ES Silent Operator Manual-2

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Operator Manual

Air-cooled Diesel Generator

IMPORTANT – Please make certain that persons who are to use this
equipment thoroughly read and understand these instructions and any
additional instructions provided prior to operation.

Record the model and serial numbers of your Generator below:

Model No._____________________ Serial No._______________________


Thank you for purchasing our product. This operator manual is for proper
handling, minor checking and maintenance of the generator. Before using
your generator: Please read these instructions completely and carefully in
order to make the best use of it as well as operate it safely. Due to constant
efforts to improve our products, certain procedures and specifications are
subject to change without notice, if you have any questions, please contact
Promate Service.


1 Safety Precautions 3
2 Name of Parts 4
3 Before Starting 4
3-1 Checking and Selecting Engine Oil 4
3-2 Selection and Handling of Fuel 5
3-3 Connecting the Battery 5
4 Starting 6
4-1 Electric Starting 6
4-2 Electric Starting Using Decompression 6
5 Operating Your Generator Set 7
5-1 Operating Your Generator 7
5-2 Checks During Operation 7
5-3 Load 7
6 Stopping Your Generator Set 7
7 Periodic Checks and Maintenance 8
7-1 Periodic Checks and Maintenance 9
Maintenance Schedule Chart 9
7-2 Long Term Storage 9
8 Service Information 10
Generator Exploded View 11
Diesel Generator Spare Parts List 12
1. Safety Precautions

The electric power generated by the diesel engine of the generator can be used for many
kinds of electric appliances. When handling it, please keep to the following matters. Please
make sure you review each precaution carefully.


• Never inhale exhaust gasses. They contain • Be careful of hot parts.
carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless and The muffler and other engine parts
extremely dangerous gas which can cause become very hot while the engine is
unconsciousness or death.
• Never operate the generator indoor or in a
running or just after it has stopped.
poorly ventilated area, such as tunnel, cave, Operate the engine in a safe area and
etc. Exercise extreme care when operating keep children away from the running
the generator near people or animals. Keep engine.
the exhaust pipe free of foreign objects. • Where to use the generator
Do not use it near flammables. Use it
more than 1 meter away from buildings
REFUELING PRECAUTIONS or any other facilities.
• Do not refuel indoors or in a poorly • When using the generator
ventilated area. Be sure to stop the Do not tip or move.
generator prior to refueling. Do not overfill Do not cover it with a box or fence it
the tank. If fuel is spilt, wipe it away carefully around.
before starting the engine. Never unscrew the dipstick when using
the generator set, or else scald will be
caused by ejective oil. Do not touch
WHEN CHARGING THE BATTERY the generator in the rain. And, do not
• Battery electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Be splash or touch with wet hand.
careful of your eyes, skin and clothing. Flush • To avoid an electric s h o c k , g r o u n d
thoroughly with water and get prompt
the generator from the ground terminal.
medical attention in case of contacts,
especially if your eyes are affected. • Avoid using generator at the place
• Charge the battery in a fully ventilated place. where the ground is not firm.
• Be sure to confirm battery polarity. • Never connect generator to the wiring
of a power company.

2. Name of Parts

3. Before Starting
Before starting the engine. check the generator set on the place where it is flat by placing it horizontally.

3-1 Checking and selecting engine oil

Oil filter cap /

• The engine may be damaged if operated with Dipstick
insufficient lube oil. It is also dangerous to
supply too much lube oil to the engine because
a sudden increase in engine rpm could be
caused by its combustion. Always check the
lube oil level before starting the engine and
refill if necessary.
• Make sure to check oil level and to refill with Upper Level (H)
oil to the specified level before starting the
generator even though it is equipped with a
low oil pressure warning system.
Lower Level (H)
Use proper lube oil to preserve your engine

We recommend A.P.I engine service classification
of CC or CD. Always use the oil with the right
viscosity for the ambient temperature in which your
engine is being operated. Use the chart right side
for choosing your engine oil.

Lube oil capacity (L) 1.7

• When checking the oil level, make sure • Refuel in a well-ventilated area with the
your engine is sitting level. If it is tilted, engine stopped.
you may add either too much or too • Do not smoke or allow flames or sparks
little oil. If you overfill, your engine will in the area where the engine is refueled
consume too much oil and the oil or where gasoline is stored.
temperature will become dangerously • Do not overfill the tank and make sure
high if you do not add enough oil, the filter cap is securely closed after 4
your engine could seize up. refueling.
• When checking the oil, simply dip the • Be careful not to spill fuel when
dipstick into the oil pan. Do not screw refueling if any fuel is spilled, make
in the dipstick. sure the area is dry before starting the
• Be sure to check the engine on a level engine.
surface with the engine stopped.
• Keep the oil screw plug in the bonnet
except adding oil. If the plug is not in
place, rain, dirt, and other
contaminants may enter the engine
and cause accelerated wear out
(abrasion) of internal parts. This can
cause serious problems.

