template provided by the SF BIM PxP’s Appendix B (a Microsoft Excel format file).

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3.1 Overview of the Templates
The SF Revit Template files provide a pre-configured Revit file to serve as a starting point a new project
BIMs. The SF template file contains commonly-used drawing objects and SI conventions to assist Revit
users in setting up a new model for an SF project.
SF Revit templates have been configured with custom sheet title blocks with related graphic content and
settings, defined Revit settings for units, fill patterns, line styles, line weights, view scales, and standards
for Revit views and families, and more. It supports compliance with SI standards by containing
customized objects and views, including:
• Floor and area plan views customized for exporting data to SI’s Facility Center applications.
• Basic schedule views for listing component data
• Title blocks and sheet layouts with SI logo with smart labels and selection of graphic scale
• Pre-configured SI drawing sheets
• Customized annotation families aligning with SI standards
The template is a modified Autodesk Revit imperial default template. (See the SF Revit Template User’s
Guide for information on using metric units with SF project BIMs).
The SF Revit Template User’s Guide identifies the features customized for the SF architectural template,
and describes how to use them in a Revit project. Additional templates have been developed for the
Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Structural, Fire Protection, Telecommunication, and Security disciplines.
The templates can be modified to suit the project requirements except for the features that contain “SI”
prefix/suffix including SI asset parameters. These discipline templates are discussed in the SF Revit
Template User Guide’s appendices.

3.2 SI-GIS and Space Naming

One of the core objectives for BIM at the SI is to develop and deliver spatial information in the project
BIM, and at project completion, export the geometry and data to the SI’s Facility Center applications. The
SF Revit Templates have been configured with floor and area plans views and schedules that align with SI
spatial requirements.
Refer to the SF Revit Template User’s Guide for detail instructions to create and export these views as
part of the design deliverables. For SI-GIS space requirements please refer to SI Space Naming Guidelines.

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3.3 Model Ownership and After-Project Use

The design intent model(s) (final project master model) deliverable, the as-built model(s), conformed
model(s), all sub-model(s), model objects and elements, the associated and embedded data, BIM reports,
and all views within the construction set or used as presentation are part of the instrument of service and
considered a component of the design and construction documents which SI owns. These items may be
used and re-used at the SI’s discretion for additional facility lifecycle and new project needs beyond the
original project execution and project information turnover.
No parties involved in creating the model(s) shall be held responsible for costs, expenses, liabilities, or
damages which may result from the use of the model after project completion or beyond the uses
described and agreed to in the original project SOW and documented in the BIM PxP.

4.1 Model, View and Sheet File Naming
SF Model File Naming
The BIM developer shall define the naming conventions for models in accordance with the following
Format [Smithsonian Facilities Project Number][-][Discipline Code][-]
[Software Version Designator][.][FileType]

Example 1234567-A-R20.RVT

Figure 4-1: File Naming Structure

Table 4-1: Components of the BIM file name(s)

File name component Description
Project number The consultant team shall confirm the official project number with the SF
to establish project naming conventions.
Discipline codes As listed in the Table 4: Discipline Code Tables of this document.

Software version Follow the format:

R## ## is the last 2 digits of the year released

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Table 4-1: Components of the BIM file name(s)

File name component Description
R20 Autodesk Revit 2020

File type Revit (.rvt)

Navisworks (.ncs, .nwd)
AutoCAD (.dwg)

SF View Naming
Additional views created in the model must follow the naming standards used in the example views
included in the template. The view name is created on:
Floor Level_View Type_Region (use all if building not divided)_Function (depends on view
purpose)_View Purpose
02_Floor Plan_East_Dimensions_Doc
00_North and South Elevations_All_Framing_Work
03_Mechanical Plan_West_HW Piping_Coor
Note: Abbreviations can be used to keep the length of the view name short as long as the abbreviations
are listed in the general notes and abbreviations list. For example, “FP” can be used instead of “Floor
SF Sheet Naming
The SF Revit Templates contain a number of pre-configured sheets which serves as a starting point for CD
sheet generation.
The naming conventions for Revit sheet views and CAD Sheets exported from Revit shall be in accordance
with the following format:
For within Revit Sheet Views

Format [Discipline Code][Sheet Type][Sheet Sequence][Drawing Type Code]

Example A-101FP

For Sheet Views exported to CAD

[Smithsonian Facilities Project Number][-][Discipline Code][Sheet Type][Sheet
Sequence][Drawing Type Code][.][File Type]
Example 123456-A-101FP.DWG

