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Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

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Internet Interventions
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The effect of e-mental health interventions on academic performance in T

university and college students: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled

F. Bolinskia,b, , N. Boumparisa,b, A. Kleiboera,b, P. Cuijpersa,b, D.D. Eberta,b,c, H. Ripera,b
Department of Clinical, Neuro-, and Developmental Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany


Keywords: Background: Mental health symptoms are common among college and university students and these can affect
Students their academic performance. E-mental health interventions have proven effective in addressing mental health
College complaints but their effect on academic performance has not been synthesized yet.
University Objectives: To synthesize the evidence from randomized controlled trials for the effectiveness of e-mental health
E-mental health
interventions on academic performance in college and university students compared to inactive controls.
Academic performance
Data sources and eligibility criteria: We searched six databases (PubMed, Cochrane library, CINAHL, ERIC,
PsycINFO, Web of Science) during the period January 2000 until September 2019 for randomized controlled
trials that reported on e-mental health interventions (guided or unguided) for college and university students
and measured academic performance (e.g. grade point average).
Study appraisal and synthesis methods: Study and participant characteristics and the academic performance
measures at post-intervention were extracted. The latter were pooled and Hedges' g was calculated as the effect
size. Heterogeneity and publication bias were investigated.
Results: Six studies containing 2428 participants were included in the meta-analysis. These focussed on either
mood and anxiety or alcohol and tobacco use. The pooling of data resulted in a small but non-significant effect of
g = 0.26 (95% CI, −0.00, 0.52; p = .05) on academic performance, favouring e-mental health interventions
over inactive controls. Interventions had positive effects on depression (g = −0.24) and anxiety (g = −0.2).
Heterogeneity was high.
Discussion: Despite the small and non-significant effect, our meta-analysis points to a promising direction for the
effectiveness of e-mental health interventions on academic performance. Yet, these results must be interpreted
with caution, as heterogeneity was high and few studies on the effectiveness of e-mental health interventions for
students reported academic performance measures.

1. Introduction The presence of mental health conditions has often been linked to
impaired academic achievement in college and university. For example,
The college and university years constitute a crucial period in young Hysenbegasi et al. (2005) collected annual data from their university
adults' lives. Increased personal freedom often goes hand in hand with a registrar's office and showed that a diagnosis of depression was sig-
variety of stressors, such as a change in social support structures, fi- nificantly associated with the loss of half an overall performance grade
nancial independence, and new living arrangements (Thurber and within one semester. Given that grade point average (GPA) thresholds
Walton, 2012). According to large scale epidemiological studies, an- are often represented in 0.5 point intervals, this association is note-
nually around 20% -30% of college and university students (henceforth worthy. Moreover, though largely based on cross-sectional studies, as-
denoted as students) suffer from any common mental health condition, sociations between suicidal ideation, depression and lower grades have
such as mood and anxiety disorders (Auerbach et al., 2016; Ibrahim been found continuously among students (Andrews and Wilding, 2004;
et al., 2013). De Luca et al., 2016). Mortier et al. (2015) showed that at the end of the

Corresponding author at: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Bolinski).

Received 27 February 2020; Received in revised form 16 April 2020; Accepted 18 April 2020
Available online 23 April 2020
2214-7829/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

