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Weekly Lesson Plan - Phonics 6th-10th

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Teachers: Ms. Daniela Carias / Ms. Karla Paz Grade: 2nd

Date: September 6th-10th Unit:I
Subject: Phonics Quarter:I

Stage 1 Desired Results

CONTENT STANDARD (S): Objective (s): Week Topic:
Students will be able to read and identify words 1. No prior knowledge, new topic in context. 
Common Core Standards: with the short vowel a sound. them for a future 2. Ask students some words staring with
Introduce the statements and students can define test. letter a.
and identify parallel structure. 3. Students make the sound of short a.
Content Standard(s):
Introduce the statements and students can define
and identify parallel structure.

Stage 2 – Assessment
Activity Warm up: Activity Time: Work/Text-book Pgs. Evaluation Method: Review/Closing Activity:
Show to the students a song 40 minutes  Evaluation will be done Recognition of the Use of diverse methods to explore their
where they have to sing along the on the platform. short vowel Sound strengths and weaknesses.
sound of Sort vowel a.  by writing them in
their notebook.
Decoding words and
their spelling.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Vocabulary: Development Activities: Resources: Homework Assignment:
Cat   Start every class with an Laptops
Bat   ice-breaker.                 Cell phones Students copy the sentences and underline the words with
Rat     Check list Apps 
 Develop class by showing short a.
Hat  Videos 
Van   videos, and applying
Notebooks  A man has a can.
attention grabbers.
man  Make use of WBT to
Pencils A cat has a hat.
can enhance their Colors
tag  understanding.
A bag has a tag. 
map  Evaluate contents through A fat rat in a hat. 
songs, games, charades,
and oral or written tasks.
A man has a van.
Teachers: Ms. Daniela Carias / Ms. Karla Paz Grade: 2nd
Date: September 6th-10th Unit:I
Subject: Phonics Quarter:I

Day 1
 Students sing a song of the short sound of letter a (5 Min.)

 Teacher gives students the right pronunciation of short a sound (5 Min.)

How to pronounce the 'short a' /æ/

The front of the tongue is pushed further forward and is held lower in the mouth when forming the 'short a' /æ/ sound than with any other vowel sound. The tip
of the tongue will touch the inside of the bottom front teeth. The body of the tongue is rounded slightly upward. The jaw is lowered and the lips are held apart,
allowing the entire oral cavity to remain open.

Using some separate letters teacher forms words with the short sound of letter a (15 Min.)
Students write in their notebooks the words created for the teacher. (15 Min.)
Use mirror words for making students repeat once along the pronunciation of the sound of short a 

Day 2:

 Review the sound of short a by using mirror words WBT. (10 Min.)
 Using some separate letters teacher forms words with the short sound of letter a (15 Min.)
 Students write in their notebooks the words created for the teacher. (15 Min.)
 Use mirror words for making students repeat once along the pronunciation of the sound of short a 
Teachers: Ms. Daniela Carias / Ms. Karla Paz Grade: 2nd
Date: September 6th-10th Unit:I
Subject: Phonics Quarter:I

Day 3:

 Review the sound of short a by using mirror words WBT. (10 Min.)
 Show students a worksheet live to the students and all together solve the excersise in there. (15 Min.)

Students copy the sentences and underline the words with short a. (15 Min.)
A man has a can.
A cat has a hat.
A bag has a tag. 
A fat rat in a hat. 
A man has a van. 
As homework Students complete an interactive worksheet.

Mrs. Andrea Castellanos

Elementary School Principal

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