Fuerza Aerodinámica

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Article  in  Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics · January 2018

DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.73.249.29115


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3 authors:

Sivaraj Gurunathan Parammasivam K M

Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Anna University, Chennai


Suganya Gunasekar
Madras Institute of Technology


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Mars flyby Mission Architecture of Spacecraft View project

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Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.
Available online at www.jafmonline.net, ISSN 1735-3572, EISSN 1735-3645.
DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.73.249.29115

Reduction of Aerodynamic Drag Force for Reducing Fuel

Consumption in Road Vehicle using Basebleed
G. Sivaraj1†, K. M. Parammasivam2 and G. Suganya1
1Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam,
Tamilnadu, 638401, India
2 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Anna University MIT Campus, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 600044, India

†Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]


This paper presents the study of the overall aerodynamic performance of road vehicles and suggests a method
to reduce the drag force and also to find the optimum location for placing basebleed in a car using
aerodynamic principle. The overall aerodynamic drag force is reduced by eliminating wake region at the rear
side of the car and reducing pressure in the front region of the car by delaying the flow separation. This
improves the overall aerodynamic performance of the car thereby reducing fuel consumption, as well as
improving stability and comfort by the attachment of basebleed. The wind tunnel tests are conducted for a
subscale model of car with the basebleed at various locations along the front and rear side of the car in both X
and Y directions. The coefficient of drag (CD), the coefficient of lift (CL) and coefficient of side force (CS) for
the car is measured to interpret the effect of flow conditions on the car model. The experimental result reveals
that the attachment of base bleed at an optimum position in the front and rear side of the car improves its
performance and decreases drag coefficient by 6.188 %.

Keywords: Road vehicle; Wind tunnel; Basebleed; Aerodynamic drag force; Pressure coefficient; Fuel


Af frontal area of the car FC fuel consumption

Bf distance between basebleed tubes at the Hf distance between road surface to the base
front side bleed at the front side
Br distance between basebleed tubes at the Hr distance between road surface to the base
rear side bleed at the rear side
CD coefficient of drag L lift force
CL coefficient of lift S side force
Cp coefficient of pressure U air velocity (Car speed in real condition)
CS coefficient of side force ρ density of air
D drag force ߟ the property of dthe riving vehicle

1. INTRODUCTION designing the vehicle with better fuel consumption to

attract the market. Conventional ways to reduce the
In the contemporary world, safety, performance, and fuel consumption of the vehicle was to reduce its
comfort of road vehicles are essential parameters. At overall weight, modifying the engine volume (cc),
the same time, low fuel consumption is of crucial engine combustion process, etc., which will directly
importance for developing countries like India affect its comfort and performance. In the current
because it supports the economy of the country. In work, importance was given to reduce the fuel
India, most of the vehicles are petroleum based and consumption of road vehicle (hatchback car) without
the average fuel consumption of petroleum is 4.1 disturbing its performance and comfort to the
million barrel per day and every year fuel passenger. Aerodynamic studies on hatchback car
consumption is increasing alarmingly at 5%. Hence were conducted for improving both parameters
researchers are working to reduce the fuel simultaneously. Hatchback car was chosen because
consumption of the road vehicle, even a small which is preferred by most of the economic loving
amount of reduction will be a great achievement. people.
Nowadays automobile industries are concentrating on Aerodynamics plays a significant role in designing
G. Sivaraj et al. / JAFM, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.

high-speed racing and sports cars. In the current stability.

