SpiceJet - E-Ticket - PNR - OD6UFW 02 Oct 2022 Delhi-Srinagar For MR. SINGH

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Puran Singh PNR: OD6UFW/ SG

Mob: 8006957438 Booking Ref. No: 94278174
Email: [email protected] Booked on: Sat, Aug. 20, 2022 19:41 Hrs
Status: Confirmed

Delhi (T1D) Srinagar (T1)

SG 272
Sun Oct. 02, 2022 9:50 Hrs Sun Oct. 02, 2022 11:20 Hrs

Passenger Name Flight Fare Type Add-on Services

SG 272
Mr. Puran Singh Regular Saver Seat 31B

1 piece of check-in baggage of up to 15 kg and 1 piece of hand baggage of up to 7 kg are permitted.

Power banks/portable mobile chargers are allowed ONLY in hand baggage.

Payment Information

Payment Type Total Price Promo Code Savings Amount Paid

Agency 4,695 INR NIL NA 4,695 INR
Fare + Airline fuel charge + CUTE Fee 4,100 INR Passenger Service Fee 91 INR
User Development Fee 62 INR Aviation Security Fee 236 INR

Terms and Conditions

DGCA mandates all passengers to w ear masks and to maintain social distancing norms at all times during their trav el. All
passengers must ensure strict compliance of Cov id-19 protocols. DGCA Order for Cov id-19 protocols can be checked at
https://corporate.spicej et.com/content/pdf/cov id-circular-dgca.pdf
1. Hand Baggage Allowance (Domestic and International):Each passenger is permitted to carry one piece of hand baggage w ith
maximum w eight of 7 kg., f ree of cost. Hand baggage size must be w ithin the dimensions of : 55 cm + 35 cm + 25 cm (L+W+H; total
115 cm) on Boeing f lights and 50 cm + 35 cm + 23 cm (L+W+H; total 108 cm or 42.5 inches) on Q400 f lights. Laptop bag/ ladies
purse/ duty f ree shopping bags can be carried additionally, as long as the total w eight of cabin baggage does not exceed 7kg.
Passengers w ith inf ants are permitted to carry an additional piece of hand baggage w ith maximum w eight of 7 kg, and not
exceeding the af orementioned size dimensions.
2. Checked-in Baggage Allowance: SpiceJet permits one piece of f ree checked-in baggage of up to 15 kg, Extra 10 kg baggage
allow ance f or tickets booked enter student f are w ith overall maximum dimensions of 158 cm (L+W+H), per passenger, f or all
domestic f lights. In case of International travel f or bookings made f rom September 18, 2021 onw ards, tw o pieces of f ree checked-
in baggage of up to 20 kg (30 kg in case passenger is travelling to/ f rom Colombo, Dubai, Muscat, Kuw ait, Hong Kong, Sharjah,
Kabul, Ras Al- Khaimah, Dhaka, Jeddah and Riyadh) are permitted. For passengers travelling f rom Jeddah to India, 5 liters of zam
zam w ater (only) w ill be accepted over and above the f ree baggage allow ance. Passengers travelling f rom other countries are
permitted to carry tw o pieces of f ree checked-in baggage w ith the travel date of October 1, 2021 onw ards. Flights f rom Jeddah to
India f or the travel period f rom 24th July’22 till 31st Aug’22 and Flights f rom Riyadh to India f or the travel period f rom 10th July’22
till 31st Aug'22, 40 Kg w ill be permitted. For f light f rom Dubai to Ahmedabad, 40 Kg is permitted f or sale and travel period till 31st
Aug 2022.
Connecting Flight Baggage Policy
3. Passenger travelling on SpiceJet domestic f light to SpiceJet international f light or vice versa, the Free Baggage Allow ance of
International f light w ill be applicable once w ithin 24hrs of its f light departure to any domestic f light af ter landing in India.
4. Passenger travelling on SpiceJet domestic f light and having connection on another airline to/f rom an international destination, are
permitted one piece of checked-in baggage of up to 15 kg per passenger per f light.
5. Web check-in is mandatory f or all domestic f lights and closes 60 mins prior to departure. For assistance w ith check-in or re-
issuance of boarding pass through Reservations, a f acilitation f ee of Rs. 200 per passenger w ill be charged. Bookings made under
the f ares of armed f orces, senior citizens, unaccompanied minors and f or passengers w ith medical conditions/stretchers are
exempted f rom this f ee. Web check-in f acility is available on w w w.corporate.spicejet.com. Airport check-in counters w ill open
three hours prior to departure. Passengers are encouraged to report at least tw o hours prior to departure. Check-in counters w ill
close 75 mins prior to departure f or Dubai and Kabul f lights and 60 mins prior to departure f or all other f lights.
Failure to report on time can result in your booking being cancelled and the f are retained.40 Kg is permitted f or sale and travel
period till 31st August 2022 except Dubai to Amritsar f light
6. Boarding gate closes 20 minutes ( 45 minutes in case of Kabul and 25 minutes in case of other international travel ) prior
to scheduled departure time and f ailure to board w ithin the stipulated time can result in denied boarding w ith f are retained.