first academic year, the final grade percentage (i.e. the weighted sum of the control group did not. Moreover, students who received the inter-
all grades) of students who attempted suicide before entering university vention had statistically significant higher grade-point average (GPA)
was around 8% lower compared to those freshmen students who did not scores at the end of the semester compared to those in the control group
attempt suicide. Finally, a longitudinal study by Eisenberg et al. (2009) (3.58 vs. 3.28 respectively; p = .02).
suggests that depressive and anxiety symptoms are not only related to Based on the suggested association between mental health and
lower grades, but also to an increased probability of discontinuing academic performance, the aim of the current study was to assess the
college. In the context of substance use, Arria et al. (2013) showed that pooled effectiveness of e-mental health interventions compared to in-
over a four year period, around 40% of frequent marijuhana users active controls for improving academic performance in students. We
dropped out of college, compared to around 25% of minimal users. also aimed to pool the effects on mental health outcomes of the in-
Tackling mental health issues in students can thus be beneficial for cluded studies.
the individual student and society at large, not least because in turn
academic output can be improved. That is, attainment in college is one 2. Methods
of the driving factors for the accumulation of human capital (Brand and
Xie, 2010; Hasan and Bagde, 2013). This is defined as factors, such as 2.1. Identification of studies
knowledge, that are needed in order to be productive in the labour
market (Goldin, 2016). Moreover, higher grades in college have been A review by Andersson (2016) located the onset of RCTs on web-
associated with larger financial earnings in the work setting and lower based interventions for mental health complaints around the year 2000.
risk of unemployment (Kittelsen Røberg and Helland, 2017). Con- Our bibliographical searches were thus limited to records published
versely, improving students' mental health could positively affect their between January 2000 and September 2019. The subsequent screenings
economic outlook, potentially through improving their academic per- were completed independently by F.B. and N.B. Any disagreement was
formance. solved by discussion, where necessary with senior researchers (A.K.,
Mental health interventions provided on a computer or via the H.R.). Initially, we screened the titles and abstracts and retained studies
Internet, which we will henceforth denote as e-mental health inter- that potentially met our inclusion criteria. The references of all included
ventions, have acquired a solid empirical basis for the prevention and studies were checked for additional relevant records. All searches were
treatment of various psychological conditions in adults, including de- performed in six databases. These were selected because they covered
pression (Buntrock et al., 2016; Karyotaki et al., 2017), anxiety (Grist the fields of education (ERIC), as well as clinical trials and intervention
et al., 2019), and alcohol use (Riper et al., 2018). In addition to these, a studies (CINAHL, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, PubMed, Web of Sci-
significant number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on e-mental ence). The search strings were compiled of terms for academic perfor-
health interventions have been carried out in student populations. In mance (e.g. marks, GPA), students (e.g. college, university), e-mental
their systematic review and meta-analysis, Davies et al. (2014) syn- health interventions (e.g. online, e-health, Internet-based), and filtered
thesized the effects of e-mental health interventions, the majority being to include only RCTs. Index terms were used if available and these were
browser-based and including some form of human guidance, for im- complemented by free-text terms. The complete search string for
proving students' mental health. They identified 17 RCTs investigating PubMed is provided as Supplementary material. Since we expected that
14 interventions, the majority of which based on cognitive behavioural academic performance was not always used as primary outcome and
therapy (CBT), with a total of 1480 participants. With the exception of therefore not reported in title or abstract, we screened reviews on e-
one, which aimed at treating social phobia (Botella et al., 2010), the mental health interventions for students (Harrer et al., 2018a) for ad-
included studies focused on the prevention of depression, anxiety ditional studies.
(general, social, examination), and stress. The authors found that
compared to inactive control conditions, e-mental-health interventions 2.2. Eligibility criteria and data extraction
had a moderate effect on symptoms of depression (d = 0.43; nine
studies; 712 participants), anxiety (d = 0.56; seven studies; 374 par- Studies were deemed eligible if they reported on students (graduate
ticipants), and stress (d = 0.73; three studies; 217 participants). or undergraduate), that were enrolled at their institution at the time of
However, the pooling of data of the two comparisons (229 participants) the outcome assessment. These institutions could refer to any form of
with active control conditions, such as online psychoeducation mate- higher education, such as colleges, universities, or universities of ap-
rial, did not result in a significant difference between e-mental health plied sciences. Moreover, participants had to be randomized either into
interventions and controls. In a more recent meta-analysis of 48 RCTs a group receiving an e-mental health intervention, which was defined
on this topic, Harrer et al. (2018a) investigated the effects of e-mental as any intervention that a) was either Internet-based or computerized,
health interventions for common mental health conditions and stress, as and b) had a focus on the improvement of mental health (e.g. depres-
well as on wellbeing in students compared to inactive controls. With the sion, anxiety, substance misuse) or into an inactive control group (e.g.
exception of wellbeing, their results showed significant small to mod- waitlist, assessment only). Furthermore, academic performance had to
erate effects favouring the e-mental health interventions, specifically be reported on after the intervention was administered, regardless of
for depression (g = 0.18), anxiety (g = 0.27), disordered eating the type of variable (e.g. outcome, moderator, mediator) and whether
(g = 0.52), and stress (g = 0.2). this was self-reported or retrieved from the institutes' administration.
As of yet, research on whether these effects extend to academic Extracted variables included a) test scores of individual courses (e.g.
performance is largely limited to interventions delivered offline. For mid-term), b) final grades of individual courses, or c) average semester
example, Conley et al. (2015) pooled academic performance data from grades (i.e. GPA). Based on the nature of these academic performance
90 studies with 103 individual face-to-face universal mental health variables, no distinction could be made between immediate and de-
prevention interventions. This resulted in a statistically significant but layed assessment and therefore it was not possible to accurately de-
small effect size of g = 0.18 (p < .01). In their randomized controlled termine the time that elapsed between the end of the intervention and
pilot study, Melnyk et al. (2015) tested whether an Internet-based the academic performance assessment. For example, exam grades were
cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) intervention was effective in either collected in the middle or at the end of a course, whereas GPA is
tackling students' symptoms of depression, anxiety, and whether its use usually calculated at the end of a semester. Where sufficient informa-
positively affected their grade performance measured at the end of the tion on these outcome variables could not be extracted from the pub-
academic year. They found that students with severe anxiety at baseline lished record, we contacted the first author in order to retrieve the
who were randomized into the intervention group reported sig- missing information. If the first author could not be reached or did not
nificantly fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety, whereas those in reply, we contacted the last author. The number of inaccessible studies,

