Chapter 3 Chemical Bonding

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Chapter 3

By: Huzaifa 10-5

Cations: Properties of Ionic Compounds:
3.1 Ions and
A positive Ion that would be attracted to
Ionic Bonding cathode in electrolysis. This is when a
metal atom looses electrons and becomes
An Ionic Lattice where
each ion is surrounded
positively charged, this is because the by ions of opposite
protons and electrons will not equally
Ionic Bonding: cancel out with each other, instead it will
leave extra protons.
Ionic bonding involves the The physical properties of ionic compounds
Eg: [Na]+, [Mg]+2, etc. are that they:
transfer of electrons form
a metal to a non-metal atom Anions: 1. Have extremely high melting and
to complete its octet (outer boiling points. (Because they require
A negative Ion that would be attracted to high amounts thermal energy to break
energy level/shell). anode in electrolysis. This is when a non- the bonds).
metal atom gains electrons and becomes 2. Do not conduct electricity when they
Negatively charged, this is because the are solids. (Tightly compact allowing no
Na Cl = [Na]+ [Cl]- protons and electrons will not equally electrons to enter).
cancel out with each other, instead it will 3. Conduct electricity when dissolved in
Valence electrons
Valence electrons
leave extra electrons. water.
4. Are held together by strong
Eg: [Cl]-, [O]-2, etc. electrostatic forces of attraction.
Properties of Covalent 3.3 Metallic
3.2 Covalent Compounds:
Bonding: Metallic bonding involves an electrostatic
force of attraction between mobile sea of
Covalent Bonding: electrons and the regular array of positive
metal ions within a solid metal. This is because
Covalent bonding involves when metals are packed together, each atom
the equal sharing of looses its outer electron into a sea of
electrons between non-metal delocalized electrons. Having lost electrons,
the atoms present are no longer electrically
atoms to complete their octet neutral, but instead become positive as they
(outer energy level/shell). No The physical properties of covalent compounds loose electrons from their outer shell.
are that they:
charges involved.
Properties of metals:
NF3 (Nitrogen trifluoride) 1. Have low melting and boiling points.
(Because they have week bonds). 1. High melting and boiling points.
2. Do not conduct electricity. (Because they 2. Good conductors of electricity and heat.
F N F have a complete octet allowing no extra 3. Ductile and malleable.
electrons). 4. When a force is applied they metal layers
3. Tend to be flexible and soft. can slide over each other without
F 4. Tend to be more flammable than ionic breaking.
In the diagram we can see and ionic lattice of
3.4 Giant
Diamond Graphite
sodium chloride (Na+Cl-). In this lattice each 1. Doesn't conduct 1. Good Conductor of
sodium ion is surrounded by 6 chlorine ions electricity. electricity.

Structures: and each chlorine ion is surrounded by 6

sodium ions, making it consist of equal
2. Hardest natural
3. Colorless sparkling
2. Soft, layers slide over
each other.
3. Dark Grey, shiny
amounts of ions to make the charges crystal. substance.
Giant ionic lattice structures: balanced. 4. Used in jewelry and 4. Used in pencils and as
ornamental objects. a lubricant.
5. Used as electrodes for
A lattice (giant structure of repeating Giant covalent structures: 5. Used as cutting tools.
the brushes in motors.
ions) held together by strong
electrostatic forces of attraction A substance where large numbers of atoms
between positive and negative ions. are held together by covalent bonds Giant metallic lattice:
forming a strong lattice structure. This type
of covalent structure is shown in some
substances like diamond, graphite and A regular arrangement of positive
silicon 4 oxide. metal ions held together by the mobile
'sea' of electrons moving between the

Here are some examples of giant covalent lattice's.

Diamonds are usually/mostly used in jewelry Fullerene:
3.5 Carbon and other ornamental objects. It is also used
for cutting metals, used as cutting tools.

Allotropes: Graphite:


Fullerenes, or Buckminster-fullerenes in
full, are molecules composed entirely of
carbon, taking the form of a hollow
Graphite has a layered structure that consists sphere, ellipsoid, tube or ring. Fullerene is
of rings of six carbon atoms arranged in composed of 60 carbon atoms in which 12
The structure of a diamond is arranged in pentagons are evenly distributed over its
widely spaced horizontal sheets. Graphite
a highly symmetrical repeating surface, each one completely surrounded
involves a big covalent structures with each
tetrahedral arrangement with tight by a ring of hexagons. Buckminster-
carbon atom joined with three other carbon
covalent bonds. A diamond structure is fullerenes conduct electricity and have
atoms with covalent bonds. The structure of
made of carbon atoms in which each high melting and boiling points. They are
graphite gives them the ability of sliding over
carbon atom is surrounded by four other mostly used as anti-oxidants.
eachother, they conduct electricity and have
carbon atoms. Diamonds are the hardest
high melting and boiling points. They are
substance, they do not conduct electricity
mostly used in pencil lids and also used in
and have a high melting and boiling point.
motors as carbon brushes/electrodes.
3.6 Nano-
Introduction to nanotech:

Nanotechnology, also shortened to nanotech,

is the use of matter on an atomic, molecular,
and supramolecular scale for industrial
purposes. Nanotechnology is the
understanding and control of matter at the
nanoscale, at dimensions between
approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where
unique phenomena enable novel applications.
Encompassing nanoscale science,
engineering, and technology,
nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring,
modeling, and manipulating matter at this
length scale.

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