To Check

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- ItemFrameRenderer Forge patches
- LevelRenderer - updateCameraAndRender -> sky
- Chat width scale
- BiomeCategory -> BiomeTags
- Buffer uploader -
- Slider - adjusting
- BossHealthOverlay - getBossName()
- BitmapProvider - offsetBold
- FontSet - memory allocation

- Fog start
- LevelRenderer - 500ms frustum update

- Frustum
- LevelRanderer - maxChunkY, getRenderChunkOffset(check Y), loadAllRenderers
- BiomeUtils - biomes
- CustomColormap, ShaderParameterFloat - Biome.getTemperature()
- IForgeRenderChunk, RenderChunk.createRegionRenderCache()
- ShaderInstance - attribute indexes

- LoadingOverlay
- bar colors
- LiquidBlockRenderer
- check "shaders face brightness", if needed
- CrashReport
- forge patch
- TitleScreen
- forge patch
- ParticleEngine
- barrier particles

- LightTexture
- NativeImage
- Blender
- setup blend
- DefaultVertexFormat
- set names
- RenderType
- HALF_ALPHA - OK (not needed)
- remove lambdas
- RenderStateShard
- TextureStateShard - use bound texture
- Mappings
- TextureStateShard - cutoutTexture/texture
- VertexFormat - constructor
- GlStateManager
- forge patches
- LevelRenderer
- renderSky() - sky size to match render distance
- renderBlockLayer - render calls, regions, draw optimizations, etc.
- Fog
- remove render distance fixes depending on fog type
- fog is always radial

- BufferBuilder
- sorting - OK
- multi-texture - OK
- getNextBuffer() - OK
- mode triangles - OK
- BufferUploader
- shaders - OK
- multi-texture - OK
- VertexBuffer
- regions - OK
- multi-texture - OK
- memory allocation in bind() - OK
- OptionButton
- renamed - OK
- ModelPart
- CEM - OK
- texture parameters - OK
- ClientLevel
- forge patch removeEntity()
- Option
- graphics option check fabulous - OK
- GUI_SCALE fix normalizeAngle - OK
- Options
- forge patch KeyModifier
- detect save/load in process() - OK
- chatWidth save as float - OK
- ItemOverrides
- all patches
- BlockEntityRenderer
- from abstract class to interface - OK
- SignRenderer
- forge patch
- ChunkRenderDispatcher
- forge patch blockHasTileEntity
- EntityRenderDispatcher
- forge patch
- ItemFrameRenderer
- forge patches
- ItemRenderer
- forge patches
- durability colors - OK
- ItemInHandRenderer
- forge patches
- Mob
- forge patches
- LevelRenderer
- render entities by type - OK
- renderInfosEntities - OK
- VideoSettingsScreen
- gui scale - OK
- DyeColor
- forge patches
- MushroomCowMushroomLayer
- custom model - OK
- TextureAtlasSprite
- forge patches
- ChunkVisibility
- min/max height - OK
- ChunkOF
- world height - OK
- makeChunkData - OK
- Velocity map - OK

TODO 1.16.2
- ChatOptionsScreen
- VideoSettingsScreen
- GuiDetailSettingsOF

TODO 1.16
- debug screen chunk updates
- patch FontRenderer
X chat shadow
X patch ResourceLoadProgressGui
X patch VideoSettingsScreen
X patch BipedArmorLayer
X patch PlayerModel, CapeLayer for cape patch
X FluidBlockRenderer - face brightness from BlockState
X RenderType - new types
- WorldRenderer.setupTerrain() - iteration
X I18n patch, Forge hooks
X ClientWorld Forge patch
X IntegratedServer patch
X Lang reloading resources
- CEM zombified_piglin (from zombie_pigman/pig_zombie)
- mappings
- ItemRenderer getBufferGlint()
- func_235904_r_,getProperties
- func_235901_b_,hasProperty
- StateHolder (properties)
- Registry, RegistryKey
- World.getDimension/getDimensionType
- SRespawnPacket, SJoinGamePacket
- func_241113_a_,setClearWeather
- ServerWorld func_241114_a_,setDayTime
- TileEntity: getMaxRenderDistanceSquared -> getMaxRenderDistance

TODO 1.15
- CEM not existing ender_crystal_no_base, ender_chest

Shaders (1.14 to 1.15)

- void rendering
- 1.14 leash has no lightmap
- normalmatrix for mooshroom mushrooms, particles (1.14 is also strange)
- at_tangent on entities/block entities
- calculate normal, at_tangent and midtex only when used by the shader pack

FIXME 1.15
- fix for 1.14 shader packs in 1.15
a) switch TU 1 (lightmap) and 2 (normals)
b) replace gl_TextureMatrix[1] -> gl_TextureMatrix[2]
c) replace gl_MultiTexCoord1 -> gl_MultiTexCoord2

