Zombicide Rules Summary v2 0
Zombicide Rules Summary v2 0
Zombicide Rules Summary v2 0
Created by Nersi
The following rules, summary of play, and reference cards are meant to be used with
Zombicide to provide an easy reference for players. They are meant to supplement the
instruction manuals, and players are encouraged to read the original manuals first.
This version incorporates rules from Season 1 (original), Toxic City Mall, and Season 2
(Prison Outbreak). Rules specific to each are color coded.
Included is an 8x10 inch two-sided complete set of rules, an 8x10 inch single-sided
sheet of skills and rule variants, and two 4x10 inch single-sided player reference cards
of turns, targeting priorities, and symbols.
Printing Instructions:
Pages 2 and 3 should be printed back-to-back at 100% scaling and trimmed down to
the edges to create a single two-sided game rules reference card.
Page 4 should be printed single-sided at 100% scaling and trimmed down to the edges
to create a single-sided abilities/rule variants reference card.
Page 5 and 6 should be printed back-to-back at 100% scaling and trimmed down along
the edges and the center line to create two identical player reference cards.
Please note: The rights to Zombicide and the artwork contained herein are retained by Guillotine Games.
Make either a Melee or Ranged attack
Each of the actions below costs one on a target Zone (see below) with an “in
action (unless it is a free action). One hand” weapon, including from inside a car.
action generates at most one Noise.
BASIC GAME RULES Survivors may move from one Zone to Moving into or out of a car takes one
Rules from the original are in orange, courtesy of your
another basedfavorite survivors)
on movement rules: action. A Survivor can only get into a car
City Mall in blue, Prison Outbreak in green. if there are no Zombies in the Zone (does
• The Zones are adjacent and share at not apply to getting out) and the car is not
SETUP FIRST least one edge.
• To move through a locked door, the
full (maximum capacity of 4). Moving to a
vacant seat also requires an action.
1. Choose a mission and set up the
board, and tiles according to the mission
Survivor must first open the door.
• No diagonal movement permitted. TAKE OR ACTIVATE AN OBJECTIVE
description. • Movement through an opening or The Survivor takes or accomplishes the
2. Set up objectives and cars according to crushed doors is unrestricted. task where on Objective token is ( )
move action for each Zombie. PULL A SWITCH
Pa’s Gun, Gunblades, pans, nightsticks,
• Entering Zone with a Zombie ends the If in the same Zone as the switch, the
Molotov cocktail, Wounded cards and one
Move action. Survivor may pull it (resolve as per
of: fire axe, crowbar, claw hammer, pistol.
mission text). If doors are opened, resolve
4. Shuffle the remaining Equipment and DRIVE A CAR spawning as per “Open a Door” above.
Zombie cards into their respective decks. See car rules listed on reverse side. If the switch is tied to an Objective, the
TURN 1 player
5. Assign Survivors to players:
(4–6 Survivors), 2 players (3 each), 3
To pass through a locked door, the
Survivor takes the Objective token for free.
players (2 each), 4–6 players (1 each). Survivor must use melee Equipment with
(as explained by Ned)
Place their miniatures in the starting area.
Add a Noise token to the Survivor’s Zone.
an “open a door” icon ( ). He generates
6. Put the experience tracker for each one Noise if there is a Noise icon ( ) on DO NOTHING
Survivor in the starting box and the skill the Equipment card.
counter in the first skill box. COMBAT
Opening the first door in a building
(except the start area) for the first time Equipment that may be used as weapon
7. Hand out any starting Equipment. Then
generate one Noise when used; silent
pistol. The rest each get a pan/nightstick.
ones ( ) do not.
8. Give a player the First Player token. Survivors may only search in a building The Survivor rolls as many dice as listed
or a car in the street if the Zone has no on his weapon card, the die hits if the
TURN OVERVIEW Zombies. Only one search is allowed value is at least the weapon’s Accuracy.
' per Survivor per turn, even if he has a
free search action. He may also discard If a Survivor has two of the same weapon
Starting with the First Player, each player
activates his Survivor(s) one at a time. He
Equipment and reorganize his inventory
for free (but not trade).
with a dual wield icon (e.g., ), he may
use both of them as one action. Bonuses
completes all of that Survivor’s actions apply individually to each weapon.
(as observed by Josh)
(see below) before going to the next If the Search deck runs out, reshuffle
discarded Equipment (except Evil Twins, Damage from a single die can only be
Ma’s Shotgun, Pa’s Gun, Gunblades, applied to one target; any excess is lost
Players start out with three actions and pans, nightsticks, Molotov cocktails). Damage of 1 kills a Walker or Runner. A
gain more with experience or skills as weapon must have a damage value of 2
noted on the identity card. Free actions Searching a building: Take a card from to kill a Fatty and 3 to kill an Abomination.
the Equipment deck.
do not count against the action limit.
