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1 Number Sense

Learning objectives
1.1 Number and Number Names 1.2 Place Value and Face Value
1.3 Expanded Form and Short Form 1.4 Comparison of Numbers
1.5 Ascending and Descending Order 1.6 Forming Numbers with and without Repetition of Digits


We have already learnt numbers upto 999. Here, we learn the numbers beyond 999. Before learning
these numbers, let's revise the numbers upto 999 by means of examples.
9 + 1 = 10
Largest one digit number One more Smallest two digit number
99 + 1 = 100
Largest two digit number One more Smallest three digit number
999 + 1 = 1000
Largest three digit number One more Smallest four digit number

Number Names
Th H T O
5 2 0 4 Four
Five thousand
Two hundred
\ Number name for 5204 is five thousand two hundred four. Olympiad Bite
1.2 PLACE VALUE AND FACE VALUE The place value and face value of a
digit is always same at ones place.
Place value
The place value of a digit is its value at the position it occupies in the number.
Face value
The face value of a digit is same as the digit itself in the number.

Number = 5204
Places Thousands (Th) Hundreds (H) Tens (T) Ones (O)
Digits 5 2 0 4
Place value 5 thousands 2 hundreds 0 tens 4 ones
or 5000 or 200 or 0 or 4
Face value 5 2 0 4
Number on Abacus
An abacus is a tool used for counting.
Let us read the number 5204 shown on the abacus.

Th H T O


The expanded form of a number is expressing the number as the sum of the place values of its digits.
Number = 5204
Thousands (Th) Hundreds (H) Tens (T) Ones (O)
Digits 5 2 0 4
Place value 5 × 1000 = 5000 2 × 100 = 200 0 × 10 = 0 4×1=4
So, 5204 = 5000 + 200 + 0 + 4

Short form  Expanded form

1. The place value of ‘8’ in the number 9876 is (C) Tens
______. (D) Ones
(A) 80 (B) 8 4. Which of the following shows expanded form
(C) 800 (D) 8000 of the number 8236?
2. How many thousands are there in 4050? (A) 8000 + 20 + 30 + 6
(A) 405 (B) 4 (B) 8000 + 200 + 30 + 6
(C) 40 (D) 4050 (C) 8 + 2 + 3 + 6
3. Digit at _______ place in a number has same (D) 800 + 20 + 30 + 6
place value and face value. 5. The largest four digit number is
(A) Thousands (A) 0999 (B) 1000
(B) Hundreds (C) 9999 (D) 9000


h If the numerals have different number of digits, then the numeral with more number of digits is

7214 > 415

4 digits 3 digits
h If the numerals have same number of digits, then we start comparing the digits from left to right,
i.e., compare digits at thousands place.
8 542 > 3 146


h If the digits at thousands place are same, then compare the digits at hundreds place.

7 654 > 7 432


h If the digits at thousands place as well as hundreds place are same, then compare the tens place digits.

9251 > 9243


h If the digits at thousands, hundreds and tens place are same, then compare the ones place digits.

6435 > 6430



h The numbers are said to be in ascending order, if they are arranged from the smallest to the largest.
h The numbers are said to be in descending order, if they are arranged from the largest to the smallest.

Example : For the numbers 6568, 6254, 8956 and 8296,

Ascending order is : 625 656 829 895

4 8 6 6

Descending order is : 6 96 68

82 65

Olympiad Bite
Even numbers : Numbers ending with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 are even numbers.
Odd numbers : Numbers ending with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 are odd numbers.
1. Which of the following numbers is the largest?
(A) `25
(B) `56
(A) 6892 (B) 5762 9
(C) 6905 (D) 5965
2. Which of the following options are arranged
in ascending order for the given numbers? (C) `32
(D) `42
705, 8261, 954
P Q R 5. Which child holds an even number?
(A) P, Q, R (B) Q, P, R
(C) Q, R, P (D) P, R, Q
3. Compare and fill the box. (A) (B)
3969 3964 307 312

(A) > (B) <

(C) = (D) Can't be determined
4. Manya wants to purchase a dress for her (C) (D)
birthday party. She wants to purchase a dress which 829 625
costs the second lowest. Which dress will she buy?


