Multiplication of Fractions 4
Multiplication of Fractions 4
Multiplication of Fractions 4
For each of these statements, indicate whether you think it is true or false. Do not worry about
answers that you do not know--give it your best guess!
1. You must multiply the numbers in the order that they are listed. _____________
2. The commutative and associative properties can be used to change the order of the
5. To multiply fractions we multiply across the numerators and across the denominators.
8. The numerators and denominators of fractions can be treated as separate whole numbers.
10. The units are NOT important when we write our answers. _____________
Myths About Multiplication- SOLUTIONS
For each of these statements, indicate whether you think it is true or false. Do not worry about
answers that you do not know--give it your best guess!
11. You must multiply the numbers in the order that they are listed. __true___________
12. The commutative and associative properties can be used to change the order of the
15. To multiply fractions we multiply across the numerators and across the denominators.
18. The numerators and denominators of fractions can be treated as separate whole numbers.
20. The units are NOT important when we write our answers. __false___________
Area Models for Multiplication of Fractions- STUDENT COPY
Solve the following problems about multiplying fractions. Pay very close attention to the
directions and make sure that your answers are complete.
1. FRACTION FLASHBACK: Shade in ¾ of this bar.
1. Answer the following questions about the problem: a rectangle is 1 in by ⅖ in.
a. What equation would you use to model the area of this problem?
b. How would you model this equation using the square below? Make sure to label
your model!
a. What equation would you use to model the area of this problem?
b. How would you model this equation using the square below? Make sure to label
your model!
c. What are the units of the answer to this problem?
a. What equation would you use to model the area of this problem?
b. How would you model this equation using the square below? Make sure to label
your model!
Do NOT stress about this problem! We are going to work with mixed numbers tomorrow!
a. What equation would you use to model the area of this problem?
b. How would you model this equation using the square below?
c. What are the units of the answer to this problem?
Multiplying fractions requires a lot of previous knowledge and skill building in order to
properly understand both the concept and execute the procedure. In order to know how to
multiply a fraction, students must first know how to multiply whole numbers, as well as what a
fraction is. We are assuming that students know the definitions of each of these, as well as how
to use them. Branching off of fractions, we assume that students also know how to make
equivalent fractions, how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions, and how to find
common denominators and decide when to use them (or when not to). These various skills are all
necessary to work with fractions in the context of multiplication. Additionally, for the purposes
of our activity, we are assuming that students are familiar with the concept area and how to
The two activities that we have chosen to use in our lesson about the multiplication of
fractions are a pre teaching thought exercise and a worksheet about using fraction multiplication
in the context of area. The pre teaching activity is a brief questionnaire in which students are
asked to answer true or false to a list of questions about fractions and multiplication. This
activity comes first in our order because it is a warm up for students to think about what they
already know about fractions and multiplication. It also helps students to begin thinking about
some common misconceptions that they may come across when working with fraction
multiplication. This activity will help students begin to understand the conceptual ideas of
fraction multiplication. They were reminded of ideas about various functions of multiplication
and asked to think about them in a new, more challenging concept. It does not ask the students to
be procedural, but rather entirely conceptual. Students will also be given this worksheet back at
the end of the lesson and they may make revisions if they have changed their opinions at all
The area activity comes second because this is a worksheet that would be handed out and
completed after a lesson on fraction multiplication. This follows logically from the questionnaire
being first, because students warm up by refreshing on what they already know and then get a
chance to apply that knowledge on this worksheet and confront the misconceptions from the
questionnaire as they do the worksheet. This worksheet is the more procedural part of the lesson.
However, students will be asked to use the conceptual thinking that they began with the
questionnaire on this worksheet. Conceptual ideas come in a little bit when the students are asked
to reason about what the units of the problem are. Students will focus primarily on practicing the
procedural act of multiplying fractions. They must build on the procedural knowledge that they
already possess. The goal of the worksheet is to try every problem and practice thinking about
multiplication. The focus of this lesson would be on area models for fraction multiplication. The
teacher would start by introducing the idea of fraction multiplication, as well as providing the
definitions of fractions and multiplication as a reminder. Then, the teacher would move into
class. This would allow the students who are beginning to grasp the concept a chance to try it
and the students who are still struggling to watch one more example before trying it on their
own. After this small lesson and scaffolding, students would try the worksheet independently,
activities. Students must draw from each of them to fully understand the problem procedurally
and conceptually. There are, however, some common core standards that apply more directly to
our activities. Using appropriate tools strategically, constructing viable arguments/critiquing the
reasoning of others, and attending to precision are the more applicable common core standards
Using appropriate tools strategically can be seen within the area problems. The students
must use the provided resources, in this case the provided 1 in x1 in square, to further illustrate
the equation they came up with. This allows students to visualize the problem, so it becomes
more than just an equation, but a pictorial representation as well. It is important that students can
see the problem for more than just the equation, because conceptually understanding how an area
is represented can help with the solving of future problems. It may be easy for some students to
derive an equation from the already given information, but getting them to see that there is a
deeper understanding of the problem can help them in the long run.
Constructing viable arguments and critiquing others' reasoning is modeled throughout our
activities. In the first part, students must identify whether scenarios are true or false when it
comes to fraction multiplication. This means that they must reason and argue with the suggested
true or false questions to determine their answers. These questions enable students to think
conceptually about multiplying fractions. Also, when asked in the second part of our activity to
come up with an equation, students are constructing an argument based off of the given
information. Then, they must strengthen this with a visual aid, in this case an area model.
Constructing equations is like constructing arguments in the sense that students must be willing
to prove and show how they came to their conclusion. This, again, is illustrated in the area
models that students must fill out after coming up with their equations. It is important that
students critique and receive criticism because it helps them problem solve and think more
Attending to precision can also be seen in our activities. Students are asked to fill out a
true or false questionnaire on the myths about multiplication. This provides them with the proper
tools they need to help solve the problem in the second part of the activity with multiplication of
fractions. If students understand these myths and misconceptions, then they can look out for
them when multiplying. This will help the students' answers become more precise as they can
eliminate potential mistakes because of misconceptions they were able to identify. Understanding
more about multiplication itself can help students, in the future, attend to better precision.
Moreover, students are asked frequently about the units when solving their problems. This will
help them double check their work, and also what they are solving for as units can play a key
role in helping solve the problem. This also prevents them from forgetting their units in the
The common core standards aim to help students better understand mathematics
conceptually and procedurally. These three common core standards are just a few examples of
the ways that students can use them in their daily problem solving. Each standard helps students
in a variety of ways, but also helps teachers as they are constructing lessons and activities to