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Principles of Business

An investigation into the type/s of leadership style/s displayed by the manager at The Manfred’s

Names of Candidates: Ashleigh Jarrett

Kiandra Manfred
Celine Sobah
Dewahna Shirley
Deejonae Daley
Centre Number: 100123
Teacher: Mrs. Campbell Duncan
Territory: Jamaica
Date: June 13, 2021
Topic Page

Introduction.……………………………………………………………………. i

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………… ii

Research Topic………………………………………………………………..... 1

Objectives………………………………………………….…………...…….... 2

Background Information ………………………………….………………...… 3

Methodology…………………………………………………………………... 6

Data Collection…………………………………………………………………7

Presentation and Analysis of Data…………………………………………… 13

Conclusion………………………………………………………… …………33

Recommendation…………………………………………………………..… 35


Inside this School Based Assessment (SBA), there will be a clear and informative showcase,
utilizing visual representations as well as worded explanations, of the different leadership styles
at a prominent restaurant in St. Andrew, Jamaica. It will also give evidence to show how the
manager of the establishment deals with everyday situations along with his employees on a
regular basis.
The researcher hopes that this school based assessment gives the necessary information to
expand your knowledge on the different leadership styles and to also help the manager to rethink
some of his styles in leading his employees.


We, the researchers, would like to extend our most heartfelt thanks to our teacher, Mrs.
Campbell Duncan for her tireless guidance and support for the completion of this work. We
would also like to express gratitude to our respective parents for their provision of the electronics
and necessary materials to bring this research to completion. I would also like to thank the staff
at the restaurant for their endless cooperation which greatly contributed to the success of this
project. Finally, we would like to thank God for giving us the mental capacity to carry out this
research. We are truly grateful to you all.


What leadership style/s is/are displayed by the manager at The Manfred’s restaurant?

The aim of this research to find out the following:

1. The leadership qualities displayed by the manager of the restaurant.

2. The leadership style/s the manager uses to manage the staff of the restaurant.

3. The effectiveness of the leadership style in motivating the staff of the restaurant.

The researchers seek to discover the types of leadership styles displayed by the manager of an
organization within the Food and Beverage industry. This organization is Manfred’s Restaurant
and Catering Services, located off Windward Road in St. Andrew.
Manfred’s Restaurant and Catering Services, has been in operation for the last sixteen years
since 2003. Mr. Keith Manfred is the sole proprietor of this establishment and currently
employs a total of ten (10) skilled and semi-skilled employees.

The type of leadership style displayed by any manager can either motivate or demotivate staff
members. There are various leadership styles that leaders within an organization can display.
One such leadership style is that of a Democratic Participative leader. According to Kendra
Cherry an author, Psychosocial and Rehabilitation Specialist (2020), a Democratic Participative
leadership, is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more participative
role in the decision-making process.Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are
exchanged freely, and discussion is encouraged, the leader of the group however is still there to
offer guidance and control. Researchers have found that the democratic leadership style is one
of the most effective types and leads to higher productivity, better contributions from group
members, and increased group morale.

Then there is the Autocratic Style, which according to Bruna Martinuzzi (2019) is a
leadership style in which the leader believes that they are the smartest person within the
organization and knows more than others. They make all the decisions with little or no input
from team members.
Another leadership style is that of a Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leader. These leaders
practicing the delegative leadership style are very hands-off. They offer little or no guidance to
their group and leave decision making up to the group. They however provide the necessary
tools and resources to complete a project and will take responsibility for the group’s decisions
and actions, but power is basically handed over to the group.

There are also the Transactional Leaders. According to Bass, (1990), this leader who
displays this leadership style provides followers with direction, resources and rewards in
exchange for productivity and task accomplishment.

It is the intent of the group through research to find out the leadership style displayed by
the leader of Manfred’s Restaurant and Catering Services.
Their Purpose is to; be a leader in the provision of daily catering and concessionaire services
by providing enhanced services, exceptional customer relationship and profitability.
Their Vision Statement is as follows:
“To provide quality services and food that exceeds the expectations of your organization
and to establish a quality formula consisting of morally upright employees equipped with
above par skills in promoting the company’s thrust to be able to offer an array of dishes in
local and International cuisine.”

