Snow White Story Mini Book

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sleep at once  
seven tiny beds. She lies down and goes to
looks around the cottage and notices
to go inside and rest there a little. She
cottage not far away. Snow White decides
She looks around and sees a nice little
but soon she gets very tired and stops.
White and lets her go. Snow White runs
But the huntsman takes pity on Snow
Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The step-mother asks a huntsman to take
real beauty. The stepmother became
realized that Snow White grew up to be a
her: "You are". One day the step-mother
world?" The looking-glass always answers
is the most beautiful woman in the
often asks her magic looking-glass: "Who
woman, but she is also very mean. She
The step-mother is a beautiful and proud
Snow White lives with her step-mother.


The Snow White was asleep when the The dwarfs cannot
seven dwarfs returned home. Snow believe that Snow
White woke up, and the dwarfs asked White is dead. They
who she was. She told them her story put her into a crystal
and they let her stay with them. Every coffin.
morning dwarfs go to the forest to look
for precious stones. They ask Snow One day a young
White not to walk far away from the prince comes to the
cottage. They are afraid that her step- forest. He falls in
mother wants to kill her. love with Snow

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White. He kisses her
One day step-mother learnt that Snow and she opens her
White was alive. She decided to poison eyes. The dwarfs and
her. The step-mother dresses as an old the prince are very
woman and goes to the forest. The Snow happy — Snow White
White does not recognize her. The is alive again!
step-mother gives her an apple. Snow The prince took
White eats it and dies. The step-mother Snow White to his
hurries away from the cottage. On her palace. Soon they got

Text adapted from: Белоснежка / Snow White. Английский язык в сказках; Drawings from:;
way home she falls into a mountain river married and lived
and drowns. happily ever after.

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