Forming Number (without repetition)
The greatest four digit number that can be formed from the digits 2, 0, 1, 8 is 8210.
The smallest four digit number that can be formed from the digits 2, 0, 1, 8 is 1028.

Forming Number (with repetition)

The greatest four digit number that can be formed from
the digits 2, 0, 1, 8 is 8888. Olympiad Bite
The smallest four digit number that can be formed from 0 cannot be written on the extreme left place
the digits 2, 0, 1, 8 is 1000. of a number, while forming a number.
1. The largest four digit number formed from 3. How many four digit numbers can be formed
using the digits 5, 2, 4 and 0, each digit used only once?
the digits 2, 6, 8, 0 (with repetition) is ________.
(A) 4 (B) 12
(A) 2608 (B) 8620 (C) 9 (D) 18
(C) 2222 (D) 8888 4. Find the smallest 4-digit number formed by
2. Which number is greater : largest four digit using the digits 3, 2, 0 and 6 (with repetition).
number formed from the digits 6, 3, 1, 4 with (A) 0200 (B) 2036
(C) 6020 (D) 2000
repetition or number formed without repetition?
5. What is the smallest four digit number that
(A) Number formed with repetition. can be formed from the digits 7, 3, 0, 6 (without
(B) Number formed without repetition. repeating the digits)?
(C) Both are same (A) 0367 (B) 3076
(D) Can't say (C) 3067 (D) 3333
1. Which of the following abacuses shows the 7. The greatest three digit number that can be
smallest number? formed using the digits 9, 2, 5 and 6, if all the digits
are different is _________.
(A) 562 (B) 952
(A) (B) (C) 965 (D) 999

Th H T O Th H T O 8. Which of the following options are arranged in

descending order?
(A) 2369, 2069, 2309, 2630
(B) 2309, 2369, 2069, 2630
(C) (D)
(C) 2069, 2309, 2369, 2630
Th H T O Th H T O (D) 2630, 2369, 2309, 2069
2. Rohit’s house number has 3 at hundreds place. 9. Which of the following digits is at the tens place of
Which could not be his house number? the smallest 4-digit number that can be formed using
the digits of Suhani’s house number ‘3875’ (using each
digit only once)?
(A) (B)
(A) 3 (B) 5
4362 5384
(C) 7 (D) 8
(C) (D) 10. 6 hundreds 4 tens = ______ hundreds 14 tens
2312 3210 (A) 5 (B) 2
3. Expanded form of the number 6079 is ______. (C) 3 (D) 4
(A) 600 + 70 + 9 (B) 600+ 7 + 9 11. If hundreds place digit and ones place digit is
(C) 6000 + 700 + 9 (D) 6000 + 70 + 9 interchanged in each of the following numbers, then
which of the numbers becomes odd?
4. Eight thousand three hundred twenty three in
numeral form is written as (A) 2456 (B) 2820
(C) 7652 (D) 2546
(A) 2838 (B) 8210
(C) 8323 (D) 8332 12. Aman’s bird holds a number board. What is
the number?
5. The smallest even number formed by using the
digits 0, 2, 7 and 8 (without repeating the digits) is 8704
(A) 8620 (B) 2078
(C) 8720 (D) 0872
6. Seven thousand nine hundred and eighty nine
is same as ________.

