TSD X IT-402 RDBMS (Basic)

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Subject: IT(402) Topic: Relational Subtopics: Std.

Database Management  Concept of Database
System (Basic) Management System
 Create and edit tables using
wizards and SQL commands
 Perform operations on a table
 Retrieve data using Queries
 Create Forms and Reports
using wizard

PPT 1 Video 14
Activity Sheet - Practice Sheet -

Text Book:
1. Study material (provided by CBSE)
Web links:
Concept of Database Management System
1. https://www.guru99.com/what-is-dbms.html

2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-of-dbms-database-management-system-set-1/

Create and edit tables

3. https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOoAuthors_User_Manual/Getting_Started/Creating_database_tables

SQL DDL commands

4. https://www.edureka.co/blog/sql-commands

Using DDL to change Database design

5. https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Database/Using_DDL_to_Change_the_Database_Design

Perform operations on a table

6. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/blogs/create-tableselect-insertupdate-delete-table-in-sql

Retrieve data using query

7. https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Getting_


Create Forms using wizard

8. https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Getting_Started/Creating_a_database_form
Create Reports using wizard

9. https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Getting_Started/Creating_reports

Learning Objectives:

After completing the chapter, students will learn to

 identify field, record and table in a database

 identify the primary and foreign key in a database

 create and edit tables using wizard and SQL commands

 perform various operations on a table

 identify the types of relationship between the tables

 identify the field properties

 retrieve data from the database using a query

 create forms and reports in the database using the wizard

Unit 3.1: Concept of Database Management System

 Inform the students about database and explain to them about a database management


 List the different uses of storing data in a database.

 Give examples of different Database Management System software.

 Share the video ‘Concepts of DBMS - Part 1’ and ‘Concepts of DBMS - Part 2’ with them to

help them understand about the different concepts of database in detail.

 Ask them to solve the assessment given in the study material for this topic in their notebook.

 Inform them to perform the Activity 1 and 2 given in the study material for this topic once they

have understood the topic.

Unit 3.2: Create and edit tables using wizards and SQL commands
 Using the study material, PPT 1 and weblink 3, explain to them about the following topics

 Tables, Records and Fields in a database.

 Datatypes in OpenOffice Base

 Share the video ‘Create tables in OpenOffice Base - I’ and ‘Create tables in OpenOffice Base -

II’ with the students to help them learn the following.

 Create table in Design view

 Create table using a wizard

 Create table using SQL commands

 Inform them about the different SQL DDL commands and demonstrate the ways in which they

can be used to modify a database.

 Ask students to try out the Activity 1, 2 and 3 given in the study material for this topic.

Unit 3.3: Perform operations on a table

 Inform the students about the different operations that they can perform on a database table.

 Demonstrate and explain the steps to perform these operations on a table.

 Share the video ‘Operations on a database table-Part1’ and ‘Operations on a database table-

Part2’ to help them learn about the different operations that can be performed on a table.

 Inserting data in a table

 Editing records in a table

 Deleting records from the table

 Sorting data in a table

 Inform them about Relationships between Tables.

 Explain to them about the types of Relationship between Tables.

 Share the video ‘Create a relationship between two tables’ to help the students learn to create

and edit relationships between the tables in a database. Also, learn about the types of

relationships that can be created between the tables in a database.

 Go through the PPT to learn about the different types of relationship between the tables.

 Share the video ‘Referential Integrity’ to help them learn about Referential Integrity in a

database in detail.

 Inform the students about the field properties in a database.

 Ask them to perform Activity 1 given in the study material for this topic once they have

understood the topic.

Unit 3.4: Retrieve data using query
 Inform them about a Query and explain its use.

 Demonstrate and explain the steps to create different types of Queries.

 Share the video ‘Select Query and Sorting Data in database’ to help them learn about the

select statement in SQL and to sort data in a database.

 Demonstrate and explain the steps to create a query using

 Design view

 Query wizard

 Share the video ‘Query in Design View’ to help them to learn to create a query in design view

 Inform them about the different Select statements and its clauses that are used to retrieve

data from one or more database tables.

 Demonstrate and explain to them about the different ways to group the data in a database.

 Ask them to try out the Activity 1 and 2 given in the study material for this topic.

Unit 3.5: Create Forms and Reports using wizard

 Inform them about the concept of Forms in a database and explain its use.

 List the different applications of forms and inform them that they are going to learn to create

a form.

 Demonstrate and explain the steps to create a form in a database.

 Share the video ‘Create form in OpenOffice Database’ to help them to learn to create a form

in OpenOffice Base in detail.

 Demonstrate and explain the steps to create or modify a form in OpenOffice Base.

 Share the videos ‘Create a form to view the data’ and ‘Modify a form to enter data’ with the

students to help them learn in detail about forms

 Inform them about the concepts of Reports in a database and explain its use.

 Demonstrate and explain the steps to create a Report.

 Share the video ‘Create reports in OpenOffice Base’ to help them to learn to create a report.


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