Players take turns proceeding clockwise Searching a Pimp Mobile/Hippiemobile:
(Cumulative damage from multiple dice
does not count.) If a Toxic Zombie is killed,
until the last player’s turn. Randomly take the Evil Twins, Ma’s
Shotgun, Pa’s Gun, or Gunblade. If none
deal 1 damage to its attacker if in the
same Zone (“Toxic Blood Spray”).
ZOMBIES’ PHASE are available, the car is empty. Can only
Activation: Zombies attack or move: search each Pimp/Hippiemobile once. MELEE COMBAT
Melee weapons have a range of “0” only.
• Attack: Zombies each take turn Searching a Police Car: Draw Equipment Each successful hit may be applied to any
performing attacks if they are on a Zone cards until you find a weapon or the target in the Zone.
with a Survivor (see below). All Zombies Aaahh! card. Can search multiple times.
in that space use their activation as an
attack (do not move).
Searching a Taxi: Take a card from the
Equipment deck. Cannot use Flashlight. Only one Zone may be targeted unless
stated otherwise. The Zone must be in line
• Move: Zombies who did not attack will
(as move
written down by Amy)
towards Survivors they can see or STASH EQUIPMENT IN CARS of sight (see below).
towards Noise (see below). Place Equipment under the car token in The target must be as many Zones away
the same Zone or retrieve them. as range of the weapon; range “0” means
Spawn: For each Spawn Zone,
the target may be in the same Zone.
proceeding clockwise, draw a Zombie REORGANIZE AND TRADE
card and follow the instructions. A player may reorganize his Equipment If using a Sniper skill or a Sniper Rifle,
PR ITY between “in hand” and “reserve”
Equipment. He may also trade Equipment
the target of each success may be
assigned individually. Otherwise, targets
Take all Noise tokens off the board. Pass with another Survivor in his space (who must be assigned in this order, eliminating
(as defined by Phil)
the First Player token to the left. immediately gets a free reorganize action). all in one category before moving on:
1. Other Survivors with the most experience (highest color). all resultant experience points. (Ignore car
2. Walkers attacks if driving the Hippiemobile.)
Most cards show how many Zombies to
3. Fatties and Abominations
add (e.g., “2x” means two Zombies). The COMBINING ITEMS
4. Runners
type of Zombie to add is as follows: Combining items is free and requires that
(Note: Even if the weapon’s damage rating the Survivor first have enough open slots
cannot damage Fatties or Abominations, in his inventory to take both items.
they still take and absorb the hits.)(by courtesy of your favorite survivors)
The baseball bat and nails form a nailbat.
Molotovs kill everything in the target Zone Walker Runner Fatty Abomination A scope and rifle form a sniper rifle
If a Fatty is spawned, spawn two Walkers
Gasoline and a Tglass bottle are replaced
Toxic Zombies have the same priority as
their normal counterparts but are targeted
with it. If an Abomination is drawn but
there are no more Abomination miniatures,
with a Molotov card.
before them. Berserker Zombies have the
same priority as their normal counterparts
spawn a Fatty and two Walkers instead.
Toxic Fatties Spawn with Toxic Walkers,
but are targeted after their normal When a Survivor levels up (moves the
Berserker Fatties with Berserker Walkers. experience tracker up a Danger Level
counterparts. They may not be damaged
by ranged attacks (but may be killed by If at any time (including splitting) there are color), he picks one skill from those
Zone attacks/Molotovs and cars).
BEGIN required type immediately activates. Experience cannot move beyond red.
The Survivor gains Experience Points
If an extra activation card is drawn, ZOMBIVORS/RESURRECTION MODE
based on type of Zombie killed: Walker: 1,
activate the shown Zombies instead. If a If using Resurrection Mode, Survivors
Runner 1, Fatty 1, Abomination 5.
PLAYE RS' manhole card is drawn, place the shown
number and type of Zombies on every
may return as Zombivors. At the
beginning of the Player Phase, if any
Activation: Most Zombies get one
manhole only on the tiles (not Zones)
where there are Survivors. Toxic and
Survivor has 2+ wounds inflicted by
Zombies (not by another player), flip his
activation action (attack or move) per turn. Berserker Zombies are not activated by card to the Zombivor side ( ). Discard all
(as explained by Ned)
Runners get two (considered separate). other Zombie types. wounds. Keep Equipment and experience
If the Zombie deck runs out, shuffle the points (and may choose new skills). Ignore
ACTIVATION 1 – ATTACKING discard pile to create a new one. any previously applied ongoing effects.