(A) 7989 9799

(B) (A) Eight thousand seven hundred and forty
(B) Eight thousand eight hundred and four
(C) 7999 (D)
7889 (C) Eight thousand seven hundred and four
(D) Eight thousand eight hundred and forty
13. In how many numbers in the given collection (A) 5261 (B) 8564
of numbers, the digit ‘2’ has same place value and (C) 7257 (D) 3211
face value? 20. Which symbol will make the given number
5294, 6592, 7024, 5024, sentence true?
8562, 9082, 3250 7000 + 500 + 20 + 5 7 thousands +
(A) 1 (B) 2 4 hundreds + 1 tens + 5 ones
(C) 3 (D) 4 (A) > (B) <
(C) = (D) Can’t be determined
14. Which of the following abacuses has the place
value of digit 5 as 50? 21. Identify the number.
h Itis a 3-digit number.
h All the digits are different.
(A) (B) h Digit at ones place is smaller than the digit at
tens place.
(A) 252 (B) 604
(C) 652 (D) 513
22. Select the CORRECT match.
(C) (D) (A) Two thousand three hundred and thirty six –
(B) Five thousand one hundred and twenty one –
15. In 4298, the digit 2 is at ______ place. 5121
(A) Ones (B) Tens (C) Nine thousand two hundred and sixteen – 9261
(C) Hundreds (D) Thousands (D) Five thousand and thirty nine – 5309
23. The number greater than the number shown
16. The number name of the smallest four digit odd
on the given abacus is ______.
number is ________.
(A) Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine
(B) One thousand and one
(C) Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety eight
(D) One thousand H T O
17. Puneet search his car in the parking area. His (A) 342 (B) 348
car’s number is ‘Five thousand three hundred and (C) 351 (D) 354
twenty one’. What is the Puneet’s car number in 24. Compare and fill in the box.
numeral form? Six thousand five hundred and twenty nine
(A) 3521 (B) 5231
(C) 5321 (D) 5123
Six thousand seven hundred and ninety one
18. Select the CORRECT option. (A) > (B) <
(A) 7024 > 524 > 2168 > 3102 (C) = (D) Can’t be determined
(B) 5820 > 621 > 7058 > 5281 25. Which of the following does not have the same
(C) 9261 > 8564 > 7028 > 510 value as 3954?
(D) 1080 > 2100 > 3150 > 4500 (A) 3000 + 900 + 50 + 4
19. If tens place digit and thousands place digit are (B) 3 thousands + 9 hundreds + 5 tens + 4 ones
interchanged in each of the given numbers, then (C) 3 thousands + 9 hundreds + 54 ones
which of the following numbers becomes even? (D) 3000 + 500 + 90 + 4
26. There are 5894 people in a village. Which of 32. Three students answered the question shown
the following options shows the number of people on the black-board.
in the village?
(A) Five thousand nine hundred ninety four Maths
Question: Number shown on
(B) Five thousand eight hundred forty nine the abacus is _____.
(C) Five thousand nine hundred eighty four
(D) Five thousand eight hundred ninety four
27. The given table shows the number of members
in each of two activities in a club. Which number Th H T O
sentence correctly compares these numbers?
Number of members
Swimming 3095 Kavya : Five thousand four hundred twenty two.
Gym 4021 Priya : Four thousand five hundred twenty two.
Kanika : Five thousand four hundred two.
(A) 3095 < 4021 (B) 3095 = 4021
Who amongst them answered correctly?
(C) 3095 > 4021 (D) None of these (A) Kavya (B) Kanika
28. How many numbers are even in the given (C) Priya (D) None of these
collection of numbers?
33. Mr Verma has four daughters of different age
5491, 2462, 3094, 5000, 8269, 9264, 8091 groups going to an academy for learning dance.
The charges for the academy are given below:
(A) 5 (B) 6
(C) 4 (D) 3 Age (in years) Charges
1-5 ` 1050
29. Which of the following is the greatest 4-digit 6-8 ` 2100
odd number?
9-12 ` 3500
(A) 1000 (B) 1001 13-15 ` 4250
(C) 9999 (D) 9998 If one of Mr Verma’s daughter is 11 years old, then
30. Which place value will determine the larger write her dance charges in expanded form.
number among the two? (A) 3000 + 500
9238, 9276 (B) 1000 + 50
(A) Ones (B) Hundreds (C) 3000 + 100 + 50 + 5
(C) Tens (D) Thousands (D) 4000 + 200 + 50
34. Karan saw some refrigerators kept in the shop.
He wants to buy the refrigerator which has the
minimum price. Help him to arrange the prices of
refrigerators (in `) in the correct ascending order.
31. Identify the number.
● I am an odd number.
● My tens digit is the greatest one digit




● My hundreds digit is one more than






ones digit.
● My thousands digit is 1 less than tens
digits. (A) 1810, 5264, 2368, 3248, 4280
(B) 2368, 1810, 5264, 3248, 4280
(A) 8493 (B) 6482 (C) 5264, 2368, 1810, 3248, 4280
(C) 6392 (D) 7283 (D) 1810, 2368, 3248, 4280, 5264
35. Select the CORRECT option.

