Research Chairperson Action Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SY 2021-2022
Time Resources
Areas of Concern Targets Strategies/Activities Persons Responsible Expected Output
Frame Needed
Annual School Activities
1. Conduct of Opening To celebrate the opening of 1. Flag Raising Ceremony August Student Activities Sound Prepared Teaching and
Classes short Program classes even in the midst of 2. Short Program after the Flag Raising 2021 Officer Designate, System, Non-Teaching Staff for
for the School Year pandemic. Ceremony Officer-In Charge, Microphone, the Opening of Classes
2021-2022 3. Introduction of CNHS Teaching and Non- School Principal Bond Paper
Teaching Staff for Program

2. Conduct of School To celebrate unity and 1. A Fellowship Program November Student Activities Sound Camaraderie and
Team Building and cooperation with the 2. Team Building 2021 Officer Designate, System, Memories with all
Fellowship Gathering of teaching and non-teaching 3. Lunch Teaching and Non- Microphone, Teaching and Non-
CNHS Teaching and staff in a fellowship Teaching Staff, Bond Paper, Teaching Staff
Non-teaching Staff gathering and team School Principal Tarpaulin,
building Food
3. Checking of Activity To share and explore the 1. Making of Program and committees Year Student Activities Sound 100% School Activities
Matrix and Program activity design and plan for 2. Presentation and checking of Program Round Officer Designate, System, Successful
committees in all school all school activities, and and committees Every School Microphone,
activities open for constructive 3. Conduction of the School Activity Designation and Bond Paper,
Cantubod Danao Bohol 6344 Philippines
[email protected]
criticism and suggestions. Coordinators, School Tarpaulin,
Principal Food
4. Conduct of Moving- To celebrate students’ 1. Brainstorming on the activity and End of Student Activities Sound 100% successful,
Up Ceremony and success and achievement at assigned committees every Year Officer Designate, System, fruitful, satisfied, and
Graduation Exercises the end of the School Year 2. Preparation before moving-up and Round Teaching and Non- Microphone, memorable Moving-Up
graduation Teaching Staff, School Bond Paper, Ceremony and
3. Moving-up and Graduation Proper Principal Tarpaulin, Graduation Exercises
Senior High School
A. Work Immersion Activities
1. Conduct of Work To orient and give the 1. Prepare the training matrix March- School Principal, PPT, Well prepared and
Immersion Orientation students’ knowledge and 2. Conduct a Work Immersion Orientation April 2022 Work Immersion Microphone, 100% students’
Seminar for all Grade 12 attitude during their work Seminar for all Grade 12 students Coordinator, speaker, Bond attendance
students immersions discussing the necessary attitudes, skills, Immersion Teacher paper
and abilities necessary preparations for their per Specialization,
work immersion and field of area Student Activities
Officer Designate
B. Career Guidance Activities
1. Conduct of Career To orient the senior high 1. Prepare the training matrix. June 2022 Grade 12 Class Papers, 100 % of the Grade 12
Guidance Seminar/ school students with the 2. Conduct Career Guidance Seminar Advisers, Guidance Projector students attended the
Curriculum Exit different career 3. Discuss the Curriculum Exit Tracking Counselor, Student (PPT), seminar and have
Tracking System opportunities and assist System. Activities Officer sound system, decided which career
them on their career path. Designate, School Microphone, they want to pursue for
Principal Tarpaulin their life.
C. Mock Interview
1. Conduct of Mock To share and experience 1. Prepare the Students on the necessary May-June School Principal, Long bond 100 % of the Grade 12
Interview for the all the senior high school portfolio and their selves 2022 Student Activities paper, students attended the
Grade 12 students students on job interview 2. Assign teachers to be an interviewer Officer Designate, tarpaulin, mock interview.
3. Conduct of Mock Interview All Teaching Staff
D. Recollection
1. Conduct of To share and experience 1. Gathering of Grade 21 students March- Invited Speaker, Long bond 100 % of the Grade 12
recollection for the all
spiritual aspect of all the 2. Conduct of Recollections April 2022 Student Activities paper students attended the
Grade 12 students senior high school Officer Designate, recollections.
students Grade 12 Advisers
E. Moving-Up and Graduation Ball
1. Conduct of Moving- To experience and 1. Presentation of Activities and Program End of School Principal, Sound 100% of the Grade 12
up and Graduation Ball celebrate social aspect of Committees every Year Teaching and non- System, students attended the
for the all Grade 10 and Grade 10 and 12 students’ 2. Conduct of Moving-Up and Graduation Round teaching Staff Microphone, mock moving-up and
Grade 12 students success and achievement Ball Bond Paper, graduation ball.
Supreme Student Government (SSG)
1. Conduct of Team To experience leadership 1. Prepared the training matrix First SSG Adviser, Student Sound System, 100% of the SSG
Building and Leadership training and to build a 2. Conduct a leadership training to all SSG Quarter Activities Officer Microphone, Officials attended the
Training for SSG camaraderie with the new Officials Designate, Bond Paper, leadership training and
Officers group members 3. Provide a team building to all members of SSG Officers, School Tarpaulin, team building.
SSG Officials Principal Food
2. Conduct of school To check all SSG 1. Making and giving of performance End of SSG Adviser, Student Sound System, 100% of the SSG
Year-End Evaluation Officers’ performance as appraisal report and evaluation tool to all every Year Activities Officer Microphone, Officials attended the
Program to all SSG to assess their learning SSG Officers Round Designate, Bond Paper, Year-End Evaluation
Officers and improvement in a 2. Feedbacking of all students’ activities SSG Officers, School Tarpaulin, Program.
Year-End Evaluation 3. Fellowship gathering Principal Food

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