Csi ZG527 Course Handout

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Part A: Content Design

Course Title Cloud Computing

Course No(s) CSI ZG527 / SS ZG527 / SE ZG527
Credit Units 5
1-2-2, (total 5 units or credits) ie 1 unit for class room hours, 2 unit for lab
hours, 2 units for student preparation.
Typically 1 unit translates to 32 hours
Course Author Chandra Shekar RK / Nayan Khare
Version No 1.5
Date 03/02/2020

Course Objectives
No Objective

CO1 Students will learn the fundamental ideas behind Cloud Computing, the evolution of the
paradigm, its applicability; benefits, as well as current and future challenges;

CO2 Students will learn the basic ideas and principles in data centre design and management

CO3 Students will learn about cloud components and technologies and relevant distributed file

CO4 Students will learn a variety of programming models and develop working experience

Text Book(s)
T1 Dinkar Sitaram and Geetha Manjunath. Moving to the Cloud. Syngress (Elsevier) Pub, 2011
T2 Rajkumar Buyya, James Broburg & Anderzej M.G, Cloud Computing – Principles and
Paradigms. John Wiley Pub, 2011

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 Cloud Computing bible by Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley Publishers, 2010
R2 Virtualization A Beginner’s guide, Danielle Ruest, Nelson Ruest, TMH, 2009
R3 Cloud Computing bible by Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley Publishers, 2010
R4 Cloud security, a comprehensive guide to secure cloud computing, by Ronald L.Krutz et al,
Wiley Publishers, 2010
Modular Content Structure

1. Introduction to Cloud Computing

1.1. Cloud Computing, services, deployment models
1.2. Introduction to Cloud Computing
1.3. Origins and Motivation
1.4. Types of Clouds and Services
1.5. Cloud Infrastructure and Deployment

2. Virtualization Techniques and Types

2.1. Introduction to Virtualization
2.2. Use & demerits of Virtualization
2.3. Types of Virtualization
2.4. x86 Hardware Virtualization
2.5. Manage the resources for the SaaS, PaaS and IaaS models
2.6. Introduction to NFV – VNF

3. Infrastructure as a Service
3.1. Introduction to IaaS
3.2. IaaS examples
3.3. Reference Model of AWS
3.4. Amazon cloud services - Compute, Database, Storage
3.5. Region Vs Availability zones
3.6. Case Study - Openstack
3.7. Managing Virtual Resources on the Cloud: Provisioning and Migration
3.7.1. Virtual Machine Provisioning and Manageability
3.7.2. VM Provisioning Process
3.7.3. Virtual Machine Migration Services
3.7.4. Migrations Techniques
3.7.5. VM Provisioning and Migration in action
4. Containers (New)
4.1. Linux Containers - LXC and LXD
4.2. Dockers - Elements, Images, Files, Containers
4.3. Cloud and Container orchestration technologies

5. Platform as a Service and SaaS

5.1. Introduction to PaaS
5.2. PaaS examples
5.3. Windows Azure
5.4. 5 Principles of UI Design - AWS PaaS
5.5. Introduction to SaaS
5.6. Pros and Cons of SaaS model and applications

6. Capacity management and Scheduling in cloud computing

6.1. Capacity management and Scheduling
6.2. Distributed management of virtual machines
6.3. Reservation-based provisioning of virtualized resource
6.4. Provisioning to meet SLA commitments
6.5. Stages of VM life cycle within OpenNebula
6.6. Network model for OpenNebula

7. Issues and Challenges : Availability, Multi-Tenancy, Security and SLA

7.1. Multi-Tenancy, 4 levels of multi tenancy
7.2. Multi-tenant models for cloud
7.3. Introduction to cloud security
7.4. Cloud security Issues
7.5. Threat Model
7.6. Top 5 cloud security threats
7.7. who is responsible for managing security
7.8. Service License Agreements: Lifecycle and Management
7.9. Traditional approaches to SLO management
7.10. SLA Management in Cloud
7.11. Automated Policy based management
7.12. Managing Clouds: Services and Infrastructure