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Figure 4-2: Sheet Numbering System and Sheet File Naming System
The Discipline Code shall consist of up to two alphabetical characters utilizing the list in the discipline
code tables below. Note that the hyphen in the discipline code is a required place holder in the absence
of the second character. The hyphen is preferred rather than a decimal point due to the use of the "dot"
in electronic file names. Alternatively, an underscore may be used to replace the hyphen when a
particular operating system does not accept hyphens in file names.
Refer to Table 4-2 below for SF approved discipline codes.
Sketches and Supplemental Drawing File Names
Sketches and supplemental drawings shall be named in a similar manner.
• Sketch files created during design should be named with the two-letter designation SK first,
discipline code next, then the next consecutive number of a series:
o 0403110-SKI014.pdf (Fourteenth in a series of interiors sketches)
• Drawings created as part of an addendum, or supplemental drawings, should be named with the
two-letter designation SD first, discipline code next, then the sheet number that is referred to,
and the revision number:
o 0403110-SDM102.3.pdf (Supplemental drawing for mechanical sheet 102, revision
number 3)

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Table 4-2: Discipline Codes

Discipline Codes
Discipline Designator Description Discipline Designator Description
General G- All General Landscape LI Landscape Irrigation
GI General Information LL Landscape Lighting
GC General Contract LP Landscape Planting
GR General Resource LR Landscape Relocation

Survey / V- All Survey/Mapping LS Landscape Site

Mapping VA Aerial Survey Structural S- All Structural
VF Field Survey SD Structural Demolition
VH* Hydrographic Survey SS Structural Site
VI Digital Survey SB Structural Substructure
VU Combined Utilities SF Structural Framing

Civil C- All Civil SR* Structural Reinforcement

CB* Civil Beach Re-nourishment ST* Superstructure
CD Civil Demolition SC* Structural Components
CE* Civil Ecosystem Restoration Architectural A- All Architectural
CF* Civil Flood Control AS Architectural Site
CG Civil Grading AD Architectural Demolition
CI Civil Improvements AE Architectural Elements
CN* Civil Navigation AI Architectural Interiors
CO* Civil Operation and AF Architectural Finishes
CP Civil Paving AG Architectural Graphics
CH* Civil Shore Protection AL** Life Safety
CR* Civil Recreation Interiors I- All Interiors
CS Civil Site ID Interior Demolition
CX* Civil Security IN Interior Design
CT Civil Transportation IF Interior Furnishings
CU Civil Utilities IG Interior Graphics

Civil Works W-** Civil Works SI Custom EX** Exhibits

Utilities U- All Other Utilities AA** Accessibility

Geotechnical B- All Geotechnical EV** Elevator

Landscape L- All Landscape GS** Graphics

LD Landscape Demolition SS** Special – Systems

LG Landscape Grading Historic PH** Historic Preservation
Note: * = Not in NCS 5.0; **=SI Only Discipline Code Source: USACE A/E/C CAD Standard Release 5.0

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Discipline Code Table, continued

Discipline Designator Description Discipline Designator Description
Equipment Q- All Equipment Fire Protection FD** Fire Protection Demolition
QA Athletic Equipment Electrical E- All Electrical
QB Bank Equipment EA* Elec. Airfield Lighting & Nav-
QC Dry Cleaning Equipment ES Electrical Site
QD Detention Equipment EC* Electrical Cathodic Protection
QE Educational Equipment EG* Electrical Grounding
QF Food Service Equipment ED Electrical Demolition
QH Hospital Equipment EP Electrical Interior Power
QL Laboratory Equipment EL Electrical Interior Lighting
QM Maintenance Equipment EI Electrical Instrumentation
QP Parking Lot Equipment EY Elec. Interior Auxiliary Systems
QR Retail Equipment ET Electrical Telecommunications
QS Site Equipment Tele-communi- T- All Telecommunications
QT Theatrical Equipment cations TD* Telecom. Demolition
QV Video/Photographic Equip. TA Audio Visual
QY Security Equipment TC Clock and Program