work, the same was implemented on common
passenger car to attain better fuel efficiency and A. Kourta et al. (2009) investigated the air flow
performance. When the vehicle is moving, there is separation control on the vehicle by using active
an interaction between the air flow and the surface fluidic control actuator to reduce consumption of
of the vehicle which affects fuel consumption, fuel and emissions of gas. The results show that the
performance, and stability of the vehicle. Therefore, aerodynamic drag coefficient of vehicles are very
aerodynamic design judges the way in which the air close to 0.20 and reduces the emission of CO2 at
flow controls cooling the engine, transmission, least about 12 grams per kilometre by attaching
brake, and condenser. In the meantime improving fluidic control actuator.
the performance of directional and crosswind Alamaan Altaf et al. (2014). discussed reduction of
stability when the vehicle runs at high speed. It drag on square back road vehicles like trucks and
provides better comfort for the passenger such as buses. They used elliptically shaped flap with the
ventilation, air conditioning, reduces dirt mud optimal mounting angle of 50o for reducing drag
deposition on the vehicle and minimizes the wind force on the vehicle. Hence maximum drag reduction
noise. Road vehicle aerodynamics had been of 11% was achieved when they attached elliptical
summarized by A R Barnard et al. (2014). And flaps on the vehicle. They also experimented on the
Hucho and Sovran (1993), who gave a vehicle with different types of flaps like triangular
comprehensive treatment. Major efforts in vehicle shape, rectangular shape flaps. Howell et al. (2015).
aerodynamic were undertaken during 1980’s, investigated aerodynamic characteristics of different
research was mainly focused on drag reduction, and types of the car body, i.e., hatchback, square back and
there was little work on aerodynamic lift. Fuel fastback car at different yaw angles using
consumption is adversely affected due to computational analysis. From the computational
aerodynamic forces (i.e., drag force). About 30 % to results both side force, lift force and stability of the
50 % of fuel energy is lost due to aerodynamic vehicle had predominantly changed due to the
force. Rakibul Hassan et al. (2014). emphasized influence of different yaw angles.
various aspects of drag reduction techniques by
modifying the underbody shape and redirected the Jelf Howell et al. (2013). discussed the reduction of
exhaust gas to the rear side of the vehicle. Hence aerodynamic drag on cars using modified car shapes
drag reduction up to 22% was achieved by like a tapered rear upper body on roof and sides.
underbody modification techniques, and redirection Pressure distribution and flow visualization of wake
of exhaust gas reduces up to 9 % drag. studies were done using PIV. Recently, they
investigated the reduction of force on a modified
Shankar G et al. (2018). carried out both numerical Ahmed body with base cavities. Barnard et al.
and experimental studies on sedan car model using (2009). did a few experiments on base flow
active airflow modification technique for reducing injection which is suitable for a bluff body vehicle
aerodynamic drag coefficient and lift coefficient. The using a low-velocity bleed flow.
analysis was performed with three delta shaped
vortex generators mounted at the roof end of sedan The aerodynamic drag of medium size of the car is
car model where the flow separation initiates from nearly 80% of its total resistance while its moves
the exterior surface of the car. The experimental around 100km/h. Generally the power of the vehicle
results show that 4.53% and 2.55% reduction of drag directly proportional to the cubic velocity of the car.
coefficient and lift coefficient respectively. Inchul At higher speed the aerodynamic drag influences
Kim and Hualei Chen (2010). discussed the nearly 50% of fuel consumption. The relation
numerical studies on reduction of aerodynamic forces between change in fuel consumption and change in
on a minivan using pocket type vortex generator. The drag coefficient is
effect of vortex generator was investigated without FC  CD Af U  (1)
creating the addition of drag force.    3 
FC  CD Af U 
Nisugi et al. (2004). performed a two-dimensional
calculation of flow around the vehicle model for drag where FC is Fuel consumption, ‫ܣ‬௙ cros section of
reduction of the vehicle by a feedback flow control vehiclthe e, ߟ is the property of driving vehicle which
system. The optimum location of flow control nozzle is approximatly 0.5 to 0.7 for car driving at highway
was decisive for most drag forces reduction. This speed and U is the speed of the vehicle. In this article,
flow control system reduced 20% of drag force and the above equation was used to predict fuel
it’s suitable for all kind of bluff bodies. Y.Wang et al. consumption from drag coefficient. Experimental
(2014). worked in computational and experimental works are performed to analyse the aerodynamic drag
studies on the aerodynamics of the performance of force of a car and suggested the ways to reduce the
three typical rear end body shapes such as fastback, aerodynamic forces by eliminating wake region on
notchback, and square back car. Aerodynamic the rear side of the car using base bleed which is
characteristics like forces and moments are measured located at the optimum position.
with yaw range from -15o to 15o for three typical rear
shapes of the car using a wind tunnel. Computational
and experimental investigations result reveals that the
fastback has very low aerodynamic drag. It
simultaneously induces positive lift which causes
instability at high speed and induces bad crosswind Vehicle aerodynamics is the study of vehicle body
moving through the air and the interactions which

