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Charac ter Adjectiv es amll

We often use :1/h ar's h e s,'ie ,'ike ?
1 Re ad th e w o rds in th e box and check the What was he she like ? : o ask abo u:
someon e's ch aracter.
on es you kn o w. Then look up the ones
you don't.
4 CO(J:M Li sten to Josh and Lane. \'.':1a:
brave ch ee rful cruel friendly
does Lane say about her first frienó a:1é
funny kind lazy loya l
her first teacher?
¡, selfish
_____________ shy stubborn wise
_________________________ ,.1

'-> ' ....

5 Write and answer qu"est ions about : he

2 (QtfM Li sten and repeat.
p eo ple in the box.
3 Lo ok at the characters in pictures 1-6 and
first classmate first friend frrst teacher
ch o ose the correct words.
a ~ne /tr>te Ntcn was@ / tunny.
b Sarri Gamgee ,11as loyal f cruel to Frodo
Bagg 1ns.
e Sher ()Q( Ho1rnes 11as wise / cheerful.
d l Aer:ír ,ne / ¡;zard was lazy / friendly.
e Rornr hood was1mid / selfish.
Oueen Boua1cca was shy / brave.

ing of the word s in lh e • •
British Legends
er dangerous fight
ule stone sword Out>('tl BoudiC'('éJ
In 60AD, Oueen Boudícca was ruling
Look at the na mes of the people the east of England when the Romans
encyclopedia article. What do you decided to attack her people, the
- are like? Read, listen and check lceni. Legend says that the queen
four answers. was incredibly brave and she attacked
the Romans in London. The Roma ns
discovered her plan so she didn't
Rea d the encyclopedia article again.Then
write T for true or F for false. conquer the city. But they were afraid
of Boudicca - she was an extremely
a Queen Boudicca was living in London. dangerous enemy. In fact, the Roma ns
The Romans killed Boudicca. were planning to abandon England
when suddenly they won a battle and
e Arthur went with Merlin to get the sword.
had control of the province again.
d "'t We know that Merlin existed . Legend says Boudicca killed herself.
e \ John had control of the country. Merlín the Wizard
, Robin Hood wasn't ki nd to rich people. After the Roma ns left Britain, there was
chaos. There were different kíngs and
Sean the text and answer the questions. they were rivals, and people from other
a What was Boudicca like? countries were invading. Britaín needed
one true and loyal kíng and Merlín
found Arthur. He took Arthur to see a
sword, Excalibur. The legend says only
b What happened when the Romans were
the true king cou\d pul \ Excalibur out
planning to leave Britain? of the stone. Arthur pulled the sword
ll\Q~ WD í\ ~) ~ , -• \ ,i ·,. "
out of the stone and he beca me King
Arthur. But did someone like Merlín
e Why was Arthur the true l<ing? really exist? Experts say this is possiJ
but nobody is sure.

Robín Hood
d Why wasn't King Richard ruling England?
'1 - ' ' )
There are many stories about
'-- .J J Hood. He was a popular he
lived with his friends, the M1
in Sherwood Forest ne
At that time, ~ng
(í(iis in English that are wasn't ruling the
in your language and have was fighting in
ng. These words can help you lazy brothet
text as a whole. Robin a

. . .. .
. .
to poor

CLASS VOTE Which legend do you

yths and Lege s
e se te e s .,, •

er Adjectives
Comp e:e the ,, oros ,, th che vo,·te s and )

a -~ 9 s

l ~r.f"~

b _LS _ _ b
e s:_.__bt __ ,.....

d ------ j ~-- ----


l c;h\

e ~"'---
k --"º--
2 Write :he .,., ords in ac:iv1tv 1 in ihe correct
grot!O. e b c. ;;::,:; :.:;:: : ~-

"" 5

3 -..,"cer1· ne the correct words.

d f .' / g'"G'"'C -,C <r G.'tSC c:~x . .;::;s ,•. : . . :=-- :
How many of these sr:e C / lC/ S '"'les ~DCC C5C5. :::-5~--c......:...-
legends do you

Beowl.M,-saailaJ-rre-. - s SB se :o
Dea11akandheded a te,...:J e ~o-s~e· ce s:::

~vfnos vvas a b chee-rfulraKing vino nao a e Ov ..,r>Cle re.e" e:s j-e cog ·- ::-e - :::_s, =·=-
monster caileo me Minorau ~ ~ed dlildren ro ::rer ~·s ·ea °'; coa 00cs·ce. :-:e's r: ~
nis 'pet'.

Maudwas e ~ / setfish. /,,.,e" she foura a

dragan, sre 11ar:ed :o nelp it but her -tatrer
no. But ~ Aal..d 1tas ti sdi6bom / funny. Sne
asked him aga,,., and again, and in the end he f I don't like giving in to mre-- oeon e's o::·- o-s.
agreed. Toe dragon was always e cruel ~ t o As l'm - - -- 1never 01ange ..,._ .' "'"' ne.
Maud because of her kindness.

Rip Van Nínr.le Nas a "i31wise farmer who

ne'1er did any v1ork. Oneday he drank a magíc
potion and fell .asleep for many years.

178 one hundred seventy-eight

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