Award Staff Rules 2022
Award Staff Rules 2022
Award Staff Rules 2022
Award Staff members are entitled to draw the following scales of pay upon joining the Bank / or on account
of promotion with effect from 1stNovember, 2017 (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
17900 1000 (3) 20900 1230(3) 24590 1490 (4) 30550 1730 (7)
42660 3270(1) 45930 1990(1) 47920 (20 years)
(a) Fitment in the new scales of pay shall be on a stage-to-stage basis.
(b) There shall be no change in the dates of annual increments because of the fitment.
(C) In case of Ex-servicemen category employees who have joined the Banks on and after 1st November,
2017 up to the date of this Settlement, the fixation / fitment in the pay scales already given / eligible to be
given under the Settlement dated 25th May, 2015 shall be re-fixed as per the provisions of this settlement.
(d) All employees belonging to subordinate cadre shall be eligible for one extra increment for passing JAIIB
and two increments for passing CAIIB w.e.f. 01-11-2017.
In partial modification of Clause 5 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay, 2015, both clerical and
subordinate staff (including permanent part-time employees on scale wages) shall be eligible for nine
stagnation increments w.e.f. 1st November 2017 at the rate and frequency as stated herein under: (SC
No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
The clerical and subordinate staff including permanent part-time employees on scale wages on reaching the
maximum in their respective scales of pay, shall draw nine stagnation increments at the rate of Rs.1990/-
and Rs.1000/- respectively (pro rata in respect of permanent part-time employees) each due under this
settlement, and at frequencies of 2 years from the dates of reaching the maximum of their scales as
Provided further that a Clerical/Subordinate staff (including permanent part time employees on scale
wages) already in receipt of eight stagnation increments shall be eligible for the ninth stagnation
increment from 1st November, 2017 or two years after receiving the eighth stagnation increment,
whichever is later.
Provided further that the Stagnation increment/s received by the employees who are /wee in service of the
Banks as on 1st November, 2017 as per periodicity hereinbefore would be readjusted from the date of
reaching their maximum by also considering the Graduation/JAIIB/CAIIB qualifications acquired thereafter,
if any and employee shall be notionally eligible for stagnation increments w.e.f. 1-11-2017 in terms of this
settlement as per the revised periodicity which will qualify for superannuation benefits. However,
monetary benefits on account of such revised and readjusted stagnation increment/s shall be payable from
1st November, 2020 or the actual date of entitlement whichever is later.
In reiteration of Clause 6 of the Bipartite Settlement Dated 25thMay, 2015, ‘Pay’ shall be defined as under:
(SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
Basic Pay Dearness Allowance
Stagnation Increments HRA
Special Pay Provident Fund
Graduation Pay/ PQP Gratuity
Officiating Pay Pension
New Pension Scheme.
Note: The increment component of FPP as given in Col.2 of Schedule III shall rank for
superannuation benefits.
Those who acquire Post Graduate qualification without being a graduate will be granted TWO additional
increments for graduation / graduation pay as the case may be subject to the following conditions:
(i) Employees who are registered under the Post Gradation courses of Open University have either
passed the foundation / entrance course or attended the Bachelor’s preparatory programme; and
(ii) They pursue the same course and take the same examination as the formal stream students.
(Staff Circular No.5676 Dated 23.06.2010)
Executives of the Bank will be reimbursed with Salary towards their Drivers as under w.e.f. 01-04-2020:
Daily bhatta for outside duties requiring Rs.350/-per day
overnight stay
In substitution of Clause 7 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay, 2015 with effect from 1st November,
2017, the Dearness Allowance shall be payable as per the following rates:-
Clerical and Subordinate Staff: 0.07% of Pay per slab of four points.
Note: DA in the above manner shall be payable for every rise or fall of 4 points Over 6352 points in the
quarterly average of the All India Average working Class Consumer Price Index (General) Base 1960=100.
In substitution of Clause 9 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay, 2015, with effect from 1ST
November, 2017 the HRA shall be payable to subordinate and clerical Staff members as under:
At all Centres 10.25%
1. ‘Pay’ means as defined in Clause 6 of this Settlement .
2. Where Quarters are provided, HRA shall not be payable and the rent to be recovered shall be 0.2% of
the First Stage of the Scales of Pay.
3. All other existing provisions relating to House Rent allowance shall remain unchanged.
Provided further that when a workman employee is transferred out of the station other than on account of
request, he /she may, in lieu of HRA as above, claim reimbursement of house rent upto 150% of HRA
otherwise payable and subject to production of rent receipt. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
In modification of Clause 9 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25th May, 2015, with effect from 1ST November,
2017 workmen employees shall be paid Special Allowance as under:
Note: The Special Allowance with applicable DA thereon shall not be reckoned for superannuation benefits
viz: pension including contribution to NPS, PF & Gratuity. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
In partial modification of Clause 10 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay, 2015, with effect from 1st
November, 2017 Transport Allowance All shall be paid as under:
Note: i) The Transport Allowance with applicable DA thereon shall not be reckoned for superannuation
benefits viz: Pension including contribution to NPS, PF, & Gratuity.
ii) This provision by itself will not preclude the payment of any existing allowance of this nature paid
as a result of Govt. Guidelines/ Bank level settlements. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
In modification of Clause 11 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, with effect from 1st
November, 2017:
i) The Special Pay payable to the clerical staff and subordinate staff in banks other than State Bank of India,
shall be as mentioned under Part-A in Schedule II to this Settlement.
ii)In all other aspects, the general rules and provisions contained in Chapter V of the Bipartite settlement
dated 19th October, 1966 relating to special pay carrying posts, as modified from time to time, shall
continue to apply.
iii)With effect from 1st November, 2012, Graduation Pay and Professional Qualification Pay payable to the
clerical staff in banks shall be as mentioned in Part B of Schedule II to this Settlement. It would be worked
out separately in SBI as applicable for special pay mentioned at para (i) above.
iv)The Special Pay, Graduation Pay and Professional Qualification Pay as mentioned in Part B of Schedule II
shall rank for superannuation benefits.
v)The rates of Special Pay and the duties of Special Pay carrying posts for workmen staff in State Bank of
India may be reviewed and settled at the bank level.
vi)In reiteration of sub-clause (xv) of Clause 11 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, a member
of the non-subordinate cadre acquiring a Graduate/National Diploma in Commerce or JAIIB/CAIIB (either or
both parts)qualification/s at a time when he/she does not have the requisite number of increments in the
scale to be earned as advance increments shall in the first instance be released increments for such
qualification/s acquired to the extent available in the scale and in lieu of the remaining increment/s not
available for being so released as advance increments be granted/released the first installment of
Graduation Pay or PQP, as the case may be. Release of subsequent installments of Graduation Pay or PQP
shall be with reference to the date of release of Graduation Pay or PQP under this clause.
vii)Provided that in the case of an employee acquiring such qualifications after reaching the maximum of
the scale of pay, he shall be granted from the date of acquiring such qualification the first installment of
Graduation Pay or PQP, as the case may be and the release of subsequent installments of Graduation Pay or
PQP shall be with reference to the date of release of Graduation Pay or PQP under this clause.
Provided further that in case where the non-subordinate employee as on the date of this Settlement, has
already acquired JAIIB (Part-I) or CAIIB (Part-II)/Graduation after reaching maximum of the scale of pay (in
case of JAIIB/CAIIB/Graduation) or after reaching 19th stage of scale of pay (in case of CAIIB/Graduation),
and has not earned increment/s, otherwise entitled on account of acquiring such qualification, when there
were no increments to provide in the scale of pay of those employees, the stagnation increment in such
cases may be advanced by one year or two years as the case may be.
All the members of the clerical staff who do not get any special pay as on 30-04-2010 on regular
basis shall be designated as Single Window Operator-A. The following duties shall inter alia form
part of their normal duties.
All clerks shall also perform all duties and functions of their cadre, either online or manually, which does not
involve any passing or supervisory functions of an officer of the bank. He will, wherever and whenever
required, function as a single window operator where he will also receive and pay cash.
The Special pay duties do not include the routine duties of the cadre (clerical / subordinate) which a
workman has to normally perform; but merely refer to those special allowance duties which if performed in
addition to the routine duties will entitle a workman to a special pay on the terms and conditions provided
in Chapter V of the First Bipartite Settlement as modified.
For removal of doubts it is clarified that the workman entrusted with duties attracting special pay can be
required to perform routine duties of his cadre and that the following duties shall inter alia form part of the
normal duties of the clerical cadre and for performance of those duties no special pay shall be payable
In addition to the duties of Single Window Operator “A‟, their duties will include –
a) Passing and cash payment of all cheques/withdrawal forms/bankers‟ cheques/gift cheques, etc.
up to and including Rs.20,000/-
b) Passing independently clearing and cheques, vouchers, etc. (whether credits or debits) up to and
including Rs.25,000/-
c) Receipts of cash and issuance of pre-signed drafts / gift cheques / travelers cheques / pay orders /
bank orders, etc. upto and including Rs.25,000/-
Their duties involve:
Holding the bank’s cash, key and / or other valuables in safe custody jointly with an employee and being
accountable for them and being responsible for the running of the cash department.
1. Opinion compilation:
2. Verification of vernacular signatures/ endorsements:
3. Countersigning cheques and / or drafts (on selves or correspondents), payment orders, Deposit
receipts etc.
4. Attending to Government Treasury work:
5. Discharging/ endorsing bills, cheques etc.
6. Being in charge of clearing and godown departments, etc:
7. Passing independently clearing and transfer cheques, vouchers, etc (Whether credits or debits)
upto and including Rs.50,000/- and cash vouchers upto Rs. 50,000/- jointly with an authorized
Special Assistants will be accountable and responsible for running of the departments/ section under them
and their duties will involve looking after and checking the work of other clerk or clerks and sub staff and
will include.
1) Passing independently, manually or online, cash instruments upto Rs.35,000/- and clearing and
transfer cheques vouchers etc. (whether credits or debits) upto and including Rs.1,50,000/-. Passing will
include verification of signatures and scrutiny as to the correctness of endorsements on and other
particulars of such instruments. There shall be no limits for verification of signatures, passing of
authenticated credit vouchers/entries and for verifying authenticated vouchers in the ledgers, books,
computer print-outs etc.
2) Accept, verify and post cash / transfer / clearing cheques and other instruments, as the case may
be, in appropriate books of accounts / ledgers, either manually or online, and give due acknowledgements.
3) Signing vouchers, cheques, drafts, mail transfers, pay orders, advices such as non payment advices,
inter branch fate calling advices, bill schedules, demand notices, statements certificates etc.,
4) Checking all vouchers, advices, statements, cheques, drafts etc., bills and books of accounts
including current savings and other ledgers, cash, postal and revenue stamps, franking machine balances,
exchange, discount, brokerage calculations and initialing by way of authenticating them for
5) Checking, manually or online, current, savings and other accounts,
6) Checking the coding and decoding of telegrams(excluding check symbols or cyphers).
7) Discharging, endorsing cheques, bills, etc.,
8) Perform, when required in a computerised set up, system control functions, either jointly with an
employee or independently, upon specific authorisation in this regard;
9) Briefly explain, the features of Bank's various products and services to customers, to reply their
queries and to refer interested customers to appropriate personnel;
10) Inspecting godown (only in banks where such work is already being done by workmen).
For the purpose of efficient and effective functioning of the section or department the special assistant shall
ensure that all acts, things and steps necessary therefore are taken by himself of by the clerks placed under
him and shall ensure that, wherever necessary :
Countersigning would mean signing in a manner whereby the primary responsibility for ensuring
that all the formalities are complete rests with the other signatory.
Checking / verifying would mean verifying that the instrument / material checked is in order in all
Respects and also includes verification of signature irrespective of the amount of the instrument and
authenticating the same on the instrument / material, initialing the relative entries in the respective books
of accounts, manually and/or on line.
(ii) Henceforth, selection of staff for being entrusted with special pay carrying posts shall be on the basis of
their suitability for the specialised function, norms for which shall be decided at the bank level.
All the normal and routine duties of the subordinate staff cadre and for performance of which no special
pay shall be payable. In addition they shall also be required to perform the following duties.
1.To take money orders, to buy stamps etc., which involves carrying of cash not exceeding Rs.5,000/- and
to carry insured letters., etc. to post office
2.To stitch currency note bundles
3.To stitch and seal parcels and packets containing currency notes;
4.To transit cash from the bank to an office outside or vice versa, if unaccompanied by a
watchman / Armed Guard.
Persons required to perform watch and ward duties i.e. to watch or look after the
premises or department for the purposes of its safety, security and guard against
attack or assault or infiltration and against removal of the bank's property by any
unauthorized persons AND/OR to watch and guard as above the movement of cash
Armed from one place to another whether inside or outside the Bank, for which purpose
Guard they are required by the bank to carry any of the following weapons: i) Gun, Pistol
or any other fire arm; or ii) Dagger, sword, khukri or spear; or iii)any other licensed
weapon Note: “Retainers‟ Peons (other than watchmen) whose names are
registered in the Bank's license as Retainers will, when they perform “Armed
Guard” duties, be entitled to special pay for “Armed Guards” pro rata.
Their work involves:
1) Obtaining acceptance of bills of exchange, hundies etc., drawn on local parties
Bill or banks and / or collecting payments thereof.
Collector 2) Collecting payments for cheques of postal order etc. from banks or post office
counters. They may also be required to collect cash not exceeding Rs.4,000/-at a
time against various instruments.
Their work involves :
1) Obtaining acceptance of bills of exchange, hundies etc., drawn on local parties
or banks and / or collecting payments thereof.
2) Collecting payments for cheques or postal order etc., from banks or post office
counters. They may also be required to collect cash not exceeding Rs.5,000/- at
Daftary a time against various instruments.
3) Simple binding of books and registers; 4) Press copying;
5) Filing independently letters and other papers in respect files as per indications
marked thereon;6) Assisting in issuing stationery;
7) Stacking under guidance old records in orderly manner and assisting in giving
them out when required; and
8) Undertaking the whole process of sorting, arranging, numbering, tallying the
total number or stitching the vouchers.
iv) Arrangements for safekeeping of keys; and
v) Distribution of duties amongst the subordinate staff
Air-Conditioning Semi skilled persons who under the supervision of the technician attend to
Plant Helper routine maintenance of and minor repairs to air conditioning plants.
Their work involves carrying out semi-skilled electrical work like routine
Electrician maintenance of electrical equipments, effecting minor repairs to electrical
fixtures and appliances.
Persons required to drive, maintain and effect minor repairs (not requiring a
Drivers technician's skill) to motor cars, motor vans, station wagons, scooters, motor
cycles or other motor vehicles.
For those workmen who hereafter reach or have already reached 20th stage of the scale and have got
increments in consideration of educational qualification(s), Graduation Pay/ Professional Qualification Pay
shall be payable as under:
1. Those who are graduates and/or NDC -
Rs. 625/- p.m. after they complete 1 year
Rs.1215/- p.m. after they complete 2 years
3.Those who have passed JAIIB and CAIIB or Both Parts of CAIB/CAIIB –
Rs. 625/- p.m. after they complete 1 year,
Rs. 1215/- p.m. after they complete 2 years,
Rs. 1835/- p.m. after they complete 3 years,
4.Those who are graduates/NDC and have passed JAIIB or Part I of CAIB/CAIIB –
Rs. 625/- p.m. after they complete 1 year
Rs.1215/- p.m. after they complete 2 years
Rs.1835/- p.m. after they complete 3 years.
5.Those who are graduates/NDC and have passed JAIIB or Both Parts of CAIB/CAIIB –
Rs. 625/- p.m. after they complete 1 year
Rs. 1215/- p.m. after they complete 2 years
Rs.1835/- p.m. after they complete 3 years
Rs. 2455/- p.m. after they complete 4 years
Rs. 3045/- p.m. after they complete 5 years.
In partial modification of Clause 12 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, the Hill and Fuel
Allowance shall be payable at the following rates with effect from 01-11-2017:
8% of pay
A At places situated at a height of 3000 meters and above:
At places situated at a height of and over 1500 meters and 4% of pay
but below 3000 meters: (Max.Rs.900/- p.m.)
At places situated at a height of over 1000 meters but less 3% of pay
than 1500 meters and Mercara Town: (Max.Rs.750/-p.m.)
Note: All other existing provisions shall remain unchanged. SBI may revise the ceiling amounts.
(SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
In partial modification of Clause XIV of Bipartite Settlement, dated 29th October, 1993, Clause 13 of the
Bipartite Settlement dated 27th March 2000, Clause 13 of Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April, 2010, and
Clause 13 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25th May 2015, the Fixed Personal Pay shall be revised with effect
from 1st November, 2017 as per Schedule III.
Note: Only employees who were in the service of the bank on or before 1st November, 1993 will be eligible
for FPP, one year after reaching the maximum scale of pay, they are placed in. Those who joined the Banks
on or after 2nd November, 1993 are not eligible for FPP. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
Total FPP payable Total FPP payable
Area of Posting where bank’s where bank’s
accommodation is accommodation is
of FPP
not provided provided
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Clerical Staff: At all Centres 2262 2043 1990
Subordinate Staff: At all Centres 1140 1030 1000
The overtime allowance paid to the employees for the overtime work performed before the date of this
Settlement shall not be recalculated on account of this Settlement.Over time will be paid as per table given
% of hourly emoluments
Particulars Weekdays (excluding Saturdays (excluding
Saturdays & holidays holidays)
Workmen other than members of the subordinate staff
First two quarter hours of overtime @100 @100
Next four quarter hours of overtime work @170 @170
Next four quarter hours of overtime work @200 @170
Rest of Overtime work @200 @200
Subordinate Staff
First four quarter hours of overtime work @150 @150
Next four quarter hours of overtime work @200 @170
Rest of Overtime work @200 @200
For the work done on Sundays or any other weekly off day and holidays, to which he may be entitled, a
workman( including a peon who is asked to work on such days) will be paid for the entire period of work at
200% of his hourly emoluments, unless any such day happens to be a working day for him.
In supersession of Clause 24 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, with effect from 1stNovember
2017, washing allowance shall be payable at Rs.200/-pm where washing of livery is not arranged by the
In supersession of Clause 25 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, with effect from 1st November,
2017, Cycle Allowance is payable to the members of the subordinate staff who are required to use Cycle on
regular assignment for outdoor duties (Max. 9 kms) at Rs.150/-pm at all centres.
Cycle Allowance will not be paid to a workman of the subordinate staff for the period of leave
exceeds 30 days. (Staff Circular No.5676 Dated 23.06.2010)
In partial modification of Clause 26 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, w.e.f. 1st November
2017 Split Duty Allowance shall be payable at all centres at Rs. 200/- pm. In case the Branch Business is
split with a minimum break of 2 hours w.e.f. 01-11-2007 (Staff Circular No.5676 Dated 23.06.2010).
In partial modification of Clause 27 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, w.e.f. 1st November, 2017,
workmen in project areas shall be paid project area compensatory allowance as under: When the place of
posting is declared by Government as under project area the Award staff members are entitled for the
allowance (Staff Circular No.5676 Dated 23.06.2010)
Note: In addition to the areas/places identified and defined as Project Area, Branches opened and located
within Special Economic Zone, Export Promotion Zone, etc shall be treated as Project Areas for the purpose
of payment of project area compensatory allowance as allowance as above.
Project Area Centres: In partial modification of Clause 8.1 Settlement dated 19th October, 1966, Clause 11/8
of Settlement Dated 8th November, 1973, and clause 2 of Minutes of Discussions dated 15/16 April 1980,
the following places shall be termed as Project Areas for the purpose of the provisions under this
Jyotipuram (Salai Hydro Electric Project,J&K), Kalpakkam (tamilnadu), Kanker (Koraput Dist, Orissa),
Kasimpur (Aligarh, UP),Kargal (Mysore), Khetri, Koraput (Koraput Dist.Orissa), Kudremukh Iron Ore Project
(Malleswara), Kulamavu, Mach hakund (Koraput Dist. Orissa), Mahi (Rajasthan, Dam Project), Malthon
(WB), Malkangiri (Koraput Dist.Orissa), Mandi (HP), Munsar (Pench Electric Project, Maharashtra),
Nagarjunasagar, Nangal Township, Narora Atomic Power Project, Nawarngpur (Koraput Dist. Orissa),
Neyveli, Pandoh, Pochampadu (AP),Pophali (Maharastra), Ramachandrapuram, Ranchi (Bihar), Rawat
Bhata,Rayaguda (Koraput Dist. Orissa), Sileru (AP), Supa (Karnataka),Srisailam (AP),Sunabeda
(Koraput,Orissa), Surangani (HP),Talwara, Umarkote (Koraput Dist.Orissa), Wadigodri (Jayakwad
Project,Aurangabad),Obra (UP),Renukoot (UP).
Note: It is understood that as and when Central Govt. Or any State Govt. May declare any other Centre as
Project Area, the same would be treated accordingly. Similarly, if any Centre is treated as non-project area
by them, those Centres would stand deleted from the above list.
In partial modification of Clause 29 of Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April 2010, in view of revision in Pay
Scale w.e.f. 1st November, 2012, the Pay referred to under Col (3) and (4) of Schedule VI of Bipartite
Settlement dated 27.4.2010, shall be read as Rs. 24,000/- instead of Rs.14,700/-, the rates, other details and
conditions remaining unchanged.
Special Area Allowance shall be payable at places specified in Col.2 of the Schedule VI hereto, as per the
quantum indicated in Col.3 thereof against each such place, subject to the condition that if at any of the
places mentioned in col.2 of Schedule VI hereto, Hill and Fuel Allowance is payable in terms of this
settlement, then at such places only higher of the two allowances shall be payable. (Staff Circular No.5676
Dated 23.06.2010 and 5668 Dated 26.05.2010) None of the Branches were enlisted in this circular.
Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees shall be paid at the rate of 5%
of the Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs.400/- p.m. This is an addition to the transport allowance
payable to all the workmen (Staff circular no. 5579 dated 18-03-09)
In extreme circumstances, and also as per the exigencies of the Bank, if a Clerical employee is required to
Officiate as Officer by the Competent Authority payment officiating allowance must be ensured as per the
guidelines. Finacle ID of Clerical employees are being upgraded to perform officiating duties of Officer
cadre. Approval /Ratification of allowing officiating duties from not below the rank of Dy. Regional
Head/Chief Manager of respective Regional Office. (SC NO.6795 DTD.26-04-2018).
With effect from 1st November, 2017, the Pay as defined under Clause 6 of this Settlement and drawn by
the employees who are members of the Pension Fund shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of
calculation of pension as per the Pension Fund Rules/ Regulations in force.
1). Option not to claim incremental commutation on revise basic pension. Employees in service of the Banks
as on 1st November 2017 and who have retired thereafter but before the date of this settlement and who
had opted for commutation of pension will have an option not to claim incremental commutation on
revised basic pension.
i).For the period of ten months falling on and from 1st November, 2017, the actual Pay drawn by the
employee under this Settlement, and
ii).For the period failing prior to 1st November, 2017, the actual Pay drawn by the employee plus Dearness
Allowance at the rate of 47.8 percent thereon will be notionally reckoned as Pay for the purpose.
With effect from 1st November 2017, in respect of employees who retired or died while in service on or
after 1st November, 2017. DA shall be payable at 0.07% per slab on the Basic Pension or Family Pension or
Invalid Pension or compassionate allowance as the case may be. Dearness Relief in the above manner shall
be paid half yearly for every rise or fall of 4 points over 6352 points in the quarterly average of the All India
Consumer Price Index for industrial workers in the series 1960=100. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
It is reiterated that:-
a).The employees who are presently covered under the Pension scheme shall continue to contribute 10%
of the Pay towards PF, but there shall be no matching contribution.
b).Employees of SBI will continue to be covered by Contri9butory PF Scheme as hitherto.
c).Employees who are presently covered under Contributory PF Scheme and have not opted for Pension
Scheme under the Settlement dated 27th April, 2010 shall continue under the Contributory PF Scheme
as hitherto.
d) Banks may decide and fix at their level a higher percentage of contribution to PF. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
a).In partial modification of Clause 15(d) of Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April, 2010 in the case of all
employees who have joined the Bank on and from 1st April 2010 and who are governed and covered by the
New Pension Scheme / Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, while the employee will continue to
contribute 10% of Pay plus Da, the bank (including SBI) will make a contribution of 14% of Pay and DA from
the date of settlement subject to approval of Government.
b).The service charges by the Service Provider /Fund Manager of NPS will be borne by the Bank (including
SBI) from the FY 2021. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
Since approved by government, it is agreed that family pension shall be payable at the uniform rate of 30%
of the Pay of the deceased employee and that there shall be no ceiling on family pension. It is agreed that
these provisions, when approved by the government shall apply to SBI also. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
Age of Retirement for Award Staff is 60 years. An employee will retire on the afternoon on the last day of
the month in which he completes his age of retirement. An employee, whose date of Birth is on the First
Day of a month, shall retire from the services of the Bank on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding
month on attaining the age of retirement.
Gratuity Payment: Award Staff (Max. Rs.20 lacs only)
(SC 5680 dt.07/07/2010.. W.e.f. 01/05/2010)
One month pay for each completed year of service – max. 15 months pay plus: 1/ 2 month pay for each
year beyond 30 years of service.
Pay means: average of basic pay + special pay+ officiating pay + PQP + increment portion of FPP of last 12
months: Example:
Service of 6 months and above will be reckoned as one year: cannot be forfeited even in case of dismissals.
But if any loss to the bank on account of misconduct. It can be recovered. PTS are also eligible for gratuity
Employee has right to receive gratuity under the act or under any award / settlement which is higher W.E.F.
Payable under Gratuity Act payable under bipartite settlement
Basic pay Basic Pay
Special Pay Special Pay
FPP (increment portion) FPP (increment portion)
Gratuity: minimum service 10 yrs is must. 9 yrs and 6 months can not be taken as 10 years (clause 20 of 5th
BP) Entire amount is exempted from income tax.
AS PER GRATUITY ACT: (SC NO.5680 DT.07/07/2010)
The ceiling on amount of Gratuity payable under Sec 4 of Gratuity Act 972 has been raised :
Ceiling of Gratuity Amount enhanced Effective from
20 months salary was substituted by a ceiling of Rs. 01-12-1992
Ceiling was enhanced to Rs. One Lakh 24-05-1994
Ceiling was enhanced to Rs.2.50 lakhs 01-04-1995
Ceiling was enhanced to Rs.3.50 lakhs 24-09-1997
Ceiling was enhanced to Rs. 10 lakhs 24-05-2010
Ceiling was enhanced to Rs. 20 lakhs 29-03-2018
In case of EMPLOYEES :
Last Drawn Basic + FPP + PQA+ Officiating Allowance , if any+ DA X 15 X no. of years of Service * / 26 ( no.
of days in a month, excl. Sundays.)
*(If 32 yrs 7 months), then considered as 33 years. = XXXXX
Ex: Basic : Rs. 30000 FPP: Rs. 600 PQA: Rs. 750 DA: Rs.15000.
No. of Years of Service :
3 Examples : A) 12 yrs service B) 26 yrs service C) 36 yrs service
Then Gratuity as per act:
Case A) =(30000 + 600+ 750+15000) X15X12 = 320885.
Case B) = (30000+600+750+15000)x15x26= 695250. ( Max. limited to Rs.10,00,000)
Case C)=(30000+600+750+15000)x15x36 = 962654. ( Max. limited to Rs.10,00,000)
= Last Drawn Basic + FPP + PQA+ Officiating Allowance , if any x no. of years of service/2 .
Case A) =(30000+600+750) x 12 =376200.Because upto 15 yrs, full months pay is eligible.
Case B)=(30000+600+750) x15 = 470250. Because service from 15 & above upto 30years, 15 months pay is
Case C) =(30000+600+750)x36/2=564300.
Final gratuity amount payable: Case A) : 376200 Case B) : 695250 Case C) : 962654
GRATUITY b) forfeited wholly or partly if PAYABLE
dismissed for acts involving
moral turpitude or riotous
IBA:- PD: GSN:UNION:G:1674 DT: 18.1.2000 clarified a member
AWARD STAFF of Award Staff is entitled to encashment of pl even in the event of
imposition of punishment of Comp. Retirement, Removal from
Service or Discharge.
Under this policy, each employee has risk coverage of Rs.10,000/- who expire while in service from the date
of commencement of policy i.e. from 01-04-2012. Circular Lr. No. 105 dated 10-01-2013.
With effect from 01.11.2018, in case of death of an employee, during the period of his/her service or to the
member in the event of that member becoming physically handicapped due to serious illness, accident or
otherwise RESULTING IN LOSS OF EMPLOYMENT an amount of Rs.4.50 lakhs is to be paid to the nominee.
As such an employee who retires on account of superannuation etc. will not be paid any assistance hence
forth. Earlier Rs.25,000/- is being paid and not now since the scheme is revised. Rs.125/-pm towards DRF
subscription is to be paid as usual. Membership of the fund shall be open to employees joining the bank on
or after 01-10-2013 even during probation period. Existing Employees who have joined the Bank before 01-
10-2013 and are not members of DRF scheme may become members on payment of subscription from the
date of joining the Bank. (SC No.6869 DTD 29-10-2018, SC No. 6019 dated 05-10-2013 and SC 5785
dt.16.9.2011, and SC no.5593 dated 25-05-09)
To pay balance, if claimed by representative / family members. Total amount of the claim is payable to the
employee in case of death. (SC 2974 DT 31.5.86)
Bidding farewell to all employees who retire on superannuation is the bounden duty cast upon every staff
member. To cherish the memory of long stint of services, it has been decided to present a memento of their
choice to the retiring employees.
1. Objective:
The retiring employees will be presented with a memento costing not more than Rs.7500/-.
2. Applicability:
The scheme will be applicable to all employees of the Bank including permanent part time subordinate
employees drawing scale wages of 1/3 and above but not to those appointed on contract or
stipendiary basis.
3. General Conditions:
i. The Scheme will be applicable to those employees who will be retiring on
ii. The provision for incurring expenses not exceeding Rs.1000/- at Bank’s cost during
farewell function on bouquet, garland, tea & snacks etc., introduced vide staff circular
no. 3624 dated 26th July, 1990 is now stood withdrawn. These expenses will be borne
by the employees of the branch/office.
iii. At the farewell function, the expenses incurred for bouquet, tea and snacks will be
shared by the employees of the Branch/Office from where the employee is retiring.
iv. The prescribed form for claiming reimbursement of expenses incurred for purchasing
memento is enclosed.
vii. Form for claiming reimbursement should be accompanied by original bills/receipts for
purchase of memento.
viii. Bank’s name should be inscribed on the memento.
ix. The details of approval accorded by the Competent Authority will be recorded in a
register containing the following details. (please refer circular)
x. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The
Internal Auditors will make specific comments regarding compliance in their Report.
XI. The payment under the scheme will be debited to “Expenditure Account- Staff Welfare
Expenses – Farewell scheme for retiring employees”.
4. Competent Authority:
Branch Branch Manager of the branch concerned.
R.O./ F.G.M.O. Chief Manager (P&D)
Central Office Chief Manager (HRM)
Branches Accounts Section DGM/AGM/ In charge of the section
Audit Office In charge of Office
Staff Training College Principal/Vice Principal
Staff Training Centers Chief Manager heading the Training Centre / Principal/Vice Principal,
Staff Training College, Bangalore, In case there is no Chief Manager at
the particular Centre, the same should be forwarded to the
Principal / Vice Principal, Staff Training College Bangalore
Staff Circulars for reference: (SC No.5185 Dated 02.06.2005 / SC No.5901 dated 04.09.2012 / SC No.6162
dated. 16.01.2015)
1. Scheme at a glance
UBIREMAS Scheme is a Staff Welfare Scheme launched by Staff Welfare Committee for the
benefit of retired colleagues.
Only retired employees of the bank and his/her spouse (not employed beneficially) are covered
under this scheme.
Employees who retired on superannuation will have to apply for membership within 6 months of
their retirement.
Employees who opt for VRS may apply for membership within 6 months after attaining the age of
60 years.
For enrolment in UBIREMAS, retiree has to apply online in Union Parivar through nominated
branch by paying his/her membership fees.
The membership fees is Rs. 5000/- for Officers, Rs.3000/- for Clerks and Rs.2000/-for Sub Staff.
Under this scheme both hospitalization and annual health check up are covered.
Maximum ceiling limit for reimbursement of hospitalization expenses is Rs.1,50,000/-(Rupees one
lac fifty thousand only) w.e.f. 01-01-2017.
The reimbursement of annual health check up fees is restricted to Rs.2000/- (Rupees two
thousand only). The amount can be claimed maximum in two Installments per financial year.
For reimbursement, retiree has to submit the application to the nominated branch along with all
original bills/ receipts/ certificates in the prescribed format.
Retired employees who have their personal Medical Insurance, upon exhaustion of their sum
insured may claim reimbursement of balance of hospitalization bills under this scheme, by
submitting true copies of all related documents.
Nominated Branch will forward the application to the Regional Office under whose jurisdiction it
falls, after duly verifying the same. RO HR Administrator will process the claim.
In order to extend succor to the retired employees of the Bank, a new welfare Scheme called Union Bank
of India Retired Employees’ Medical Assistance Scheme (UBIREMAS) has been introduced.
Features of the Scheme:
-Retired employees of the Bank and his/her spouse will be eligible for the benefits under the
- The retired employee will be called “Primary Member” and the spouse will be called “Secondary
- The Primary and Secondary members will together constitute a Family Unit.
- The Scheme will cover existing retired employees, their spouses and the spouses of deceased
retired employees who apply for membership within 6 months from the date of introduction of
the said scheme.
- On the death of the retired employee, the spouse (Secondary Member) will continue to be
covered under the scheme for reimbursement of hospitalization expenses.
- The retired employees and their spouses will be covered under the scheme only if they are not
gainfully employed. Gainfully employed means those who are in employment and receiving a
monthly salary / wages of Rs.3,500/- or more.
- Employees who will be retiring from the services of the bank hereafter and their spouses shall also
be eligible to become members, provided they apply within 6 months from the date of retirement.
The membership will be restricted to the following:
i. Those who have retired from the services of the Bank on superannuation and are not
gainfully employed.
ii. Those who have taken voluntary retirement from the service of the Bank in terms of
provisions of Union Bank of India Officers’ Service Regulation 1979, Union Bank of India
Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2000-01or under any other similar scheme and are not
gainfully employed. However, they will be eligible to be covered under the scheme only after
completion of 60 years of age.
iii. Those who have taken voluntary retirement from the service of the bank in terms of
provisions of Union Bank of India Employees’ Pension Regulation 1995 after completion of 55
years of age or 30 years of service in the Bank and not gainfully employed. However, they will
be eligible to be covered under the scheme only after completion of 60 years of age.
iv.Those who have ceased to be in the service of the Bank or who will cease to be in the service
of the Bank for reasons other than those mentioned above will not be eligible for
membership and benefits under the scheme.
Membership Fees: One time membership fee will be as follows:
Officers: Rs.5000/- Clerks: Rs.3000/- Sub staff: Rs.2000/- Pre-1986Retirees: Rs.1000/-
Membership will take effect only on receipt of membership fee along with the prescribed application
and acceptance thereof by the Managing Committee.
2. Benefits:
i. Reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses will be restricted to 100% of the total expenses
incurred in case of Primary member and 75% in case of Secondary Member subject to limits
prescribed under the Scheme for Reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses for Officers/Award
Staff now in force in the Bank or Rs.10000/- per claim, whichever is less in case of minor
ailments. In case of major ailments, the same rules will be followed subject to the condition that
the reimbursement will be restricted to Rs.1,50,000/- per claim or the limits prescribed under the
scheme, whichever is less.
ii. For the purpose of determining the rate of reimbursement the cadre of the employee
(Officer/Award Staff) at the time of superannuation/voluntary retirement etc. will be taken into
iii. The total reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses will be permitted up to a maximum of
Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lac Fifty Thousand Only) to the Family Unit during the entire currency
of membership under the scheme.
iv. Major / minor ailments will be as defined in the scheme in vogue in Bank for Reimbursement of
Hospitalization Expenses applicable to Officers / Award staff, as the case may be and the amount
of reimbursement will also be calculated on the same lines.
i. An account in the name and style of “Union Bank of India Retired Employees’ Medical Assistance
Scheme” will be opened for this purpose. The membership fees collected from the members will
be credited to this designated account.
ii. The Staff Welfare Committee, out of the approved budget for each financial year will allocate
separate budget for meeting the claims under the scheme. Such allocations will be made in the
yearly budget and will be approved by Staff Welfare Committee.
iii. Depending on the claims that may be received from Branches/offices, funds will be transferred
from the Bank’s Welfare Fund to the designated account under the scheme for meeting the
iv. The funds or any portion thereof will be invested by the Managing Committee either in deposit
with the Bank or in such securities approved under the Income Tax Act1961.
vi. The earnings on investments will be subject to tax or statutory provisions as may be applicable
from time to time.
vii. Surplus amount available in the designated account will also be reinvested either in Bank deposits
or in approved securities as stated above.
The Managing Committee will administer the scheme with the following members:
Managing Director& Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director
General Manager(HR)
An executive at Central Office to be nominated by Managing Director And Chief Executive Officer
and/or Executive Director.
A representative from the recognized majority Officer’s Association.
A representative from the recognized majority Employees’ Union.
Deputy General Manager / Assistant General Manager (HR) will be the Member Secretary.
The Managing Committee will authorize any two or more of its members to operate/administer
bank account, investments of corpus money and carry out the day-to-day administration.
The Managing Committee will meet at least once in each quarter or more frequently, if required.
The Managing Committee will formulate the detailed procedure to be followed for the day-to-day
administration of the scheme including membership and other forms and control
records etc.
The surplus money available in the designated account will be invested in the Bank deposits,
securities, Public Sector Bonds etc. as is permissible under the law in the name of “Union
Bank of
India Retired Employees’ Medical Assistance Scheme”.
The income generated out of investment or corpus of the fund will also be credited to this
account and will be utilized for settlement of claims.
A Chartered Accountant, approved by the Managing Committee, will audit the accounts of the
fund/scheme every year, cost of which will be borne by the Bank.
Retired employee who wish to become member of the scheme have to apply on line through Union
Parivar. They have to visit nearest branch /Office for the same. The membership screen will be available
for retired employees, like holiday home application is available. Accountant/ Branch Manager who is
having the HR Rights can also apply on behalf of the retired employee (Employee self service-REMAS
membership application). When the retired employee applies directly, after logging in: all the relevant
details will be automatically displayed. If any change in address /spouse details is required to be made,
he/she can do so. If the Accountant/ Branch Manager is applying, they have to key in the Employee
Number. Then all the relevant details pertaining to the employee will be displayed.
Kindly note that spouse having income of Rs.3500/- pm or above from any source will not be eligible for
Secondary Membership. A staff member who applies on behalf of retired staff has to get confirmation
from the retired staff and then fill up the information in relevant column. Staff members retiring on
superannuation will have o apply within six months of retirement date. Those who are retiring on VRS,
have to apply within6 months after attaining the age of 60. System will not allow application after 6
months of retirement/ attaining the age of 60. Membership fee has to be first remitted/ deposited to the
account No.378902050000188 maintained at MMO Branch. Employee has to mention his/her name and
Employee ID in the Remarks field while entering the transaction in Finacle. Tran-ID and date have to be
noted down and to be mentioned in the application as proof of remittance. Once all details are filled in,
the employee has to click on the save and submit button. The employee has to take a printout of the page,
sign it, and paste a joint/ single photograph on the right side of the application and hand over to the
Branch /Office who in turn shall forward it to their respective RO. A duplicate copy of the same with
photograph will be retained at the nominated Branch.
The application will now be available in the work list of the RO HR administrator who would verify the
personal payment details and recommend the same by clicking the ‘recommended’ button. RO HR admin
shall file the hard copy of the application for records. The application will now be available at officer-in-
charge, Central Office for approval. On approval, the membership number will be automatically assigned
and a ‘work list item’ will appear in the ID of the RO administrator who had recommended the
application. On clicking the work list, the application will be displayed with membership number, RO HR
administrator has to print the same and dispatch the same to the retired employee for his/her future
reference. With the membership number, employee can apply for reimbursement subsequently. Details of
existing members along with membership number are already updated in Union Parivar.
The Applicant shall submit the application for reimbursement to the Nominated Branch along with all the
original bills/receipts/certificates, in the prescribed format
Nominated Branch will forward the application to the Regional Office under whose jurisdiction it falls
after duly verifying the same.
The papers will be submitted to the Bank’s Medical Officer for scrutiny, by RO HR Admin. RO HR
administrator shall enter the total amount of reimbursement already availed by the applicant through
work force administration > Staff Welfare > Health scheme > REMAS claim Register. This is a one time job
for each member but had to be carefully filled in as it will be the base data for calculation of total
reimbursement in future. If the employee applies for the first time/ had not availed any reimbursement till
date, 0.00 (zero amount) is to be filled in. Similarly, the HR admin has to verify the account number of the
retired employee in the claim application. If it is not proper, HR admin has to enter the correct 15 digit
account number. Then ‘ok’ button is to be clicked. After updating the register as above, RO HR
administrator shall process the claim through :
Workforce Administration > staff welfare > health scheme > REMAS >reimbursement for hospitalization.
If the register is not updated, system will not allow entry of claim details. Amount already reimbursed to
the retiree, will be displayed on the right top of the next screen. After filling in the details, RO HR admin
has to click on ‘submit’ button. System will not allow submission if the total amount claimed is more than
the ceiling i.e. Rs.1.50 lakh. Now the application will be available in the work list of Regional Head who is
the competent authority for sanction. Once sanctioned, the amount shall be directly credited to retired
employee’s account by auto credit process. There is no need for sending POB claim to Central Office.
Total amount reimbursed to the member will be automatically updated in the system on sanction. The
application will then be in the ID of CO Officer in charge who will validate the same.
NOTE: Reimbursement under UBIREMAS to Award Staff @ applicable for Officers Scale I to III.
The application will be submitted through nominated branch as per existing practice. Branch will forward
it to RO. RO HR administrator will process the claim through workforce administration > Staff Welfare >
Health Scheme > REMAS annual health check up. In case of existing members, amount already reimbursed
during the current financial year has to be updated in Union Parivar Register by the HR administrator of
RO, as is being done for hospitalization reimbursement. The reimbursement is restricted to Rs.2000/- per
year w.e.f. 01-04-2015. The amount can be claimed maximum in two installments per financial year.
Guidelines for settlement of hospitalization bills under UBIREMAS:
This is regarding processing of bills under UBIREMAS scheme to be done as per ceilings defined under
various heads in the 9th Bipartite/ Joint Note dated 25.05.2015. in other words, processing of medical bills
in respect of retired employees who have membership under IBA Medical Insurance Scheme and also
It is to be noted that:
-Processing of hospitalization bills under UBIREMAS scheme to be done as per ceilings defined under
various heads in the 9th Bipartite / Joint Note dated 27-04-2010.
-Admissible expenses (ailments and ceiling) as per 9th Bipartite/ Joint Note, can be claimed under
UBIREMAS. However, non admissible expenses should not be considered.
To further clarify, a hypothetical case is given below:
A Retired employee has undergone a surgery towards which an expenditure of Rs.70000/- has been
incurred. The claim was first submitted to Insurance Company for reimbursement where an amount of
Rs.30000/- has been settled. Retired employee has membership under UBIREMAS and he/she claims the
rest amount of Rs.40000/-, i.e. amount not settled by insurance Company, under UBIREMAS, then the
eligibility under UBIREMAS is to be calculated as per the following table:
Staff Circulars for reference: SC No.4901 dtd 04-10-2001 SC No. 5601 dtd 30-07-2009 SC No. 5913
dtd 11-10-2012 SC No.6006 dtd 14-08-2013 SC No. 6021 dtd 10-10-2014 SC No. 6163 dtd 16-01-2015
SC No. 6521 dtd 31-12-2016 SC No. 6889 dtd 10-12-2018 SC No. 7171 dtd 08-04-2020
The scheme provide for ex-gratia to the employees retired prior to 01-01-1986 and were surviving as on 01-
11-1997. Features of the Scheme:
ex gratia to retired employees, who have retired prior to 01-01-1986 and were surviving as on 01-
11-1997, being paid from 01-11-1997.
Employee should have worked for 20 years
Amount of Rs.300/- + DA
ex gratia allowed to surviving widows vide Ministry of Finance letter dated 13-09-2006
ex gratia to windows was being paid @Rs.1000/- (one consolidated amount without any DA) from
the rate they preferred the claim.
Apart from the above ex gratia w.e.f. January, 2013 additional amount of ex gratia per month paid
as under:
Age Amount Rs.
Upto 75 years 2000
76-80 years 3000
81-85 years 4000
Above 85 years 5000
Age not ascertained 2000
Based on IBA letter Dated 06-01-2014 the ex gratia has been revised per month from 17-12-2013 as under:
Surviving pre-1986 retirees Rs. 350 + DA
Surviving Spouses Rs. 175 + DA
Staff Circulars for Reference: SC No.5944 dated 19-01-2013 Staff Circular No.7171 dated 08-04-2020.
-No NRW shall be permitted for purchasing a share in a joint property or building or house or land
whose ownership is undivided, except where a site is owned jointly with the spouse.(SC No.6034 dtd.29-
In partial modification of Clause 17 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, with effect from 1st
November, 2017, the reimbursement of medical expenses under medical aid scheme shall be restricted to
an amount of Rs. 2,355/- per annum.
For the year 2017, the reimbursement of medical expenses under the medical aid scheme shall be
enhanced proportionately for two months i.e. November and December, 2017. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
The employee should submit a declaration inter alia stating the details of expenses incurred by him so as to
enable him to draw the amount. (Staff Circular No.5676 Dated 23.06.2010)
In case of death of an employee, his legal heir can claim the amount outstanding in his Medical Aid account.
Staff Circular No. 2974 dated 31.05.1986.
In substitution of Clause 18 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, for the purpose of medical
facilities and for the purpose of leave fare concession, the expression “family” of an employee shall mean:-
The employee’s spouse, wholly dependent unmarried children (including step children and legally adopted
children) wholly dependent physically and mentally challenged brother/sister with 40% or more disability,
widowed daughters and depend divorced /separated daughters, sisters including
unmarried/divorced/abandoned or separated from husband/widowed sisters, as also parents wholly
dependent on the employee.
Provided that in case of physically and mentally challenged children, they shall be construed as dependent
even after their marriage including spouse and children subject to fulfilling the income criteria.
The term wholly dependent family member shall mean such member of the family having a monthly income
not exceeding Rs.12,000/- If the income of one of the parents exceeds Rs.12,000/- pm or the aggregate
income of both the parents exceeds Rs.12,000/- pm, both the parents shall not be considered as wholly
dependent on the employee.
A married female employee may include her natural/legal parents or parents-in-law under the definition of
family, but not both, provided that the parents/parents-in-law are wholly dependent on her.
Note: For the purpose of medical expenses reimbursement scheme, for all employees, any two of the
dependent parents/parents-in-law shall be covered. (SC No,7326 Dated 24-12-2020).
After settling original bill amount an employee can claim additional amount by means of ex gratia, upto an
amount of Rs.1.50 Lacs OR 90% of the difference between the total amount of expenses incurred and the
eligible amount of reimbursement sanctioned as per rules whichever is less for self and Rs.1.00 Lac or 75%
of the difference between the total amount of expenses incurred and the eligible amount of reimbursement
sanctioned as per rules whichever is less for dependents in the entire financial year. This ceiling must not
be exceeded. Spouse income should not exceed Rs.20,000/-p.m. for claiming ex gratia amount. Major
ailments, Major surgeries and Chemotherapy treatment for Cancer ailment (as domiciliary treatment) also
will be considered. (SC No.5693 dt.30.08.2010, SC No.5901 dt. 04.09.2012 w.e.f. 31.08.2012 & SC No.5526
DT. 14/08/2008)
If spouse is gainfully employed provided the gross monthly income does not exceed 20,000/- to obtain pay
slip of spouse, or certificate from employer – wef 01.08.2008. (SC 5526 Dated 14.08.08)
(SC 2578 DATED 24.05.83)
1. This Scheme is based on the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and provides for
payment of Compensation to Bank’s employees who meet with accident while on Bank’s duty. The
Scheme is titled “Union Bank of India Employees’ Personal Accident Benefit Scheme”. It is applicable to
all permanent full-time employees of the Bank i.e. employees in the Officer Cadre, Clerical Cadre and
Sub-Staff Cadre (including permanent part-time employees). The Competent Authority for sanctioning
compensation under the Scheme is an Officer in Top Executive Grade / Scale-VI looking after
Department of Personnel or the authority above him.
2. Further, the employee shall be reimbursed the medical cost and treatment and / or hospitalisation
expenses over and above his normal entitlement. He shall also be granted special leave for the period
of his treatment. The Competent Authority for sanctioning medical expenses and special leave will be an
Official in Scale-IV working in the Department of Personnel, Central Office or an authority above him
looking after / overseeing Department of Personnel, Central Office.
3. The injury in the course of employment while on duty shall mean injury suffered as a direct
consequence while discharging official duties. However, these facilities will not be available if
employee’s negligence has contributed to injury; or he was under influence of drug / medicine; or he
has willfully disobeyed an express order given or any rule expressly framed for the sake of security of
the employee; or has disregarded / removed any safety guard/ device provided for securing safety of
the employee.
4. The employees eligible for compensation under the Schemes should apply in prescribed format
(ANNEXURE-XXVII OR ANNEXURE-XXVIII) supported by certificate issued by Registered Medical
Practitioner. The application should be forwarded through the Branch Manager / Head of the
Department where the employee is working at the time of the accident.
5. A copy of FIR lodged with Police, in case of accident, is to be enclosed (SC 2578 DATED 24.05.83)
(SC NO.7497 dated 16-09-2021)
The Group Medical Insurance Policy for existing employees is set for renewal for the policy year 2021-22.
Opting for Super Top up policy will be a Voluntary decision of the concerned employee.
Super top up is an additional insurance coverage beyond the regular sum insured. The sum insured
available in Super Top up is Rs.5,00,000/- for Officers and Rs.4,00,000/-for Award Staff. Employee opting for
Super Top up will have Medical Insurance Coverage of Rs.9,00,000/- (Rs.4,00,000/- Basic Sum Insured +
Rs.5,00,000/- Super Top Up) in case of Officers and Rs.7,00,000/- (Rs.3,00,000/- Basic Sum Insured _
Rs.4,00,000/- Super Top Up) in case of Award Staff Members.
Option of multiple claims (both reimbursement and cashless) is covered under this policy. Only IPD/
Hospitalisation Claims are admissible under this policy.
In case of claim, the basic policy will be triggered first and only after full utilization of the basic sum insured
Rs.4,00,000/- for Officers and Rs.3,00,000/- for Award Staff , the super top up policy will be activated.
There will be no change in the sum insured, under Super Top Up Policy, on promotion of an employee from
Clerical to Officer cadre, Sum insured can be modified only at next renewal.
For Existing Staff
Premium Rates provided by National Insurance Company (NIC) as under:wef.01-10-21 to 30-09-22
Regular Sum Super Top Up Sum Premium Payable Final Sum Insured
Insured Insured beyond including GST with Super Top Up
(premium regular Sum (Employee to pay (Only on payment
cadre Paid by Insured the premium of extra premium
Bank) (Employee to pay amount) amount)
the premium)
Clerk/ Sub Staff Rs.3 lacs Rs.4 lacs Rs.5566.06/- Rs.7 lacs
Officer Rs.4 lacs Rs.5 lacs Rs.6956.10/- Rs.9 lacs
For Retirees
i) In partial modification of Paragraph 19 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay,2015 with effect from the
date of this settlement, leave fare concession payable will be the actual return railway fare or steamer fare
incurred by the workman and members of his family subject to the following:-
a) For availment of leave fare concession under a 2 year block for visit to any place within India, the
maximum permissible distance shall be 2600 km.(one way), for the subordinate staff and 2200 km.(one
way) for non-subordinate staff.
b) For availment of leave fare concession under a 4 year block for visit to any place in India, the
maximum permissible distance shall be 5200 km.(one way) for subordinate staff and 4400 km. (one way)
for non-subordinate staff.
ii) In partial modification of Clause 19 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25th May, 2015, the class of fare to
which the workman and the members of his family would be entitled, shall be as follows:-
Subordinate Staff : AC III Tier for the journey by mail/express train. -- By Steamer – II Class Cabin.
Non-subordinate Staff : AC II Tier for the journey by mail/express train. -- By Steamer – Ist Class Cabin.
Note: The above entitlement shall also be applicable for travel on duty.
