Lesson 2 Adding Decimals

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Add it up: Addition of Decimals

Fifth Grade

ISTE Standard: Global Collaborator

Help students show their understanding as they learn how to add decimals using visual aids and
group work.

Introduction (5 minutes)

• Display an addition problem on the board and ask students if they have ever added decimals
• Ask students to refer to the decimal place chart from Lesson 1 and explain that they will discuss
and learn how to add decimals.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (12 minutes)

• Show a YouTube video explaining the process

o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwKLA-6S-e0
• Provide an example of a scenario. For example:
o I went to the mall and saw two items that I wanted to purchase. A pair of sneakers that
are $140.99 and a T-shirt that was $18.67. How much in total would I be spending?
• Show the chart on how to add decimals.
• Now bring up the previous examples and ask the class to work through it together with you.
o Write the two amuonts on the board.
o Circle the decimal point. Ask the class where it should go when lining up equations to
o Explain that the decimal point needs to be in the same spot and the place values must
match up to properly add the equation.
▪ Example: 140.99

+ 18.67

Guided Practice (6 minutes)

• Ask a student to restate how they can add decimals. Make sure they state the importance of
place values. As they speak, write the key points on the board or learning board using transition
o First, I or You …..
o Next, ……
o After that, …..
o And finally,……..
• Ask the class if they agree with the explanation. If the explainer is having problems, ask the
class to refer back to the decimal place value chart, the addition of decimal chart, and guide
them into finding the correct answer.

Group work (10 minutes)

• Have students work in groups of 3 or 4 depending on the class size and give them each a
number of 1-3 (or 4 if there are 4 people in a group). Write two decimal addition equations on
the board. Have the students solve them in groups.
• Tell the students that you will choose a number between 1-3 (or 4) and the student that has that
number will come up and explain their process to the class. If someone presents frequently, tell
them that you will choose another student from the group. Encourage them to take time to
make sure that they can explain their process fully.
• Choose your number and let your presenters present.
• Encourage constructive assistance from the presenter’s group if the presenter is incorrectly
relaying the information.

ELL Adaptions

• Provide bilingual reference materials

• Provide bilingual instructional videos on YouTube
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opTabhfu9Fs
• Encourage them to create and use vocabulary and index cards to keep as a reference

Assessment/Assignment (10 minutes)

• Direct the class to go to the Quizly website and complete the following lesson using the Match
o https://quizlet.com/_c3jpoj?x=1jqt&i=4p9wlo
• Remind students to refer to the decimal place value chart, decimal addition chart, and their
notes from class.

Review (5 minutes)

• Ask for a few students to review their assessments with the class.
• Ask for feedback on the assessment. Correct misconceptions as necessary.
• Give students some extra credit work and ask them to think about situations where they had to
add decimals and write a brief story about it and make sure to include the equation total. They
can be uploaded to Padlet here: https://padlet.com/jennifertennet/x9shbvqovq0p8843

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