3-2 Selection and handling of fuel oil

Only use diesel light oil.
Overfill is dangerous. Do not fill the tank
When filling the fuel tank from drums, make beyond the top of the red plug inside the fuel
sure that no dust or water are mixed in the fuel. tank filter.
This may lead to serious fuel-injection pump
and nozzle problems.

• Only use the recommended diesel fuel Fuel Tank Capacity (L) 15
oil. Use of non-recommended fuel may
cause the engine damage.
• Fuel should have a cetane value of
more than 45 in order to prevent 3-3 Connecting the battery
(1) Unscrew / Remove the battery bracket
difficult starting, misfiring, and white
exhaust smoke.
• Diesel fuel oil substitutes are not
recommended; they may be harmful to
the fuel system components.
• Fuel should be free of water or dust
because these cause trouble in the fuel
injection pump and nozzle.
After purchasing fuel: Allow drum to
stand 3-4 days.
After 3-4 days: Put a suction pipe
(2) Remove the battery terminal cover
halfway into the drum. (Water and dust
accumulate in the lower position of the

(3) Connect the wires to the battery terminals. e. If the engine does not start after 10
seconds, wait a while (for about 15
b. Then, a. First, seconds) before attempting to start
connect connect
the RED the
wire to BLACK
the “+” wire to
Battery the “-”
terminal Battery • If the starting motor is working for too
long, the battery will go flat and motor
seize up will occur. Always leave the
starting key turned on, at the "ON"
position, while the engine is running.
Respect the connection order (BLACK first, then
RED second) (2) Battery
Check the level of the fluid in the battery every
(4) Secure the battery bracket month. When the level has dropped to the
lower mark replenish with distilled water up to
the upper mark.
• If the battery fluid is short, the engine may
not start because too little electricity is
reaching the starter motor. Always keep
the fluid level between the upper and
lower limits.
• If too much battery fluid is supplied, the
fluid may spill and corrode the
surrounding parts.

4. Starting
4-1 Electric starting

(1) Starting Battery

a. Set the fuel cock (A) at the "O" (Open)


4-2 Electric starting using

decompression (weak battery)
If the battery is weak, discharged, or old, it may
not be able to generate enough power to start
the engine (Replace the battery and repeat
A. Open the fuel cock
4-1 Electric starting)
b. Set the engine speed lever (B)
It is also possible to decompress the engine
to "RUN" position.
before starting, which would require less power
to start the engine and could enable an electric
start of the unit with a weak battery.

Decompression process as follows:

(1) Unscrew and remove the top cover
(See below pic)

c. Turn the starting key clockwise to

"START" position.
d. Remove your hand from the key as
soon as the engine starts.

(2) Push down the decompression lever 5-3 Load
(C) (It will return automatically after To add load according to specified parameter.
the engine starts) A.C application
(1) Set AC breaker to "ON". Pilot lamp will
(C) illuminate, the speed of generator must
reach rated speed [lever at top).
(2) Insert the receptacle with the plugs of
electric instruments to be connected, keep
the switches of the connected electric
instruments to "OFF'.
(3) Install and secure the top cover

• The instruments which require much

starting current and some kinds of motors
may be unable to be use even if they are
within the applicable scope.
• The circuit breaker turns "OFF' when the
current exceeding the applicable scope is
used or when the applied instrument is
(4) Start the generator as per 4-1 • The current of the instruments which
Electric starting should not exceed the rated current
showed on the socket, or else it may
damage the machine.
• Never use any volatile liquid or gas such as
DC application
gasoline to cold starting the machine, or (1) When the instruments connect with the DC
else, severe damage will occur. terminal, please make sure to the positive
(2) DC output 12V 8.3A - 100W. 10
5. Operating Your
Generator Set 6. Stopping Your
5-1 Operating your generator
(1) Warm up the engine without load for 3
Generator Set
minutes. (1) Pull out the plug of an electric appliance
(2) This generator is equipped with low from the receptacle
oil warning system. The engine will stop (2) Set the AC breaker to "OFF'
automatically in case of low oil pressure or (3) From lowest to highest load, run the engine
a lubrication oil shortage. The engine will for about 3 minutes with no load.
stop immediately without a lubrication oil (4) Return the engine speed lever to the
refill. Check the oil level and refill. "STOP" position
(3) Do not loosen or readjust either the engine (5) In electric-start models, return the starter
speed limiting bolt or fuel injection limiting key to the "OFF" position
bolt [They had been already well adjusted (6) Set the fuel chock lever to "S" (closed)
before leaving factory), otherwise position.
performance may be affected.
Slowly pull out the recoil handle until pressure
5-2 Checks during operation
6 is felt (that is, to the point in the compression
stroke where the intake and exhaust valves are
(1) Any abnormal sound or vibration?
closed), and leave the handle in this position
(2) The engine misfiring or running rough?
this prevents rust from forming while the
(3) What about the color of the exhaust gas?
engine is not in use.
(Is it black or too white?). If you notice any
situation mentioned above, please contact
your dealer.
When stopping the engine, reduce the load slowly.
Do not stop the engine suddenly since it may cause
the temperature to rise abnormally.