While their Mission Statement is:

“To build long term partnership with people and organizations through the introduction of
fresh and delectable food with affordable prices through systematic purchasing and price
analysis that comes with exceptional customer service. We believe that this is best
achieved through constant training, research and development primarily focusing on
nutritious and
quality meals that will aid in the development of our clients; thus leaving a satisfying smile
on everyone who has experienced what we have to offer.”

Manfred’s Restaurant and Catering Services has a track record and has stated that
following principles have been the source of their success. They refer to it as their ‘Key to

Manfred’s Restaurant and Catering Services key to success is based on:

✔ Outstanding customer service is offered to both our internal and external customers
– it is our goal to be the place “where everyone knows your name”. All team
members are hand selected and love what they do.

✔ Customer Satisfaction – By providing an environment, where our customers are

satisfied and employees are approachable and our products are fit-for-purpose.

✔ Provide a vast offering of specialty food that caters to the public’s increased
requirement for variety and sophistication in the food industry.

The researchers obtained the information to be presented by means of questionnaires and

The questionnaires were personally distributed to the eleven workers of Manfred’s Restaurant
by one of the researchers. To obtain full confidentiality, and to ensure truthful answers without
fear of repercussion, the names of the workers weren’t added to the forms given( the questions
were answered anonymously).

Observation was conducted by one of the researchers who observed the manager carrying out his
duties on numerous occasions. The researcher did so quietly so as to obtain the most natural
performance from both manager and staff.

Reasons for these forms of Data collection

Questionnaire - Easy basis for data representation, and more truthful answers were given due to
the anonymity of the person’s answers.

Observation - Might be more reliable than the questionnaire, since it gives a first-hand account of
the manager’s behaviour and might also help to finalize what data was collected.


A survey was conducted on the leadership styles displayed by the manager at a restaurant in St.

Andrew, Jamaica. A questionnaire was used to collect the responses from eleven (11) persons in

the sample.

Due to the pandemic, the biggest issue that the researchers faced was getting the questionnaires

to all employees, and carrying out observation in such a fashion that all Covid-19 protocols were


The information for this study will be presented in the form of charts and will be analyzed using

percentages and figures.


● Instruction: Answer all questions provided on this questionnaire with a tick(. This
questionnaire will be kept confidential, thus your name is not applicable.

● This questionnaire seeks to find out the type/s of leadership styles displayed by your
manager at this restaurant. Please indicate your answer by placing a tick in the box
that corresponds with your answer for each statement.

Background Information

1. How old are you?

● 18-25 yrs
● 26-33 yrs
● 34-41 yrs
● 42-49 yrs

2. How long have you been working at this restaurant?

● Just Started
● Weeks
● Months
● Years

3. Where do you live from work?

● Close By
● Good Distance
● Far Away

4. What type of leadership quality does your manager or supervisor display?

● Unfriendly and Callus
● Friendly and Jovial
● Demanding and Stern
● Caring and Helpful

5. The manager at this restaurant believes that most employees are lazy and need to be

● NO

6. Do you believe that the manager provides guidance without pressure when handling staff


7. It is the belief of the staff that the manager allows them to work independently.


8. Are employees given rewards in order to motivate them to achieve the company's


9. Workers are given frequent and supportive communication from their manager.


10. The manager allows employees to independently assess their own work.

● NO

11. Are employees allowed to share in decision making at this restaurant?

● NO

12. Most employees feel insecure about their work and need direction from their manager.


13. Employees are allowed to accept responsibility for completing their job task.

● NO

14. Employees are allowed to solve problems or settle disputes by themselves.

● NO

15. The manager is the chief judge of the achievement of staff members within the company.


16. The manager helps employees find their passion.


17. In most situations employees are given little input from their manager in difficult


18. The manager always gives orders to employees and clarifies procedures.


19. The manager believes that employees are competent and if given tasks they will do a
good job.


20. Employees are left to complete job tasks without the manager's interference.



1. How old are you?

Figure 1:Pie chart showing the ages of employees at the restaurant, where out of 11 employees,
2 respondents are between the ages 18-25 years, 1 between ages 26-33 years, 3 between ages 34-
41 years and 5 between ages 42-49 years.

Analysis: The responses shown in figure 1 depict that workers age range differ within the
organization as 46% of the respondents ages range between 42-49 years,27% ages range between
34-41 years ,18% ages range between 18-25 years and 9% ages range between 26-33 years
which shows that this organization does not have a set age limit in which one can be employed
once over 18 years.