Provided however, in the case of non-subordinate staff, they will be reimbursed the fare for travel by
Rajdhani / Shatabdi trains if the travel has been actually undertaken by such trains.
Provided further that where the non-subordinate employee and / or dependent members of his family
undertake travel by air either to his place of domicile or to any other place for rest and recuperation within
India, he shall be entitled to be reimbursed the actual air fare so incurred or the II AC class fare by train by
a direct route in case of travel to place of domicile to the extent of the maximum admissible distance in
case of travel to any other place for rest and recuperation, during the two year/four year block respectively,
whichever is less.
Provided further that in addition to train fare, charges incurred on account of local sight-seeking during
Availment of LFC may also be reimbursed subject to total claim not exceeding the amount equivalent to
eligible train fare as per respective entitlement.
NOTE: GST Charges levied on Train Fare shall be over and above the entitlement. In view of prevailing
dynamic fare system, the cost of train tickets charged on the date of booking will be reimbursed.
For employees working in North East States, LFC will begin from Guwahati and the eligible train fare from
their place of work to Guwahati will be additionally paid. Similarly, eligible fare for Andaman & Nicobar
Islands to Chennai/Kolkatta, Lakshadweep to Kochi, far-flung area branches in Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir or any other areas which are not directly connected by train shall
be additionally under LFC in addition to normal entitlement for the employees working in these areas to the
nearest major Railway Station.
An employee and/or members of his family, when availing leave fare concession may undertake travel by
any mode of surface transport between places and the employee will be eligible to claim in respect of such
journey his actual expenditure or the notional train fare by the entitled class for the distance so travelled,
whichever is less, within his overall entitlement.
For the purpose of this sub-clause, travel by any approved mode of surface transport would mean such
travel undertaken through any public transport or transport (including taxi) operated by agencies / tour
operators approved by appropriate Government authorities or motorcar owned by the employees/spouse.
(iii) By exercising an option anytime during a block of 2 years or 4 years, as the case may be, an
employee can either undertake travel availing of leave fare concession and claim reimbursement upto his
entitlement or to encash the facility for the concerned block. The option so exercised shall be irrevocable
for the block concerned. On opting to encash the facility, he will be entitled to receive a lump sum
equivalent to notional train fare for the admissible distance (depending on a 2 year or 4 year block) by the
entitled class, subject to deduction of admissible tax at source. Leave Fare Concession for travel to place of
domicile is not encashable.
The facility of encashing of Leave Fare Concession may be allowed to employees without the requirement
of availing leave for this purpose. An employee opting to encash his LFC shall prefer the claim for himself
and his family members only once during the block/term in which such encashment is availed of. The
facility of encashment of PL while availing of LFC is also available while encashing the facility of LFC.
(iv) Provisions under clause 10.13(iii) of Bipartite Settlement dated 19th October, 1966 regarding
restrictions on entitlement to LFC where both husband and wife are working in the same Bank shall stand
deleted. Accordingly, henceforth LFC can be availed independently where both husband and wife are
working in the same bank.
(v) All employees will be given an opportunity to exercise an option within 90 days from the date of this
Settlement to avail LFC under two years/four years block as the case may be. If no option is exercised within
the stipulated period, the earlier option will continue to be operative.
(vi) Dolly/Pony charges as per Government Rates shall be reimbursed within the overall entitlement.
With effect from 1st June 2015 employees may be allowed the facility of encashing of LFC without the
requirement of availing leave for this purpose. (SC No. 6220 dated 01-08-2015).
All the Award Staff members are entitled to Encash the Train Fares and also Encashment of PL without
proceeding on LFC, for proceeding any where in India Block only allowed to encash and not for availing LFC
to Domicile place.
SC NO.7326 RS.2860/-DN RS.5720/-
W.e.f. RS.4185/-UP
01-11-2020 RS.4185/-DN RS.8370/-
PEAK SEASON: 1st April to 31st July and 1st September to 31st Jan and in all popular trains. LEAN SEASON: 1st February to 31st March and
1st August to 31st August
2600 > up
SC NO.7326 2600 < down RS.4194/-
01-11-2020 4 YEARS 5200 > up A/C III TIER MAIL/ EXPRESS/
RS.3526/- RS.7052/-
BLOCK 5200 < down 2nd CLASS BY STEAMER
2 YEARS Rs.1138/-UP
867>Up 867<down Rs.2276/-
HK 1/3 SCW
4 YEARS 1733>up 2nd CLASS BY STEAMER Rs.1710/-UP
BLOCK 1733<Down Rs.1710/-DN
2 YEARS 1300>up Rs.1431/-UP
HK 1/2 SCW
4 YEARS 2600>Up 2nd CLASS BY STEAMER Rs.2097/-UP
BLOCK 2600 Down Rs.2097/-DN
2 YEARS 1950>Up Rs.1841/-UP
HK 3/4 SCW
4 YEARS 3900>Up 2nd CLASS BY STEAMER Rs.2583/-UP
BLCK 3900<Down Rs.2583/-DN
Permanent part time employees drawing scale of wages shall be eligible for leave fare concession and leave
encashment on pro rata basis with effect from 01-04-1989(Clause 18.2 (d) Vth BPS dt:10-04-1989.
-LFC on Pro Rata basis to permanent part time employees drawing scale wages would mean pro rata
distance and not pro rata period of time. (IBA LFC:PD:CIR:76:90 Dated 16-08-1989.)
Children 5 year of age and up to 12 years of age will be charged half the fares subject to the minimum fare
applicable. No separate seat/berth is provided for children. Full adult fare is charged for children to allot a
separate berth.
Encashment of Leave at the time of availing LFC:
An employee is entitled to encash a maximum of 30 days of privilege leave while availing LFC under the 4
years block. Alternatively he can encash 15 days of PL for each of 2 years block.
-A workman may claim LFC for members of his family (if they do not ordinarily reside with him at the place
of work) for travel from his place of domicile to the place of work and return with the workman and vice
versa. (Clause 10.9 Ist BPS dated 19-10-1966).
-The dependent parents, inter alia, shall ordinarily reside with the employee to be eligible for availment of
LFC. An employee may, however, claim LFC in respect of dependent parents not ordinarily reiding with the
employee by giving a suitable declaration and satisfactory evidence of such dependency. (Clause 6.(vii)
dated 16-07-1991)
-LFC may be availed of by the workman’s family for travel without the attendance of workman. The
workman and/or members of his family may visit the same place or different place of their choice within
the permissible distance.(Clause8(iii) 4th BPS dtd: 05-01-1987)
-LFC may be availed of by the workman’s family for travel without attendance of workman on either leg of
journey, provided that the period between the date of commencement of the journey and that or return
journey should not exceed 4 months. The entitlement of the workman to avail of LFC in such event of
independent journey by the family shall continue to operate. On expiry of such period of 4 months any LFC
not availed by employee himself (unless leave is refused by Bank) or his family will lapse.
-LFC may be availed of by the workman’s family for travel prior to or after the date on which the workman
himself avails of the LFC: provided that, the period between the date of commencement of the journey by
the family and the date on which the workman himself commences his journey, does not exceed 4 months.
On expiry of such period of 4 months any LFLC not availed of by the workman for himself (unless in the
meantime his leave is refused by the Bank) or his family, will lapse. (Clause 10.8 Ist BPS 19-10-1966)
-An employee may undertake the whole or part of the journey by Air either to his place of domicile or to a
place for rest and recuperation and he will be eligible to claim his actual expenditure, provided it is less than
or equivalent to actual fares by his entitlement in case journey to his place of domicile by direct or regular
route or to the extent of maximum distances.(Clause 23 (v) 3rd BPS dtd: 31-10-1979).
-A member of non-subordinate staff and/or his family when availing of the LFC laid down under 10.2(b) as
modified herein may travel beyond maximum permissible distance laid down therein, by a class lower than
that to which he is entitled, in which case he will be paid the actual fare incurred including reservation and
sleeping berth charges, if any (irrespective of the number of stages in which the journey is undertaken) or
the first class fare for the distance permissible under Clause 10.2(b) as modified herein, whichever is
less.(Clause IV (V) 2nd BPS Dated 08-11-1973)
-Conveyance expenses within the prescribed rates, from residence to nearest railway station/bus
stand/airport/docks and vice versa as also similar expenses at the place of destination shall be reimbursed
under leave fare concession facility within the overall entitlement of the employee. (Clause 6(vi) 5th BPS
dated 16-07-1991).
-It is clarified that where the children below the age of 12 years of age are charged bus fares, the bank may
reimburse to the employee full train fares for the journey of such children by the class to which the
employee is entitled upon the permissible distance or the actual bus fare incurred or road mileage @ 20
paise per km. whichever is less (now Rs.8/- per km) . (Clause 6(b) 3rd BPS dtd: 08-09-1983).
-Where an employee has to travel on duty / LFC between places not connected or partially connected by
rail or steamer, he shall be reimbursed actual road mileage cost or at Rs.2/- per km whichever is less. (Now
Rs.8/- per km.) (Clause 30 8th BPS dated 02-06-2005).
-An employee claiming reimbursement under LFC shall produce money receipts as evidence and if the
money receipts are not available, any other satisfactory evidence of travel along within a suitable
explanation for the non-production of money receipts. (Clause 5 3rd BPS dated 31-10-1979).
-A workman availing of the LFC will, if he so requests, be advanced any salary falling during his leave period.
(Clause 10.12 Ist BPS 19-10-1966)
-Actual Journey expenses by bullock cart/ pony/ camel/ ferry boat for that part of the journey which of
necessarily is to be covered by one of these means of transport in the absence of train/ steamer or bus
service shall be reimbursed, subject to production of satisfactory evidence in respect of such journey to the
nearest railway station/ steamer halt/ bus link with a maximum of Rs.1.50 per km. (now Rs.8/- per km)
(Clause 6(v) Settlement dated 16-07-1991).
-Provided further that workmen travelling between Goa, Cochin, and Bombay may travel by rail or road at
their option, even if sea route is available, in which case he will be paid at the appropriate rate. (Clause
IV(iv) settlement dated 08-11-1973)
-Each workman shall, if he has not already done so furnish to the Bank a written declaration of his place of
domicile. (Clause 10.4 dated 19-10-1966).
-In case of a Physically Handicapped employee who is appointed under such category and is eligible for
payment of conveyance allowance in terms of the Govt. guidelines, a companion may accompany the
employee provided he/she does not have any member of the family in respect of whom he/she can claim
the LFC.(Clause 8(iv) dated 05-01-1987).
Permanent employees who have completed 11 months service are entitled for LFC.
Train fare by Shatadi/ Rajdhani express trains (Non-Executive Class) will be reimbursed.
An employee on transfer shall be paid the cost actually incurred for transporting his personal effects,as
a. For Married persons 3500 KGS 2500 KGS
b. For unmarried persons 2500 KGS 1500 KGS
An employee on transfer from one station to another can transport his/her personal
effects by rail/road up to the stipulated weights by an IBA approved Transport Operator.
If the places are not connected by Rail/Out agency, actual expenses will be reimbursed
for transporting the personal effects by Road up to the stipulated weights by an IBA
approved Transport Operator.
In modification of Clause 22 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015, with effect from
1 November, 2020, compensation on transfer, shall be as under:-
While affecting the transfer by Train or by Truck it is possible that some of the households may
break/damage during the course of transportation/transit and the amount of loss to certain extent can be
reimbursed as under:
Where an employee produces receipts or a
statement of loss in respect of breakages subject Rs.1,650/-Maximum Rs.1,100/- Maximum
to a maximum of:
Where NO receipts/ Statement of loss are
Rs.1,100/-Maximum Rs.825/- Maximum
produced, a lump sum payment of:
In modification of Clause 23 of the Bipartite Settlement dated 25thMay 2015 with effect from
01/11/2020, Halting Allowances shall be payable in case he under takes journey to other place beyond
Municipal Limits outside headquarters, for the purpose of cash remittance/deputation/tour etc. at the
following rates:
CLERKS Rs.1050/-per diem Rs.900/-per diem Rs.675/-per diem
SUB STAFF Rs.750/-per diem Rs.600/-per diem Rs.375/-per diem
@ Hyderabad(GHMC), Vijayawada (GVMC)
# Warangal, Guntur, Nellore, SC No.6240 dated 05-09-2015 wef 01-03-2011
Provided than an employee can also claim lodging expenses reimbursement by production of Hotel Rent
receipt Subject to ceilings prescribed hereunder:
CLERKS Rs.2500/-per day Rs.2000/-per day Rs.1500/-per day
SUB STAFF Rs.1250/-per day Rs.1000/-per day Rs.750/-per day
Boarding Charges
@ 25% of halting allowance shall be payable as under
If an employee leaves the head quarters while on duty If an employee leaves the head quarters while on
and returns back immediately to head quarters: duty and returns back to head quarters:
-he is entitled for full day halting allowance if his
- he is entitled for half a day halting allowance if his absence in head quarters exceeds above 4 1/2 hours
absence does not exceeds 4 ½ hours. and up to 24 hours
–and entitled for two days halting allowance if his
absence exceeds 48 hours.
In partial modification to Clause 13.20 of Bipartite Settlement dated 19-10-1966 (other than SBI) and para
7.20 of Settlement dated 31s March 1967(in case SBI), an employee other than a member of the Executive
Committee of a registered trade union of the employees of the Bank shall not be entitled to take privilege
leave on more than four occasions in a calendar year.
Where however, the reasons for the request by an employee for leave on more than four occasions in a
year are adequate and genuine and it is not administratively inconvenient, such leave may be granted.
PL taken on sick grounds where there is no credit in the sick leave account of the employee, will not be
counted as an occasion of availing PL.
Privilege Leave other than for the purpose of availing the LFC should be applied not less than 15 days
before the proposed date of commencement of such leave.
Privilege Leave accruing to an employee, shall be allowed to be accumulated beyond 240 days upto a
maximum of 270 days. However, encashment of PL shall be restricted up to a maximum of 240 days.
An employee is entitled for credit of 1 day PL for each 11 days of active service. During the 1st year of
service he is eligible for PL after completion of 11 months service. The procedure for giving credit is changed
to 1st January of every year beginning with 01.01.2007.
The employee will be credited PL on 1st January of each year. While calculating PL, total all the PL and SL
availed / Encashment of PL made if any, and total absents, if any during the last year i.e. Jan to Dec total
them and deduct them from 365 days and the balance is to be divided by 11 days. The fraction, if any, may
be rounded off to the next day. These days may be added to the Opening Balance/Credit of PL to arrive
leave balance on 1st January each year. The Maximum PL accumulation is of 270 days only and the
remaining leaves earned in excess of 270 days will lapse. While calculating PL, please do not take CL availed
during the last year. If availed Sick Leave on Full Pay, take each day as one day and if Sick Leave is availed on
half pay then take only half a day for calculation purpose.
It has been agreed that from the Calander Year 2020, Privilege Leave encashment shall be permitted at the
rate of 5 days for each calander year at the time of any festival of the employee’s choice. Employees who
have completed 55 years of age and above shall be entitled to encash at the rate of 7 days for each calendar
year, in addition to existing provisions.
Clause 30 of Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April 2010 shall be substituted by the following:
Maternity leave, which shall be on substantive pay, shall be granted to a female employee for a period not
exceeding 6 months on any one occasion and Maximum 12 months in entire period of service.
(i) in case of delivery of twins, the period of Maternity Leave shall be 8 months.
(ii)Maternity Leave may be availed combining with any other kind of leave except casual leave.
In case of miscarriage/MTP/Abortion, maternity leave may be granted as a rule upto 6 weeks on the basis of
medical certificate / advice of a competent medical petitioner, i.e. a qualified gynaecologist. In special/
exceptional cases involving medical complications, associated with miscarriage/ MTP/ Abortion, maternity
leave may be granted beyond 6 months if advised by a competent medical practitioner (qualified
gynaecologist) but upto 6 months only on any one occasion, within the overall limit of 12 months during the
entire period of service.
Within the overall period of 12 months, leave may also be granted in case of hysterectomy upto a maximum
of 60 days.
Note: In the case of employees who have availed and exhausted Maternity Leave of 12 months, leave of 15
days shall be sanctioned over and above the same, subject to production of Medical Certificate.
d) Leave may also be granted once during service to a childless female employee for legally adopting a
child who is below one year of age, for a maximum period of nine months, subject to the following
terms and conditions:-
i.AUB (Abnormal Uterine Bleeding) ii: Ovarian Tumor iii: Tubectomy / Tubectomy reversal
iv: Post -Partum Depression (PPD)v:Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH)
vi: Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (Acute PID) vii: Dysfunction Uterine Bleeding: Dysfunction (DUB)
With effect from the 1st June 2015, male employees with less than two surviving children shall be eligible
for 15 days Paternity Leave during his wife’s confinement. This leave may be combined with any other kind
of leave except Casual Leave. The leave may be availed upto 15 days before or upto 6 months from the
date of delivery of the child.
Note: Paternity Leave as above shall be allowed to employees with upto two surviving children for legally
adopting a child who is below one year of age.
In supersession of Clause 13.22 of Bipartite Settlement dated 19-10-1966 (in case of SBI, clause 7.22 of
the Settlement dated 31st March 1967), en employee shall be entitled to Casual Leave upto a maximum of
12 days in each calendar year, provided that not more than 4 days may be taken continuously. It is
reiterated that the holidays and weekly offs prefixing/suffixing or falling within the period of Casual Leave
will not be treated as part of Casual Leave.
An employee is entitled for 12 days Casual Leave in a Calendar year at the rate of one day's CL for each
month's service. Thus an employee, who joins service in January, is entitled for 12 days CL during the
calendar year January to December. However, an employee, who joins service, say on the 1st August of that
calendar year, is entitled to only 5 day's CL upto the end of December and 12 days CL during the subsequent
calendar year. It is further clarified that although an employee, who joins the Bank's service in the month of
August in a particular year, will be entitled to only 5 days CL upto the end of December in that year. He may,
if chooses, avail of the entire 5 days CL at any time before the 31st December of that year or even during
the month of May of that year.
A probationer is also entitled to CL and the rules therefore as are applicable to the confirmed employees,
apply to them also. Holidays falling within the period of CL should not be treated as part of CL. An employee
can avail Casual Leave utpo 4 days on grounds of illness without production of a Medical Certificate. CL
cannot be clubbed with any kind of leaves. Casual Leave unavailed during the year (between Jan and
December) can be brought forward to the next year and so on. All accumulated CLs will not lapse in case of
Award Staff.
The accumulated CL is called Unavailed Casual Leave and can be availed with Sick Leave only with medical
certificate. 4 days UCL can be availed without any medical certificate. This leave shall be over and above the
max. period /ceiling of Sick Leave.
With effect from 1st November, 2020 Special Casual Leave may be granted to an employee on occasions
when the branch where the employee is working or the place where the employee is residing is affected by
Curfew, Riots, Prohibitory Orders, Natural Calamities, Floods etc.
Special Casual Leave for 4 days in a Calendar year will be admissible to differently abled employees for
specific requirements relating to the disability of the employee, viz. Renewal of disability certificate,
medical check up etc. Special Casual Leave of 10 days in a calendar year will be admissible for participating
in conferences/seminars/trainings/workshops related to disability and development, to be specified by
the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, subject to exigencies of work. (SC No.6222 dated 03-08-
Staff members who donate blood will be granted a day’s Special Casual leave. This leave is to be availed of
on the very day on which the staff member donates blood and will not be allowed to be availed it on any
other day.(SC NO. 2597 DT. 02/08/1983)
I. Every male employee undergoing Vasectomy operation will be eligible for Special Casual Leave
upto 6 days for the purpose.
II. Every male employee whose wife undergoes non-puerperal tubectomy operation will get upto 7
days subject
to production of Medical Certificate from the Doctor who performed the operation to the effect that the
presence of the employee is essential for the period of leave to look after his wife during the convalescence
after operation.
III. Every female employee who undergoes non-puerperal tubectomy operation is eligible for Special
Casual Leave upto 14 days.
IV. Every female employee who had IUD insertion is eligible for 1 day Special Casual Leave.
V. Sundays and other holidays falling within the period o Special Casual Leave shall be taken into
account for calculation of the period of leave.
VI. The Special Casual Leave may be suffixed or prefixed to either regular leave (PL or SL) or CL and
not to both. The intervening holidays and / or Sundays may be prefixed / suffixed to regular leave
the case may be.
VII. An employee developing post-sterilisation complications may be allowed Special Casual Leave to
cover the period for which he /she was hospitalised for a post–operative complication, on production of a
Medical Certificate from the concerned hospitalisation authorities /or authorised medical attendant.
Employees appearing for Hindi Examinations conducted under the Hindi Teaching Scheme will be eligible for Special
Casual leave for the days of such examination. (SC NO.3735 25.04.1991)
Every eligible voter is entitled to be registered in the electoral roll of a constituency in which he ordinarily resides. In
some cases, it may happen that the Central Govt. Employee residing and enrolled as a voter in a particular place/
constituency, may be employed in any office located at some other place. In such cases the individual employee may
be granted Special Casual Leave, if his office does not happen to be closed on that particular day, to enable him to
exercise his franchise.
The elections are General Elections to Lok Sabha/ State Assemblies/ Bye-elections / Panchayat/ Corporation/
Municipalities or other Local Bodies. (SC no.3636 dt.29.08.1990).
Special Casual Leave will be granted to employees who participate in Mountaineering expedition not exceeding 30
days in any one calendar year. (SC No.2050 dt. 19.03.1979)
Further, Special Casual Leave can be granted for participating in Trekking programme also (SC No.2597 dt. 02.08.1993)
subject to the following:
- That the expedition has the approval of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation
- And for mountaineering expedition and trekking programmes taken together Special Casual Leave shall
not exceed 30 days in any one calendar year
- The employees will be permitted, as a special case, to combine Special Casual Leave with regular leave.
a)In partial modification to Clause IX of Bipartite Settlement dated 27.09.1984 and Clause 6 of Bipartite
Settlement dated 28-11-1997, an employee upon completion of 30 years of service shall be eligible for
further additional sick leave of 3 months at the rate of one month for each year of service in excess of 30
years, subject to a maximum of 720 days in entire service.
b)In partial modification of Clause IX (4) of Bipartite Settlement dated 17th September, 1984, women
employees can avail sick leave for the sickness of their children of 8 years and below subject to production
of medical certificate.
An employee is entitled for credit of 30 days towards SL on half pay on the first of day of January each year,
only after completing one year of service. During the entire service Max. 540 days SL on half pay will be
allowed to be accumulated, and in excess of this will be lapsed automatically. SL is availed of only on
production of Medical Certificate from a Medical practitioner acceptable to the Bank or at the Bank's
discretion nominated at its cost. The procedure for giving credit is changed to 1st January of every year
beginning with 01.01.2007.
If an employee completes 24 years service and after exhausting all sick leave available to him, an additional
SL on full pay of 15 days or on half pay for 30 days per year so completed, will be allowed, subject to a max
of 3 months.
With effect from 01-06-2015, Special Sick Leave upto 30 days may be granted to an employee once during
his/her entire period of service for donation of kidney/organ.
In partial modification of Clause 13.34 of Settlement dated 19th October, 1966, (in case of SBI, Clause 7.34 of
Agreement dated 31st March 1967) and Clause 36 of Settlement dated 25-05-2015, in exceptional
circumstances, Extraordinary Leave may be sanctioned (without wages) not exceeding 3 months on any one
occasion and upto 4 months in extreme medical circumstances, and upto a maximum of 24 months during
the entire period of an employee’ service.
Note: The employees will not be losing any seniority on account of availing extraordinary leave on Medical
Unlike CL, SL or PL, Extraordinary lave does not accrue to an employee and grant of extraordinary leave is a
matter entirely at the discretion of the management. The period spent by an employee on extraordinary
leave on loss of pay will not count for release of increment or for accrual of PL. In other words employee’s
annual increment will be permanently postponed by the number of days by which an employee avails
extraordinary leave on loss of pay or absence without leave. Similarly, the date on which PL will be credited
to an employee will also be postponed to the extent of extraordinary leave on loss of pay availed by him or
the period for which he was absent without leave during two successive accruals.
Not more than 360 days during entire service or 720 days with board permission on loss of pay provided no
ordinary leave is due to him. Not more than 90 days at a time.
It has now been decided to discontinue the Sabbatical Leave Scheme for employees circulated vide
SC No.5203 dated 15-07-2005, and the Board has now approved a new Sabbatical Leave as under:
Purpose Pursuing higher studies or research, both inland as well as abroad
Eligibility Minimum 5 yrs of active service and must have at least 6 years of residual service post
resuming duties in the Bank.
Period of Leave Minimum and maximum period of 2 yrs, and can be extended for a further period of one
year at the discretion of General Manager (HR).
Number of One time in entire service of an employee.
On expiry of leave, employee is required to join duty immediately. Competent Authority
Continuation of may, at his discretion, consider sanction of Privilege Leave/ Casual Leave in continuation
leave of Sabbatical Leave, subject to receipt of application well in advance from the staff
concerned, availability of balance and as per leave rules of the Bank.
On sanction of sabbatical leave the employee is required to execute an undertaking that
he/she would continue his/her services for a minimum period of three years with the
Bank after completion of the course. The period of three years shall be counted from the
Undertaking date the employee is expected to resume duties or in case of early rejoining, from the
date of his /her reporting for duties. Format of the undertaking is enclosed hereunder.
Non-compliance of this clause /undertaking shall result in disciplinary action and absence
of the employee shall be treated as unauthorized.
An employee will be permitted to rejoin after six months. The same will be treated as an
Early rejoining occasion of having availed the Sabbatical Leave. However, under such a condition, the
of duty employee would continue his/her services for a minimum period of three years with the
Bank after rejoining duties.
Will be permitted to rejoin only after six months.
Continuation/ One time extension/ continuation is permitted, with the prior approval of the Competent
Extension of Authority. However, the approval should be obtained before the expiry of the first leave
Leave period and the extension would be applicable only for the purpose of continuation of
higher studies or research.
-The leave on loss of pay & allowances under Sabbatical Leave Scheme is in addition to
such leave available under Bipartite Settlement/ Officers’ Service Regulations and can be
availed even when the leave balance is in credit.
-The Sabbatical Leave may be sanctioned in continuation of any other leave balance to
the credit of employees.
-Both husband and wife, if employed in the Bank can avail the leave separately, provided
the reasons attributed to the leaves are convincing and acceptable to the Bank.
-The employees against whom Disciplinary Action / Court Cases / Criminal cases / CBI
Cases are pending / contemplated, will not be entitled to avail the leave under this
Scheme, till final outcome of the pending matters.
-Employees who have executed Service Bond in connection with Training / Postings
abroad / induction to specialized setups such as DIT/IBD etc./deputations, are required
to serve the Bank for the stipulated period in the Bond, after repatriation before
applying for leave under this Scheme.
-During the period of leave, the workmen employees shall be governed by the provisions
Other of Bipartite Settlement / applicable rules and in respect of Officer employees, by the
conditions provisions of Conduct Regulations / Service Regulations.
-The employees availing the leave shall intimate to the Bank, the address for
correspondence and also undertake to inform the Bank i.e. HR Dept. concerned, the
change of address for communication, if any, from time to time.
-The period of leave shall be excluded for all purposes including increments, minimum
service for availing loans and advances, eligibility for promotion / higher assignment and
shall not be counted as service for the purpose of calculation of terminal benefits such as
Gratuity, Provident Fund / Pension etc.
-The employees availing leave under this Scheme are not eligible for facilities such as
Leave Fare Concession, Leave, Bonus, Ex-gratia / Medical / Hospitalisation expenses /
Aid, Festival Advance, Expenses under Staff Welfare Measures etc. during the leave
period. The LFC Block falling due during the sabbatical Leave period shall be frozen
temporarily and extended on rejoining duties to the extent of the Leave availed.
-The Officer employees will not be eligible for retention of Bank’s quarters / furniture
items during the leave period and have to make their own arrangements for stay etc.
-The employees would have to make their own arrangements to make payments of
insurance premia or any other payments / deductions being done through salary.
-If the staff member is a member of the Death Relief Fund, he/she should also make
necessary arrangements for the monthly contributions, failing which, claim if any, arising
out of death of the staff member, is liable to be rejected.
An employee who intends to go on Sabbatical Leave under the scheme should invariably
adjust all unsecured loans/advances availed including Festival Advance, Staff Clean
Overdraft, Flood Loan etc.
In respect of secured loans viz: Staff Housing Loans, staff Conveyance Loans etc. the
employee will have to make their own arrangements for repayment of interest and
instalments and will have to provide documentary evidence acceptable to the Bank
regarding source of funds for servicing such loans during the leave period.
Fresh loan / enhancement in limits during the leave period may be considered by the
Competent Authority, provided the employee clarifies the source of repayment and
undertakes to remit the monthly instalments / interest as and when due.
The employee shall have lien on the employment with the Bank during the leave period.
Also, employee availing leave on loss of pay under this Scheme shall have lien on his/her
notional seniority.
The Sanctioning Authority for considering grant of Sabbatical Leave (on loss of pay and
allowances) or extension under this Scheme shall be the General Manager (HR), in
respect of both Award Staff and Officer Employees.
-Eligible Employees / Officers who intend to avail Sabbatical Leave on loss of pay and
allowances or require extension under this Scheme shall submit an application, to the
General Manager (HR) with proof of the purpose for which the leave is sought for,
through his/her Branch/Department/RO/FGMO and shall give sufficient notice for
availment of such leave. All applications have to be routed through the Regional
Head/Vertical Head (for staff posted at CO).
-The purpose of the Scheme is for pursuing higher studies or research and the
Competent Authority while sanctioning of leave under this Scheme may consider the
organisatonal benefit being derived from such pursuit of higher studies or research by
the employees.
-For women employees another scheme circulated vide SC No. 5840 dated 10-04-
2012, is prevalent, which shall co-exist along with this scheme. Women employees
availing leave under this Scheme shall be eligible to avail leave under SC 5840 dated 10-
04-2012 for purpose other than higher studies. Women employees who have already
availed Sabbatical leave under SC No. 5840 dated 10-04-2012 for higher studies, shall not
be eligible to avail leave under this Scheme.
-Similarly, leave availed by employees under the Sabbatical Leave Scheme last amended
and circulated vide SC No. 5203 dated 15-07-2005, for the purpose of higher studies
would not be eligible to avail leave under this scheme.
-The General Manager (HR) may accept or reject the application for Sabbatical Leave on
loss of pay and allowances, and the decision to accept / reject the application would be
-Employees must necessarily report back for duties on completion of leave period. In
case the employee fails to rejoin duties after completion of the leave period, his/her
absence shall be treated as unauthorized and employee would be liable for disciplinary
The employees already on leave under the previous Schemes under reference would
continue to be on leave and are required to rejoin duties on completion of the leave
period. No extension of leave period sanctioned under the previous Scheme is
permitted. UNDERTAKING
I_________, hereby undertake that in the event o sanction of my sabbatical leave
application dated ______for the purpose of higher studies and research under the
Sabbatical Leave Scheme circulated vide SC No.7228 dated 18-07-2020, I shall resume
duties on expiry of my leave period and continue my services with the Bank for minimum
period of three years.
Name: Employee No. Designation: Posting: Signature:
(Staff Circular No. 7228 dated 18th July 2020)
In addition to the above, a new Sabbatical leave of 2 years exclusively to the women employees to meet
their special problems during their entire career is introduced vide SC No. 5840 dated 10-04-2012 w.e.f.
01.04.2012 as under:
PURPOSE Medical grounds, care of family members, or children, higher studies, visiting
spouse etc.
ELIGIBILITY Only for women employees, who has put in a minimum of 5 years of service.
In exceptional circumstances only this leave can be sanctioned before
completion of 5 years of minimum service by GM(P&HR)/ED.
PERIOD OF LEAVE At least 3 months at a time. Maximum 2 years in the entire career.
NO.OF OCCASIONS No restrictions. However, leave shall not be taken more than once in a year.
CONTINUATION / One time extension/ continuation is permitted, once in a year with the prior
EXTENSION OF approval of the competent authority. However, the approval should be
LELAVE obtained before the expiry of the first leave period.
EARLY REJOINING Employee can join before expiry of leave subject to sanction of competent
authority. However, the minimum leave spend should not be less than 3
CONDITIONS Sabbatical leave will be without Pay, Salary, allowances and any
consequential monetary and non-monetary benefits. No increments will be
earned during the leave period. Employee will rejoin at the same stage of pay
as existed, at the time of her availing sabbatical leave. Not eligible to
participate in any promotion exercises during the leave period even if
otherwise eligible. Shall not take any employment / vocation/ business/
profession elsewhere during the sabbatical leave. Total period of leave under
both the schemes SC No.5203 dt. 15.07.2005) put together will be restricted
to a max. of 7 years in the entire service.
STC/Staff College Vice Principal, Staff College
Vigilance Dept. AGM(VIG)
Branches Account Dept. AGM( Branches A/C Deptt)
Employees in CO upto Scale IV AGM (HRM)
Zonal / Regional Audit Head /Vice Principal, Staff General Manager (P & HR)
college / AGM (VIG) /AGM (Brs. a/c Dept.) /
General Managers
Under exceptional circumstances when the leave is Executive Director
sought before completion of 5 years of service
Board in its Meeting dated 17.03.20 approved Mandatory Leave Policy based on the guidelines issued by
RBI that ”As a prudent operational risk management measure, it is imperative that employees posted in
sensitive positions or areas of operations (viz: Treasury, Currency Chest, Risk Modelling, Model Validation,
etc.) are covered under a “mandatory Leave” Policy wherein such employees are required to compulsorily
avail of leave for a few days (say 10 working days) in a single spell every year, during their posting in such
areas. The Bank should also identify such highly sensitive positions where the Bank will “without any prior
intimation” advise the employee to be away from his desk for a specified number of working days each
year. While the employees is on “mandatory Leave” or asked to be away from his desk, it should be
ensured that he does not have access to any physical or virtual resources related to his work
responsibilities, with the possible exception of Corporate email”.
The following areas are identified as sensitive postings / areas operations, in the Bank:
1. Officers engaged in processing / vetting / sanctioning of credit proposals and OTS/ settlement /
Relief cases in NPAs at Branches / ROs/ ZOs/ FGMOs/ CO/ any other Centralised processing cells
(viz: SARALs/ ULPs/USKs/SARAL LITE etc.) including SLCC/ RLCC/ ZLCC.
2. Officials in Dealing Room/ Treasury Branch.
3. In-charges of Forex Department in A&B Category Forex Dealing Branches.
4. Officers involved in bulk procurement (above Rs.10 lacs) at
i) DIT
ii) ROs, FGMOs, Departments in CO, STCs, other outfits etc.
iii) Printing & Stationery Division at Central Office.
5. Authorities acquiring / maintaining properties / premises for the Bank Support Services
Department in CO/FGMO/RO.
6. Officers in Scale IV and above having delegated authority for approval / sanction of expenditure
(excluding small and/or routine expenses) in Administrative Offices.
7. Officers working in Architect Division.
8. In-charge/ Officials in Scale IV and above in Corporate Communication Department dealing with
advertisement/ sponsorships.
9. Branch Heads, Regional Heads and Field General Managers.
10. Officers working in Currency Chest including Currency Chest in charge.
11. System and Database administrators handling SWIFT.
12. Officers associated with reconciliation of any type, posted in Digital Banking Dept.
13. AGM/ DGM Vigilance.
14. HR Officials at CO who are incharge of sections dealing with Recruitment, Promotion, Transfer and
Postings, and Insurance Section.
15. Disciplinary Authority in Nodal Regional Offices/FGMO/Central Office.
16. Sanctioning Authorities at HR Suvidha.
17. Security Officers.
18. Secretaries in administrative offices.
19. Any other post defined as “sensitive post” from time to time.
Following are the modalities for availment of Mandatory Leave as per the Policy:
1. Employees posted in sensitive positions or areas of operations as mentioned above, and/ or
any other department as may be decided by the Bank from time to time, should mandatorily
avail leave of any type, at least for 10 working days in a single spell during a calendar year. This
is without prejudice to the existing provisions that leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
2. The mandatory leave shall be deducted from the available balance of the employee as per
his/her request during the calendar year, if sanctioned.
3. Leave sanctioning authority shall sanction the appropriate leave, subject to availability of leave
balance, in such a manner that the routine Branch/Office functions are carried out smoothly.
4. Employee shall plan his/her leave ion the beginning of the year in advance in consultation with
the departmental / Branch Head, so that the same can be availed without hampering the
smooth functioning of the Branch/office.
5. If the employee is not having any leave balance, he/she should be deputed to some other
office/ branch as per the Bank’s convenience/ requirement for a period of not less than 10 days
working days.
6. The Bank, without any prior intimation, may advise any of employees posted in such sensitive
positions or areas of operations to avail this mandatory leave.
7. Notwithstanding the above provisions, an employee, who is on sanctioned mandatory leave,
may be recalled for duty in case of business exigencies.
8. The Competent Authorities should closely monitor this aspect and ensure that the same is
strictly implemented in their jurisdiction in order to mitigate the risk of fraud.
(Staff Circular no.7445 dtd 27-05-2020 and 7158 Dated 31.03.2020)
The benefit of Special Leave as above shall be available only to those office bears nominated for the
purpose by the All India Workmen Unions / Associations.
Every employee must avail atleast 10 days of leave during the year so as to enable him to rejuvenate.
However, sanctioning of leave to a particular employee will be at the discretion of the Competent
Authority, subject to exigencies of the Bank. (SC NO.6110 dtd 04.07.2014))
Mandatory to obtain prior permission and sanction of leave—undertaking must be taken that no leave will
be extended for any reason whatsoever – leave address contact number must be furnished. To ascertain
o/s amounts of loans availed and a suitable undertaking must be obtained to recover from terminal benefits
–if the amount falls less 2 guarantees must be taken for the o/s amount in his own a/c. (SC NO. 4765 dated
If an employee is held under judicial custody, leave of appropriate kind may be sanctioned to him. If an
employee on a/c of any complaint lodged u/s IPC 406,420,498(k), 313, 504 and taken into police custody
for 2 days and kept under judicial custody for 4 days, and released on bail and later has submitted leave on
sick grounds for treatment has to get sanction of leave. (CO:IRD:5276:06 dated 13-09-2006)
period. treated as ON DUTY, else to be treated as on SICK
7 Employees with serious ailment or high The days when employee is working from home as
health risk who are not able to attend per approval of Branch/Department Head, will be
office during this period, treated as ON DUTY, else to be treated as on SICK
8 All employees of Branch or Offices The days when employee is working from home as
closed down or premises sealed as per per approval of Branch/Department Head, will be
direction of Local Authorities or due to treated as ON DUTY, else to be treated as on Special
imposition of Curfew in the area until Leave to be sanctioned by the Reporting Authority.
their redeployment elsewhere.
9 Employees unable to attend office due The days when employee is working from home as
to Curfew imposed in the area of their per approval of Branch/Department Head, will be
residence. treated as ON DUTY, else to be treated as on Special
Leave to be sanctioned by the Reporting Authority.
10 Employees who went out of Station for If the services of such employees are being utilised at
official work under approved tour any Branch/Office at their place of travel, they will be
programme, but were not able to travel treated as ON DUTY, else to be treated as on Special
back to their base. Leave to be sanctioned by the Reporting Authority.
11 Employees who went out of station for If the services of such employees are being utilised at
other than official work on sanctioned any Branch/Office at their place of travel, they will be
leave with station leaving permission, treated as ON DUTY, if not, they shall be treated as
but were not able to travel back to on Privilege Leave
their base.
12 Employees who went out of station for Shall be treated as on UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE.
other thanofficial work without prior
permission, and were not able to
travel back to their base.
5.1 The period of absence to be reckoned for the above would be from March 25, 2020 when the Nation-
wide lockdown was announced, or from the commencement of lockdown by any State Administration, as
the case may be, till the end of lockdown in the area where an employee is posted or resides, as applicable.
5.2 Employee falling under 10 and 11 above are permitted to work at any Branch/Office at their place of
travel, subject to approval of their Reporting Authority.
5.3Whenever, Privilege Leave is not available to the credit of an employee, her/his Sick Leave shall be
5.4 In case neither Sick Leave nor Privilege Leave is available to an employee, the days of absence will be
treated as “EOL (Extraordinary Leave) on Loss of Pay.’
5.5 Provision is being made in Union Parivar for sanction of Special Leave without loss of pay on account of
COVID-19, so that the Reporting Authority may sanction such leave in eligible cases. Branches/Offices are
once again advised to maintain proper attendance rosters of their employees.
6. The reporting authorities must be guided as above, while treating the period of absence of employees
under their jurisdiction. Staff Circular No. 7194 dated 8th May, 2020
Maternity leave: Maternity leave on substantive pay, is granted to a female employee for a period
not exceeding 6 months on any one occasion and 12 months during the entire period of service.
In case of Miscarriage/MTP/Abortion: Maternity leave is granted upto six weeks on the basis of
medical certificate/advice of a competent medical practitioner. (qualified gynaecologist) In
special/exceptional cases involving medical complications associated with Miscarriage/MTP/Abortion,
Maternity leave is granted beyond six weeks if advised by a competent medical practitioner (qualified
gynaecologist) within the overall limit of 12 months during entire period of service.
For legal adoption of child (only one) below one year till it reaches the age of one year to a childless
female employee, max 2 months leave is granted.
Within overall period of 12 months, leave may also be granted in case of hysterectomy upto max 45
days (SC 5677 DT.24/06/2010)
Every female employee who undergoes non-puerperal tubectomy operation is eligible for Special
Casual Leave upto 14 days.
Every female employee who had IUD insertion is eligible for 1 day Special Casual Leave.
Employees developing post – sterilization complications may be allowed Special Casual Leave to
cover the period for which she was/he was hospitalized for a post-operative complication, on production of
a medical certificate from the concerned hospital authorities.
Special leave for joining spouse abroad and on health grounds of self/dependant family members,
for minimum 6 months and max 3 years in the entire period of service on No pay, allowances and facilities.
Special leave for pressing condition like caring family members, participation in artistic & cultural
activities, supervision of construction of house & others.
(SC 6002/2013 DATED 31.07.20130)
Reimbursement of cost of antenatal medical check up (4 months old) upto Rs.5,000/- to female staff
members. The reimbursement can be claimed only 2 times during the Entire tenure of service.
The process of postponing the credit of Privilege Leave is known as working out Notional Date of Joining.
Since the staff members are not entitled to pay and allowances during the period of extraordinary leave on
loss of pay and allowances on medical grounds, the notional date of joining for the period of absence of
such extraordinary leave will not undergo any change. Similarly, the annual increment due to the employee
will also be postponed to the extent of extraordinary leave on loss of pay and allowance on medical
grounds. (SC NO.1313 DT. 10/06/1972 & SC NO.5338 DT. 29/12/2006)
In terms of understanding dated 23rd February 2015 reached between IBA and Workmen Unions, every
second and fourth Saturday of the month will be a holiday and other Saturdays will be full working days.
IBA has initiated steps to get clearances from the Reserve Bank of India and Government of India. The
change will be effective after approval by the RBI and Notification of the change issued by the Government
of India.
It is agreed by and between the parties that with effect from the date of the Settlement, Joining Time of six
days allowable under Para 511 of Sastry Award may be granted either immediately after relieving or within
three months after joining the new place of posting.
Joining Time which shall be allowed to an employee shall not exceed 6 days, exclusive of the no. of days
spend on travelling. The day on which an employee relieved is to be excluded and the public holidays
following the day of relief shall be included in the joining time (Para 551 S.A). Entitled for Pay and
Allowances of the old or new post whichever is less. No joining time shall be admissible when the transfer
does not involve a change in the situation of his office and a joining time of not more than one day,
inclusive of a holiday or Sunday is permissible when the new appointment takes place in the same town or
(S C NO.6452 dtd 23.09.2016 and 5925 dt. 03.12-2012 w.e.f. 01-10-2016 7658 dt 01-04-2022)
COTTON A SHIRT/ COAT AND A PAIR AND Blouse. once in 2 years.
RS.1,600/- PER PAIR.
The hours of work of a member of the watch and ward staff shall be 8 hours in a period of 24 hours
provided that the hours of work of a watchman cum peon for the period during which he works as a
peon, as also of a peon, for the period he is required to work as a Watchman or Armed Guard shall be
the same i.e. 7 hours as laid down in Sub Clause (b) above.
Marks: service each year: 1/3= 1 mark ½ = 2 mks ¾= 3 mks FTS = 4 mks maxm= 25 only
Marks for qualifi: upto 7th = 5 mks 7th pass=addl.5 mks SSC= addl 5 max 15 only interview =
10 marks. panel= iii, 2 MMGS II, from diff regions one in that SC/ST , female if ladies etc 2 years
bar for refusals.
SC NO.5746 dated 30-11-2011 elevated all PTS as Housekeepers w.e.f.01-04-2011
DIT:CBS:1433:09 DATED 08-07-09: staff members who are proceeding on leave/training should inform data
centre to suspend their login id for the period they are on leave/training and ensure that the login _id is
disabled before they proceed on leave/ training.
All the concerned employees should be invariably informed that only after information, the IDs of the
concerned Clerical employees may be upgraded. Issue of forcible upgradation of IDs is not allowed.
(CO:IRD:5141:2012 dated 01-09-2012)
DP:PPS:JSP:1634:2001 DT 17.11.2001
The Interview Panel consists: IV-ONE III-ONE II-ONE (Incl. SC/ST, Lady, Minority Representation)
Where an employee travels by a class lower than one allowed to him, he shall be entitled to claim travelling
allowance at the rate actually paid. The bank may however, pay on the scale allowed where they are
satisfied that travel by a lower class is unavoidable and due to circumstances beyond control of the
employee. (CO:IRD:2983:89 DATED 29.03.89:)
Clerks can reside away from place of posting if able to reach his office/branch on time to and fro –
transportation is readily available, customer service is not affected (FOR SC 2913 DT 28.12.83 CLF:)
(CO:IRD:13085/87 DATED 16.12.87)
(CLAUSE 17 OF 8TH BPS: 02-06-08:)
BPS 02-06-08,
Every employee who is not drawing not exceeding Rs.21,000/-pm salary or wages (Salary and Wages
means: Basic Pay + Special Pay + DA + Special Allowance and CCA). Every employee who has worked not
less than 30 days in the accounting year. Amount 8.33% of salary of employees who are eligible for Bonus.
Eligible employees who are under suspension during the accounting year shall not be paid any Bonus on
subsistence allowance. However, the Bonus will be paid for the remaining period on pro rata basis, if he has
worked for a minimum of 30 days during that accounting year.(SC NO.7482 DATED 27-08-2021)
Eligible employees who are under suspension during the above period, shall not be paid any Bonus on the
subsistence allowance. However the Bonus will be paid for the remaining period, if he has worked for a
minimum of 30 days excluding suspension period during the year.
1949 1953 1962 19-10-66 12-10-70 1-08-79 17-9-84
10-04-1989 14-02-1995 27-03-2000 2-6-2005 02-06-10 25-05-15 11-11-20
Employees who are submitting their applications for outside employment directly or by Online are
required to submit the applications/ printouts through the competent authority. In the absence of the
copies the Management will not issue No Objection Certificates. Cir Lr No. 3670 DATED 29-01-11
alleged in such complaints, it may refer the matter to the commission seeking its concurrence through
the CVO, the head of the organisation irrespective of the level of employees involved therein. (CO:IRD:7315
DATED 14.11.2002)
An Honorary Worker performing the duties of a Civil Post should be paid a nominal Salary of Re.1/-pm in
order to bring him within the ambit of Govt. Servants’ Conduct Rules and other Service Rules.
Sub staff members are to be Barred in case of Inter Station Transfer for 2 years apart from 3 years bar if any
on account of Inter State transfer para 6.3(a) SC no. 2698 Dated 22.06.1984
Meeting to be held with majority of OBC Welfare Association once in a calendar year - 2 members from
local area only. No conveyance/TE/TA/etc to be paid. Agenda must be relating to reservation for OBCs and
other constitutional safeguards and no policy matters or service conditions of employees, which are
normally negotiated with trade unions, should be discussed. A record of points discussed in the meeting
should be maintained. (DP:MPRD:10431:10495:2009;09-10 DATED 20.11.2009)
If issues are general in nature not involving Reservations, SC/ST Representatives need not be called. if
called, local members of Majority Association in the Region / Zone to be called as observer.
(CO:MPRD:2946/10 DT.26/05/2010)
The cash remittance limits presently in the bank are as under: SECURITY CIR 61 DTD 054-09-2019
a Cash Van/Car/Four Wheeler Rs.50 lakhs
b Auto Rickshaw (3-Wheeler)/Route Bus/Train/Water surface Transport Rs.20 lakhs
c Motor Cycle/ Scooter Rs.10 lakhs
d On Foot Rs. 5 lakhs
a Cash Van/ Car / Four Wheeler Rs.200 lakhs
b Route Bus/ Train/Water Surface Transport Rs.50 lakhs
a Cash Van Rs.5 Crores*
*Cash Van limit downgraded from Rs.10 crores to Rs.5 Cr. as per latest Bankers Indemnity
Insurance Policy obtained by the SSD wef 01-07-2019.
-For remittance upto Rs.50 lacs by Cash Van/Car/Four Wheeler, Armed Escort is not mandatory.
-However, Armed Guard, IF posted in the Branch, may be deputed to escort cash at the discre-
tion of the Branch Manager, depending on the quantity of cash remitted vis-a-vis the cash kept
in the Branch, as well as the prevailing law and order situation in the area.
Insurance cover under the Bankers Indemnity Policy includes collection of cash from customers’
-The policy also covers cash remittance activities as part of Cash-in-Transit (CIT) activity of out
Sourced Security Agencies/ Service Providers, on behalf of our Bank. This supersedes Cir SEC:PP:
29 Dated 04-11-2015.
The rate of interest payable on Provident Fund accumulation from 8.50% to 8.75% for the period of 12
months with effect from 1st October, 2014. Consequently, the rate of interest charged on PF Loan is also
reised from 9.50% to 9.75%. (SC NO.6158 dated 12-01-2015)
(Staff Circular No.7320 dated 22-12-2020)
w.e.f. 1st April, 2020
3 LARGE 3110 C
4.1 VERY LARGE 754 D
TOTAL 9492
Pending or initiation of such enquiry, an employee may be suspended, but if on the conclusion of the
enquiry it is decided to take no action against him he shall be deemed to have been on duty and shall be
entitled to the full wages and allowances and to all other privileges for the period of suspension: and if
some punishment other than dismissal is inflicted, the whole or a part of the period of suspension may, at
the discretion of the management, be treated as on duty with the right to a corresponding portion of the
wages and allowances etc. (Clause 14.3 of BPS dt:17.09.84.
It is also agreed that employees on suspension will be entitled to the facility of medical aid and
hospitalisation. Clause 18 of BPS dated 31.10.1979.
Where the Investigation is not entrusted to or taken up by an outside agency (i.e. Police/ CBI)
subsistence allowance will be payable at the following rates:
i: For the first 3 months 1/3 of the pay and allowances which the workmen would have got but
for the suspension.
ii: Thereafter 1/2 of the pay and allowances.
iii: After one year full pay and allowances if the enquiry is not delayed for reasons attributable to the
concerned workman or any of his representatives. Where the investigation is done by an outside agency
and the said agency has come to the conclusion not to prosecute the employee, full pay and allowances will
be payable after 6 months from the date of receipt of report of such agency, or one year after suspension,
whichever is later and in the event of the enquiry is not delayed for the reasons attributable to the
workman or any of his representatives.
The Disciplinary Authority should invariably specify while passing orders regarding the punishment, as to
whether the increment/s for the period of suspension are to be released or withheld. If the order is silent
in this regard then it should be construed that increment/s fallen due during the period of suspension are to
be released from the date of suspension is lifted. This is effective from 13th June 1992 only.
The release of increments, which fell due during the period of suspension would be directed By the
disciplinary authority while passing final orders at the conclusion of disciplinary Proceedings. Increments
falling due during the period of suspension are to be reckoned for the purpose of calculation and
payment of subsistence allowance. This does not amt to release of increment.
Payment of subsistence allowance
(Cir letter no. CO:IRD:6118 dated 18.11.2003)
Deductions which can be made: Income Tax, provided employee’s yearly income calculated with reference
to the subsistence allowance is taxable, house rent and allied charges like electricity, water, furniture etc
where such facility is provided by bank & repayment of loans and advances taken from bank. The
competent authority may, however, re-phase the loan instalments suitably.
Deductions optional: With written consent, premium on LIC policies under salary savings scheme, amt. due
to Co.op credit societies, refund of advances taken from PF.