8. Distributed File System (DFS) and Hadoop

8.1. Introduction to Distributed File System (DFS)
8.2. Case Study HDFS
8.3. Hadoop components and importance of MapReduce
8.4. Setting started - Amazon EMR
8.5. Amazon EMR - Plan and Configure clusters (# only for CSI)
8.6. AMazon EMC - Manage Clusters (# only for CSI)
8.7. Understanding MapReduce (* Not for CSI)
8.8. Explore word count Java program (* Not for CSI)
8.9. MapReduce Facts (* Not for CSI)

Learning Outcomes:
No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this
paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges brought
about by the various models and services in cloud computing

LO2 Apply the fundamental concepts in data-centres to understand the tradeoffs in power,
efficiency and cost

LO3 Discuss system virtualization and outline its role in enabling the cloud computing
system model.

LO4 Illustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage and demonstrate their use in
storage systems such as Amazon S3 and HDFS

LO5 Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the

Note to Faculty:
Some modules or topics are specific only to certain programmes. The faculty is instructed to choose
the relevant topics/modules depending on the programme in which this course is being offered. Same
needs to be reflected in the contact session plan.
# Specific to MTech, CSI (Computing Systems & Infrastructure)
* Specific to MTech (SW Systems) and MTech (SW Engg)

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term First Semester 2022-2023

Course Title Cloud Computing

Course No CSI ZG527 / SS ZG527 / SE ZG527

Lead Instructor Mridul Moitra

Glossary of Terms
1. Contact Hour (CH) stands for a hour long live session with students conducted either in a physical
classroom or enabled through technology. In this model of instruction, instructor led sessions will be
for 22 CH.
a. Pre CH = Self Learning done prior to a given contact hour
b. During CH = Content to be discussed during the contact hour by the course instructor
c. Post CH = Self Learning done post the contact hour
2. Contact Hour (CS) stands for a two-hour long live session with students conducted either in a
physical classroom or enabled through technology. In this model of instruction, instructor led
sessions will be for 11 CS.
a. Pre CS = Self Learning done prior to a given contact session
b. During CS = Content to be discussed during the contact session by the course instructor
c. Post CS = Self Learning done post the contact session
3. RL stands for Recorded Lecture or Recorded Lesson. It is presented to the student through an online
portal. A given RL unfolds as a sequences of video segments interleaved with exercises
4. SS stands for Self-Study to be done as a study of relevant sections from textbooks and reference
books. It could also include study of external resources.
5. LE stands for Lab Exercises
6. HW stands for Home Work.
7. M stands for module. Module is a standalone quantum of designed content. A typical course is
delivered using a string of modules. M2 means module 2.

Teaching Methodology (Flipped Learning Model)

The pedagogy for this course is centered around flipped learning model in which the traditional class-room
instruction is replaced with recorded lectures to be watched at home as per the student’s convenience and the
erstwhile home-working or tutorials become the focus of classroom contact sessions. Students are expected to
finish the home works on time.

Contact Session Plan

o Each Module (M#) covers an independent topic and module may encompass more than one
Recorded Lecture (RL).
o Contact Sessions (2hrs each week) are scheduled alternate weeks after the student watches all
Recorded Lectures (RLs) of the specified Modules (listed below) during the previous week
o In the flipped learning model, Contact Sessions are meant for in-classroom discussions on cases,
tutorials/exercises or responding to student’s questions/clarification--- may encompass more than
one Module/RLs/CS topic.
o Contact Session topics listed in course structure (numbered CSx.y) may cover several RLs; and as
per the pace of instructor/students’ learning, the instructor may take up more than one CS topic
during each of the below sessions.