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

Records identified through database Additional records identified
searching through other sources
(n = 9854) (n = 7)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 7037)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 7037) (n = 6922)

Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded,

with reasons

for eligibility
(n = 115) (n = 44 no report of
academic performance,
n = 30 no EMH
n = 20 conference abstract
or study protocol /
n = 9 no student

n = 3 inaccessible,
n = 2 active control group,
n = 1 no RCT
total exclusions n = 109)
Studies included in meta-
(n = 6)

Fig. 1. Flowchart.

meaning where no contact could be established or where data was described by Borenstein et al. (2009). Since effect sizes for academic
unavailable, is presented in Fig. 1. performance in e-mental health interventions have not been established
Next to post-intervention assessments of academic performance, we in the context of higher education, we used the standardized mean
also extracted other characteristics of the individual studies (see difference of g = 0.18 reported in the meta-analysis by Conley et al.
Table 1). These referred to in- and exclusion criteria, country, the type (2015) as reference. We would therefore need five studies with around
of intervention and control condition (i.e. waitlist vs. assessment only), 160 participants per condition, or ten studies with around 80 partici-
their sample sizes, and the mental health outcomes. Extraction of data pants per condition (Borenstein et al., 2009). This translates to five
from the published records was done independently by two researchers studies with around 22 participants per group or ten studies with
(F.B., N.B.). Any disagreement was solved by discussion. We summar- around 11 participants per group in order to detect a moderate effect
ized the number of all included studies and the total number of parti- size of g = 0.5 (Borenstein et al., 2009; Cohen, 1988).
cipants in the intervention and control groups. Next, we created clusters
based on the primary focus of the intervention and summarized core
2.4. Quality assessment
information per cluster. A description of the intervention used in each
study can be found in Table 2.
We used the revised Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool (Higgins
et al., 2011) to evaluate the methodological quality of the included
2.3. Power calculation studies. The following criteria were rated as either low risk of bias, high
risk of bias, or unclear risk of bias: a) adequate generation of random
We conducted a power calculation on the number of studies needed sequence, b) proper allocation concealment, c) blinding of participants
in order to obtain enough statistical power for detecting post-test effect and personnel, d) blinding of outcome assessment, and d) adequately
sizes. We assumed the power to be β = 0.8, a significance level addressing attrition bias by intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis or multiple
α = 0.05, and a moderate degree of between-study variance τ2 as imputation. The risk of bias assessment was completed independently