7.1 Periodic Checks and Maintenance
Periodic checks and maintenance are very Shut off the engine before performing any
important for keeping the engine in good maintenance. If the engine must run, make
condition and durable. The mark (•) indicates sure the area is well ventilated. The exhaust
that special tools and skills are required, you contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas.
must contact your dealer.

Maintenance Schedule
Operation Hours
Item First month Every 3 months Every 6 months Every year or
or 20 Hrs. or 100 Hrs. or 300 Hrs. Every 1000 Hrs.

Check and tighten bolts and

○ 7

Check and resupply engine oil ○

Replace engine oil ○ 1st time ○thereafter
2nd time &

Clean and replace oil filter ○ ● Replace
if necessary
Check oil leakage ○
Service more frequently when
Replace air cleaner element
used in dusty areas ○
Drain the fuel tank Monthly

Clean and replace fuel filter ○ Clean ○ Replace

Check fuel injection nozzle ●
Check fuel injection pump ●
Check fuel piping ○ Replace if
Adjust intake/exhaust valves
head clearance ○ 1st time ○
Check and lap intake/ exhaust
valve seat ●
Replace piston rings ●
Check battery liquid Monthly

7-1.1 Changing engine oil
Remove the oil filler cap, remove the drain
plug and drain the used oil while the engine Never run the engine without the
is still warm. The plug is located on the element or with a defective element.
bottom of the cylinder block. Tighten the
drain plug and refill with the recommended 8

Oil filter cap

Drain plug
7-1.4 Cleaning and replacing the
fuel filter
The fuel filter also must be cleaned
regularly to insure maximum engine
Place a collection tray below the oil drip nozzle
Clean Every 3 months or 100 hours
7-1.2 Cleaning the oil filter Replace Every 6 months or 300 hours
Loosen the fixing bolt and then pull out the
oil filter
7-1.5 Checking the injection
nozzle injection pump etc.
Change This requires special tools and skills, so
contact your dealer.

7-1.6 Replacing piston ring

This requires special tools and skills, so
contact your dealer.

7-2 Long term storage

Oil filter If your generator set should be stored
for a long time, the following
preparation should be made:

(1) Operate the diesel engine about 3

minutes, and stop it
7-1.3 Changing the air cleaner
element (2) Stop the engine. Drain the engine
Do not wash the air cleaner element with lube oil while the engine is still
detergent because this is a wet type warm and fill with new oil
(3) Clean and store it in a dry place.


Even quality-built equipment such as the

generator you have purchased will need • Warranty is void if the customer fails to
occasional replacement parts to maintain its install, maintain and operate the product
good condition over the years. in accordance with the instructions and
recommendations of the Company set
To order replacement parts and consumable
forth in the owner's manual, or if the
parts, please contact Promate Service (details
product is used as rental equipment.
below) and be ready with the following
• The Company will not pay for repairs or
adjustments to the product, or for any
1. Model No., Serial No. and all costs of labor performed without the
specifications that are shown on Company's prior authorization.
the Model No./Serial No. plate.
2. Part number or numbers as shown • Consumable parts such as battery, spark
in the Parts List section. plugs, and air cleaner.
3. A brief description of the trouble
with the generator. Warranty Period: One (1) year from the date
of purchase on products used solely for
LIMITED WARRANTY consumer applications; if a product is used for
Warranty Coverage: Powertech Asia Pacific business or commercial applications,
Inc., (the Company) warrants to the original the warranty period will be limited to ninety
retail customer that it will repair or replace, (90) days from the date of purchase.
free of charge, any parts found by the For warranty service, the customer must
Company or its authorized service provide dated proof of purchase and must
representative to be defective in material or notify the Company within the warranty
workmanship. This warranty covers the cost period.
of replacement parts and labor for defects in
material or workmanship. EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: THE
• Shipping/Handling charges for sending MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A
the product to the Company or its PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY
authorized service representative for DISCLAIMED. THE WARRANTY SERVICE
warranty service. Shipping/Handling DESCRIBED ABOVE IS THE EXCLUSIVE
repaired or replaced products back to the REMEDY UNDER THIS WARRANTY;
customer; these charges must be borne LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL AND
• If a separate operator's manual and PERMITTED BY LAW.
engine warranty from the engine
manufacturer is included with this This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
product, only that warranty will apply to and you may also have other rights which
the engine. vary from state to state. Some states do not
allow a disclaimer of implied warranties or the
• Damage caused by abuse, accident, the exclusion or limitation of incidental and
effects of corrosion, erosion and normal consequential damages, so the above
wear and tear. disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to


PRODUCT SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT (02) 8 984 2620 | (+63) 9228741679
[email protected]

Model: Promate 7000D ES Silent

Generator Exploded View

NOTE: The structure presented in this parts catalog may be different somewhat from that of our updated products in future.