G. Sivaraj et al. / JAFM, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.

take place between the body surface and the air with airflow over the roof and rear downward slope
different relative speeds. Aerodynamic forces do surface air stream remains attached to the body like
not affect at low speeds. However, when speed is streamline body.
increased, air resistance will also increase (Drag α
Velocity2). In a car body, overall aerodynamic drag
consists of 75% of pressure drag. The remaining
drag is due to skin friction drag and rolling
The Cartesian coordinate system with X, Y and Z
axes in the car is shown in Fig. 1. When the car is
moving in the forward direction, the aerodynamic
forces of the car such as Lift Force (L), Drag Force Fig. 2. Different types of rear end car body
(D) and Side force (S) are acting at the centre of When rear slope angle ranges from 500 to 220 then it
gravity of the car along the direction of X, Y, and Z is known as hatchback car. This type of car’s rear
axis respectively. side has more low negative pressure wake region
compared to fastback and sedan car. Notchback or
sedan car has a stepped rear end body. In such cars,
the rear window is inclined downward to meet
horizontal rearward extending boot.
Among all the types of rear end car body, hatchback
model was preferred by most of the people due to
its lower cost. While moving, airflow on the
hatchback car creates more wake region which
Fig. 1. Aerodynamic forces acting on the car arises a large amount of drag at its rear end when
compared to other models (Heinz Heisler (2002)).
All the mean force coefficients are referred to the Hence hatchback car model was preferred in our
frontal area of the car and aerodynamic force work and the proposed method to reduce drag was
coefficients are calculated using the following effective in this model which in turn reduces the
equation by Barnard et al. (2001): fuel consumption effectively.
U 2 A f
1:12 scaled car models are realized based on the
L blockage ratio that should not exceed the limit of
CL  (3)
1 7.5% (Katz et al. (2006)). The blockage ratio of a
U 2 A f
2 wind tunnel for this model is 4.75 %. Therefore, the
S effect due to blockage ratio is negligible.
CS  (4)
U 2 A f The scaled models are tested in the wind tunnel
2 laboratory at Madras Institute of Technology. The
where CD, CL, and CS are coefficients of drag, lift wind tunnel has a test section 4 ft wide x 3 ft high
and side force respectively; ߩ is the density of air; x 5 ft long. The maximum velocity is 40 m/s
approximately and the contraction ratio is 9:1. Air
U is air velocity (Car speed in real condition); ‫ܣ‬௙ is
velocity U is measured with the pitot-static tube,
the frontal area of the car. Aerodynamic forces i.e.,
which is attached to the ceiling of the wind tunnel
Lift Force (L), Drag Force (D) and Side force (S)
test section (Hwang et al. (2016)). The
are measured at zero yaw angle by three component
aerodynamic forces acting on the scaled models
external load cell balance with an average time
are measured with external balance for various
interval of 120 seconds.
speeds. The car model is fixed to three component
2.1 Types of Rear End Car Body balance through the platform acting as a road at
connecting points under the rear and front wheels,
Cars are classified according to their design, as shown in Fig. 3. The platform is built to
comfort, engine, capacity, aerodynamic flow, etc. simulate the road condition at such height so has
Depending on the aerodynamic flow over a rear to provide more uniform flow from the bottom of
body, the cars are categorized into the hatchback, wind tunnel test section and also ensure that the
sedan, square back, and fastback as shown in Fig. 2 model is outside the boundary layer (0.99U). The
(Hucho and Sovran (1993)). leading edge of the platform is sharpened to create
A car with a rear end slope angle ranging from 500 a smooth start of the boundary layer, as shown in
to 900 is called a square back car. This type of car’s Fig. 3a. (Zhang et al. (2012)). The hatchback type
rear side has almost constant low negative pressure of car model used in the wind tunnel test is shown
wake region. When rear slope angle is reduced to in the Fig. 3b. The model is 23 cm long, 15 cm
220 or less, the body profile is known as fastback wide, 10 cm high and overall dimensions represent
car, which has lower drag coefficient because of the scale down (1:12) of a real hatchback car.