Detailed Structure
Introductory Video/Document: << Introducing the faculty, overview of the course, structure and
organization of topics, guidance for navigating the content, and expectations from students>>

 Each of the sub-modules of Recorded Lectures (RLx.y ) shall delivered via 30 – 60mins videos
followed by:
 Contact session (CSx.y) of 2Hr each for illustrating the concepts discussed in the videos with
exercises, tutorials and discussion on case-problems (wherever appropriate); contact sessions (CS)
may cover more than one recorded-lecture (RL) videos.

Course Contents

Contact Session 1
M1: Introduction to Cloud Computing
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre -CS RL1.1 Cloud Computing, Motivation
services, Evolution of Web
deployment Technology Advances
models What is Cloud Computing?
Drivers for the new Platform
Cloud Summary
RL1.2 3-4-5 Rule of CC Cloud Computing: Definition
3-4-5 rule of Cloud
5-Characteristics of Cloud
Computing T1: Ch1
4-Deployment Models T2: Ch1
RL1.3 3-4-5 Rule of CC 3 Cloud Service Models
Cloud Providers Software as a Service (SaaS)
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud Infrastructures
Cloud Providers
Management of Virtualized
Cloud OS
During CS CS1.1 Cloud Computing, Introduction to Cloud T1: Ch1
services Computing T2: Ch1
Origins and Motivation
CS 1.2 Deployment Types of Clouds and
models Services
Cloud Infrastructure and
Post CS LE1.1
SS1.1 Merits and Demerits of CC
HW1.1 Make a list of Public, Private,
Hybrid clouds available in
the IT space
Lab Reference
Contact Session 2
M2: Virtualization Techniques and Types
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CS RL2.1 Virtualization Importance of Virtualization
in Cloud Computing
What is Virtualization
What does Virtualization do?
Changes after Virtualization
Virtualization Architecture
RL2.2 Hypervisor Hypervisor
Hypervisor Design Goals
How Hypervisor goals are
Monolithic versus
CPU Sharing
T1: Ch9
Memory Sharing
IO Sharing
RL2.3 Types of Approaches for
Virtualization Virtualization
Full Virtualization
SKI Virtualization
x86 Hardware Virtualization
Advantages of Virtualization
Issues to be aware of
Applications of
RL_2_5 Check Virtualization
Lab Demo Support
RL_2_6 Lab Demo Oracle Virtual Box
RL_2_7 Lab Demo Hyper-V
During CS CS2.1 Virtualization Types of Virtualization T1: Ch9
Types Advantages of Virtualization
Issues to be aware of
CS2.2 Managing Virtual Manage the resources for the
Resources on the SaaS, PaaS and IaaS models
Cloud Dockers
Introduction to
Post CS LE2.1 Go through RL 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
and solve exercise in Lab
sheet 1
SS2.1 Study: KVM, Xen, Hyper-V,