2. How long have you been working at this restaurant?

Figure 2:Bar chart showing the tenure of the workers' employment at the restaurant. There were
11 respondents, 9 of which selected years and 2 of which selected months.

Analysis: From responses we can conclude that workers are dedicated to the organization and
are experienced, and would have a good idea of the manager’s leadership style as 82% of the
respondents have been working at the organization for years while 18% of the respondents have
been working in the organization for months, in addition 0% of respondents have been working
for weeks and 0% just started working.

3. Where do you live from work?

Figure 3:Pie chart showing the percentage of workers who live in close, relatively close, and far
proximity to the establishment. There were 11 respondents, 10 of which live close to work, 1
lives a good distance and 0 live far away from work.

Analysis: From these responses we can deduce that workers live in close proximity to work; this
is evident as 91% of workers close by work, 9% live a good distance from work but 0% far away
from work.

4. What type of leadership quality does your manager or supervisor display?

Figure 4: Bar chart showing the type of leadership qualities that the manager of the
establishment has. There were 11 respondents, 3 workers responded friendly and jovial, 0 for
demanding and stern as well as unfriendly and callus while 8 workers said caring and helpful.

Analysis: From this one can conclude that manager or supervisor of this organization displays
good qualities towards workers as 73% of the respondents stated that the manager or supervisor
executes caring and helpful leadership qualities, 27% stated that the manager or supervisor
perform friendly and jovial leadership quality however 0% of the respondents stated that the
manager or supervisor displays neither unfriendly and callus leadership quality nor demanding
and stern leadership quality.

5. The manager at this restaurant believes that most employees are lazy and need to be

Yes - 0 workers
no - 11 workers - 100%

Figure 5: The pie chart above demonstrates the responses to question #5 Where all 11 recipients
responded no to state That the manager of the restaurant Does not consider them lazy

Analysis: The responses shown in figure 5 shows that the restaurant manager does not consider
his staff of exhibiting lazy behaviour as 100% of respondents selected yes which can
conconclude the manager thinks highly of his staff ; this is a good leadership characteristic.

6. Do you believe that the manager provides guidance without pressure when handling staff
Yes - 9 workers - 82%
Mostimes - 2 workers - 18.2%
Rarely - 0 workers
Never - 0 workers

Figure 6 : The pie chart above illustrates the responses to question 6 on the questionnaire where
9 workers selected yes while 2 workers selected most times

Analysis : From these responses we can deduce that the manager exhibits a more democrative or
participative leadership style. This can be said due to the fact he does not feel the need to
pressure his employees since he believes that they are responsible enough to do it on their own.
82% of employees agreed with this sentiment.

7. It is the belief of the staff that the manager allows them to work independently.

Yes - 6 workers - 55%

mostimes - 5 workers - 45%
rarely - 0 workers
never - 0 workers

Figure 7 : The bar graph illustrated above shows that 6 respondents selected yes to
whether it is the belief of the staff that the manager allows them to work independently, while 5
respondents selected most times to the question.

Analysis : These responses paint a clear picture of the characteristics of the manager as a leader.
He has a strong belief in his employees and he inherently believes that the employees by nature
want to work, do their work with interest as 55% of the respondents responded with yes.

8. Are employees given rewards in order to motivate them to achieve the company's objectives?

Yes - 0 workers
mostimes - 11 workers - 100%
rarely - 0 workers
never - 0 workers

Figure 8 : The graph above shows the responses to the question are the employees given rewards
in order to motivate them to achieve the company’s objectives all 11 respondents selected
mostimes (100%)

Analysis: The response present implies that the manager of this establishment takes pride in
acknowledging the achievements of his employees which aids in the output of the work they put
out. This is represented by 100% of employees selecting most times.

9. Workers are given frequent and supportive communication from their manager.

Figure 9: The horizontal bar chart illustrating the answer to #9 on the questionnaire. There were
11 respondents, all of whom responded yes accounting for 100%, that they are given frequent
and supportive communication from their manager.

Analysis: The data as shown in figure 9, indicates that the staff regarded the communication
process as being efficient and reliable as they all (100%) indicated that they were given not only
frequent but supportive communication from their manager. Research shows that this type of
communication is a vital management component to any organization, as it builds morale,
satisfaction and engagement.With this information is passed on quickly and efficiently
throughout the organization, resulting in faster production.