Each Zombie on a space with a Survivor (Treat Zombivors as Survivors in rules.)
discards one of his Equipment cards (if At the end of the Zombie Phase, all Zombivors die only when given 5 wounds
able) and replaces it with a Wound card. If standard Zombies in a space with a Toxic
the shortest routes or noisiest Zones are
tied, they split up to go to each (except
may spend an action to move the car
up to two Zones (three if a Muscle Car)
Observation Towers: Accessible only
by ladders (moving as if through an open
for Abominations). Add Zombies if needed
so that the number and type of each
along the streets, ignoring restrictions on
Move actions. Survivors and Zombies may
door). Cannot be searched. Grant +1
range to ranged attacks from within. Can
Zombie is equal in each group. Do not attack into and out of cars. Survivors may
(as written down by Amy) shoot through its borders.
spawn Walkers if adding a Fatty. open building doors from within a car.
Rotating Gates: Controlled by switches.
If their movement is blocked to the highest If the car enters, exits, or traverses a
Cannot spawn or be searched.
Noise Zone, they go towards the Zone space with other cars or figures, the car
with the next highest Noise if able. attacks with damage 1 and accuracy of Rubble: Zones with rubble are blocked for
4+. Roll one die for each target, using movement, line of sight, and spawning.
For each Spawn Zone, proceeding
the same priorities as ranged weapons
(Survivors in another car count are
Security Zones: Only allow move actions.
Actors cannot end movement on them;
clockwise, draw a Zombie card. Follow the attacked as regular Survivors.) Fatties and
(as defined by Phil) cars cannot cross them. Cannot spawn or
instructions on the card according to the Abominations cannot be killed, but cars be searched.
Danger Level color of the living Survivor
CLAIMER: S can kill Berserker Zombies. The driver gets
SKILL SUMMARY until his next turn (last one to do so is considered loudest).
+1 Action: Gain one extra action. Low Profile: Is not be targeted by ranged or car attacks.
+1 Damage: Gain +1 damage to listed type (Melee or Ranged). Lucky: Can reroll all dice once per action, keeping new result.
+1 Damage with [Equipment]: Gain +1 damage if using Matching set: If search reveals a weapon with a Dual symbol, he
specified equipment. can automatically search the deck for another of the same. Then
reshuffle the deck.
+1 Damage with [Type]: Gain +1 damage if using specified
action type. (by courtesy of your favoriteMedic: May heal one wound from Survivor in same zone
(including himself) once per turn.
+1 to dice roll: Combat: +1 to each combat die result (max 6).
Ninja: None of his Actions or EquipmentT make Noise.
+1 to dice roll: Melee: +1 to each melee die result (max 6).
+1 to dice roll: Ranged: +1 to each ranged die result (max 6).
Point-Blank: At range 0, may freely target and kill any kind of
+1 die: Combat: Add 1 die per weapon in combat.
Zombie (if weapon inflicts enough damage).
Reaper: Combat: When assigning combat hits, may kill one
+1 die: Melee: Add 1 die per weapon in melee combat. additional Zombie of the same type in the same zone.
+1 die: Ranged: Add 1 die per weapon in ranged combat. Reaper: Melee: When assigning melee combat hits, may kill one
+1 free Move Action: May take a free move action. one additional Zombie of the same type in the same zone.
+1 free Ranged Action: May take a free ranged action. Regeneration: Discard wounds at the end of round (if alive).
+1 free Search Action: May make a free search (limit 1/turn). Roll 6: +1 Die Combat: If rolled a 6 in combat, roll another die.
+1 max range: Ranged weapons’ range increase by 1. Roll 6: +1 Die Melee: If rolled a 6 in melee combat, roll another
with a Zombie, then gain 1 free Melee action.
Bloodlust: Ranged: Spend 1 action to move 2 Zones into a
space with a Zombie, then gain 1 free ranged action. Sniper: Can choose targets when making a ranged attack.
Born leader: During his turn, can give another Survivor a free Starts with a [Equipment]: Begins the game with that card.
action to use on that Survivor’s next turn. Steady Hand: Ignore Survivors when using a ranged/car attack.
Break-in: May open doors without equipment (without creating Super Strength: Melee weapons do damage 3.
Noise). Has one free “open a door” action per turn.
Can start at [Danger Level]: May start at higher Danger Level.
Swordmaster: Treats all melee weapons as if they had Dual
(as [Zombie
observed type]: Gain 2x experience if he kills that
by Josh) Tactician: May take his turn at any time in the Player’s Phase.