7. Passengers w ho have w eb checked-in must ensure that hand baggage meet the physical dimensions and the w eight limits, and
must pay f or excess hand baggage (if any) at the airport check-in counter. There w ill be random checks at the boarding gates f or
hand baggage size and w eight, and if f ound oversized or overw eight, INR 550/Kg w ill be chargeable, and additionally the bag may
be taken f rom the passenger to be placed in the hold.
Payment by foreign credit cards:
8. For all f oreign (Non-Indian) credit / debit card payments, the card must be produced f or physical verif ication at the airport check-in
counter if the passenger is the cardholder. Incase the cardholder is not traveling, it is mandatory f or the passenger to f urnish to
the airport check-in staf f a physical copy of the f ront side of credit / debit card duly authorized by the cardholder, along w ith
cardholder's valid proof of identif ication. In the absence of such credit / debit card or copy and/or identity mismatch, w e w ill be
constrained to ref use the boarding. You may how ever pay through acceptable alternate mode of payment at the time of check-in
and continue your journey.
Cancellations and Rescheduling Initiated by Passengers:
9. Changes/cancellation in the bookings can be made only up to 2 hour prior to scheduled departure time ( 4 hours in case of
international travel ) upon payment of a change/cancellation f ee (amount depends on the type of f ar e purchased, as advised at
the time of booking) along w ith dif f erence in f are, if applicable. All promo/sale f ares are restrictive f ares and are ref undable (only
statutory taxes). Certain promo/sale f ares do not permit changes to the f light. Please check restrictions on the f are w hile booking
Passenger Handling during Flight Delays, Cancellations, and Missed Connections:
10. SpiceJet does not connect to other carriers; theref ore, SpiceJet is not responsible f or any losses incurred by the passengers
w hile trying to connect to or f rom other carriers. SpiceJet w ill not be liable in any w ay f or delays/ cancellations/ diversions
w hether due to bad w eather, government regulation or f or instances beyond SpiceJet's control. SpiceJet reserves the right,
w ithout assigning any reason, to cancel or delay the commencement or continuance of the f light or to alter the stopping place or to
deviate f rom the route of the journey or to change the type of aircraf t in use w ithout thereby incurring any liability in damages or
otherw ise to the passenger or any other person on any ground w hatsoever. SpiceJet also reserves to itself the right to ref use to
carry any person w hom it considers unf it to travel or w ho in the opinion of SpiceJet may constitute risks to the aircraf t or to the
Customers on board. For denied boarding, delays and cancellation the Civil Aviation Requirements under section 3 - Air Transport,
Series 'M' Part IV, Issue I, dated August 1, 2016 shall be applicable. Please ref er to the Terms of Carriage at
https://corporate.spicejet.com/tnc.aspx f or details. We strongly recommend passengers to provide correct phone number
and email address to enable us to inform of flight delays or cancellations in unforeseen conditions.
Unacceptable behaviour:
11. If in our reasonable opinion passenger conduct is observed as to endanger the aircraf t or any person or property on board, or
obstruct the crew in the perf ormance of their duties, or f ail to comply w ith any instructions of the crew, including but not limited to
those w ith respect to smoking, consumption of alcohol/drug at any place in the aircraf t or display behaviour creating
inconvenience to the other passengers (including under inf luence of alcohol), SpiceJet w ill have f ull right to take all
steps/measures to prevent any such act, including restraint. Each such passenger shall also be liable to pay penalty of Rs.10,000
per passenger w hich w ill be levied and to be paid immediately. Additionally you may be ref used onw ard carriage at any point and
may be prosecuted f or of f ences committed on board the aircraf t. Further SpiceJet reserves the right to of f load you f rom the f light
and recover f rom each such passenger any and all cost (w hether direct or consequential ) incurred as a result of your behaviour,
including but not limited to air traf f ic control charges, diversion f uel costs, airport landing charges and necessary f light crew
costs, cost incurred due to disrupted operations/f light delays and misconnections and inconvenience to other passengers.
Additional Terms and Conditions
12. Self or Voluntary of f loading af ter boarding the f light by the passenger is strictly not permitted, except in an unf oreseen event of
medical emergency or similar cases, such as death of relatives f or w hich the passenger w ill have to provide evidence, to the
satisf action of SpiceJet. Self or Voluntary of f loading causes unw arranted inconvenience to other travelling passengers, delay in