Deductions not to be effected: Prof. tax, subscription to PF, amt. due on court attachments, recovery of
loss to bank for which an employee is responsible.
Non-employment certificate: The payment of subsistence allowance is subject to the employee u/s
furnishing a certificate every month to the effect that he is not engaged in any employment, business,
profession or vocation.
In terms of IBA guidelines CIR:HR&IR:665:E-10/2010-11:3004 dated 25-04-2011 the award staff members
are eligible for TA/DA w.e.f.01.04.2011 as under:
A Defence Representative Yes No*
B Charge sheeted employee including suspended Yes Yes
C Defence Witness No No
A Cases filed by Police / CBI As accused ** No No
against employee for As witness on
official acts behalf of No No
As petitioner No No
As witness on
B Cases filed by employee behalf of bank Yes Yes
against the bank As witness on
behalf of No No
As accused Yes Yes
As witness on Yes Yes
Cases filed by outsiders/ behalf of the
customers, etc pertaining to bank
official acts As witness on No No
behalf of others
*however, if the enquiry is held at place other than the place where the occurred at the behest of the
Management, TA/DA will be paid to the Defence Representative as per rules.
**however, if the employee is acquitted honourably, the TA/DA will be reimbursed as per rules.
P.S. For attending personal hearing, TA/DA may be paid, if the Appellate Authority grants a personal
hearing, as part of the process of disciplinary proceedings.
An amount of Rs.25/- per day will be paid to an employee in case the lunch is to be taken outside while on
duty from 1st October, 2007. SC No.5433 dated 04.10.07.
Personal Accident Insurance Group Policy is taken from the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. For a period of
one year from 13.02.2017 to 12.02.2018 covering munfortunate Death and Total Permanent Disablement.
There is an additional 5amputation 0% coverage for employees working in Naxal Affected Areas. Also
offered other ancillary benefits to the family of our staff members. Policy No. 251100/42/16/8200000104.
As per conditions of policy, upon happening of any event, which may give rise to claim under this policy,
written notice with full particulars must be given to the company immediately. In case of death, written
notice also of the death must, unless reasonable cause is shown, be so given before internment, cremation
and in any case within one calendar month after the death, and in the event of loss of sight or amputation
of limbs, written notice thereof must also be given within one calendar month after such loss of a sight or
amputation. Please note that if the intimation of death/permanent total disablement does not reach
insurance company within the stipulated time period mentioned above, the insurance claim is liable to be
rejected by the insurance company.
Capital Sum Insured (Rs. in lacs)
CSI in other CSI in Naxal
Sl. DETAILS OF than Naxal Affected
No STAFF Affected Areas Areas
1 Executives in Scale – VII and VI 15.00 22.50
2 Executives in Scale – V and IV 11.00 16.50
3 Officers in MMGS– III and II & JMGS-I 7.00 10.50
4 Clerical Staff 6.00 9.00
5 Sub-Staff including PTS 4.00 6.00
The company shall reimburse expenses incurred for transportation of insred’s dead body to the place of the
residence, subject to a maximum of 2% of capital sum insured or Rs.1,000/- whichever is less. (SC No.6556
Dated 16-02-2017)
The change in nomenclature of administrative offices / structures of eAndhra Bank and eCorporation Bank
is as under:
Name in eAB and Ecb Changed as
Zonal Office Regional Office
Circle Office Field General Manager’s Office
Retail Loan Express and Retain Loan Centre Union Loan Point (ULP)
SME Express SARAL / SARAL Lite
The Board has approved the end state organisation structure for the bank post amalgamation, by retaining
the existing 4 tier structure, i.e. Central Office, Field General Manager Office, Regional Office and Branches.
Considering the geographical contiguity of the districts and business of the branches, rationalisation and
reorganisation of the Regional Offices and FGM Offices is finalized and approved by the Board.
The current FGMs and Regional Heads will continue to hold the office for all administrative purpose and
exercise the delegation until their relieving and moving out of present place of posting or till reporting of
new FGM/ RH, whichever is earlier.
All FGMs/RHs shall consult HR Department at Central Office before relieving from the present place of
A: FGMOs will report to Central Office Mumbai all requests/ proposals of CO delegation to be submitted to
concerned vertical at CO Mumbai.
B: The credit proposals beyond the DA of ZLCC to be submitted to the concerned verticals at Central Office
C: All Corporate Banking Branches / IFBs to submit the proposals directly to the concerned credit vertical at
Central Office Mumbai.
e.g. CBB of eCB was hitherto submitting proposal to Credit vertical at HO, Mangalore, should henceforth
submit proposals directly to LCV/ MCV at CO Mumbai.
D: No credit proposals should be routed through the Head Office of eAndhra Bank and eCorporation Bank.
E: All existing proposals which are under process at HO of eAB and eCB shall be processed and submitted to
CO Mumbai immediately and no proposals to be returned back to FGMO for resubmission to CO Mumbai.
Further, any requests / proposals (non credit) which comes, under DA of Central Office should be submitted
directly to Central Office Mumbai, without routing through the Head Office of eAndhra Bank and
eCorporation Bank. (Circular Letter No. AMO/00199 dated 19th May 2020)
Official Acts. As Witness on
behalf of others No No No No
*However, if the enquiry is held at place other than the place where the incident occurred at the behest of
the Management, TA/DA will be paid to the Defense Representative as per Rules.
** However if the employee is acquitted honourably, the TE/DA will be reimbursed as per rules.
P.S. For attending personal hearing, TA/DA may be paid, if the appellate Authority grants a personal
hearing, as part of the process of disciplinary proceedings.
An employee, who has completed 10 years of service or is due to retire within the next 10 years,
shall be eligible to avail NRW. This facility can be availed by an employee, TWICE during the tenure of
service. 100% of own contribution and voluntary contribution can be availed. However, during the last 12
months of residual service, employee is eligible for NRW to the extend of 90% of employees’ contribution
including VPF contribution as on the closing of preceding financial year but net of PF loan outstanding if
any. It is available for Higher education of children, repayment of Housing Loan from outside institution /
Bank, payment of Insurance premium, purchase/construction of house /Site/ Flat, repairing and renovation
of house / flat owned by the employee, daughter’s marriage, huge medical expenses for self and dependent
of employees and adjustment of PF loan from withdrawable limit of NRW.
Once the fund is withdrawn, it is not allowed to be re-deposited in. However, in exceptional cases
wherein the employees could not utilise the funds for the purpose for which NRW was drawn due to very
genuine reason, the employees may be allowed deposit back the amount withdrawn into his PF account.
The competent authority for considering such cases is AGM (HR) at CO, Mumbai and request application for
re-deposit should be made within 3 months of withdrawal of the amount. (SC No.7218 dated 13-08-2020,
SC 4354 DT 01-04-97)
This facility can be availed by an employee, TWICE during the tenure of service. (100% of balance as of end
of previous Financial Year) for purchase of house/flat/site (even in joint names also along with spouse) 2)
Higher Education of children 3) Repayment of housing loan 4) for performing marriage of son/daughter 5)
for payment of premium on life insurance policies. 6. Extraordinary cases of medical requirement involving
huge expenditure for self and dependents of employee.
NRW can not be granted for 1) renovation / repairs of flat / house. 2) to repay loans raised from friends,
relatives to acquire property.
THIRD TIME: There will be two options for availment of NRW and for the 3rd time: a) If employee avails it
during last 12 months of his retirement, he will be eligible for 90% of eligible amount (PF balance as of end
of the previous financial year). OR b) if he avails it at any time before 12 months prior to retirement he will
be eligible for 50% of eligible amount, after adjusting the PF loan outstanding, if any, (PF balance as of end
of the previous financial year), and will not be eligible for any withdrawal during the last year of his service.
Now, in addition to this it has been agreed to include “extraordinary cases of medical requirement
involving huge expenditure for self and dependents of employee” as one of the purposes for NRW. In this
case the employee must submit a physical along with hospital admission letter and estimate of expenses to
PF department CO Mumbai. SC No. 5956 dated 25.02.2013 w.e.f. 25.02.2013, SC 4354 DT 01-04-97) (SC NO.
5288 DT.15/07/2006)
PF loan can be granted at 12 basics for all specified purposes and to be recovered in 84 months. In case of
premature adjustment of loan , the employee shall not be entitled to avail fresh loan unless a period of 6
months has elapsed from the date of availment of previous loan. Loan can be renewed after paying 8
instalments of the loan. While renewing the loan, the existing loan will be adjusted from the proceeds of
the new PF loan and remaining amount, if any, will be paid to employee. (SC NO.7218 DATED 13-08-2020,
SC NO. 6327 DT.04.03.2016/SC NO.5288 DT.15/07/2006)
In case of premature adjustment of loan, the employee shall not be entitled to avail fresh loan unless
a period of 6 months has elapsed from the date of availment of previous loan. The PF deduction
shall commence from the second monthly payment made after the withdrawal or in the case of an
Employee on leave without pay from the second monthly payment made after his return to duty.
-In case the employee ceases to be in service for any reason whatsoever, the entire loan together with
interest would become immediately due and payable and accordingly the amount standing to the credit
of his account shall stand forthwith debited to that extent and employer shall be liable only for the
balance to the employee’s credit. (SC No.6034 dtd. 29-11-2013)
The visually impaired employees may be nominated for regular training programmes at par with other staff
for their skills and career development. (SC No.6219 dated 22.07-2015).
All the Confirmed Award Staff members are eligible for Festival Advance of One Month’s Gross Salary from
1st January 2018 onwards to celebrate certain festivals, which is recoverable in 10 equal monthly
instalments commencing from subsequent month of drawl of the amount. Since Interest Free Advance it is
taxable under Sec.17(2) of IT Act. To be sanctioned to celebrate festivals like, Sankranti, Onam , Pongal.
Dussera, Ramzan, Christmas, etc. To be sanctioned once in a calendar year. There should be a gap of 10
months between two festival advances. (SC NO.7132 dtd. 27-03-2020 and 6725 DATED 09-01-2018)
All the staff members are entitled for grant of interest free loans in case their property at their native place
is damaged on account of Floods, Earthquakes, Droughts, or other natural calamities. Government G.O. is a
must and the area must be covered in the G.O.
OFFICERS: RS. 50,000/- CLERKS: Rs.35,000/- SUBSTAFF: Rs.25,000/- Being recovered in 50 equal monthly
instalments from the succeeding month of drawl of loan @ Rs.1000/-P.M., Rs.700/-P.M. & Rs.500/- P.M.
All the confirmed employees having completed 2 years of active service in the Bank are provided
with Clean Overdraft facility for any bona fide purpose relating to the staff member except for Speculative
purposes/ construction or repairs of house or purchase of house, with effect from 01-04-2020.
Category Upto 4 years Above 4 years
Clerks 6 Lacs 7 Lacs
Sub Staff (Full Time) 4
PTS ¾ 3
PTS ½ 2
PTS 1/3 1
SC NO.7508 DTD 05-10-2021 w.e.f. 05-10-2021
Employees are required to maintain the aforesaid net take home pay while availing the facilities of Staff
Clean OD, Staff Conveyance Loan and Furniture Loan. The permissible monthly deductions shall include the
proposed monthly repayment instalment of the loan/s being availed. Applicable to new staff
loans/renewals. Those employees who have availed the facility of Staff OD are advised to compulsorily
designate their OD account for credit of their monthly salary. Also advised to route the monthly deductions
related to staff loans availed by them mandatorily through salary.
Recovery of Interest:
The interest repayable (monthly component) in the account must be recovered every month from the
salary paid to the employee. It will be mandatory for the employee to designate the OD A/C for credit of
their monthly salary. The drawings should be regulated in such a way that the account would not be
overdrawn beyond the sanctioned limit upon debit of monthly interest to the account.
Employees working at Small / Medium /Large/ Service Chief Manager (Credit) at Regional Office or
branches MICR Centres including BMs. authority above him at RO.
Employees working at Large, VLB, ELB, Premiere Branches In-charge of the Branch or Senior Manager (Cr)
/ IFB/ MCB/ULP, other than BMs. or Authority above him in the respective
Employees working at all administrative offices including
RO/ FGMO/ RVC/ ZVC/ SARAL/ AUDIT OFFICES/ RUSETI/ Chief Manager (Credit) of respective RO/ FGMO
USK-HUB / Staff College, Bannerghatta (except Central or Authority above him.
Office Mumbai and Erstwhile HO of Andhra Bank and
Corporation Bank).
Employees working at Central Office, Mumbai & erstwhile Chief Manager (HRM) of HRM Department, CO
Head Office of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank. Mumbai or Authority Above him.
Sanctioning Authority should be one scale above
the applicant in case of Officers.
Branch Managers Authorities one notch above Branch Manager at
Regional Head Field General Manager
General Manager/ FGMs General Manager (HR)
Employees deputed to RRBs. In charge of credit dept. at RO within whose
jurisdiction the HO of the RRB falls. however, the
authority should be one scale above the
authority of the applicant.
(Staff Circular No. 7135 dt.27-03-2020 and Staff Circular No.7216 dated 29-06-2020)
(SC NO.6687 DT.30.10.2017)
1 Eligibility Only staff members of our Bank including probationers, who have availed Education Loan
for self from other banks/FIs, are eligible
2 Rate of 1Y MCLR +1.00%
3 1. The loan should in standard category. There should not be any history of overdue
Takeover and statement of account to be obtained from other banks/FIs to ensure this before
norms takeover.
2. In case, course period is over, course completion certificate to be obtained.
3. Total repayment period including the period completed at other banks/FIs should
not exceed 15 years.
4. At the time of takeover at least 2 years repayment period should have been left
with other banks/FIs.
5. Takeover of education loan exceeding Rs.7.50 lakh (sanctioned amount) should be
100% secured by collateral security.
6. Option to staff members for conversion of their existing education loan under
Special education loan scheme for staff.
7. At the time of sanction of special education loan for staff, there should not be any
disciplinary action pending/contemplated against the staff member joining as
8. It should conform to the guidelines of Bank’s Union Education Scheme.
4 Delegation Loans will not be sanctioned at branch level.
Credit Approval Committee Rs. In lakh
CAC Headed Headed Headed Headed Headed Headed Headed Headed
by CM by by by by FGM by GM by ED by MD
Inland 20.00 25.00 25.00 40.00 60.00 75.00 No No
& ceiling ceiling
5 No deviation is permitted
DeviationProposals with deviation will be covered under General Education Loan Scheme
6 1. In case of employee leaving or resigning from the Bank, issuance of NOC will be
subject to conversion of Special Education Loan for Staff to General Education Loan as per
Terms & the existing education loan scheme and normal rate of interest will be applied to the
conditions account from the date of leaving the Bank.
2. In such case, after conversion, ECS mandate to be obtained from the borrower
that installments will be deducted from his/her account and an undertaking to this effect
should be obtained.
3. Apart from documents required for Union Education Loan, documents applicable
for staff loan also to be obtained.
4. The proposed Special Education Loan Scheme for staff will be treated as separate
scheme and it should not be combined with other special schemes under Union Education
Scheme like scheme for IIMs/IITs/ISBs etc.
The term 'wholly dependent' as defined in the BPS from time to time will be applicable while
ascertaining the dependency of the family member
3.1 Managing Director & CEO
3.2 Executive Director holding current charge of Managing Director & CEO.
3.3 Board of Directors in special types of cases
3.4 While dealing with proposals for appointment on compassionate grounds in otherwise
eligible cases, where disciplinary action was pending against the deceased employee
/employee retired on medical grounds or if the deceased employee was involved in serious
financial irregularities, embezzlement of funds, committing frauds, etc.,
A) Committee for Compassionate Appointment will be authorised to decline all requests for
compassionate appointment / exgratia payment in cases where major penalty was imposed
on the ex-employee while in service, and / or where disciplinary action pending at the time
of death of the ex-employee would have resulted in imposition of major penalty:
9.1 Appointment on compassionate grounds should be made only on regular basis of and
that too, only if regular vacancies meant for that purpose are available.
9.3 Widow appointed on compassionate ground upon re-marriage will be allowed to continue
in service, even after re-marriage.
9.4 Appointment on compassionate grounds against deaths due to Covid-19 for the period up to 31-
03-2022 to be adjusted towards future vacancies.
10.1 In deserving cases, even when there is already an earning member in the family, a
dependent family member may be considered for compassionate appointment with the
prior approval of the competent authority of the bank who, before approving such
appointment, will satisfy himself that grant of compassionate appointment is justified,
having regard to the number of dependents, assets and liabilities left by the employee,
income of the earning member as also his liabilities including the fact that the earning
member is residing with the family of the employee and whether he should not be a
source of support to other members of the family.
10.2 In cases where any member of the family of the deceased or medically retired
employee is already in employment and is not supporting the other members of the
family of the deceased employee, extreme caution has to be observed in ascertaining
the economic distress of the members of the family of the deceased employee so that,
the facility of appointment on compassionate ground is not circumvented and misused
by putting forward the ground that the member of the family already employed is not
supporting the family.
Cases of missing employees are also covered under the scheme for compassionate appointment
subject to the following conditions:-
A request to grant the benefit of compassionate appointment can be considered only after a
lapse of at least 2 years from the date from which the Employee has been missing, provided
i) An FIR to this effect has been lodged with the Police
ii) The missing persons is not traceable and
iii) The competent authority feels that the case is genuine
11.1 This benefit will not be applicable to the case of an Employee:-
i) Who had less than two years to retire on the date from which he has been missing;
ii) who is suspected to have committed fraud, or suspected to have joined any terrorist
organization or suspected to have gone abroad.
11.2 Compassionate appointment in the case of a missing employee also would not be a matter
of right as in the case of others and it will be subject to fulfilment of all the conditions,
including the availability of vacancy, laid down for such appointment under the scheme;
11.3 While considering such a request, the results of the Police investigation should also be
taken into account; and
11.4 A decision on any such request for compassionate appointment should be taken only at
the level of the Managing Director & CEO of the Bank."
a) The prescribed format may be used by the bank for ascertaining necessary
information and processing the cases of compassionate appointment.
b) The Officer from the Staff Department of the Bank should meet the members of the
family of the employee in question immediately after his death to advise and assist to
them in getting appointment on compassionate ground. The applicant should be called
in person at the very first stage and advised in person about the requirements and
formalities to be completed by him/her.
c) An application for appointment on compassionate ground should be considered by the
Committee of officers consisting of three officers; one Chairman and two members in the
rank of Deputy General Manager/Assistant General Managers. The Officer from the staff
department may also be made one of the members. of the Committee, depending upon
his rank. The Committee may meet during the second week of every month to consider
cases received during the previous month.
The applicant may also be granted personal hearing by the committee, if necessary, for
better appreciation of facts of the case. The recommendation of the committee should
be placed before the Competent Authority for a decision. If the Competent Authority
disagrees with the committee's recommendation, the case may be referred to the
higher authority for a decision.
The\ person appointed on compassionate grounds under the Scheme, should give an undertaking
in writing (as in Annexure) that he/she will maintain properly the other family members who
were dependent on the deceased employee in question, and in case it is proved subsequently
(at any time) that the family members are being neglected or are not maintained properly by
him/her, his or her appointment may be terminated forthwith. Any complaint in this regard
will be dealt in accordance with the provisions mentioned in point no.16 of the Scheme.
This clause should be incorporated as one of the conditions in the offer of appointment
applicable only in the case of appointment on compassionate ground.
In case of termination as stated above, there is no prov1s1on in the Scheme for providing
employment to other member of dependent family.
When a person has been appointed on compassionate ground to a particular post, the set of
circumstances, which led to such appointment should be deemed to have ceased to exist.
Therefore -
a) He/she should strive in his/her career like his/her colleagues for future advancement and
any request for appointment to any higher post on considerations of compassion
should invariably be rejected.
b) An appointment on compassionate ground· cannot be transferred to any other person and
any request for the same on consideration of compassion should invariably be rejected.
A person appointed on compassionate ground in a particular year may be placed at the
bottom of all the candidates recruited/appointed through direct recruitment, promotion, etc.
in that year, irrespective of the date of joining of the candidate on compassionate ground.
The compassionate appointment can be terminated on the ground of non-compliance/faulty
compliance of any condition stated in the offer of appointment after providing an
opportunity to the compassionate appointee by way of issue of show cause notice asking
him/her to explain why his/her services should not be terminated for non-compliance of the
condition(s) in the offer of appointment and it is not necessary to follow the procedure
prescribed in the Disciplinary Action and Procedure therefor.
In order to check its misuse, the power of termination of service for non-compliance of the
conditions in the offer of compassionate appointment should vest only with the CMD of the Bank.
(i) Appointment made on grounds of compassion should be done in such a way that
persons appointed to the post do have the essential educational and technical
qualifications and experience required for the post consistent with the requirement of
maintenance of efficiency of administration.
(ii) It is not the intention to restrict employment of a family member of the deceased or
medically retired sub-staff employee to an erstwhile sub-staff post only. As such, a family
member of such erstwhile sub-staff employee can be appointed to a clerical post for
which he/she is educationally qualified; provided a vacancy in clerical post exists for this
(iii)An application for compassionate appointment should, however, not be rejected merely
on the ground that the family of the employee has received the benefits under the various
welfare schemes. While considering a request for appointment on compassionate ground
a balanced and objective assessment of the financial condition of the family has to be
made taking into account its assets and liabilities (including the benefits received under
the various welfare schemes mentioned above) and all other relevant factors such as the
presence of an earning member, size of the family etc.
Hence, Compassionate appointment be offered by the Bank only in the case where the Bank
is satisfied that the financial condition of the family is such that, but for the provision of
employment, the family will not be able to meet the crisis.
(iv) Compassionate appointment should be made available to the person concerned if there
is a vacancy meant for compassionate appointment and he or she is found eligible and
suitable under the scheme.
(v) Requests for compassionate appointment consequent on death or retirement on
medical grounds of erstwhile sub-staff may be considered with greater sympathy by
applying relaxed standards depending on the facts and circumstances of the case.
18 (vi) Compassionate appointment will have precedence over absorption of surplus employees
and regularization of temporary employees.
The Bank has both the options i.e. Compassionate Appointment or payment of lump sum
ex-gratia amount. However, the option of Compassionate Appointment will be used only
when the other conditions of compassionate appointment are met. The Staff Circular No.
5425 dated 08-09-2007 will be applicable for payment of lump sum Ex-gratia, if the
dependents are otherwise eligible for the same. (Staff Circular No.7227 dated 18-07-20)
For relevant Formats refer SC No.6164 dated 19-01-2015 and SC No.7462 dtd 02-07-21.
(ii) Employee dying due to injury sustained while performing official duty within or outside office premises
(other than due to violence, terrorism, robbery or dacoity and excluding travel from residence to place of
work and back).
(iii) Employee seeking premature retirement due to incapacitation before reaching the age of 55 years.
The Scheme of Compassionate Appointment will be applicable in following cases:
(i) Employee dying while performing his official duty, as a result of violence, terrorism, robbery or dacoity:
(ii) Employee dying within five years of his first appointment or before reaching the age of 30 years,
whichever is later, leaving a dependent spouse and/or minor children.
Ex-gratia Payment
Ex-gratia amount will be paid to the family of the employee if eligible and if requested for within six months
from the date of the death of the employee.
(i) Ex-gratia amount payable will be as follows:
(ii) In case the monthly income of the family as calculated above is less than 100% of the last drawn gross
salary (net of taxes) of the employee, an ex-gratia amount calculated @ 100% of the last drawn gross salary
(net of taxes) for each month of remaining service of the employee (i.e. up to the age of superannuation in
terms of extant service rules/conditions) at the time of his death/incapacitation subject to the ceiling
mentioned above, will be payable.
(iii) In case of death of an employee performing official duty within or outside the office premises
(excluding travel from residence to place of work and back) due to dacoity/robbery/terrorist attack, the
family is also eligible to receive, additionally, the one-time monetary compensation in terms of extant
government guidelines depending on the cadre of the employee.
(iv) In case of an employee seeking premature retirement due to total incapacitation for work, the ex-gratia
is payable only if all the extant provisions for such retirement are fully satisfied and the retirement has
been approved by the competent authority specified therefor.
Appointment on Compassionate grounds:
(a) Appointment on compassionate grounds may be offered to one among the next of kin of the deceased
(b) The appointment shall be made only in the clerical and sub-staff cadre.
(c) Application for employment under the scheme from eligible next of kin should be received by the bank,
at the earliest, in any case not later than 12 months from the date of death of the employee.
Competent Authority:
The Competent Authority for sanction of ex-gratia amount will be the General Manager (HRM) and that for
granting of compassionate appointment will be the Chairman & Managing Director (in his absence, the
Executive Director).
(SC NO.6401 DATEDN 17.07.2016)
We furnish hereunder the Recruitment Policy in brief for information which is revised and effective from
22-04-2016. For all Officers and Award Staff members:
1 Preamble
2 Short Title
3 Objectives – Also ensures Reservations in SC/ST/OBC/Ex.Servicemen/Disabled
4 Applicability
5 Process Owner
6 Recruitment Advisory Committee (RAC)- Composition of Committee, Role of RAC
7 Recruitment Process at Union Bank of India
8 Manpower Requisition
9 Recruitment Budget
10 Recruitment Plan. Advt. Campus Rec. Mgt Trng Program. Contractual Agreement.
11 Sourcing
12 Advertisement
13 Campus Recruitment – upto 30% of vacancies earmarked.etc. norms – campus
selection process.
14 Management Trainee Programme.
15 Contractual Appointment.
16 Recruitment and Selection of Offers.
17 Recruitment of Officers – Quotas (40:60) Eligibility Norms in detail officers scale wise
details for all Officers including Specialists.
18 Composition of and competent authority for Selection Panel.
19 Recruitment of Clerks – 75:25 –Age – Educational Qualifications – Mode of
Recruitment – selection process – Common Written Examination (CWE) – Preliminary
exam – Main Exam – Cut off Strategy .
20 Recruitment formalities including Notification, application written exam etc.
21 Reservation/ Relaxation to reserved category candidates.
22 Merit Listing of successful candidates for final selection.
23 Service Bond – General Officers 2 lacs and Specialists Rs. 2.50 lacs if left before 3 years.
24 Appointment and cancellation of appointment
25 Reference Check.
26 Pre-employment Medical Check up.
27 Joining – list of documents to be submitted.
29 Database Management.
30 Recruitment in Subordinate Staff cadre. Minimum EQ To pass 10th Standard should not
have passed 10+2 exam or its equivalent.
31 Modification/review/revision of Rec. Policy.
All confirmed workmen employees having 2 years of satisfactory service shall be eligible for
purchase of any other conveyance i.e. Motor Cycle/ Scooter.
The service rendered by Ex-Servicemen in Defence Forces will be taken into account for the purpose
of qualifying service.
90% of the cost of the motor car subject to maximum of Rs.8.50 lacs
QUANTUM FOUR whichever is lower in case of Clerks.
8.50/5.00 WHEELER 90% of the cost of the motor car subject to maximum of Rs.5.00 lacs
Lakhs whichever is lower in case of Subordinate Staff.
Rs. One 90% of the cost of motor cycle/scooter or Rs.1 lakh whichever is lower
Lakh/ TWO for Clerical Staff.
Rs.80,000 WHEELER 90% of the cost of motor cycle/scooter or Rs.80,000/- whichever is
lower for Subordinate Staff.
In respect of 2- wheelers, the loan together with interest therein is repayable in not
Repayment more than 84 equal monthly instalments in the ratio of 5:1 towards principal and
of Loan interest respectively. Principal loan amount will be first recovered in 70 months and
interest accrued thereon will be in the next 14 months.
-In respect of 4-wheelers, loan, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid in not
more than 200 monthly instalments. The recovery of loan will be effected in the
following manner:-
-1 The principal and interest amount of loan for purchase of Motor Car, which is
repayable in 200 monthly installments, will be recovered in the proportion of 7 : 3
period. In other words, the principal loan amount will be recovered first in 140
months and interest accrued thereon will be recovered thereafter in the remaining
60 months.
-2 Installments towards the recovery of loan shall be adjusted first for recovery of
principal amount. Once the principal amount is adjusted, no interest will be charged
Instalments towards the recovery of loan shall be adjusted first for recovery of
principal amount. Once the principal amount is adjusted, no interest will be charged
there under.
Repayment tenure in case of staff conveyance loan is extended beyond retirement
date of the employee and upto the age of 70 years.
Employees are permitted to avail staff conveyance loan with repayment period
beyond the age of retirement. An employee has to avail this loan before the date of
his/her superannuation with repayment period upto the age of 70 years or the
repayment period as stipulated for the respective two wheeler/four wheeler loan
whichever is earlier. Retiring employees should submit applications for Conveyance
loan preferably thirty days prior to their retirement. No request for granting Staff
Conveyance loan shall be entertained after the date of retirement.
Sanctioning Authority while sanctioning the Loans with repayment beyond the age of
retirement, should be satisfied with regard to the income (Pension, Regular Income
from other sources etc.) of the concerned employee.
In case of employee with less number of years of service than stipulated repayment
period, the repayment period shall be extended upto 70 years of age (including VRS
Cases) provided, the employee should provide deposit equal to the outstanding loan
amount from his terminal benefits or where the retiring employee owns a house
acquired by availing Staff Housing Loans, the same shall be held as continuing
security towards conveyance loan till its repayment.
If the employee ceases to be in Bank’s services after availing the staff conveyance
loan with repayment tenure beyond the superannuation age, due to resignation or
due to Removal/Compulsory Retirement/Dismissal or any other reason, he/she will
not be allowed to continue the staff conveyance loan and has to adjust the entire
The above extended repayment up to the age of 70 years is applicable to new loans
sanctioned after the effective date of amalgamation and is not applicable to the
existing loans.
Award Staff who had availed vehicle loan under the loan scheme available for Public
(e.g. Union Miles in Union Bank of India or any other Conveyance Loan Scheme of
Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank for general public), conversion of such loans to
Staff Conveyance Loan is allowed after the concerned employee becomes eligible for
Staff Conveyance Loan under the scheme, subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria of
the scheme.
There will be no loan for repairs of Motor car as available under old scheme. But
Repairs earlier loans availed under this category will continue as per old scheme till their
repayment in full.
Rate of The Loan shall carry interest of Rs. 6.5% p.a. (Simple)
-The loan shall be granted for the purpose of second-hand vehicle of not more than
10 years old in case of motor car and 5 years in case of other vehicle (2 wheeler)
GENERAL provided the loanee satisfies the sanctioning authority about the fitness and
RULES valuation of the vehicle by producing a Fitness Certificate from a qualified
Automobile Engineer and Valuation Certificate from an approved Surveyor. The
margin in respect of second hand vehicles would be 20% under this Scheme.
-Award Staff employees are allowed to avail both four wheeler and two wheeler
loans simultaneously/separately to the extent of limit prescribed for each type of
vehicle. The period of 4 years should lapse for availment of second and subsequent
loan for same type/category of vehicle i.e. one two wheeler to the next two wheeler
loan and one four wheeler loan to next four wheeler loan separately.
-Before consideration of an application for purchase of same type/category vehicle
for second and subsequent time, the loan taken earlier, together with intt. thereon
should be fully liquidated. Ex: If an employee has already availed staff conveyance
loan for two wheeler and wishes to purchase another two wheeler through staff
conveyance loan, he/she must first liquidate the earlier loan together with interest
-The purchase of vehicle will be made within one month from the date of
disbursement of drawal of the advance. The payment is to be made directly to the
Supplier/Dealer/Vendor of the vehicle.
-The vehicle will be hypothecated to the Bank and will be registered with RTO to that
effect, till the loan amount is repaid in full with interest.
-It is obligatory on the part of loanee to take full comprehensive insurance of the
vehicle with Bank Clause.
-The loanee shall not sell or part with the vehicle without prior permission of the
Sanctioning Authority.
-Where an workmen sells his vehicle purchased with bank’s loan and applies for a
fresh loan for purchase of another vehicle, of the same type/category apart from
fully liquidating the old loan, the surplus sale proceeds must be applied towards
purchase of the new vehicle.
-The amount of fresh loan will be restricted to ceiling provided for in the scheme for
grant of loam for conveyance or the estimated cost of the vehicle, whichever is lower
subject further to adjustment of sale proceeds of the earlier vehicle, wherever
applicable. However, requisite margin is to be ensured.
-In case of conveyance loans sanctioned with repayment period up to or before the
date of retirement of an employee, the o/s balance in loan amount with interest
thereon at the time of retirement of the loanee workmen, shall be recovered from
the terminal benefits or any other amount due to him/his nominee, if the aforesaid
amount falls short of the outstanding in the loan account with interest thereon, his
legal heirs shall be liable to make good the shortfall, in the event of death of loanee
-If an workmen repays the conveyance loan granted to him in the normal course and
then applies for a fresh loan for another vehicle, it will not be necessary for him to
utilize sale proceeds of the earlier vehicle.
SC NO.7508 DTD 05-10-2021 wef 05-10-2021
Only for COD,
UPTO RS.1,00,000/-
Loan Employees are required to maintain the aforesaid net take home pay while availing
the facilities of Staff Clean OD, Staff Conveyance Loan and Furniture Loan. The
permissible monthly deductions shall include the proposed monthly repayment
instalment of the loan/s being availed. Applicable to new staff loans/renewals. Those
employees who have availed the facility of Staff OD are advised to compulsorily
designate their OD account for credit of their monthly salary. Also advised to route
the monthly deductions related to staff loans availed by them mandatorily through
Note: If the loan amount is misutilised or it is found that the amount of sale proceeds of the vehicle is
misrepresented/misappropriated or not deposited with the Bank within the prescribed time as determined
by sanctioning authority while availing second conveyance loan or any rule regarding grant of such loan is
violated, the workmen concerned shall be liable for disciplinary action. Besides this, the Bank shall have
right to charge commercial rate of interest on the amount o/s in the loan account.
The Management will have full right to alter the terms and conditions of grant of such loan, the loan under
this category, shall be granted entirely at the discretion of the Management.
Employees working a Small/ Medium/ Large/ Chief Manager (CR) of respective RO or
Service Branches/MICR centres Authority above him
Employees working at VLB/ ELB/ Premiere/ IFB/ In charge of Branch in respective Branches or
MCB/ ULP Senior Manager (Cr) or Authority above him
in respective branches.
Employees working at all administrative Offices
including RO/ FGMO/ STC/ RVC/ ZVC/ SARAL/ Chief Manager (CR) of respective RO/FGMO
Audit Office/ RUSETI/ USK-HUB/ Staff College, or authority above him
Bannergatta (except CO,MUMBAI and erstwhile
HO of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank)
Employees working at Central Office, Mumbai CM(HRM) of HRM Department, CO, Mumbai
and erstwhile Head Office of Andhra Bank and or Authority above him
Corporation Bank.
Security Documents pertaining to Consumer Loans viz. DP Note and Hypothecation of Consumer Goods
should be obtained by the disbursing branch before disbursement.
The disbursing Branch/ sanctioning office is required to make post disbursement inspection to ensure that
the items are purchased by the Award Staff members as per the application.
Misuse of facility will tantamount to misconduct and the employee will be liable for disciplinary action
besides Bank shall have the right to charge commercial rate of interest on the loan amount.
Outstanding balance in the loan amount with interest thereon at the time the loanee ceases to be in the
employment of the Bank shall be recovered from his superannuation benefits. If the quantum of terminal
benefits fall short of the outstanding in the loan account with interest thereon, the same will be recovered
from him/his legal heirs.
XIII. Disbursement will be made directly to the supplier/dealer/vendor by Pay Order/ Demand Draft.
The workman desirous of availing the loan shall submit his application in the prescribed format to the
Sanctioning Authority.
Staff can purchase branded items in his/her name through e-shopping also and in that case he/she has to
submit a copy of e-bill for the said purchase duly signed by him/her along with proof of payment made by
him/her to online seller of product for reimbursement. No advance in this case will be allowed. Invoice/e-
bill not having the name of the staff as buyer will not be considered for reimbursement.
The Management reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of grant of such loan. Further, the
loan under this category shall be granted entirely at the discretion of the Management.
-Processing of conveyance Loan/Furniture Loan application will be done by the nearby branch, where
the staff members wish to buy the vehicle/furniture, to ensure the post sanction formalities.
10. In the current pandemic COVID 19 situation, many staff members are affected by COVID 19 are facing
very serious issued with lack of Oxygen Supply. Hence, it has been decided to add new item: Oxygen
Concentrator to permissible item under the scheme Furniture Loan to Award Staff Employees.
Now, staff members can purchase the Oxygen Concentrator within the overall eligibility of Award Staffs
under this scheme. (SC No. 7433 dated 03-05-2021)
Allowed loans to the extent of Rs. 30,000/- against 10% margin, once in a financial year at a concessional
rate of interest: on or after 01.01.2004 @9.5% against NSC purchased on or after01.03.02 and 8.5% on or
after 01.03.2003 NSCs, (SC 5043 dated 21.01.2004)
Loan against Gold to Staff members at par with Customers -- Staff Circular No. 3512 Dated 27.10.1989
completed 6 months of service, whichever is earlier; subject to satisfactory service record of
the applicant.
Staff Housing Loan can be availed by Officers and Award Staff for the following purposes:
i. For purchase of Plot and construction of residential house thereon in the name
of the staff or jointly with the staff member and his / her spouse.
ii. For purchase of plot with existing house/ready built house in the name of the
staff and spouse. In case of old house/flat, the estimated future life of the same
should be at least 10 years more than the tenure of the proposed loan.
iii. For construction of residential house on land already owned by the Employee in
his individual name/spouse or jointly with spouse. In case if the title of land is
solely in the name of his /her spouse, then loan shall be permitted to staff
member for construction of house, jointly with spouse. However, the loan is not
permitted for purchase of ready built house where the title of the proposed
house is solely in the name of applicant’s spouse.
iv. For enlargement/ extension of residential house already owned by the staff
v. For purchase of a plot of land under co-operative scheme and building a house
where title will vest with the Officer/Employee after the house is built.
vi. Purchasing plot/ flat under self financing housing scheme and building a house
where title will vest with the Officer / employee after the house is built.
vii. For repayment / conversion of loan availed for acquiring / construction of a
house/ flat from any external institution such as housing finance institutions/
companies, housing boards, commercial banks.
viii. In the case of an employee, who has purchased / acquired a house/ flat by
availing Housing Loan earlier, irrespective of the fact that the earlier loan availed
is closed or outstanding, he/ she shall have the option to avail the second
housing loan for purchase / construction of another flat / house, subject to the
2. Purposes
overall loan ceiling applicable to him/ her.
However, at any point of time, the staff member either in his/ her name or along
with his/ her spouse should not have availed housing loan at concessional rate
(simple interest) for more than two houses / flats and third staff housing loan
under CRE exposure for purchase/ construction of third house/flat, including the
house/flat proposed to be acquired under the scheme. Applicable Rate of
interest on Staff Housing Loan for third house under CRE exposure shall be as per
Clause No.5 given in this circular.
ix. Staff housing loan can also be granted under Transfer of Security when an
existing house/ flat purchased out of Staff Housing Loan as per existing scheme is
sold to acquire bigger/better accommodation. The loan to be sanctioned will be
restricted to the extent of difference between the purchase price of new house
and sale price of old house or difference between the revised limit and old loan
sanctioned, whichever is lower.
Individual loans under the Scheme will be admissible at any place in India where the
employee proposes to settle post retirement.
*Revised limits for staff housing loan and the limits for repair and renovation shall be
inclusive of the overall ceiling fixed herein above for each cadre of officer / employee. The
officers/employees can avail entire limits for purchase/construction/acquisition flat / house,
in case no limits for repairs and renovation have been availed by the officer/employee till
now. Further, in case the officer/employee has already availed limits for repairs / renovation
of existing house, the same amount shall get deducted from overall entitled limit of Staff
Housing Loan mentioned herein above. All other terms and conditions for sanctioning Staff
Housing Loan for repairs and renovation i.e. margin money/ rate of interest / repayment
terms/ period etc shall remain unchanged.
General Condition:
Due to above enhancement in the Staff Housing Loan Limits, an employee may avail the
difference amount on the following conditions:
1. Union Home Loan availed by a staff member for a house property over and above the
existing Staff Housing Loan limit will be eligible for conversion.
2. For extension of existing dwelling unit constructed out of Staff Housing Loan.
3. In case where sanction is done and disbursement is underway, enhanced limit may be
considered as under;
a. where cost of house/flat is more than the limit already sanctioned:
b. where cost of constructions as per the original estimates submitted at the time of
application is more than the limit already sanctioned.
c. While considering the sanction of difference amount, required margin contribution by the
staff to be ensured.
However, in no way the difference amount of housing loan will be allowed for
reimbursement to the employee:
-In case the employee has arranged funds from own sources:
-or to the person/s or others from where employee has arranged funds sucyh as
friends/relatives/credit society etc. For payment of balance amount / completion of
construction of unit.
STAFF CIRCULAR NO.7391 DATED 18-03-2021.
As per the directions of the Board, the extension of Housing Loan Scheme for acquisition
/construction of third house / flat under CRE Exposure stands withdrawn with immediate
effect. Henceforth, no such proposal shall be considered under this scheme and those staff
members who wish to apply for acquisition / construction of third hose / flat under CRE
Exposure may do so under the Home Loan Scheme applicable to general public. However,
the loans sanctioned under this scheme from the issuance of Staff Circular No. 7391 dated
18-03-2021 till 31-08-2021 shall continue as per he sanctioned terms and conditions
mentioned therein.
a) for staff housing loans for purchase /construction of first and second house:
5.50% (simple) upto Rs.40 lacs.
6.00% (simple) above Rs.40.00 lacs at Half yearly rests on daily diminishing balance
b) for staff housing loan for purchase/ construction of third house under Commercial Real
Estate (CRE)
Applicable rate of interest for CRE Staff Housing loan shall be at 0.25% below the lowest rate
5. Rate of applicable to the public in the respective slab of loan amount, but not below EBLR
Interest (compounded monthly). In line with the slab wise lowest Union Home CRE Rate of Interest as
per IC No.2290 dated 31-10-2020, the respective slab wise Rate of Interest for Staff Housing
Loan for third house under CRE exposure shall be:
Rate of interest for union home CRE Rate of interest for third
Loan amount Exposure for salaried General Public house under staff housing
loan CRE Exposure (For Staff
Upto Rs.30 lakhs EBLLR + 1.05% EBLR + 0.80%
Above Rs.30 lakhs EBLR + 1.15% EBLR + 0.90%
Revision in EBLR linked loans shall be applicable as per EBLR frame work.
Project Cost shall include:
-Purchase price of land / house / flat
-Cost of construction /extension (if applicable):
6.MARGIN -Registration charges and Stamp Duty, applicable GST and premium of any Group Insurance
scheme covering the housing loan liability (in respect of purchase of house /flat), may be
included as part of total estimated cost of the house/flat to be constructed / purchased by
the employee, while computing his/her entitlement for house building advance, under
the staff housing loan scheme.
Loan component for purchase of Plot / land and construction thereon has been fixed at 50:50. As per the
same, the maximum amount of loan towards the cost of land can be allowed upto 50% of the project cost or
the eligible limit, whichever is lower, and the balance amount of limit will be available towards construction of
The total deductions from the employee’ s salary, inclusive of interest on Clean OD & instalment of proposed
loan under this scheme, should not exceed 70% of his/ her gross salary, for working out the maximum loan
amount applicable under the scheme, income of applicant’s spouse can be taken into consideration subject to
submission of valid proof of income by the applicant with regard to his/her spouse’s income.
In case if Union Bank of India Staff Co-operative Credit Society Loan is availed by the applicant, the total
deductions, inclusive of the instalment of the proposed loan shall not exceed 75% of the gross monthly salary
of the applicant.
For the purpose of calculation of repaying capacity, the income of spouse can be considered if the spouse is
Govt. Employee or in the service of private organisation or has own business, for which sufficient income
proof is required to be provided or proof of Income Tax paid for the last 5 years is required to be provided.
Under such cases the spouse of the applicant whose income is being considered for proposed loan should
have regular source of income.
In case if both husband and wife are working in the same Bank for grant of staff hosing loan they will be
treated as individual employee and will be permitted to avail Staff Housing Loan in their individual capacity as
per their eligibility / repaying capacity. However, both husband and wife together could avail staff housing
loan for not more than 2 dwelling units under this scheme.
The housing loan taken by husband/wife either under Union Home loan scheme or from other financial
institutions on commercial rate of interest will be converted to Staff Housing Loan subject to availing the Staff
Housing Loan at concessional rate of interest (simple interest) for maximum of two dwelling units by husband
and wife and third staff housing loan for purchase /construction of third house /flat under Commercial Real
Estate exposure within the overall eligible limit.
Further, 150% of eligible HRA of the employee shall be considered to arrive at the eligible loan amount while
sanctioning Staff Housing Loan Scheme for first property.
50% of future rental income with verifiable proof to the satisfaction of Sanctioning Authority from the subject
property can be considered in case of sanctioning of staff housing loan for second/third property.
Repayment period of Staff Housing Loan will not be extended beyond 360 months or 75 years of age
whichever is less.
The loan recovery shall be as per Union Home Loan CRE exposure.
While computing the amount of instalment in the above manner, any excess Liability in housing loan shall be
recovered from the terminal benefits in lump sum.
Employees under NPS who opt for loan duration beyond their normal retirement date, are required to
maintain their Savings Bank Account with our bank even after their retirement and NPS lump-sum withdrawal
and NPS annuity should be credited to the said account. Repayment for SHL should be from the same
account. Such NPS optees are required to furnish undertaking letter.
12. INTERIM SECURITY: Nil. This clause stands withdrawn w.e.f. 18-03-2021.
13.1 limits:
TEGS V & VI Rs.15.00 LACS
The housing Loan for repairs/ renovations shall be extended to employees who have earlier availed Staff
Housing Loan or Union Home Loan or both the loans for purchase of a house/flat subject to completion of 7
years from the date of availing the Housing Loan. In case if the employee has not availed either staff housing
loan or the loan under Union Home scheme for acquiring the property for which the repair loan is requested,
then in such cases the loan can be considered after seven years from the date of acquiring the said property.
Staff members who have availed staff housing loans with repayment period beyond retirement period and opt
for Voluntary Retirement after putting in 25 years of service will be allowed to continue Staff Housing Loan as
per the terms of the sanction.
This facility of repayment up to the age of 75 years will not be available to employee who opt for Resignation
from the Bank’s service or dismissed/ compulsorily retired /removed from the services of the Bank before
attaining the age of superannuation and they will have to liquidate the entire housing loan outstanding at the
time of their resignation/ removal/ dismissal/ compulsory retirement.
However, the loan outstanding in case of employees who have resigned from the services of the Bank, may be
considered for being over into Union Home loan by the Competent Authority, on case to case basis as per the
eligibility and terms and conditions of the Union Home Loan scheme.
In all such cases where the repayment period is extended beyond the age of retirement, the benefit of Staff
rate and other terms & conditions of the Staff Housing Loan account like simple interest shall continue to be
available to the employee post his /her superannuation also. Such extended repayment period maximum upto
the age of 75 years is permitted as per the scheme.
If an employee, who had been serving in another Bank and has joined our Bank laterally in higher cadre and
had availed staff housing loan there, which was converted to home loan at commercial rate of interest, in his
previous bank upon his/her resignation, then the home loan la previous Bank can be taken over by our Bank
under staff housing loan, after confirmation of the employee’s service at our Bank or after completion of 2
years in case of Office staff and 6 months in case of Award staff whichever is earlier subject to satisfactory
service record of the officer/employee.
The unit purchased under staff housing loan for second house cannot be sold by the employee within the
period of 10 years from the date of availing loan for any reason whatsoever (except in case of sale of the
house on account of death of the staff member / sale of the house on account of separation of the employee
which warrants closure of the loan account immediately). In this case the loan for second house will be
liquidated immediately with the sale proceeds.
In case the employee for any reason whatsoever seek permission to sell his house, the entire loan will be
considered under Union Home Loan and that the commercial rate of interest as well as the Bank’s charges will
be recovered vis-a-vis for liquidation of housing loan account out of the sale proceeds of house.
17. If the loan is availed for purchasing a flat/apartment in a proposed Co-operative society or any such
Housing Society, then the employee shall:
- create a charge on the flat in favour of the Bank
- Give an undertaking to form a Co-operative Society or any such Housing Society at
the earliest
-Give an undertaking to register lien on the flat in favour of the Bank immediately
on registration of the Society
-Tripartite agreement and other such formalities with the Builder and Society is to
be adhered to, as per norms.
If the House/Flat/Apartment is in a Co-operative Housing Society or any such Housing society, an undertaking
from Society that the premises/share certificates shall not be transferred without the Bank’s prior consent
shall be obtained. The Share Certificate issued by the Co-Operative Society in the case of the employee will be
deposited with the Bank and Bank’s lien on the house/flat will have to be registered with the Society. Bank’s
charge in respect of premises must also be registered in Society’s Book.
18. For purchase of land, house and new flat, the deal, Sale Deed, acquisition and mortgage should be
completed within 3 months. In case of genuine difficulty, the discretion to grant reasonable extension of time
limit lies with the Sanctioning Authority.
19. Where the loan has been sanctioned to en employee for construction of a house on plot of land owned by
the employee jointly with his/her spouse, the spouse of the employee shall join as a co-borrower and also
submit a letter of guarantee and undertaking for relinquishing the rights on the said plot of land / property.
Where Staff proposes to purchase a ready built house/flat, flat/house under tie-up or purchase a plot and
construct a house/flat, by availing Staff Housing Loan, Jointly with the spouse, the first holder of the property
should be the staff member.
While disbursing the advance, margin requirements will be adhered to and the manner of disbursement
broadly will be as under:
-Maximum amount of loan towards the cost of land can be allowed upto 50% of the project cost or the
eligible limit, whichever is lower, and the balance amount of limit will be available towards construction of
-For construction of house on the aforesaid acquired/existing plot, proportionate disbursement will be made
according to Architect’s certificate or Bank Officials inspection report certifying the progress of construction.
-For house /flat purchased through Housing Society, Government Agencies or ready built house/flat from the
private builders, disbursement to be made as per schedule of payment or lump sum as per demand of the
vendors and the progress of construction.
-Documentation, security, mortgage formalities are to be completed as per Bank’s norms at the time of
disbursement of loan.
Adherence to Plans: The construction should be in accordance with the approved plan and specification as
approved by the Competent Civic Authority on the basis of which the advance is sanctioned.
Time Limit: The construction should be completed within 24 months of the date on which the first
disbursement of loan is taken by the applicant. Extension of time limit is permissible upto one year by the
Sanctioning Authority and for a longer period, in exceptional cases, by the General Manager (HR) if the work is
delayed due to circumstances beyond the employee’s control.
The house should be maintained in good condition and repairs be carried out at the employee’s cost and kept
free from all encumbrances. The employee should pay all taxes regularly and if required, the Bank may advise
the employee to furnish a certificate to that effect. The Bank will be free to carry out inspection for checking
up the maintenance.
On completion of construction/ or after possession of the house/ flat, it should be sufficiently insured by the
employee at his cost against fine or any other Natural Calamity for the full value of the house. The insurance
policy inclusive of the Bank’s Clause should be deposited with the Bank and the premium receipts should be
produced for inspection. The insurance should be kept alive till the liquidation of the advance.
24. A Bank Officer on deputation to a Government department or on Foreign service will be entitled for SHL
from his /her parent Bank. In such cases, the Competent Authority for sanction of loan will be as per Clause
No.34 of this Circular.
25.Officrs under suspension are also be eligible for HBA but they should provide interim security in the form
mortgage of Collateral Security or the loan should be supported by Personal guarantee from two permanent
Officers of the Bank.
26. Sanction of staff housing loan for purchase/construction of 3rd house property under the scheme under
Commercial Real Estate (CRE) exposure.
Employees can avail staff housing loan for purchase of a third house under CRE category within their overall
entitlement and depending on their overall repayment capacity.
Applicable rate of interest for CRE staff housing loan shall be at 0.25% below the lowest rate applicable to the
public in the respective slab of loan amount, but not below EBLR (compounded monthly). 50% of future rental
income with verifiable proof to the satisfaction of the Sanctioning Authority from the subject property can be
considered while calculating the repayment capacity.
An employee shall:
- Execute all documents as required by the Bank from time to time and the Nominee of the employee
for Provident Fund shall join as Co-borrower for executing the documents.
- Provide an undertaking stating not to permit creation of any other mortgage or encumbrance on the
property /house/flat /apartment or any part thereof.
- Give an irrevocable undertaking to the Bank on a requisite stamp paper as may be required by the
Bank, from time to time to create a lien on PF and Gratuity.