5000 +
(A) 8 0 0 + 5482
40 + 2
Th H T O Th H T O
Varun Chaaya
7000 +
Arrange the students in ascending order of their
(B) 4 0 0 + 7460
60 favourite numbers.
(A) Chaaya, Vaani, Vikas, Varun
(B) Vaani, Vikas, Chaaya, Varun
3000 +
200 + 5
(C) Varun, Vikas, Vaani, Chaaya
(C) 3254
+4 (D) Vikas, Varun, Vaani, Chaaya (Level-1)
3. Sohan has two baskets full of some number
8000 +
tokens. He likes the numbers that are in red basket.
(D) 2 0 0 + 8264 Which of the following numbers formed by using
40 + 6 given basket numbers will he like the most ?


1. Which of the following numbers is not written 6 5 8 7

9 2 6 3
on the given screen?
Red Blue
458 628 (A) 8763 (B) 6529
374 804 (C) 7563 (D) 6958 (Level-1)

521 763 4. Which of the following sets of numbers is

arranged in the ascending order?
(A) Eight hundred four (A) 982, 985, 989, 789, 925, 1025
(B) Six hundred twenty eight (B) 1920, 1902, 9102, 2109, 9201
(C) Four hundred thirty eight (C) 9876, 9768, 9678, 8976, 8796, 6879
(D) Seven hundred sixty three (Level-1) (D) 1920, 9102, 9321, 9468, 9768 (Level-2)
2. Four students put their favourite number on 5. Find the smallest 4-digit even number that can
abacus. be formed using the digits 3, 8, 0, 9 (using each digit
only once).
(A) 3089
(B) 3098
Th H T O Th H T O (C) 3809
Vikas Vaani (D) 3908 (Level-2)
SELF TEST - 1 2. (D) : In number 3210, 3 is at thousands place.
1. (C) : Place value of 8 in 9876 = 8 × 100 = 800 3. (D) : Expanded form of 6079 = 6 × 1000 + 7 ×
2. (B) : There are 4 thousands in 4050. 10 + 9 = 6000 + 70 + 9
3. (D) : Place value and face value of a digit are 4. (C)
same at ones place. 5. (B) : Smallest even number formed by digits
4. (B) : Expanded form of 8236 0, 2, 7 and 8 without repetition is 2078.
= 8 × 1000 + 2 × 100 + 3 × 10 + 6 6. (A)
= 8000 + 200 + 30 + 6 7. (C) : Greatest three digit number formed by
5. (C) : The largest four digit number is 9999. digits 9, 2, 5 and 6 without repetition is 965.
SELF TEST - 2 8. (D) : Descending order is 2630, 2369, 2309,
1. (C) : 6905 is the largest number.
9. (C) : Smallest 4-digit number formed using
2. (D) : Ascending order of numbers is
digits 3, 8, 7, 5 is 3578.
705, 954, 8261 i.e., P, R, Q. So, digit at tens place is 7.
3. (A) : Digits at thousands, hundreds and tens 10. (A) : 6 hundreds 4 tens = 600 + 40 = 640
place are same in both numbers. So, we compare Also, 5 hundreds 14 tens = 500 + 140 = 640
the ones digit. Since, ones digit of number 3969
is more than ones digit of number 3964. 11. (D) : After interchanging the digits at hundreds
So, 3969 > 3964 place and ones place, we get
2654, 2028, 7256, 2645
4. (C) : Descending order of costs of dresses is
Only 2645 is odd.
5624, 4258, 3256, 2569
(Lowest) 12. (C) : 8704 is written as eight thousand seven
So, ` 3256 is the second lowest cost. hundred and four.
5. (B) : Even number ends with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. 13. (C) : Digit at ones place has same place value
So, 312 is an even number. and face value. And, numbers 6592, 8562 and 9082
has 2 at ones place.
14. (A) : Place of 5 in number shown by abacus in
1. (D) : The largest four digit number formed from option (A) is 50.
the digits 2, 6, 8, 0 (with repetition) is 8888.
15. (C) : In 4298, digit 2 is at hundreds place.
2. (A) : Largest four digit number formed from the
16. (B) : Smallest four digit odd number is 1001