G. Sivaraj et al. / JAFM, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.

Fig. 3a. Experimental setup with car model

Fig. 4. Attachment of Base bleed in the car


Fig. 3b. Car model mounted in the wind tunnel

3.1 Base Bleed Attachment
Generally, the drag force on car occurs due to car Fig. 5. Schematic sketch of the car model with
profile design and its surface. When air flows on the pressure taps
surface, flow separation takes place and it will induce
major pressure on the rear side. Therefore, this will 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
produce large wake on the rear side of the car
increasing the overall drag. The flow separation
happens due to lack of energetic flow and inability of Generally, when a car moves forward at speed
flow to move past the sharp corner. In the car body, above 60 Kmph, high-pressure and low-pressure
profile drag (wake and skin friction) contributes 80– zones are created at the front and rear side of the car
90% of total drag hence, it is more important to respectively. If the velocity of the car increases, the
eliminate the wake region at the rear side of the car. stagnation pressure also increases and at the same
Therefore, attaching the basebleed eliminates the time rear side pressure decreases. This low-pressure
wake region at the rear side of the car. region is created due to flow separation and
generation of vortices at the rear side (Lamond et al.
The basebleed consists of two converging hollow (2009)). Due to the implementation of basebleed in
tubes and the cross-section area of front side tube is the car, the flow separation will be delayed on the
greater than the rear side. Both tubes inject low- car surface and also wake is removed entirely due to
velocity air at the rear side by sucking the air from the creation of pressure energy in the form of
the front side. These hollow tubes are located under fluctuation energy. Fluctuation energy is created by
the floor of the car as shown in Fig. 4 without the entry of air through both the basebleed tubes
disturbing any existing system or structure of the which hits the wake region directly. The drag force
car. An experimental test is conducted to optimize is reduced by air sucked from the front side of the
the following parameters with basebleed. vehicle. This, in turn, will create low-pressure zone
at the front side of the car. The air can flow from
1. Distance between two converging hollow tubes
the basebleed at different speeds and the flow is
at the front side (Bf).
directed towards low-pressure zone so that it can
2. Distance between basebleed tubes at the rear reduce the negative pressure and increase the
side (Br). reduction of drag. The basic model is tested at free
stream velocity of 20 m/s and CD value is found to
3. Distance between ground (Road surface) and be 0.3329. Figure 6 shows the comparison of
basebleed at the front side (Hf).
pressure coefficient of base car configuration with
4. Distance between ground (Road surface) and the implementation of base bleed in the car and
basebleed at the rear side (Hr). reference curve from Hucho and Sovran (1993).

3.2 Measurement of Pressure Distribution The effect of the pressure distribution of car model
is shown in Fig. 6. From this graph, it can be seen
The pressure distribution along the surface of the that the coefficient of pressure curve of the car with
car model was measured with and without base bleed configuration is lower than Cp curve of
basebleed. Forty pressure taps (P1 to P40) was base car configuration between port number 1 to 12
impinged on the exterior surface of the car model (Front side region). This is due to air sucked from
along the centre line and connected with digital the front side of the vehicle. Between port number
scanning array (DSA) for precise measurement. The 22 to 40 (Rear side region) Cp curve of the car with
schematic sketch of the model of the car with ports basebleed configuration lies above Cp curve of base
was shown in Fig. 5.

G. Sivaraj et al. / JAFM, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.

car configuration. Thus basebleed exhaust air is coefficient was noted and the airflow was streamlined.
filling up low-pressure zone at the rear side of the The above statement was supported by the pressure
car. This pressure distribution curve shows the distribution observed at the rear side (port P25 - P40)
function of basebleed by increasing the pressure on where the pressure is maximum. To countercheck, the
the rear side region of the car and decreasing of the result obtained, the separate experiment was conducted
pressure at the front side region. As a result overall with the help of three component balance. The result
drag is reduced. The pressure on the backside, as obtained was shown in Fig. 7 (b), the same
well as the front side of the car, are changed Bf = 1200mm shows minimum drag coefficient 0.3142
considerably due to basebleed attachment. which concretes the result obtained in Fig. 7 (a).
Therefore conclude that if the implementation of
basebleed in car predominantly reduce the In the Figs. 7 (a) and 7 (b) the optimized position for
aerodynamic drag and as well as improve the locating basebleed along the x-axis at the front side
stability of the car. of the car was found. At the rear side, the same
experiment was repeated with basebleed location
fixed at the front side (Bf = 1200mm) and the
optimized location was found at Br = 350mm along
X-axis and its corresponding drag coefficient was
0.3124. But the variation in basebleed location at the
rear side was not affected by the pressure distribution
at the front side which was shown in Figs. 8 (a) and
8 (b). The next set of experiments was repeated to
finding out the suitable location for basebleed from
the ground (along Y-axis) for both front and rear side
of the car by fixing the Bf and Br values constant at
Fig. 6. Comparison of pressure coefficient curve
1200mm and 350mm. Hf = 450mm at the front side
of the car.
and Hr = 550mm at the rear side shows the better
Table 1 Value of Aerodynamic coefficient result when compared to other locations which were
Aerodynamics Coefficients shown in Figs. 9 (a)&(b) and Figs. 10 (a)&(b). The
height variation of basebleed location was not
CD CL CS affected by the drag coefficient (0.3123) of the car
Base Car which was in minimum level.
0.3329 0.1492 0.106
configuration The optimum position for installing basebleed in the
With Base bleed car was found at both the front and rear side of the
0.3123 0.1491 0.106
configuration car. At this proposed location of basebleed, the flow