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

Note. ATI = Alcohol and tobacco smoking intervention, MAI = mood and anxiety intervention, AO = assessment only, WL = waitlist, GPA = grade point average, AUDIT = Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test
(Saunders et al., 1993), QFI = Quantity and Frequency Index (Gilbertson et al., 2018; Haberman, 1970), PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire (Kroenke et al., 2001), GAD-7 = Generalized Anxiety Disorder
questionnaire (Spitzer et al., 2006), DASS = Depression and Anxiety Stress Scale (Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995), PSWQ = Penn State Worry Questionnaire (Meyer et al., 1990), IC = Informed Consent,
by two researchers (F.B., N.B.) with any disagreement solved by dis-










2.5. Meta-analysis

Taking psychotropic medication/not staying on

Meta-analyses were conducted on academic performance and
mental health outcomes. If not otherwise specified, all analyses were

same dose/planning to start/terminate

run in Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 3 (CMA; Borenstein et al.,
2013). We calculated Hedges' g as the difference in means between the

psychotherapy; epilepsy/seizures
intervention and control condition for each comparison, divided by the

AWQ = Academic Worry Questionnaire (Wolitzky and Telch, 2005) N int = number of participants in the intervention group, N con = number of participants in the control group.
pooled standard deviation and adjusted for small sample bias (Hedges
and Olkin, 1985) by transforming means, sample sizes, and p-values, or
if this information was not available, by transforming reported effect
Exclusion criteria

sizes (e.g. Cohen's d; Cohen, 1988).

None reported
None reported

None reported

None reported
None reported

A considerable degree of heterogeneity between the studies was

expected. We therefore conducted the analyses under a random-effects
model, which assumes that the included studies differ significantly from
each other. First, heterogeneity was visually inspected by using the
forest plot and statistically through the I2 statistic, which expresses the
with life or distress (based on AWQ, not

degree of heterogeneity from 0% to 100%. An I2 of around 25%, 50%,

≥ 18 years; course enrolment; fluent

Worry causes significant interference

and 75% can be interpreted as low, moderate, and high heterogeneity

respectively (Higgins et al., 2003). 95% confidence intervals (CI)
around I2 were calculated in Stata using the HETEROGI module (Orsini
et al., 2006). Moreover, where outlying studies were present, we con-
ducted a sensitivity analysis by excluding those studies to investigate
further specified)
Inclusion criteria

the extent to which they influenced the results. Outliers were identified
None reported
≥ 18 years

≥ 18 years

by comparing the overlap of the 95% CI of the individual studies' effect

size with the 95% CI of the pooled effect size. Publication bias was

investigated by visually assessing the symmetry of the funnel plot and


by conducting Egger's test of the intercept with a one-tailed significance


level α = 0.05. The latter is a regression-based approach that tests if





statistically significant bias exists in favour of the intervention by pre-


dicting the standardized effect size of the included studies from the
inverse of their standard error (i.e. their precision; Egger et al., 1997).

Moreover, we used Duval and Tweedie's trim and fill procedure (Duval




and Tweedie, 2000). This method removes small studies that poten-
tially cause asymmetry in the funnel plot. Based on this trimmed plot,
AP measure

these studies and those that are missing on the other side of the re-
estimated centre are subsequently imputed.




Lastly, we ran two univariate meta-regression analyses. First, in

order to assess whether the clinical effectiveness of the e-mental health

interventions, that is their effect on the mental health outcomes, could

predict their effect on academic performance. The extracted effect sizes





on mental health outcomes served as the predictor. The derived re-

gression coefficient indicates the degree of change in the pooled effect
Characteristics of the individual studies included in the meta-analysis.

size on academic performance with a one-unit increase in clinical ef-

fectiveness. This can be interpreted as the in- or decrease in academic



performance with one additional standard deviation difference in

clinical effectiveness between the intervention and control group.
18.7 (4.1)
Mean age

Second, in order to investigate whether the effect size of e-mental



health interventions could be predicted by the degree of risk of bias of






the individual studies. For this meta-regression analysis, we chose a

conservative approach by combining ratings of unclear and high risk of
Freshmen students
Freshmen students

Freshmen students

Freshmen students

Clinically worried

bias. The regression coefficient indicates the extent to which the pooled
effect size changes with a one-unit increase in methodological quality,
All students

that is with one additional criterion rated as low risk of bias.


Data received by author.