- GlStateManager - display list methods
- multi-texture (AA/AF) with VBOs
- ClientChunkProvider - move ChunkDataOF check in ...
- AbstractChunkRenderContainer patch !!!
- Replace Direction.values() calls with Direction.VALUES
- BlockModelRenderer - separateAoValue, fix update
- BufferBuilder - shaders hooks
- ChunkRender
- patch preRenderBlocks()
- duplicate playerUpdate
- ClippingHelperImpl
- isBoxInFrustumRaw() - creates 6 vectors per check !!!
- EntityRenderer - patch bindEntityTexture()
- ArmorLayer
- renderArmorLayer() patch before bindTexture() and before
- renderEnchantedGlint() patch
- LivingRenderer
- is fix for spider eyes z-fighting still needed ???
- setBrightness() patch for Shaders.setEntityColor()
- RenderModel - display lists
- RenderModel - CEM changes
- Vertex size 28 -> 32, shaders 56 -> 64
- TextureAtlasSprite patch
- Tile entity renderers: BeaconTileEntityRenderer,
- Shaders patch "Shaders.enable/disableFog()" to be called by
GlStateManager.enable/disableFog() - port to 1.14.4 and below
- Shaders patch "Shaders.enable/disableTextue2D()" to be called by
GlStateManager.enable/disableTexture2D() - port to 1.14.4 and below
- Shaders.preCelestialRotate() to use matrix parameter
- WorldRenderer draw horizon patch
- WorldRenderer updateChunks() update chunks with needsUpdatePlayer() delayed
prioritized ???
- WorldRenderer patch for ShadersRender.begin/endBlockDamage(),
drawBlockDamageTexture(), drawSelectionBox()
- WorldRenderer patch drawBoundingBox() to be shaders friendly
- WorldVertexBufferUploader patch
- BiomeColors patch
- FirstPersonRenderer - renderOverlays()
- ItemRenderer - renderEffect()
- GLX.isUsingFBOs() - fast render
- AtlasTexture - missing texture
- ModelBakery.fixModelLocations() - the path is not being fixed at all
- ChunkCacheOF - cache biomes, light caching

- ChunkRender -> ChunkRenderDispatcher.ChunkRender
- Compiledchunk -> ChunkRenderDispatcher.CompiledChunk
- EnderDragonEyesLayer inlined in EnderDragonRenderer
- EndermanEyesLayer rendering moved to AbstractEyesLayer
- SpiderEyesLayer rendering moved to AbstractEyesLayer
- RendererModel -> ModelRenderer

- display lists, always VBOs
- direct rendering, always FBO
- BakedQuadRetextured
- LayeredColorMaskTexture
- VboRenderList
- CEM models: BannerModel, BedModel, ChestModel, EnderCrystalModel
- CEM offsets: ox, oy, oz

TODO 1.15 and below

- Config.hasResource() to call ResourceManager.hasResource()
- All configuration lookups iterating over numbered files (CustomSky, etc.) to
use Config.hasResource()

TODO 1.14 and below

- ChunkManager patches (1.13 PlayerChunkMap): view distance 64, lazy chunk
- Fix handheld items with external dynamic light (torch on ground)
- Remove all Reflector references to Config to avoid early initialization
- CustomSky - fix source texture parsing to use correct path
- TextureAtlasSprite.loadShadersSprite() to check if the resource exsists instead
of catching FileNotFoundException
- Remove TextureAtlasSprite.spriteSingle ???

TODO 1.14.4 Forge patch ModelBakery: this.field_217850_G.put(triple, ibakedmodel);

TODO Preserve unknown game settings (helps when testing older versions)

TODO shaders shadowmap backface culling only on chunks between the player and the
sun/moon ???
TODO Optimize dummy shader patches - uploadTexture/Sprite, generateMipmaps, etc.
some are proxies which are not needed
TODO optional delayed near updates ???
TODO Remove unused textures on texture reload (ResourceManager)
TODO Font renderer with degenerate triangles
TODO Fix sharp void/sky transitions on y = 62/63 (3 sec transition instead?)
TODO Remove own particles (around the player), option Particles = ON/Other/OFF
TODO Fix ghost water/lava ???
TODO Optimize entity rendering, one render call (GL list) per set of rotation

To check
- DynamicTexture (normal, specular)
- Config.getResourcePacks() working with server resource pack
- main menu panoramas (blur)
- BlockFluidRenderer - farmland, half-slab rendering
- BlockFluidRenderer - biome smoothing
- UTF-8 for all ".properties" files (NBT name matching)
- FontRenderer
? Fix overlapping characters (Misa uses slightly overlapping characters to
condense the font)
? check "enabled"
? Forge fix unicode shadow
- TileEntity custom name synchronization
- TileEntitySkullRenderer model renderers (CEM)
- resource location parsing to match "doc/properties_files.txt"
- profiler smoothing depending on FPS

Old -> New

- WorldProvider -> Dimension
- BlockStateBase -> BlockState (for the block ID cache)
- IBlockProperties -> IBlockState (interface)
- IWorldNameable -> INameable
- ModelHorse -> ModelHorseArmorBase
- Chunk.getPrecipitationHeight(pos) ->
Chunk.getHeight(Heightmap.Type.MOTION_BLOCKING, pos)

New changed
- NativeImage


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