Latihan Structure 1

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1. __ lived on Earth for nearly ISO million 6. The ear is a flexible organ.

__ simpl,
years. was not designed to withstand the noise of
modern living.
(A) Dinosaurs
(B) Dinosaurs who (A) but it
(C) If dinosaurs (B) it
(D) Since dinosaurs (C) but
(D) its
2. Early printers arranged type into __ a
small. flat composing stick. 7. In 1934, chemist Wallace Carothers
produced a plastic which __ nylon.
(A) words
(B) are words on (A) his call
(C) words on (B) he called
(D) the words are on (C) to call him
(D) calling
3. __ along most of its length into an
upper chamber and a lower chamber. 8. As __ grows, the shell in which it lives
(A) The divided cochlea
(B) Dividing the cochlea (A) a mollusk
(C) The cochlea is divided (B) a mollusk it
(D) With a divided cochlea (C) has a mollusk
(D) it has a mollusk
4. Yeast is an organic catalyst __ known
to prehistoric humanity. 9. The first __ the Civil War was fired
from Fort Johnson upon Fort Sumter on
(A) was April 12, 1861.
(B) which was
(C) which it (A) shot
(D) which (B) shot in
(C) shot was in
5. Many communities __ a complex (D) it was shot
system of linguistic levels in order to show
respect. 10. Stalactit"s are formed in caves by
groundwater __ dissolved lime.
(A) useful
(B) use already made " (A) it contains
(C) making it useful (B) containing
(D) make use of (C) contains
(D) containment

POST. TEST (Paper) 221

11. By studying the movements of the Sun and 14. A group of winged reptiles __
Moon. even early astronomers could __ pterosaurs is believed to have been the first
eclipses would take place. vertebrates with the power of flight.
(A) predicting when (A) call
(B) when it predicts (B) calls
(C) the prediction when (C) called
(D) predict when (D) is called

12. Coffee probably originally grew wild in 15. On November 23. 1863. Grant stunned the
Ethiopia in the province of Kaffe. and from Confederates on Missionary Ridge with
there __ to southern Arabia. what __ to be a full-dress military
parade of troops who unexpectedly opened
(A) bringing it
(B) it was brought
(C) brought it (A) appeared
(D) brought with it (B) appearing
(C) appearance
13. Alabama was occupied by the French and (D) apparent
Spanish before __ to England in 1763.
(A) was ceded
(B) ceded to it
(C) it was ceded
(D) ceded it

Written Expression

Directions: In questions 16-40, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four
underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A). (B). (C), and (0). Identify the one underlined word
or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then. on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the leller of the answer you
have chosen.
Look at the following examples.

Example I Sample Answer

The four string on a violin are tuned
A -B- (;-0-
in fifths. @

The sentence should read. "The four strings on a violin are tuned in fifths: Therefore, you should
choose (B).

Example II Sample Answer


The research for the book Roots taking
--A--B- -C- CID
Alex Haley twelve years. @
The sentence should read, "The research for the book Roots took Alex Haley twelve years: Therefore,
you should choose (C).
Now, begin work on the questions.

POST-TEST(Paper) 223
16. Vast fJows of information is camed on hair-thin fiber optic cables.
7\ B C -D-

17. The crafting of fine violins has been proceeding for several century as a secret art.
T B -C-I)
18. Linguistic conflicts due to divided ethnic and national loyalties they can be bitter and violent.
-A- -B- --C -D-

19. In 1851, with the publication of her antislavery novel, Hamet Beecher Stowe rocketed to
A Ir --C-

20. The smallest and simple living organisms on Earth are bacteria.
-A--B- C 0

21. The effort to determine the exact numerical value of pi has now reach 2.16 billion decimal
-A- B -C-


22. The hammerhead shark is usual found in warm, temperate waters.

-A- --B- C D

23. Princeton University, was founded in ) 746, is one of the oldest universities in the United States.
T If" -C- D

24. According to a World Resources Institute report, a significant part of forest acreage disappear
each year.
25. The Earth's crust is composed of fifteen plates which float on the partially molten layer below
-A- """"B --C-


26. As one climbs high up a mountain, the air becomes both colder or thinner.
-A- --B- C-D-

27. When a bone is broke into several pieces, doctors may pin the pieces together for proper
-A- --B- C

28. The long necks of much plant-eating dinosaurs were useful for reaching up to the treetops to
-A- ~ -C- --0-


29. Hippocrates believed that health depended on the balanced of the four fluids of the body:
--A- If --C- 0

blood. phlegm. bile. and black bile.

30. Ajet stream is a flat and narrow tube of air that moves more rapid than the surrounding air.
A If -C- 0

31. Because mistletoe berries are poisonous. everyone with Christmas decorations containing
mistletoe need to be aware of the potential danger.
c; -0-

32. When Pierre L'Enfant designed the national capital in 1791. her envisioned a broad boulevard
--A- -B- C-
linking the White House and the Capitol.