Mechanical M- All Mechanical TI Intercom

MS Mechanical Site TM Monitoring
MD Mechanical Demolition TN Data Networks
MH Mechanical HVAC TS* Supervisory Control & Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems &
MP Mechanical Piping TT Telephone
MI Mechanical TY Security (Access control&
Instrumentation Alarms)
MY* Mechanical Hydraulic Sys. Hazardous H- Hazardous Materials
Plumbing P- All Plumbing Materials HA Asbestos
PS Plumbing Site HC Chemicals
PD Plumbing Demolition HL Lead
PP Plumbing Piping HP PCB
PQ Plumbing Equipment HR Refrigerants
PL Plumbing Shop Drawings Z- Contractor/Shop Dwgs.
Fire F- All Fire Protection Operations O- Operations
Protection FA Fire Detection and Alarm Others X- Other Disciplines
FX Fire Suppression

Note: * = Not in NCS 5.0; **=SI Only Discipline Code Source: USACE A/E/C CAD Standard Release 5.0

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Discipline Code Table, continued

Discipline Designator Description Discipline Designator Description
Process D- All Process Resource R- All Resource
DS Process Site RC Resource Civil
DD Process Demolition RS Resource Structural
DL Process Liquids RA Resource Architectural
DG Process Gases RM Resource Mechanical
DP Process Piping RE Resource Electrical
DQ Process Equipment
DE Process Electrical
DI Process Instrumentation

Note: * = Not in NCS 5.0; **=SI Only Discipline Code Source: USACE A/E/C CAD Standard Release 5.0

The Drawing Type Code shall consist of up to two alphabetical characters utilizing the list in the Drawing
Type Code tables below.
Table 4-3: Drawing Type Codes
Designator Description Designator Description
FP Floor Plan Structural
DP Demolition Plan MP Framing Plan
SP Site Plan NP Foundation Plan
QP Equipment Plan Architectural/Interiors
All Disciplines

XP Existing Plan EP Enlarged Plan

RO Roof Plan CP Ceiling Plan
EL Elevation RP Furniture Plan
SC Section NP Finish Plans
DT Detail VP Evacuation Plan
SH Schedule Mechanical
Discipline Specific

3D Isometric/3D CP Control Plan

DG Diagrams HP HVAC - Ductwork Plan
General PP Piping Plan
BS Border Sheet Electrical
KP Key Plan CP Communication
CS Cover Sheet GP Grounding
Discipline Specific

Civil LP Lighting
EP Environmental Plan PP Power
GP Grading Plan Plumbing
RP Road/Topographic Plan PP Plumbing Plan
SV Survey Fire – Protection
UP Utility Plan KP Sprinkler Plan
DP Data
TP Telephone

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It is important that files are named in this exact format to avoid system conflicts when drawings are
transferred to the SI’s archival system. The sheet sequence number shall consist of three numerical
characters from the following table:

Table 4-4: Sheet Sequence Numbers

000 General (Symbols, Legends, Notes) 500 Details

100 Plans (including Reflected Ceiling Plans) 600 Schedules and Diagrams

200 Elevations 700 User Defined (Elevators and Stair plans,

details, sections)

300 Sections 800 User Defined (non-architecture)

400 Enlarged Views (plans, sections, elevations) 900 3D Views, Interior Details, Partition
Types, Window Types

SF Combined PDF Naming

The A/E lead shall define the naming conventions for combined PDF volumes in accordance with the
following format:

Format [File Name]- [-][Reference Date or Submission Type][-][Smithsonian Facilities

Project Number][.][FileType]

Example Vol#_Report-65DD-1234567.PDF / Vol#_Drawing-140627-1234567.PDF

Table 4-5: Components of the Combined PDF file name

File name component Description
File name Volume number description
Reference date YYMMDD
Submission type 35DD, 65DD, 100CD
Project number The consultant team shall confirm the official project number with the SF
to establish project naming conventions.
File type Portable Document Format (.PDF)

Note: The BIM PxP should outline naming conventions for all the submittals pertaining to the project. Any
deviations from the SF BIM Guidelines should be approved by the SI project COTR.

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4.2 Federated Model File Coordination

The files that are generated by the consulting construction manager and trade contractors during the
coordination process should follow the same naming conventions as described in the model file naming
and sheet file naming sections.
The contractor shall require subcontractors, fabricators, suppliers, and manufactures to submit all models
to the contractor utilizing 3D modeling software in order to facilitate seamless coordination with BIM
workflows and file integration. All design elements should be produced three-dimensionally in programs
that can output file formats supported by Autodesk Navisworks. Models should be updated after each
project coordination meeting or as changes occur in the field during construction and delivered to SI at
each project BIM milestone.