10. The manager allow employees to independently assess their own work.

Figure 10: The donut chart illustrating the answer to #10 on the questionnaire. There were 11
respondents, 10 of whom responded yes accounting for 91% while 1 stated no which accounted
for 9%.

Analysis: The data suggested that majority employees (91%) are competent enough to
independently assess their own work compared to 1(9%) who were not. This suggested that those
that fall within the 90% were skilled and or long standing employees who had developed the
competence and skills required at a level which was acceptable to the organization. It also
alluded to the fact that they were trustworthy.

11. Are employees allowed to share in decision making at this restaurant?

Figure 11: The pie chart above illustrates the answer to #11 on the questionnaire. There were 11
respondents, all of whom responded yes accounting for 100%, that they are allowed to share in
decision making at this restaurant

Analysis: The data relieved that the management style being used by the organization is in line
with that of a Democatic leader, as 100% of the respondents indicated that they were allowed to
share in the decision making process involving the company. This is conclusive with the ‘Indeed
Editorial Team’ (2021) definition of a Democratic leader, which is one that includes group
members in the decision-making process. The type of leadership style identified by the
researchers is also supported by the data obtained and represented in figures 9 and 10

12. Are employees allowed to share in decision making at this restaurant?

Figure 12: The donut chart illustrating the answer to #12 on the questionnaire. There were 11
respondents, 8 of whom responded rarely accounting for 73% while 3 stated never which
accounted for 27%.

Analysis: The data showed that the staff is trained, competent and confident in their work, as 8
(73%) out of the 11 respondents indicated that they rarely felt insecure about their work and
needed direction from their manager, while the remaining 3 (27%) stated that they never felt that
way. According to Jacquelyn Smith (2014) employees who are confident, are better
spokespeople, contribute positively, are more productive, good motivators and make great role
models for the company and directly contribute to brand perception helping to make the
company group and establish and maintain a strong customer base.

13. Employees are allowed to accept responsibility for completing their job task.

Figure 13: Pie chart showing the percentage of workers who believe that employees are allowed
to accept responsibility for completing their job task. There were 11 respondents, all of whom
responded yes accounting for 100%, stating that they are allowed to accept responsibility for
completing their job task

Analysis: The data above shows that 100% of the employees believe that they are allowed to
accept responsibility for completing their job tasks. This actively demonstrates that the manager
allows employees to work independently. This fosters personal and professional growth and
builds character, as employees acquire skills of accountability and responsibility, which are
invaluable in any working field.

14. Employees are allowed to solve problems or settle disputes by themselves.

Figure 14: Pie chart showing the percentage of workers who believe that employees are allowed
to solve problems or settle disputes by themselves. There were 11 respondents, 5 of which
responded yes, 4 of which responded sometimes and 2 which responded no.

Analysis: The data above shows varying responses from the employees. 5 employees stated that
they were allowed to settle disputes by themselves, whilst 4 said sometimes and only 2 stated
that they were not allowed to settle disputes independently. From this data, it can be concluded
that the majority of employees believe that they are allowed to solve problems amongst
themselves, at least occasionally. This actively demonstrates that the manager helps employees
to foster problem solving skills, as well allowing them the ability to independently settle issues.
It can be concluded that the manager, however, does mediate some disputes, and this can account
for the 2 that said no.

15. The manager is the chief judge of the achievements of staff members within the company.

Figure 15: Pie chart showing the percentage of workers who believe that the manager is the
chief judge of the achievements of staff members within the company. There were 11
respondents, 2 of which said that they agreed and 9 of which said that they disagreed.

Analysis: Based on the data above, the overwhelming majority of employees stated that they do
not believe that the manager is the chief judge of the achievements of staff members within the
company. This actively demonstrates that the manager utilizes tactics such as self-appraisal, and
allows workers to have a say in the critique of their own work. This fosters skills such as
objective analysis and unbiased appraisal.

16. The manager helps employees find their passion.

Figure 16: Pie chart showing the percentage of workers who believe that the manager helps
employees find their passion. There were 11 respondents, all of whom responded true,
accounting for 100%, stating that the manager helps employees find their passion.

Analysis: According to the pie chart above, all employees believe that the manager helps them to
find their respective passions. This shows that the manager cares about the holistic and
professional development of an employee, and wants them to function where they are most
passionate, as this is where they would perform best.