HW2.1 Exercise on Docker
Lab Reference
Contact Session 3, 4
M3: Infrastructure as a Service
Managing Virtual Resources on the Cloud
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CS RL3.1 IaaS Key concepts of IaaS
Two primary facets that
make IaaS special
The value of IaaS
RL3.2 AWS Amazon Web Services T1: Ch2
AWS infrastructure services
Amazon Elastic Compute
Cloud (Amazon EC2)
Infrastructure Services
RL3.3 Openstack - Openstack overview http://www.slashroot.in/
CaseStudy Openstack Components openstack-tutorial-getting-
Nova, Swift, Horizon, started-basics-building-your-
Keystone, Cinder, Neutron, own-cloud
Glance http://docs.openstack.org/
Conceptual Architecture
RL3.4 Virtual Machine Virtual Machine
Provisioning Provisioning and
Manageability Life Cycle
VM Provisioning Process
VM Provisioning using
Examples - Vagrant,
Heat(Orchestration Tool of T2: Ch5
RL3.5 Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Migration
Migration Services
Cold/regular migration
Live Migration Technique
Live Migration Demo
RL3.6 Lab Demo AWS-InstanceCreation
RL3.7 Lab Demo AWS-S3-ObjStorage
RL3.8 Lab Demo OS-Openstack-Install-Setup
RL3.9 Lab Demo OS-InstanceCreation
RL3.10 Lab Demo OS-InstanceCreateWithVol
RL3.11 Lab Demo OS-Swift-ObjStorage
RL3.12 Lab Demo OS-LoadBalancer-Manual
RL3.13 Lab Demo OS-InstanceCreate-Heat-
RL 3.14 Lab Demo OS-LoadBalancer-Heat-
RL3.15 Lab Demo Vagrant-Provision-
RL3.16 Lab Demo Part1-Proxmox-Cluster-
RL3.17 Lab Demo Part2-Proxmox-Cluster-
During CS CS 3.1 Infrastructure as a Introduction to IaaS
Service IaaS examples
T1: Ch2
Reference Model of AWS
Region Vs Availability zones
CS 3.2 AWS - Storage Amazon S3, Amazon
and Database Glacier, Amazon EBS, AWS
Services Import/Export
Amazon RDS, Amazon
DynamoDB, Amazon AWS
T1: Ch2
Amazon Cloud Services -
CloudFront, Elastic Load
Balancer, Elastic Block
CS 3.3 Openstack Openstack overview and http://docs.openstack.org/
CS 3.4 VM Provisioning Virtual Machine
and Migration Provisioning Process
VM Provisioning using
T2: Ch5
templates, Examples -
VM Migrations Techniques
Post CS LE3.1 Install Openstack and carry
out exercise on RL 3.9-3.17
SS3.1 RL 3.6 - 3.17, Try using
Openstack -
HW3.1 Compare Openstack vs AWS
(Similarities and Differences)
Lab Reference
Contact Session 5
M4: Containers
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CS RL4.1 SW Virtualization Dockers https://docs.docker.com/get-
How are Docker Containers started/
different from a Virtual more focus on
Machine? 1: Orientation
Docker Container Lifecycle 2: Containers
Dockerfile 3. Services
During CS CS4.1 Containers Linux Containers - LXC and https://linuxcontainers.org/
LXD lxc/introduction/