4.3 Electronic File Storage

Refer to the project Scope of Work (SOW) to determine which type of transmission method is required
for each project submission.
FTP Site: Due to the constraints of sending large files via e-mail, OCIO has established an FTP site to
use for transferring electronic documents between Smithsonian Facilities and outside
consultants. The FTP site acts like any other folder in Windows Explorer. To access the site
please obtain instructions from the project design manager.
Note: To prevent unauthorized use of SI files, any files left on the FTP site for more than 48 hours
will be deleted. This should give everyone ample time to send and receive daily work. Please
make sure you have copies of your files stored on your personal computer or on the secure
internal network.
E-mail: The size of attachments to e-mails on the Smithsonian network is limited to 3.5 megabytes,
total. Use of the FTP site is recommended for larger transmissions.
Dropbox: SI utilizes Dropbox for the transfer of large files. Please discuss with the Project Design
Manager to obtain shared folder access.
OneDrive: SI utilizes OneDrive for the transfer of large files. Please discuss with the Project Design
Manager to obtain shared folder access.
The Smithsonian Facilities Project Documentation Form and Deliverables Matrix. These forms
are similar in nature to the GSA’s deliverable requirements. The Project Documentation Form
identifies the personnel responsible for the project, versions of software used in its
preparation, and any script files, non-AutoCAD entities (fonts, line types, blocks, etc.) used in
drawing preparation. The Deliverables Matrix identifies each drawing submitted by name, all
external references by name, and the plot scale for each drawing. Refer to Appendix A in this
document for examples of the forms.

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Maintaining consistent file naming and structure is critical for referenced (linked) files to function
properly across design teams and for end users such as facilities managers to retrieve files quickly once
the project is complete. For this reason, the design and construction teams shall follow the folder
structure recommended below.

5.1 Project Folder Structure

The SF recommends the folder structure illustrated with the blue highlight in Figure 5-1. Following a
project folder structure, will facilitate in delivering the Revit project files while maintaining the links to all
the external linked files as long as the linked files are defined using relative path within Revit model.
A relative path defines the position of a linked file in a working directory such as a project folder. Its
position is defined by its relative location. If a relative path is used for links and when the project and the
linked files are moved together to a new directory, the link is maintained. Revit locates the linked model
by its relative position to the working directory.
Any deviations to the recommended folder structure should be discussed and approved by the SI project
COTR. Additional files and folders can be added to this structure as long as the level 3 hierarchy and
contents are maintained.

Figure 5-1: Project Folder Structure

5.2 Project Collaboration and Data Security

The project consultant responsible for the project collaboration environment shall establish protocols for
model and data security, permissions, and access rights to the stakeholders. Both the design and
construction consultants shall establish adequate user access rights to prevent data loss or damage
during file exchange, maintenance, and archiving. These access controls shall be established as per the
instructions in the project BIM PxP, and will be detailed in a user access matrix as part of the BIM PxP.
This environment will establish a single point to upload, share, and exchange models and project data.
The same server shall be used to assemble project deliverables at pre-defined milestones across the
project phases. SI project COTR and SI Facilities personnel shall have access to this collaboration site.

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5.3 BIM Deliverables

Project BIM requirements are defined within a project’s scope of work (SOW) and will vary between
projects. A suggested framework for BIM deliverables is provided below, organized by standard SI project
The level of development (LOD) and level of accuracy (LOA) for each BIM deliverable should be listed in
the project’s SF BIM content matrix and BIM PxP. LOD and LOA should be sufficient to produce
traditional two-dimensional deliverables required for each stage.
The specific BIM deliverable requirements for a project along with and responsible parties will be listed by
model category, and be described in the project BIM PxP.
• BIM Project Execution Plan (within 30 days after contract execution)
• Feasibility Models*
• Database of Programs/Spaces
• Massing/Volume/Area
• Relationships/Functions
• Responsibility Matrix
• Data Organization Outline
• Restatement of Owner Requirements
• AIA E202 Refinements
• Laser Scan Files* (Point Clouds)
• Existing Conditions Model(s)*
• SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet
Schematic Design (35% Submission)
• BIM Execution Plan Update
• Preliminary Energy Model Values* 1
• Concept Model
• Architectural Model - Based on approved concept model in the native BIM format
• Preliminary Systems Model - Structural, MEP, Civil or other systems required by the project in the
native BIM format
• Clash Detection Report
• IFC models for all the required disciplines
• Navisworks files (If used for Clash Detection)
• SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet
Design Development (65% Submission)

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• BIM Project Execution Plan

