Photography Lesson Plan
Photography Lesson Plan
Photography Lesson Plan
Age group
12- adult
B1/ B2
60 – 90 minutes
This lesson is about photography. As an introduction, students brainstorm vocabulary and Task 1 is a ‘find
somebody who..’ task for students to talk to one another about photos and taking photos. Task 2 involves
setting up the class as a photography exhibition and inviting students to discuss the pictures. Task 3 asks
students to guess information about people in photographs and Task 4 is a role play based on a paparazzi
photographer and a celebrity. Task 5 offers some discussion statements based on the topic.
1. Introduce the This is a simple task to introduce camera and photo vocabulary. Draw the simple line
topic – Say drawing of a camera and ask students to think of any words connected with cameras and
cheese! photography. Add in words that you think are useful for the level you’re teaching. For
example, take a photo, have your photo taken, zoom, digital, flash, photographer,
paparazzi etc. At this early stage in the lesson it may be a good idea to focus on the
pronunciation of these words as students often put the word stress in the wrong place.
Photo / photograph / photographer / photographic / photogenic.
2. Task 1- Find a This is a group speaking task to find people in the class who are keen photographers. It
photographer is a Find somebody who.. mingle. Check any difficult vocabulayr (‘selfie’ / ‘keen’/
‘upload’). Practise the first couple of questions as a group first to support weaker
students and write on the board if necessary. For example,
Then demonstrate asking a follow up question : ‘’What kind of photos do you like
Students should have different people for each question and they should ask an
additional question to get some extra information for the third column.
3. Task 2 – Let’s For this task you need a selection of photographs. The easiest way to get them is to use
go to a photos from newspapers and magazines. Cut out about twenty or thirty of the most
photography striking photos and stick them up around the walls of the classroom. If this is not practical
exhibition. for your classroom set up you can rotate the photos amongst groups of students.
Encourage students to react to the photos and to try to explain why they like/don’t like
certain pictures. They can use the table to make a note of their thoughts after they have
looked at all the pictures. Complete the final space in the table yourself depending on the
type of photos you have selected for your exhibition.
(If you have a computer and data projector in your class, you could use photos from the
internet and take your students to a slide show instead. See the Internet Links section
for web addresses.)
4. Task 3 – Who For this task you need some photos of people. If you have photos of your friends and
is it? family, you could use them, if not cut some out of the newspaper. Put students into pairs
and give each pair a photo of somebody. They are going to invent the person behind the
photo. They have to decide on a name, age, job, hobbies etc. and fill in the personal
information. Then put two groups together and they have to introduce their characters to
Lesson plan
the other group. You could extend this task by getting the two pairs of students to
imagine that these people meet each other and they can write a dialogue of their first
5. Task 5 – Set the scene by showing some photos of famous people that were taken when they
Paparazzi role were going about their daily business. Ask your students how you think the celebrities
play feel to be constantly followed by photographers.
Put students in pairs (As together and Bs together) first to give them time to prepare
what they are going to say with other members of the same group.
6. Task 6 – Copy and cut up a set of discussion statements. Put students in groups and rotate the
Discussion statements around the groups for students to discuss. Encourage students to give
statements reasons for their opinions. Feedback as a class at the end.
Contributed by
Jo Budden