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LOOKING Gl neaa the sentences.

Then look at
- exercise 4 on Page 29 and write
BACK questions and short answers'

f The girl wore a long red dress.

ir@tExrRN D,d thegtrlwear a long red dress?
No, she d,dn't.

2 The qirl smiled at RicardQ.

CONSOLIDATTON )r 'i $e +ic\ ",'-="' f
@ *ri*. questions and short answers'
3Jhe,girl went int
\ 'ó't¡O 9rc
Yes, tt wag
y' Ricardo ran in after her.^ a
Abraham Lincoln was from the Q'S'
R,.gnJ", q*n o.l{"" h., I
IGa, YIA e{ró
Ricardo closed his

icardo called Marisa on his cell phone

5 Oprah Winfrey was the first woman to win a

Nobel Prize. K

8 Adam said Marisa was with him'

6 Tenzing and Hillary were the first people on the mpon' X

ü)ar¿ f,l,rz,']? .r :r,J, HrliollI t'ie
t'r:* ?oc?
. *rro d"lñ\'\ñ' il.¿..,'i, 'lJ(¡f'.
Think of a movie or book about
ghosts or vamPires. Write about
wlrat happened in Your notebook'

The Aztecs were from Mexico'y', . o SPELLING

ui;;; iü;-4,1; Complete these words from Unit 2'
Yrs,-,f r^rele
f at '!ack 2 boriow 3 cro ised
@ ao-nlete with the simple past of
these verbs'
4dresS 5haP¡pen 6kisáed
roffie discover eat- find -like-'sai'l visit- -Ñ-e'a'
7 mat {er 8 sil-¿Y 9 sor-.¡fY
1 The Vikings ca%e from Scandinavia' 1o ter í ible lf we¡fkend 12 wor+il

3 They music and board games' BRAINTEA5ER I

4 Viking men and women jewelrY'
We pronounce it like one letter, but it
5 has three Ietters and everYone has
lots of clues
of them.
5 ln the 1970s, archaeologists , Answer on Page 97.
about Viking life.
7 The Vikings lots of countries'
8 Leif Eriksson North America before
:at r rilTÑffi Look at exercise 7 on page 29. Choose
three of the activities and write three
Write sentences about where you were dialogues in your notebook using the
and who you were with at different times question words What, When, and Where.
yesterday. Use these phrases to help you.
A: Ddyou watch TV last ntlht7
arhomr-*a*rfioot atftk-ho¡Jse .f+he-park
ffirñEflTal+'@ what /tdyou watch?
in bed sn¿.bus .h , car tt-l ,)
I he 5Lh4psok,5.

7 n.u. when r/tdyou watch it?

At seren thrty.
Where drdyo" watch tt?
At ruy
frrcndb horse.

12 p.v.
Write a diary entry for one day last week
in your notebook.
4 p.v.

5 p.v.
Search for "Ellis lsland" on the lnternet and
find out more about what yoq can see there.
6 p.rr¡.

7 e.r¡.

8 p. tr¡.

'l 0 p.n¡.

12o.r.," I .rr.rr., f
The sound /i/ is often spelled ea or ee.
Complete these sentences with words
Write about what you did on your containing ea or ee,
last vacation using the simple past of
these verbs. 1 When you are hungry, you want to eat
2 There are sevqn days in ut¿g\GrrJ,
3 When you are tired, you want to V. a t € ^'

--\¿isjl- §Igy_gJ wear -So.,to .

have play watch meet 4 When vou oo awav from a olace. vou11-------i-
e ¡ eocz, € it.

n *rv
(Jn t. I j lr 5 The Vikings sailed to Britain to t,(o*^ch silver
vacq{ ion \ is"r {e é I h¿ and gold. t
iJVtri h '"' ,: ,'¡C* ln r' ir'-rr'r r)1/ 6 The Vikings ate /hcr¡.f, fish, fruit, and
.,,*:-t"- Cr,.- ,'-r,i' -'( l!' " i'otr '', vegetables.
7 Jonathan Harker didn't"f t was Dracula during
8 R ( l,lcn' {¿is someone between the ages of


and 19.