With the attachment of base bleed car model tested

at free stream velocity of 20 m/s, CD value is
reduced to 0.3123 from 0.3329, but the coefficient
of lift and side force does not change significantly.
The basebleed location has been optimized by
conducting the wind tunnel tests with different
positions of basebleed by varying the distance
between two base bleed tubes from (Bf) 500 mm to
1700 mm at the front side and 350 mm to 1000 mm
on the rear side of the car (Br). The distance
between ground (Road surface) and Basebleed at
(a) Pressure tap position Vs Pressure
the front side are varied from (Hf) 350 mm to 750
mm and at the rear side of the car from (Hr) 350 mm
to 750 mm.
Initially, the distance between the base bleed was
maintained at 500mm and then gradually increased up
to 1400mm at the front side. In the meantime, the
distance between the base bleed at rear side was
maintained constant at 750mm for all the cases. The
pressure distribution along the surface of the car was
noted which was shown in Fig. 7 (a). The overall drag
reduction of the car depends on the pressure
distribution mainly at its front and rear side. At the
front side (port P1 – P7), the pressure was found the (b) BF Vs Drag Coefficient
minimum, if the distance between the base bleed (Bf)
was maintained constant at 1200mm when compare to Fig. 7. (a) Variation of pressure coefficient with
other cases. The position of the basebleed at Bf = respect to the distance between two hollow tubes
(basebleed) at front side & 7 (b) Variation of
1200mm is near to the blended corner of the car, at that
drag coefficient with respect to the distance
point air will be sucked more effectively when
between two hollow tubes (basebleed) at the
compared to other cases. In turn reduction in pressure,
front side

G. Sivaraj et al. / JAFM, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.

created around the car which helps to improve its

stability and performance. In the meantime, the
suction of air at the front side creates low-pressure
zone which also supports to reduce the overall drag
force acting on the car.
The maximum rate of reduction in drag coefficient
achieved was 6.188% by installing basebleed at the
proposed location in the car model. In turn, fuel
consumption was reduced up to 4.33% in the real
(a) Pressure tap position Vs Pressure hatchback car running at 70 km/h.

(a) Pressure tap position Vs Pressure

(b) BR Vs Drag Coefficient Coefficient
Fig. 8. (a) Variation of pressure coefficient with
respect to the distance between two hollow tubes
(basebleed) at rear side & 8 (b) Variation of
drag coefficient with respect to the distance
between two hollow tubes (basebleed) at the
rear side

(b) HR Vs Drag Coefficient

Fig. 10. (a) Variation of pressure coefficient with
respect to the distance between ground (road
surface) and basebleed at rear side & 10 (b)
Variation of drag coefficient with respect to the
distance between ground (road surface) and
(a) Pressure tap position Vs Pressure basebleed at the rear side

This article discusses the aerodynamic coefficient of

car model with the attachment of basebleed at
optimized locations by wind tunnel testing. The
tests were conducted for understanding the effect of
flow condition on aerodynamic forces on the car to
compare between the base car configuration and
attachment of basebleed. From this work, the
general conclusion is drawn as follows: the pressure
(b) HF Vs Drag Coefficient. difference between the rear and front side of the car
Fig. 9. (a) Variation of pressure coefficient with is responsible for the major portion of aerodynamic
respect to the distance between ground (road drag of car. The aerodynamic drag coefficient of car
surface) and basebleed at front side & 9 (b) model with the attachment of basebleed is reduced
Variation of drag coefficient with respect to the from 0.3329 to 0.3123 due to the elimination of the
distance between ground (road surface) and wake region at the rear side of the car. This
basebleed at the front side basebleed also maintains the streamline, controls
the lift force and air flow towards the lower
separation on the surface of the car will not occur pressure zone at the rear side of the car. The
immediately due to the suction of air at the front reduction of aerodynamic drag coefficient in
side. Fluctuation energy was created at the rear side hatchback cars was calculated by experiment with
of the car due to blowing of air at the rear side 1:12 scale down model. The maximum reduction of
which removes the wake region entirely. Due to the the rate in drag coefficient relative to the car
absence of wake region, the streamline flow was without basebleed is 6.188 % for the optimized

G. Sivaraj et al. / JAFM, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1489-1495, 2018.

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