operation of f light and also the airline incurring additional costs f or such delays. In case the passenger of f loads himself /herself
f or any cause other than as mentioned above, SpiceJet w ill cancel the entire ticket f or each such passenger f or the subject travel
and also any f urther transportation (w hether under single or multiple PNR) w ith no ref unds. Each such passenger w ho is of f -
loaded shall be liable to a of f -loading f ee of Rs.10,000 per passenger w hich w ill be levied and to be paid immediately upon of f -
loading. Additionally, SpiceJet reserves the right to recover f rom each such passenger any and all costs (w hether direct or
consequential) incurred due to disrupted operations including but not limiting to removal of baggage, f light delays, disruptions and
misconnections and inconvenience to other passengers.
13. Excess Baggage in terms of w eight and pieces over and above the f ree baggage allow ance w ill be charged as per the applicable
rates at the airport. For details, please ref er to the Terms of Carriage on our w ebsite https://corporate.spicejet.com/Tnc.aspx.
14. Excess baggage can be pre-booked at discounted rates up to 3 hours prior to departure on domestic f lights and 6 hrs prior to
departure on international f lights, f rom our w ebsite, by calling our Reservation numbers or at our airport ticketing counters.
15. We strongly recommend that all valuables (e.g. camera, jew ellery, cash, electronics, perishables items, etc.) and medication shall
be carried in cabin baggage only. SpiceJet assumes no responsibility f or any pilf erage/ damage to valuables incase they are
carried in check-in baggage and the passenger shall be doing so at their sole risk and consequences.
16. Passengers travelling to UAE/Oman f rom India f or employment/tourist purposes shall be requiring an "OK TO BOARD" comment in
the PNR. Kindly get in touch w ith your visa issuing agency f or the same.
17. All Foreign Nationals/ Non-Resident Indians are mandatorily required to carry their Passport w ith valid visa f or their travel.
18. Name changes are not permitted on your booking. Please ensure that passenger's booking name matches w ith proof of
identif ication.
19. Any booking made using special f ares/ promo codes/ discount coupons etc. shall be subject to terms and conditions of respective
promotion in addition to the general Terms of Carriage.
20. Passengers requiring w heelchair assistance, stretcher, or passenger travelling w ith inf ants and unaccompanied minors are
requested to book in advance since the f acility f or these special service requests are limited. Please ref er to
https://corporate.spicejet.com/SpecialAssistance.aspx f or details. You may also call our Reservations +91(0)124 4983410 and
+91(0)124 7101600 f or f urther assistance.
21. For any queries, you may call us anytime at +91 (0)124 4983410 and +91 (0)124 7101600 or connect w ith our chat bot, Ms. Pepper
on our w ebsite w w w.corporate.spicejet.com, or through our WhatsApp number 6000000006.
22. This booking is governed by the Fare Rules and Terms of Carriage accepted at the time of booking and also available at
https://corporate.spicejet.com/Tnc.aspx .
23. Flight schedules are subject to change and applicable regulatory approvals.
24. Certain f ares could carry a restriction related to change/cancellation and policy. In case you do not w ish to opt f or restricted f are,
you can book tw o separate PNRs f or each sector w ithout the benef its/restrictions of the return f are.
25. Passengers are advised to compulsorily retain the boarding pass until exiting the terminal f or security reasons. Passengers on via
and connecting f lights should keep their boarding pass handy f or physical check at transit points.
26. Carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is prohibited in checked-in and hand baggage.
27. Dangerous Goods Regulations:

28. In the event Spicejet:

a. prepones the f light by sixty (60) minutes or more; or
b. postpones the f light by one hundred and tw enty (120) minutes or more,

the affected passengers shall be entitled either for:

i. f ull ref und of the amount paid by them; or
ii. to be accommodated on alternate f light(s) f or the same sector f or next or preceding seven (07) days f rom the original date of
journey, subject to availability and SpiceJet’s discretion in the event SpiceJet.
29. Add-on services like Meal, SpiceMax, Excess Baggage, Lounge, Priority Check-in, Pref erred Bag Out are non-cancellable in
30. Know your rights https://corporate.spicejet.com/Content/pdf /PassengerCharterMoCAIndiaFeb.pdf .
SpiceJet Limited,
319, Udyog Vihar-4, Gurugram - 122016, Haryana
Email:[email protected]
Reservations Helpline No:
+91 (0)124 4983410, +91 (0)124 7101600 Scan the code to
Click here for T&Cs visit AirSewa portal

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