Azarcon Mervin M. PS No.3

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Problem Set 3

Celeste, Francis E. AE 135 Dd

3.1 Calculate the 10-yr return period peak runoff for an 80-ha (200-ac) watershed
having a runoff coefficient of 0.4. The maximum length of flow of water is 610m
(2000-ft) and the fall along this path is 6.0m (20 ft). Watershed is at your present

A = 200 ac
C = 0.4
Max. length of flow = 2000 ft
Water shed = present location
Required: 10 year return period

Water shed Gradient = (

From Appendix B:
• Max. length of factor at 2000ft and watershed gradient of 1%, Tc = 16min
• For a 10 year return period,1hour rainfall = 2 inches
By conversion factor for Tc = 16 min = 0.57 (Fig. A4)

Then, Design peak run off is


𝑞 = 𝐶𝑖𝐴

𝑞 = (0.4)(3.42)(200)

q = 273.6cfs
3.2 Determine the peak rate of runoff from an 8-ha (20 ac) watershed during a 30-min
storm that gave the following amounts of rain during successive 5-min periods: 3, 8,
15, 15, 8 and 3mm (0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6, 0.3, and 0.1in). The time of concentration for
the watershed is 10min. The runoff coefficients for the 2-ha (5-ac) are 0.2 and 0.6
for the remaining 6.0 ha (15-ac). What is the approximate return period for this
runoff if the watershed is at your present location.

A = 20 acres
Tc = 10 min
C: for 5 acres = 0.2; for 15 acres = 0.6 Required:
a. Peak rate of Run-off
b. Approximate return period Solution:
At t = 30 min, the total rainfall is
Rt = (0.1 + 0.3 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.3 + 0.1) = 2 in
By conversion factor, for Tc = 10 min from figure A.4 = 0.45

i = (2)(0.45)( 30 )
i = 2.7 iph

The run-off Coefficient,

Design peak run-off (q);

𝑞 = 𝐶𝑖𝐴
𝑞 = (0.5)(2.7)(20)

q = 27 cfs
3.3 By the rational method, determine the design peak runoff for a 50-yr return period.
The watershed consists of 50-ha (120ac), one third in rotation meadow and the
remainder in row crops on the contour. The hydrologic soil group is B, and the time
of concentration is 30 min. The watershed is at your present location.
Other Data:

Runoff coefficient C (Soil Group B)

Crop and Hydrologic Condition Coefficient, C 25
Meadow, rotation, good

Row crop, good practice


Assuming that the present location is St. Louis, Missouri, for a time of
concentration of 30 minutes and a return period of 50 years, the rainfall intensity is
approximately equal to 127mm/h.
A = 50 ha (120 acres)
Tc = 30 min

C = 0.41
Required: Design peak Run-off (q)

𝑞 = 𝐶𝑖𝐴
𝑞 = (0.41)(5)(120)

q = 246 cfs

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