E.D Lab Report 2

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Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet

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Laboratory Title: Study of Diode Rectifiers

Experiment Number: 02 Due Date: 16.06.2022 Semester: 2021-2022, Summer
Subject Code: EEE 2104 Subject Name: Electronic Devices Lab Section:V
Course Instructor: RETHWAN FAIZ Degree Program: _ BSc CSE

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No. Student Name Student ID

1 MINHAZ AHMED AYON 20-41859-1

2 MD.SUMON 20-42556-1


4 MAHMUDUL HASAN 20-41876-1

5 MD. ABDULLA AL MAMUN 20-44192-2

For faculty use only:

Total Marks: Marks Obtained:

Faculty comments
Title: Study of Diode Rectifiers

The objective of experiment 2 of the Electronic Devices Lab is now we have learned about the applications of
diode. Firstly, we were introduced that one of the main components used in making of rectifier circuit are diode
and there are three types of rectifier circuit.

A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction. It has low
resistance in one direction, and high resistance in the other. A diode rectifies an ac voltage, so that it can be
smoothed and converted into a dc voltage. A rectifier, however, can produce a constant or variable DC voltage.
A diode rectifier can produce a fixed DC voltage whereas an SCR can produce a variable DC voltage.

Theory & Methodology:

Diode rectifiers are of the following types:
1. Half-wave rectifier.
2. Full-wave bridge rectifier.
3. Center tapped Full-wave rectifier.

A rectifier, however, cannot produce a smooth DC voltage. So the rectification block that makes the output DC voltage
a smooth one follows a filter circuit. In this case, the capacitor acts as a smoothing filter so that the output is nearly a dc
voltage. A filtering is not perfect; there will be a remaining voltage fluctuation known as ripple, on the output voltage.
The half-wave voltage signal is normally established by a network with a single diode has an average or equivalent DC
voltage level equal to 31.8% of the peak voltage, whereas the full-wave rectified signal has twice the average or DC
level of the half-wave signal, or 63.6% of the peak value.

Working Principle of Half-wave rectifier:

In half wave rectifier only half cycle of applied AC voltage is used. Another half cycle of AC voltage (negative cycle)
is not used. Only one diode is used which conducts during positive cycle. The circuit diagram of half wave rectifier
without capacitor is shown in the following figure.

Figure: Half-Wave Rectification

During positive half cycle of the input voltage anode of the diode is positive compared with the cathode. Diode
is in forward bias and current passes through the diode and positive cycle develops across the load resistance
RL. During negative half cycle of input voltage, anode is negative with respected to cathode and diode is in
reverse bias. No current passes through the diode hence output voltage is zero.

Working Principle of Full-Wave rectifier:

The Bridge rectifier is a circuit, which converts an ac voltage to dc voltage using both half cycles of the
input ac voltage. The Bridge rectifier circuit is shown in the following figure.
The circuit has four diodes connected to form a bridge. The ac input voltage is applied to the diagonally
opposite ends of the bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other two ends of the bridge. For
the positive half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D1 and D2 conduct, whereas diodes D3 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The
conducting diodes will be in series with the load resistance R L and hence the load current flows through R L. For the negative half
cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D3 and D4 conduct whereas, D1 and D2 remain OFF. The conducting diodes D3 and D4 will be
in series with the load resistance RL and hence the current flows through RL in the same direction as in the previous half cycle. Thus
a bi- directional wave is converted into a unidirectional wave.

Figure: During positive half-cycle of the input, D1 and D2 are forward-biased and conduct current. D3 and D4 are reverse-biased

Figure: During negative half-cycle of the input, D3 and D4 are forward-biased and conduct current. D1 and D2 are reverse-biased

Working Principle of Center Trapped Full-Wave rectifier:

A center tapped rectifier is a type of full wave rectifier that uses two diodes connected to the secondary of a
center tapped transformer, as shown in below diagram. The input voltage is coupled through the transformer
to the center-tapped secondary. Half of the total secondary voltage appears between the center tap and each
end of the secondary winding as shown.

Figure: During positive half-cycle of the input, D1 is forward-biased and D2 is reverse-biased.