• Energy Model Values*1
• Architectural Model in the native BIM format
• Structural Model in the native BIM format
• MEP Model in the native BIM format
• Fire Protection Model in the native BIM format
• Life safety and security model in the native BIM format
• Site/civil model in the native CAD format
• Other systems models* in the native BIM format
• Detailed clash/collision report
• Code/model review report*
• IFC models for all the required disciplines
• Navisworks files (If used for Clash Detection)
• SI-GIS Exports (CAD and Excel Format)
• SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet
Construction Documents (100% and Final Submission)
• BIM Project Execution Plan
• Energy model values*1
• Architectural model in the native BIM format
• Structural model in the native BIM format
• MEP model in the native BIM format
• Fire protection model in the native BIM format
• Life safety and security model in the native BIM format
• Site/civil model in the native CAD format
• Other systems models* in the native BIM format
• Detailed clash/collision report - showing issues and resolutions
• Code/model review report*
• Quantity reports*
• IFC models for all the required disciplines
• Navisworks files (If used for Clash Detection)
• SI-GIS Exports (CAD and Excel Format)
• SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet
At the 100% Construction Documents submission, the design team shall be responsible for providing:
• A federated BIM fully coordinated and assembled into one Revit Black Box View.
• Separate copies of each technical discipline model in the original software authoring tool and IFC

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• A 2D plan set, derived from the assembled BIM, for contract bidding in the CAD and PDF formats.
* If applicable/available/required
Energy models may be executed within applications existing BIM software and applications.

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The table below lists a project’s electronic deliverables for design phase.

Table 5-1: Design Deliverables

Phase Submission Requirements Format
Programming Narrative .pdf
Project Execution Plan .pdf, .docx
Existing Condition Model(s) .rvt, .dwg, .ifc, point cloud formats
.rcs/.rcp/.pcg/.pts/.ptx/.dp/.las, .laz,.xyz,
SI Facility Asset Data .xlsx
Schematic Design Narrative .pdf
(35% Submission) Project Execution Plan .pdf, .docx
Drawings .pdf
Design Intent Model(s) .rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg
SI Facility Asset Data .xlsx
Design Development Project Execution Plan .pdf, docx
(65% Submission) LOD Matirx .pdf
Specifications .pdf, .docx
Drawings .pdf
Design Intent Model .rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg

SI-GIS Exports .dwg, .xlsx

SI Facility Asset Data .xlsx
Construction Project Execution Plan .pdf, .docx
Documents LOD Matrix .pdf, xlsx
(100% Submission) Drawings .pdf, .dwg
Specifications .pdf, .docx
Design Intent Model .rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg
SI-GIS Exports .dwg, .xlsx
SI Facility Asset Data .xlsx
100% Construction Project Execution Plan .pdf, .docx
Documents (Back LOD Matrix .pdf, .xlsx
Check Submission) Drawings .pdf, .dwg
Specifications .pdf, .docx
Design Intent Model .rvt, .ifc, , .nwc, .nwd, .dwg
SI-GIS Exports .dwg, .xlsx

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Table 5-1: Design Deliverables

Phase Submission Requirements Format
SI Facility Asset Data .xlsx
Bid Process Addenda .pdf, .rvt, .dwg, .ifc

Construction Bulletins .pdf, .rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg

Record Documents Project Execution Plan .pdf, .docx

LOD Matirx .pdf, .xlsx
Specifications .pdf, .docx
Conformed Model(s) .rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg
SI-GIS Exports .dwg, .xlsx
Drawings .pdf, .dwg

The construction model(s), coordination model(s), coordination reports, and facility data for the project
will be submitted by the contractor to the SI during the construction phase according to the project scope
of work.
Refer to the project-specific document “01 3250_BIM Reqs” for more specificity about construction
phase and as-built BIM requirements.
Table 5-3 Construction Deliverables

Phase Submission Requirements Format

Construction (Monthly) Coordination Model(s) .rvt, .ifc,. nwc, .nwd, .dwg

SF Facility Asset Data .xlsx

Construction (Quarterly) Construction Model(s) .rvt, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd, .dwg
SF Facility Asset Data .xlsx
At project completion – with As-Built Model – Final .rvt, .dwg, .ifc, .nwc, .nwd
submittals, O&M’s and warranties Project Execution Plan .pdf, .docx
attached LOD Matrix .pdf, .xlsx
O&M and Warranty Documents .pdf, .docx
SI-GIS Exports .dwg, .xlsx
SF Facility Asset Data .xlsx

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Final Deliverables/As-Built Documentation

At project completion, the project consultant, typically the Contractor, will update and submit As-Built
Model(s) to document the condition of the facility upon completion of construction. As-Built Model(s)
are to be submitted with all Model(s) link into one central model using Autodesk Revit. In addition the
contractor shall submit final SF Facility Asset Data Spreadsheet, LOD Matrix, BIM PxP, O&M manuals CAD
exports, SI-GIS exports and warranty documents with final model.