3. Results
Viskovich and Pakenham,
Gilbertson et al. (2018)

3.1. Selection and inclusion of studies

Melnyk et al. (2015)a

Wolitzky-Taylor and
Epton et al. (2014)

Telch, (2010)

The bibliographic searches resulted in a total of 9854 records and

Shin (2013)a

searches of references yielded an additional seven records. Of these,


7037 remained after the deletion of duplicates. Another 6922 records

Table 1


were excluded after scanning their titles and abstracts. The full texts of

the remaining 115 records were retrieved and assessed for inclusion,

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

Table 2
Description of interventions of the studies included in the meta-analysis.
Study Intervention Sessions Duration (minutes/

Epton et al. (2014) U@Uni: composed of a web-based platform and could additionally be used on an associated app. Before nr nr
accessing the intervention, students had to identify their most important value (e.g. humour, respect) and
the reason why this value is so important to them. This was based on self-affirmation (Epton et al., 2013),
which is used to reduce defensive reactions to the content of the intervention. The platform used videos
and informative texts, as well as an online planner to promote the targeted health behaviours. Moreover,
standardized motivational messages were used to encourage adoption of healthy behaviours (i.e.
discouraging drinking).
Gilbertson et al. (2018) Alcohol-wise: based on personalized normative feedback (PNF) and students in the intervention group nr nr
received log-in instructions via email from the central university administration.
Melnyk et al. (2015) Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment (COPE). An adaptation of a face-to-face CBT protocol, 7 30
which was integrated into the university's online course platform. Content included videos and exercises.
Module 1: introduction; Module 2: Self-esteem; Module 3: Healthy coping and reducing stress; Module 4:
Goal setting and problem solving; Module 5: Emotions, positive thinking, and communication; Module 6
and 7: Revision and summary.
Shin (2013) Self-developed intervention aimed at enhancing students' meaning in life with an assumed positive effect 4 30
on depression. It contained four consecutive modules: Module 1: Introduction and goal setting; Module
2:Personal strengths and career plan for meaningful work; Module 3: I Integration of knowledge about
oneself with meaningful goals..; Module 4: Wrap-up session
Viskovich and Pakenham, (2019) You Only Live Once intervention (YOLO): based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which 4 30–45
covers the main aspects of this treatment approach: module 1: clarifying values and goals according to the
SMART acronym; module 2: cognitive defusion; module 3: acceptance; and module 4: mindfulness.
Wolitzky-Taylor and Telch, Computerized expressive writing intervention: based on the original treatment paradigm by Pennebaker nr nr
(2010) and Beall (1986). The computerized writing sessions were preceded by an in-person instruction session.
Within the writing sessions, students were encouraged to give a detailed account of their academic fears.

Note. nr = not reported.

Fig. 2. Individual risk of bias assessment of studies included in the meta-analysis.

among those eight for which authors had to be contacted in order to reported in all but one (Wolitzky-Taylor and Telch, 2010), ranging from
acquire data or the full record. Six studies with six individual com- 17 to around 27 years. All interventions were self-guided, meaning
parisons and 2428 participants (n = 1238 in the experimental and none provided human guidance beyond technical instructions and
n = 1190 in the control conditions) met all inclusion criteria. Fig. 1 support. Concerning the academic performance measure, five reported
depicts the flowchart of the inclusion process. GPA (Gilbertson et al., 2018; Melnyk et al., 2015; Shin, 2013; Viskovich
and Pakenham, 2019; Wolitzky-Taylor and Telch, 2010) and one re-
ported not further defined average exam scores (Epton et al., 2014).
3.2. Characteristics of the included studies (N = 6) With the exception of two studies (Viskovich and Pakenham, 2019;
Wolitzky-Taylor and Telch, 2010), the majority targeted incoming or
An overview of the characteristics of the six studies can be found in freshmen students. Apart from Wolitzky-Taylor and Telch (2010),
Table 1. In one RCT, academic performance was reported as a primary which required clinically significant worry for participation, no clear
outcome (Viskovich and Pakenham, 2019). For the other studies this clinical in- or exclusion criteria were reported.
could not be determined. Information on the participants' age was