What can you find in the middle of
both Australia and America?
Answer on page 97.
* JrG=ff1,Til
Ll t-3\*.i 1*J Lr
gw 1!)=a

1-12, choose word or phrase A, B, or

@ n""o and complete. For each numb er

People in New England tell the story of
Annie Noone'
early morning
the girl who saved ten men's lives' lt was
lighthouse in
on an April day in 1896 in the Avery Rock
(1) -------------.- in
Maine. Annie Noone, 16 years old,
the lighthouse with her mother and father'
There (2) a terrible storm' and Annie
But there
heard the sound of the wind and the ocean'
was something else. What was it? Annie looked
out into ,
., -,-^..+ (4) -"--
where the- shout
the storm. she (3) a shout from the ocean' Then Annle saw

She ran to her Parents' room'

"Quick, father, Iook-there's a shipl lt's on Avery Rock'"
the lighthouse, and there (5) much time'
The ship was over a kilometer away from
rowboat. They (7) the small boat into the oce¿-
Father and daughter ran to the lighthouse's
"Now you stay here," Annie's father said'
"No," replied Annie. "l'm (8) with you' You can't go alone'"
to Avery Rock :- '
The ocean was very high' and it was hard
to row to the ship' when they (9) -----'---.---
into the Iighthouse
righthouse. Annie's mother herped the men
into the water. Then they rowed back to the
back to the ship for the others'
Annie and her father (f l)
everyone (12)
men that day. Annie became famous, and
Annie and her father saved the lives of ten
leave the lighthouse and her parents'
about her in the newspapers. But she didn't
true? No one kno"':
- name lived on after her death' ls this story
A year later, she got sick and died, but her
but manY PeoPle believe it'

complete the words'

1 A lives @i, tiring C lived @ n.ta the definitions and
2 &e Bwas C were to learn things'
f I help peoPle
3 Aheard Blistened €).* 2 I look after people who are sick or hurt'
+ üame B come C comes
5 ArePlY BrePlies C replied 3 lfly planes.

o@was B wasn't C weren't 4 I write newspaper articles'

7 APut BPuts C putting
5 I work in a restaurant and take food
8 A came Q.or" C coming
the tables. we\rLt-
9 A get B. gets .§,got
1o A fall C feel When people are speaking, ltranslate
$ett their words into another language'

fl Ago Bgoing e went

12 Atalked B talking C talks 7 I play the guitar in a band'
8 I work in movies and in the theater' a
Complete the dialogues' Choose lIUDEPEN¡DEIIICE
A, B, or C.
I Good job! ffi
* orr* this chart in your notebook' How
A What did You do? -rny words can you put in each category?
B Thank You. More than 707 Good!
C That's all right' More than 12?VerY goodl
More than 757 Excellentl
2 What's the weather like?
A No, I don't like it' I lobs 1

B lt's getting late.

C lt's hot and sunnY.
I Weather I

3 Excuse me, is this Your bag?
A Yes, it's Yours' I Town facilities I

B No, it isn't mine.

to make
C Good ideal * tra the words in order
from the phrasebooks in
4 What's the matter? Lesson 4 in Units I and 2'
A I can't wallet'
find mY
1 time to it's ...
B lt's a book about PoP music' Itb time to ...
C Let's have a PartY.
2 turn it whose is :

5 l'm sorrY l'm late. U'"'l¡ '' tLrr'' i" lT

A See You later 3 matter what's the
B Don't worry. . ii ,
'\r\, I 'r :'r r: i-1' '- . :
' ' '
C Of course not.
4 honest be to '..
t- \tl i:- -3
'J 'U) :.'"
@ ti"a the word that's different' 5 mean do what You
f silver gold jewelrY vegetable
2 save kill attack steal 6 it about forget let's
3 huge tall bread strong
Check your answers,
4 fly "6o=át' sail drive
6/6 Excellent! 416Yery goodl 2/6fry againl
5i-flower explorer hairdresser waiter
5 EuroPe Mexico t'" Africa MY LEARNING EIARY
7 plane train horse , t|1P - ln L|nits 1 and 2:

8 beautiful terrible wonderful fantastic My favorite toPic is

My favorite Picture is

The three le5sons I like most are

Mv favorite activity or exercise is


L-¿ Something I don't understand is

Something I want to learn more ab: '
u[HT.r : "

Consclidation Your age'

Extension The ur¡oman's son'
t,-- UilITT.2.

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