5.4 Autodesk Revit BIM Deliverables Checklist

Table 5-2: BIM Deliverable Checklist

Description /
Model file name conforms to SF standards 
All annotations and title blocks are as per the SF standards 
All SI floor plans and area plan views required by the SF have been created for all floors in
the project

All the custom SI schedules are populated with all the required data for the project 
The model is correctly assembled as per visual inspection 
All the model contents are correctly placed per their element categorization in the correct
workset, and conform to standards 
All non-transmittal linked-in files (CAD/Revit) have been removed from the model 
All non-required views / legends / schedules / sheets / images have been removed from
the model

Unwanted Design Options have been removed from the model 
All unnecessary groups have been removed from the model. All groups used to model the
building have been ungrouped and purged from the deliverables to reduce the file size of 
the model
As a last step, the model has been purged (repeat the process three times -- materials are
only removed after the parent object has been removed). This will reduce the file size.

Update Save to Central view with any relevant model notes 

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5.5 CAD Deliverables from BIM

Sheet Drawing Submission Standards
CAD files exported from the project BIM represent one, and only one, plotted drawing sheet. There must
be a one-to-one relationship between files and floors.
Areas of a floor that occur at different elevations relative to each other, without overlapping, should be in
the same drawing. Areas that occur as mezzanines, no matter how small, should be relegated to a
separate drawing, with the full building column grid included to help with spatial reference.
File Format
All drawing sheets shall be submitted in both Adobe Acrobat PDF file format (.pdf) and in AutoCAD (.dwg)
PDF Files
All graphics in PDF files must be measurable/snap-able using software markup tools such as Adobe
Acrobat Professional or Bluebeam. All drawing text in PDF files must be searchable. There shall be one
PDF file per printed sheet in the drawing set.
Recent versions of the Adobe Acrobat application allow for the inclusion of layers from AutoCAD files in
the PDF document. Use of this feature will NOT be accepted.
Drawing files shall be in the AutoCAD (.dwg) format. The version of the software will be as noted in the
project BIM PxP.
There shall be one AutoCAD (.dwg) file per printed sheet in the set, and X-refs shall be bound.
CAD Page Setup
Pages must be oriented, when displayed on-screen, in the same direction as the hard copy would be read.
All 2D PDF files must be created on the paper size used for the contract documents. When printed on the
appropriately sized paper, all drawing scales shown in the drawing should be accurate when measured
with mechanical drafting tools.
Line Weights
Acceptable line weights on drawing deliverables will be in a range from about 0.18 mm to 1.0 mm when
plotted full-size.
Only use the highest range of line weights to indicate major dividing lines such as section-cuts and match
The narrowest line weights should be used for highly detailed items and column grids.

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

Within the middle-range, be sure to giving greater weight to new construction when occupying the same
plan as existing construction. Give even greater weight to annotations.
On engineering drawings referencing the partitions, ceiling grids, and other components on the
architectural plans, a 50% to 75% shading should be used on the architectural elements to increase the
readability of the engineering elements.
Layer names must adhere to the most recent version of the AIA Layer Guidelines, as included in the
National CAD Standard.
Building elements must be placed on the correct layers. Do not repeat similar information among
different layers.
Do not store information on Layer "0".
The following charts list the layers for site plans and floor plans that are considered the Standard Base
Plans. Only these layers are required to meet the specifications of this section.

Table 5-3: Layer Standards for Standard Base Plans – Site Plan
Site Plan Layers Description Line Type Color
C-BLDG-OTLN Building Footprints Continuous W/7
C-PKNG-OTLN Parking Lots Continuous C/4
C-PKNG-CURB Parking Curbs and Gutters Continuous G/3
C-PROP-LINE Property Lines (check Benchmarks) Continuous Y/2
C-ROAD-OTLN Roads Continuous C/4
C-ROAD-CURB Curbs Continuous M/6
L-PLNT-TREE Trees Continuous 83
L-PLNT-GRND Ground Covers and Vines Continuous 82
L-PLNT-BEDS Landscaping Beds Continuous M/6
L-PLNT-BUSH Bushes and Shrubs Continuous 83
L-PLNT-TURF Lawn Areas Continuous 23
L-SITE-BRDG Bridges Continuous 22
L-SITE-EWAT Water features Continuous 162
L-SITE-FENC Fencing Continuous Y/2
L-SITE-DECK Decks Continuous 232
L-SITE-POOL Pools and Spas Continuous 162
L-SITE-ROCK Boulders and cobble Continuous R/1
L-SITE-RTWL Retaining Walls Continuous C/4
L-SITE-SPRT Sports Fields Continuous Y/2