CS4.2 Cloud and Cloud orchestration https://www.ibm.com/
Container technologies developerworks/cloud/
orchestration library/cl-cloud-
Post CS LE4.1
Lab Reference
Contact Session 6: Review

Contact Session 7
M5: Platform as a Service and SaaS
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CH RL5.1 Dependency on IaaS and T1: Ch3
Introduction to PaaS
Building blocks of PaaS
Characteristics of PAAS
Advantages and Risks
RL5.2 Paas Example: Windows
Windows Azure Runtime
Paas Vendors
RL5.3 Introduction to Dependency on IaaS and
SaaS PaaS
What is SaaS?
Problems in traditional
SaaS – How is it delivered
RL5.4 SaaS – SaaS – Architecture
Architecture SaaS Models
Business Model comparisons
RL5.5 SaaS Advantages SaaS Advantages T1: Ch4
SaaS User and Vendor
Benefits (CS)
SaaS - Applicability
RL5.6 Lab Demo Get Azure Account
RL5.7 Lab Demo Running Azure app locally
RL5.8 Lab Demo Deploying the local app to
RL5.9 Lab Demo Determine which instance
gets serves the request
During CH CS5.1 Intro to PaaS Introduction to PaaS
PaaS examples
T1: Ch3
5 Principles of UI Design -
CS5.2 SaaS Introduction to SaaS
T1: Ch4
Pros and Cons of SaaS model
Post CH LE5.1 Try exercise on SS 5.1
SS5.1 RL 5.5, 5.6
Lab Reference
Contact Session 8
M6: Capacity management and Scheduling in cloud computing
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CH RL 6.1 Capacity Managing Cloud -
Management and Introduction T2: Ch6
RL 6.2 VIM Why a Virtual Infrastructure T2: Ch6
Extending the Benefits of
Virtualization to Clusters
Virtual Machine
Management Model
RL 6.3 OpenNebula What is OpenNebula?
The Benefits of OpenNebula
Interoperability from the
Cloud Provider perspective
The Benefits for System
Integrators (CS)
The main features of
Comparison with Other
technologies (CS)
RL 6.4 OpenNebula OpenNebula Architecture
Process separation
Constructing/Management of
a private cloud
System Overview
Complex Storage behind
Networking for private
Users Management(CS)
Preparing VMs for
VM Description
VM States overview
Hybrid cloud
Making an Amazon EC2
During CH CS 6.1 Capacity Capacity management
Management Distributed management of
virtual machines
CS 6.2 Scheduling Reservation-based T2: Ch6
provisioning of virtualized
Provisioning to meet SLA
Post CH LE 6.1
SS 6.1 Documentation of
HW 6.1 Install OpenNebula, Create
instances and cluster
QZ 6.1
Lab Reference
Contact Session 9
M7: Issues and Challenges : Availability, Multi-Tenancy, Security and SLA
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CH RL 7.1 Availability High Availability
T1: Ch6
Key aspects of SLA
RL 7.2 Multi-Tenancy Multitenancy – What is it? T1: Ch6
Pros and Cons
Traditional Deployment
Multitenancy – Introduction
Multi-tenants Deployment
Modes for Application
Multi-tenants Deployment
Modes in Data Centers
RL 7.3 Security Introduction to cloud security
Cloud Security Issues
Loss of Control in the Cloud
T1: Ch 7
Multi-tenancy Issues in the
T2: Ch 23
Taxonomy of Fear
Threat Model
During CH CS 7.1 Multi-Tenancy Multi-Tenancy
4 levels of multi tenancy T1: Ch6
Top 5 cloud security threats
CS 7.2 Security and SLA who is responsible for
managing security
T1: Ch6
Service License Agreements:
T1: Ch 7
Lifecycle and Management
T1: Ch8
Traditional approaches to
T2: Ch 23
SLO management
T2: Ch16
Automated Policy based
Managing Clouds: Services
and Infrastructure
Post CH LE 7.1
SS 7.1 Study - NimSoft, Netchart
HW 7.1
QZ 7.1
Lab Reference
Contact Session 10
M8: Distributed File System (DFS) and Hadoop
Time Type Description Text/Ref Book/external
Pre CH RL 8.1 Hadoop Why Hadoop? https://hadoop.apache.org/
Introduction to BIG DATA docs/r1.2.1/
Hadoop Features hdfs_design.html
Hadoop Framework Tools
RL 8.2 Hadoop Hadoop common Component
MapReduce (Data Processing
MapReduce Processing flow
Architecture Overview
Distributed Word Count
Word Count Execution
MarketRatings example and
Program demo
MapReduce Execution
Fault Tolerance in
Challenges of Cloud
RL 8.3 Lab Demo HadoopMapReduce-
RL 8.4 Lab Demo WordCountingwithApacheP
During CH CS 8.1 DFS Introduction to Distributed https://hadoop.apache.org/
File System docs/r1.2.1/
Case Study HDFS hdfs_design.html
Setting started - Amazon
CS 8.2 Hadoop Hadoop components and http://
importance of MapReduce docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/
MapReduce Facts latest/ManagementGuide/
Amazon EMR - Plan and emr-what-is-emr.html
Configure clusters (# only for
AMazon EMC - Manage
Clusters (# only for CSI)
Post CH LE 8.1 Install Hadoop and Carry out
exercise on Word count and
Market ratings
SS 8.1 Study - Hive, PIG, HBase of
HW 8.1
QZ 8.1
Lab Reference