- Tender a Demand Promissory Note for the full amount of loan.
- In case of purchase of land/ house and / or construction of house, the employee shall:
Create equitable mortgage (wherever permissible in law) of the land/ house / property shall
be created in favour of the Bank. Wherever equitable mortgage is not permissible/ possible, a
simple mortgage will have to be created on the land/ house / property, after obtaining
suitable permission from the Competent Authority.
Submit an irrevocable Power of Attorney in favour of Bank authorizing the Bank to execute
the legal mortgage in favour of the Bank.
- Give an undertaking to complete the construction within 24 months from the date of the first
disbursement of loan.
- Create mortgage of house or apartment to be enlarged. In the case of availing the loan for enlarging
house or apartment.
- Besides the above, all the norms regarding security and mortgage are to be complied with.
- Guarantee on a requisite stamp paper to be obtained from the spouse from the staff member while
granting Staff Housing Loan.
28. An employee shall not sell or part with the property acquired by him/her by availing staff housing loan in
any manner without the prior permission from the Bank. The Bank at its discretion may permit the sale on
providing satisfactory reasons for sale, at such terms and conditions it may deem fit. Generally, the permission
may be granted only after a minimum of five years of occupation of the house/flat /apartment by the
employee and his/her family. The outstanding with interest thereon, if any, will be adjusted from the sale
proceeds. If the sale proceeds fall short of the outstanding plus interest in the loan account, the deficit will
have to be paid by the employee immediately. The employee will have to deposit the sale proceeds with the
Bank within the time fixed by authority permitting such sale.
29.Permission of the Bank is not required for letting out the House/flat /property acquired by the employee
with the help of staff housing loan subject to compliance of clause No.33 (ii) of this circular. However, the
employee should inform the Controlling Authority regarding his /her intention for letting of the
House/flat/property on rent.
30. An employee can purchase the plot/ house from his close relatives provided the same is acquired by the
seller from his/her own sources (it should not be ancestral property of the seller) and the said person should
not be dependent of the employee who is seeking the loan.
-Municipal Taxes, ground rent and all other outgoings in respect of the premises must be paid regularly in
-Premises must be maintained in good condition and shall ordinarily be for personal bona fide use of the
employee and/ or member/s of his/her family.
-The borrower employee concerned shall make arrangements for the registration of the mortgage in favour of
-The terms of the application, agreement, mortgage and other documents in respect of loan sanctioned under
this scheme shall be as per Bank’s norms and the Bank is free to amend the same from time to time.
-Furnishing wrong or false information or certificates and default will render the employee concerned liable
for such penalties as may be levied for breach of discipline and misconduct and the entire outstanding loan
and interest will become recoverable forthwith.
-Even though the comprehensive report on the title of the property from a reputed lawyer or firm of solicitors
land plans and estimates approved by qualified architect or engineer will be prima facie acceptable, the Bank
reserves the right to have further investigation on the title etc. by Bank’s panel Lawyer/ Architect/ Valuers.
-For the purpose of loan for purchase of ready built house/ apartment, the estimated residual life of the
house/apartment should be at least 10 years more than the tenure of the proposed loan.
-Management reserves its right to change and modify the scheme from time to time.
Loan will be granted subject to sole discretion of the Bank.
35. The Staff Housing Loan Scheme shall come into force w.e.f. the date of issuance of this circular i.e
General Manager (HR) is the competent Authority for interpretation of any clauses of the Staff Housing Loan
Scheme is final and binding.
Considering the queries already received from the field and anticipating further queries, the
following FAQs have been drafted to provide clarifications on the features of the Scheme:
N Question Clarification
1 The repayment tenure has been NO. This feature is effective from the date of amalgamation
extended to 75 years in the i.e. 01-04-2020. As such, it would be applicable for loans
revised Scheme. Can I avail this sanctioned / converted / taken over on or after 01-04-2020.
benefit for my existing loans?
2 Can I convert my existing Union Yes. Loans availed under commercial rate of interest from
Home Loan to staff housing Union Bank of India or e-Andhra Bank or e-Corporation Bank
Loan? or any other Financial Institution / Bank can be considered for
conversion into Staff Housing Loan if otherwise eligible subject
to fulfilment of terms and conditions of the scheme.
3 Can I avail the difference amount Yes. Within the overall eligibility of the staff member.
for extension of existing dwelling
unit constructed out of Staff
Housing Loan?
4 Who will be the Sanctioning The delegated authorities have been specified and circulated
Authority under the new vide Staff Circular No. 7176 dated 15-04-20.
5 Can multiple loans already Since the terms and conditions and documentations are
availed be combined into a different, multiple loans of an employee cannot be clubbed
single loan under the new into a single loan.
6 In cases where sanction has been Yes. However, for considering the difference amount as per
done on or before 31-03-2020 the revised eligibility under staff housing loan, the original
and disbursement is underway, project cost at the time of initial sanction only to be taken into
can the difference amount on consideration. That means, for the sake of availing of higher
account of enhancement be limit, project cost cannot be modified/enhanced.
availed? Further, the required margin contribution by the staff is to be
ensured and under no circumstances, the difference amount
is to be reimbursed to the employee or to any person / source
from where the employee had arranged funds for payment of
balance amount.
7 Whether all Housing Loans Yes, the same will be dealt with on case to case basis by the
availed from other Banks/ FIs are sanctioning authority as per the terms and conditions of the
eligible for take over? Scheme.
8 Whether 2nd Housing Loan under Yes, it is for the staff member to choose the place where he
this Scheme can be availed in the wants to build his 2nd house. As such, place does not have the
same city where the staff already relevance for giving Housing Loan for 2nd property. However,
owns a house? while sanctioning the limits, it should be ensured that sanction
is as per the eligibility an terms and conditions of the scheme.
9 Whether the amount of loan Limits specified for repairs and renovation are over and above
availed for repairs and the limits specified for regular staff housing loan.
renovation included under the
amount of eligibility for purchase
of house?
10 As per previous scheme, in case Immediate legal heir shall continue to be taken as guarantor
of repayment period beyond in the loan where repayment period extends beyond
retirement, immediate legal heir retirement. Necessary guidelines are being issued.
was being taken as guarantor in
the loan. There is no such
condition mentioned in the new
11 In case staff is posted outside of Yes.
home town but wishes to
purchase house for the first time,
can 150% of HRA be considered
for calculating eligible loan
12 As per the scheme, loan can be The disparity is due to typographical error. At the time of
extended up to 75 years or 360 retirement, the new quantum of instalment can be drawn for
months whichever is less, next 180 months (up to 75 years) or remaining period up to
whereas it is also mentioned that his original sanction, whichever is less. It is being clarified
after retirement, the new separately also.
quantum of instalment can be
drawn for next 120 months only
i.e. up to 70 years only. Kindly
13 If an employee has two No, staff HLL cannot be availed for acquiring third house
properties in his/her name singly (either in his/her own or spouse’s name singly or jointly).
or jointly with spouse or spouse
singly, would the employee be
eligible for staff housing loan?
14 An employee had purchased Yes, as at the time of conversion staff is having only two dwelling
a property availing both units.
staff HL and Union Home
Loan. Before enhancement
of limits, he/she has also
purchased another (second)
property in his/her own
name or spouse’s name
through own sources or
funds from parents. Now,
the staff applies for
conversion of said Union
Home Loan to Staff HL. Will
he/she be eligible?
15 An employee had purchased No. As at the time of conversion, there should not be more than
a property availing both two dwelling units in his/her own or spouse’s name, and staff HL
Staff HL and Union Home cannot be availed for acquiring third house.
Loan. Before enhancement
of limits, he/she has also
purchased 2 or more
properties in his/her own
name or spouse’s name
through own sources or
funds from parents. Now,
the staff applies for
conversion of said Union
Home Loan to Staff HL. Will
he /she be eligible?
16 While sanctioning Staff HL At the time of such sanction, if staff member requests, the
for second property, 50% of Sanctioning Authority may for calculating the eligibility notionally
future rental income may be assume that permission to let out would subsequently be granted
considered for arriving at by the Competent Authority after construction / possession of the
eligibility. However, house / flat.
property cannot be let out However, for actually letting out the house, separate permission is
without prior permission of to be obtained from Competent Authority.
the Bank. Who will be the
Competent Authority to
permit the same?
17 In all such cases where the It is clarified that even in case of those employees whose
repayment period is repayment period is up to 60 years and opting for VRS, the benefit
extended beyond the age of of staff housing loan shall be extended as per the original sanction
retirement, the benefit of terms.
staff rate and other terms Example:
and conditions of the Staff A: If an employee who has availed housing loan with repayment
Housing Loan account like period up to his superannuation, submits VRS after putting in 25
simple interest shall years of service, then the benefit of staff housing loan shall be
continue to be available to extended to him/her as per the original sanction terms i.e. up to
the employee post his/her his superannuation.
superannuation also. Such B: If an employee who has availed housing loan with repayment
extended repayment period period up to 70 years / 75 years, submits VRS after putting in 25
maximum up to the age of years of service, then the benefit of staff housing loan shall be
75 years is permitted as per extended to him/her as per the original sanction terms i.e. up to
the scheme. Is this benefit original repayment tenure period.
available to employees
opting for VRS also who
have availed loans upto the
age of 60 years? Staff Circular No. 7188 Dated 30-04-2020
The employees are entitled to receive Rewards / incentives as per Government guidelines in force, for acts
of exceptional bravery or high level of integrity and / or performance of high order as under: -
1. Compensation in case of death of an employee:
- Executives -Scale-IV onwards : Rs.5.00Lacs
- Officers - Scale-I to III : Rs.3.00Lacs
- Clerical : Rs.2.00Lacs
- Sub-Staff : Rs.1.00Lacs
2. Bank will bear educational expenses upto graduation of the children of the deceased employee.
3. Employment on compassionate grounds will be given to one member of the family of the deceased.
a. In case no one in the immediate family is eligible for employment, the entitlement will be held
in abeyance till one of the members of the family becomes eligible for employment.
b. In case employment is not taken up and the dependents are not gainfully employed, then the
last pay and allowances drawn by the deceased may be extended to the family of the deceased
till one of the children of family attains age of 21 years or till the date the deceased would have
retired in normal course, whichever is earlier.
4. Staff loans availed by the deceased may be transferred in the name of the family member taken up on
compassionate employment.
5. If Compassionate employment is not sought, then the interest on loans may be waived and only
principal may be recovered from the compensation / other dues payable.
6. In respect of persons other than the Bank employee who may get killed as a consequence of or during
robberies and/or attack of terrorists, the Bank will pay a lump sum Compensation of Rs.1.00 lac to the
family of the deceased.
7. In case of Bank employees / customers / members of the public who actively resist robberies /terrorist
attacks, the Bank may consider Cash Reward not exceeding Rs.50,000/-. This Cash Reward will be in
addition to compensation, if any, payable under provisions of various Acts / Rules governing the
9. If such an employee does not possess the requisite criteria for such promotion, they can be given
Personal Pay upto 3 advance increments in existing grade on permanent basis. In case the employee is
drawing last stage of basic pay, then the Personal Pay would be equal to 3 times the amount of
increment last drawn and if he is drawing basic at lower stage, then the Personal Pay will be equal to
next remaining increments plus amount equal to last increment to make the total upto 3increments.
10. All expenses of injury, including hospitalisation of the victim/Bank employees/ members of
public/members of police forces etc. shall be borne by the Bank.
Subsidized Canteen facility is extended to Branches and cluster of Branches/Offices in all centers. The
quantum of Subsidy is Rs.200/- per month per employee.
This scheme will be applicable to all the employees of the Bank including Permanent part-time
subordinate staff members drawing scale wages of 1/3rd and above but not to those appointed on contract
or tenure basis. However, the scheme will not be applicable to those employees who are already covered
under the Canteen Facility where lump sum subsidy is being paid.
General Conditions:
1) A Common application in writing prescribed under the Scheme (ANNEXURE-XVII) be submitted by
the employee concerned to the Branch Manager/Chief Manager/Departmental Head under whom
the employee is working should be submitted every month.
3) The subsidy will be directly disbursed to the Canteen Contractor/Tea Boy on production of monthly
bill in respect of each employee from whom the claim is received.
4) The Branch/Office should maintain a Register containing the following details:((refer staff circular)
5) The Branch/Office should hold on record the bill/receipt submitted by the Canteen Contractor/Tea
6) The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The Internal
Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
7) The payment under the scheme will be debited to 'Expenditure A/c Staff Welfare Measure –
Canteen Subsidy.
Competent Authority:
Branch Branch Manager of the branch concerned.
R.O./ F.G.M.O. Chief Manager (P&D)
Central Office Chief Manager (HRM)
Branches Accounts Section DGM/AGM/ In charge of the section
Audit Office In charge of Office
Staff Training College Principal/Vice Principal
Staff Training Centers Chief Manager heading the Training Centre / Principal/Vice Principal,
Staff Training College, Bangalore, In case there is no Chief Manager at
the particular Centre, the same should be forwarded to the
Principal / Vice Principal, Staff Training College Bangalore
Staff circulars for reference:
SC No.5309 dtd 29-09-2006 / SCNo.5901 dtd 04-09-12 SC No.6162 dtd 16-01-15, SCNo.7171 dtd 08-04-2020
OBJECTIVE: Lump sum subsidy is being paid for Canteen Operating at places like Central Office, MS Marg,
Mumbai, India Exchange Place Kolkata. This facility is extended to all the employees without any restriction
on the minimum number of employees.
APPLICABILITY: This scheme will be applicable to all the employees of the Bank but not to those appointed
on Contract or Tenure basis. However, the scheme will not be applicable to those employees who are
already covered under the Canteen Facility where lump sum subsidy is being paid.
A common application in writing prescribed under the Scheme (Annexure) be submitted by the
employee concerned to the Branch Manager/ Chief Manager/ Departmental Head under whom the
employee is working.
The application should be submitted every month.
The application should be scrutinised and sanctioned by the Competent Authority.
The subsidy will be directly disbursed to the Canteen Contractor/ Tea Boy on production of
monthly bill in respect of each employee from whom the claim is received.
The Branch/ Office should maintain a Register containing the following details .(refer Staff Circular)
The Branch/ Office should hold on record the Bill/ Receipt submitted by the
Canteen Contractor / Tea Boy.
The records of sanction / Payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The Internal
Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
The Payment under the scheme will be debited to Expenditure A/c Staff Welfare Measure –
Canteen Subsidy.
Branch Branch Manager of the branch concerned.
R.O./ F.G.M.O. Chief Manager (P&D)
Central Office Chief Manager (HRM)
Branches Accounts Section DGM/AGM/ In charge of the section
Audit Office In charge of Office
Staff Training College Principal/Vice Principal
Staff Training Centers Chief Manager heading the Training Centre / Principal/Vice Principal, Staff
Training College, Bangalore, In case there is no Chief Manager at the
particular Centre, the same should be forwarded to the Principal / Vice
Principal, Staff Training College Bangalore.
Staff Circulars for reference: Staff Circular No.4782 dated 01-10-2001 / Staff Circular No.6002 dated 31-07-
2013, Staff Circular No.6162 dated 16-01-2015 / Staff Circular No.7171 dated 08-04-2020
1. The complex lifestyles of employees particularly in urban and metro centres have resulted in constant
tension and pressure directly affecting their health. There is also growing awareness among
employees to be health conscious. Those employees who are in the age group of 35 and above are
more vulnerable to health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, coronary problems etc. Many a
time though the symptoms are apparent, the employees do not go for medical check-up resulting in
major health break down leading to hospitalization. The saying ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is not
adopted by many employees and there have been instances of the organisation loosing young
employees. This scheme is a step towards arresting this trend and contributing to the health of the
2. Objective:
The scheme envisages reimbursement of expenses incurred by employees – Award Staff members and
Officers up to MMGS III, in the age group of 35+ for health check-up once in a financial year.
3. Applicability:
The Scheme will be applicable to all full time employees of the Bank including permanent part time
subordinate employees, but not to those appointed on contract or tenure basis.
4. Amount:
a. Reimbursement of expenses incurred by the employee in the age group of 35+ for health check up
of self/spouse. Amount of Rs. 1500/- in case of male employees and Rs.2200/- in case of female
employees (including Rs.700/- for Mammography or Ultra Sonography test) per year.
b. Reimbursement of Annual Expenses upto Rs. 900/- to male staff members in the age group of 45+
for USG abdomen Test.
c. Antenatal check up (4 months old) up to Rs.5000/- to female staff members. The reimbursement
can be claimed only 2 times during the tenure of service.
5. Details of tests to be undergone:
The following tests are recommended for claiming reimbursement under the scheme:
7. All FGMOs/ZOs/ROs will explore the possibility of finalizing cost effective tie up arrangements with
reputed hospitals, pathological labs, X-ray clinics on centre-wise basis for such health check-up and to
ensure that the cost is reduced. Chief Manager/Branch Manager/Departmental Head will issue Letter
of Authorization (ANNEXURE) to such Hospitals/Diagnostic Centers etc.
8. General Conditions:
The reimbursement of expenses will be restricted to Rs.1500/- and Rs.2200/- in case of male and female
employees respectively or the amount of the bill submitted whichever is lower. In Centers where the
Mammography test is covered within the ceiling of Rs.2200/-, then the reimbursement will be restricted to
Rs.2200/- per female employee per year.
Concerned employee has to apply online through Union Parivar for reimbursement and to submit the
relevant bills/proof for claiming the amount.
Application will be scrutinized by the Branch Manager/ Chief Manager/ Department Head and it will be
sanctioned by the Competent Authority.
The eligible employees will not be entitled for TA/DA etc for getting the health check up done at centers
other than the place where he is working.
The employee should submit original bills/ receipts evidencing payment to the hospital/ pathological lab/X-
ray clinic etc. along with the test reports etc. (the test reports will be returned to the employee after
The tie up arrangements for health check up is decentralized at RO Level.
In case the RO finalizes tie up arrangement with reputed hospitals, Pathological Labs, X-ray clinics the
payment should be made directly to them.
Reimbursement under the scheme will cease from the date of cessation of employment of the applicant
with the Bank. It may be available under UBIREMAS after becoming a member after retirement on modified
terms and conditions.
The employee should submit single claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred for health check up. In
other words, no piecemeal claim will be entertained.
The records of sanction/ payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The internal auditors will,
in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
The payment under this scheme will be debited to Expenditure Account Staff Welfare Measures –
reimbursement of Expenses for Health Check up.
COMPETENT AUTHORITY: HR Department of Concerned Regional Office, HR Suvidha in case of Central Office.
Staff circulars for reference: SC No.4782 dated 01-10-2001 / Staff Circular No. 5901 dated 04-09-12 Staff
Circular No.6002 dated 31-07-2013 / Staff Circular No.6162 dated 16-01-2015 SC No.7171 dtd 08-04-2020
There may be instances where employees might be forced to go on leave on loss of pay on account
hospitalization for undergoing treatment for major ailments like coronary disease, transplantation surgery
etc. Such employees are forced to incur substantial medical expenses for their treatment and at the same
time do not receive salary. Many a time the employees’ avail all sorts of leave to their credit and ultimately,
the only option open to them is to go on leave on loss of pay on medical grounds. Normally the financial
condition of such employees would be very precarious. The objective of the scheme is to lend a helping
hand to such employees to tide over their temporary financial difficulties.
1. Objective: To provide financial assistance to employees who are on loss of pay on account of
2. Applicability: The Scheme will be applicable to all full time employees of the Bank but not to those
appointed on contract or tenure basis.
3. Scope: The scheme covers payment of lump sum amount to the employees who are on loss of pay.
The facility will be made available for a maximum period of six months in the entire service of an
4. Amount: Employees will be given financial assistance of Rs.3,000/- per month for a maximum period
of 6 months and proportionately in case leave on loss of pay is less than one month (30 days).
5. General Conditions:
i. An application in writing as prescribed under the scheme to be submitted by the employee
concerned to the Branch Manager/Chief Manager/Departmental Head where the employee is
ii. The application will be scrutinized and sanctioned by the Competent Authority.
iii. The Employee should have exhausted all sorts of leave and must be on approved leave on loss of
pay on medical grounds.
iv. The disbursement of financial assistance will cease on the date of reporting of the
employee for duties.
v. The applicant should have submitted bills seeking reimbursement of expenses under
hospitalization scheme.
vi. The details of approval accorded by the Competent Authority will be recorded in a
register containing the following details.(refer staff circular)
vii. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The Internal
Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
viii. The payment under this scheme will be debited to Expenditure Account- Staff Welfare Measures –
Financial Assistance to Employees who are on loss of pay on account of Hospitalization.
6. Competent Authority:
Branch Branch Manager of the branch concerned.
R.O./ F.G.M.O. Chief Manager (P&D)
Central Office Chief Manager (HRM)
Branches Accounts Section DGM/AGM/ In charge of the section
Audit Office In charge of Office
Staff Training College Principal/Vice Principal
Staff Training Centers Chief Manager heading the Training Centre / Principal/Vice Principal, Staff
Training College, Bangalore, In case there is no Chief Manager at the
particular Centre, the same should be forwarded to the Principal / Vice
Principal, Staff Training College Bangalore.
Staff Circulars for reference:
Staff Circular No. 4782 dated 01-10-2001 / Staff Circular No.5681 dated 28-08-2010 Staff Circular No.5785
dated 21-09-2011 Staff Circular No.5901 dated 04-09-2012 Staff Circular No.6002 dated 31-07-2013 / Staff
Circular No. 6162 dated 16-01-2015 Staff Circular No.7171 dated 08-04-2020
The cost of school education has gone up steeply over the years, more so in case of admission to a
decent school. It is the desire of parents that the ward is well educated. Providing good education is
considered as a cherished gift from the parents. It is the desire of the Bank that the employees are given a
helping hand in this endeavour.
To provide limited amount of financial support to employees by way of reimbursement of school fees, cost
of textbooks etc.
1. Applicability: The Scheme will be applicable to all full time employees of the Bank but not to those
appointed on contract or stipend basis.
i. For the purpose of this scheme the family is taken as one unit. In other words, if husband and wife
are working in our Bank, together they will be eligible for claiming reimbursement for only 1 child.
ii. The scheme will not cover amount paid towards hostel fees, optional fees, refundable deposits,
caution money deposits, coaching fees etc.
iii. School education of the employee’s ward commencing from Nursery to Standard XII will be
covered under the scheme.
iv. The Scheme is also extended to those children of the employees who have joined diploma courses
in polytechnic institutes after passing their 10th standard, only for the first two years with the
maximum reimbursement restricted to Rs.2250/- per year.
2. Amount: Rs.2250/- per year or the actual claim, which ever is less.
3. General Conditions:
i. The fees will include tuition fees, term fees, examination fees etc.
ii. The payment under the scheme will be by way of reimbursement of expenses already incurred.
v. Along with hard copy of online application, the employee should submit original bills/receipts
evidence in payment of tuition fees, school fees, cost of text books etc.
vi. The employee should submit application on a yearly basis for claiming reimbursement.
vii. Reimbursement under the scheme will cease from the date of cessation of employment of the
applicant with the Bank.
viii. The application should be submitted by all the Employees on or before 20th February of the
following year.
ix. The details of approval accorded by the Competent Authority should be recorded in a register
containing the following details.(refer staff circular)
x. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The Internal
Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
xi. The payment under this scheme will be debited to Expenditure Account - Staff Welfare Measures –
Reimbursement of School Fees to wards of Employees.
1. Objective:
To provide certain amount of financial assistance to employees by way of reimbursement of college
fees, cost of textbooks etc. incurred on behalf of one dependent ward.
2. Applicability:
The Scheme will be applicable to all full time employees of the Bank including, but not to those
appointed on contract or stipendiary basis.
3. Scope:
i. The scheme covers reimbursement of College fees/cost of textbooks etc. for Engineering /
Medical /Professional and Career Oriented Degree/Vocational Courses. For the purpose of this
scheme, the family is taken as one unit. In other words, if husband and wife are working in our
Bank, together they will be eligible for claiming reimbursement for only 1 child. If the employee
has more than one child, he has the option to claim for any one of the children.
ii. The scheme will not cover amount paid towards hostel fees, optional fees, refundable deposits,
caution money deposits, coaching fees etc.
iii. The scheme will cover all professional and career oriented courses leading to degree offered by
the institutions and autonomous bodies recognised by the Govt. of India, National Informatics
Centre, All India Council of Technical Education, and Medical Council of India etc. and not the
courses leading to Diploma.
4. Amount:
The ceiling on the reimbursement stands enhanced to Rs. 3250/- per year However, if the claim is
less than the ceiling fixed under the scheme the amount sanctioned will be restricted to the claim.
5. General Conditions:
i. The payment under the scheme will be by way of reimbursement of expenses already incurred.
ii. Along with the application online through Union Parivar, the employee should submit attested
copies of bills/receipts evidencing payment of tuition fees, College fees, cost of textbooks etc.
Attestation should be done by the Head of the Branch / Department, as the case maybe.
iii. After scrutiny, the Competent Authority will sanction the application.
v. Reimbursement under the scheme will cease from the date of cessation of employment of the
applicant with the Bank.
vi. The application should be submitted by the employee on or before 20th February of the following
year. For example, for the Academic year 2020- 21 the application should be submitted
vii. The employees should submit single claim for reimbursement of College fees, tuition fees etc.
viii. The ward of the employee should pass the qualifying examination every year so as to be eligible for
reimbursement of College fees, tuition fees etc. Failure in the qualifying examination or detention
will lead to ineligibility. However on being considered for promotion, the ward will become eligible
for being covered under this scheme.
ix. The details of approval accorded by the Competent Authority have to be recorded in a register
containing the following details.(refer staff circular)
x. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The Internal
Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
xi. The payment under this scheme will be debited to Expenditure Account - Staff Welfare Measures –
Reimbursement of College Fees to wards of Employees
6. Competent Authority: HR Suvidha at Central Office.
Staff Circulars for reference: SC No. 4782 dtd 01-10-2001, SC No.5901 dtd 04-09-2012 SC No. 6002 dtd
31-07-2013 SC No. 6521 dtd 31-12-2016 SC No. 7171 dtd 08-04-2020
1. Applicability:
The Scheme will be applicable to all permanent employees of the Bank, but not to those appointed on
contract or tenure basis.
2. Amount:
i. The amount of scholarship will be Rs 375/- per month for those who pursue studies upto 10+2
level or equivalent examination in India.
ii. The amount of scholarship will be Rs 500/- per month for those who pursue studies upto
Graduate/Post Graduate level or equivalent examination in India and the amount of
scholarship will be Rs.700/- per month in case the ward stays in hostel.
iii. The amount of scholarship will be Rs 500/- per month after passing 12th standard examination
for those who pursue studies in Technical and Career Oriented
DiplomaCoursesandtheamountofscholarshipwillbeRs.700/-per month in case the ward stays in
3. Eligibility:
i. The Scholarship will be paid to only one child of the employee during any academic year fulfilling
the following criteria.
ii. The ward of the officer and clerical employees who have secured minimum prescribed marks in
the qualifying examinations are eligible for receiving scholarship for their 10+2 Level Studies and
12+3/4[College]level studies are asunder.
Qualifying Exam % of marks
10 Standard 75% and above
iv. After passing 12th standard examination with minimum prescribed marks, the scholarship will be
granted for pursuing Technical and Career Oriented Diploma Courses offered by the institutions
and Autonomous Bodies recognised by the Government of India, DOACC Society, National
Informatics Centres, All India Council for Technical Education, Universities and Other Professional
v. With a view to encouraging the meritorious wards of the employees to achieve further in their
academic pursuits, those wards of the employees who have completed their 1st Graduation/
Diploma courses with 60% or more marks will get scholarship for pursuing 2 nd graduation studies
in any discipline like M.A., M.Com, M.Sc., M.E., M. Tech., M.B.A, LLM, MD, MS, MCA, PGDMS
vi. The scholarship will be granted for pursuing professional courses such as CA, ICWA, CS etc. which
involve correspondence studies.
vii. Final Year in Diploma in Engg. will be treated as a qualifying examination for the purpose of
awarding scholarship for Engineering Degree Course.
viii. Marks secured in all subjects including optional subjects will be taken into account for the purpose
of ranking.
ix. In the event the ward is required to stay in private hostel, the application for scholarship should be
supported by-
a. Certificate from the College/Institution regarding non-availability of hostel facilities.
b. Certificate from the College/Institution that the student cannot be accommodated in
the existing hostel facilities offered by them
c. Copy of hostel receipt issued by the Private Hostel or Certificate issued by Private
Hostel on their letterhead, confirming that the ward is staying in their hostel.
4. The scholarship sanctioned to the ward of deceased employee when he was alive will be continued even
after death of employee, till the completion of the course for which the scholarship was awarded. In
such a case application for release of scholarship will be submitted by the spouse / child of deceased
i. Relaxation of one year not exceeding 2 attempts is given to the wards to appear in the qualifying
examination so as to secure admission in the professional courses. Where the ward despite securing
high percentage of marks in the XII Std./HSC examination, does not get admission in the
professional course, the mark-sheet pertaining to the XII Std/HSC examination of the previous
academic year can be considered, in respect of application seeking scholarship for the current
academic year in any stream.
ii. Similarly, relaxation of one year will be given to wards reappearing in 12th Standard/HSC
examination for improving overall marks.
iii. The employee will be allowed to avail the benefit of scholarship from our Bank even if their children
are receiving any other scholarship from outside institution.
5. Procedure for making application & making payments:
i. The requisite application must be made as prescribed under the Scheme to the Competent
Authority at the time of commencement of the academic year of the course.
ii. To be applied through Union Parivar.
iii. The application should be supported by a copy of the mark-sheet of S.S.C/H.S.C. or equivalent
examination duly attested by a Bank Officer.
iv. The Branches/Offices forwarding the applications for award of scholarship are permitted by verify
the copies of mark sheet with the attested copies of mark sheet which are already attested by
Competent Authority like Gazetted Officer/Head Master/Principal/Bank Manager etc.
v. The Regional/Zonal Offices shall before making disbursement each year, satisfy that the ward has
not failed in the academic year and/or discontinued his studies for which he was awarded
Competent Authority: HR Suvidha at Central Office
Staff Circulars for reference :Staff Circular No. 5901 dated 04-09-2012 / Staff Circular No.6002 dated
31-07-2013 Staff Circular No. 6521 dated 31-12-2016 / Staff Circular No.7171 dated 08-04-2020
Silver Jubilee Awards are granted to an employee who had completed 25 years of service in the
Bank. Ex-servicemen who have completed 20 years of service. No penalty/punishment other than
Censure/Warning has been imposed upon the employee during the immediately 3 years or the rigor of
penalty is in operation, whichever is longer. The award can be released only after debarment period is over.
Raksha Bandhan watches will be given (one for self and the other to the spouse)
1. LIFE TIME APPRECIATION AWARD IS granted to employees who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Ex-servicemen who joined the Bank after completion of 40 years of Age. Spouse/Dependents recruited on
compassionate grounds after completion of 35 years of age
Under the scheme, the award will be given at the time of superannuation.
In case where deceased employees/employees recruited on medical grounds had received the award under
silver jubilee award scheme during his/her service upon completion of the required no. of years of service,
the spouse/ dependant/ employed on compassionate grounds will not be eligible for award under the Life
Time Appreciation Award scheme.
-Raksha Bandhan watches will be given (one for self and the other to the spouse)
VRS/RESIGNEE not entitled. Leave record should be non-assailable. No penalty/punishment has been imposed
on him immediately preceding 3 years or the rigor of penalty is in operation (except Censure/warning),
whichever is longer. After debarment period is over before retirement can be eligible and at the time of
debarment, if retired cannot be qualified. (SC NO.6726 DATED 09-01-2018)
Many wards of the employees excel in their school education by obtaining first rank in the overall annual
performance/general proficiency in their school examination. With a view to encourage the meritorious
wards of the employee to enable them to achieve still better results in their academic pursuits, this scheme is
1. Objective: To honour meritorious wards of the employees, who have secured first rank in the overall
annual performance in the school examination of their respective class/standard of study.
2. Applicability: The scheme will be applicable to all employees but not to those appointed on contract or
3. Scope: The scheme will cover grant of one time honorarium of Rs.3,000/- per year to those wards of the
employees who have obtained first rank in the overall annual performance in the school examination of
Standard I to XII. Education of the wards commencing from Standard I to XII will be covered under this
scheme, based on the examination held during the academic year.
4. GeneralConditions:
ii. The Competent Authority will sanction the honorarium after scrutiny of the application.
iii. Along with the hard copy of online application, the employee should submit the original
certificate issued by the School Authority, evidencing first rank in all division of a particular
iv. The details of approval accorded by the Competent Authority will be recorded in a register
containing the following details (refer to staff circular)
v. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The
Internal Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
vi. The payment under the scheme will be debited to “Expenditure Account- Staff Welfare
Expenses – Granting honorarium to the children of the employees who have secured first rank
in the school examination”.
5. Competent Authority: HR Suvidha at Central Office.
Staff Circulars for reference:
Staff Circular No.5901 dated 04-09-2012 / Staff Circular No.6002 dated 31-07-2013 SC No.6162 dtd 16-01-
Staff Circular No.6521 dated 31-12-2016 Staff Circular No.7171 dated 08-04-2020
1. Bank’s Holiday Home will be available for the use of employees of the Bank and their families only.
2. Application for reservation should be made on line through Union Parivar.
3. The period of allotment/stay will not exceed four days. However, during the peak season the ceiling on
the period of stay will be decided by the concerned Regional Office/Central Office, depending upon
the demand position.
4. Allotment letter will be issued by the concerned Regional Office/Central Office specifically stating the
period of allotment through Union Parivar to the concerned employee sufficiently in advance to
enable him to make other necessary arrangements. The employee concerned will carry with him the
allotment letter and produce it before the caretaker. The employee may produce the Identity Card to
him by the Bank, if necessary.
5. Cancellations can be made through Union Parivar. Any cancellation request made to be eligible for
refund must be well in advance, at least 15 days prior to occupancy.
6. The employee during the course of stay in the holiday home will be liable to pay for any damage to any
item of property of the holiday home arising out of acts attributable to the employee.
7. A nominal compensation will be recovered from staff members to be communicated from time to time
through circulars and available in Union Parivar.
8. The occupants should maintain full decorum throughout their period of stay in the Holiday Home.
Occupants staying in the Bank’s Holiday Homes will do so, at their own risk and the Management does
not take any responsibility for any events whatsoever during the course of such stay.
9. Retired employees including those who have opted VRS under special scheme 2001 (SC 6162 dated 16-
01-2015) will be eligible to avail the Holiday Home facility during March – April and September every
year. Further they can book the Holiday Homes one month in advance of their intended stay.
10. All additions/ deletions/ modifications in status of Holiday Homes will be intimated through staff
Circulars from time to time.
List of holiday Homes:
The list of Holiday Homes presently available to members of staff and their families are appended below:
GURUVAYOOR,DIST.TRICHUR. C:0487 2552558,09497254432
VISHWAKARMA GHAT,PO KANKHAL, 01334-240940, 200/-
ROAD, KATRA. C:09596237777, 09596257777
VILLAGE KUNE MOB. 7875635962, 08308001536
TALUK, MUNNAR C: 04868 249318
0423-2447148/ 2451747
15 OOTY-A RAMAKRISHNAPURAM,OOTY,C. 7639778080/ 200/-
7094898989,04232455555, 2448080
16 SHIRDI Hotel Mandai Palace, JT Shelke Patil Marg, Shirdi, Ahmednagar 250/-
District. Cell 02423-255891.
TALRAHATA, SHIRDI C.9096484870, 9730308900
0877 22597780
VALSAD396001. Cell 997889-0229 (BANKS PROPERTY)
Important Note: Operational guidelines of the Scheme will be informed separatrly.
Staff Circulars for Reference: Staff Circular No. 6432 dated 23-0802016 / Staff Circular No. 6517 dated 31-
12-2016, Staff Circular No. 7171 dated 08-04-2020.
Details of the Transit Quarters: The complete details of the transit quarters are given below:-
Address of the transit : Flat No.51-A, 5th floor, Soman Nagar Co-op Hsg. Society
quarters Near Chinchpokli Railway Station(C.R.),
Chinchpokli, Mumbai – 400 012
Nearest Railway Station : Mumbai Central – about 3 kms. Dadar –
about 5 kms. Chichpokli – adjacent to the
Local conveyance : By taxi / local bus routes connecting all parts of Mumbai
Charges : Rs.300/- per month (Rs.10/- per day if less than one month)
Procedure : Apply to Chief Manager HR, Human resources Admn. Divn, HR Dept.
Central Office in the prescribed format. After approval is accorded by
the Competent Authority, Allotment Letter will be issued to the
applicant. Keys of the quarters will be handed over to the applicant by
Senior Manager, Maintenance Section, SS Dept., C.O. and the same will
be returned to him on vacating the quarters. The employee will also
possess his identity card during his stay at the quarters.
Address of the Transit : Flat No. 5 and 11,Vaibhav Apptt. Vaidbhav Co-
Quarters Op.Hsg.Society, Barkat Ali Road, Wadala (East)
Mumbai 400 037.
Nearest Railway Station : Wadala Railway Station – about 1 km.
and Landmark Dadar about 3 km. Land mark – Barkat Ali Dargha.
Local Conveyance : By taxi, By local bus routes connecting all parts of Mumbai.
Charges : Rs.300/- p.m. (Rs.10/- per day if less than one month)
Procedure : Apply to Chief Manager HR, Human resources Admn. Divn, HR Dept. Central
Office in the prescribed format. Keys of the quarters will be handed over to
the applicant by Senior Manager, Maintenance Section, SS Dept., C.O. and
the same will be returned to him on vacating the quarters. The employee will
also possess his identity card during his stay at the quarters.
Address of the transit : Flat No.1 at Hazra
quarters 41G, S.P. Mukherjee Road Kolkata–
700 026
Nearest Railway Station : Netaji Bhavan (Metro Rail)
Near Chitranjan Cancer Institute Opp. to
Jadtin Das park
Local conveyance : By taxi / local bus routes connecting all parts of Kolkata
Charges : Rs.300/- p.m. (Rs.10/- per day if less than one month)
Procedure : Apply to Senior Manager, HR Dept. F.G.M.O. Kolkata as per prescribed
format. After approval is accorded by the Competent Authority,
Allotment Letter (ANNEXURE-XVI) will be issued to the applicant.
Keys of the quarters will be handed over to the applicant by Senior
Manager (P&D), FGMO Kolkata and the same will be returned to him on
vacating the quarters. The employee will also possess his identity card
during his stay at the quarters
Address of the transit : Flat No.14, 2nd floor G-53, East of Kailash
quarters New Delhi (Near ISKCON Temple)
Nearest Railway Station : Hazarath Nizamuddin
Local conveyance : By taxi/ local bus routes connecting all parts of New Delhi
Charges : Rs.300/- p.m.(Rs.10/- per day if less than one month)
Procedure : Apply to Senior Manager, HR Dept., NRO New Delhi as per prescribed
format. After approval is accorded by the Competent Authority,
Allotment Letter will be issued to the applicant. Keys of the quarters
will be handed over to the applicant by Chief Manager, Kailash Colony
Branch, New Delhi and the same will be returned to him on vacating
the quarters. The employee will also possess his identity card during
his stay at the quarters.
Address of the transit : Kalpatharu Apartments,
quarters 93, Kumaran Colony Main Road,
Next to Vijaya Hospital, Nr. Bus Terminus Vadapalani
Vadapalani, Chennai-600 026 Tel.No.23620419
Nearest Railway Station : Kodambakkam Rly. Stn. On the suburban railway Next to
andLandmark Vadapalani, Bus Terminus, Next to Vijaya Hospital
Local conveyance : By taxi / local bus routes connecting all parts of Chennai
Charges : Rs.300/- p.m.(Rs.10/-per day if less than one month)
Procedure : Apply to Senior Manager, HRMD, NRO Chennai as per prescribed
format. After approval is accorded by the Competent Authority,
Allotment Letter will be issued to the applicant. Keys of the quarters
will be handed over to the applicant by NRO Chennai and the same
will be returned to them on vacating the quarters. The employee
will also possess his identity card during his stay at the quarters.
While availing the facility, the users should note that they will be responsible for any loss/damage caused to
the furniture and fixtures in the quarters during their stay. The occupants should maintain discipline and
decorum during the occupation of the quarters. This facility is available to the employees or their
dependents only, for undergoing medical treatment.
Staff circulars for reference: S C No.5901 dtd 04-09-2012 /SC No.6002 dt 31-7-13 SC No.6162 dtd 16-01-15
SC No.7171 dtd 08-04-2020.
As per Government guidelines, persons with disabilities like blind, deaf and Orthopedically handicapped are
recruited in the services of the Bank in tune with the Reservation Policy. The physically challenged need
the support of the society, as they are underprivileged. Such employees need the support of the
organisation and therefore this scheme is evolved.
2. Objective:
e.g. crutches/artificial leg can be purchased once in 3 years and shoes/support for limbs can be
purchased in the next year.
v. In case of reimbursement of fees for computer training, the applicant should submit
course completion certificate within a period of 3 months from the date of completion of
the course.
vi. The facility will be available once a year. However, the employee will not be eligible for
reimbursement of cost of same items mentioned in the Circular every year.
vii. The employee who becomes orthopaedically handicapped after joining the services of the
Bank should submit medical certificate from an orthopedic surgeon, which would be
referred to the Medical Board for clearance.
viii. An employee who becomes hearing impaired after joining the services of the Bank should
submit medical certificate from an ENT specialist, which would be referred to the Medical
Board for clearance.
ix. An employee who becomes orthopedically handicapped, hearing impaired after joining
the services of the Bank submits medical certificate issued by the Medical Board attached
to the Special Employment Exchange for Physically challenged or attached to the
Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically challenged persons, the same will be
accepted straight away.
x. The details of approval accorded by the by the Competent Authority should be recorded
in a register containing the following details.(refer staff circular).
xi. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The
Internal Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
xii. The payment under the scheme will be debited to" Expenditure Account- Staff Welfare
Measures – Financial Assistance to Physically challenged Employees "
6. Competent Authority:
Some of our employees have Physically Challenged children. Such employees are required to
incur heavy expenses to provide decent education and accessories like crutches, hearing aids
etc. to their Physically challenged children. This scheme is evolved as a token of support from
our Bank, to such families.
1. Objective:
To provide limited amount of financial support to the employees having Physically Challenged
children by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred for the purpose of:
Payment of school fees/computer course fees.
Purchase of crutches / hearing aids / Braille Books / other accessories, artificial
legs/ shoes, support for polio limbs etc
2. Applicability:
3. Amount:
The employees will be eligible for reimbursement of maximum Rs.1000/- per year or the claim
made whichever is less.
4. General Conditions:
The reimbursement of school fees under this scheme will be exclusive of reimbursement of
Rs.1000/- under the other scheme for reimbursement of school fees to wards of employees.
i. An application should be made on line through Union Parivar.
ii. The application will be scrutinized by the Branch Manager/Chief manager and will be
sanctioned by the Competent Authority.
iii. Along with the application, employee should enclose verified copy of certificate issued
by Competent Medical Authority evidencing disability of the child.
iv. The application should be accompanied by original bill/receipt for the payment made for
school/computer course fee and purchase of crutches/hearing aids/Braille Books/other
accessories artificial legs/shoes, support for polio limbs etc
v. When amount sanctioned is for equipment, same items should not be purchased again
within three years. e.g. crutches/artificial leg can be purchased during first year and
shoes/support for limbs can be purchased in the next year, etc.
vi. The details of approval accorded by the by the Competent Authority should be recorded
in a register containing the following details. (refer to staff circular)
vii. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes. The
Internal Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding compliance.
viii. The payment under the scheme will be debited to “Expenditure Account- Staff Welfare
Expenses – Financial Assistance to Physically Challenged children of the employees”.
5. Competent Authority:
Branch Branch Manager of the branch concerned.
R.O./ F.G.M.O. Chief Manager (P&D)
Central Office Chief Manager (HRM)
Branches Accounts Section DGM/AGM/ In charge of the section
Audit Office In charge of Office
Staff Training College Principal/Vice Principal
Staff Training Centers Chief Manager heading the Training Centre / Principal/Vice Principal, Staff
Training College, Bangalore, In case there is no Chief Manager at the
particular Centre, the same should be forwarded to the Principal / Vice
Principal, Staff Training College Bangalore.
Staff Circulars for reference: SC No.5901 dated 04-09-2012 SC No.6002 dated 31-07-2013 SC
No.6162 dated 16-01-2015 / SC No.7171 dated 08-04-2020
The Bank has in place Staff Housing Loan Scheme at Concessional rate of interest for Award
Staff and Officers who have completed 3 years of service, to support them to have their own
shelter. It is observed that in case of untimely death of staff members while in service, major
portion of the terminal benefits goes towards adjustment of outstanding housing loan, resulting
in undue financial hardship to the surviving family members. This scheme aims to reduce the
burden of the surviving family members of deceased staff member to a certain extent by way of
granting ex-gratia from Staff Welfare Fund for adjustment of the Housing Loan Account.
1. Applicability:
The scheme will be applicable to all full time employees of the Bank but not to those appointed
on contract or stipendiary basis.
2. Scope:
The scheme provides for adjustment of outstanding housing loan account of deceased staff
3. Amount:
The ex-gratia amount will be to 80% of the balance outstanding in staff housing loan or Rs.2.00
lac, whichever is less. In case of deceased subordinate staff members, ex-gratia shall be to the
extent of balance outstanding in Staff Housing Loan Account or Rs.2.00 lacs, whichever is lower.
Staff housing loan will include the balance outstanding in Additional Housing Loan at Commercial
Rate of Interest but will not include loan granted to staff members under Union Home or any
other scheme of the Bank. General Conditions:
i. An application in writing as prescribed under the scheme will be submitted by the
nominee of the deceased employee to the Branch Manager/Chief Manager/
Departmental Head where the employee was working.
ii. The nominee to the Provident Fund/Gratuity Fund will be the nominee for the
purpose of this scheme also.
v. The details of approval accorded by the Competent Authority for payment of ex-gratia
under this scheme will be recorded in a register containing the following details (please
refer circular) :
vi. The records of sanction/payment will be properly maintained for audit purposes.
The Internal Auditors will, in their reports, make specific comments regarding
4. Competent Authority:
Branch Branch Manager of the branch concerned.
R.O./ F.G.M.O. Chief Manager (P&D)
Central Office Chief Manager (HRM)
Branches Accounts Section DGM/AGM/ In charge of the section
Audit Office In charge of Office
Staff Training College Principal/Vice Principal
Staff Training Centers Chief Manager heading the Training Centre / Principal/Vice Principal, Staff
Training College, Bangalore, In case there is no Chief Manager at the
particular Centre, the same should be forwarded to the Principal / Vice
Principal, Staff Training College Bangalore.
Staff Circular for reference: SC No. 6002 dated 31-07-2013 / Staff Circular No.7171 dated 08-04-20
The Scheme provides for reimbursement of 50% of the annual college fees paid by the subordinate
staff for their wards. The reimbursement will be restricted to 2 children.
This scheme will be applicable to all full time subordinate staff members of the bank but not to those
appointed on contract or stipendiary basis.
The annual college fees will include term fees, examination fees, tuition fees and admission fees,
Capitation fee/donation will not be eligible for reimbursement under this scheme.
General Conditions:
-The payment under the scheme will be by way of reimbursement of expenses already incurred.
-Reimbursement will be restricted either for 1st Graduation or for 1st Diploma in Science,
Engineering, Medicine, Computers and information Technology, Hotel Management and Catering
Technology and other Technical and Career Oriented Courses conducted by Institutes and
Autonomous bodies recognised by the Government of India, DOEACC Society, National Informatics
Centre, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Universities and other Professional Bodies.
The scheme is also extended to those wards of Subordinate staff members who are pursuing 1st
graduation / diploma in professional courses by securing admission under payment seat category.
However, the reimbursement of annual college fees will be restricted to 50% of the claim or
Rs.10,000/- per year whichever is less.
-The scheme will be applicable only for 1st Graduation / Diploma Course and not for 11th or 12th
-Concerned employee has to apply online through Union Parivar for reimbursement and to submit
the relevant bills / proof for claiming the amount.
-Along with the application the employee should submit original bills/ receipts evidencing payment
of term fees, examination fee, tuition fees, admission fees etc.
-The employee should submit application on a yearly basis for claiming reimbursement.
-Reimbursement under the scheme will cease from the date of cessation of employment of the
applicant with the bank.
-The application should be submitted by the subordinate staff members on or before 20th February
of the following year. For example, for the Academic year 2013-14 the application should be
submitted on or before 20-02-2015.
-The employee should submit single claim for reimbursement and no piecemeal claim will be
-The ward of the employee should pass the qualifying examination every year so as to be eligible
for reimbursement. The scheme will not be applicable in case the ward fails in the qualifying
examination or detained in the same class. However, on being considered for promotion to the
higher class the ward will become eligible for being covered under this scheme.
-the payment under this scheme will be debited to Expenditure Account – Staff Welfare Measures –
reimbursement of 50% College Fee to wards of Subordinate Staff Members.
Competent Authority:
HR Suvidha at Central Office is the competent authority for the scheme. (SC Nos.5901 dt:04-09-2012,
SC No.6002 dt:31-07-2013 SC No.6162 Dtd 16-01-2015 SC No.7171 dt:08-04-2020.)
A lump sum reward of Rs.500/- will be paid to the employee in case of adopting family planning.
(SC 2786 DT 22.02.1985)
All employees including Probationers are eligible for reimbursement of subscription to one news
paper (local/Regional/English). Can also claim on declaration basis inclusive of Service Charges if any
w.e.f 01-04-2015.(SC No.7339 dated 01-01-2021).Special Assistants/Clerical Staff Rs.175/-Sub Staff
Rs.150/- PTS ¾ SCW PTS 1/ 2 and PTS 1/ 3 Rs.150/-.Employees under suspension or those who
remain absent unauthorisedly for a complete month or more without sanction of leave will not be
All the Award Staff will be entitled for reimbursement of cost of Cleaning Material/ Swachhata
Samagri for their household as per the following monetary ceiling on declaration basis through
Cleaning Material Module of Union Parivar, w.e.f. 01-01-2021:
-The expenses shall be payable quarterly on declaration basis and no accumulation or carry
forward of expenses shall be permitted for the subsequent quarter.
-The Cleaning Material Expenses will be reimbursed by HR Suvidha through Union Parivar,
Award Staff will have to apply for the same on quarterly basis (after the end of the quarter)
through Cleaning Material Module in Union Parivar.
-Employees under suspension or those who remain absent unauthorisedly for a complete month
or more without sanction of leave will not be eligible for reimbursement of cleaning material
expenses proportionately. (SC 7338 dt.01-01-2021)
Award Staff members are eligible for the facility of reimbursement of expenses incurred on purchase
of Brief Case from the date of their deemed confirmation in the services of the Bank
w.e.f. 01-01-2021:
Cadre & Designation Amount # payable once in every 3 years
Special Assistants Rs.1000/-
Clerks Rs. 900/-
Full time Sub-staff (other than PTS) Rs. 700/-
#The above mentioned limits are exclusive of GST component.
-Award Staff employees are eligible for one Brief Case once in 3 years from the date of last
purchase. The expenses incurred over and above the limits shall not be reimbursed.
-Female Award Staff employees who are eligible for Brief Case may be allowed reimbursement
against purchase of hand bag in the place of Brief Case.
-The Brief Case reimbursement shall be done by HR Suvidha through Union Parvaar against
submission of scanned and uploaded bills.
-The Brief Case/Hand Bag shall be of standard quality purchased from a standard shop /
authorized dealer. (SC 7337 dt.01-01-2021).
The Award staff employees will be entitled for reimbursement of mobile bill expenses through Union
Parivaar w.e.f. 01-01-2021:
Cadre & Designation Limit (Per Month)
Special Assistants Rs.300/-
Clerks Rs. 225/-
Full time Sub-staff (other than PTS) Rs. 100/-
-Facility of reimbursement of expenses from the date of their deemed confirmation in the
services of the Bank.
-The reimbursement of mobile bill expenses shall be on declaration basis, through HR Suvidha in
Union Parivaar.
-The monthly limits for reimbursement of Mobile expenses are non-cumulative.
-It must be kept in mind that there should not be any display of attitude of indifference to
customers by indulging in conversation over mobile phone, leaving customers unattended
during business hours. Branch Manager’s/departmental Head’s directions as to the use of
mobile phones during the office hours shall prevail.
