Scalling and Self Healing Openshift

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10/13/22, 5:41 PM https://lab-getting-started-java-labs.apps.cluster-qxs2c.qxs2c.sandbox2184.opentlc.


Starter Labs (Java)


Workshop Summary
Scaling and Self Healing   

Environment Overview

Using Homeroom Background: Deployments and ReplicaSets

Architecture Overview of the ParksMap While Services provide routing and load balancing for Pods, which may go in and
out of existence, ReplicaSet (RS) and
Application ReplicationController (RC) are used to specify and then
ensure the desired number of Pods (replicas) are in existence. For
example, if
you always want your application server to be scaled to 3 Pods (instances), a
ReplicaSet is needed. Without an RS, any
Exploring the CLI and Web Console
Pods that are killed or
somehow die/exit are not automatically restarted. ReplicaSets and ReplicationController are how
Deploying Your First Container Image OpenShift "self heals" and while Deployments control ReplicaSets, ReplicationController here are controlled by
Scaling and Self Healing
Exposing Your Application to the From the deployments documentation
Outside World (

Exploring OpenShift's Logging
Similar to a replication controller, a ReplicaSet is a native Kubernetes API object that ensures a specified
number of pod replicas are running at any given time. The difference between a replica set and a
Role-Based Access Control
replication controller is that a replica set supports set-based selector requirements whereas a replication
Remote Access to Your Application
controller only supports equality-based selector requirements.
Deploying Java Code

Adding a Database (MongoDB) In Kubernetes, a Deployment (D) defines how something should be deployed. In almost all cases, you will end up using the Pod,
ReplicaSet and Deployment resources together. And, in
almost all of those cases, OpenShift will create all of them for
Application Health
Automate Build and Deployment with
Pipelines There are some edge cases where you might want some Pods and an RS without a D
or a Service, and others, so feel free to ask
Automation for Your Application on us about them after the labs.
Code Changes

Using Application Templates

Exercise: Exploring Deployment-related Objects
Now that we know the background of what a ReplicaSet and
Deployment are, we can explore how they work and are related.
Binary Builds for Day to Day
Take a
look at the Deployment (D) that was created for you when you told
OpenShift to stand up the parksmap image:
Further Resources oc get deployment 

Workshop Links

parksmap 1/1 1 1 20m

To get more details, we can look into the ReplicaSet (RS).

Take a look at the ReplicaSet (RS) that was created for you when
you told OpenShift to stand up the parksmap image:

oc get rs 


parksmap-65c4f8b676 1 1 1 21m

This lets us know that, right now, we expect one Pod to be deployed
( Desired ), and we have one Pod actually deployed
( Current ). By changing
the desired number, we can tell OpenShift that we want more or less Pods.

OpenShift’s HorizontalPodAutoscaler effectively monitors the CPU usage of a

set of instances and then manipulates the RCs

You can learn more about the CPU-based

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler here

Exercise: Scaling the Application

Let’s scale our parksmap "application" up to 2 instances. We can do this with
the scale command. You could also do this by
incrementing the Desired Count in the OpenShift web console. Pick one of these methods; it’s your choice.

oc scale --replicas=2 deployment/parksmap 

You can also scale up to two pods in the Developer Perspective. From the Topology view, first click the parksmap deployment
config and select the Details tab: 1/1

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