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ÔN LUYỆN HSG LỚP 8- 2021-2022

ĐỀ SỐ 22
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest
by writing your answer ( A, B, C or D ) in the numbered box.
1. A. dread B. thread C. bread D. bead
2. A. switch B. catch C. match D. ache
3. A. group B. dialogue C. hug D. gender
4. A. nursery B. nuclear C. purchase D. surface
5. A. plumber B. celebrate C. describe D. abrupt
II. Choose the letter ( A, B, C or D ) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently from the
1. A. curriculum B. repetitious C. historical D. grammatical
2. A. psychological B. representative C. qualification D. popularity
3. A. scenic B. extreme C. official D. renewable
4. A. alcohol B. equator C. chemical D. comfortable
5. A. compliment B. effective C. charity D. activity
I. Choose one word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer ( A, B, C or D )
in the numbered box.
1. He refused to give up work, …………. he’d won a million pounds.
A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though
2. They were ………….. for smuggling jewerlery into the country.
A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned
3. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shop usually ……… .
A. drops B. lowers C. sinks D. reduces
4. Do you have time to discuss your work now or are you ……. to leave?
A. thinking B. planned C. around D. about
5. Her parents never allowed her ……….. .
A. smoking B. to smoking C. to smoke D. some smoked
6. We don’t think she’ll ever ………… the shock of her son’s death.
A. get through B. get over C. get by D. get off
7. Twice three is ……… half of fourteen.
A. less than B. the same as C. greater than D. not less than
8. I found the book rather dull. I couldn’t read it…….. .
A. by the end B. to the end C. on the end D. at an end
9. Is it worth waiting for a table in this restaurant or shall we go …….. else?
A. anywhere B. otherwise C. somewhere D. everywhere
10. I hope this headache ……… soon.
A. goes out B. comes away C. wears off D. passes away
11. What the treasurer said virtually ……….. to a confession.
A. amounted B. came C. stood D. embodied
12. Marrying into such a rich family had always been …………. his wildest dreams.
A. under B. above C. over D. beyond
13. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, ………… film one.
A. let alone B. not to mention C. apart from D. but for
14. The ……. of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from any Latin based language.
A. extract B. derivation C. genesis D. descent
15. Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete …….. to me.
A. disinterest B. importance C. indifference D. interest
16. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but …… that, margarine will do.
A. except B. given C. for all of D. failing
17. Union leaders feel it is time Cabinet Ministers put their ………… on the table regarding
their long-term plans.
A. cards B. hands C. feet D. papers
18. For the first night’s performance the ……. had to be called in to take the part because the leading lady
was ill.
A. substitute B. understudy C. reserve D. deputy
19. I can’t find my umbrella. Perhaps I have ………….. it on the bus.
A. forgotten B. put C. placed D. left
20. I don’t see any …….. in arriving early at the theater if the snow doesn’t start until 9
A. cause B. aim C. point D. reason
II. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. We are going to….. our school next year. ( large )
2. She always listens …………… to what she is told. ( attention )
3. There was loud …LAUGHTER… as the clown fell off the ladder. ( laugh )
4. The alpine …LANDSCAPE….. is very dramatic. ( land )
5. This matter is very …CONFIDENTIAL…. . Don’t discuss it outside the office. (confidence )
6. Such blocks are frequently left …………… and, as prices go up, they increase in value. (occupy)
7. Is there any difference between egoism and ………….. ? ( self )
8. The speaker showed his nervousness by constantly ……….. his tie. ( straight )
9. If you behave with this sort of ……… to your other customers, I don’t think you’ll remain in business
long. ( polite )
10. The manager handed in his …………. after being accused of dishonesty. ( resign )
III. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your correction in the space
provided below.
1. We’d better not say anything, did->HAD we?
2. If you don’t like that program, you can switch always->ALWAYS SWITCH over to a different channel.
3. He stepped onto the scales and saw that he was the same weight like->AS his friend.
4. The doctors have to go to school for->since many years to complete their education.
5. That new medicine will not be ready available until next year.
6. Did the teacher mind us->OUR whispering in the back of the room?
7. Long is going to decide about ->ON his future course of study.
8. He appeared nervously as he began to take the exam.
9. My neighbor has a lovely cat, but it->ITS meowing bothers me at night.
10. She could not help noticing the man to cry->CRYING like a child.
IV. Supply the correct form or tense of the verb in brackets.
1. . (Work)...HAVE WORKED.... for nearly five hours, they stopped (have)...TO HAVE.... a rest. 2. The
teller was made ( lie )…TO LIE… down on the floor.
3. Yesterday I ( walk ) …WAS WALKING…. along the road when I realized that a man with a black beard,
whom I ( see ) …HAD SEEN.. three times already, ( follow ) …FOLLOWED.. me.
4. This building ( finish ) …WILL HAVE BEEN FINISHED… by the end of 2025 .
5. You must tell me the truth. I insist on ( tell ) …TOLD…the truth.
6. It’s no good ( call ) …CALLED…. the police.
7. The environment in our city ( pollute ) IS BEING POLLUTED…by exhaust gases from cars. We must do
something to stop this.
V. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal verbs in the box. Use each one
once only. There are two extra ones that you do not need to use. (5pts)
Keep up call for join in pick on turn over come up against
1. I’ll send someone to ___CALL FOR__ the parcel on Thursday.
2. You’ll have to work hard to __KEEP UP___ with the rest of the class.