-Employees at Branches, performing cash duty shall not use mobile phone during business hour
lest it may distract their attention from work and cause avoidable errors. Such employees
found indulging in conversation over mobile phones would be liable for disciplinary action
apart from rendering themselves ineligible for reimbursement of mobile expenses.
-Employees under suspension or those who remain absent unauthorisedly for a complete month
or more without sanction of leave will not be eligible for reimbursement of mobile bill
expenses.(SC No.7336 dtd 01-01-2021)
(STAFF CIRCULAR NO.7335 DATED 01-01-2021)
The Award Staff members will be entitled for reimbursement of Petrol/Conveyance charges as per
monetary ceiling/litres w.e.f. 01-01-2021 through Union Parivar:
Limits (per month) Conveyance expenses
Cadre Designation for employees who for employees who do
own vehicle in their not own any vehicle
name (limit per month)
Non Subordinate Special Assistant 24 Litres Rs.800/-
Staff Clerks 19 Litres Rs.600/-
Full Time Sub Staff 15 Litres Rs,525/-
Subordinate PTS ¾ Rs.400/- p.m.
Staff PTS ½ Rs.300/- p.m.
PTS 1/3 Rs.225/- p.m.
-Eligible from the date of their deemed confirmation in the services of the Bank.
-The average normal petrol price across the country shall be arrived at on the first day of every
quarter taking into consideration the per litre normal petrol price of 4 mega cities via: Mumbai,
Delhi, Chennai, and Kolkatta, the average price calculated on the first day of every quarter will be
valid for that particular quarter. This exercise will be done by HR Suvidha and maximum ceilings will
be fed in the Union Parivaar.
-The employee claiming reimbursement of petrol expenses for 2/4 wheeler must ensure that the
vehicle is registered in his/her name and he/she is maintaining the vehicle at his/her place of
-The monthly limits for reimbursement of petrol/conveyance charges are non-cumulative.
-If, on leave except Casual Leave or on Training/ Deputation outside the station exceeding 10 days
(at a stretch or on aggregate basis), the amount shall be paid on pro-rata basis for the period of
active service at station. For calculation of 10 days, preceding and succeeding public holidays and
weekly holidays shall be excluded. Employees necessarily have to mention the days of his/her
absence in petrol reimbursement module while claiming reimbursement.
-The scheme relates to reimbursement of petrol an conveyance charges incurred by the Award Staff
employees within radius of 8 kms.
-Employees under suspension or those who remain absent unauthorisedly for a complete month or
more without sanction of leave will not be eligible for reimbursement of conveyance expenses.
-In cases where an employee in Award Staff cadre performs frequent/regular outside duties like
attending clearing Hose, he may be reimbursed actual legitimate conveyance charges incurred by
him by the cheapest available mode of conveyance, besides his monthly reimbursement of petrol
expenses on declaration basis as per the scheme.
The Policy on Higher Assignment in Clerical cadre has been reviewed and revised. The Revised Policy
will be effective from 09.12.2010.
For the purpose of Higher Assignment unless the context otherwise requires, the various words and
terms will have the following meanings:
a) Higher Assignment :
The term “Higher Assignment” will mean specified assignment in the same cadre which entitles a
workman to receive a Special Allowance under the Bipartite Settlements/Awards governing the
Bank’s workmen.
b) Seniority:
“Seniority” will mean the total length of service of an employee in the Bank in the particular
cadre/category to which the workman belongs, inclusive of the probation period.
c) Weightage :
The term ‘Weightage’ will mean any addition to seniority of an employee on account of educational
qualification(s) and / or banking qualification(s) and / or previous banking experience as provided in
Chapter I.2.
d) Zone :
- Mumbai, in the State of Maharashtra, will be known as MM Zone and will include all
branches/offices in Greater Mumbai and its agglomeration in Thane District & Raigarh District.
- Rest of Maharashtra will be under the West Zone-II and will include all branches in the States of
Maharashtra and Goa excluding those in Mumbai as stated above.
e) State:
- Pondicherry City and Suburbs will be deemed to be part of Tamil Nadu and Mahe will be deemed
to be part of Kerala State.
- Chandigarh, the Union Territory, will be treated as part of the Haryana State
f) Station :
“Station” will mean village(s) or town(s) or city(ies) including cantonment and suburban areas within
the Panchayat, Union Board, Municipal or Corporation limits.
g) Region:
For the purpose of this policy the Region means the Regional Office of the Bank established for
administrative purpose covering specified branches within one State.
Mumbai will include all branches/offices in Greater Mumbai and its agglomeration in Thane District,
including branches in Panvel, Kalamboli, Sanpada, Nerul and Kharghar in Raigarh District.
“ Kolkata ” will include all the Branches / Offices in Kolkata Municipal Corporation area, Howrah
Municipal Corporation area, Bidhan Nagar Notified area, Dum Dum South Municipality and Bura
Nagar Municipality.
Delhi will include branches/offices in New Delhi, Old Delhi and Shahadara.
h) Eligible Employee :
‘Eligible Employee’ will mean an employee who possesses requisite norms prescribed hereafter and
who is not under any Bar.
1) Weightage provided in 1.2.1(i) and 1.2.1(ii) above together will not exceed a maximum of 2
2) Weightage will be available for qualifications obtained on or before the date of issuance of
Circular inviting applications for the higher assignment posts.
The effective date of Higher Assignment will be mentioned in the letter of offer
and Special Allowance of such Higher Assignment will be payable from the date
mentioned in the letter subject to the condition that the concerned employee is
not responsible for the delay in taking up the post of Higher Assignment.
1.4 Periodicity for filling up the Post
The process for filling up the posts attracting Special Allowance shall be carried
out annually once a year with cut-off date as 31st March and the same should be
completed by June.
1.5 Weightage for Ex-Servicemen :
Ex-servicemen will have an option to reckon their past service in the armed forces
either at the time of promotion or for being considered for a post of Higher
Assignment in the same cadre as per the Government guidelines.
(Also refer SC No.5613 dtd 09.09.09 Clause 4.3 – Must have 3 years service)
2.1 All the provisions of Chapter I will be applicable while filling up the posts of Special
2.2 Branches qualifying for the post of Special Assistant:
a) Rural Branches having average total business (i.e. Aggregate Deposits and
Advances) of Rs.27.50 crores and above for the previous two financial years as of
31st March will qualify for one post of Special Assistant, if it does not already have
a post of Special Assistant.
b) Semi-urban Branches having average total business (i.e. Aggregate Deposits and
Advances) of Rs.50.00 crores and above for the previous two financial years as of
31st March will qualify for one post of Special Assistant, if it does not already have
a post of Special Assistant.
c) The above criteria relating to average total business may be reviewed from time
to time.
2.3 No new post of Special Assistant shall be created at Metropolitan and Urban branches.
Positioning of Special Assistants at Metropolitan and Urban branches shall be done by the
Management as per the exigencies of the Bank i.e. Management can shift the position of
Special Assistant from a branch having more than one Special Assistants to any other
branch at the same station.
2.4 All posts of Special Assistants will be filled in on the basis of State-wise Seniority with
weightage of the eligible employees in Clerical cadre drawing Special Allowance less than
that of Special Assistant.
2.5 In case of Maharashtra State, the vacancies will be filled up on the basis of Zone wise
Seniority of the eligible employee drawing special allowance less than that of special
assistant working in the State of Maharashtra other than MM Zone and Goa State.
All the posts of Special Assistant will be filled in on the basis of State-wise / Zone-wise
2.6 seniority with weightage of the eligible employees in clerical cadre subject to satisfactory
2.7 Higher Assignment of Special Assistant shall be offered on seniority basis subject to
satisfactory service record.
2.8 The procedure for selection of Special Assistants will be as under:
a) Field General Manager’s Office/Nodal Regional Office shall issue transfer orders of
Special Assistant working within the State by acceding the request transfers
registered in the Transfer Diary.
b) Circular will be issued by the respective Field General Manager’s Office/Nodal
Regional Office inviting applications from the eligible employees within the
State/Zone for the end vacancies.
c) This circular shall mention the Station(s) where the vacancies exist in the State.
Employees should apply in response to such circulars filling in their order of
priority for such Station(s).
d) The existing Special Assistants are not eligible to apply in response to the Circular.
Those who do not apply within the prescribed period will be deemed as if they are
e) not interested for the post.
In case the senior-most eligible applicants have applied for more than one vacancy, their
names will appear for all the Stations for which they have applied for. In such cases, the
2.9 senior-most applicant along with the next two senior eligible applicants for the particular
Station will be called for the interview.
The existing higher assignment policy as per Chapter II to continue as it is in the
amalgamated Bank. However, it was agreed to amend the policy relating to Special
3.00 Assistant through mutual discussions with the Association after seeing the outcome of
industry wise development of negotiations on rationalisation of posts carrying special
allowance. Till such time the number of identified posts of Special Assistants as of 1 st April
2020 in the amalgamated Union Bank of India will be maintained and continued.
The above amendment is effective from 30-01-2017 and will be reviewed after a period of 2 years or
two processes whichever is earlier (SC No.6554 dated 16-02-2017)
Posting of Special Assistant at branches in a new Station:
a) In case of creation of Special Assistant’s post in a new Station, the request/s of Special
Assistant/s will not be registered in the Transfer Diary. The post of Special Assistant for such
proposed branch/es will be circulated by the Field General Manager’s Office/Nodal Regional Office
as per the procedure laid down hereinabove.
b) Special Assistants, including those designated as Special Assistant, will also be eligible to
apply in response to such Circular.
c) Preference will be given to the senior-most Special Assistant while filling up the post.
In terms of Industry level 9th Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April, 2010, the post of Head
Cashier-I is discontinued.
3.1 To maintain uniformity in duties in all the Branches, the existing Single Window Operators
‘B’, who were working as Head Cashier-I prior to 1st May, 2010, shall now be re-designated as
Head Cashier –II for posting in, irrespective of the category of, branches and shall be eligible
to draw special allowance meant for Head Cashier–II under the Industry level 9th Bipartite
Settlement dated 27/04/2010 w.e.f. the date of signing of this Settlement.
3.2 For filling up the posts of Head Cashier II, all the provisions of Chapter I shall be applicable.
All posts of Head Cashier – II will be filled in on the basis of Region wise Seniority on the
3.3 basis of another seniority list to be culled out from State-wise/Zone-wise seniority list as of
31st March prepared every year by respective FGMO for the States falling under their
jurisdiction, with weightage of the eligible employees in Clerical cadre.
In the State of Maharashtra State, the vacancies will be filled up on the basis of Region wise
seniority list to be culled out from Zone-wise Seniority List, excluding the employees of Goa
In case of Utter Pradesh State, the vacancies will be filled up on the basis of Region wise
seniority lists to be culled out from Varanasi Zone-wise Seniority and Lucknow Zone wise
Seniority Lists, prepared by respective FGMOs, to fill up the vacancies under respective
Regional Offices falling under the respective Zones.
In case of Andhra Pradesh State, seniority list will be prepared Zone wise instead of State
wise for Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada Zones. Region wise seniority list will be culled out
from the zone wise seniority lists of above two Zones and accordingly identified Head
Cashier.II vacancies will be filled up.
In case of Karnataka State, seniority list will be prepared Zone wise instead of state-wise for
Bengaluru and Mangaluru Zones. Region wise seniority list will be culled out from the Zone
wise seniority lists of above two Zones and accordingly identified Head Cashier-II vacancies
will be filled up.
In case of Regions that are administering the branches of more than one State, then the
respective FGMO will hold separate process to fill up the vacancies of Head Cashier-II in
branches coming under different States as per the seniority list of respective States/Region
Under which the employees are covered. This clause will be applicable to following Regions:
In case of FGMO Delhi that includes branches of Haryana State/Utter Pradesh State, higher
assignment for Head Cashier-II vacancies falling geographically under Haryana and Uttar
Pradesh States shall be filled up by the FGMO governing Haryana State i.e. Chandigarh and
Utter Pradesh i.e. Lucknow.
For Mumbai Zone and Delhi State the process will be held for Zone wise and State wise
vacancies respectively on the basis of the Zone and State wise Seniority respectively.
During the course of implementation of the policy, if there is a necessity to extend further
exemptions/Zone and add clarity, the same may be done mutually between both the parties
as per the need.
3.4 “Eligible Employees” mean all the Single Window Operator ‘B’ and Single Window Operator
‘A’ other than existing Head Cashier-II.
3.5 The procedure for filling up the post of Head Cashier II will be as under:
a) Field General Manager’s Office/Nodal Regional Office shall issue transfer orders of
Head Cashier-II working within the State by acceding the request transfers
registered in the Transfer Diary.
b) Circular will be issued by the respective Field General Manager’s Office/Nodal
Regional Office inviting applications from the eligible employees within the
State/Zone for the end vacancies of Head Cashier-II. This circular shall mention the
Station (s) where the vacancies exist in the State.
c) Employees should apply in response to such circulars filling in their order of priority
for such Station (s)
d) The existing Head Cashier-II are not eligible to apply in response to the Circular.
e) Those who do not apply within the prescribed period will be deemed as if they are
not interested for the post.
a) In case of proposed branches in a new location, the request/s of Head Cashier - II will
not be registered in the Transfer Diary.
The post of Head Cashier-II for such proposed branch/es will be circulated by the Field
General Manager’s Office/Nodal Regional Office as per the procedure laid down
b) Head Cashier-II, including those designated as Head Cashier-II, will also be eligible to
apply in response to the Circular.
c) Preference will be given to the senior-most Head Cashier-II while filling up the post.
4.0 All the branches of e-Andhra Bank and e-Corporation Bank will be identified with Head
Cashier-II vacancies and the same will be filled by offering permanent higher assignment to
the eligible employees as per the amended policy. At the request of the Association, it is
agreed that for vacancies identified in branches of e-Andhra Bank and e-Corporation Bank,
one time separate process for the respective vacancies for e-Andhra Bank and e-Corporation
Bank will be conducted separately by inviting applications from the employees of e-Andhra
Bank and e-Corporation Bank and the same will be filled from eligible willing employees of
these Banks.
Thereafter, unfilled vacancies from the above processes in e-Andhra Bank and e-Corporation
Bank and those existing in Union Bank Branches will be filled up by inviting applications from
all the eligible employees of the Amalgamated entity including Union Bank of India.
4.1 All the provisions of Chapter I will be applicable for filling up the post of Single Window
Operator ‘B’.
4.2 The post of Single Window Operator ‘B’ will be created as per exigencies of the Bank.
4.3 The posts of Single Window Operator ‘B’ will be filled in on the basis of Station-wise
Seniority with weightage.
4.4 “Eligible employees” for the purpose of this chapter shall mean all those Single Window
Operator ‘A’ working in that particular station and those who are not under Bar as
defined in Chapter VII.
4.5 Circular will be issued by the respective Field General Manager’s Office/Nodal Regional
Office inviting applications from the eligible employees within the Station for the end
4.6 The existing higher assignment policy as per Chapter IV to continue as it is in the
amalgamated Bank. However, it is agreed to amend the policy relating to SWO-B
through mutual discussions with the Association after seeing the outcome of industry
wise development of negotiations on rationalisation of posts carrying special allowance.
Till such time the number of identified posts of SWO-B as of 1st April 2020 in tha
amalgamated Union Bank of India will be maintained and continued.
5.1 Higher assignment in Clerical cadre on temporary basis will be made on simple Seniority
at branch / office.
5.2 Vacancies attracting Special Allowance, occurring on temporary basis even for a single
day shall be filled in on the basis of simple Seniority of the eligible employee working at
the Branch. If during the period of temporary assignment, a senior employee who was
earlier not available for performing that duty, subsequently becomes available for
performing such duties, such senior employee will be assigned the duties and the junior
employee will cease to perform such temporary duties.
5.3 However, those employees who are interested in working in temporary vacancy of Head
Cashier cat. II shall express their willingness to do so in writing to the Branch Manager.
Whenever an occasion arises for such temporary posting, the same shall be done on the
basis of simple seniority from amongst those who have given such an undertaking in
writing. In case no employee is available for filling up such temporary post, then such
post will be filled in by offering the same to the senior-most employee of the branch
(without any weightage) who might not have given any undertaking expressing his
5.4 Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, all the vacancies of Higher
Assignment occurring on temporary basis even on a single day at M.S. Marg Branch and
Central Office shall be filled in on the basis of simple Seniority of the eligible employees
working in the respective departments.
6.3 With the rationalization of special pay posts, Transfer Diary has to be recast with the
requests of Clerical employees to be diarized as per the date of receipt of the applications.
Accordingly, the request transfer applications submitted by the Telephone Operators,
Telex Operator, Assistant Head Cashier, Head Cashier-I, Stenographer, Computer
Operator-A, who are designated as Single Window Operator ‘B’ w.e.f. 1st May, 2010, will
be clubbed on the basis of date of receipt of the application and their requests will be
considered accordingly, according to availability of vacancies and exigencies of the Bank.
6.4 The request transfer applications submitted by the Head Cashier-I will be clubbed with
Head Cashier-II on the basis of date of receipt of the application and their requests will be
considered, according to availability of vacancies and exigencies of the bank.
6.5 In case two or more employees have submitted Transfer Request on the same date and
also received on the same date at the Field General manager’s Office/Nodal Regional
Office, while recasting, it will be diarised on the basis of their date of joining/date of
promotion in Clerical Cadre.
6.6 If the date of joining/date of promotion in Clerical cadre also matches, date of birth will be
reckoned with for recasting the Transfer Diary.
6.7 Past service of the employees of erstwhile Miraj State Bank Ltd. will be reckoned in the
ratio of 1.5:1 year. In other words, their service of 1 ½ years in MSBL will be reckoned as
one year service in Union Bank of India.
6.8 This Settlement shall be valid until it is amended in accordance with the provisions of
Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
6.9 If there are any doubts or differences of opinion regarding the interpretation of any of the
provisions of this Settlement, the matter will be discussed and settled with the majority
Union, i.e. AIUBEA, from time to time.
7.1 Employees who do not accept the written offer for the post of special Assistant within
10 days of receipt thereof, will be barred for higher Assignment of the said post for a
period of 1 year.
7.2 Employees, who do not accept the written offer for the post of Head Cashier-II within
10 days of receipt thereof, will be barred for Higher Assignment of the said post for a
period of 1 year.
Employees, who do not accept the written offer for the post of single Window Operator
‘B’ within 10 days of receipt thereof, will be barred for Higher Assignment of the said post
for a period of 1 year.
7.4 During the process of filling up the post of special Assistants, an employee, who
applies in response to the Circular and does not appear for interview, shall be barred for
Higher Assignment to the said post for a period of 1 year, provided however, the bar will
not apply if the reasons adduced for non appearance in the interview are found genuine
and satisfactory in the opinion of the bank.
7.5 Bar of 1 year on refusal/reversion of Higher Assignment will be applicable only for the
offered/held post provided that such an employee shall not be automatically entitled for
Higher Assignment after the bar period is over and shall have to undergo the procedure
prescribed for taking up the Higher Assignment post in future.
7.6 If request transfer of an employee is acceded to for transfer from one area of
selection to another, such employee will be barred for higher Assignment for a period of
1 year from the date he/she reports to the new place of posting of his/her choice except
in cases where no eligible employees are available in the area of selection.
7.7 Employees on whom the punishment of stoppage of increment (s) is imposed will not
be eligible for Higher assignment till the period of punishment for a period of two years,
whichever is earlier, is over. For the purpose of calculating the operating period of
punishment, it will be deemed that the period commences from the date of passing of the
order by the Disciplinary Authority.
Since the posts of Head Cashier-II are filled up on the basis of Region wise Seniority list culled out
from State/Zone wise Seniority List, Zone of selection for the post of Head Cashier-II shall not change
for those Head Cashier-II who remain within the same State on account of request transfers: hence
the Clause No. 7.6 under Chapter 7 of the Higher Assignment policy will be applicable only for those
Head Cashier-II who seek transfer outside the State/Zone.
8.1 The following category of Clerical Staff against whom disciplinary case/criminal prosecution
is pending will be permitted to take part in the higher assignment process:
a) Those who are under suspension
b) Those against whom a charge sheet has been issued for financial irregularities and the
disciplinary proceedings are pending.
c) Those in respect of whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending in the court of
d) Those who have appealed against the punishment imposed by the Disciplinary
Authority, except for warning or censure, within the prescribed time limit andthe
order of the Appellate Authority is awaited.
However, their empanelment / higher assignment (as the case may be) will be kept in
abeyance till the conclusion of the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution.
If on conclusion of the disciplinary case / criminal prosecution the employee concerned is
completely exonerated / punishment of warning or censure is imposed, higher assignment
8.2 order will be released for the place applied for and such employee will be notionally given
higher assignment from the date from which he/she would have otherwise been entrusted
with such higher assignment. However, he/she will not be entitled for any cumulative /
financial benefits from the above notional date till the date of order.
In case, however, on conclusion of the criminal prosecution or disciplinary proceedings (after
8.3 the lapse of period of appeal, if any) any punishment is imposed upon him/her excepting
warning or censure, the higher assignment order will not be released and his / her name will
be struck off from the empanelment, if any.
STAFF CIRCULAR NO. 5711 DATED 10.12.2010
Bar of 1 year on refusal/reversion of Higher Assignment will be applicable only for
Not Automatic the offered/held post provided that such an employee shall not be automatically
entitled for Higher Assignment after the bar period is over and shall have to
undergo the procedure prescribed for taking up the Higher Assignment post in
ELIGIBLE (SC2659 DT 08/02/84)
Clause 4.15 of Sub staff to Clerk promotion process SC 5613 dt. 09/04/2009.w.e.f. 09/09/2009 if a
Sub staff is not successful in promotion process for 3 consecutive process, he will be debarred from
participating in next 2 promotion processes. CO MUMBAI CIRCULAR NO.DP:MPRD:SS:CLK:3:09:10
DT. 13/04/2010
Promotion Policy From Clerical to O F F I C E R Cadre
SC NO. 5613 DATED 09/09/2009 SC NO.6024 dtd 22.10.2013
WHEREAS the parties herein had entered into Settlement on Promotion Policy for promotion from
Clerical cadre to O f f i c e r cadre in Junior Management Grade Scale-I on10.10.1992.
AND WHEREAS the amendments to the Promotion Policy dated 10/10/1992 were carried out in terms
of Settlements dated 02/02/2001, 07/12/2001, 11/07/2002, 19/02/2003and09/11/2004.
AND WHEREAS the amendment to Promotion Policy dated 10/10/1992 as regards to the provision for
SC/ST employees were carried out in terms of the Government directives received from time to time.
ANDWHEREAS the parties herein have deemed it necessary to reframe, revise and rewrite the
Promotion Policy governing the promotions from Clerical cadre to Officer Cadre.
It is hereby agreed to revise and amend the Promotion Policy for promotion from Clerical cadre to
Officer C adre in Junior Management Grade Scale-I in terms of this Settlement asunder:
Keeping in view the aspirations of the Clerical staff of the Bank, the total migration in to CBS of all the
branches and the Government guide lines from time to time, the Promotion Policy for Clerical staff
has been reviewed and revised. The Policy will be effective from the date of signing of the
DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Promotion Policy, unless the context otherwise requires, the
various words and terms will have the following meanings:
a) Promotion:
The term 'Promotion 'will mean Promotion from the Clerical cadre to the lowest grade in the Officer
cadre, i.e. Junior Management Grade Scale- I.
b) Specialist Officer:
The term 'Specialist O f f i c e r will mean all categories of Employees listed out in Annexure-I and as
may be amended from time to time by the Board of the Directors of the Bank.
c) Seniority:
The term 'Seniority 'will mean the total length of service in the Bank of an employee in the CadreI
Category to which he belongs, inclusive of the period of probation.
d) State:
The term 'State' will mean geographical area as defined or determined by the Government of India
from time to time. Centrally Administered Area or a Union Territory will also be treated as a separate
State for the purpose of this Policy, provided that:
Branches of Puducherry State and suburbs will be deemed to be part of the State of Tamil Nadu. New
Delhi/Delhi will be treated as a State.
Mumbai will include all branches I offices in Greater Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane District and
Raigarh District.
Maharashtra will include all branches in t he State of Maharashtra excluding those in Mumbai as
stated above.
Mumbai, as defined above and the rest of Maharashtra will be treated as two separate States.
Daman, Diu, Dadra &Nagar Haveli will be deemed to be part of Gujarat State.
1.1 There shall be a two channel system of Promotion from Clerical cadre to O ffi ce r Cadre in
Junior Management Grade Scale-I as under:
The vacancies in Junior Management Grade Scale ·I for the Promotion Process to be held for the
financial year 2013-14 will be filled up as under:
Vacancies to be filled in through State Services will be identified on State-wise basis, with a view to
ensure that those promoted under State Services are posted in the same State. Such State wise break
up of vacancies will be intimated to AIUBEA, well in advance before the commencement of the
Promotion Process.
1.4 Identification of vacancies for the All India Services will be on All India basis.
2.1 After identifying the vacancies to be filled in through State Services, the promotion process will
be conducted as under:
2.1.1. Applications will be invited from the employees who have completed 03 years of service
and interested to participate in the Promotion Process.
2.1.2. Applicants equivalent to TWICE the number of identified vacancies for each State will be
allowed for participating in the Promotion Process on the basis of Seniority-cum-weightage.
For the purpose of participating in the Promotion Process, in addition to Simple Seniority, an
employee in the Clerical Cadre will be entitled to weightage in seniority in the following manner:
Weightage provided in2.1.3.(i) and (ii) above together will not exceed a maximum of two years.
2.2 There would be a written test comprising of one paper consisting of topics on Practical
Banking and Computer Application on Core Banking Solution(CBS) carrying a total of100 marks. The
minimum qualifying marks for General candidates will be 35 and in case of· SC/ST candidates, the
minimum qualifying marks will be 30.
2.3 From among the employees obtaining minimum qualifying marks, a list of candidates would
be prepared in order of their State-wise simple seniority. From this list, the employees to the extent
of 100% of the identified vacancies of the State will be declared successful in the Promotion Process
and they would be offered promotion in Officer Cadre in Junior Management Grade Scale-I in the
same State.
2.4Those eligible employees, who apply for promotion under the State Services (seniority
cum merit) Channel but do not participate in the same without adducing sufficient and cogent
reasons well in advance, acceptable to the Management, will be debarred for future promotion
for a period of 1 year from the date of declaration of the results pertaining to the subject promotion
process. Further, if an employee refuses the offer of promotion under the above channel, he/she
will be debarred for future promotion for a period of 1 year from the date of the results pertaining
to the subject Promotion Process.
2.5For the purpose of conducting Promotion Process, a State-wise seniority list of the Clerks with
weightage will be prepared as of 31st March every year and such Seniority list will be circulated
by30'" June. Seniority list of Scheduled Castes I Tribes will be published separately.
2.6 The employees promoted under State Services are liable to be posted any where in the State
to have mobility.
2.7 In case of a tie of the marks obtained by the employees, the determining factors for ranking
will be in the following order:·
a) length of service in the same cadre; b)date of joining the Bank service; and
c) date of birth of the employee.
3.2 For the vacancies identified under All India Services, all those clerical employees, who apply and
are eligible, would be allowed to participate in a Written Test. The Written Test shall consist of the
For SCI ST candidates, the minimum qualifying marks will be 30% in each of the above subjects. Marks
obtained in English will not be treated for ranking purpose.
1.3 Marks for the length of the service in Clerical Cadre would be added at the rate of 1 mark for
each completed year, after 10 years of service, subject to a maximum of10marks.
1.4 All those employees who have worked at a rural branch on or before the specific cut-off
date for the promotion process will be granted 2 additional marks for each completed year of
service in rural branches subject to a maximum of10 marks.
3.5 Additional marks for Educational I Banking Qualifications will be allotted as under:
Post Graduation 2
LL.BI Any of the Diploma conferred by IIB & F 3
CAIIBPart-11 6
Note: Subject to a maximum of 10 marks.
3.6 The total marks to be allotted as stated in paras 3.3,3.4and3.5 should not exceed 25 marks.
Diploma conferredbyIIB&F
3.7 There will be an interview, which would carry 20 marks only for the purpose of ranking. There
will be no minimum qualifying marks in the interview.
1.8 The following hall be the procedure for deciding the number of candidates to be
called for interview:
a) A provisional list in the descending order, as per the marks obtained in the written test and the
marks obtained as stated in para 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 will be prepared from among those employees,
who are successful in the written test.
b) From the above list, the following candidates will be called for interview.
i). All those candidates, in the descending order of merit, upto the exact number of identified
vacancies AND
ii).All subsequent candidates, whose marks, after adding Maximum notional marks of 20
obtainable at the interview, are equal to or more than the marks of candidate placed last as per (b)
(i) above in the provisional list at the exact number of identified vacancies. AND
iii).All those SC/ST candidates who have acquired m1mmum qualifying marks of 30% in each of the 3
subjects in the Written Test but not included under Clause 3.8(b)(i) and(ii) above.
3.9 In case there is a tie in the marks obtained by the employees, the
3.10 If vacancies available in the same State after considering all the request transfers of
Promotee Officers, who have been posted earlier out of State on their promotion and/or request
transfers, these vacancies will be filled up from the employees promoted under the All India channel.
3.11Notwithstanding the, vacancies in JMGS-1 cadre available in the State, the candidates declared
successful under the All India Services will be posted on All India basis. The Promotee Officers who are
posted on promotion out of State in which they are working prior to promotion, will be brought
back in a phased manner on completion of three years of service in that State. Such transfer shall be
on "first to go, first to come back" basis. It is clarified that the transfer of such promotee officers to
be done in a phased manner automatically except in cases where they desire to be retained in the
State where they have been posted on promotion or where they desired to be posted in a State
other than their parent State (from which they were relieved on promotion), by sending their
written request to General Manager (P), Central Office. Such request should be routed through
proper channel.
3.12 If an employee refuses an offer of promotion under All India Service, he will be debarred for
promotion for a period of 1 year from the date of declaration of the results pertaining to the
subject Promotion Process.
The final lists of candidates to be declared successful will be restricted to 100% of the vacancies
a v a i l a b l e in each channel. In addition to this, a wait list to the extent of next 10% under each
channel will be prepared as per the Government guidelines, to cover the vacancies arising out of the
selected candidates refusing the offer of promotion.
After offering promotion to eligible candidates under each channel, to the extent of 100% of
vacancies identified, the candidates on the waitlist shall be offered promotion only to the extent of
refusals, if any, in their order of seniority or merit, as the case may be. The wait list shall
lapse automatically after all identified vacancies stand filled in. The names of wait-listed candidates,
who have been offered promotion, would be circulated.
In case, however, sufficient candidates are not available in Seniority channel, 10%waitlistof merit
c h a n n e l will be utilized to fill up such vacancies.
4.1Reservation for SC/ST, physically handicapped will be in accordance with the Government
d i r e c t i v e s . This scheme, as at present, is detailed in Annexure-II. Amendments to the
directives, if any, will be informed to the AIUBEA and implemented.
4.2SC/ST employees will be offered pre-promotion training before appearing for the Written Test as
per the Government directives.
4.3Ex-servicemen will have an option to reckon their past service in the Armed Forces (which is at
present 1 year for every 5 years of services, subject to a maximum of 2 years) provided they have
rendered at least 3 years of actual service in the Bank, either at the time of promotion or for being
considered for the post of Higher Assignments carrying Special Allowance in the same cadre as per
Government guidelines.
4.4 Necessary change in the Promotion Policy, if any, will be carried out through mutual
consultations with the representatives of the AIUBEA after completion of every promotion process,
provided, however, that as and when industry wise settlement is a r r i v e d at between the· Indian
Banks Association and the Workmen, or any Government guidelines are received necessitating
amendments to the policy so as to conform with the industry-wise settlement and/or comply with
Government guidelines, the same will be carried out in consultations with AIUBEA.
4.5 The Promotion Policy shall continue to be valid and binding unless and until it is replaced by a
fresh Settlement. It shall, however, be open to the parties to modify or amend or alter any of the
provisions of this Policy through mutual agreement.
4.7.It will be open for an employee to appear for the Promotion Process in both the channels if he is
eligible to d o so. If he is found successful in both the channels, his name will be included in the
successful list under State Services as specified in clause 2.2 of Chapter-II.
4.8Promotion of Sportsmen I employees for acts of bravery during dacoity as per the GovernmentI
IBA guidelines, will be outside the purview of this Promotion Policy. The guidelines I amendments
thereto will be in formed to the AIUBEA from time to time.
4.10Subject-wise mark list along with cut-off mark (i.e. the marks obtained by the last promote
candidate) will be sent to all respective unsuccessful candidates in both the Channels.
4.12.The effective date of promotion will be mentioned in the letter of offer and pay and allowances
will be payable from the date of promotion, subject to the condition that the said employee is not
responsible for the delay in taking up the Officer’s post.
4.13Recruitment of Specialist Officers will be out side the purview of this Promotion Policy. However,
the employees, who have acquired necessary qualifications, will be permitted to participate in
t h e promotion process for Specialist Officers.
4.14On promotion, the Officer would be on probation for a period of one year from the date he
draws the Officer’ salary. · ··
4.15 The eligible candidates having the qualification as Chartered Accountant (ACA) I Cost
Accountant (ICWA)I Company Secretary (ACS) I Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) shall be exempted
from the Written Test under the All India Services. After the interview, they will be listed at the
end of the p u b l i s h e d merit l i s t over and above the identified vacancies.
4.16Thevacancies in clerical cadre arising out of promotion under both All India and State services
shall be filled up through internal promotion and direct recruitment as per the requirements of
the Management.
4.17The unfilled vacancies belonging to State Services (Seniority Channel) shall be filled up by
adding the same to the All India Services (Merit Channel).
4.18 And the unfilled vacancies of All India Services (Merit Channel) shall be filled up through direct
4.19The Promotion Policy shall continue to be valid and binding unless and until it is replaced b y
afresh Settlement. It shall, however, be open to the parties to review, modify, amend or alter any
of the provisions of this Policy through mutual agreement.
The following employees will be disqualified from participating in the promotion P rocess under
both the channels:
5.2 Similarly, as stated in para 5.1, employees on whom punishment ofwithdrawal of special
p a y I reduction of basic pay is imposed, the disqualification period will be maximum one year from
the date of passing of the Disciplinary Authority's order.
5.3 Employees on whom punishment of 'Censure' I 'Warning' has been imposed twice during
the year prior to holding of the test, interview and/or date of offer of promotion, will be
disqualified for that particular promotion process.
5.4 If a Promotee Officer during the period of probation, requests the Management for
reversion to Clerical cadre, he will be reverted as a Clerk and posted at the same Station o r i n
t h e s a m e S t a t e , subject to availability of vacancy. However, such reverted employee shall be
disqualified from participating in future promotion process for a period of 2 years from the date
of reversion.
5.5 In case an O f f i c e r is reverted by the Management during the period of probation due to
his unsatisfactory performance, he will be posted back at the same Station and in the same post,
subject to availability of vacancy, where he was working prior to promotion.
5.6 Employees against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated will not be
disqualified from participating in the Promotion Process but in their cases sealed cover
procedure will be followed as per Annexure-Ill.
5.7 If a request transfer of an employee is acceded to, transferring him from one State to
another, such an employee will be disqualified in taking part in the promotion process under State
Services for a period of 2 years from the date he reports to the new place of posting of his choice.
The clerical employees who are presently under bar of 2 years on account of Clause 5.1,
and 5.2 and that of 3 years on account of Clause 2.4 and 3.12 of Promotion Policy (SC No.5613
dtd.09-09-2009) and have completed one year of bar period as on the cut-off date of
Promotion Process to be held this year i.e. Year 2013-14 will be allowed to participate in the
said Promotion Process, if they are otherwise eligible. Similarly, the clerical employees who
are presently under bar of 3 years on account of Clause 5.4 and 5.7 of existing Promotion
Policy (SC No.5613 dtd.09-09-2009) and have completed 2 years of bar as on the cut-off date
of Promotion Process to be held this year i.e. Year 2013-14 will be allowed to participate in
the said Promotion Process, if they are otherwise eligible.
1 Computer Specialist recruited in Scale IV, V & VI
2 Security Officers
3 Law Officers
4 Economists
5 Company Secretary
6 Officers (Integrated Treasury)
7 Officers (Computer Audit)
8 Chartered Accountants
9 Information Technology Officers (IT)
10 Fire Officer
11 Electrical Officer
12 Architects / Engineers
13 Officers (Lending Automation Solution)
14 Officers (Assets Liability / Risk Management
15 Marketing Officers (Retail Banking, New Initiates & Forex
16 Officers (Cash Management Services)
17 Rural Development Officers
18 Official Language (Hindi) Officers
19 Personnel Officers
20 Technical Officers
Following are the Government guidelines, for the time being on reservations:
(a) 15% of the promotions will be made from amongst the eligible candidates belonging to the
reserved category candidates (Scheduled Castes) and 7½% of the promotion will be made from
amongst the eligible candidates belonging to the reserved category candidates (Scheduled Tribes).
(c)If the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not tilled, the same will be
filled in, in accordance with the guidelines received from the Government of India in that behalf
from time to time.
(d) 1.TheSC/ST candidates appointed by promotion on their own merit and not owing to
reservation or relaxation of qualification will not be adjusted against the reserved points of the
reservation roster. They will be adjusted against the unreserved points.
2.If an unreserved vacancy arises in a cadre and there is any SC/ST candidate within the normal Zone
of consideration in the feeder grade, such SC/ST candidate cannot be denied promotion on the plea
that the post is not reserved. Such a candidate will be considered for promotion along with other
candidates treating him as if he belongs to General category. In case he is selected, he will be
appointed to the post and will be adjusted against the unreserved point.
3. SC/ST candidates appointed on their own merit (by Direct Recruitment or Promotion) and
adjusted against unreserved points will retain their status of SCIST and will be eligible to get benefit
of reservation in future I further promotions, if any.
4. 50% limit on reservation will b e computed b y e xcluding s uch reserved category candidates,
who are appointed I promoted o n their own merit.
(e)The provisions of the Promotion Policy will stand amended, altered or modified in accordance
with the guidelines received from the Government of India in that behalf from time to time.
Sealed Cover Procedure:
The following category of Clerical staff will be permitted to take part in the Promotion Process but
their empanelment I promotion will be kept in a sealed cover, which would be informed to the
employee. The cover would be opened after the conclusion of the disciplinary I Court proceedings:
If, on conclusion of the Department I Court proceedings, candidate is completely exonerated, the
result kept in sealed cover would be declared. If found successful, promotion will take effect from
the date of declaration of initial promotion for the purpose of seniority I fixation of salary as an
Officer. No arrears of salary, however, as per Officer’s c a d r e shall be payable for the intervening
If h o w e v e r , punishment of Censure I Warning is imposed on the candidate (if the punishment of
Censure I Warning is not earlier imposed in the same year) as a result of departmental proceedings I
Court proceedings, the result kept in the sealed cover would be declared. If found successful,
promotion will take effect from the date of declaration of initial promotionforthe purpose of seniority
I fixation of salary as an Officer. No arrears of salary, however, as per O f f i c e r ’ s cadre shall be
payable for the intervening period.
If punishment is imposed other than that of Censure I Warning the candidate as a result of the
departmental proceedings I found guilty in the Court proceedings against him, he will not be eligible
for promotion for which his result is kept in sealed cover.
WHEREAS the parties herein had entered into settlements dated 01.03.1996 and 11.07.2002
ANDWHEREAS the parties have deemed it necessary to reframe, revise and rewrite the Promotion
Policy governing the promotions from Subordinate cadre to Clerical cadre. It is hereby agreed that
the existing Promotion Policy for promotion from Subordinate cadre to Clerical cadre would be as
This Policy is subject to various directives/guidelines received from time to time from the
Government of India / Reserve Bank of India in respect of reservation of SC/ST, physically
handicapped employees, Ex-servicemen, etc. In the matter of promotion of such categories of
Subordinate staff. Any thing contained in a n y of t h e existing policy I settlement, which is
inconsistent with and/ or contrary to the modifications herein shall
automatically stand superseded by these modifications.
The revised Policy for promotion from Subordinate cadre to Clerical cadre shall come in to effect
from the date it is signed by both the parties.
For the purpose of this Promotion Policy, unless context otherwise requires, the various words and
terms will have the following meanings:
The term ‘ P r o m o t i o n ’ w i l l m e a n Promotion from t h e Subordinate Cadre to the Clerical
b) Seniority:
The term 'Seniority' will mean the total length of service in the Bank of an employee in the
Subordinate cadre as specified in Chapters-II and Ill, (i.e. Seniority Channel and Merit Channel),
c) State:
The term ‘State’ w i l l m e a n geographical area as defined or determined by the Government of
India from time to time. Centrally Administered Area or a Union Territory w i l l also be treated a s
a separate State for the purpose of this Policy, Provided that:
-Branches of Puducherry State and suburbs will be deemed to be part of the State of Tamil Nadu.
-New Delhi/ Delhi will be treated as a State.
-Mahe will be deemed to be part of Kerala State.
-Chandigarh will be treated as a Station within the State of Haryana. Mumbai will include all
Branches I offices in Greater Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane District and Raigarh District.
-Maharashtra will include all branches in t h e State of Maharashtra·. Excluding those in Mumbai as
Stated above
-Mumbai, as defined above and the rest of Maharashtra will be treated as two separate States.
-Daman, Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli will be deemed to be part of Gujarat State.
Competent Authority: The Term ‘Competent Authority’ for the purpose of this Policy shall mean
the General Manager (P) or General Manager (HR) or Authority above him.
1.1 Identification of vacancies for promotion from Subordinate cadre to Clerical Cadre 25% of
vacancies in the Clerical Cadre in each State will be filled up every year by p r o m o t i o n from
Subordinate c a d r e a s p r o v i d e d hereunder:-
There shall be a two channelled system of promotion from sub ordinate cadre to Clerical cadre as
i. Seniority Channel
ii. Merit channel
1.4 Reservations: As per the Government guidelines in this regard.
The service put in by Full Time Subordinate Staff members as Part Time Sweepers prior to such
conversion(excluding the period on stipend basis)shall be counted in proportion to their part time
service as detailed hereunder.
1.4.1 Those who were working on one-third scale of wages will get seniority of four months for
every completed year of service as such part-time employees.
1.4.2 T h o s e who were working on one-half scale of wages will get seniority of six months for
every completed year of service as such part time employees.
1.4.1 Those who were working on three-fourth s c a l e of wages will get seniority of nine months
of every completed year of service as such part time employees.
2.1. 50% of the vacancies identified for promotion will be filled up through Seniority Channel
(fraction above 0.5 to be rounded off to the next higher integer while the fraction below 0.5 will be
2.2All Subordinate staff employees (including Full Time Sweepers) who have completed 03 years of
full time service as on the Cut Off date, as specified in the Circular inviting applications, will be
eligible to participate in the Promotion Process under this Channel.
2.3 For the purpose of conducting the Promotion Process, State-wise Seniority List of Subordinate
staff with weightage will be prepared as of 31''March every year by the respective FGMO/NRO/RO
and such Seniority List will be circulated by 30th June every year. The Seniority List of Scheduled
Caste/ Schedule Tribe Employees will be published separately.
2.5Applicants eligible as above will be imparted 06 days training in basic computer applications.
2.6 Thereafter, these candidates shall be required to appear for a Witten/Practical test in
the Basic Computer applications, comprising of 80 marks, to assess their awareness and aptitude
to work in Clerical cadre in CBS environment.
2.8 The General Category candidates securing 30 marks and SC/ST candidates securing 25 marks out
of 100 marks as above (80 marks for written test and 20 marks for interview) will be empanelled on
the basis of Simple Seniority in the descending order.
2.9 The list of successful candidates to the extent of 100% of the identified vacanc1es will be
published and such candidates will be entitled to receive the offer of promotion.
2.10 The list of remaining empanelled candidates will be valid until the vacancies for which the
promotion process (both the Channels and both the categories) has taken place, are filled in or for a
period of one year from the date of declaration of results, whichever is earlier. Such list will
remain unpublished under the control of the Competent Authority.
3.1 60% of the vacancies identified for promotion will be filled up through Merit Channel (fraction
above 0.5 to be rounded off to the next higher integer while the fraction below 0.5 will be ignored).
3.2All Subordinate staff employees (including Part Time Sweepers) as on the Cut Off date will be
eligible to participate in the Promotion Process under this Channel as per the criteria laid down
3.2.1.Those who have passed Matriculation I School Final I Higher Secondary School Certificate I
Senior School Certificate / Senior Cambridge Examination and have put in a minimum of 2 years of
3.2.2.Those who have put in 5 years of minimum service and have passed Seventh standard.
3.2.3.Those who have put in 10 years of minimum service will be exempted from the minimum
educational qualification.
3.3 Marks for Written Test and Interview:
3.3.1 A n o n l i n e t e s t w i l l b e a d m i n i s t e r e d t o t h e e l i g i b l e S u b o r d i n a t e S t a f f i n
the following subjects:
Necessary mock test/ online training to willing participants / candidates of Promotion Process shall
be administered by the Bank.
3.3.2 There shall be 10 marks (maximum) for interview and the marks obtained shall be
considered only for the purpose of ranking in the merit list.
3.4.1 One mark for every completed year of Full Time service beyond 5years will be given subject to
a maximum of 15 marks.
3.4.2While \
computing the marks as above, the service put in as Part Time Sweeper (excluding the
period on stipend basis) shall be counted as hereunder: who were working on one-third scale of wages will get 0.33 marks for every
completed year of service., who were working on one-half scale of wages will get 0.5 marks for every
completed year of service. who were working on three-fourth scale of wages will get 0.75 marks for every
completed year of service.
1 mark for each completed year of FTS beyond 5 years will be given subject of max. of 15
marks which is as under:
3.5. Interview:
The following shall be the procedure for deciding the number of candidates to be called for
3.5.1 A provisional list in the descending order, as per the marks obtained as stated in paras 3.3.1
and 3.4 will be prepared from among those employees, who are successful in the written test.
3.5.2 F r o m t h e a b o v e l i s t , t h e f o l l o w i n g c a n d i d a t e s w i l l b e c a l l e d f o r
(a) All those candidates, in the descending order of merit, upto the exact number of identified
vacancies. AND
(b) All subsequent candidates, whose marks, after adding maximum notional marks of 20 obtainable
at the interview, are equal to or more than the marks of candidate placed last as per 3.5.2
(a) above in the provisional list at exact number of identified vacancies. And
(b) All those SC/ST/PWD candidates who have acquired minimum qualifying marks of 25% in
each of the 3subjects in the Written Test but not are included under Clause 3.5.1 and
3.5.2(a) and (b) above.
3.5.4The actual number of candidates who will be called for Interview will be restricted up to
twice the number of vacancies.
3.6.1.The list of successful candidates based on the aggregate marks obtained by them in the
Written Test, Seniority and Interview will be prepared in the descending order of the marks so
obtained. Such list restricted to the extent of 100% of the vacancies will be published and the
promotions will be offered in the order of merit.
3.6.2The list of remaining empanelled candidates will be valid until the vacancies for which the
promotion process (both the Channels) has taken place, are filled in or for a period of one year from
the date of declaration of results, whichever is earlier. Such list will remain unpublished under the
control of the Competent Authority.
3.6.3 Vacancies on account of refusals will be filled up by such candidate/s, who are immediately
below the last candidate (to the extent of 100% of vacancies) in the above merit list.
3.7. Special Provision for promotion of Subordinate staff who hve acquired certain qualifications:
3.7.2Such promotion shall be over and above the vacancies identified for being filled in through
Promotion and will be adjusted from direct recruitment clerical quota.
3.7.3The Subordinate staff member should make an application on his passing the Graduation and
the Promotion in such cases will be effected from the date of declaration of results, i.e. the date
appearing in the mark sheet and emoluments in the Clerical cadre will be paid accordingly.
4.1.The promotion and new salary/emoluments shall be effective from the specific date mentioned
in the Promotion Order and the seniority in the clerical cadre will be reckoned from the same date.
However, where the delay on taking up the new assignment on promotion is attributable to the
employee, the new salary/emoluments and seniority will commence from the date of reporting at
the new place of posting.
4.2.The time limit for the candidate to refuse or to accept promotion shall be 15 days from
the date of receipt of the promotion offer failing which the same will be deemed to have been
refused and the candidate will lose the chance of promotion in that process.
4.3. Vacancies on account of refusals will be filled up by such candidates, who are immediately
below the cut-off marks (to the extent of 100% vacancies) from the merit list.
4.4.Those who refuse to carry out promotion as offered will be barred for a period of 01 year from
the date of such refusal and the name of such employees will be struck off from the list. However
they will not be barred from participating in higher assignment processes in the same cadre.
4.5 The Subordinate Staff, on promotion to Clerical Cadre, shall be on probation for a period of six
months. If during the said period of probation the conduct, attendance and work are found to be
satisfactory, he / she will be conformed to the same post in the Subordinate staff cadre and will be
posted as far as possible, in the same station, however, subject to the availability of identified
4.6.A promote Clerk can seek reversion during his probation period and if the request for reversion is
acceded to, he shall be posted in the same station subject to availability of an identified vacancies
and will be barred for a period of 01 year for the purpose of promotion only.
4.7.On promotion, the Clerks Will be fitted as per the fitment Formula agreed to between the Bank
and the A!UBEA & as circulated by the Bank from time to time.
4.8.Those who are barred from higher assignment attracting Special Pay in the Subordinate staff
cadre will not be barred from participating in the promotion process.
4.9.Onpromotion, the candidate will be posted in the same Station or nearby Station subject to
availability of identified vacancy.
4.11. The syllabus for the examination will be circulated atleast 45 days prior to the date of written
4.12. If a member of Subordinate staff submits his application for promotion process and
subsequently does not appear in the test I interview, he will be deemed to have refused the
promotion unless he gives satisfactory explanation and adduces evidence acceptable to the
Management and will be barred for participating in the promotion process for 0 1 year from the date
of declaration of results for the promotion process for which he had applied.
It is clarified that the Subordinate Staff who are under bar of 2 years on account of clause 4.6 and
4.12 of the existing Promotion Policy and who have completed one year of bar period as on cut off
date of promotion process to be held this year i.e. 2015-16 will be allowed to participate in the
promotion process, if they are otherwise eligible. (SC No. 6203 dated 15.06.2015)
4.13. In case of a tie of the marks obtained by the employees, the determining factors for ranking
will be in the following order:
4.14. It will be open for an employee to appear for the Promotion Process in both the channels if he is
eligible to do so. If he is found successful in both the channels, his name will be included in the
successful list under Seniority channel as specified in Chapter-II.
4.15. If a Subordinate staff employee participating in the Seniority Channel and his number in
Seniority list of eligible candidates comes under the Zone of Consideration in relation to number of
vacancies identified for seniority channel and is not found successful in the promotion process for
three consecutive processes, he will be barred o r next two promotion processes.
4.16While computing years of service for Ex-Servicemen, weightage will be given for the period of
service rendered by them in the Defence forces in the ratio of 5:1 (i.e. 1 year's weightage for 5 years
of service) subject to a maximum weightage of 2 years, provided they have rendered at least 3
years of actual service in the Bank. This weightage will be allowed only once in their entire service
4.17If any vacancy remains unfilled for any reason whatsoever in one of the channels, the same will
be filled up from the successful candidate of other channel of respective category i.e. General
or SC/ST depending upon the nature of unfilled vacancy. In other words, u nfilled vacancy of
General Category in one channel will be filled up from the list of successful candidates of
General Category of other channel and unfilled vacancy of SC/ST Category in one Channel
will be filled up from the list of successful candidates of SC/ST employees of other channel.
Despite this, any vacancy, which remains unfilled, shall be carried over to the next Promotion
4.18.The break up of the vacancies identified for promotion shall be intimated to AIUBEA
before commencement of the Promotion process.
4.19Subject-wise mark list along with cut off marks (i.e. the marks secured by the last promoted
candidate in the merit list) will be communicated to respective unsuccessful candidates of both
the Channels individually.
will be 7 5 : 2 5 and for promotion of Subordinate Staff under Merit Channel to Seniority Channel
will be 50:50. However, in case of fractions, the fraction figure of 0.50 & above will be rounded off
to the next higher integer while the fraction below 0.50 will be ignored. Despite above, in case of
any State getting identified with Clerical vacancies up to number 10, then the following formula will
be adopted to fill up the vacancies:
Promotion 25%
No. of Vacancies Recruitment 75% Seniority 50% Merit
1 - 1 -
2 - 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 2 1 1
5 3 1 1
6 4 1 1
7 5 1 1
8 6 1 1
9 7 1 1
10 8 1 1
In any case, the ratio of Recruitment to Promotion will be maintained at 80:20 on All India Basis..