No. Description No. Description

1 Diesel Engine Assembly 6 Right Side Plate
2 Electric Alternator Assembly 7 Fuel System
3 Chassis 8 Muffler Assembly
4 Left Side Plate 9 Control Panel
5 Housing Unit 10 Battery

Model: Promate 7000D ES Silent

Diesel Generator Spare Parts List

(2) Electric Alternator Assembly

No. Part No. Description Qty. No. Part No. Description Qty.

1 5500T-02200 Electric Motor 1 11 CB/810-1988 Round Nut M5 2

2 8KM.0341.01 Front Cover of Electric Motor 1 12 8KM.203.009 Bolt M5 (Locking Stator) 2
3 GB/T5783-2000 Hexagonal Bolt M8x30 4 13 GB/T5783-2000 Bolt M5 (Locking Front Cover 4
4 GB/5786-1986 Screw M5x12 7 14 8KM.0342.01 Rear Cover of Electric Motor 1
5 8KM.4351.01 Fan 1 15 D104 Carbon Brush 1
6 5KM.6741.01 Rotor 1 16 GB/5786-1986 Screw M5x14 2
7 6204DU Clip 1 17 AVR Excitation AVR 1
8 8KM.214.009 Gasket 1 18 GB/5786-1986 Screw M5x16 3
9 8KM.202.009 Bolt (Locking Rotor) 1 19 3510 Rectifier 1
10 5KM.6801.01 Stator 1 20 5500T-02100 Air Cover of Electric Motor Weldment 1

(7) Fuel System

No. Part No. Description Qty. No. Part No. Description Qty.

1 5500T-07500 Fuel Tank 1 15 5500T-07009 Clip II 2

2 5500T-07200 Fuel Tank Cover Assy 1 16 5500T-07007 Oil Return Pipe 1
3 5500T-07001 Filler Filter 1 17 186FA-13000 Nozzle 1
4 5500T-07100 Fuel Tank Weldment 1 18 186FA-10501 High Pressure Fuel Pipe 1
5 5500T-07400 Oil Indicator Assy 1 19 186F-12000 Oil Pump Unit 1
6 GB/T818-1985 Screw M5x12 2 20 178FAGI-11200 Fuel Control Valve 1
7 GB/T93-1987 Elastic Gasket 5 2 21 5500T-07005 Fuel Pipe II 1
8 GB/T97.1-1985 Gasket 5 2 22 GB/T6170-2000 Nut M8 1
9 5500T-07002 Sheath 4 23 180N-10300 Diesel Air Cleaner Unit 1
10 5500T-07003 Cushion 4 24 180N-10301 Diesel Air Cleaner Seat 1
11 GB/T5783-2000 Bolt M6x16 4 25 180N-10310 Filter Core 1
12 GB/T97.1-1985 Gasket 6 4 26 180N-10304 Seal Sheath 1
13 5500T-07004 Clip I 4 27 180N-10308 Filter Cup 1
14 5500T-07005 Fuel Pipe I 1 28 180N-10307 Fasten Cap 1

(9) Control Panel

No. Part No. Description Qty.
1 GB/T818-1985 Screw M6x12 8
2 JK425 Electric Lock 1
3 GB/T818-1985 Screw M3x30 4 (10) Battery
4 Φ 5 Light Oil Pressure Indicator Light 1 No. Part No. Description Qty.
5 MU45 0~300V AC Voltmeter 1
6 BLX Fuse 1 1 5500T-09303 Battery Positive Wiring 1
7 250V 26A Receptacle 2 2 GB/62-1988 Butterfly Nut M6 2
8 5500T-09102 Air Switch Mount 1 3 GB/T5783-2000 Bolt M6x25 2
9 GB10963/B20/1P Air Switch 1 4 5500T-09502 Battery Positive Wiring Clip 1
10 5500T-09101 Control Panel 1 5 5500T-09501 Battery Cathode Wiring Clip 1
11 910A Black 12V Cathode Wiring Terminal 1 6 5500T-09302 Battery Wiring Terminal 1
12 910A Red 12V Positive Wiring Terminal 1 7 5500T-09301 Generator Wiring Earth Terminal 1
13 GB806-1988 M6 Control Panel Earth Terminal 1 8 12V 36Ah Battery 1
14 250V 26A Plug 1


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