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(RLU) Report Layout Utility 1.STRRLU To start report layout utility 2.a.

. DR Define Record Format for single line b. DRR Define Record Format for a block of lines c. DRn Define Record Format for n number of Lines 3. VF To add field line for a record format directly (not generally used) 4. F11 To create a field 5. F11 -> F11 To create a constant field This can be done after typing the constant string & moving the cursor to the 1st character of the string then type F11 & again F11. OR This can also be done by specifying DFT (default) keyword at the Field level (Shift F10 after F11) 6. Shift F11 To access Field Level Keywords for a created field 7. F10 To refer database Fields 8. CF - To center the field position in the report 9. SP To provide an equal spacing between the fields of a Particular record Format 10. DC To declare a constant record format 11. SD To create sample Data (This can be used only to create a sample prototype for the Client as to how the report layout would be) 12. Shift F6 -> F10 To change the Record Format Name 13. To move a field to a new position on the report - 1st Select the Field using Shift F1 & then position the cursor at the New location & then press Shift F3 14. Shift F5 - File Level Keywords

15. Record Level Keywords: Shift F6 with cursor on the Record Format (i.e. any where on that line) For the first Record Format in the Report, specify SKIPB keyword For all the other Record Formats, specify SPACEA keyword SKIPA Skips n lines specified after printing the current record SKIPB Skips n lines specified before printing the current record SPACEA Spaces n lines specified after printing the current record SPACEB Spaces n lines specified before printing the current record 16. Field Level Keywords: Shift F11 with cursor on the field OR F4 with cursor anywhere on that Record format; & option 5 at Any field to work with keywords DFT to specify default value EDTCDE To edit code: Specify Zero Suppression, Padding, Date format setting, Zero Balance Setting, Commas setting To fill character: Currency symbol EDTWRD To display formatted output PAGNBR To display current Page Number DATE To display current Date TIME To display current Time DATSEP To give separators for Date field 17. Default Printer File Values: Overflow 60 Page Length - 66 Page Width 132 18. The program ECGOVRPRTF is used to overwrite the printer file variables; like which spool it is to be directed, # of copies, program name, printer file name etc. For a particular file, all these values are generally stored in PF, ECPPRTF.

If any Record for the printer file exists in ECPPRTF, it uses all the parameter values specified above in for printing else it would take the default values of these for printing. If Mode 1 is specified, it will take the above parameter values as per the record format/default. If Mode 0 is specified, a display screen appears for the user to explicitly specify all these values. The fields of the PF, ECPPRTF will be passed as a parameter set to the ECPOVRPRTF program.

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