33. In a copperhead snake. the venom flows from a single venom glands to a pair of hollow teeth.
-A- --B- C I)

34. A hawk swallows its food in large pieces. digests ""me of it. and regurgitating the rest.
A -B- ----c- 0

35. Oefects occur when liquid helium undergoing a phase transition from its normal to its
-A- B -C- D
superfluid phase.

36. The earliest known artworks were done by cavemen which used a mixture of clay. chalk. and
A ~ _c- ----0-
burned wood and bones.

37. Variations in melody. rhythm. and tone of voice becomes a major feature of child speech
-A- --B- -C-

toward the end of the first year.


POST.TEST(Paper) 225
38. As a protective protein molecule, an antibody can combines with a foreign virus protein.

39. The water moccasin is a high venomous and extremely dangerous pit viper.
---;r:- BCD

40. Though aluminum is more common than iron, it is extremely difficult to break their hold on
--A- If" c;
other atoms.

This is the end of Section 2.

If you finish before 25 minutes has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.


Circle the number of each of the questions on the test that you answered incorrectly or were
unsure of This will indicate to you if you have learned the skills presented in this text and
which skills still require further review.

1. SKILL 1 15. SKILL 8 29. SKILL 4

2. SKILL 2 16. SKILL 11 30. SKILL 24
3. SKILL 1 17. SKILL 19 31. SKILL 13
4. SKILL 10 18. SKILL 1 32. SKILL 22
5. SKILL I 19. SKILL 2 33. SKILL 19
6. SKILLS 20. SKILL 14 34. SKILL 14
7. SKILL 9 21. SKILL 16 35. SKILL 6
8. SKILL 6 22. SKILL 24 36. SKILL 10
9. SKILLS 1 and 2 23. SKILL 4 37. SKILL 11
10. SKILL 3 24. SKIbL 12 38. SKILL 18
II. SKILL 7 25. SKILL 21 39. SKILL 25
12. SKILLS 26. SKILL 15 40. SKILL 23
13. SKILL 6 27. SKILL 17
14. SKILL 4 28. SKILL 20


/.! Longman In~ Course tor the TOEFL~ Test . DOOEJ

Structure Post.Test 15:00

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This section measures the abilrty to recognize language that is appropriate for
standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section.

In the first type of question, there are incomplete sentences. Beneath each
sentence, there are four words or phrases. You will choose the one word or
phrase that best completes the sentence.

The second type of question has four underlined words or phrases. You will
choose the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.

After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be

Click on Dismiss Directions to continue.

LS1 .
-- ----------- -_._--

POST-TEST(Paper) 227
I. The first pizza restaurant __ in New 8. Uranium atoms in a nuclear reaction is
York City in 1895.
~ into smaller atoms to produce heat.
o opened
o opening
o itopened
o it was opening 9. Sound waves are produced when __
o objects vibrate
o vibrating objects
2. The world's largest deposits' of asbestos o objects to vibrate
have be located in the Appalachian o the vibration of objects

10. All of the oceans of the world is home to

3. Both Thomas Jefferson or John Adams died members of the dolphin family.
~ the ~ same day, July 4, 1826.

11. Earth rotates on its axis and follows an

4. __ without a backbone is the Atlantic elliptically orbit around the Sun.
o For the largest creature
o It is the largest creature 12. A genetic predisposition determines __
o The largest creature is most likely to fonn freckles.
o The largest creature is o he
o who
5. Most tundra plant are mosses and lichens o when
that hug the ground.

13. Theodore Roosevelt was the first president

6. Virginia Dare, the first child born to to ride in a car, fly in an airplane, and
English parents in the New World, was submerging in a submarine.
named after the Virginia Colony where her
14. Cribbage ~ a card game in which points
are ~ by moving pegs on a board.
7. Societies __ to at least 1500 B.C. made
use of molds to treat superficial infections.
o they date back 15. Characteristically, the dulcimer features
o the date is back three or four strings __ along a
o dating back fingerboard.
o date back o stretched
o are stretched
o stretch them
o they are stretched

16. The constellation Aquarius was associated 19. The flintlock pistol was popular as a
with the rainy seasons by a ~ ~ of weapon in the seventeenth century because
ancient civilizations. ~ could be fired one-handed by a rider
on horseback.

17. __ Abraham Lincoln saved from

Thanksgiving dinner became a beloved 20. Henry VIII ruled that people born on
family pel. February 29 __ their birthdays on
o A turkey was February 2B in non-leap years.
o For a turkey, o a celebrity
o A turkey that o a celebration
o A turkey for o celebrating
o would celebrate
lB. Only a small percentage of mined
diamonds are actually suitably for ~ as

POST-TEST(Computer) 229

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