3. Jean didn’t expect to ___TURN OVER__ such difficulties.
4. It’s not fair. You’re always __PICKING ON___ me.
5. Terry sang the first verse and then everyone __JOINED INTO___


I. Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space given. Write your answer ( A, B, C
or D ) in the numbered box.
Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age.
But actually the idea for a computer was (1) ……….out over two centuries ago by a man (2)…………
Charles Babbage. Babbage was born in 1791 and (3) …………up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew
up plans for several calculating machines (4) ……………he called “engines”. But despite the fact that he (5)
……………building some of these he never finished any of them. Over the years people have argued (6)
………………his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has
finished building (7) …………..engine (8) …………. on one of Babbage’s designs.
It has taken six years to complete and more (9) ……………..four thousand parts have been specially
made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum
to (10) ……………people of Babbage’s work.
1. A. turned B. thought C. invented D. worked
2. A. known B. recognized C. called D. written
3. A. developed B. grew C. brought D. expected
4. A. which B. who C. there D. whose
5. A. wanted B. made C. started D. missed
6. A. until B. whether C. while D. though
7. A. an B. the C. some D. that
8. A. depended B. based C. insisted D. influenced
9. A. than B. therefore C. when D. then
10. A. remind B. say C. inform D. encourage

II. Read the passage below and fill each blank with one suitable word.
About two hundred years ago, man lived …IN.. ( 1 ) greater harmony with his environment …
BECAUSE. ( 2 ) industry was not much developed. Today the situation is quite …. ( 3 ). People all over the
world are worried about …WHAT… ( 4 ) is happening to the environment, because of modern industry and
the need for more and more energy. Newspapers and magazines …WRITE.. ( 5 ) about water pollution, air
pollution and land pollution.
Why is …… ( 6 ) so much discussion about pollution? After …ALL. ( 7 ), people have been
polluting the world around them for thousands and thousands of years. But in the …… ( 8 ), there were not
…… ( 9 ) people and lots of rooms in the world so they could ……. ( 10 ) to another place when their
settlements became dirty.
III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them.
Within the first month of their lives, babies' responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from
their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but
not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those
words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are
six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling
inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies' emotional states
and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is
playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues
such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech. Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick
up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse
cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances and
nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when
mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of
their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is observation that tiny
babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world
with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire
aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to
songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a
sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.
1: Which of the following can be inferred about the findings described in paragraph 2?
A. Babies ignore facial expressions in comprehending aural language.
B. Mothers from different cultures speak to their babies in similar ways.
C. Babies who are exposed to more than one language can speak earlier than babies exposed to a single
D. The mothers observed by the researchers were consciously teaching their babies to speak.
2: According to the author, why do babies listen to songs and stories, even though they cannot understand
A. They can remember them easily.
B. They focus on the meaning of their parents' word.
C. They enjoy the sound.
D. They understand the rhythm.
3: The passage mentions all of the followings as the ways adults modify their speech when talking to babies
EXCEPT ______________.
A. speaking with shorter sentences B. giving all words equal emphasis
C. using meaningless sounds D. speaking more loudly than normal
4: The word "diverse" is closest in meaning to ______________.
A. different B. surrounding C. stimulating D. divided
5: The word "They" refers to ______________.
A. words B. mothers C. investigators D. babies
6: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The differences between a baby's and an adult's ability to comprehend language
B. How babies perceive and respond to the human voice in their earliest stages of language development
C. The response of babies to sounds other than the human voice
D. How babies differentiate between the sound of the human voice and other sounds
7: The word "emphasize" is closest in meaning to ______________.
A. stress B. leave out C. explain D. repeat
8: What point does the author make to illustrate that babies are born with the ability to acquire language?
A. Babies exaggerate their own sounds and expressions.
B. Babies begin to understand words in songs.
C. Babies notice even minor differences between speech sounds.
D. Babies are more sensitive to sounds than are adults.

I. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the meaning of the second sentence
remains unchanged as the first one's.
1. They were seasoned travelers, which we hadn’t expected them to be.
=> Contrary…………………………………………………………………………
2. It was only when I left home that I realized how much my mother meant to me.
=> Not until……  I had left home did I realise how much my father meant to me.………
3. You should have called the doctor at once.
=> It was………………
4. Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister.
=> It…………………………………………………………………………………
5. Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late.
=> Gary prides…… himself on being never late………
6. Only two out of the five rooms we have booked have air conditioning .
=> We have booked five rooms, only……………………………………………….
7. Fiona was so disappointed that she could not keep on working.
=> Such ……… was the disappointment that Fiona could not keep on working.……….
8. Jack doesn’t know all the answers, though he pretends to.
=> Jack acts…………………………………………………………………………
9. We rely too much on the Internet. Therefore, our lives are in danger of becoming more impersonal.
=> Were……………………………………………………………………………………
10. As Michael became more famous, it was more difficult for him to avoid newspaper reporters.
=> The more……………………………………………………………………………….
II. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the
original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
1. They had extinguished the fire by the time the fire brigade arrived. (put)
=> The fire … put out by the time the fire brigade arrived………
2. I offered to help her but she said ‘No, thanks’. (turned)
=> She ……turned down my offer of help……………………
3. She won’t be able to understand something as difficult as that. (capable)
=> She ………………………………………………………………………………
4. I have a friendly relationship with most people. (terms)
=> I’m ………………………………………………………………………………
5. He finds it impossible to make decisions. (hopeless)
=> He’s ………………………………………………………………………………

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