For a positive half cycle of the input voltage, the polarities of the secondary voltages are shown in figure. This condition
forward biases diode D1 and reverse biases diode D2.The current path is through D1 and the load resistor RL.
For a negative half cycle of the input voltage, the voltage polarities on the secondary are shown. This condition reverse
biases D1 and forward biases D2. The current path is through D2 and RL. Because the output current during both the
positive and negative portions of the input cycle are in the same direction through the load the output voltage developed
across the load resistor is a full wave rectified dc voltage.
Figure: During negative half-cycle of the input, D2 is forward-biased and D1 is reverse-biased.


No. Apparatus Quantity

1 Diode 4

2 10 k Resistance 1

3 Project Board 1

4 Oscilloscope 1
5 Multimeter 1

6 Transformer 1
7 47μF Capacitor 1
8 100μF Capacitor 1

9 Chord 2

Circuit Diagram:
Figure 4: Half wave rectifier

Figure 5: Full wave bridge rectifier


Figure 6: Half-wave rectifier with no capacitor.

Figure 7: Half-wave rectifier with 47μF capacitor

Figure 8: Half-wave rectifier with 100μF capacitor.

Figure 9: Full-wave bridge rectifier with no capacitor.

Figure 10: Full-wave bridge rectifier with 47μF capacitor.

Figure 11: Full-wave bridge rectifier with 100μF capacitor.

Figure 12: Center tapped Full-wave rectifier without capacitor.

Figure 13: Center tapped Full-wave rectifier with 47μF capacitor.

Figure 14: Center tapped Full-wave rectifier with 100μF capacitor.

Experimental Data:

Table 1: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 1

Vo (Oscilloscope) (P-P) Vo (Multimeter)

No Capacitance 10.00 V 2.891 V
47μF 600 mV 9.25 V
100 μF 400 mV 9.26 V

Table 2: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 2

Vo (Oscilloscope) (P-P) Vo (Multimeter)

No Capacitance 9.2 V 5.4 V
47μF 600 mV 8.76 V
100 μF 400 mV 8.99 V

Table 3: Data Table for circuit of Figure – 3

Vo (Oscilloscope) (P-P) Vo (Multimeter)

No Capacitance 10.2 V 6.06 V
100 μF


The value of the output voltages that are obtained through oscilloscope and through the multimeter with
different values of capacitance were of less variation and were comparable. The overall result of simulated
and calculated is different. In the experimented data the function error from oscilloscope, AC and DC voltage
source and even diode placement can make difference in the result. On the other hand, the simulated result
is more accurate as there was no functional error or any other thing.

Answering the questions:

*What are the effects and significance of using filter capacitance?

A Filter Capacitor is a capacitor that is used to filter out a certain frequency otherwise series of
frequencies from an electronic circuit is known as the filter capacitor. Generally, a capacitor filters out the
signals which have a low frequency. The frequency value of these signals is near to 0Hz, these are also known
as DC signals. So, this capacitor is used to filter unwanted frequencies. These are very common in different
types of equipment like electronics as well as electrical and applicable in different applications.
*Why circuit 2 is better than the circuit in figure 3?

The circuit 2 is better just because, A bridge rectifier does not require a bulky center tapped
transformer, nowadays the center tapped transformers are costlier than diodes and a step-down transformer
hence reduced size and cost.


From this lab we know how to build a half wave rectifier circuit. For building we must choose a diode that
can safely withstand the current the circuit will have to provide, and also the reverse bias voltage that will be
applied to it. Diodes are rated for maximum average forward current, which, since the diode conducts only
half the time (positive-going half-cycles only), is roughly 1/2(Vav/RL), where Vav is the average voltage
and RL is the load resistance. The peak inverse voltage (PIV), or maximum repetitive reverse voltage
(VRRM) is the maximum reverse bias that the diode can withstand. For the unfiltered rectifier, this is just
the peak voltage. The half-wave rectifier is used most often in low-power applications because of their major
disadvantages being. The output amplitude is less than the input amplitude, there is no output during the
negative half cycle so half the power is wasted and the output is pulsed DC resulting in excessive ripple. By
performing this experiment, we know all this stuff.

[1] Adel S. Sedra, Kennth C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Saunders College
Publishing, 3rd ed., ISBN: 0-03-051648-X, 1991.
[2] David J. Comer, Donald T. Comer, Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design, John
Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.; ISBN: 0471410160, 2002.
[3] American International University–Bangladesh (AIUB) Electronic Devices Lab Manual.

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