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Table 5-3: Layer Standards for Standard Base Plans – Site Plan
Site Plan Layers Description Line Type Color
L-SITE-WALK Walks and Steps Continuous R/1

Table 5-4: Layer Standards for Standard Base Plans – Floor Plan
Base Plan Layers Description Line Type Color
A-AREA-IDEN Room numbers Continuous W/7
A-DOOR-FRAM Door Frame Continuous M/6
A-DOOR-FULL Full-height doors Continuous G/3
A-DOOR-GLAZ Door Glazing Continuous B/5
A-DOOR-PRHT Partial-height doors Continuous M/6
A-EXBT Exhibit Continuous R/1
A-EXBT-WALL Exhibit Wall Continuous 40
A-FLOR-EVTR Elevators, wheelchair lifts Continuous Y/2
A-FLOR-LEVL Floor level changes, shafts, ramps Continuous M/6
A-FLOR-OTLN Building / Gross Area Polyline Continuous 40
Room / Space Area Polyline Continuous M/6
A-FLOR-OVHD Overhead items ACAD_ISO02W100 Gr/8
Architectural specialties (e.g. toilet room
A-FLOR-SPCL Continuous G/3
accessories, display cases)
A-FLOR-STRS Stairs, escalators Continuous Y/2
A-FLOR-TPTN Toilet room partitions Continuous R/1
A-GLAZ-CURT Curtain Wall Panels and System Continuous B/5
A-GLAZ-PRHT Window glazing Continuous R/1
A-GLAZ-SILL Window sills Continuous B/5
A-ROOF Parapet walls (for reference on partial floors) Continuous Gr/8
A-WALL-CWMG Curtain wall mullions Continuous R/1
A-WALL-FENC Fence Continuous R/1
A-WALL-FULL-EXTR Exterior Walls Continuous Y/2
A-WALL-FNDN Foundation Walls Continuous G/3
A-WALL-FULL-INTR Full-height Interior Walls Continuous G/3
A-WALL-MOVE Movable partitions Continuous B/5
A-WALL-PRHT Partial-height walls Continuous R/1

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Table 5-4: Layer Standards for Standard Base Plans – Floor Plan
Base Plan Layers Description Line Type Color
S-COLS-PRIM Primary columns Continuous M/6
S-COLS-SCND Secondary columns Continuous Y/2
A-AREA-LINE Lines defining room areas that are not walls Continuous C/4
P-SANR-FIXT Plumbing Fixtures Continuous M/6
A-FLOR-HRAL Handrails Continuous R/1
A-FLOR-WDWK Built-in cabinets and counters Continuous G/3
A-WALL-HEAD Door headers Continuous R/1
I-FURN Furniture Continuous B/5
I-FURN-PNLS Systems Furniture Continuous B/5
S-GRID-HORZ Horizontal column grid lines ACAD_ISO08W100 B/5
S-GRID-IDEN Column identifiers Continuous R/1
S-GRID-VERT Vertical column grid lines ACAD_ISO08W100 B/5

Standard Title Block and Cover Sheet

The standard Smithsonian title block shall be used on every sheet. The first sheet in any set of drawings
(cover sheet) shall be designated the Title / Cover Sheet, and will be numbered according to the process
outlined in the previous section. It shall contain the OFEO approval block directly above the title block.
CAD Project Title Block
All of the title block parameters are block attributes. To edit the attributes, use AutoCAD’s DDATTE or AT
command. Do not change the text size in the drawing provided (except for the A/E logo and information
pertinent to consultants).
Please refer to the Special Conditions for A/E Services document for logo location and size, as well as the
identification code.
All Smithsonian title blocks are available for download at the OFEO website, A/E Center, in DWG format.
Revit Project Title Block
The Smithsonian Institution’s Revit project title block contains parameters for project information
compliant with the SF CAD guidelines. There are two sizes of SI title blocks within the SF Revit Templates:
SI‐24x36In and SI‐36x48In.
See Revit Template User Guide for additional Information.