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

Four RCTs targeted mood and anxiety with 733 participants in the publication bias, and one study was imputed using Duval and Tweedie's
intervention and 682 participants in the control groups. Three of these trim-and-fill procedure. The resulting imputed effect size dropped
used evidence-based protocols, namely cognitive behavioural therapy marginally (g = 0.21, 95% CI: −0.04, 0.46). However, Egger's test of
(CBT; Melnyk et al., 2015), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; the intercept was not significant (p = .46), suggesting little evidence for
Viskovich and Pakenham, 2019), and expressive writing (Wolitzky- publication bias. Finally, only one of the six studies provided follow-up
Taylor and Telch, 2010). The remaining study focused on increasing academic performance data that was suitable for pooling (Gilbertson
meaning in life with the aim to reduce mental health complaints (Shin, et al., 2018). Therefore, the calculation of long-term effects was not
2013). possible.
Two of the six studies specifically tackled the reduction or preven-
tion of substance misuse (specifically alcohol and tobacco smoking)
with 505 participants in the intervention and 508 in the control con- 3.5. Pooled post-intervention effects on mental health outcomes and meta-
ditions. Both of these used a universal prevention approach for alcohol regression
(Gilbertson et al., 2018) and alcohol and cigarette consumption (Epton
et al., 2014). 3.5.1. Depression
Three RCTs (N = 719 in intervention group; N = 674 in control
3.3. Quality of studies group) provided post-intervention data on depression. Pooling of data
resulted in a statistically significant but small effect of g = −0.24 (95%
The methodological quality of the six studies included in the meta- CI: −0.46, −0.03; p = .03), favouring e-mental health interventions
analysis is visually depicted in Fig. 2. Out of these, three clearly re- over inactive controls. The visual inspection of the forest plot (Fig. 4)
ported a random sequence generation. For the remaining three studies did not suggest any outliers, as the 95% CIs of all individual studies'
this was unclear. Allocation concealment could be determined for one effect sizes overlapped with the 95% CI of the pooled overall effect size.
RCT, with the remaining five again being rated as unclear. The blinding Heterogeneity was moderate and statistically not significant, with
of participants and personnel was not done or not properly described in I2 = 46.94 (95% CI: 0, 84; p = .15).
any of the studies; it was rated as high risk in four and unclear in two
RCTs. Blinding of outcome assessment was considered adequate in 3.5.2. Anxiety
three studies, as GPA and test scores were gathered from the central Four RCTs (N = 752 in intervention group; N = 692 in control
study administration. Another three were rated as high risk because group) presented anxiety outcomes, the pooling of which yielded a
self-reported GPA was used. Attrition bias was addressed appropriately statistically significant but small effect of g = −0.2 (95% CI: −0.3,
in three of the six studies by reporting ITT analyses, whereas the re- −0.09; p ≤ .01) in favour of the intervention groups. Based on the
maining three used completers only data or last observation carried forest plot (Fig. 5), no outliers were detected and heterogeneity was low
forward (LOCF) imputation. None of the studies fulfilled all five cri- and statistically not significant, with I2 = 0 (95% CI: 0, 68; p = .82).
teria. One did so for three, two for two, and three studies met one
3.5.3. Alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking
3.4. Pooled post-intervention effects on academic performance Two studies aimed at reducing alcohol consumption (N = 413 in
intervention group; N = 433 in control group), one of these also re-
The pooling of academic performance data yielded a small and non- ported post-intervention data on tobacco smoking (Epton et al., 2014;
significant effect of g = 0.26 (95% CI: −0.00, 0.52; p = .05) for e- could not be pooled). The overall effect on alcohol-related outcomes
mental health interventions compared to inactive controls. Fig. 3 shows was small and non-significant: g = −0.06 (95% CI: −0.20, 0.07;
the associated forest plot. No potential outliers were identified. The p = .36). Heterogeneity could not be investigated statistically (degrees
investigation of heterogeneity suggested considerable and statistically of freedom < 2). However, as shown in the forest plot (Fig. 6), none of
significant differences between the studies, with I2 = 84.3 (95% CI: 63, the studies were considered outliers.
91; p ≤ .001). Due to the insufficient number of comparisons, we were The effect size of mental health outcomes were not a significant
unable to conduct subgroup analyses in order to investigate reasons for predictor for academic performance (b = −0.95, 95% CI: −2.48, 0.58;
heterogeneity. p = .22). The same was the case for the meta-regression analysis using
The visual inspection of the funnel plot suggested potential risk of bias as predictor (b = −0.12, 95% CI: −0.42, 0.18; p = .43).