4.21 The Promotion Policy shall continue to be valid and binding unless and until it is replaced by
afresh Settlement. It shall, however, be open to the parties to review, modify, amend or alter
any of the provisions of this Policy through mutual agreement.
4.22 Reservation for SC/ST will be in accordance with the Govt. directives. Amendments to
the directives, if any, will be informed to AIUBEA and implemented.
5.1 As on the date of determining their eligibility for appearing in the written test I interview, Sub-
staff, who are under suspension or against whom the charge sheet has been issued and disciplinary
proceedings are pending or against whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending as also, those
who have appealed against the punishment imposed by the Disciplinary Authority within the
prescribed time limit, but the order of the Appellate Authority is awaited, will be permitted to take
part in the Promotion Process. Such cases will be dealt under sealed cover procedure as brought out
in the Annexure.
Disqualification I Bar for the purpose of taking part in the Promotion Process (Written Test I
Interview) will apply to those employees against whom the disciplinary action as mentioned
hereunder has been taken-
6.1Where the punishment of stoppage of increment is imposed, the bar will be applicable up to the
time the punishment is operative or for a maximum period of o n e year from the date of order of
Disciplinary Authority.
6.2Where the punishment of reduction in stages of pay scale and/or withdrawal of special pay are
imposed, the bar will be for a maximum period of one year from the date of order of Disciplinary
6.3Where the punishment of 'Censure' or 'Warning' has been imposed twice during one year prior
to the cut-off date determined for eligibility, such employee will be barred for that
particular promotion process.
The Subordinate staff who are presently under bar of 2 years on account of Clause 4.4, 6.1 and
6.2 of the existing Promotion Policy and who have completed one year of bar period as on cut off
date of Promotion Process to be held this year i.e. Year 2013-14 will be allowed to participate in the
said Promotion Process, if they are otherwise eligible. Similarly, amendment to Clause 4.15 as
mentioned hereinabove will be effective / applicable with immediate effect and by virtue of the
same, no bar will be applied as per old provisions on employees who appeared in earlier Promotion
Process under merit channel and were found not successful in 3 consecutive Promotion Processes.
The following category of full-time Subordinate staff will be permitted to take part in the
promotion process, but the findings of the Competent Authority as regards empanelment I
promotion will be kept in sealed cover to be opened after conclusion of the disciplinary case I
criminal prosecution:-
The Competent Authority shall assess suitability of the employee coming within the purview of the
circumstances mentioned above, along with other eligible candidates without taking into account the
disciplinary case I criminal prosecution pending against him.
If on the conclusion of the disciplinary case I criminal prosecution, the employee concerned is
completely exonerated and in case, he was under suspension, it is held that the suspension was
wholly unjustified, sealed cover will be opened and the findings of the Competent Authority in
respect of his empanelment I promotion will be acted upon. The employee concerned will be
empanelled on the merit list at the place at which he would have been empanelled but for the
pending disciplinary case I criminal prosecution.
The promotion if issued will be given effect from the date it would have been otherwise effected
but for the disciplinary case I criminal prosecution. He will be given benefit of seniority and
fixation of pay on a notional basis with reference to the date on which he. Would have been
promoted in the normal course. Provided that it will always be open to the Competent Authority in
case the employee is completely exonerated to decide the question whether the employee
concerned will be entitled to any arrears of pay for the period of notional promotion preceding the
date of actual promotion, and if so, to what extent, by taking into consideration all the facts and
circumstances of the disciplinary proceedings I criminal prosecution. Where the Authority decides
not to allow arrears of salary or. any part of it, it will record its reasons for· the same..Such
appointments will be set off against future vacancies. However, if on conclusion of the disciplinary
case I criminal prosecution, the employee concerned is punished with penalty of Censure and in case
he was under suspension and, it is held that the suspension was wholly unjustified, the sealed cover
will be opened and the findings contained therein in respect of his promotion will be acted upon.
The employee concerned will be empanelled on the merit list at the place, which he would have
been empanelled but for the pending disciplinary case I criminal prosecution. The promotion, if
issued will be given effect to from the date it would have been otherwise effected but for the
disciplinary case I criminal prosecution. He will also be given benefit of seniority and fixation of pay
on notional basis with reference to the date on which he would have been promoted in the normal
course. However, no arrears of pay will be allowed in respect of the period prior to the date of actual
promotion. Such appointments will be set off against future vacancies.
In case however, at the conclusion of the criminal prosecution or disciplinary proceedings (after the
lapse of the period of appeal, if any) he is found guilty, the findings of the sealed cover would not be
acted upon. Furthermore, he will not be entitled for empanelment on the merit list for promotion to
Clerical Cadre and he will be barred for future participation in the promotion process or for
promotion for a period of two years from the date of infliction of the said penalty I Court's verdict.
If, however, the punishment imposed on the employee is totally set aside and he is exonerated by
the Appellate Authority, his case will be dealt with as if he has not been inflicted with any
punishment in the initial stage itself.
Pursuant to SC No.6024 dated 22-10-2013 the Subordinate Staff who are presently under bar of 2
years on account of Clause 4.4, 6.1 and 6.2 of the existing Promotion Policy and who have
completed one year of bar period as on cut-off date of Promotion Process to be held this year i.e.
year 2013-14 will be allowed to participate in the said promotion process, if they are otherwise
eligible. Similarly, amendment to Clause 4.15 as mentioned hereinabove will be effective /
applicable with immediate effect and by virtue of the same, no bar will be applied as per old
provisions on employees who appeared in earlier promotion process under merit channel and were
found not successful in 3 consecutive promotion processes.
Further, due to change/ amendment in the percentage of recruitment to that of promotion for filling
up the identified vacancies in Clerical Cadre from existing level of 80 : 20 to that of 75 : 25,
Government guidelines in respect of reservation of SC/ST Employees will be applicable and
accordingly requisite provision as mentioned below will be added in promotion policy as Clause 4.22
of Chapter IV.
Clause 4.22: Reservation for SC/ST will be in accordance with the Government directives.
Amendments to the directives, if any, will be informed to AIUBEA and implement rest of the clauses
of promotion policy for subordinate cadre for promotion from Subordinate Cadre to Clerical Cadre
as agreed through settlement between the Management of UBI and the representatives of AIUBEA
on 09-07-2009 and circulated vide SC 5613 dated 09-09-2009 remains unchanged.
Station: Station will mean village/s or town/s or city/ies including cantonment and suburban areas
within the Panchayat, Union Board, Municipal or Corporation Limits.
Mumbai: Mumbai will include all branches/offices in Greater Mumbai and its agglomeration in
Thane District, Including branches in Raigarh District falling under Harbour Line of Mumbai Subarban
Railwlays upto panvel. (Pune Branches – District wise).
Kolkata: Kolkata will include all the Branches/Offices in Kolkata Municipal Corporation area, Howrah
Municipal Corporation area, Bidhan Nagar Notified area, Dum Dum South Municipality and Bura
Nagar Municipality.
Delhi: Delhi will include branches/offices in New Delhi, Old Delhi and Shahadara.
State: The term State will mean geographical area as defined or determined by the government of
India from time to time. Centrally administered area or a Union Territory will also be treated as a
separate State for the purpose of this policy that:
That Tamil Nadu State will also include adjacent Stations in Puducherry State.
District: District means geographical area of a District as per State/Central Govt. Notifications.
Note: During the course of implementation of the policy, due to more than one Zone existing in
few States if there is a necessity to add further clarify then the same may be done mutually between
both the parties as per the need.
Employees shall apply for request transfer through online digital transfer diary maintained in Union
Parivar for options as under:
-Any Two Stations in the order of preference
-For any District within the State
-For anywhere in the State.
The term State, District and Station mean State, District and Station as defined in Chapter
Newly recruited Clerical Staffs/Sub staffs shall be eligible to apply for request transfer only after
completion of ONE year active service in the Bank.
The employee on submission of his online request will be able to see and note his actual real time
transfer diary number for the options chosen and applied by him on the basis of ‘first apply first
served basis’ through Union Parivar.
The request registered for options i.e. Station/District within the State in which the employee is
working will be treated as intra-state requests and the request registered for options situated in
other State will be treated as inter State transfer requests.
Transfers shall be effected on First come first served basis strictly as per the serial number for
respective options in the online transfer diary. While intra State transfer requests will be dealt and
considered by respective FGMO under which the State is attached, inter-State transfers will be dealt
and considered by Central Office on the basis of transfer diary and serial number of employees in
order. Inter State transfers will be effected by the Central Office on receiving the necessary
information from the concerned FGMO like name of the employee to be transferred, place of
vacancy, his ranking etc. The intra State transfers within the jurisdiction of the State will be effected
by the FGMO as per transfer diary number registered in the digital transfer diary.
After the orders of transfer are issued and if the employee is not relieved for want of substitute,
then his vacancy will be kept open till he is relieved. In the meantime, order for others below him in
the order as per the Transfer Diary will be effected provided further vacancies are available in the
Station where Transfer has been sought.
Request transfers shall be considered in preferences to direct recruitment.
The transfer diary maintained digitally in the respective FGMO will be shown by respective
FGMO/Central Office to the representatives of the Recognised Union of the Bank as and when
Joining time shall be allowed in respect of request transfers also only once in the entire career in the
respective cadre of the staff member.
In case an employee, while being designated as SWO-A, had already applied and registered hie/her
request for transfer to a particular Station/District in the online Transfer Diary maintained at FGMO,
got higher assignment as Head Cashier-II/Special Assistant before consideration of his/her pending
transfer request as SWO-A, then he/she shall be advised to inform the management whether he/she
is willing to undertake the transfer foregoing the Special Allowance drawn by him.
In case the concerned employee is desirous of a request transfer to any station/District as a Head
Cashier-II or a Special Assistant for station/District within the State, he/she shall make a fresh
request transfer application as Head Cashier-II or Special Assistant for vacancies in that
station/District of the State and the same shall be considered on first come first served basis.
Request transfers from employees working in one station of a State to another station/District of the
same State or another State will be diarised in the digital transfer diary by giving the transfer diary
number to the employee for the respective options. However, such transfer requests will be
considered on the basis of availability of vacancy in that station/District for which no other
employee’s request is already diarised in the transfer diary.
Request for inter State transfers will be restricted to 4 times only during the entire service period of
the employee.
Once the request transfer is acceded to and carried out, the applicant’s name registered in the
Transfer Diary will be deleted from the Transfer Diary for the particular station/choice only. Once an
offer is made for request transfer to a station/choice other than his first preference and if he refuses
to accede to such an offer, his name will be deleted for that station/choice as well as for the
station/choice of subsequent preferences. If 1st preference is considered, 2nd 3rd and 4th preferences
will be deleted. If 2nd preference is considered, 3rd and 4th preferences will be deleted and 1st
preference will continue to exist in the online transfer diary. If 1st preference is considered all other
options will be deleted.
In case of Promotion to higher cadre i.e. Sub staff to Clerk or Clerical to Officer Cadre then the
request transfer of the employee diarised in the digital transfer diary, prior to promotion, shall stand
deleted from the date of acceptance of promotion.
Transfer of female employees on request on the ground of joining the husband, shall be considered
in preference over others and such preference shall be given twice in the entire service of the
concerned female employee. Thereafter any further request will be considered strictly as per the
Transfer Diary.
Mutual transfers from amongst applicants at the corresponding stations as per the Transfer Diary
and can be effected even if no vacancies in the respective stations exist. However, this option shall
not be available to the employees who are transferred on account of job rotation for a period of two
years active service.
In case a vacancy of Head Cashier/Special Assistant arises at a station/District, the request of the
employee drawing such allowance shall be considered in preference to the other employees, e.g.
the first five employees in the Transfer Diary maintained digitally are SWO-A/SWO-B, the 6th
employee, if he is a Head Cashier/Special Assistant, his/her case shall be considered in preference to
the first five employees depending on the vacancy arising.
In addition certain deserving cases on account of actual illness and other criteria that are not falling
under provisions of this policy can be considered by giving preference over transfer diary in
consultation with AIUBEA through a consultative meeting as per the merits of the cases.
The Management may consider temporary transfers on compassionate grounds on merits of each
case by the FGMO in case the request is within the State and by Chief General Manager (HR) in case
the request is from one State to another. Such temporary transfers shall be initially done for a
period of 3 months, which may be further extended by the Competent Authority, depending on the
merits of individual case, which shall not exceed ONE year.
-Clerical employees on completion of 5 years’ service in a branch / office in a station will be rotated
to another Branch/Office within the District amongst the eligible clerical employees due for job
rotation. Such rotation transfer exercise will be conducted by the Bank once in a year with cut off
date as 31st March and the same should be completed by June.
-In case of Stations having more than one branch, the clerical employees, as far as possible, may be
rotated to another branch/office within the same Station.
-In case of stations with single branch, employees working in such branches and due for rotation
transfer, will be rotated against the eligible clerical employees due for job rotation working in other
single station branches within the district. In such cases, while effecting job rotation, care should be
taken that the employee is transferred to the nearest possible branch/station so that the employees
are not put to hardships on account of job rotation.
-Male and Female Clerical employees who have completed 54/52 years of age respectively,
differently abled employees suffering from terminally ill diseases are exempted from Job Rotation as
mentioned above. However, they will be rotated to another branch/office within the same Station
after completion of 5 years in a particular branch/office.
-Bank will take steps to implement Job Rotation Policy judiciously to minimize the hardships to the
employees besides ensuring transparency by informing the recognized Union of the Bank.
On consideration of the request transfer as per the Transfer Diary/on Job Rotation, further request
for transfer to the same branch/station, as the case may be, from which the employee was
transferred/rotated, shall be considered only after completion of two years of active service at the
new place of posting.
The settlement shall be binding on both the parties and will be valid until it is amended in
accordance with the provisions of Industrial Disputes Act.
If there are any doubts and or differences of opinion regarding the interpretations of any of the
provisions of settlement then the matter will be discussed and settled with All India Union Bank
Employees’ Association AIUBEA.
A workman in the non-subordinate cadre is liable to be deployed anywhere within a District,
irrespective of the distance involved.
In cases necessitating deployment outside the District, the workman concern ed may be deployed to
any branch/ office of the Bank situated outside the District upto a distance not exceeding 100 km
from his present place of posting.
Bank may identify, the no. of workmen employees, to be redeployed from each center/ Branch /
Office to meet its requirements.
The period of deployment shall be three years in all the centers except in case of difficult centers
decided by the Bank in accordance with the Government guidelines, in which cases the period of
deployment shall be two years.
Repatriation to the original center shall be after serving in the deployed center for a period as
provided above. In case it is not administratively possible for the Bank to repatriate the employee to
his original center after the above period, the employee may be required to give 3 centers of his
choice so that he can be transferred to any one of the 3 centers opted by him.
Female employees above age of 55 years and male employees above the age of 56 shall be
exempted from redeployment. However, if the required and eligible no. of employees are not
available to be deployed in terms of the Settlement, the age norms as above may be suitably relaxed
up to the age of 58 years so as to ensure that the required and eligible no. of employees are
deployed to the identified centers.
Employees having mentally retarded / spastics children, certified as such by the attending Doctor,
may be deployed only at centers where specialized treatment for such children and special facilities
for their schooling are available.
Employees affected by serious ailment requiring specialized treatment, as certified by the attending
Doctor, will be deployed only at centers where medical facilities for treatment of such ailment are
The junior most employee working at the Station shall be preferred for transfer within the ambit of
this policy for the purpose of redeployment from surplus to deficit centre.
Incentive: A workman in the non-subordinate cadre so long as he/she serves in the deployed center
shall draw a lump sum amount of Rs.600/-pm (not ranking for any other benefit) besides protection
of emoluments at the original center. This shall cease on the employee’s repatriation to the original
Higher Assignment: If no clerks are available and/or there is no request for transfer, the vacancies
of Computer Operator A in a particular station shall be filled up by inviting applications from
existing Computer Operators A in the State.
The junior most employee, on his repatriation to his parent Station, or to any of the three Centers
opted by him shall be transferred on redeployment again on completion of minimum period of three
years in the Station, where he is posted after his stint under redeployment, or after all the eligible
employees of the Station, as defined in the redeployment policy, are redeployed in ascending order
of their seniority in the services of the bank and repatriated, whichever is later.
The widow/ daughter of the deceased employee, taken into the services of the Bank on
compassionate appointment, shall be exempted from redeployment till such time the widow
remarries or the daughter marries. The son of deceased employee appointed on compassionate
grounds shall be exempted from redeployment for a minimum period of three years from the date
of his compassionate appointment in the Bank. In case the son of such deceased employee happens
to be the junior most in the Station and is already transferred once under redeployment, his case
shall be dealt with as above.
Any employee posted on request transfer from any Branch happens to be the junior most in the
Station, shall be exempted from redeployment for a period of three years from the date of reporting
at the Branch. (SC No.5306 dtd 28-09-2006).
The provisions of the said Awards, the First Bipartite Settlement dated 19-10-1966 and/or other
subsequent Settlements dated 11-11-1966, 14-12-1966, 23-12-1966, 31-10-1979, 22-11-1979, 28-
11-1981, 8-9-1983, 17-9-1984, and 14-2-1995 hereinafter collectively referred to as the said
Settlements shall stand superseded and substituted by and in the manner detailed hereunder:-
A person against whom disciplinary action is proposed or likely to be taken shall in the first
instance, be informed of the particulars of the charge against him and he shall have a proper
opportunity to give his explanation as to such particulars. Final orders shall be passed after due
consideration of all the relevant facts and circumstances. With this object in view, the following
shall apply.
By the expression “offence” shall be meant any offence involving moral turpitude for which an
employee is liable to conviction and sentence under any provision of Law.
(a) When in the opinion of the management an employee has committed an offence, unless he be
otherwise prosecuted, the bank may take steps to prosecute him or get him prosecuted and in
such case he may also be suspended.
If he be convicted, he may be dismissed with effect from the date of his conviction or be given
any lesser form of punishment as mentioned in Clause 6 below.
If he be acquitted, it shall be open to the management to proceed against him under the
provisions set out below in Clauses 11 and 12 infra relating to discharges. However, in the
event of the management deciding after enquiry not to continue him in service, he shall be liable
only for termination of service with three months’ pay and allowances in lieu of notice. And he shall
be deemed to have been on duty during the period of suspension, if any and shall be entitled to
the full pay and allowances minus such subsistence allowance as he has drawn and to all other
privileges for the period of suspension provided that if he be acquitted by being given the benefit of
doubt he may be paid such portion of such pay and allowances as the management may
deem proper, and the period of his absence shall not be treated as a period spent on duty unless
the management so directs.
If he prefer an appeal or revision application against his conviction, and is acquitted, in case he had
already been dealt with as above and he applies to the management for reconsideration of his
case, the management shall review his case and may either reinstate him or proceed against
him under the provisions set out below in Clauses 11 and 12 infra relating to discharge, and the
provision set out above as to pay, allowances and the period of suspension will apply, the period
up-to-date for which full pay and allowances have not been drawn being treated as one of
suspension. In the event of the management deciding, after enquiry not to continue him in service,
the employee shall be liable only for termination with three months’ pay and allowance in
lieu of notice, as directed above.
If after steps have been taken to prosecute an employee or to get him prosecuted, for an offence,
he is not put on trial within a year of the commission of the offence, the management may then deal
with him as if he had committed an act of “gross misconduct” or of “minor misconduct”, as defined
Provided that if the authority which was to start prosecution Proceedings refuses to do
so or comes to the conclusion that there is no case for prosecution it shall be open to the
management to proceed against the employee under the provisions set out below in Clauses
11 and 12 infra relating to discharge, but he shall be deemed to have been on duty during the
period of suspension, if any, and shall be entitled to the full wages and allowances and to all other
privileges for such period. In the event of the management deciding, after enquiry, not to continue
him in service, he shall be liable only for termination with three months’ pay and allowances in lieu
of notice as provided in Clause 3above. If within the pendency of the proceedings thus instituted he
is put on trial such proceedings shall be stayed pending the completion of the trial, after which the
provisions mentioned in Clause 3 above shall apply.
5. By the expression “gross misconduct” shall be means any of the following acts and omissions on
the part of an employee:
engaging in any trade or business outside the scope of his duties except with the written permission
of the bank:
unauthorized disclosure of information regarding the affairs of the bank or any of its customers or
any other person connected with the business of the bank which is confidential or the disclosure of
which is likely to be prejudicial to the interest of the bank:
drunkenness or riotous or disorderly or indecent behaviour on the premises of the bank.
willful damage or attempt to cause damage to the property of the bank or any act of its customers:
willful insubordination or disobedience of any lawful and reasonable order of the management or of
a superior:
habitual doing of any act which amounts to “minor misconduct” as defined below, “habitual”
meaning a course of action taken or persisted in, notwithstanding that at least on three previous
occasions censure or warnings have been administered or an adverse remark has been entered
against him.
willful slowing down in performance of work:
gambling or betting on the premises of the bank:
speculation in stocks, shares, securities or any commodity whether on his account or that of any
other persons:
doing any act of gross negligence or negligence involving or likely to involve the bank in serious
loss:(modified w.e.f.1-11-2020 xith BPS)
giving or taking a bribe or illegal gratification from a customer or an employee of the bank:
abetment or instigation of any of the acts or omissions above mentioned:
knowingly making a false statement in any document pertaining to or in connection with his
employment in the bank.
Resorting to unfair practice of any nature whatsoever in any examination conducted by the
Indian Institute of Bankers or on behalf of the bank and where the employee is caught in the act of
resorting to such unfair practice and a report to that effect has been received by the bank from
the concerned authority.
Resorting to unfair practice of any nature whatsoever in any exam conducted by the Indian
Institute of Bankers or by or on behalf of the bank in cases not covered by the above Sub Clause (n)
and where a report to that effect has been received by the bank from the concerned authority
and the employee does not accept the charge.
Remaining unauthorisedly absent without intimation continuously for a period exceeding 30 days.
Misbehaviour towards customers arising out of bank’s business.
Contesting election for parliamentary/ legislative assembly/legislative council/ local bodies/
municipal corporation/ panchayat, without explicit written permission of the bank.
Conviction by a criminal court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
Indulging in any act of “sexual harassment” of any woman at her workplace.
Note: Sexual harassment shall include such unwelcome sexually Determined behaviour whether
directly or otherwise) as
(a) physical contact and advances:
(b) demand or request for sexual favours:
(c) sexually coloured remarks:
(d) showing pornography: or
(e) any other unwelcome physical verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
The giving or taking or abetting the giving or taking of dowry or demanding directly or indirectly
from the parents or guardians of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, any dowry.
Explanation: For the purpose of sub clause (u) the word “dowry” has the same meaning as in the
“Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961”.
have his increment/s stopped with or without cumulative effect: or
Note: Specific period of rigour shall be mentioned.(modified in XI BPS w.e.f. 1-11-2020)
have his special pay withdrawn: or
be warned or censured, or have an adverse remark entered against him: or
be fined.(stand be deleted in XI BPS wef 1-11-2020).
7. By the expression “minor misconduct” shall be meant any of the following acts and omissions
on the part of an employee:
(a) absence without leave or overstaying sanctioned leave without sufficient grounds:
(b) unpunctual or irregular attendance:
(c) neglect of work, negligence in performing duties:
(d) breach of any rule of business of the bank or instruction for the running of any department:
(e) committing nuisance on the premises of the bank:
(f) entering or leaving the premises of the bank except by an entrance provided for the
(g) attempt to collector collecting moneys within the premises of the bank without the
previous permission of the management or except as allowed by any rule or law for the
time being in force:
(h) holding or attempting to hold or attempting any meeting on the premises of the bank
without the previous permission of the management or except in accordance with the
provisions of any rule for the time being in force.
(i) canvassing for union membership or collection of union dues or subscriptions within the
premises of the bank without the previous permission of the management or except in
accordance with the provisions of any rule or law for the time being in force.
(j) failing to show proper consideration, courtesy or attention towards employees, customers
or other employees of the bank, unseemly or unsatisfactory behaviour while on duty.
(k) marked disregard or ordinary requirements of decency and cleanliness in person or dress.
(l) incurring debts to an extent considered by the management as excessive:
(m) resorting to unfair practice of any nature whatsoever in any examination conducted
by the Indian Institute of Bankers or by or on behalf of the bank in cases not covered by
sub-clause (n) under “Gross Misconduct” and where a report to that effect has been
received by the bank from the concerned authority and the employee accepts the
(n) refusal to attend training programmes without sufficient and valid reasons:
(o) Not wearing, while on duty, identity card issued by the Bank:
(p) Not wearing, while on duty, the uniforms supplied by the bank in clean condition.
(q) doing any act prejudicial to the interest of the bank.(modified in XIth BPS wef 1-11-2020)
(r) misconducts covered under Clause 7(a) to (q) shall not be made out as “gross misconduct”
under clause 5. (modified in XIth BPS wef 1-11-2020)
9. A workman found guilty of misconduct, whether gross or minor, shall not be given more
than one punishment in respect of any one charge.
--An employee placed under suspension pending disciplinary action shall be given an opportunity to
represent to the management to reconsider the orders of suspension. (modified in XIth BPS wef 1-
--An employee who has been awarded the punishment of dismissal, compulsory discharge or
removal from the services by the Disciplinary Authority and subsequently where the punishment is
confirmed by the
Appellate Authority, shall be given an opportunity to seek reconsideration by an authority higher
than the Appellate Authority. (modified in XIth BPS wef 1-11-2020)
--If multiple charges as per procedural lapses are made out, then the punishment given in such cases
shall be one. (modified in XIth BPS wef 1-11-2020)
--Disciplinary Authority shall have the discretion to decide whether the punishment will affect the
superannuation benefits of the employee or not, in case where the punishment is affecting the
superannuation benefits.(modified in XIth BPS wef 1-11-2020)
10. In all cases in which action under Clauses 4, 6 or 8 may be taken, the proceedings held shall
be entered in a book kept specially for the purpose, in which the date on which the
proceedings are held, the name of the employee proceeded against, the charge, or charges, the
evidence on which they are bases, the explanation and the evidence, if any tendered by the said
employee, the finding or findings, with the grounds on which they are based and the order
passed shall be recorded with sufficient fullness, as clearly as possible and such record of the
proceedings shall be signed by the employee who holds them, after which a coy of such
record shall be furnished to the employee concerned if so requested by him in writing.
11. When it is decided to take any disciplinary action against an employee, such decision shall be
communicated to him within three days thereof.
(a) An employee against whom disciplinary action is proposed or likely to be taken shall be
given a charge sheet clearly setting forth the circumstances appearing against him and a date shall
be fixed for enquiry, sufficient time being given to him to enable him to prepare and give his
explanation as also to produce any evidence that he may wish to tender in his defence. He shall
be permitted to appear before the Employee conducting the enquiry, to cross- examine any
witnesses and produce other evidence in his defence.
(y) where the employee is not a member of any trade Union of Bank employees on the
aforesaid date, by a Representative of a registered trade union of employees of the bank in which
he is employed: OR
at the request of the said union by a representative of the state federation or all India Organisation
to which such union is affiliated: OR
with the Bank’s permission, by a lawyer.
He shall also be given a hearing as regards the nature of the proposed punishment in case of any
charge is established against him.
(i) Pending such inquiry or initiation of such inquiry he may be suspended, but if on the
conclusion of the enquiry it is decided to take no action against him he shall be deemed to have
been on duty and shall be entitled to the full wages and allowances and to all other privileges for the
period of suspension: and if some punishment other than dismissal is inflicted the whole or part of
the period of suspension may, at the discretion of the management, be treated as on duty with the
right to a corresponding portion of the wages, allowances, etc.
(c) In awarding punishment by way of disciplinary action the authority concerned shall take into
account the gravity of the misconduct, the previous record, if any, of the employee and any
other aggravating or extenuating circumstances, that may exist.
Where sufficiently extenuating circumstances exist the misconduct may be condoned and
in case such misconduct is of the “gross” type he may be merely discharged, with or without notice
or on payment of a month’s pay and allowances, in lieu of notice.
Such discharge may also be given where the evidence is found to be insufficient to sustain the
charge and where the bank does not for some reason or other, think fit it expedient to retain
the employee in question any longer in service. Discharge in such Cases shall not be
deemed to amount to disciplinary action.
(d) If the representative defending the employee is an employee of the same bank at an
outstation branch situated outside the State, on a case to case basis as may be decided by the Bank,
he shall be on special leave (on full pay and allowances) to represent the employee and be paid
one return fare (wef 1-11-20200. The class of fare to which he will be entitled would be
the same as while travelling on duty. In case of any adjournment at the instance of the bank/
enquiry employee, he may be asked to resume duty and if so, will be paid fare for the
consequential journey. He shall also be paid full halting allowance for the period he stays at the
place of the enquiry for defending the employee as also for the days of the journeys which are
undertaken at the bank’s cost.
“State” for the purpose, shall mean the area which constitutes a Political State, but his
explanation will not apply to SBI.
(a) If the representative defending the employee is an employee of the same bank at an
outstation branch situated outside the State, on a case to case basis as may be decided by
the Bank, he shall be relieved on special leave (on full pay and allowances) to represent
the employee and shall be paid one return fare. (wef 01-11-20)
(i) the bank has issued a show cause notice to the employee advising him of the misconduct
and the punishment for which he may be liable for such misconduct:
(ii) the employee makes a voluntary admission of his guilt inreply to the aforesaid show cause
notice: and
(iii) the misconduct is such that even if proved the bank does not intend to award the
punishment of discharge or dismissal.
However, if the employee concerned requests a hearing regarding the nature of punishment, such a
hearing shall be given.
12 (f) An enquiry need not also be held if the employee is charged With minor misconduct and the
punishment proposed to be given is warning or censure. However,
(i) the employee shall be served a show cause notice advising him of the misconduct and the
evidence on which the charge is based: and
(ii) the employee shall be given an opportunity to submit his written statement of
defence, and for this purpose has a right to have access to the documents and material on which
the charge is based:
(iii) if the employee requests a hearing such a hearing shall be given and such a hearing he may be
permitted to be represented by a representative authorised to defend him in an enquiry had
such an enquiry been held.
12(g) Where an employee is charged with a minor misconduct and an enquiry is not held on two
previous occasions, an enquiry shall be held in respect of the third occasion.
13. Where the provisions of this Settlement conflict with the procedure or rules in force in any
Bank regarding disciplinary action, they shall prevail over the latter. There may, in such procedure
or rules, exist certain provisions outside the scope of the provisions in this Settlement enabling
the bank to dismiss, warn, censure, fine an employee or have his increment stopped or have
adverse remark entered against him. In all such cases also the provisions set out in Clauses
10 and 11 above shall apply.
14. The Chief Executive Officer or the Principal Officer in India of a bank or an Alternate Officer
at the Head Office or Principal Office nominated by him for the purpose shall decide which officer
( i. e. the disciplinary authority) shall be empowered to take disciplinary action in the case
of each office or establishment. He shall also decide which officer or body higher in status than
the officer authorised to take disciplinary action shall act as the appellate authority to deal with
or hear and dispose off any appeal against orders passed in disciplinary matters. These
authorities shall be nominated by designation, to pass original orders or hear and dispose off
appeals from time to time and a notice specifying the authorities so nominated shall be published
from time to time on the bank’s notice board.
It is clarified that the disciplinary authority may conduct the enquiry himself or appoint
another officer as the Enquiry officer for the purpose of conducting an enquiry.
15. Every employee who is dismissed or discharged shall be given a service certificate, without
avoidable delay.
16. Any notice, order, charge-sheet, communication or intimation which is meant for an
individual employee shall be in a language understood by the employee concerned. In the case of
an absent employee notice shall be sent to him by Registered Post with acknowledgement
due. If an employee refuses to accept any notice, order, charge-sheet, written communication or
written intimation in connection with disciplinary proceedings when it is sought to be served
upon him, such refusal shall be deemed to be good service upon him, provided such refusal
takes place in the presence of at least two persons including the person who goes to effect service
upon him. Where any notice, order, charge-sheet, intimation or any other official communication
which is means for an individual employee is sent to him by registered post ack. due at the last
recorded address communicated in writing by the employee and acknowledgment by the bank, the
same is to be deemed as good service.
Date of effect:
The provisions under this Memorandum of Settlement shall come into effect from 10th April
2002 and shall continue to govern and bind the parties until the settlement is terminated by
either party giving to the other a statutory notice as prescribed in law for the time being in
All Award Staff Employees Chief Manager / any Scale IV Officer posted at NRO/ ZO/ FGMO /
CO or Authority above him.
The following Executives are empowered to act as Disciplinary / Appellate Authority against
Award Staff employees in the Bank:(Cir: CO:ERD:2359:2020 dated 20-07-2020)
However, for all cases involving more than one Officer/Employee, wherein one or more Officer is
in MMGS-III or above, the entire matter will be referred to Central Office for processing /
decision / disposal. Also, wherever disciplinary action has been initiated against retired
Officials/Employees of the Bank under Union Bank of India Pension Regulations, 1995, the
matter has to be referred to Central Office for further action.
In cases pertaining to administrative matters viz. Absenteeism, Misbehaviour, etc at local level or
Non-Vigilance cases/ Vigilance cases where 2nd stage advice is not sought, and the Disciplinary
Authority decides to impose capital punishment i.e. Dismissal/ Removal/ CRS/ Discharge on the
Officer/Employee, the Disciplinary Authority shall necessarily before passing the Final Order
intimate the General Manager (HR), CO, Mumbai about the matter which calls for such decision.
The Disciplinary Authority shall pass the final order in the matter only after receiving return
intimation from General Manager (HR), CO, Mumbai in this regard.
In case of Award Staff employees, the procedure as per point No.1 to 5 hereunder is to be
followed and thereafter action shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of Memorandum
if Settlement dated 10-04-2002 and 27-05-2002, common for all PSBs. The following points
must be adhered to while dealing with Award Staff cases:
-If the matter against an Award Staff employee has been treated as Vigilance, then 1st Stage
advice must be obtained from CVO before proceeding with action under Clause 12 of the
Memorandum of Settlement dated 10-04-2002 and 25-05-2002.
-If a departmental inquiry has been instituted in a Vigilance case, then on receipt of findings of
the Enquiry Officer, the Disciplinary Authority must obtain 2nd Stage advice from CVO proposing
the punishment he/she wishes to impose on the Award Staff employee.
-On receipt of second stage advice, the DA must give the employee an opportunity for Personal
Hearing in accordance with the provisions of the Bipartite Settlement/ Memorandum of
Settlement and thereafter pass Final Order.
If matter against an Award Staff employee has been treated as a Non-Vigilance, then reference
for 1st stage and 2nd stage shall not be made to CVO and the procedure as mentioned in the
Bipartite Settlement/Memorandum of Settlement dated 10-04-2002 and 27-05-2002 be
followed in letter and spirit.
It is to be noted that cases pertaining to purely administrative matters such as late attendance,
absenteeism, misbehaviour, disobedience, insubordination, lack of supervision etc. pertaining to
Officers and Award Staff employees the matters need not be referred to IAC or to CVO for
First/Second stage advice and procedure as mentioned above to be followed without making
such references.
1.Receipt of Report of Staff accountability/Vigilance/CBI or any other report calling for initiation
of disciplinary action.
3. Acknowledgement of the Memorandum and Reply for Memorandum to be obtained from the
official/employee by the concerned Regional Office /FGMO.
4.Preparation of comments of Regional Head or FGM (if Regional Head is involved in the matter) in
tabular Format. The tabular format shall have 3 columns:
5.Respective FGMO to place the matter before Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) at Central Office,
Mumbai through Vigilance Department, Central Office, Mumbai with the following documents:
as Disciplinary Authority in absence of Scale IV, Appeal against the order passed by Disciplinary
Authority will be placed before the Official higher in rank than the Disciplinary Authority posted
at Central Office.
Staff Circular Nos. 2309 dated 28.05.1981, SC No. 4846 dated 24-04-2002 and SC No. 5037
dated 20-12-2003 are base circulars where one should invariably remember as how the powers
were delegated by Board from time to time which will help to avoid Court litigations. The
powers to institute Disciplinary Action/Proceedings delegated and vested with Disciplinary
Authority shall be deemed to include the power to issue show cause memorandum or issue
charge sheets, to suspend Award Staff employees from the services of the Bank, to hold enquiry
into such charges, to summon or enforce attendance of any employee/workmen of the Bank as
witness and examine such persons and to compel production of any books of accounts and
other documents under control of any employee or workman of the Bank. Disciplinary Action
against Award Staff employees i.e. Clerical and Subordinate cadre employees, including Part
Time Sweepers as per the provisions of Chapter IX of the Bipartite Settlement.
Voluntary Cessation of Employment – Clause 17 of 5th BPS dated 10-04-1989 stand deleted : 7th
BPS dated 27-03-2000 modified in 8yh BPS Dated 02-06-2005.
(i) When an employee absents himself from work for a period of 90 or more consecutive days
without prior sanction from the Competent Authority or beyond the period of leave sanctioned
originally including any extension thereof or when there is satisfactory evidence that he has taken up
employment in India or outside, the management at any time thereafter may give a notice to the
employee at his last known address as recorded with the Bank calling upon him to report for work
within 30 days of the date of notice.
Unless the employee reports for work within 30 days of the notice or gives an explanation for his
absence within the period of 30 days satisfying the management inter alia that he has not taken up
another employment or avocation, the employee shall be given a further notice to report for work
within 30 days of the notice failing which the employee will be deemed to have voluntarily vacated
his employment on the expiry of the said notice and advised accordingly by registered post.
In the event of the employee submitting a satisfactory reply, he shall be permitted to report for work
thereafter within 30 days from the date of expiry of the aforesaid notice without prejudice to the
bank’s right to take any action under the law or rules/ conditions of service.
If the employee fails to report for work within this 30 days period, then he shall be given a final
notice to report for work within 30 days of this notice failing which the employee will be deemed to
have voluntarily vacated his employment on the expiry of the said notice and advised accordingly by
registered post.
(ii) If an employee again absents himself for the second time within a period of 30 days without
submitting any application and obtaining sanction thereof, after reporting for the duty in response
to the first notice given after 90 days’ of absence or within the 30 days’ period granted to him for
reporting to work on his submitting a satisfactory reply to the first notice, a further notice shall be
given after 30 days of such absence giving him 30 days’ time to report. If he fails to report for work
or reports for work in response to the notice but absents himself a third time from work within a
period of 30 day without prior sanction, his name shall be struck off from the rolls of the
establishment after 30 days of such absence under intimation to him by registered post deeming
that he has voluntarily vacated his appointment.
(iii) Any notice under this clause shall be in a language understood by the employee concerned. The
notice shall be sent to him by registered post with acknowledgement due. Where the notice under
this clause is sent to the employee by registered post acknowledgement due at the last recorded
address communicated in writing by the employee and acknowledged by the bank, the same shall be
deemed as good and proper service.
In partial modification of Clause 33 of Settlement dated 2nd June 2005, employees who have ceased
to be in service of the Bank under voluntary Cessation shall be eligible for PF, Gratuity, Pension, and
Leave Encashment benefits, if otherwise eligible.
With effect from 1st November, 2020 employees who cease to be in service under voluntary
cessation, may be given an opportunity to represent to the management and the management may
consider the same on merits.
Where the misconduct is of such nature that the Disciplinary Authority does not intend to
impose the capital punishment such as Dismissal/ Removal / Discharge/ Compulsory Retirement,
if proved against him, then it is not necessary to hold departmental enquiry but any other
punishment short of what is mentioned hereinabove can be imposed by following the provisions
of Clause 12(e) of Bipartite Settlement. The Disciplinary Action in respect of these Clauses will
continue to be initiated by Chief Manager of respective ROs/ NROs/ZOs under whom the
delinquent employee is working for time being and appeal against the said order may be placed
before the Regional Head/ Zonal Heads as the case may be.
In case of Award Staff Employees, where misconduct is of Gross in nature and Departmental
enquiry has been recommended, there is no need of seeking first stage advice of Central
Vigilance Department. In such cases, departmental enquiry be ordered directly by issuing
suitable charge sheet to the erring staff. However, on conclusion of the departmental enquiry,
suitable second stage advice be sought from Central vigilance Department before imposing the
punishment on erring staff member. Disciplinary Authority has to decide the quantum of
punishment independently after applying his mind to the facts/misconducts/allegations proved
at the enquiry. If the case is registered as vigilance case reference to CVO for advice is
necessary before passing final order.
If there is a prima facie case for imposing punishment the Disciplinary Authority has to
institute departmental enquiry. If the employee fails to make voluntary admission of his guilt,
then it is necessary to institute departmental enquiry. A Charge Sheet is to be issued leveling
specific misconducts as stipulated in Clause 19.5 of 19.7 of the Bipartite Settlement. On receipt
of statement of defence, the Disciplinary Authority has to examine various averments/ facts
stated in the statement of defence and then take decision for holding departmental enquiry.
The Charge sheeted employee is to be informed that his statement of defence is not satisfactory
and it has been decided to proceed with departmental enquiry.
The Disciplinary Authority may himself hold an enquiry or direct any other officer of the
Bank (as EO) to hold an enquiry and also direct another officer (as MR) to represent the
Management Case. The Disciplinary Authority shall forward the following documents to Enquiry
Officer along with his appointment order:
The Management Representative (MR) will prepare list of documents by which and the list
of witnesses by whom the, he proposes to substantiate allegations / misconducts and will lead
evidence as per his convenient to prove the charges.
(Relevant portion only reproduced)II: REF: PD:CIR:76:90:147 DATED 02-05-1995
It has been agreed that resorting to any restrictive practice by an employee would be breach of
service conditions, and such act would be treated as misconduct liable for disciplinary action. The
relevant Clause 5 to para 21 (page 13) be incorporated as hereunder:
“(V) In pursuance of the objective towards improvement in working, parties reiterate that what has
been stated in Annexure I to the settlements dated 31st October 1979 and 17th September 1984,
form part of service conditions. Any observance of any restrictive practice mentioned therein, shall
constitute misconduct. The delinquent employee shall be liable for disciplinary action for gross or
minor misconduct depending upon the circumstances in each case.
The gross/ minor misconduct as stated in this clause shall be in addition to gross/ minor misconducts
listed under clause 21 (ii) and (iii) of this settlement.”
RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES are culled out and listed hereunder from annexure of the Bipartite
Settlement dated 31st October 1979, and reiterated in settlement dated 17th September 1984.
1. Fixing any arbitrary ceiling on quantum of work by the employees themselves.
2. Refusal to work on any desk in exigencies that may arise.
3. Refusal to accept allotment of more than one ledger whether in Current Account, Cash
Credit, Demand Loan, etc. The allotment of ledger/s to ledger keepers would depend on the number
of transactions and the volume of work, and not on the number of ledgers.
10. Refusal to perform work of a routine nature including drafting letters, dealing with
correspondence etc. by Clerks posted in branches/department and offices including administrative
11. Refusal to perform work relating to the balancing of ledgers/ registers and calculations of
monthly products/ interest, etc within working hours claiming that the same is meant for
completion outside normal working hours.
12. Refusal by an employee who is assigned Special Allowance duties to perform routine duties of his
13 Payment out of the fund
14 Qualifying Service – minimum of 10 years of service to be rendered etc.
15 Commencement of qualifying service – date of taking charge etc
16 Counting of service on probation
17 Counting of period spend on leave – norms
18 Broken period of service of less than one year – norms
19 Counting of period spend on training
20 Counting of past service in the erstwhile Bank. – norms
21 Period of suspension
22 Forfeiture of service—Resignation/Dismissal/removal etc. norms sub clause 1
to 4
23 Period of deputation to foreign service
24 Military service – not to count norms
25 Period of deputation to an organisation in India
26 Additions to qualifying service in special circumstances – specialists @1/4
27 Counting of service rendered on permanent part-time basis
28 Classes of pension – superannuation pension
29 Pension on voluntary retirement – clause 1 to 6
30 Invalid pension – clause 1 to 5
31 Compassionate allowance – clause 1 and 2
32 Premature retirement pension – norms
33 Compulsory retirement pension – 1 to 3 clauses
34 Family pension retd/died between 1.1.86-31-10-93 norms
35 Rates of Pension – Amount of Pension – clause 1 to 7
36 Minimum Pension clause a to d
37 Dearness Relief – clause 1 and 2
38 Determination of the period of 10 months for average emoluments – norms –
clause 1 to 4
39 Family Pension – norms clause 1 to 4
40 Period of payment of family pension – norms clause 1 to 9
41 Commutation of Pension – calculations clause 1 to 5 with tables
42 General Conditions – Pension subject to future good conduct
43 Withholding or withdrawal of pension
44 Conviction by court
45 Pensioner guilty of grave misconduct – procedure to follow
46 Provisional pension – clause 1 and 2 details of payment
47 Commutation of pension during departmental or judicial proceedings
48 Recovery of Pecuniary loss caused to the Bank—clause 1 and 2
49 Recovery of bank’s dues
50 Commercial employment after retirement before expiry of one year clause
1 to 8 – norms
51 Nomination – norms – clause 1 to 4
52 Date from which pension becomes payable – clause 1 to 3
53 Currency in which pension is payable
54 Manner of payment of pension
55 Power to issue instructions – CMD
56 Residuary provision
Appendix-I (see Regl. 35) and Table - updating pension formula
Appendix-II (see Regl.37) DA on basic pension calculation sheet
Appendix-III (see Regl.39) rates of family pension
Appendix-IV (see Regl.27) Part Time sweepers calculation of Pension
Qualifying Service - Subject to the other conditions contained in these Regulations, an employee
who has rendered a minimum of ten years of service in the bank on the date of his retirement or the
date on which he is deemed to have retired shall qualify for pension.
Commencement of qualifying service – Subject to the provisions contained in these Regulations,
qualifying service of an employee shall commence from the date he takes charge of the post to
which he is first appointed on a permanent basis.
Count of service on probation – Service on probation against a post in the bank if followed by
confirmation in the same or any other post shall qualify.
Counting of periods spent on leave – All leave during service in the bank for which leave salary is
payable shall count as qualifying service :
Provided that extraordinary leave on loss of pay shall not count as qualifying service except when
the sanctioning authority has directed that such leave not exceeding twelve months during the
entire service, may count as service for all purposes including pension.
Broken period of service of less than one year - If the period of service of an employee includes
broken period of service less than one year, then if such broken period is more than six months, it
shall be treated as one year and if such broken period is six months or less it shall be ignored :
Provided that provisions of this regulation shall not apply for determining the minimum service
required to make an employee eligible for pension.
Counting of period spent on training :- Period spent by an employee on training in the Bank
immediately before his appointment shall count as qualifying service.
Counting of past service in the erstwhile Bank – In the case of an employee who is permanently
transferred to a service in the bank from any other bank on merger, amalgamation of any other bank
with the bank to which these Regulations apply, the continuous service rendered by such an
employee in any other bank on permanent basis, if any, followed without interruption, by
permanent appointment, or the continuous service rendered under that Bank in a permanent
capacity, as the case may be, shall qualify:
Provided that nothing contained in this regulation shall apply to any such employee who is
appointed on contract basis or on daily wage basis or on consolidated wages.
Period of suspension :- Period of suspension of an employee pending enquiry shall count for
qualifying service where, on conclusion of such enquiry he has been fully exonerated or the
suspension is held to be wholly unjustified, and in other cases, the period of suspension shall not
count as qualifying service unless the Competent Authority passing the orders under the Service
Regulations or Discipline and Appeal Regulations or Settlements governing such cases expressly
declares at the time that it shall count to such extent as such authority may declare.
Forfeiture of service –
Resignation or dismissal or removal or termination of an employee from the service of the Bank shall
entail forfeiture of his entire past service and consequently shall not qualify for pensionary benefits;
An interruption in the service of a Bank employee entails forfeiture of his past service, expect in the
following cases, namely :-
authorised leave of absence;
suspension, where it is immediately followed by reinstatement, whether in the same or a different
post, or where the bank employee dies or is permitted to retire or is retired on attaining the age of
compulsory retirement while under suspension;
transfer to non-qualifying service in an establishment under the control of the Government or Bank
if such transfer has been ordered by a competent authority in the public interest;
joining time while on transfer from one post to another.
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulation (2), the appointing authority may, by order,
commute retrospectively the periods of absence without leave as extraordinary leave.
(a).In the absence of a specific indication to the contrary in the service record, an interruption
between two spells of service rendered by a bank employee shall be treated as automatically
condoned and the pre-interruption service treated as qualifying service;
Nothing in clause (a) shall apply to interruption caused by resignation, dismissal or Removal from
Period of deputation to foreign service – An employee deputed on foreign service to the United
Nations or any other foreign body or organization may at his option,-
(a) pay pension contribution in respect of his foreign service and count such service as qualifying
service under these Regulations; or
avail of the retirement benefits admissible under the rules of the foreign employer and not count
such service as qualifying service under these Regulations :
Provident that where an employee opts for clause (b), retirement benefits shall be payable to him in
India in rupees from such date and in such manner as the Bank may, by order specify.
Military Service - An employee who has rendered military service before appointment in the Bank
shall continue to draw the military pension, if any, and military service rendered by the employee
shall not count as qualifying service for pension.
Period of deputation to an organization in India – Period of deputation of an employee to another
Organization in India will count as qualifying service :
Provided the organization to which he is deputed or the employee pays the pensionary
contributions at the rates specified in sub-regulation (a) of regulation 7 of these Regulations or at
rates specified by the Bank at the time of deputation, whichever is higher to the Bank.
Addition to qualifying service in special circumstances – An employee shall be eligible to add to his
service qualifying for superannuation pension (but not for any other class of pension) the actual
period not exceeding one fourth of the length of his service or the actual period by which his age at
the time of recruitment exceeded the upper age limit specified by the Bank for direct recruitment or
a period of five years, whichever is less, if the service or post to which the employee is appointed is
one –
for which post-graduate research, or specialist qualification or experience in scientific, technological
or professional fields, is essential; and
to which candidates of age exceeding the upper age limit specified for direct recruitment are
normally recruited;
for which the candidate was given age relaxation over and above the maximum age limit fixed by the
Bank on account of his possessing higher qualifications or experience :
Provided that this concession shall not be admissible to an employee unless his actual qualifying
service at the time he quits the service in the Bank is not less than ten years :
Provided further that this concession shall be admissible if the recruitment rules in respect of the
said service or post contain specific provision that the service or post is one which carries benefits of
this Regulation:
Provided also that the recruitment rules in respect of any service or post which carries the benefit of
this regulation shall be made with the approval of the Central Government.
27 Counting of service rendered on permanent part –time basis –
In case of an employee who was employed on scale wages and on a permanent part-time basis in
the service of bank and was contributing to the provident fund, such service rendered by him on a
permanent part time basis from the date he became a member of the Provident Fund shall be
counted as qualifying service.
For the purpose of calculating the amount of pension in respect of a part time employee who was/is
initially recruited on a lower scale wage and later fitted on higher scale wages including full scale
wages, the length of qualifying service shall be determined in accordance with Appendix IV.
In respect of part time employees who continue to be in the same scale wages since their
recruitment, for the purpose of calculating the amount of pension, the actual service put in shall be
taken as qualifying service. In such cases the actual pay drawn on scale wages at the time of
retirement shall be reckoned for the purpose of average emoluments.
Note :
The actual service / qualifying service shall be calculated from the date of recruitment or
01.09.1978,whichever is later.
Superannuation Pension – Superannuation pension shall be granted to an employee who has retired
on his attaining the age of superannuation specified in the Service Regulations or Settlements:
Provided that, with effect from 1st day of November, 2000, pension shall also be granted to an
employee who opts to retire before attaining the age of superannuation, but after rendering service
for a minimum period of 15 years in terms of any scheme that may be framed for such pension by
the Board with the approval of the Government.
Pension on Voluntary Retirement –
1. On or after the 1st day of November 1993, at any time after the an employee has completed
twenty years of qualifying service he may, by giving notice of not less than three months in writing to
the appointing authority, retire from service :
Provided that this sub – regulation shall not apply to an employee who is on deputation or on study
leave abroad unless after having been transferred or having returned to India he has resumed
charge of the post in India and has served for a period of not less than one year :
Provided further that this sub – regulation shall not apply to an employee who seeks retirement
from service for being absorbed permanently in an autonomous body or public sector undertaking
or company or institution or body, whether incorporated or not to which he is on deputation at the
time of seeking voluntary retirement :
Provided that this sub – regulation shall not apply to an employee who is deemed to have retired in
accordance with clause (1) of regulation 2.
The notice of voluntary retirement given under sub – regulation (1) shall require acceptance by the
appointing authority:
Provided that where the appointing authority does not refuse to grant the permission for retirement
before the expiry of the period specified in the said notice, the retirement shall become effective
from the date of expiry of the said period.