17. In most situations employees are given little input from their manager in difficult situations.

Yes - 0 worker
Mostimes - 0 workers
rarely - 2 workers - 18%
never - 9 workers - 82%

Figure 17: Bar chart showing the responses to the question which asks if little input is given
from the manager in difficult situations. There were 11 respondents, 9 of which said never and 2
of which said rarely.

Analysis: The reponses show that, for the most part, employees do not have to deal with difficult
situations on their own. The manager, on most occasions, provides them with guidance and
support to navigate hard situations. This is a characteristic of a good leader.

18. The manager always gives orders to employees and clarifies procedures.

Yes - 0 workers
mostimes - 0 workers
rarely - 11 workers - 100%
never - 0 workers

Figure 18: Bar chart showing the percentage of workers who believe that the manager
always gives orders to employees and clarifies procedures. . There were 11 respondents,
all of whom responded rarely, accounting for 100%, stating that the manager hardly ever
has to give orders and clarify procedures.

Analysis: The manager puts a lot of trust into his workers, and believes that they are
capable enough to perform their job task without constantly being ordered around. The
manager also believes that employees do not need constant clarification of procedure.

19. The manager believes that employees are competent and if given tasks they will do a
good job.
Yes - 7 workers - 64%
Mostimes - 4 workers - 36 %
Rarely - 0 workers
Never - 0 workers

Figure19: Bar chart showing the percentage of workers who stated that the manager believes
that employees are competent and if given tasks they will do a good job. There were 11
respondents, 7of whom responded yes, and 4 of whom responded mostimes, accounting for
100%, stating that the manager believes they are competent.

Analysis: This goes to show that the manager of the establishment has the utmost faith in the
abilities of his staff, as the employees stated that the manager believed that they could do their
respective tasks with little to no assistance, which speaks to a laissez-faire leadership style.

20. Employees are left to complete job tasks without the manager's interference.

Yes - six workers - 55%

mostimes - 5 workers - 45%
Rarely - 0 workers
Never - 0 workers

Figure19: Bar chart showing the percentage of workers who stated that the manager believes
that the manager allows them to complete tasks without interference. There were 11 respondents,
6of whom responded yes, and 5 of whom responded mostimes, accounting for 100%, stating that
the manager of the establishment does in fact allow them to work independently.

Analysis: This goes to show that the manager of the establishment has the utmost faith in the
abilities of his staff, as the employees stated that the manager believed that they could do their
respective tasks with no assistance and no supervision, which speaks to a laissez-faire leadership

This school based assessment was created to find out the type of leadership style/s utilized by the
manager of the Manfred’s restaurant In conclusion, it can be stated, based on the data garnered
from the questionnaire, and the analysis of said data, that the manager of the Manfred’s
restaurant displays two main styles of leadership. These are the democratic leadership style, the
charismatic leadership style and the laissez-faire leadership style.

The democratic leadership style, also known as the participative leadership style is a form of
leadership categorized by a leader who invites participation from others in the organisation as
part of the decision-making process. Under their leadership, everyone is encouraged to
participate, leading to increased feelings of involvement, recognition, and satisfaction. According
to the data collected from the survey, the manager of the Manfred’s restaurant is the
embodiment of these qualities. Employees stated unanimously that they were allowed to share in
decision making of the company, which is a hallmark of a democratic leader. The majority of
employees also stated that they are not always allowed to settle disputes by themselves, again
pointing to the democratic leadership style.

The charismatic leadership is a form of leadership categorised by a leader  is defined by

a leader who uses his or her communication skills, persuasiveness, and charm to influence
others. Charismatic leaders, given their ability to connect with people on a deep level, are
especially valuable within organizations that are facing a crisis or are struggling to move
forward. The data collected from the survey proves that the manager of the Manfred’s restaurant
utilises these tactics. Employees unanimously stated that they are given frequent and supportive
communication from their manager, and that the manager helps them to find their passion, both
qualities pointing to the charismatic leadership style. The employees also stated that they are
most times rewarded for their work, which is a form of persuasion that charismatic leaders make
use of.

The laissez-faire leadership is a form of leadership categorised by a leader who is hands-off and
allows employees to do their jobs independently. Based on the evidence, this is the most
dominant leadership style. The employees unanimously stated the manager does not believe that
they need to be supervised and that they are given independence in completing their job tasks.
Majority of employees also stated that the manager allows them to complete tasks unassisted and
rarely clears up instructions, making this good evidence for the laissez-faire leadership style.


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