Fig. 3. Meta-analysis of e-mental health interventions on academic performance.

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

Fig. 4. Meta-analysis of e-mental health interventions on depression outcomes.

4. Discussion Riper et al., 2014). In addition, students' vast access to and use of the
internet (World Bank, 2020) form a strong basis for scaling up such
A positive relationship between students' mental health and their unguided interventions, for example within the university infra-
academic performance is assumed (Hysenbegasi et al., 2005; Mortier structure.
et al., 2015). Our primary aim was thus to assess the overall effect of e- We also tested the basic assumption regarding the effectiveness of
mental health interventions on measures of academic performance in the included e-mental health interventions on mental health outcomes
students by means of a meta-analysis. Since the underlying assumption compared to inactive control conditions. Three of the six RCTs provided
is that these interventions also prove clinically effective, we also pooled post-intervention outcomes on depression. Their pooled effect was
data on mental health outcomes of the included studies. Six RCTs with g = −0.24 (95% CI: −0.46, −0.03; p = .03), favouring e-mental
2428 participants were identified. health interventions over inactive controls. Though small, this effect
precisely encompassed the cut-off for clinical relevance as established
4.1. Main outcomes by Cuijpers et al. (2014). The pooled effect of the four studies reporting
on anxiety outcomes missed this benchmark (g = −0.2; 95% CI:
The pooling of studies yielded a small and non-significant effect of −0.30, −0.09; p ≤ .01). Similarly, the aggregated data of the two
g = 0.26 (95% CI: −0.00, 0.52; p = .05) on measures of academic studies providing alcohol-related outcomes resulted in an almost nil
performance, favouring the e-mental health interventions. An effect and non-significant effect (g = −0.06; 95% CI: −0.2, 0.07; p = .36).
which, according to general conventions, is considered small (Cohen, When interpreting the above-mentioned results it is important to
1988). However, these conventions have been generally applied to consider the relationship between mental health and academic perfor-
clinical outcomes and might thus poorly reflect improvements in aca- mance in general, which is likely complex and warrants inspection over
demic performance. Evidence from elementary and high schools sug- time. This is highlighted in the two-year longitudinal study by
gests that educational interventions (i.e. those aimed at improving Eisenberg et al. (2009), showing that depressive and anxiety symptoms,
academic performance) are expected to have much smaller, nonetheless and even more so their comorbid presentation, are negatively related to
meaningful effects, with effect sizes above d = 0.20 considered large GPA and the probability of dropping out of college. The authors men-
(Kraft, 2019). Moreover, since none of the included studies provided tion the importance of chronic depression, which may lead to a vicious
human guidance other than technical support, their small effect may circle in which students' depressive symptoms and low judgment of
still be relevant from a public health perspective. On a population level, their academic abilities reinforce each other (Eisenberg et al., 2009). In
the gains could then be considerable, given that such unguided inter- that regard, it is conceivable that improvement in academic perfor-
ventions can be scaled up at relatively low financial expense as there mance becomes apparent only after mental health complaints have
are no costs for therapists or coaches involved (Donker et al., 2009; decreased or have been resolved, or vice versa (Crocker et al., 2003).

Fig. 5. Meta-analysis of e-mental health interventions on anxiety outcomes.

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

Fig. 6. Meta-analysis of e-mental health interventions on alcohol consumption.