given digits with repetition is 6666.
i.e., one thousand and one.
Largest four digit number formed from the given
digits without repetition is 6431. 17. (C) : Five thousand three hundred and twenty
So, 6666 is greater. one in numeral form is written as 5321.
3. (D) 18. (C)
4. (D) : Smallest 4-digit number formed by digits 19. (B) : After interchanging the tens place digit
3, 2, 0, 6 with repetition is 2000. and thousands place digit, new numbers are 6251,
5. (C) : Smallest four digit number formed by 6584, 5277, 1231.
digits 7, 3, 0, 6 without repetition is 3067. Only 6584 is even.
20. (A) : 7000 + 500 + 20 + 5 = 7525
and 7 thousands + 4 hundreds + 1 tens + 5 ones
1. (B) : Among the numbers 5364, 2035, 3146 and = 7000 + 400 + 10 + 5 = 7415
6244; 2035 is the smallest. 7525 > 7415
21. (C) : Only in number 652, all 3 digits are different Digit at hundreds place is one more than digit at
and 2 < 5 i.e., ones place digit is smaller than tens ones place.
place digit. Digit at thousands place is 1 less than tens digit
22. (B) : (A) Two thousand three hundred and thirty i.e., 8.
six = 2336 ≠ 2356 \ Number is 8493.
(B) Five thousand one hundred and twenty one 32. (A) : Number shown on the abacus is 5422 i.e.,
= 5121 five thousand four hundred twenty two.
(C) Nine thousand two hundred and sixteen
\ Kavya answered correctly.
= 9216 ≠ 9261
(D) Five thousand and thirty nine = 5039 ≠ 5309 33. (A) : Charges for age 11 years = ` 3500
and expanded form of 3500 = 3000 + 500
23. (D) : Number shown on the abacus = 352
Only 354 > 352 34. (D) : Ascending order of given prices is
24. (B) : Six thousand five hundred and twenty nine 1810, 2368, 3248, 4280, 5264
= 6529 35. (B) : (A) 5000 + 800 + 40 + 2 = 5842 ≠ 5482
and six thousand seven hundred and ninety one (B) 7000 + 400 + 60 = 7460
= 6791 (C) 3000 + 200 + 5 + 4 = 3209 ≠ 3254
So, 6529 < 6791 (D) 8000 + 200 + 40 + 6 = 8246 ≠ 8264
25. (D) : (A) 3000 + 900 + 50 + 4 = 3954 SOF IMO 2019 QUESTIONS
(B) 3 thousands + 9 hundreds + 5 tens + 4 ones
1. (C) : Four hundred thirty eight i.e., 438 is not
= 3000 + 900 + 50 + 4 = 3954
written on the given screen.
(C) 3 thousands + 9 hundreds + 54 ones
= 3000 + 900 + 54 = 3954 2. (C) : Favourite number of Vikas = 4434
(D) 3000 + 500 + 90 + 4 = 3594 ≠ 3954 Favourite number of Vaani = 4543
Favourite number of Varun = 3151
26. (D) : 5894 is written as five thousand eight
hundred ninety four. Favourite number of Chaaya = 5063
27. (A) Now, 3151 < 4434 < 4543 < 5063
So, required ascending order is,
28. (C) : Even numbers are 2462, 3094, 5000 and
Varun, Vikas, Vaani, Chaaya
9264 i.e., 4 in number.
29. (C) : Greatest 4-digit odd number is 9999. 3. (B) : Sohan like the numbers formed by the
digits 6, 5, 9, 2.
30. (C) : Since, digits at thousands and hundreds
place are same in both the numbers. So, digit at tens 4. (D) : Ascending order means from smallest to
place is compared to determine the larger number. largest.
31. (A) : Since, the number is odd. So, digit at ones So, 1920, 9102, 9321, 9468, 9768 are arranged in
place is 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9. ascending order.
Greatest one digit number is 9. So, digit at tens 5. (B) : Smallest 4-digit even number formed by
place is 9. using the digits 3, 8, 0, 9 without repetition is 3098.

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