Contact Session 11: Review

Lab Details
Lab No Lab Objective Lab Content
Sheet/Capsule Reference
Access URL
 Software(s) or Tool(s) required: Virtual Box, KVM on
1 Ubuntu, Hyper V, Openstack, AWS, Salesforce,
Proxmox or ConVirt, Hadoop Harton Sandbox
 System Requirements: Any System with Processor better
or equal to i3 intel. Min 4GB RAM (Recommended 8GB
or more)
 Download url:
o https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
o www.devstack.org
o https://aws.amazon.com/console/
o https://www.proxmox.com/en/proxmox-ve
o https://www.convirture.com/
o http://hortonworks.com/products/hortonworks-
 Mode of working (GUI based- Stand alone installer/
Client Server / Console based/ Browser based): All types
 Open source/ Freeware/ Proprietary:
 Objective behind Labwork in this course: Understand
and have hands on knowledge on technologies related to
Cloud computing

Evaluation Scheme (CSI ZG527/SE ZG527/SS ZG527)

Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session

Day, Date, Session,
No Name Type Duration Weight
Quiz-1 * 5% August 16-30, 2022
EC-1 Quiz-2 * 5% September 16-30, 2022
Assignment * 5% October 16-30, 2022
EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Open Book 2 hours 35% Sunday, 25/09/2022 (AN)
EC-3 Comprehensive Open Book
2 hours 50% Sunday, 27/11/2022 (AN)
Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the proposed model.


Evaluation Scheme (SS ZG527)

Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session

Day, Date, Session,
No Name Type Duration Weight
Quiz-1 * 5% August 16-30, 2022
EC-1 Quiz-2 * 5% September 16-30, 2022
Assignment * 5% October 16-30, 2022
EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Open Book 2 hours 35% Friday, 23/09/2022 (AN)
EC-3 Comprehensive Open Book
2 hours 50% Friday, 25/11/2022 (AN)
Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the proposed model.

Important Information

Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Open Book): Topics in Weeks 1-7

Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics given in plan of study

Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of either two Assignments or three Quizzes. Announcements regarding the same will
be made in a timely manner.
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of prescribed and reference text books, in original (not photocopies) is
permitted. Class notes/slides as reference material in filed or bound form is permitted. However,
loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is permitted in all exams.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
4. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the student
should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam. The genuineness of the reason for
absence in the Regular Exam shall be assessed prior to giving permission to appear for the Make-up
Exam. Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be
announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-study schedule as
given in the course handout, attend the lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation components such as
Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to the evaluation scheme
provided in the handout.


Course Plan

Contact hour Pre-contact hour prep During Contact hour Post-contact hour
1 RL 1.1 CS 1.1 SS 1.1
2 RL 1.2, 1.3 CS 1.2 HW 1.1
3 RL 2.1, 2.2 CS 2.1 SS 2.1, RL 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
4 RL 2.3 CS 2.2 HW 2.1, LE 2.1
5 RL 3.1, RL 3.2 CS 3.1 RL 3.8, SS 3.1
6 RL 3.3 CS 3.2 RL 3.6, 3.7
7 RL 3.4 CS 3.3 RL 3.9 - 3.15
8 RL 3.5 CS 3.4 RL 3.16 , 3.17
LE 3.1
9 RL 4.1 CS 4.1 SS 4.1
10 CS 4.2 LE 4.1
11 Review
12 Review
13 RL 5.1, 5.2 CS 5.1 SS 5.1
14 RL 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 CS 5.2 RL 5.6 - RL 5.9, LE 5.1
15 RL 6.1, 6.2 CS 6.1 SS 6.1
16 RL 6.3, 6.4 CS 6.2 HW 6.1
17 RL 7.1, 7.2 CS 7.1
18 RL 7.3 CS 7.2 SS 7.1
19 RL 8.1 CS 8.1 SS 8.1
20 RL 8.2 CS 8.2 RL 8.3, 8.4, LE 8.1
21 Review
22 Review

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