With this in mind, the small clinical effects of the included e-mental e.g. their exam grade, this information is invariably connected to a fixed
health interventions might at least partly explain their small effect on point in time, namely the time of the exam or the end of the semester
academic performance. To our knowledge, there is no scientific evi- (e.g. for GPA). It can therefore be difficult to plan the temporal distance
dence yet for this from the field of education. However, using occu- between the administration of the intervention and the academic per-
pational therapies for employees with depression as an analogous ex- formance outcome. As a result, post-intervention assessments of aca-
ample, it is not uncommon that such therapies are employed over the demic performance in the included studies were likely not comparable.
course of several months, after which a person can resume work (Hees Although new concepts, such as presenteeism (i.e. impaired perfor-
et al., 2013; Hees et al., 2010). mance due to physical and mental complaints) in students are devel-
oped together with associated questionnaires (e.g. Presenteeism Scale
for Students, PSS, Matsushita et al., 2011), these are rarely used (e.g.
4.2. Strengths and limitations Harrer et al., 2018b). In a similar vein, reports of retention and other
long-term indicators of academic success are scarce, potentially because
The results of this meta-analysis need to be interpreted in the con- their assessment is sensible only in longitudinal designs (e.g. Arria
text of its strengths and limitations. To begin with, few studies could be et al., 2013; Eisenberg et al., 2009).
included, the primary reason for exclusion being that the majority of
RCTs (N = 44) did not report on measures of academic performance.
One potential explanation is the fact that such measures are not part of 4.3. Implications and future research
the commonly assessed variables in clinical studies, which might be
limited to (mental) health-related outcomes. From the students' per- In this first meta-analysis, we retained RCTs comparing e-mental
spective, being asked to provide or agree to the collection of academic health interventions to inactive controls for the pooling of data. As
performance data might cast doubt on the institution's intention to test effect sizes are generally larger in these designs (Mohr et al., 2009),
or implement the e-mental health intervention in question. Despite subsequent studies are encouraged to compare their interventions to
these considerations, the combined sample size was large. Our pre- active control groups. In addition, effects may be more pronounced for
planned power analysis required the inclusion of around five studies specific individuals, raising the need for moderator analyses in e.g.
with approximately 160 participants per condition in order to find a individual patient data meta-analyses (Karyotaki et al., 2018).
small standardized mean difference of g = 0.18. Though post-hoc Furthermore, a set of three important implications emerged, based
power calculations are discouraged (Hoenig and Heisey, 2001), we can on the findings summarized above. Firstly, the lack of academic per-
assume that our sample (six studies, on average 200 participants per formance measures impeded the inclusion of most studies and should
condition) approached sufficient size to detect the effect of g = 0.26. be tackled. Technology offers ways to achieve this with minimal burden
However, we encountered a considerable degree of heterogeneity that on the participant and at the same time warranting the blind assessment
we were unable to investigate through subgroup analyses due to the few of academic performance. Big data approaches are one example for –
included studies. given the appropriate caution – gathering anonymous data on e.g. GPA
Four of the six included studies targeted incoming or freshmen at the end of the semester while avoiding potentially biased and bur-
students with no mentioning of clear clinical in- or exclusion criteria. In densome self-reports. We therefore encourage researchers involved in
the absence of a clear outline of the population, the majority of inter- the testing of e-mental health interventions for students to consider
ventions have to be seen as universal prevention strategies. Taken to- routinely including academic performance as an outcome measure.
gether with a relatively high baseline level of academic performance, Related to this, implementing more longitudinal studies in order to
this might have created a ceiling effect that precluded any potential eliminate the constraints inherent to cross-sectional designs is crucial.
intervention effects. Similarly, the risk of bias of the included studies The former is important to reliably assess the causal relationship be-
was high, with the study with the lowest risk of bias (Epton et al., 2014) tween university students' mental health and their academic perfor-
fulfilling just three out of the five assessed Cochrane risk of bias criteria. mance.
In particular, only one study (Epton et al., 2014) evidently concealed Secondly, attention should be given to the lack of clear criteria that
group allocation and, as is often the case in non-pharmacological trials delineate the targeted populations. Researchers are encouraged to use
(Boutron et al., 2007), none clearly ensured blinding of participants. tools such as trial preregistrations and the publication of protocols in
A final point of consideration is that unlike questionnaires, which order to maintain study quality. Only one study in our meta-analysis
can technically be administered at any given point in time, an assess- did so (Epton et al., 2014; Epton et al., 2013). Checklists, such as the
ment of academic performance is often temporally predetermined. That CONSORT-EHEALTH (Eysenbach, 2011) have been developed to aid in
is, independent of when students are asked to provide information on that regard. Thirdly, subsequent reviews should expand on the concept

F. Bolinski, et al. Internet Interventions 20 (2020) 100321

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