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Date: Hour:_ _ Teacher:_ _

Estimado Alumno(a):

Para la aplicación de la presente evaluación no pidas ayuda a tu profesor(a), ya que él/ella solamente te ayudará con las
instrucciones y nunca con las respuestas debido a que esto iría en contra de la ética y los valores que promovemos en
IMAC Inglés Total.


A. Rewrite the sentences with the gerund form of the verb in parentheses () in the correct position.
(2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: A benefit of an electric car is that they are environmentally friendly. (use)
A benefit of using an electric car is that they are environmentally friendly

1. Nick should concentrate on the questions in the exam. (answer)


2. Most people are afraid of spiders of any type. (touch)


3. The cost of a house in my town has risen recently. (buy)


B. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: His parents don’t let him ride / to ride on his friend’s motorcycle.

1. This bad weather may prevent most people from going / to go to the beach.

2. My mom advised me taking / to take a heavy coat in case it snowed.

3. Did Noah expect Mia assisting / to assist him with the project?

C. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in parentheses (). Sometimes more
than one form is possible. (2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: Your clothes are being washed right now. They will be ready soon. (wash)

1. Every time I travel, my cats ______________________________________ by one of my neighbors.

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2. Last week, we ______________________________________ a certificate for attending the course.


3. When you arrive at the airport tomorrow, you ______________________________________ by a

taxi driver. (meet)

D. Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. (2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: We need to water this plant three times a week.

This plant needs to be watered three times a week.

1. I expect you to give me some help tonight.


2. Should we hand the programs out now?


3. They are unlikely to resolve this conflict any time soon.


E. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: Can you add a serving / loaf of bread to the shopping list, please?

1. That’s an interesting act / piece of information about the college.

2. On the weekend, I usually like to play a game / piece of chess.

3. That’s such a beautiful article / piece of classical music.

4. Picasso painted so many exceptional items / works of art.

F. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

1. The university encourages its students to be athletically active / actively.

2. After only a few lessons, he was reasonably competent / competently at chess.

3. I wrapped up the gift especially careful / carefully, because I wanted it to look unique.

4. I believe the problems in this region are mainly social / socially.


G. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: My sister wears some pretty weird clothes. She definitely has a very unique look /

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1. Everyone in my family has a very slim build / gender, and none of us are very tall.

2. I think that Carla likes Miguel. And I think they would be a great likeness / match because they both
have similar hobbies and interests.

3. The vet is looking at the kitten to find out its likeness / gender.

H. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

EXAMPLE: I _________________ that you are going to need about $40 dollars a day for your
a) calculate b) calculation c) analyzed d) analysis

1. My job is _________________ the results of the experiment.

a) to analyze b) analysis c) to identify d) identification

2. The inspector did _________________ of the restaurant and wrote his review.

a) identify b) an identification c) assess d) an assessment

3. She is an excellent pianist, and this afternoon she’s going to give us _________________ of her skills.

a) to survey b) a survey c) to demonstrate d) a demonstration

I. Complete sentences with the words below. (2.5 points each)

controversial | exaggerated | hoax | rumor | suspicious | trustworthy | urban legend | white lie

EXAMPLE: On the internet, there is a lot of misinformation. You can’t believe in everything you see

1. I told my aunt that I loved this horrible sweater she made for me. I thought a __________________
wouldn’t hurt her as much as the truth.

2. There can’t have been thousands of people at the concert. I think the report is __________________.

3. The editor thinks that the photo is a __________________ and she won’t publish it.

J. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

1. You should be careful. There’s a lot of fake / authentic jewelry sold in this market.

2. Is this dish fireproof / deadly? Can I put it in the oven?

3. These drawings are not copies; they are legal / genuine. They even have the artist’s signature.

K. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs below. (2.5 points each)

be | capture | get | leave | put | raise | ruin | stress | take

EXAMPLE: The music is far too loud. It is starting to stress me out.

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1. Why don’t you come over for dinner? It would _______________ your mind off things.

2. She was a very smart woman, and she _______________ a lasting impression on me.

3. His paintings and sculptures definitely _______________ my imagination. They were stunning.

4. Failing the test in chemistry has really _______________ my day. I’m so disappointed.

L. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 points each)

1. These paintings are amazing. You are extremely talented / trained.

2. It’s impossible to win a debate with Isabella. She always manages to destroy all our arguments with
her logical / musical thinking.

3. He likes to think of himself as an analytical / intellectual man, and he keeps telling people about all
the books he has read.

4. Although she has been playing badly this season, she is still athletic / determined to win the


M. Read the article. Then match the statements to points A–E. (20 points each)

How to measure success

Success means different things to different people. Here are some words of wisdom about how to
measure the success in your life.

A Decide what really matters to you.

It is common to think of success as something concrete, such as having a well-paid job. But it’s
important to make a list of different success factors which include material and non-material things,
such as emotional well-being, personal satisfaction, friendships.

B Compare yourself only against yourself and not others.

We often measure our success by comparing ourselves to others. By doing so, we are being unfair to
ourselves, often setting unreachable goals which can be a real downer. So, a word of advice, chart your
own progress towards that goal, and remember to congratulate yourself when you can see that progress
is being made.

C Measure things which are not normally measured.

Some things like wealth are easy to measure. You look at your bank statement and you can see the
amount of money that you have. But there are many other areas of life which we can evaluate and
measure which are not so obviously countable. For example, if you decide that success for you is about
feeling confident, then this can be measured by observing how confident you feel every day.

D Be patient. Think about the long-term goals.

Real success is not something that is usually obtained overnight. Financial stability is not often found by
winning the lottery, nor is true love often found in an instant. In order to get genuine stability, both
financial and emotional, it might take time, so you need to be determined and patient.

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E Re-evaluate if what you wanted yesterday is still the same today.

The search for success is a journey and some journeys take longer than others. So you may need to go
back to step 1 from time to time to re-evaluate what really matters and how relevant that is today.

1. It’s not important to achieve your goals very quickly. ________

2. Things are constantly changing and evolving and they aren’t the same for very long. ________

3. What others have or haven’t achieved isn’t important. ________

4. Think carefully about what you want to achieve and write down your goals. ________

5. Not everything in life can be assessed and counted. ________


N. Write a review of a performance, a book, or a film. Give basic information about it (for the
performance: name of the performers, where and when it was; for the book or film: the title,
when you saw or read it, what it’s about). Say what you liked and didn’t like about it, and give an
overall opinion. (100 points)


O. Listen to the beginning of an interview with Oscar Suarez. Then read the questions and choose
the correct answer. (20 points each)

1 What does the host seem to think Oscar does particularly well?
A design clothes
B make furniture
C illustrate books

2 According to Oscar, what isn’t he very good at?

A creating packages for products
B decorating homes
C making sculptures

3 What made Oscar, for the first time, really interested in the types of things he works with?

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A some works of art he saw when he was a teenager

B a place in Madrid that he visited with his parents
C a vacation he spent at his grandparents’ house

4 How have Oscar’s grandparents influenced his life?

A They taught him how to appreciate art and become a better designer.
B They have always thought he was talented and encouraged him to become more skilled.
C They thought he was gifted and didn’t need to go to art school to become a great artist.

5 According to Oscar, how did his parents react to his career choice?
A They tried to prevent him from going on that career path.
B They were not sure whether it would work well for him.
C They encouraged him to do what he wanted.


(1 to 5 points)

Total: ____ x 100 / 5 = ______


Reading: ____ Writing: ____ Listening: ____

Speaking: _____ Structure (Grammar) and Vocabulary: ____


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