CT230 (Jan2010) Course Work Spec
CT230 (Jan2010) Course Work Spec
CT230 (Jan2010) Course Work Spec
Modules Information: Module CT230 Internet Technology Session Programme Lecturer JAN2010 BCSCUI Ng Ruoh Ling Email: [email protected] Phone: 03-56320902 Summary of Coursework Breakdown: (as stated in course structure) No Description of coursework Learning Outcomes covered
Marks allocated
1 2 3
LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5 LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5 LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
1 day minus 20% of total mark awarded 2 days minus 50% of total mark awarded 3 days 0 mark for this piece of coursework
Coursework Specifications
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Coursework #1
Modules Information: Module CT230 Internet Technology Session Programme Lecturer Coursework Type Percentage Hand-out Date Due Date Students Declaration: JAN2010 BCSCUI Ng Ruoh Ling Individual Assignment 10% out of 100% Week 3 Week 7
I declare that: I understand what is meant by plagiarism This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished works of other people. I hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged [Name/ID] _______________________________________ [Section] _____________
[Signature] _______________________________________
[Date] _________________
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 LO2 Understand the role of client/server architecture in an Internet environment. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of both server-side and client-side development. Be able to implement simple facilities both client-side and server-side and use this knowledge to implement a simple web-based application connected to a database. Identify the role of concepts underpinning distributed objects in Internet applications and compare and contrast some of the specific distributed object technologies, such as CORBA, IIOP, and RMI, and service oriented architectures. Describe the fundamental concepts of software development for mobile devices and know how to apply these appropriately in common mobile computing scenarios. Discuss the major security technologies currently available for the Internet and be able to describe how these technologies are used to secure information transmitted over the Internet. Page 2
Coursework Specifications
Assessment Criteria
1. Report Format The overall structure, layout, figures /diagrams, and references of the report. The report introduction and conclusion Research Coverage and Research skills The scope of the topic, materials read and resources covered. The ability to find related data/information for the selected topics and extract useful information. Content Discussion The completeness and detail of the discussion, the comprehensiveness of the report writing Analytical skills The ability to analyze, compare and make judgment. Content Originality The ability to digest information obtained and produced them back using their own words. The writing skills Presentation Preparation, presentation materials, presentation skills
Total Marks
Given Marks
35 15 15 5
4. 5.
Lecturers Comments
1 day minus 20% of total mark awarded 2 days minus 50% of total mark awarded 3 days 0 mark for this piece of coursework
Coursework Specifications
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This is an individual assignment. Students are required to choose a research topic and produce a detailed report based on the findings. The following are topics that students may choose from: y y y y y y Research and discuss on the distributed object technologies. Research and discuss on the client/server model architecture in Internet environment Compare and contrast various server-side scripting for their strengths and weaknesses. Discuss various security technologies available for Internet environment. Research and discuss thin client and thick client technologies and how they are implemented Research and discuss the Internet environment for mobile applications and devices
Students are required to submit report documentation as the deliverable. The report content should follow the proper technical report writing rules (TOC, page and title numbering, diagrams / figures labeling, citation, references and etc).
End of Coursework #1
Coursework Specifications
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Coursework #2
Modules Information: Module CT230 Internet Technology Session Programme Lecturer Coursework Type Percentage Hand-out Date Due Date Students Declaration: JAN10 BCSCUI Ng Ruoh Ling Group Project 30% out of 100% Week 3 Week 12
We declare that: We understand what is meant by plagiarism. This assignment is all our own work and we have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished works of other people. We hold a copy of this assignment which we can produce if the original is lost or damaged Name/ID 1. 2. 3. Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 LO2 Understand the role of client/server architecture in an Internet environment. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of both server-side and client-side development. Be able to implement simple facilities both client-side and server-side and use this knowledge to implement a simple web-based application connected to a database. Identify the role of concepts underpinning distributed objects in Internet applications and compare and contrast some of the specific distributed object technologies, such as CORBA, IIOP, and RMI, and service oriented architectures. Describe the fundamental concepts of software development for mobile devices and know how to apply these appropriately in common mobile computing scenarios. Discuss the major security technologies currently available for the Internet and be able to describe how these technologies are used to secure information transmitted over the Internet. Page 5 Signature Section
Coursework Specifications
Assessment Criteria
1. 2. Database Design Correct database design and proper database linking and updating GUI Design and User Interaction The appropriate use of webpage layout and elements for user interaction and webpage navigations. System Functionalities The proper design and implementation of system functionalities (login, registration, feedback support, status checking, transaction processing, product searching and etc) Security Features Proper authentication and user validation, data encryption Documentation The proper report documentation with topics like description of the system, design and functions of the system, screen interfaces, the operation and the security features of the system Presentation Preparation, presentation materials, presentation skills, and teamwork
Total Marks
15 20
Given Marks
4. 5.
Lecturers Comments
1 day minus 20% of total mark awarded 2 days minus 50% of total mark awarded 3 days 0 mark for this piece of coursework
Coursework Specifications
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This is a group project. Students are required to form a group with no more than 3 members, to design and develop a web application with database using both client-side and server-side scripting for both PC and mobile users. Students are required to think of the solution of web application that can support both PC and mobile users. Students are allowed choose their preferred application area and propose a suitable topic for their projects. The application areas can be chosen from the following list: Application areas: y Ecommerce website y Social Networking Website y Web portals y Job Search website y Online reservation y Multimedia content sharing website y Intranet/inter-organizational website y Auction y Forum System requirements Depending on the scope of project, the web application should provide proper features and functions for its users (admin, teachers, students, customers, suppliers or clients). Below are some of the common features: y Login page with proper authentication y User registration creating new customer profile y Catalogue with search function y Product Order placement /shopping cart y Tracking feature order status, delivery status, transaction history y Services and supports feedback form, FAQ, news announcement, password recovery y Product/ services maintenance - maintain product record y User profile maintenance update user profile y Business operations processing order, monitoring stock y Resource sharing - uploading / downloading files y Communication features email, chat room, forum Project Documentation and Presentation Students are required to submit a report containing the following discussion: y The database design of the system y The system design (flow chart, UML diagrams) y The system functionalities y The systems user interface design y The security features of the system (concept and implementation if any). The report should follow proper formatting and attach with a software copy of the web application (CDR). Students are required to present their project (using PowerPoint slide) and demonstrate their applications (website).
End of Coursework #2
Coursework Specifications
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Coursework #3
Modules Information: Module CT230 Internet Technology Session Programme Lecturer Coursework Type Percentage Hand-out Date Jan10 BCSCUI Ng Ruoh Ling Test 10% out of 100% Week 10
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 Identify the role of client/server architecture in an Internet environment and the role of transactions and transaction processing monitors in an Internet-based application. Compare and contrast thin-client and thick-client technology and be able to identify major products currently available, which utilise these technologies Identify the advantages and disadvantages of both server-side and client-side development and use this knowledge to implement a simple web-based application connected to a database Identify the role of the concepts underpinning distributed objects in Internet application and compare and contrast some of the specific distributed object technologies, such as CORBA, IIOP and RMI Discuss the major security technologies currently available for the Internet and be able to describe how these technologies are used to secure information transmitted over the Internet
y y y y y
A total of 5 questions shall be given and students have to answer all. Each question carries 20 marks, and the total is 100 marks. The duration of the test is maximum 2 hours. Students are not allowed to bring in any reading materials. The test should cover minimum of 4 learning outcomes.
End of Coursework #3
Coursework Specifications
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