9physics - Ut2 - 2022 - 23

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Grade: Marks: 25
Date: 21 /06//2022 Time: 1 Hr

General Instructions:
1. The question paper comprises three sections – A, B ,C and D. Attempt all the
2. All questions are compulsory.

SECTION – A (8 X 1 = 8)
1. Which of the following is a unit for acceleration
a) km/s b) m/s2 c) m d) cm/s
2. Inertia depends on __________.
a) Weight b) Velocity c) Mass d) Acceleration
3. Newton's First Law States........
a) Objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force.
b) Objects accelerate often and it is difficult to know when or how they will
c) Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force.
d) Both A & C
4. Which has more momentum: a car stopped at a red light or a bike moving at
15 mph?
a) car b) bike c) they are equal d) cannot determine using the info provided
5. What is the net force?

a) 10 N b) 0 N c) 25 d) 1 N
6. When the net force that acts on a hockey puck is 10 N, the puck accelerates at
a rate of 50 m/s2. Determine the mass of the puck.
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(a) 0.2 kg (b) 5 kg (c) 1.0 kg (d) 10 kg

7. Which one of the following terms is used to indicate the natural tendency of an
object to remain at rest or in motion at a constant speed along a straight line?
(a) velocity (b) acceleration (c) inertia (d) force
8. An object of mass 2 kg is sliding with a constant velocity of 4 m/ s on a frictionless
horizontal table. The force required to keep the object moving with the same
velocity is
(a) 32 N            (b) 0 N                 (c) 2 N                (d) 8 N 


9. It is more difficult to roll a filled tar drum than an empty drum. (2)
a) Which of two has a greater mass?
b) Which has greater inertia?
10. A car came to rest when brake was applied for 4s to get a retardation of 3 m/s 2.
Calculate how far the car would have traveled after applying the brake . (2)


11. Two balls of the same size but of different materials, rubber and iron are kept on
the smooth floor of a moving train. The brakes are applied suddenly to stop the
train. Will the balls start rolling? If so, in which direction? Will they move with the
same speed? Give reasons for your answer (3)
12. Find out reasons for the Situations
a) Place some carom board coins in a pile. Using the striker, strike out the coin at
the bottom. What do you observe? What is the reason?
b) When a running bus is suddenly stopped, passengers, standing in the bus show a
tendency to fall forward.
c) Place a small brick on a plank. When the plank is pulled suddenly the brick
remains in the same position as before. (3)
13. A hockey ball of mass 200 g hits on a hockey stick with a velocity 10 m/s.
Calculate the change in momentum if the ball bounces back on the same path with
the same speed. (3)

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14. With the given data in the table, draw a velocity –Time graph (4)
Time (s) 2 4 6 8 10 12
Velocity (m/s) 5 9 13 20 20 25

(I) find the acceleration during the first 4 seconds

(ii) Find the distance covered in the last 4 seconds

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