(a) An employee referred to in sub regulation (1) may make a request in writing to the writing to
the appointing authority to accept notice of voluntary retirement of less than three months giving
reasons therefore :
On receipt of a request under clause (a), the appointing authority may, subject to the provisions of
sub –regulation (2), consider such request for the curtailment of the period of notice of three
months on merits and if it is satisfied that the curtailment of the period of notice will not cause any
administrative inconvenience, the appointing authority may relax the requirement of notice of three
months on the condition that the employee shall not apply for commutation of a part of his pension
before the expiry of the notice of three months.
An employee, who has elected to retire under this regulation and has given necessary notice to that
effect to the appointing authority, shall be precluded from withdrawing his notice except with the
specific approval of such authority :
Provided that the request for such withdrawal shall be made before the intended date of his
The qualifying service of an employee retiring voluntarily under this regulation shall be increased by
a period not exceeding five years, subject to the condition that the total qualifying service rendered
by such employee shall not in any case exceed thirty three years and it does not take him beyond
the date of superannuation.
The pension of an employee retiring under this regulation shall be based on the average
emoluments as defined under clause (d) of regulation 2 of these Regulations and the increase not
exceeding five years in his qualifying service, shall not entitle him any notional fixation of pay
for the purpose of calculating his pension.
Invalid Pension –
Invalid pension may be granted to an employee who-
has rendered minimum ten years of service ; and
retires from the service, on or after the 1st day of November 1993, on account of any bodily or
mental infirmity which permanently incapacitates him for the service,
An employee applying for an invalid pension shall submit a medical certificate of incapacity from a
medical officer approved by the Bank.
Where the Medical Officer approved by the Bank has declared the employee fit for further service
of less laborious character than that which he had been doing, he should ,provided he is willing to be
so employed ,be employed on lower post and if there be no means of employing him even on a
lower post, he may be admitted to invalid pension.
No medical certificate of incapacity for service may be granted unless the applicant produces a letter
to show that the competent Authority is aware of the intention of the applicant to appear before the
medical officer approved by the Bank.
The medical officer approved by the Bank shall also be supplied by the Competent Authority in
which the applicant is employed with a statement of what appears from official records to be the
age of the applicant.
Compassionate Allowance – (1) An employee, who is dismissed or removed or terminated from
service, shall forfeit his pension :
Provided that the authority higher than the authority competent to dismiss or remove or terminate
him from service may if-
Such dismissal, removal or termination is on or after the 1st day of November,1993; and
the case is deserving of special consideration, sanction a compassionate allowance not exceeding
two thirds of the pension which would have been admissible to him on the basis of the qualifying
service rendered up to the date of his dismissal, removal, or termination.
The Compassionate allowance sanctioned under the proviso to sub – regulation (1) Shall not be less
than the amount of minimum pension payable under regulation 36 of these Regulations.
Compulsory Retirement Pension-
An employee compulsorily retired from service as a penalty on or after 1st day of November 1993 in
terms of Union Bank of India Officer Employees’ (Discipline and Appeal) Regulations 1976 or awards/
settlements may be granted by the authority higher than the authority competent to impose such
penalty, pension at a rate not less that two thirds and not more than full pension admissible to him
on the date of his compulsory retirement if otherwise he was entitled to such pension on
superannuation on that date.
Whenever in the case of a bank employee the Competent Authority passes an order (whether
original, appellate or in exercise of power of review) awarding a pension less than the full
compensation pension admissible under these regulations, the Board of Directors shall be consulted
before such order is passed.
A pension granted or awarded under sub –regulation (1) or, as the case may be, under sub -
regulation (2), shall not be less than the amount of rupees three hundred and seventy five per
Payment of Pension or Family Pension in respect of employees who retired or died between
01.01.1986 to 31.10.1993 – (1) Employees who have retired from the service of the Bank between
the 1st day of January, 1986 and the 31st day of October, 1993 shall be eligible for pension with effect
from 1st day of November, 1993.
The family of a deceased employee governed by the provisions contained in sub-regulation (7) of the
regulation 3 shall be eligible for pension or family pension as the case may be with effect from the 1st
day of November, 1993.
35 Amount of Pension –
Basic pension and additional pension , wherever applicable, shall be updated as per the formulae
given in Appendix–I
In the case of an employee retiring in accordance with the provisions of the service Regulations or
Settlements after completing a qualifying service of not less than thirty three years, the amount of
basic pension shall be calculated at fifty percent of the average emoluments
Explanation - For the purpose of this sub- regulation “allowances” means allowance which are
admissible to the extent counted for making contribution to the provident fund.
Pension as computed being aggregate of sub –regulations (2) and (3) above shall be subject to the
minimum pension as specified in these Regulations.
An employee who has commuted the admissible portion of his pension as per the provisions of
regulation 41 of these regulations shall receive only the balance of pension, monthly.
(a) In the case of an employee retiring before completing a qualifying service of thirty three years ,
but after completing a qualifying service of ten years, the amount of pension shall be proportionate
to the amount of pension admissible under sub-regulations (2) and (3) and in no case the amount of
pension shall be less than the amount of minimum pension specified in these regulations.
Notwithstanding any thing contained in these Regulations, the amount of invalid pension shall not
be less than the ordinary rate of family pension which would have been payable to his family in the
event of his death while in service.
The amount of pension finally determined under these regulation shall be expressed in the whole
rupee and where the pension contains a fraction of a rupee, it shall be rounded off to the next
higher rupee.
rupees three hundred and seventy five per month in respect of an employee other than a part time
employee where the employee had retired before 1st day of November,1992 (in case of workmen)
or before 1st day of July,1993 (in case of Officers) an proportionate amount thereof in relation to the
rate of scale of wages in the case of part time employee who had retired before the 1st day of
November, 1992;
rupees seven hundred and twenty per month in respect of an employee other than a part time
employee ,where the employee retired on or after the 1st day of November, 1992 (in case of
workmen) or on after the 1st day of July,1993 ( in case of Officers) and proportionate amount thereof
in relation to the rate of scale wages in the case of a part time employee who retired on or after the
1st day of November,1992.
rupees one thousand and fifteen per month in respect of an employee other than a part time
employee where the employee retired on or after the 1st day April,1998 and rupees three hundred
and thirty nine per month in respect of a part time employee drawing 1/3 scale wages, rupees five
hundred and eight per month in respect of a part time employee drawing ½ scale wages and rupees
seven hundred and sixty two per month in respect of part time employee drawing ¾ scale wages
where the part time employee retired on or after the 1st day of April 1998.
Dearness Relief - (1) Dearness relief shall be granted on basic pension or family pension or invalid
Pension or on compassionate allowance in accordance with the rates specified in Appendix II.
Dearness relief shall be allowed to full basic pension even after commutation.
Determination of the period of ten months for average emoluments- (1) The period of preceeding
ten months for the purpose of average emoluments shall be reckoned from the date of retirement.
In the case of voluntary retirement or premature retirement the period of the preceding ten
months for the purpose of average emoluments shall be reckoned from the date on which the
employee voluntarily retires or his prematurely retired by the Bank.
In the case of dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement or termination of service of the period
of the proceeding ten months for the purpose of average emoluments shall be reckoned from the
date on which the employee is dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired or terminated by the
If during the last ten months of the service an employee has been absent from duty on
extraordinary leave on loss of pay or had been under suspension and the period where of does not
count as service, the aforesaid period of extra ordinary leave or suspension shall not be taken into
account in the calculation of the average emoluments and an equal period before ten months shall
be included.
Family Pension - (1) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in these Regulations where an
employee dies-
after completion of one year of continuous service; or
before completion of one year of continuous service provided the deceased employee concerned
immediately prior to his appointments to the service or post was examined by a medical officer
approved by the bank and declared fit for employment in the bank; or
after retirement from service and was on the date of death in receipt of a pension or compassionate
allowance ;
the family of a deceased shall be entitled to family pension, the amount of which shall be
determined in accordance with Appendix III:
Provided that in respect of employees who were in the service of the bank on or after the 1st day of
January, 1986 and had died while in service on or before the 31st day of October, 1987, or had
retired on or before 31st day of October ,1987 but died later , the family of the deceased shall be
entitled to family pension, the amount of which shall be determined in accordance with Appendix V.
The amount of family pension shall be fixed at monthly rates and be expressed in whole rupees and
where the family pension contains a fraction of a rupee, it shall be rounded off to the next higher
Provided that in no case a family pension in excess of the maximum prescribed under these
Regulations shall be allowed.
(3) (a) (i) Where an employee, who is not governed by the workmen’s Compensation Act,1923 (8 of
1923) , dies while in service after having rendered not less than seven years continuous service, the
rate of family pension payable to the family shall be equal to fifty percent of the pay last drawn or
twice the family pension admissible under sub- regulation (1), whichever is less, and the amount so
admissible shall be payable from the date following the date of death of an employee for a period of
seven years or for a period upto the date on which the deceased employee would have attained the
age of sixty five years had he survived, whichever is less :
in the event of death of an employee after retirement , the family pension as determined under
clause (a) of this sub-regulation shall be payable for a period of seven years or for a period up to
the date on which the retired deceased employee would have attained the age of sixty-five years
had he survived, whichever is less:
Provided that in no case the amount of family pension determined under this clause shall exceed
the pension authorized on retirement from the bank. If the pension authorized to the employee on
his retirement is less than the amount of family pension at the ordinary rates, then, the family shall
be allowed family pension at the ordinary rates.
Explanation : For the purpose of this sub – clause, “pension authorized on retirement” includes
part of the pension which the retired employee might have commuted before death.
(b) (i) Where an employee, who is governed by the workmen’s Compensation Act,1923, (8 of 1923),
dies while in service after having rendered not less than seven years continues service, the rate
of family pension payable to the family shall be equal to fifty percent of the pay last drawn or one
and half times the family pension admissible under sub- regulation (1) whichever is less;
the family pension so determined under sub clause (1) shall be payable for the period mentioned in
clause (a).
after the expiry of the period referred to in clause (a), the family, in receipt of family pension under
that clause or clause (b) shall be entitled to family pension at the rate admissible under sub
regulation (1).
Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations where the family of the deceased
employee opts for pension in accordance with sub – regulation (5) of regulation 3 or is governed by
the provisions contained in sub-regulation (6) or (7) or (8) of regulation 3, such family of the
deceased shall be eligible of family pension under these Regulations.
Period of Payment of Family Pension – (1) The period for which family pension is payable shall be –
in the case of a widow or widower, up to the date of or remarriage, whichever is earlier;
in the case of a son or daughter (including widowed /divorced) till he/she attains the age of twenty
five years or up to the date of his / her marriage or remarriage, whichever is earlier:
Provided further that if the son or daughter of an employee is suffering from any disorder or
disability of mind or is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn a
living even after attaining the age of twenty five years, the family pension shall be payable to such
son or daughter for life subject to the following conditions, namely :-
If such son or daughter is one among two or more children of the employee, the family Pension shall
be initially payable to the minor children in the order set out in clause (e) of sub –regulation (i) until
the last minor child attains the age of twenty five years and thereafter the family pension shall be
resumed in favour of the son or daughter suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who is
physically crippled or disabled and shall be payable to him or her for life;
if there are more than one such children suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who are
physically crippled or disabled, the family pension shall be paid in the order of their birth and the
younger of them will get the family pension only after the elder next above him or her ceases to be
Provided that where the family pension is payable to such twin children it shall be paid the manner
set out in clause (f) of sub – regulation (1);
the family pension shall be paid to such son or daughter through the guardian as if he or she were a
minor except in the case of physically crippled son or daughter who has attained the age of majority;
before allowing the family pension for life to any such son or daughter, the Competent Authority
shall satisfy that the handicap is of such a nature as to prevent him or her from earning his her
livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from a medical officer
approved by the bank, setting out as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the
the person receiving the family pension as guardian of such son or daughter or such son or daughter
not receiving the family pension through a guardian shall produce every three years a certificate
from a medical officer approved by the bank to the effect that he or she continues to suffer from
disorder or disability of mind or continues to be physically crippled or disabled.
Explanation – The grant of family pension to disabled children beyond the age limit specified in this
regulation is subject to the following condition , namely –
a daughter shall become ineligible for family pension under this sub-regulation from the date she
gets married;
the family pension payable to such son or daughter shall be stopped if he or she starts earning his or
her livelihood. In such cases it shall be the duty of the guardian or son or daughter to furnish a
certificate to the bank every month that –
(a) he or she has not started earning his or her livelihood;
(b) in case of daughter that she has not yet married;
(c) in the case of parents the family pension shall be discontinued /not
admissible if the income of one of the parents or the aggregate income of both the parents from
employment in Government / private sector / self – employment etc. exceeds Rs.2550/- per month.
if a deceased employee or pensioner leaves behind a widow or widower the family pension shall
become payable to the widow or widower, falling which, to the eligible child;
family pension to the children shall be payable in the order of their birth and the younger of them
shall not been eligible for family pension unless the elder next above him or her has become
ineligible for the grant of family pension:
Provided that where the family pension is payable to twin children it shall be paid in the manner set
out in Clause (f) of the sub regulation (1);
where the family pension is payable to win children it shall be paid to such children in equal shares :
Provided that where one such child ceases to be eligible, his or her share shall revert to the other
child and where both of them cease to be eligible, the family pension shall be payable to the next
eligible single child or twin children, as the case may be.
where a deceased employee or a pensioner leaves behind more children than one, the eldest eligible
child shall be entitled to the family pension for the period mentioned in clauses (b) or (c) or sub-
regulation (1), as the case may be, and after the expiry of that period the next child shall become
eligible for the grant of family pension.
where family pension is granted under this regulation to a minor, it shall be payable to the guardian
on behalf on the minor.
in case both wife and husband are employees of the bank and are governed by the provisions of this
regulation and one of them dies while in service or after retirement, the family pension in respect of
the deceased shall be payable to the surviving husband or wife and in the event of death of the
husband or wife, the surviving child or children shall be granted the two family pensions in respect of
the deceased parents, subject to the limits specified below, namely –
if the surviving child or children is or are eligible to draw two family Pensions at the rates mentioned
in sub-clause (1) of clause (a) and Sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of sub-regulation (3) of regulation 39,
the amount of both pensions shall be limited to-
two thousand five hundred rupees only per mensem in respect of employees who retired or died
while in service prior to the 1st day of November,1992 ( in the case of workmen) or prior to 1st day of
July,1993 (in the case of officers);
four thousand eight hundred rupees per mensem only in respect of employees who retired or died
on or after the 1st day of November,1992 (in the case of workmen) or on or after 1st day of
July,1993 ( in case of officers); and
Six thousand seven hundred and fifty six rupees per mensem only in respect of employees, both
officers and workmen who retired or died on or after 1st day of April,1998.
if one of the family pensions ceases to be payable at the rates mentioned in sub-clause (i) of clause
(a) or sub-clause (i) of clause (b) of sub-regulation (3) of regulation 39 and in lieu thereof the family
pension at the rate mentioned in sub-regulation (1) of regulation 39 becomes payable, the amount
of both the pensions shall also be limited to –
two thousand five hundred rupees only per mensem in respect of employees who retired or died
while in service prior to the 1st day of November, 1992 (in the case of workmen) or prior to 1st day of
July, 1993 (in the case of officers);
four thousand eight hundred rupees per mensem only in respect of employees who retired or died
on or after the 1st day of November, 1992 (in the case of workmen) or on or after 1st day of July,
1993 (in case of officers); and
six thousand seven hundred and fifty six rupees per mensem only in respect of employees, both
officers and workmen who retired or died on or after 1st day of April, 1998.
if both the family pensions are payable at the rate mentioned in sub-regulation (1) of regulation 39
amount of the two pensions shall be limited to-
one thousand two hundred and fifty rupees per mensem in the case of employees who retired or
died while in service prior to the 1st day of November,1992 (in the case of workmen) or 1st day of
July, 1993 (in the case of officers);
two thousand four hundred rupees per mensem in respect of employees who retired or died on or
after the 1st day of November, 1992 ( in the case of workmen) or on or after 1st day of July,1993 (in
the case of officers); and
three thousand three hundred and seventy eight in respect of employees (both officers and
workmen) who retired or died on or after 1st day of April,1998.
a. where family pension is payable to more widows than one, the family pension shall be paid to
the widows in equal shares;
b. on the death of a widow, her share of the family pension shall become payable to her eligible
child :
Provided that if the widow is not survived by any child, her share of the family pension shall not
lapse but shall be payable to the other widows in equal shares, or if there is only one such other
widow, in full, to her;
where the deceased employee or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible child
or children from another wife who is not alive, the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the
share of family pension which the mother would have received if she had been alive at the time of
the death of the employee or pensioner:
Provided that on the share or shares of family pension payable to such a child or children or to a
widow or widows ceasing to be payable, such share or shares shall not lapse ,but shall be payable
to other widow or widows and /or to other child or children otherwise eligible, in equal shares, or if
there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or child;
(c a) where the deceased employee or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left
behind eligible child or children from a divorced wife or wives such eligible child or
children shall be entitled to the share of family pension which the mother would
have received at the time of the death of the employee or pensioner had she not
been so divorced;
Provided that on the share or shares of family pension payable to such a child or children or to
widow ceasing to be payable; such share or shares ,shall be not lapse , but shall be payable to the
other widow or widows and /or to the other child or children otherwise eligible, in equal shares, or if
there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or child.
where the family pension is payable to twin children it shall be paid to such children in the manners
specified in clause(f) of sub – regulation (1) above
except as provided in this sub–regulation the family pension shall not be payable to more than one
member of the family at the same time.
where a female employee or male employee dies leaving behind a judicially separated husband or
widow and no child or children, the family pension in respect of the decease shall be payable to the
person surviving:
Provided that where in a case the judicial separation is granted on the ground of adultery and the
death of the employee takes place during the period of such judicial separation, the family pension
shall not be payable to the pension surviving if such person surviving was held guilty of committing
7. (a)
where a female employee or male employee dies leaving behind a judicially separated husband or
widow with a child or children, the family pension payable in respect of the deceased shall be
payable to the surviving person provided he or she is the guardian of such child or children :
where the surviving person has ceased to be the guardian of such child or children, such family
pensions shall be payable to the person who is actual guardian of such child or children.
(8) If the son or unmarried daughter eligible for the grant of family pension has attained the age of
eighteen years, the family pension may be paid to such son or unmarried daughter directly.
(9) (a)
if a person who, in the event of death of an employee while in service, is eligible to receive family
pension under these Regulations , is charged with the offence of murdering the employee or for
abetting in the commission of such an offence, the claim of such a person, including other eligible
member or members of the family to receive the family pension, shall remain suspended till the
conclusion of the criminal proceedings instituted against him;
if on the conclusion of the criminal proceedings referred to in clause (a), the person concerned –
is convicted for the murder or abetting in the murder of the employee, such a person shall be
debarred from receiving the family pension which shall be payable to the other eligible member of
the family, from the date of death of the employee;
is acquitted of the charge of murder or abetting in the murder of the employee, the family pension
shall be payable to such a person from the date of death of the bank employee;
c) the provisions of the sub clauses (a) and (b) shall also apply for the family pension becoming
payable on the death of an employee after his retirement
1. An employee shall be entitled to commute for a lump sum payment of a fraction not exceeding
one third of his pension:
2. An employee shall indicate the fraction of pension which he desires to commute and may either
indicate the maximum limit of one third pension or such lower limit as he may desires to commute.
3. If fraction of pension to be commuted results in fraction of rupee, such fraction of a rupee shall
be ignored for the purpose of commutation.
5. An employee who had commuted the admissible portion of pension is entitled to have the
commuted portion of the pension restored after the expiry of a period of fifteen years from the
date of commutation.
Provided that on and from 01.07.2003, in case of an applicant in whose case the commuted value of
pension becomes payable on the day following the date of his retirement or from the date from
which the commutation becomes absolute, the reduction in the amount of pension on account of
commutation shall become operative from its inception. Where, however, payment of commuted
value of pension could not be made within the first month after the date of retirement or within the
first month after the date when the commutation become absolute, as the case may be, the
difference between the normal monthly pension and commuted pension shall be paid for the period
between the date on which commutation becomes absolute and the date preceding the date on
which commuted value of pension is deemed to have been paid.
Provided that in the case of an applicant who is in receipt of a provisional pension as in Regulation
46 and for whom pension in whole or part of the finalisation of the departmental or judicial
proceedings has been authorized, a period of one year referred to in this sub-Regulation shall
reckon from the date of issue of the orders consequent upon the finalisation of the departmental or
judicial proceedings.
8. An Applicant who –
Provided that the employee governed by sub-regulation (3) of regulation 29 shall not apply for
commutation of a part of his pension before the expiry of the notice of three months and the
commutation of pension shall become absolute only on the expiry of the period of notice referred to
in sub-regulation (1) of regulation 29;
retiring on superannuation or on voluntary retirement or on premature retirement, if he applied for
commutation of pension after the date of retirement but before the completion of one year from
the date of retirement, on the date the application for commutation is received by the Competent
retiring on superannuation or on voluntary retirement or on premature retirement, if he applies for
commutation of pension after one year from the date of retirement, on the date of the medical
certificate given by medical officer approved by the bank;
who has retired prior to the 1st day of November,1993, and who opts to be governed by these
regulation, on the 1st day of November, 1993, where the application of commutation is made within
the period specified by clause (b) of sub-regulation(1) of regulation 3;
who was in the service of the bank on or after the 1st day of November,1993, but who retired prior
to the publication of these regulations on the day immediately following the date of his retirement,
where the application is made within the period specified by clause (b) of sub-regulation (2) of
regulation 3 ;
who retired on or after the 1st day of November ,1993, but died prior to the notified date, on the day
immediately following the date of his retirement, where the application for commutation is made by
the family of the deceased within the period specified by clause (a) of sub-regulation (5) of
regulation 3;
In respect of whom invalid pension under regulation 30 or compassionate allowance under
regulation 31 or compulsory retirement pension under regulation 33 is admissible Commutation
shall become absolute on the date of the medical certificate given by medical officer approved by
Pension subject to future good conduct – Future good conduct shall be an implied condition of
every grant of pension and its continuance under these regulations.
Withholding or withdrawal of pension – The Competent Authority may, by order in writing,
Withhold or withdraw, a pension or a part thereof, whether permanently or for a specified period, if
the pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or criminal breach of trust or forgery or acting
fraudulently or is found guilty of grave misconduct :
Provided that where a part of pension is withheld or withdrawn, the amount of such pension shall
not be reduced below the minimum pension per mensem payable under these Regulations.
Conviction by Court – Where a pensioner is convicted of a serious crime by Court of Law, action shall
be taken in the light of the judgement of the court relating to such conviction.
Pensioner guilty of grave misconduct - In a case not falling under regulation 44, if the Competent
Authority considers that the pensioner is prima facie guilty grave misconduct it shall, before passing
an order, follow the procedure specified in Union Bank of India Officer Employees’ (Discipline &
Appeal) Regulations, 1976 or in Settlement, as the case may be.
Provisional Pension – (1) An employee who has retired on attaining the age of superannuation or
otherwise and against whom any departmental or judicial proceedings are instituted or
where departmental proceedings are continued, a provisional pension, equal to the maximum
pension which would have been admissible to him, would be allowed subject to adjustment against
final retirement benefits sanctioned to him, upon conclusion of the proceedings but no recovery
shall be made where the pension finally sanctioned is less than the provisional pension or the
pension is reduced or withheld, etc., either permanently or for a specified period.
In such cases the gratuity shall not be paid such an employee until the conclusion of the
proceedings against him. The gratuity shall be paid to him on conclusion of the proceedings subject
to the decision of the proceedings. Any recoveries to be made from an employee shall be adjusted
against the amount of gratuity payable.
Explanation – In this chapter –
The expression ‘serious crime’ includes a crime involving an offence under the official Secrets Act
,1923 (19 of 1923);
the expression ‘ grave misconduct’ includes the communication or disclosure of any secret official
code or password or any sketch, plan, model, article, note, document or information, such as is
mentioned in section 5 of the Official Secrets Act, 1923 (19 of 1923) which was obtained while
holding office in the bank so as to prejudicially affect the interest of the general public or the
security of the State;
the expression ‘fraudulently’ shall have the meaning assigned to it under section 25 of the Indian
Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860);
the expression ‘criminal breach of trust’ shall have the meaning assigned to it under section 405 of
the Indian Penal Code ,1860 ( 45 of 1860).
the expression ‘forgery’ shall have the meaning assigned to it under section 463 of the Indian Penal
Code ,1860 ( 45 of 1860).
Commutation of Pension during departmental or judicial proceedings – An employee against whom
departmental or judicial proceedings have been instituted before the date of his retirement or a
person against whom such proceedings are instituted after the date of his retirement shall not be
eligible to commute a fraction of his provisional pension, or pension, as the case may be, authorized
under these Regulations during the pendency of such proceedings.
Recovery of pecuniary loss caused to the Bank - (1) The Competent Authority may withhold or
withdraw a pension or a part thereof, whether permanently or for a specified period, and order
recovery from pension of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Bank if in any
departmental or judicial proceedings the pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct or negligence
or criminal breach of trust or forgery or for acts done fraudulently during the period of his service :
Provided that the Board shall be consulted before any final orders are passed :
Provided further that departmental proceedings, if instituted while the employee was in service,
shall after the retirement of the employee, be deemed to be proceedings under these Regulations
and shall be continued and concluded by the authority by which they were commenced in the same
manner as if the employee had continued in service.
(2) No departmental proceedings, if not instituted while the employee was in service, shall be in
instituted in respect of an event which took place more than four years before such institution:
Provided that the disciplinary proceedings so instituted shall be in accordance with the
procedure applicable to disciplinary proceedings in relation to the employee during the period of his
(3) where the Competent Authority orders recovery of pecuniary loss from the pension, the
recovery shall not ordinarily be made at a rate exceeding one third of the pension admissible on the
date of retirement of the employee :
Provided that where a part of pension is withheld or withdrawn, the amount of pension
drawn by a pensioner shall not be less than the minimum pension payable under these Regulations.
Recovery of Bank’s dues - The bank shall be entitled to recover the dues to the Bank on account of
housing loans, advances, license fees, other recoveries and recoveries due to staff co-operative
credit society from the commutation value of the pension or the pension or the family pension.
Commercial employment after retirement – (1) If a pensioner who immediately before his
retirement was holding the post of an officer and wishes to accept any commercial employment
before the expiry of two years from the date of his retirement, he shall obtain the previous sanction
of the Bank to such acceptance.
Subject to the provision of sub-regulation (3), the Bank may, by order in writing, on the application
by a pensioner, grant, subject to such conditions, if any, as it may deem necessary, permission, or
refuse for reasons to be recorded in the order, permission to such pensioner to take up the
commercial employment specified in the application.
In granting or refusing permission under sub-regulation (2) to a pensioner for taking up any
commercial employment, the bank shall have regard to the following factors, namely:
(a) the nature of the employment proposed to be taken up and the antecedents of the employer ;
whether his duties in the employment which he proposes to take up might be such as to bring him
into conflict with the Bank;
whether the pensioner while in service had any such dealing with the employer under whom he
proposes to seek employment as it might afford a reasonable basis for the suspicion that such
pensioner had shown favours to such an employer.
whether the duties of the commercial employment proposed involve liaison or contract work with
whether his commercial duties will be such that his previous official position or knowledge or
experience under bank could be used to give the proposed employer an unfair advantage;
the emoluments offered by the proposed employer; and
any other relevant factor.
Where within a period of sixty days of the date of receipt of an application under sub-regulation (3)
the bank does not refuse to grant the permission applied for or does not communicate the refusal to
the applicant, the bank shall be deemed to have granted the permission applied for:
Provided that, in any case, where defective or insufficient information if furnished by the applicant
and it becomes necessary for the Bank to seek further clarifications or information from him, the
period of sixty days shall be counted from the date on which the defects have been removed or
complete information has been furnished by the applicant.
Where the bank grants the permission applied for subject to any conditions or refuses such
permission, the applicant may, within thirty days of receipt of the order of the Bank to that effect,
make a representation against any such conditions or refusal and the bank may make such orders
thereon as a deems fit:
Provided that no order other than an order canceling such condition or granting such permission
without any condition shall be made under this sub-regulation without giving the pensioner making
the representation an opportunity to show cause against the order proposed to be made.
If any pensioner takes up any commercial employment at any time before the expiry of two years
from the date of his retirement without the prior permission of the Bank or commits a breach of any
condition subject to such permission to take up any commercial employment has been granted to
him under this regulation, it shall be competent for the bank to declare, by order in writing, and for
reasons to be recorded therein that he shall not be entitled to the whole or such part of the
pension and for such periods as may be specified in the order :
Provided that no such order shall be made without giving the pensioner concerned an opportunity
to show cause against such declaration:
Provided further that in making any order under this sub-regulation, the bank shall have regard to
the following factors, namely :
the financial circumstances of the pensioner concerned ;
the nature of, and the emoluments from, the commercial employment taken up by the pensioner
concerned; and
any other relevant factor.
Every order passed by the bank under this regulation shall be communicated to the pensioner
In this regulation, the expression “commercial employment” means –
an employment in any capacity including that of an agent under a company (including a banking
company), co-operative society, firm or individual engaged in trading, commercial, industrial,
financial or professional business and includes also a directorship of such company (including a
banking company) and partnership of such firm, but does not include employment in under a body
corporate, wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central Government or a State
Government ;
setting up practice, either independently or as a partner of a firm, as adviser or consultant in matters
in respect of which the pensioner –
has no professional qualifications and the matters in respect of which the practice is to be set up or
is carried on are relatable to his official knowledge or experience, or
has professional qualifications but the matters in respect of which such practice is to be set up are
such as are likely to give his clients an unfair advantage by reason of his previous official position, or
has to undertake work involving liaison or contact with the offices or officers of the bank.
Explanation – For the purpose of this clause , the expression “employment under a Co-operative
society” includes the holding of any office , whether elective or otherwise such as that of President,
Chairman , Manager, Secretary, Treasurer, and the like, by whatever name called in such society.
Nomination - (1) The trust shall allow every employee governed by these Regulations to make a
nomination conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount of pensionary
benefits under these Regulations in the event of his death before that amount becomes payable, or
having become payable , has not been paid. Such nomination shall be made in such form as may be
specified by the Bank from time to time.
If any employee nominates more than one person under sub-regulation (1),he shall, in his
nomination, specify the amount or share payable to each of the nominees in such a manner as to
cover the whole of the amount of the pensionary benefits that may be payable in the event of his
A nomination made by an employee may at any time, be modified or revoked by him after giving a
written notice to the trust of his intention of doing so in such form as the bank may from time to
time specify.
A nomination or its revocation or its modification shall take effect to the extent it is valid on the date
on which it is received by the trust.
Date from which pension becomes payable – (1) Except in the case of an employee to whom the
provisions of regulation 43 and regulation 46 apply, a pension other than family pension shall
become payable from the date following the date on which the employee retires.
Family Pension shall become payable from the date following the date of death of the employee or
the pensioner.
Pension including family pension shall be payable for the day on which its recipient dies.
Currency in which pension is payable – All pension admissible under these Regulations shall be
payable in rupees in India only.
Manner of payment of pension –A pension fixed at a monthly rate shall be payable monthly on or
after the first day of the following month.
Power to issue instructions- The Chairman and Managing Director of the Bank may from time to time
issue instructions as may be considered necessary or expedient for the implementation of these
Residuary provisions - In case of doubt, in the matter of application of these Regulations, regard
may be had to the corresponding provisions of Central Civil Service Rules,1972 or Central Civil
Services (commutation of pension) Rules, 1981 applicable for Central Government employees with
such exceptions and modifications as the Bank, with the previous sanction of the Central
Government, may from time to time, determine.
AGE OF THE PENSIONER: in case of pension, the average salary of last 10 months shall be
Case A) : 40 yrs. Case b) : 55 yrs Case C) : 60yrs.
Case B) :Average pensionable pay i.e. Basic + FPP+PQA + Other allowances eligible for PF x no. of yrs
of service + additional service (Max 5 yrs) if not completed 33 years of actual service, provided still
having left over service of 5 yrs or more) / 2 x 33.
Commutation amount : 4908 x 12x commutation factor i.e. 11.42( since already he had completed
55 yrs of age, hence the factor of next birthday i.e. 56 yrs has been taken) =672592.
Commuted portion will be restored after 15 yrs from the date of commutation.
IMP. Point: if the commutation is done with in 1 yr from the date of retirement, then the pension
can be commuted without Medical certificate. Otherwise, pensioner has to undergo medical
examination and the age will be taken for commutation factor as per the doctor’s certificate.
Case c) = (30000+600+750) x 33 /2*33 =15675. i.e. Basic Pension is 50% of pensionable pay.
Though he had completed 36 yrs of service, the max. service to be considered for pension will be 33
yrs only. Commuted portion: 15675/3=5225. Commutation amount : 5225 x 12x9.81= 615087.
Another example, say one’s age is 53 yrs & completed 30 years of service, then the pension &
commutation will be as under Basic Pension : (30000+600+750) X (30+ 3 ) / 2*33 = 15675.
Commutation amount=5225 x12x12.05 = 755535.
The commutation amount is more in this case as compared to case “C” since the age is less, eligible
for full pension and the survival chances are more, hence the commutation amount is more.
1. These Rules shall be deemed to have come into operation with effect from 1st January, 1975.
In these Rules, the headings shall not affect the construction and unless repugnant to the subject or
context, the masculine shall include the feminine, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa
and the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them as under :
(a) “BANK" or "EMPLOYER" shall mean the Union Bank of India, and shall include any company, firm,
association, undertaking or corporation which may by purchase, amalgamation or otherwise take
over in whole or in part the business of the Bank and which shall enter into a Deed in such form
as the Trustees shall require, undertaking to continue the obligations of the Bank under these
presents and releasing the Bank from all further liabilities thereof :
(b) "EMPLOYEE" shall mean an employee (other than a personal or domestic servant and other than
an apprentice) including the Part-Timers in the employment of the Bank at any of its offices in
India including the Managing Director and any Whole Time Director in the bonafide service of the
Bank but shall exclude the Chairman/Managing Director or an Executive/Whole Time Director
who is appointed as such by the Government of India or by any authority statutory or otherwise
other than the Bank."
(c) "FUND" shall mean the Union Bank of India Employee's Gratuity Fund as described in the Trust
Deed :
(d) "TRUST DEED" shall mean the Trust Deed executed by the Bank constituting the Fund and all
amendments made to the Trust Deed From time to time ;
(e) "COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX" shall mean the person appointed as such under the Income
Tax Act, 1961 and having jurisdiction over the Fund;
(f) "TRUSTEES" shall mean the Trustees for the time being, of the Fund;
(g) "RULES" shall mean the Rules of the Fund as set out herein below and as amended from time to
time ;
(h) "ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE" shall mean an Employee who is eligible to the benefits under the Fund as
more particularly set forth in Rule 3 below ;
(i) "MEMBER" shall mean an eligible employee who has been admitted to the membership of the
Fund and shall include any such person so long as he continues to be entitled to any benefit
hereunder : Provided that a Member at any time of his appointment as Chairman/Managing
Director or as Executive/Whole Time Director of the Bank by the Government of India or any
authority, statutory or otherwise, other than the Bank, shall, notwithstanding his being on the
pay-roll of the Bank, be deemed to have ceased to be in the service of the Bank and shall
automatically cease to be a Member of the Fund with effect from the date of such appointment
; (*As amended by the Deed of Variation dated 30.6.1978).
(j) "BENEFICIARY" shall mean the wife/husband and/or child or children and/or dependents of the
member ;
(k) "EFFECTIVE DATE" in relation to the Fund shall mean the 1st day of January 1975, the date as
from which the Scheme takes effect ;
(l) “NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE' shall in respect of each Member mean the date on which he shall
attain the age of 60 years, provided however that in the case of a member who is an Officer
Employee recruited whether as an Award Staff or as an Officer Employee (as referred to in the
Union Bank of India (Officers') Service Regulations, 1979 of the Bank) on or after 19th July, 1969,
the Normal Retirement Date shall mean the date on which he shall attain the age of 58 years
while in the case of an Officer Employee recruited/promoted prior to 19th July, 1969 or
recruited in service prior to 19th July, 1969 but promoted prior to 19th July, 1969 or recruited in
service prior to 19th July, 1969 but promoted as an Officer on or after 19th July, 1969, the
Normal Retirement Date shall mean the date on which he shall attain the age of 60 years.
(m) "SERVICE" shall mean continuous service rendered by the Member to the Bank including the
periods of authorised leave and the period of temporary appointment and the period of
probation, if any, provided the Member was continued in service at the end of the temporary
appointment without any break of service. For the purpose of calculating the Gratuity due under
the Fund, service of a period of 6 months and over shall be reckoned as one year. In the case of a
Member who is not in uninterrupted service for one year, he shall be deemed to be in continuous
service if he has been actually employed by the Employer during the year for not less than 240
(n) "PROVIDED THAT with effect from 1st May, 1986, the expression "Service shall also include in
case of those employees of the Miraj State Bank Limited who become members of this Fund in
terms of Rule 3 their service with the Miraj State Bank Limited."
(i) under Clause 1 (TABLE OF BENEFITS - I) OF SCHEDULE 'A', in accordance with the
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, the basic monthly salary, Special Allowance which is
treated by the Bank under its terms of service as a part of the Salary and Dearness
Allowance, and
(ii) under Clause 2 (TABLE OF BENEFITS - II) OF SCHEDULE 'A', in accordance with the Table
of Benefits set out therein :
(a) in the case of an Employee (including Officer Employee who has not opted for new
Scales of Pay brought into force by the Bank with effect from 1st July, 1979), the
basic monthly salary and Special Allowance which is treated by the Bank under its
terms of service as a part of the Salary and Officiating Allowance which whenever
granted is treated by the Bank under its terms of service as a part of the Salary but
excluding Dearness Allowance, and
(b) in the case of an Officer Employee as referred to in the Union Bank of India
(Officers') Service Regulations, 1979 of the Bank who has opted for the new Scales
of Pay which have been brought into force by the Bank with effect from 1st July
1979, the basic monthly salary excluding Special Allowance and Dearness
AND SHALL EXCLUDE Commission, Bonus, House Rent, Over Time Wages or any other allowance
and perquisites.”
(p) "ACTUARY" shall mean the Actuary who shall be a duly qualified Member of any professional
association of Actuaries and who shall have been appointed as the Actuary for the Fund by the Bank
from time to time on such terms as it thinks fit.
Employees in the service of the Bank who on the Entry date are aged not less than 18 years and not due to
retire within a period of one year, shall be eligible to the benefits under the Fund as provided for in the
Trust Deed and the Rules. Employees who are in the service of the Bank on the Effective Date and satisfy
the above condition, shall become Members of the Fund as from that date. Present Employees in the
service of the Bank who do not satisfy the above condition on the Effective Date and the Employees
appointed by the Bank in its service after the Effective Date including the employees of the erstwhile Miraj
State Bank Limited whose services have been taken over by the Bank on and from 1st May, 1986 in terms
of the Scheme of Amalgamation sanctioned by the Government of India shall be eligible to the Benefits
under the Fund on the date on which they satisfy the above condition and shall become Members of the
Fund as from the date.
*(a) Ordinary Annual Contributions : The Bank shall pay to the Trustees in respect of each Member
annually at the end of each financial year of the Bank, such contributions as are required to secure
the benefits hereinafter described. The contributions shall be paid throughout the future service of
the Member until his Normal Retirement Date or earlier under the Rules. The quantum of
contribution will be determined on the basis of the Gratuity Liability that would be ascertained
through an actuarial valuation effected by the Actuary. (*As amended by the Deed of Variation,
dated 30.6.1978).
(b) Initial Contribution : The Bank may make on the date of execution of the Trust Deed, its initial
contributions in respect of all Members in consideration of their past service. The quantum of such
contribution will be determined by the Bank on the basis of the Gratuity Liability in respect of the
past service ascertained through an actuarial valuation to secure the benefits hereinafter described.
*(c)Additional Contributions : In addition to the contributions payable under clause (a) of this Rule, the
Bank shall pay to the Trustees from time to time as advised by the Actuary, for the purposes of the
Fund, additional contributions of such amount as shall have been determined by the Actuary as a
result of an actuarial valuation or otherwise. The Trustees shall have absolute and sole discretion to
utilise out of these additional contributions any sum which, together with the contributions referred
to in Clause (a) above, may be required to make up the whole of the amount of Gratuity due to the
Member under the Rules. (*As amended by the Deed of Variation dated 30.6.1978).
*(d)The aggregate of the contributions payable by the Bank in respect of every Member under clauses (a),
(b) and (c) of this Rule shall not exceed 81/3 percent of the aggregate Salary of the Member for each
year. (*As amended by the Deed of Variation dated 30.6.1978).
(e) Bank Lending Member's Services and Continuity of Membership : In the event of the Member's
services being lent by the Bank to the Central Government or a State Government or any other
company, firm, association or concern, the Member's service for the purposes of this Rule will be
deemed to continue and the contributions payable by the Bank in respect of such service shall
continue to be paid to the Trustees provided that the Bank recovers such contributions from the
Central or State Government or company, firm, association or concern, as the case may be, to which
the Member's services are lent.
(a) The Members shall be paid by the Trustees on behalf of the Bank and in discharge of its
obligations the Gratuity Benefits from the Fund as laid down either according to the TABLE
OF BENEFITS - I or according to the TABLE OF BENEFITS - II, whichever is more favourable, as
contained in SCHEDULE 'A' attached hereto and forming part of the Rules and subject to the
conditions laid down in the said Schedule.
(b) Gratuity will be paid only after an application is made in the prescribed form by the Member,
or, if he is deceased, by his nominee or, failing them any one claiming the title to receive
such Gratuity Benefit and is forwarded to the Trustees through the Bank through the Head of
the Department in which the Member was last working.
The benefits provided under the Fund are strictly personal and cannot be assigned, charged or alienated in
any way.
If a restraint or a prohibitory order is served on the Trustees in respect of any benefits available under the
Rules to a Member or his Beneficiary or if a Member or his Beneficiary shall become bankrupt or attempt
to assign charge or in any way encumber any benefits hereunder, he shall forfeit all rights and claims
thereto and the same shall lapse to the Trustees but without prejudice to the powers of the Trustees at
their absolute discretion to grant the benefit either immediately or after an interval to him or to his
(i) In the event of winding up of the Fund, the Trustees shall ascertain the amount of gratuity
accrued and due to the Members of the Fund according to the provisions of these Rules by
reference to the Salary of the Members and the length of service completed by them.
(ii) The Trustees shall realise the value of the assets of the Fund and allocate the amount so
realised in the manner described below after meeting the liabilities in respect of the
outstanding claims, if any, pertaining to the Members who ceased to be in service of the
Bank prior to the date of such winding up.
(iii) If the total amount so realised exceeds the total liability in respect of gratuity ascertained as
above, the Trustees shall earmark for each Member the amount of Gratuity accrued and due
to him under the Rules out of the monies realised and the excess, if any, shall be paid to the
bank subject to the prior approval of the Commissioner of Income-tax and on such terms and
conditions as shall be imposed by the Commissioner. If, however, the amount so realised is
less than the said accrued gratuity as referred to above, the total amount shall be utilised to
allocate to each Member in proportion to his accrued gratuity."
*All benefits under the Fund shall be payable only in India. The Fund and the benefits payable thereunder
shall be always subject to the Laws of India as in force from time to time, including the Income Tax
Act, 1961, the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. Should anything contained in these Rules or in any
amendment made thereof be repugnant to any provision or provisions of the Income Tax Act,
1961, or the Income Tax Rules, 1962, it shall be ineffective to the extent of such repugnance. Any
such repugnance shall be removed by the Trustees if so directed by the Commissioner of Income
tax. (*As amended by the Deed of Variation dated 30.6.1978).
(a) In any case where the Trustees are liable to account to the Income Tax Authorities for income Tax on
any payment made under the Rules, the Trustees shall deduct a sum equivalent to such tax from any
such payment being made and the Trustees shall not be liable to the Members of the sum so
(b) If the Fund for any reason ceases to be approved by the Commissioner of Income-Tax, the Trustees
shall nevertheless remain liable to tax on any benefit paid to any Member or his Beneficiary.
(a) Every member shall nominate one or more of his wife/husband, child/children or dependents as
Beneficiary or Beneficiaries under the Rules to receive the Gratuity due under the Rules in the
event of his death. If a member dies whilst in service, the Trustees shall hold the Gratuity in his
respect in force UPON TRUST for payment to the Beneficiary or Beneficiaries as shall have been
nominated by the Member in accordance with the remaining Clauses of this Rule.
*(b) Every nomination made under this Rule shall be in writing signed by the Member and attested by
two witnesses and shall be in the prescribed form of Nomination appended hereto as Annexure I.
The nomination so made shall remain in full force and effect until the death of the Beneficiary
nominated in the said nomination or until the same is revoked in writing by the Member. In the
event of the revocation of the nomination once made, the Member shall make a fresh nomination.
(*As amended by the Deed of Variation dated 30.6.1978).
*(c) A Member may from time to time or at any time without the consent of the Beneficiary change the
Beneficiary by giving a written notice of the change to the Trustees in the form prescribed
whereupon an acknowledgement of the notice of the change and registration of the name of the
new Beneficiary will be given to the Member by the Trustees. (*As amended by the Deed of
Variation dated 30.6.1978).
(d) If a Beneficiary shall at the time of his nomination be a minor or otherwise under disability to
give a legal receipt or discharge to the Trustees, the Member shall at the time of such
nomination as aforesaid, appoint a person of full age who is capable of giving a legal receipt
or discharge to the Trustees and to whom the Gratuity is to be paid for and on behalf of such
(e) If more than one Beneficiary is nominated and in such nomination the Member has failed to
specify their respective interest, the Beneficiaries so named shall share the Gratuity equally.
If the Beneficiary predeceases the Member, the interest of such Beneficiary shall terminate
and his share shall be payable equally to such of the remaining Beneficiaries as survive the
Member unless the Member has made written indication otherwise to the Trustees in the
prescribed form.
*(f) In the event of any Member failing to nominate a Beneficiary, the amount due on his death in
respect of his Service will be paid to the heirs, executors or administrators of such deceased
Member on production to the satisfaction of the Bank, a succession certificate, probate of a will or
letters of administration granted by a Court of competent jurisdiction provided that in any case
the Bank may in its absolute discretion dispense with the production of the succession certificate,
probate or letters of administration, on the production of such other evidence as it may require
and upon such terms as to indemnify or otherwise as they deem fit and the Trustees shall grant
the Gratuity to such heirs, executors or administrators, subject always to the provisions of the
Income Tax Act, 1961, in respect of the persons entitled to the Gratuity in the event of demise of
the Member while in service. (*As amended by the Deed of Variation dated 30.6.1978).
11.If under any existing law or any law in force at any time hereafter, the amount payable under such law to
the employees of the Bank or any of them who are Members of the Fund is more than that to which the
Members or any of them are entitled under the Rules, then the Gratuity payable under the Rules shall be
treated as a part of the entitlement of such employees or employee, as the case may be, under such law
and the employees or employee shall not be entitled to any double benefit.
It shall be a condition of Membership of the Fund that on any question arising on any point of
interpretation of these Rules, the decision of the Trustees shall be final. If the decision has any bearing on
the provisions of Part "C" of the Fourth Schedule of the Income Tax Act, 1961, or the Rules made there
under, it shall be forthwith reported to the Commissioner of Income Tax and if the Commissioner of
Income Tax so requires, the Trustees shall review the decision.
(See Rule 5)
Contingency Gratuity Payable
(Column 1) (Column 2)
(i) Retirement or Superannuation of the Member at the
Normal Retirement Date, provided the Member has The amount of gratuity shall be
completed at least Five years of service. calculated on the happening of
(ii) Resignation of the Member from Service prior to the any of the contingencies
Normal Retirement Date including abandonment of service referred to in Column 1 of this
by him with our without Notice to the Bank, provided the Table, at the rate and in the
Member has completed at least five years of service. manner laid down in the
(iii) Resignation of the Member from Service on his becoming Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972,
physically or mentally incapable of further service. as amended from time to time.
(iv) Retirement of the Member from service by the bank, Provided that for the purpose of
provided he has completed Five years of service. calculating the gratuity, the term
(v) Termination of Service of the Member by the Bank for 'Salary' shall mean the Salary as
reasons other than by way of retrenchment provided the defined in Sub Rule (n) (i) of Rule
Member has completed Five years of service. 2.
(vi) Death of the Member while in service.
(iii) Resignation of the Member from Service on his becoming purpose of calculating the
physically or mentally incapable of further service as gratuity the term 'Salary' shall
certified by a Medical Officer approved by the Bank. This mean (i) the average of the
should not be construed as if voluntary retirement is Salary as defined in Sub-Rule (n)
permissible after ten years under Service Regulations. (ii) (a) of Rule 2, payable during
a period of 12 months
(iv) Termination of Service of the Member by the Bank including immediately preceding the date
termination on account of retrenchment. on which the contingency has
occurred or (ii) the Salary as
(v) Termination of Service in any other way except by way of defined in Sub-Rule (n) (ii) (b) of
punishment after completion of ten years of service: Rule 2,last drawn by him when
the contingency has occurred,
(vi) Cessation of service of a member on his appointment as as the case may be.
Chairman/Managing Director or Executive/Whole Time
Director of the Bank by the Government of India or by any
authority, statutory or otherwise, other than the Bank :
3. In case of termination of service of the Member on account of misconduct, Gratuity payable either
under Clause 1 or Clause 2 above shall not be forfeited, except where such misconduct causes
financial loss to the Bank (of which and of the amount of which the Bank shall be the sole judge and
its decision final) and in that case the forfeiture of the Gratuity shall be to the extent of the financial
loss only. The term 'misconduct' for this purpose shall, interalia, include any act or willful omission/or
negligence causing any damage or loss to or destruction of property belonging to the Bank. Gratuity
payable under Clause 1 hereof shall be forfeited if the services of the Member have been terminated
for his riotous or disorderly conduct or any other act or violence on his part or for any act which
constitutes an offence involving moral turpitude, provided that such offence is committed by him in
the course of his employment."
1. The Fund shall be called "Union Bank of India Employees' Provident Fund".
3. The Trustees of the Fund shall be two Directors of the Bank (Hereinafter called "Director Trustee") two
nominees from the Bank's Management (Hereinafter called "Management Trustee") and two other
members of the Fund (Hereinafter called the "Member Trustee") all of them to be nominated by the
Board of Directors of the bank. Such nomination by the Board of Directors will be for a fixed period from
time to time Notwithstanding the above, the Board of Directors of the Bank may be giving 7 days notice in
writing remove any Trustee at any time. Furthermore, a Director Trustee shall cease to be a Trustee if he
ceases to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank or on expiry of two years from the date of
appointment as a Trustee, whichever is earlier. A Management Trustee shall cease to be a Trustee if he
ceases to be an employee of the Bank or on expiry of two years from the date of appointment as a
Trustee, whichever is earlier. A Member Trustee shall also cease to be a Trustee on expiry of two years
from the date of his appointment as a Trustee or on the date he ceases to be in the employment of the
Bank, whichever is earlier. The Board of Directors of the Bank may without any notice remove any Trustee
in the event such a Trustee fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Trustees without grant of
leave of absence by the Chairman & Managing Director of the Bank. The Board of Directors of the Bank
shall be entitled to fill in vacancies that may arise from time to time in the Board of Trustees of the
Provident Fund by fresh nomination.
4. At every meeting of the Trustees one of their members shall be elected Chairman of the meeting. The
presence of at least three Trustees with at least one Director Trustee other than Chairman shall be
necessary to form a quorum. Questions arising at a meeting of Trustees, shall be decided by a majority of
votes and in case of equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
5. The Trustees may appoint a Committee from their number of whom at least one shall be a Member
Trustee to carry on the ordinary business of the Fund, including payments to members. The Trustees shall
from time to time fix the quorum of the Committee.
6. The accounts of the Fund shall be made up yearly as at 31st March and an audited statement of affairs as
at that date shall be submitted to a meeting of the Trustees to be held not later than last day of April
every year and a copy of such statements shall be forwarded annually to each member.
7. "Membership" Award staff and promote Officer: Every Employee on the permanent staff of the Bank
shall be eligible for membership of the Fund.
Directly Recruited Officers : Every Directly Recruited officer of the Bank shall be eligible for membership
of the fund from his/her date of joining the Bank with effect from 01.01.1988.