Zombie type. Taunt: Once per turn, select a Zone within line of sight. All
Death Grasp: Does not discard equipment if wounded unless Zombies in that Zone immediately activate and try to reach that
there is no room for the Wounded card. Survivor, ignoring all other Survivors.
Destiny: Once per turn, replace a drawn Equipment with another. Tough: Ignores the first attack against him each Zombie turn.
Distributor: During Spawn phase, draw all the Spawn cards first, Toxic Immunity: Does not take Toxic Blood Spray damage.
then assign them freely to Zones. Trick Shot: When using Dual ranged weapons, may have each
Dreadnought [Zombie Type]: Ignore all wounds from standard
Zombies of the specified
one target a different zone with the same action.
Webbing: All inventory items are “in hand” (equipped).
Frenzy: Combat: All weapons gain +1 die per wound (+2 if Dual) Zombie Link: If Zombies gain extra activation, he gets an extra
Frenzy: Melee: Melee weapons gain +1 die per wound (+2 if turn first.
Frenzy: Ranged: Ranged weapons gain +1 die per wound (+2 if OTHER VARIANTS
symbols. ECOLOGY
Gunslinger: Treats all ranged weapons as if they had Dual Place Ultrared weapons in the equipment deck when forming it.
Only Red Level Survivors may use them, but anyone may discard
Hoard: Can carry one extra Equipment card. one for 5 experience points.
(as written down by Amy)
Hold your nose: Once per turn can search for free any zone When a Survivor reaches the Red Level, put the experience back
where he killed a Zombie (including outside). at 0. The Survivor still counts as being in the Red Danger Level
Is that all you’ve got? When wounded, only discards the but continues to gain experience points and new skills.
Equipment (only takes a Wound card if none left to discard).
Lifesaver: Once per turn as a free action, may drag Survivors
from one adjacent Zone containing Zombies into his Zones
Cannot be done from a car or tower. Path must be clear.
For each 2 Survivors above 6 (rounding up), add 1 more Zombie
when spawning.
(as defined Each Survivor must also begin with a weapon: add a pan for each
Lock it down:by Phil)
Use one action to lock an open door.
odd number and a weapon (axe, pistol, or crowbar) for each even
Loud: Can make his zone the one with the highest level of Noise
CLAIMER: S number above 6 when randomly handing out starting equipment.
Actors are attacked by ranged weapons and cars in this order:
Resolve all of a players’ Survivors in turn. Start with 3 actions: NAME DMG XP
Move to an adjacent space (no diagonal movement). Locked 1 Survivors N/A N/A
doors must be opened first. If moving out of a zone with
Zombies, spend one extra move action per Zombie. If entering a 2 Toxic Walker 1 1
space with a Zombie, movement ends.
3 Walker 1 1
OPEN A DOOR 4 Berserker Walker 2 1
Use a melee weapon that allows opening doors, generating
Noise if required. If opening a door to a new building, spawn 5 Toxic Fatty/Abomination 3 1/5
Zombies for each Zone.
6 Fatty/Abomination 2 1/5
May only search a building zone or car once per turn. 7 Berserker Fatty/Abomination 3 1/5
Reorganize inventory for free.
8 Toxic Runner 1 1
Place equipment under the car token in the same Zone or 9 Runner 1 1
retrieve them.
10 Berserker Runner 1 1
REORGANIZE AND TRADE DMG = amount of damage required to kill a Zombie.
Reorganize inventory and readied Equipment. May trade with
XP = XP gained by shooter/driver killing the Zombie.
Survivor in the same space, who gets to reorganize for free.
* Fatties are worth 1 XP, Abominations worth 5.
MELEE COMBAT Berserker Zombies cannot be damaged by ranged weapons (but
Attack targets in the same zone. May choose target. can be killed by cars).
RANGED COMBAT Berserkers, Fatties, and Abominations, if not killed, will absorb
Attack targets in a single zone with the priority: 1. Other damage and protect Zombies of a lower priority.
Survivors, 2. Walkers, 3. Fatties/Abominations, 4. Runners.
Toxic Zombies are higher priority than their counterparts. ZOMBIE TYPES
Berserker Zombies are lower priority. Berserker Zombies
cannot be harmed by ranged attacks and protect lower priority
Move into (if no Zombies in zone), out of, or inside car.
If doors are opened, resolve spawning as per “Open a Door” Walker Runner Fatty Abomination
above. If the switch is tied to an Objective, the Survivor takes the If a Fatty is spawned, spawn two Walkers of the same type
Objective token for free. (normal, Toxic, Berserker) with it. If an Abomination is drawn but
there are no more Abomination minis, spawn a Fatty and two
Note: Runners get two separate actions, one after the next.