MIL Lesson 1-3
MIL Lesson 1-3
MIL Lesson 1-3
Important details:
With the advent of the information age, INFORMATION LITERACY Its is a set of individual
media become more influential in different aspects of competencies needed to identify, evaluate and use
people’s lives. Media provide access to ideas that are information in the most ethical, efficient and effective
restricted in the past. Due to people’s capability to way across all domains, occupations and professions. It
relate, deliberate, and communicate freely online, the refers to the ability to recognize when information is
conventional ideas are challenged. For example, there needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and
are different women's rights organizations that share communicate information in its various formats.
worldwide awareness of woman equality in our society
through online platforms. Similarly, the LGBTQ plus -Information Literacy means to empower people in all
movement advocates gender equality and acceptance walks of life to seek, evaluate, use and create information
in society. This results in the development of new social effectively to achieve their personal, social,
norms to conform to in search for equal opportunity occupational/professional, and educational goals.”
and tolerance.
Other Characteristics:
5. CHANNEL FOR ADVOCACY FOR POLITICAL Information Today Inc. defines information need as the
VIEWPOINTS motivation people think and feel to seek information. It
is the reason why people go out of their way to find
answers to their question, or solutions to their problems.
Demands Ethical Use of Information: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and
-Information Demands refer to the requirement of Citing Why cite?
1. To give credit to those whose work you have used
Wants (whether by direct quote or by paraphrasing).
-Information Wants deal with the desire to have 2. To provide evidence to support what you are saying.
information. 3. To allow your readers to find and read your sources.