8. Subscription to the Fund shall be compulsory for all employees of the Bank who are on Permanent basis.
9. Every employee who shall be or become a Member, shall be subject to these Rules and shall sign an
Agreement in the form annexed to these Rules.
10. (a) "Compulsory Subscription" Each member shall subscribe monthly to the Fund a sum as under :-
(1) 10% of 80% of pay form 01.11.1987 to 31.12.1988.
(2) 10% of 90% of pay from 01.01.1989 to 31.12.1989.
(3) 10% of full pay from 01.01.1990 onwards.
(b) "Voluntary Subscription" : A Member may at his option, voluntarily subscribe to the Fund
(hereinafter referred to as 'Voluntary Subscription') a sum inclusive of the compulsory subscription
any amount up to 100% of the salary payable to him for the month. However, Income-tax rebate on
such contribution will be subject to Section 88- sub-section (1), (2) (vi) and (6)(ii) of the Income-tax
Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
Note : For the purpose of this Rule, 'Salary' means and includes Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance
drawn by the Member.
(c) A Member desirous of making a "Voluntary Subscription" shall inform the Bank in writing, quantum
of such Voluntary Subscription, that he desires to make, and shall authorize the Bank to make the
necessary deductions from his salary PROVIDED ALWAYS that such authority to the Bank shall not
be cancelled or varied in amount for a period of six months from the date of such authority.
11. The Bank shall be entitled to deduct each month out of the salary payable by the Bank to a Member -
(a) The amount of Compulsory Subscription as mentioned in the rule No.10(a) above and.
The Total Amount so deducted by the Bank shall be credited to "Trustees' Account" referred to in
Rule 14.
If the amount of subscription of any Member to the Fund shall not have been deducted by the Bank
as aforesaid at the end of any month, such Member shall forthwith pay the amount of the
subscription to the “Trustees’ Account” mentioned in Rule 14.
12. (a) The Bank shall contribute to the Fund, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of monthly compulsory
subscription in respect of those Members who have not opted for the "Pension Scheme" and the same
shall be credited to the Trustees' Account referred to in Rule No.14.
(b) The Bank shall not contribute any sum in respect of Voluntary Subscriptions of the Members.
(c) The Rules relating to Bank's Contribution and interest on Bank's Contribution shall not be applicable
(i) Employees opting for Pension Scheme in place of Bank's Contribution to Provident Fund
Scheme of the Bank and have applied for transfer of their accumulated balance standing
to their credit representing Bank's Contribution along with accumulated interest on
Bank's contribution.
(ii) Employees below the age of 35 years joining the Bank on or after 29.09.1995.
(iii) Employees joining the Bank on or after 29.09.1995 at the age of 35 years or more and
opt for Pension in lieu of Bank's Contribution to Provident Fund.
(d) On receipt of the application from the Members who have opted for the Pension Scheme in place of
Employer's Contribution to Provident Fund of the Bank, the Trustees shall transfer within 60 days,
the accumulated balance standing to the credit of Member representing Bank's Contribution along
with accumulated interest on Bank's Contribution up to the date of transfer of Fund to the Pension
Fund. Trust of the Bank.
13. The sum subscribed from time to time by each Member (hereinafter referred to as the "Member's
Contribution", comprising of the aforesaid Compulsory Contribution as well as Voluntary Contribution, if
any, which expression shall include all interest accrued on the same) as well as all sums contributed by the
Bank for each member (hereinafter referred to as the Bank's Contribution, which expression shall include
all interest accrued on the same) shall be credited in a special ledger kept by the Trustees at the Central
Office of the Bank at Mumbai.
14. (1) The Fund shall consist of contribution made by the Members and the Bank as above specified as also
of interest credited in respect of such contributions and of Securities purchased therewith and of any
capital gains arising from the transfer of Capital Assets together with any amount transferred from the
individual account of an ex-employee in any recognized Provident Fund maintained by his former
employer and the interest in respect thereof, if any, and such other sums as may be received by the
(2) All monies contributed to the Fund (whether by the Bank or by the Member) or received or accruing
by way of interest or otherwise to the Fund shall either -
(a) be deposited --
(i) In the account opened with the Bank and styled THE TRUSTEES OF UNION BANK OF
INDIA EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND TRUST" and interest thereon will be paid by the
Bank half yearly at such rate as the Bank may from time to time fix.
(ii) In any account or accounts opened with the Bank and /or the State Bank of India and/or
any other Scheduled Bank and/or Post Office Saving Bank Account.
(b) be invested in the name of UNION BANK OF INDIA EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND in Securities
as mentioned in Rule 67 of the Income-Tax Rules, 1962, as amended from time to time, and
such Securities be deposited with the Bank for safe Custody in the name of the Fund. All
accounts of the Fund shall be operated upon or otherwise be dealt with by any TWO Trustees.
15. The account of each Member shall be credited with interest every half-year at such rate as the Trustees
might fix from time to time having regard to the interest earned on investment from the Fund and the
Market value of investments and the redemption period of investments and on the monies deposited with
the Bank. Interest on members contribution be paid upto the final date of payment to adjust Provident
Fund loan outstanding from the own contribution balance in case of cessation of service due to any reason
and on non-submission of claims forms by member.
16. Deleted.
17. Any Contributor who is dismissed for insubordination, misconduct, fraud or any other cause of like nature
or retires from the Bank in consequence thereof he/she shall be entitled of his own contribution with
interest accrued thereon at the rate and in the manner aforesaid and in respect of Banks contribution
there shall be no forfeiture, excepting in the case where he is dismissed for misconduct causing financial
loss to the Bank and in such case forfeiture shall be limited only to the extent of financial loss caused.
18. If a Contributor is dismissed for fraud or misconduct, the Bank shall be entitled to recover from the
contribution made by the Bank to the individual account of the Contributor and the interest (simple and
compound ) credited in respect of such contributions, any loss or damage so resulting to the Bank, from
the cause entailing such dismissal. The Chairman & Managing Director and Executive Director of the Bank
shall be entitled to declare the amount of loss or damage so resulting and their declaration in that behalf
shall be final and concludive and the amount so declared shall be paid to the Bank.
19. Subject to the above Rules the amount standing to the credit of a Member shall be payable to him/her on
his or her cessation of services from the Bank and there shall be no forfeiture whatsoever of the Bank's
Contribution to the Fund in respect of the said Member including interest thereon.
EXPLANATION :- For the purpose of this rule, "Family" means the Member's spouse, legitimate children,
step children, deceased son's widow, deceased son's legitimate children, deceased son's step children and
dependent parents, sister & minor brothers.
23 A. In the event of the death of the nominee prior to death of the Member and no other person
having in the interval been nominated by the member, the amount standing at credit of the
member shall be dealt with in Rule 27.
24. On the death of a Member who shall have made a Nomination in accordance with Rule 23, the full amount
payable to him according to these Rules shall be paid to Member's nominee irrespective of the period for
which the member may have served and such payment shall be a good discharge to the Trustees against
all claims, whatsoever, in respect of the said Fund by any one whomsoever claiming through the said
Member or otherwise.
25. If the nominee is a minor the member shall, at the time of nomination state the age of the nominee and
shall also appoint a person of full age to whom the amount standing at the Member's credit is to be paid
on behalf of the minor nominee, in the event of the member dying. before the minor nominee attains the
age of majority. If any person so appointed predeceases the member before the minor nominee attains
his majority, the member shall forthwith appoint another person of full age to receive the amount on
behalf of the minor nominee and from time to time forthwith make a fresh appointment when this is
necessitated by the death of the person appointed to receive payment on behalf of the nominee.
26. The nomination made as aforesaid shall be and remain in full force and effect until the nominee's death
or until his nomination or appointment has been revoked as herein mentioned.
27. On the death of a Member not survived by a nominee under Rule 23 the full amount due to the Member
according to the Rules shall be paid without deduction to his executors or administrators, or at the
absolute discretion of the Trustees. The amount or any part or parts thereof may be paid to the widow,
child or children of his/her or their guardian or custodian or other near relative or relatives of a deceased
Member or any other person or persons appearing to them to be proper parties to receive the amount
without any representation to the estate of such deceased Member or any Succession Certificate being
obtained and in such proportion as the Director may think fit irrespective of the period for which the
member may have served and such payment shall be a good discharge of the Trustees against all claims
whatsoever in respect of the said Fund by any one whomsoever claiming through the said deceased
Member or otherwise.
28. Except as is expressly provided by these Rules, no Member or any person or persons claiming under or
through him shall be entitled to claim any payment of money which may be standing to his credit in the
books of the Fund.
29. Save as herein provided with regard to Nomination , no member shall be entitled in any way to deal with
or transfer by way of security or otherwise his interest or any part thereof in the Fund and any such
transaction or transfer shall be invalid, and the Trustees shall not recognise or be bound by any notice to
them of any such transaction or transfer and all monies standing in the books of the Fund to the credit of
the Member, so purporting to deal with or transfer his interest therein, as aforesaid shall forthwith be
transferred as from the date of such transaction or transfer to the Lapsed Fund and be dealt with
accordingly. Further, if any prohibitory order or attachment or process of a Civil Court be served upon the
Trustees by which any monies standing to the credit of the Member shall be attached or ordered to be
paid into a Civil Court ordered to be withheld from such Member and such attachment or order is not
raised to be rescinded by the Court or should such member be adjudged an insolvent or files his Petition in
insolvency or make any composition or arrangement with his creditors, such monies shall forthwith be
transferred to the Lapsed Fund and be dealt with accordingly, provided always that the Trustees (without
being under any legal obligation to do so ) may in their absolute discretion if they think fit at any time or
times hereafter give or apply such monies or any part thereof to or for the benefit of such Member or his
wife, children or relatives.
30. A Contributor shall not be entitled to withdraw any sum from the amount standing to his credit but the
Trustees may allow in their discretion a withdrawal on grounds and under circumstances and within the
limits and subject to all the conditions pertaining to repayment of loan and rate of interest payable
thereon specified by rules made by the Government of India or any Local Government in that behalf and
for the time being in force.
31. (I) Withdrawals by employees shall not be allowed by the Trustees except on special grounds in the
following circumstance or circumstances of a similar nature :-
(a) To pay expenses incurred in connection with the illness of a Subscriber or a member of his family
(aa) Meeting the cost of higher education including where necessary, the travelling expenses of any child
of the employee actually dependent on him in the following cases namely:
(i) Education outside India for Academic, Technical Professional or Vocational Courses beyond
High School stage and
(ii) Any Medical or Engineering or other Technical or Specialised course in India beyond the High
School stage provided that the Course of study is for a period of not less than three years.
(b) To pay for the passage over the sea of a Subscriber or any member of his family.
(c) To pay expenses in connection with marriages, funerals or ceremonies which by the religion of the
subscriber, it is incumbent upon him to perform and in connection with which it is obligatory that the
expenditure should be incurred.
(d) To meet the expenditure of building or purchasing a house or site for a house PROVIDED
that the employee furnishes an undertaking to the Trustees not to encumber or alienate,
such house or site as the case may be for a period of ten years from the date of such
Withdrawal or till he ceases to be a Member of the Fund whichever is early. However, the
Trustees have the power to reduce the period of ten years in deserving cases and for
genuine reasons upto five years.
(dd) To meet expenditure of marriage of employee's sons/or daughters.
(e) To pay premia on policies of insurance on the life of the Subscriber or of wife provided that
the employee furnishes an undertaking to the Trustees not to foreclose, encumber or raise
a loan on such policy for a period of five years from the date of such Withdrawal or till he
ceases to be a Member of the fund whichever is early.
(f) To meet the cost of legal proceedings instituted by the employee for vindicating his position
in regard to any allegations made against him in respect of any act done or purporting to be
done by him in discharge of his official duty or to meet the cost of his defence when he is
prosecuted by the employer in any Court of Law in respect of any official misconduct on his
part. Provided that the advance under this clause shall not be admissible to an employee
who institutes legal proceedings in any court of Law either in respect of any matter
unconnected with his official duty or against the employer in respect of any condition of
service or penalty imposed on him.
(g) To meet the expenses of the damage caused to the movable or immovable property of the
employee as a direct result of flood, cyclone, earthquake or other convulsions of nature.
(ii) For the purpose of sub-rule (1) "family" means any of the following persons who reside with and
/ or wholly dependent on the employee, namely, the employee's wife, legitimate children and
step children, parents, sisters and minor brothers.
(iii) (A) The loan/withdrawal in connection with expenses on marriages as specified in clause (c) of
sub-rule (1) of Rule 31 shall not exceed six months salary ( as per clause 2 of P.F. rules) or the
total of the accumulation of employees contribution including interest accrued on the same,
whichever is less.
(B) The Withdrawal for the purpose specified in Clause (d) of sub-rule (i) of Rule 31 shall be
subject to the following conditions :-
(i) The amount of withdrawal shall not exceed the amount standing to the credit of employees' own
contribution including VPF or actual cost of the house and or of the site whichever is less.
(ii) The employee should have completed Ten years of service or is due to retire within the next ten
(iii) The construction of the house should be commenced within six months of the withdrawal and
should be completed within one year from the date of the commencement of construction.
(iv) In case of Non Refundable Withdrawal instead of the present practice of reducing the eligible
amount by outstanding in refundable loan, total eligible amount should be sanctioned and after
adjusting present loan outstanding balance should be paid to the member.
(v) If the Withdrawal is made for the purchase of house and/or site for a house the purchase should
be made within six months of the withdrawal.
(vi) If the Withdrawal is made for the repayment of loan previously raised for the purpose of
construction or purchase of a house the repayment of loan should be made within three months
of withdrawal.
(vii) a. The Withdrawal/s shall be permitted only if the house or/site is free from
encumbrances. Provided that the house or site shall not be treated as encumbered if
the same is mortgaged/encumbered for obtaining housing loan from any
bank/financial institution.
(C) No loans/withdrawals except those mentioned in Rule 31 (iii) A and B shall exceed the salary of the
employee for six months.
(iv) A second Withdrawal shall not be permitted until the sum first withdrawn has been fully repaid.
Where an Employee ceases to be in the service of the Bank, the Trustees, at their discretion may
adjust the loan outstanding against the balance of the Member's Provident Fund contribution
standing to the credit of his account.
(v) When a Withdrawal is allowed for a purpose specified in clause (d) or (dd) or clause (e) of sub-
rule(i) of Rule No.31, the amount withdrawn need not be repaid. A second withdrawal may be
permitted for the purpose specified in clause (d) or (dd) or clause (e) of Sub-rule(i) of Rule No.31,
the amount withdrawn need not be repaid.
--Loan sanctioned and withdrawn shall be repaid is not more than 48 equal monthly
instalments and shall bear interest in accordance with sub-rule (vi) and no further
withdrawal shall be permitted until repayment has been effected in full. Notwithstanding
anything contained herein in case of premature adjustment of loan the employee shall not
be entitled to avail fresh loan unless a period of six months has elapsed from the date of
availment of previous loan. However in case of adjustment of loan out of NRW amount, the
member can apply fresh loan as and when required without the bar of six months provided
he is eligible for such loan otherwise.
vi) In respect of withdrawals which are repaid in not more than twelve monthly instalments, an
additional instalment of four percent of the amount withdrawn shall be paid on account of interest
and in respect of withdrawals which are repaid in more than 12 monthly instalments, two such
instalments of four percent of the amount withdrawn shall be paid on account of interest provided,
however, that at the discretion of the Trustees of the Fund, interest may be recovered on the amount
withdrawn or the balance thereof outstanding from time to time at one percent, above the rate
which is payable for the time being on the balance in the Fund at the credit of the Member.
vii) The Employer shall deduct such instalment from the employee's salary and pay them to the Trustees.
The deduction shall commence from the second monthly payment made after the Withdrawal or in
the case of an Employee on leave without pay from the second monthly payment made after his
return to duty.
viii) In the case of default of repayment of instalments under sub-rules(v) and (vi), the Commissioner of
Income-Tax may at his discretion order that the amount of the withdrawal or the amount outstanding
shall be added to the total income of the Employee for the year in which the default occurs and the
Income-Tax Officer shall assess the Employee accordingly.
ix) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Rules (i) to (viii) of Rule No.31, it shall be open to the
Trustees to permit at any time within twelve months before date of retirement on superannuation of
the Employee, the withdrawal of upto ninety percent of the amount standing to the credit of the
32. No Trustee shall be responsible or chargeable, save and except for monies actually received by him,
notwithstanding his having signed any receipt for the sake of conformity or otherwise nor shall he be
responsible or chargeable for acts, defaults or neglects of the Bank with whom the monies of the Fund are
deposited not for any loss unless the same happens through his own willful act or omission.
33.The Board of Directors shall have power to close the Fund at any time if they shall consider that course
advisable or necessary in which event the Fund shall be divided among the members by payment to each
member of such sum as may be payable to him according to Rule 34.
34.Any appreciation or depreciation in any investments of the Fund shall be for the benefit of and at the
risk of the Member and at the closing of the Fund the cash in hand and the realization from the
investment shall be divided rateably among the members in proportion to the respective amount standing
to their credit.
35. Every Trustee shall be at liberty to retire by notice in writing in that behalf addressed to the Board of
36.Every vacancy in the Office of the Trustees shall be filled up by the continuing or remaining Trustees
subject to the conditions of Rule-3.
37.The decision of the Trustees shall be final and binding upon members in all respects and upon all
matters, questions and disputes relating to or connected with these Rules or with the Fund or the
administration thereof or the rights and obligations of the members including all disputes or differences
which may arise between any member of executors, administrators, nominee or representative and the
Trustee as the meaning or effect of any rule or any matter relating to or arising out of the same.
38.The Board of Trustees shall have power to add to, vary, alter or annual any of the provisions of these
Rules, except Rule Nos.3 and 4 with the sanction of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Mumbai but so long
as the main purpose of the Fund shall not thereby be effected.
39.These Rules shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 1st day of April 1932 in supersession
to the rules of the Fund which might have been in force since the inception of the Fund and the Fund shall
be deemed to have vested in the Trustees from the 1st of April 1930 subject to and upon the Trust herein
40.Every employee when joining the Fund shall subscribe an agreement in the following Form :-
"I hereby declare that I have read the foregoing Rules of Union Bank of India Employee's Provident Fund
and that I hereby subscribe and agree to bound by the said Rules."
The wages settled during wage revision at industry level are paid by all Banks uniformly, irrespective
of the size of the Banks and their financial strength. In today’s challenging development, where
there is stiff competition among Banks, a genuine need is felt to allow Banks to pay their employees
something extra by way of encouragement as per the profitability and financial soundness of the
respective Banks. In order to inculcate a sense of competition and also to reward the performance,
the concept of Productivity Linked Pay was discussed and after discussions between the parties, it is
agreed to introduce Performance Linked Incentive Scheme in Public Sector Banks which will be
based on operating profit/ net profit of the individual bank (optional for private and foreign banks).
The PLI shall be payable to all employees annually over and above the normal salary payable. The
PLI matrix shall decide the amount payable to the employees (in number of days of pay = Basic + DA)
depending on the annual performance of the Bank. All the employees shall get the minimum no. Of
days of pay as incentive depending on where in the matrix the Bank’s performance fits in, broadly as
per Matrix as under:
1 <5% NIL
2 5% TO 10% 5 DAYS
3 >10% TO 15% 10 DAYS*
4 >15% 15 DAYS*
rd th
*3 and 4 slabs are payable only if the Bank has Net Profit. if a Bank has growth in Operating
Profit of 5% and more, but there is no Net Profit, then minimum 2nd slab of 5 days will be
(the PLI will be applicable from FY 2020- SC NO.7325 DATED 24 DECEMBER, 2020
Attention is drawn to Staff Circular No.7368 dated 17-02-2021 vide which “Insurance Cover for Staff
Loans viz: Housing, Vehicle and Staff Overdraft” was conveyed. The objective of the Group Insurance
is to safeguard the bereaved families in the instances of untimely demise of an employee. Group
Insurance cover against the staff loan portfolio shall provide the following benefits to the
-All Staff loans accounts including staff housing, staff conveyance and staff overdraft are mandatorily
covered under group insurance.
-Subsequent sanctions, enhancements and disbursements will also be covered under the scheme by
paying insurance premium on pro rata basis.
-staff housing loan of e-Corporation Bank, which are presently covered under existing policy of e-CB,
will be covered under this Group Insurance scheme w.e.f. 01-09-2021 by deducting premium on pro-
rata basis for the remaining policy period.
Star Union Dai Ichi Insurance Company Limited (Sud Life).
Group Insurance premium rate applicable to cover all the staff loans will be Rs.2.8099 + GST 1000 of
sum assured. The premium as per the given rates will be directly debited from the respective staff
loan accounts.
The validity of this Group Insurance cover for all staff loans will be from 01-04-2021 to 31-03-2022,
which will be renewed thereafter.
The quantum of sum assured for staff loan accounts will be as under:
-Staff Housing Loan: Actual outstanding loan amount as on the date of policy premium payment or
outstanding amount as on the date of demise of staff whichever is higher.
-Staff Vehicle Loan: Actual outstanding loan amount as on the date of policy premium payment or
outstanding amount as on the date of demise of staff whichever is higher.
-Staff Overdraft: Actual Overdraft limit sanctioned (irrespective of outstanding balance)
Premium calculation from respective loan account will be done in following manner:
a. For existing staff loan accounts: For Staff Overdraft, the premium will be calculated on the basis
of existing sanctioned limits, while for Staff Housing & Vehicle Loans, the premium will be calculated
on the basis of the outstanding limits.
b.For addition of Staff Loan Accounts during the Policy Period: In case of subsequent account
opening/ disbursement / limit enhancement, the premium is to be calculated by the respective
branch, Examples to calculate pro-rata premium, is given as under:
Example for Calculation of premium by the Branches:
STAFF NEW ACCOUNT AMOUNT 365 – 30 DAYS 2000000*3.3157*335
STAFF NEW ACCOUNT ANOUNT 365 – 45 DAYS 900000*3.3157*320
LOAN RS. 9 LACS DATE 2021 MAY =320 =RS.2616.22
WITH RS.5.50 LACS DATE 2021 JUNE= 285 = RS.1423.93
The premium in the existing/ addition of staff loan accounts during the policy period will be
deducted as under:
a.Existing Staff Loan Accounts:
In all existing staff loan Accounts, Bank will debit the premium centrally at CO level, directly from the
staff loan accounts on 30th/31st March, 2021. As such, all employees are advised to maintain
sufficient balance towards premium on their Staff OD Limits. Further, Staff Housing Loans of
eCorporation Bank, which are presently covered under existing policy, will be covered from 01-09-
2021 by paying pro-rata premium for the remaining policy period.
(Account No.800102850070150) of HRAD, CO. They will have to inform the details of these loans in
the Format A of Annexure I to HRAD,CO immediately. Further all Branch Head should also ensure
that all eligible staff loans of their Branch are covered under the scheme and required premium has
been debited from the account. If it is found that any of the eligible account is not covered under the
schemes, they should inform such accounts in the same format to HRAD, CO by debiting full year
premium from the accounts.
Some Loan accounts may be required to be removed from the list of the accounts covered under the
Insurance, due to closer of such accounts or decrease in the limit in case of Staff Overdraft Accounts.
Such changes should invariably be informed by the concerned Branch Head to HRAD, Coin Format-B
of Annexure I.
The premium will be directly deducted from the respective staff loan Accounts. It will be the
responsibility of the concerned staff to adjust full amount debited from their staff loan accounts
within one month either through their own sources. OR
By availing demand loan facility provided by the Bank, if the staff is unable to manage the premium
from his/her own sources. The details of said Demand Loan Scheme will be provided in due course.
Human Resources Administrative Division, CO will take up the claim with Insurance Company
Insurance Company will pay the settlement amount directly to the Bank. Bank after adjusting the
outstanding amount in various loan accounts, will pay the balance amount, if any, to the nominee of
the concerned employee.
The details of claim procedure, which will be adopted during any untimely demise of staff will be
shared in due course.
1.A list of the accounts along with the premium amount deducted from various staff loan accounts
will be shared under the links as mentioned below:
2.It is the responsibility of the Branch Head, where staff loan a/c is maintained to ensure that the
insurance premium deducted from the loan account is settled by the staff within 1 month of
deduction, either from his/her own sources or by availing the facility of Demand Loan Scheme. If any
staff fails to do so, such Branch Heads should inform the details of such staff along with the loan
details to HRAD on the email id [email protected] by 5th of next month.
3.All Branch Head should ensure to cover all additional staff loan a/c (Active and retired) at their
branches. Details of such staff loan accounts should be sent to the email id
[email protected] as per format A of Annexure I on daily basis under
intimation to respective Regional Offices.
In case of closure of any staff loan a/c during the policy period, the details should also be sent to
HRAD, CO on email id [email protected] for arranging refund of the
premium amount on prorate basis.
3.As the purpose of the group insurance is to protect the bereaved family members from financial
hardship at the time of any untimely demise of the staff, all staff members (active or retired) should
ensure that their staff loan accounts are covered under the scheme including new sanction/
enhancement /disbursement during the policy period i.e. 01-04-2021 to 31-03-2022. Please note
that failure to add eligible staff loans in time may result in rejection of claims from the insurer.
4.Further, non-deduction of insurance premium of staff loan accounts opened /enhanced/ disbursed
during the policy period will result into under coverage or non coverage of the staff loan accounts,
which will defeat the purpose of the group insurance coverage in case of untimely demise of the
5.Any clarifications regarding the Group Insurance Cover for staff loan accounts shall be issued by
6.The contents of this circular may kindly be brought to the notice of all employees (serving as well
as retired).
See circular for Annexure-I, Format –A for addition of Staff Loan accounts.
(Staff Circular No.7396 dated 24-03-2021 and 7368 dated 17-02-2021)
It has been approved to provide demand loan facility to the staff members (active/retired), who are
having staff loan facility. Scale wise maximum limit available is as under:
appropriate Terminal Benefits (Gratuity Fund).
11 REVIEW Loan facility will be subject to review on annual basis
-Demand Loan Scheme will be non-operative clean Over Draft account and NO Cheque Book/ Debit
Card will be issued.
-Staff member may avail the loan within next month of premium payment.
-EMI recovery will start from the subsequent month of loan disbursement and will be recoverable in
10 months to ensure full adjustment before commencement of next policy period.
-The ODINS accounts will be opened at any branch at the choice of the staff members. However, in
Case of retired employees, it will be sanctioned / opened at his/her pension paying branch only.
-At any point of time one employee cannot have more than one ODINS account.
-The branch which is maintaining the ODINS account will ensure to adjust the insurance premium
debited to all the loan accounts of the concerned staff member by debiting ODINS accounts and
share the required deductions from the salary disbursing authority of the respective staff. In case of
retired staffs, branch will insure to mark necessary standing instruction in the pension account of
respective staff.
-The staff member while applying for the ODINS facility has to furnish the details of their all staff
loans so that the insurance premium debited to these loan accounts can be adjusted by debiting of
the proposed ODINS account.
-Staff members of e-CB, who are already covered under existing insurance policy, will be covered
under the new policy only after expiry of the existing policy. These staff members will be allowed
to avail the staff over draft loan accordingly, as one time measure, as such loan amount and tenure
of loan will be corresponding with the premium amount paid and the remaining period of the new
-In case of newly sanctioned staff loan/further disbursements/ limit enhancements, the premium for
Insurance will be debited on prorate basis from the respective account and will be adjusted
subsequently by debiting the ODINS account, if requested by the employee and repayment will
begin from the same month for the next 10 months or till one month prior to next insurance debit
whichever is earlier.
-Every time premium is debited to ODINS account, Branch will recalculate the EMI and will ensure its
effect on the salary deduction in case of active employee, while on standing instruction in case of
retired employee: for timely recovery of the entire liability of ODINS account.
-Once repayment of the outstanding in the ODINS is done, next year again the same process will be
repeated. The applicable premium and the limits to be allotted will be circulated by the HR Dept.
CO. Annex II for Application cum process Note......refer circular. (SC No.7400 dated 31-03-2021)
It has been observed that due to sudden demise of staff, the
bereaved family not only suffers the loss of the earning member
but also gets burdened by the liabilities of the staff loans. In such
scenarios the staff loans get adjusted from the terminal benefits of
WHY A the staff member and at times the amount of terminal benefit is
GROUP INSURANCE not sufficient to cover the liability. There are many cases under
IS REQUIRED? which the family of the deceased staff gets very minimal/ no
amount as a part of terminal benefits at times.
In e-Andhra Bank there was a provision to cover the SHL/SVL
mandatorily whereas in e-Corporation there was a provision to
cover SHL.
During harmonization of various schemes and policies, the
existing group insurance coverage policies of e-AB and e-CB is also
harmonised among the amalgamated entity, as the purpose of the
group insurance cover is for the benefit of all the staff.
The purpose of group insurance is to diversify the risk, amongst the
large no. of people. It will provide the following benefits to the
ADVANTAGE OF staff members:
GROUP INSURANCE? -Easier and hurdle free claim process
-No medical examination till 64 years
-No rejection of claims
-Death of any nature will be covered
-Ease of settlement as Bank will directly deal with the insurer to
Staff Overdraft amount is covered with sanctioned limit. In case of
WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF, THE any untimely demise of staff, after adjusting the Bank dues, the
STAFF NEVER UTILISE OD entire amount will be transferred to the nominee by the Bank. If
AMOUNT? the OD limit remains unutilised, the entire sanctioned amount will
be given to the nominee.
FROM THE SCHEME The basic purpose of group insurance is to diversify the risk by
CIRCULATED VIDE STAFF covering large number of employees. Premium for employees of
CIRCULAR NO.07396 DATED some age group might appear to be on the higher side now.
24-03-2020 FOR STAFF However, these staff members will get the advantage of lower
LOANS GROUP INSURANCE premium when they cross a certain age, where the premium would
RATES APPEARS TO BE ON In group insurance the premium rates are normally quoted by
HIGHER SIDE? diversifying the risk among the group as a whole. Hence, the
premium amount might be on a higher side for one age bracket
and it may be on a lower side for some other age bracket people.
In the above context, considering the average age of the union
bank employee to be around 42 including the retirees, the
premium of Rs.2,8099 per 1000 is a competitive rate.
After obtaining the approval of the Board for group staff loans
insurance scheme, open tender was floated inviting the quotations
from the eligible insurance companies. During the pre-bid
meeting,, there were 9 prospective insurers, viz: United India
HOW SUD LIFE INSURANCE Ins.Co Ltd, ICICI Prudential,HDFC Life, India First, LIC, Sud Life,
HAS BEEN FINALISED FOR Canara HSBC Life, SBI Life and New India assurance. The last date
THE PRESENT SCHEME? for submission of bid was also extended to attact competitive bids
for the benefits of staff. Out of the 9 prospective insurers, only 4
insurance companies had participated in the bidding process. The
participants for the technical bid are LIC/ SUB Life/ HDFC /
As the lowest rates were quoted by Sud Life, they emerged as
successful and the Bank decided to avail their services.
WHETHER PREMIUM RATES The premium rates were finalised after open tender process
In the upcoming years as well, to attract competitive rates for the
benefits of the staff members, the open tender through RFP will be
floated for the finalisation of premium rates.
If the term insurance policy, which is taken on or before 31-03-
2021, is assigned to the Bank, the premium will be refunded to the
staff after submission of requisite documentary proof and in
WHETHER STAFF ALREADY consultation with the insurer. Such exemption will be permitted
HAVING TERM INSURANCE, for the insurance policies already assigned to the Bank.
WILL BE EXEMPTED FROM All staff members, who have term insurance, which is already
THE SCHEME? assigned in favour of the Bank, should send scanned copy of their
duly signed written request along with the policy document to the
email id by 15-04-
2021.request received after 15-04-2021 will not be considered.
Aforesaid benefit is a onetime measure and the same cannot be
extended as an ongoing measure.
BANK SHOULD SUBSIDIZE As on the date, there is no allocation of staff welfare fund.
THE PREMIUM OR PAY THE However, as a gesture to motivate the staff members, Bank’s
PREMIUM ON BEHALF OF Board permitted the extension of all existing staff welfare schemes
THE STAFF AS A STAFF by allowing the expenditure on such schemes to the debit of
WELFARE MEASURE. Bank’s P&L Account.
BANK MAY FORMULATE Possibility of such option shall be explored in future looking to the
SCHEME IN WHICH ONE insurance market conditions, coverage available, premium payable
TIME INSURANCE PAYMENT and benefits of the staff.
The policy on Staff Deposits and Payment of additional interest is valid upto 31-03-2022. The
coverage in the policy is summarized as under:
4.1 Point No.8 deals with payment of additional interest – various parameters
4.2 Point No.9 deals with Joint Deposits of Staff.
a. Staff Deposits jointly with family members of e-AB, e-CB and UBI
b. Deposits of Retired staff (senior citizen) jointly with family members.
c. Staff Deposits jointly with Senior Citizens.
d. Deposits in the name of spouse of a deceased staff (jointly or singly).
4.3 Point No.10 deals with Premature closure of staff account.
4.4 Point No.11 deals with Ceiling on Staff Deposits defines the maximum ceiling for deposit per staff
4.5 Point No.12 deals with Accounts which are ineligible for benefits of staff accounts and explains
the conditions detailed as under:
a. Ex Staff member who have resigned from the service of the Bank.
b. Bank’s staff who is the Karta of the HUF.
c. Bank Employees Federations where the Bank employees are not direct members.
d. Staff Deposits under Capital Gains Account.
e.NRE/NRO Deposit of Staff members.
4.6 Point No.13 deals with applicability / contribution of Additional Interest on Existing Deposits.
4.7 Point No.14 deals with Extension of Staff Deposit Benefit retrospectively.
The deposit/s eligible under the enclosed policy which, in case, are deprived of eligible benefit
due to amalgamation process/technical issues, will be eligible from retrospective effect (i.e.
1-4-2020) till the maturity of deposit. However, it should be ensured that such deposits should also
have been eligible during the intervening period but were not extended the same due to technical
issue (IT integration post amalgamation) and/or adoption of existing guidelines of erstwhile Bank i.e.
e-AB or e-CB. Such proposals need to be forwarded to the Operation Department, Central Office for
providing backdated interest benefit as per the existing practice. On maturity of deposit, existing
rate with applicable benefit will continue as per the terms of revised policy.
5. conclusion: The rational of having a policy on Staff Deposits and Payments of Additional Interest is
5.1 To provide clarify on application of additional interest on staff deposits.
5.2 For prompt identification of the eligible or ineligible accounts and providing additional interest as
per regulatory guidelines.
5.3 Laying down the modalities to be adopted by the Amalgamated Entity.
5.4 To capture in brief and give overall picture/clarify to Branches/Offices. Policy in Annex.I
Staff Members will be paid additional interest of 1.00% on staff deposits + 0.50% in addition if they
are senior citizen.
Family means and includes the Spouse of the Member/Retired member of the bank’s staff and the
child/children, parents, brothers and sisters of the member/retired member of the bank’s staff who
are dependent on such member/retired member, but does not include legally separated spouse.
9.1 Staff Deposits with family members: where a joint holder of a deposit is a staff member, in order
to be entitled for 1.0% pa additional interest, the name of the staff member should be FIRST and not
subsequent. However, a declaration from the staff member shall be obtained to the effect that the
monies deposited or which may be deposited from time to time into such account/s, belong to the
concerned staff member (furnished as Appendix.I). the implication of this is that as per extant
norms, applicable TDS will be deducted from the total interest paid and relevant TDS certificate will
be issued in the name of the staff member only, irrespective of the fact that account is in joint
9.2 Deposit of retired staff (Senior Citizen) jointly with family members:
If a deposit is held by a retired staff member who is also a senior citizen jointly with his parents/
spouse/ child/ children, brother or sister, then the branch can offer both staff benefit and senior
citizen benefit subject to obtaining a declaration from the staff member to the effect that the
monies deposited or which may be deposited from time to time into such account/s, belong to the
concerned staff member. In order to be entitled for senior citizen benefit, name of the retired staff
member should be first and not subsequent in a joint deposit.
In other words,, deposits maintained by retired staff members (who incidentally are senior citizens)
jointly with eligible family members would be entitled for the staff benefit by way of additional 1.0%
interest along with senior citizen benefit, only when the retired staff member is named first and not
subsequent to the deposit.
9.3 Staff Deposit jointly with senior citizens:
Where a joint holder of a deposit made by the senior citizen is a staff member, to be entitled for 1%
pa additional interest, only when the name of the staff member is first and not subsequent. A
declaration from the staff member shall be obtained to the effect that the monies deposited or
which may be deposited from time to time into such account/s, belong to the concerned staff
The benefit of additional interest of 0.5% pa as extended to senior citizen scheme shall not be
extended to such deposits (since the serving staff member is not a senior citizen). Applicable TDS will
be deducted from the total interest paid and relevant TDS certificate will be issued in the name of
the staff member only.
NRE/NRO deposits of staff members shall not be eligible for additional interest benefits. Instruction
Circular No.2380: 2021 dated 05-01-2021
The Bank has introduced a Grievance Redressal Portal on the Bank’s website, with objective of
providing a platform for staff members to escalate their grievances/complaints for expeditious
redressal of the same as per Bank’s rules, except those relating to Transfer, Postings, Medical and
Hospitalisation. The grievance redressal portal is enabling an employee to represent his/her
grievances for examination/redressal at the level of Branch/respective Regional Office/ respective
FGMO/ Central Office, as the case may be. A time limit of maximum 3 working days at each level of
redressal is fixed to resolve the grievance. Regional Heads/HR Heads of all Regional Offices are
advised to ensure that the redressal of the grievance must be actual and the grievance shall not be
closed with frivolous/interim remarks like “will be looked into” or “concerned official is on leave”
etc. which will defeat the very purpose and objective of providing this platform to employees. The
portal offers employees to lodge 21 types of grievances (excluding transfers, postings and medical
and hospitalisation) namely:
***Any grievance type other than above mentioned grievance type will be covered under OTHERS
excluding grievances related to Postings, Transfers, Medical and Hospitalisation. Check Process Flow
Staff Circular No.7366 dated 16th February 2021.
-To encourage employees to complete mandatory courses prescribed by IBA, period of post exam
training (both virtual mode and physical mode) will be reckoned as official duty (only for first
In June, 2017, as per the recommendations of the Committee on Capacity Building in Banks and ANI
India Financial Institution (AIFIs) constituted by the RBI, the IBA has identified specialised areas for
certification for staff manning key responsibilities in the Banks and directed that Banks should make
acquiring of a certificate course mandatory for working in the areas like Credit Management,
Treasury Operations, Risk Management, Acquiring and Foreign Exchange Operations.
As per the suggestion of Khandelwal Committee the training systems of banks to focus on creation
of talent pool of officers in critical areas like Treasury, Corporate Credit, International Banking, Retail
Banking, Social Banking, Technology, Risk Management, Marketing Infrastructure Financing,
Financial Inclusion, etc. Internal Certification of training programmes to be introduced to build talent
pool. In order to motivate staff members to acquire new certification/ diploma, bank reimburses
course fee and pays incentive for courses completed.
Courses for skill development of staff members an mandatory certification for capacity building.
-Reimbursement of course fees for 81 courses. Honorarium/ incentive in most of the courses.
-New courses from various reputed Institutes including the courses in five mandatory areas,
identified by IBA.
Mandatory Certification for Capacity Building: Certificate Courses is mandatory in five specialised
1.Credit Areas 2. Treasury Operations 3. Risk Management 4. Accounting 5.Foreign Exchange
Besides the mandated areas of certification, staff posted w.e.f. April 01, 2018 in the above
mentioned functional areas shall possess the requisite mandatory certification. For this, IBA has
recommended the names of below mentioned institutions for certification.
-The fee structure of above mentioned mandatory courses of IIBF is ranging from Rs. 6000/- plus
GST to Rs. 15000/- plus GST depending on post exam training mode i.e. virtual classroom and
physical classroom respectively. Similarly, the fee structure of NIBM is in the range of Rs.11500/- to
18500/- plus GST as per the details.
In case of Mandatory Certifications, period of post exam training (both virtual mode and physical
mode) will be reckoned as official duty (Only for first attempt). The candidates clearing in first
attempt are eligible for TE/DA.
-Reimbursement of course fee plus taxes will be at actual level and maximum upto the prescribed
limit, if fee will be revised reimbursement will be done in actual.
-Employees have to claim for the reimbursement of examination fees and payment of honorarium/
incentive within 12 months from the date of passing the course.
-There is no restriction on reimbursement of examination fee for passing any number of
professional courses.
-Honorarium/ incentive will be payable maximum for Four IIBF/ NIBM Courses. For Certificate
Examination in Risk in Financial Services and Advance Management Programme, honorarium/
incentive can be claimed additionally irrespective of their receiving honorarium/ incentive for
other certificate courses.
-Course Fee can be claimed after completion of courses for all the courses except CISA, CISM and
-for CISA, CISM and CISSP Courses, one time reimbursement of 50a of examination cost will be
reimbursed in case of first unsuccessful attempt for any one of these courses.
-Successful completion of any course/ courses for IT related certification courses as maximum
honorarium/incentive of Rs.10000/- will be paid after completion of course.
-For CISA, CISM and CISSP, honorarium/ incentive of Rs.10000/- will be paid separately for each of
these courses irrespective of their receiving honorarium/ incentive earlier for other certification IT
related certification courses.
-Honorarium/incentive amount of Rs.10000/- will be paid to the officers on their successful
completion of MBA from recognised University after joining the Bank.
-The Officer shall execute a Service Indemnity Bond in cases of few courses Advance Management
Programme (One Year Course by IIBF), FRM, PRM, CFA and all the IT Courses except IT Courses by
If reimbursement is upto Rs. 1 lakh (including Enrolment fee) 1 year
If reimbursement is above Rs.1 lakh (including Enrolment Fee) 2 years
-If any Officer/Executive resign bank during currency of the bond, he/she shall repay entire amount
of reimbursement (Course Fee and honorarium/ incentive) received from the Bank.
Deviation to the policy:
MD and CEO may be authorised to approve any revision of course fee and / or honorarium/
incentive / bond amount / bond period /addition of any new courses, etc. as and when required.
The institute has 3 options to complete the courses with 3 different payment options:
4 Certificate on MSME Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
5 Certificate Exam Anti Money Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
Laundering & KYC
6 Certificate Exam in Trade Finance Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
7 Certificate Exam in Customer
Service & Banking Codes & Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
8 Certificate Exam in Foreign
Exchange Facilities for individuals Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
9 Certificate Examination in IT Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
10 Certificate Examination in
Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs,2000/-
Fraud Management
11 Certified Bank Trainer Course Blended Rs.6000/- Rs.5000/-
12 Certified Banking Compliance
Professional Course Blended Rs.6000/- Rs.5000/-
13 Certificate Course in Digital Banking Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
14 Certificate Examination in Certificate
introduction to Banking / or the Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
Sub Staff Cadre)
15 Certificate Examination in Rural Certificate
Banking Operations Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
16 Certified information System Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
17 Advanced Wealth Management Diploma Rs.4000/- Rs.5000/-
18 Diploma Examination in Diploma
Commodity Derivatives for Bankers Rs.4000/- Rs/5000/-
19 Diploma in Banking Technology Diploma Rs.4000/- Rs.5000/-
20 Diploma in Home Loan Advising Diploma Rs.4000/- Rs.5000/-
21 Diploma in International Banking EL Diploma Rs.4000/- Rs.5000/-
22 Diploma in Retail Banking Diploma Rs.4000/- Rs.5000/-
23 Diploma in Treasury, Investment Et Diploma Rs.17000/- Rs.5000/-
Risk Management
24 Diploma in Banking and Finance Diploma Rs.3200/- Rs.5000/-
Honorarium/ incentive will be payable maximum for Four IIBF/NIBM Courses. For Advance
Management Programme and Certificate Examination in Risk in Financial Services,
honorarium / incentive can be claimed additionally irrespective of their receiving
honorarium / incentive for other certification courses.
FINANCIAL RISK M Association of USD USD Rs.10000/- Rs.10000/-
2 ANAGER (FRM) Risk 1250/- 1025/-
RISK MANAGER Risk USD USD Rs.10000/- Rs.10000/-
3 (PRM) Managers’ 1080/- 1080/-
Actual Actual
CHARTERED US based CFA Fees to be Fees to
FINANCIAL Institute reimburse be
4 ANALYST I/II/III d reimbur- Rs.10000/- Rs.10000/-
(Presently sed
$950 for (Presentl
each level y $1000
for each
LICENTIATE, Rs.700 per Rs.700/- Rs.2000/- after Rs.2000/- after
ASSOCIATE AND Insurance paper, per completion of all completion of all
5 FELLOW Institute of Total paper, the three papers the three papers
Rs.2100 Total:
paid once in 3 in 3 years)
years) years)
There are so many courses available in Information Technology related courses and other
International Courses where Bank pays a very Good amount of Honorarium/ incentives. For more
details you are requested to refer Staff Circular No. 7119 dated 17-03-2020.
Proposed New Courses:
Consequent upon rectification of anomalies in the formula circulated vide Staff Circular No. 5799
dated 13.10.2011 will be recalculated now as per staff circular No. 5959 dated 11.03.2013.All the
subordinate staff excluding drivers may be fitted as per Formula-A on their promotion to clerical
cadre and Drivers will be fitted as per Formula-B on their promotion to clerical cadre.
+3 12200 12550 13700 14400
+4 12600 12950 14400 15100
+5 13000 13350 14400 15100
+6 13400 13750 15100 15100
+7 13800 14150 15100 15800
1. Those who are given fitment of salary on promotion to clerical cadre at the clubbing stages,
The employee in the lower clubbed stage of clerical scale of pay will get their next increment after
promotion on the anniversary date of promotion. Those who are fitted at the higher clubbed stage,
their increment after promotion shall be anniversary date of their last increment in subordinate
2. Promotees who are drawing Fixed Personal Pay in terms of settlement dated 27.04.2010
may continue to draw the same quantum of FPA even after promotion which shall remain unaltered
till revised.
3. If despite the fitment a given above, the emoluments drawn as clerk on promotion are less
than that drawn as a subordinate staff, the difference may be protected by way of Temporary
Personal Allowance to be wiped off in 3 years at the rate of 1/3rd of Temporary Personal Allowance.
+7 23900 24900 25700
1) The promote officer after fitment as above, will draw his next increment in the Officers’
Scale on the anniversary date of his last increment in clerical cadre and thereafter he will draw his
further increments every year on the same date. However, in view of the clubbing of stages in the
fitment table, the employee in the lower clubbed stage of clerical scale of pay will get his next
increment after promotion on the anniversary date of promotion.
2) Those who were drawing a basic pay between the 1st and 9th stage in the clerical scale given
in the above table, will be fitted at the minimum of the Officers’ Scale and will draw their next
increment on the anniversary date of promotion.
3) (a) Those who have completed more than one year at basic pay of Rs.18300/19300,
Rs.19100/20100, Rs.1900/20900, Rs.20700/21700, Rs.21500/22500 will draw their next increment
on the anniversary date of their last increment in the clerical cadre immediately following the date
of promotion and will draw their subsequent annual increment on the same date.
Those who have completed less than one year at basic pay of Rs.18300/19300, Rs.19100/20100,
Rs.19900/20900, Rs.20700/21700 & Rs.21500/22500 will draw their next increment after fitment on
the anniversary date of promotion and thereafter draw their annual increments every year of the
same date.
(b) Those who have completed more the than one year at basic pay of Rs.22300/23300,
Rs.23100/24100, Rs.23900/24900 will be given fitment in the Officers’ scale at Rws.25700 and will
earn their next increment on the anniversary date of promotion subject to their crossing their
efficiency bar as per guidelines issued by the Govt. under Regulation 5 of Officers’ Service
(c) In all cases where promote officers reach the maximum stage in the substantive JMGS I
(Rs.25700) further increment in the next higher scale will be subject to their crossing efficiency bar
as per guidelines issued by the Govt. under Regulations 5 of Officers’ Service Regulation.
4) Promotees who are drawing Fixed Personal Pay in terms of settlement dated 27.04.2010
may continue to draw the same quantum of FPP even after promotion which shall remain unaltered
till revised.
5) If the promote officer has passed JAIIB or CAIIB at the time of his promotion, notional basic
pay will be arrived at after reducing the increments earned for passing JAIIB/CAIIB from the clerical
basic pay. He shall then be fitted in the Officers’ scale in accordance with the above table and
appropriate one or two increments in the Officers’ scale shall be added with basic pay so fixed. The
date of increment will be determined as per (1) above, if after reduction of increments in the clerical
scale, the basic pay falls in the lower clubbed stage. This adjustment, however, will not be made
where the number of increments to be reduced is higher than the number of increments to be
6) If despite the fitment as given above, the emoluments (basic pay and dearness allowance)
drawn as an officer on promotion are less than the emoluments (basic pay and stagnation increment
if any, functional special pay on permanent basis and dearness allowance) drawn as a clerk, the
difference may be protected by way of Temporary Personal Allowance to be wiped off, in three
years, at the rate of 1/3 Temporary Personal Allowance. This allowance will not rank for dearness
allowance and superannuation benefits.
8) If any employee has passed CAIIB after reaching the 20th stage of the clerical cadre and
promoted to Officers’ scale subsequently, he /she shall be granted one increment for passing CAIIB
PART –I / JAIIB and another increment for passing CAIIB PART – II after fitment in Officers’ scale as
per his / her clerical stage of pay before promotion.
BPS BASIC BASIC 01.05.2010 BASIC BASIC 01.05.2010 BASIC BASIC 01.05.2010
STEP INCRE 1/3 1/3 1/3 ½ 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4
1 5850 916.67 1353.33 1950.00 1375.00 2030.00 2925 2062.50 3045.00 4387.50
2 6050 935.00 1388.33 2016.66 1402.50 2082.50 3025 2103.75 3123.75 4537.50
3 6250 953.33 1423.33 2083.33 1430.00 2135.00 3125 2145.00 3202.50 4687.50
4 6450 978.33 1461.67 2150.00 1467.50 2192.50 3225 2201.25 3288.75 4837.50
5 6650 1003.33 1500.00 2216.66 1505.00 2250.00 3325 2257.50 3375.00 4987.50
6 6900 1033.33 1545.00 2300.00 1550.00 2317.50 3450 2325.00 3476.25 5175.00
7 7150 1063.33 1590.00 2383.33 1595.00 2385.00 3575 2392.50 3577.50 5362.50
8 7400 1100.00 1645.00 2466.66 1650.00 2467.50 3700 2475.00 3701.25 5550.00
9 7650 1136.67 1700.00 2550.00 1705.00 2550.00 3825 2557.50 3825.00 5735.50
10 7900 1173.33 1755.00 2633.33 1760.00 2632.50 3950 2640.00 3948.75 5925.00
11 8200 1216.67 1820.00 2733.33 1825.00 2730.00 4100 2737.50 4095.00 6150.00
12 8500 1260.00 1885.00 2833.33 1890.00 2827.50 4250 2835.00 4241.25 6375.00
13 8800 1303.33 1950.00 2933.33 1955.00 2925.00 4400 2932.50 4387.50 6600.00
14 9100 1346.67 2015.00 3033.33 2020.00 3022.50 4550 3030.00 4533.75 6825.00
15 9450 1396.67 2093.33 3150.00 2095.00 3140.00 4725 3142.50 4710.00 7087.50
16 9800 1446.67 2171.67 3266.66 2170.00 3257.50 4900 3255.00 4886.25 7350.00
17 10150 1496.67 2250.00 3383.33 2245.00 3375.00 5075 3367.50 5062.50 7612.50
18 10550 1553.33 2340.00 3516.66 2330.00 3510.00 5275 3495.00 5265.00 7912.50
19 10950 1610.00 2430.00 3650.00 2415.00 3645.00 5475 3622.50 5467.50 8212.50
20 11350 1666.67 2520.00 3783.33 2500.00 3780.00 5675 3750.00 5670.00 8512.50
STG-1 11750 1723.33 2610.00 3916.66 2585.00 3915.00 5875 3877.50 5872.50 8812.00
STG-2 12150 1780.00 2700.00 4050.00 2670.00 4050.00 6075 4005.00 6075.00 9112.50
STG-3 12550 1836.67 2790.00 4183.33 2755.00 4185.00 6275 4132.50 6277.50 9412.50
STG-4 12950 1893.33 2880.00 4316.66 2840.00 4320.00 6475 4260.00 6480.00 9712.50
STG-5 13350 1950.00 2970.00 4450.00 2925.00 4455.00 6675 4387.50 6682.50 10012.50
STG-6 13750 NIL 3060.00 4583.33 NIL 4590.00 6875 NIL 6885.00 10312.50
STG-7 14150 4716.66 7075 1061.20