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

SI Sheet Sizes
The following table lists sheet sizes to be used for all SF projects. The preferred standard is Arch D (24 x
36 in). This sheet size (Revit title block family) is provided in the SF Revit Templates, along with Arch E (36
x 48 in.). If a project requires an alternate size, approval must be obtained from the SI project COTR. Revit
title blocks and cover sheet families should be created by A/E for the sizes that are not provided in the SF
Revit Template, as per the respective size sheet and coversheet files in “dwg” format.
To create the new title block and cover sheet families, the A/E shall use the Revit parameters and symbols
from the Revit title block and cover sheet families provided within the SF Revit Templates. All title blocks
and cover sheets are provided in metric and imperial versions, and are available for download at the SI
A/E Center web site in “dwg” format. All drawings in a project submission shall be produced in a
consistent format and drawing size. Submitted sketches should utilize either the letter or tabloid format.

Table 5-5: SI Sheet Sizes

Paper Size Dimensions File Name
Arch D (Standard) 24 by 36 inches 610 by 914 mm Cover: ST-CVR_in.dwg Sheet: ST-
TTL_in.dwg Cover: ST-
CVR_mm.dwg Sheet: ST-
Arch E 36 by 48 inches 914 by 1219 mm Cover: E-CVR_in.dwg Sheet: E-
TTL_in.dwg Cover: E-
CVR_mm.dwg Sheet: E-
Arch F (Arch 30) 30 by 42 inches 762 by 1067 mm Cover: F-CVR_in.dwg Sheet: F-
TTL_in.dwg Cover: F-
CVR_mm.dwg Sheet: F-
Tabloid 11 by 17 inches Vertical: 11x17-V_in.dwg
279 by 432 mm Horizontal: 11x17-H_in.dwg
Vertical: 11x17-V_mm.dwg
Letter 8-1/2 by 11 inches 216 by 279 mm Portrait: 8x11-P_in.dwg
Landscape: 8x11-L_in.dwg
Portrait: 8x11-P_mm.dwg

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

SF Project Units, Fonts and Dimensions

Project Units
Project units and design units must be configured during the initial stages of the project. The project
units’ parameter within the SF Revit Template files is set to imperial units (feet/inches), however SF
projects may require metric deliverables.
Metric Units
To change from imperial to metric units in Revit:
• Create a new Revit project file (.rvt) by loading the template file into a Revit work session, and
save it with the appropriate file name for your project/facility
• On the Revit menu’s Manage tab -> Settings panel, select the Project Units option

• The Project Units dialog box pops-up. Click the button under the Format column for each unit
type to display the Format settings dialog box
• In the Format dialog box, select the correct unit from the Units drop down list.
For additional notes and instructions on units’ conversion, refer to the Autodesk Revit Help web site.
Text Sizes and Fonts
The SF Revit Template includes SI standard fonts based upon the National CAD Standard v5 (NCS). Arial
font is the standard for all SI text annotations (the SF does accepts AutoCAD text or true-type fonts).
RomanS, Swis721 Blk BT and Minion fonts are also used in the title blocks and headings.
Minion Open-type fonts are available for download at
The text size for typical notes within SI architectural drawings is 3mm (1/8”) with a 1.0 width factor. Any
deviations must be approved by SF.
Upper-case lettering shall be used on drawings unless lower-case letters are required to conform to other
established standards, equipment nomenclature, or marking.
The SI Revit Template includes the SI “soft metrics” dimensioning standard, which calls for dimensional
representation of metric units followed by imperial units in the parenthesis. For additional information,
see soft or hard metrics as described within DoD Publication SD-10 Guide for Identification and
Development of Metric Standards.
Two types of SF standard tic-mark types are included in the SF Revit Templates: SI_Arrow and SI_Slash.
Confirm the required dimensioning standard for the project with the SI, and modify if necessary.

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

SF BIM and CAD Annotation Symbols
Symbols included in the SF Revit Templates have been set up to comply with the SF CAD Standards. No
substitutions will be permitted. (Images shown are not to scale).

Figure 5-2: Custom SF annotation symbols

Figure 5-3: Custom SF view title symbols

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

Smithsonian Facilities CAD Standard Symbols

Figure 5-4: SF CAD symbols available from the Smithsonian Facilities A/E Center website

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

SI Space Class Determination for GIS and TRIRIGA Facilities Center

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

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Smithsonian Facilities BIM Guidelines

[End of Document]

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