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A proposal for an Arabic-to-English

SMT system


Cristina España i Bonet


Dr. Lluı́s Màrquez Villodre

Master in Artificial Intelligence

Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
and Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Barcelona, 15th February 2008


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Classification of MT systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Difficulties and virtues of MT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 This work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Background 7
2.1 Statistical Machine Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Word-based SMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Language model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Translation models: IBM models . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.2 Phrased-based SMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Log-linear Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Factored Translation Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Hybrid Machine Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.1 Discriminative phrase selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Language pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4.1 Arabic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4.2 English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3 System design 23
3.1 Parallel corpora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.1 News data compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.2 United Nations corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Monolingual corpora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Linguistic processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.1 Arabic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3.2 English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4 Bare SMT System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.5 Hybrid MT System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4 Experiments and evaluation 37

4.1 Word segmentation of Arabic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 SMT system: combination of models with linguistic information . . . 38
4.3 Hybrid system: discriminative phrase translation . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3.1 Phrase extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3.2 Discriminative phrase selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3.3 Full translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5 Summary and conclusions 53

A Buckwalter transliteration 59

Bibliography 61
Chapter 1


Language is one of the richest ways to communicate. When speaking, the informa-
tion encoded in words is complemented by the intonation used, the corporal lan-
guage, and possibly by external signs. Our own knowledge of the world is sometimes
necessary to understand the meaning as well. In written texts, all the information
must be encoded by the words, but still the meaning can be ambiguous and the en-
vironment and the culture of the reader condition the understanding of the message.

All these facts, tone, intention or knowledge, are inherent to humans but are
difficult to be taken into account by machines. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
is the field within Artificial Intelligence that deals with this problem. Understanding,
generation or translation are general tasks treated by NLP and among them this
work is focused on Machine Translation (MT).

The beginnings of MT [20, 39] date back to even before the general availability
of computers, but it was not until 1949 when the Warren Weaver’s memorandum
[43] emphasised the possibility of using the recently invented digital computers to
translate documents between a pair of natural languages. The 1950s where very
optimistic and productive, but in the 1960s there was an increasing acknowledgement
of the linguistic difficulties. This discouragement culminated with the report of
the Automatic Language Advisory Committee (ALPAC) in 1966 [1], where it was
concluded that “there is no immediate or predictable prospect of useful Machine
Translation”. The lack of interest and fundings due to the report in some countries
such as the United States lasted almost two decades, but during the 1980s the
field emerged again, now with the improvement given by faster computers and new

2 Chapter 1. Introduction

developed NLP tools. In the 1990s, statistical approaches emerged and, nowadays,
this is one of the most successful paradigm.

The improvements coincided as well with more realistic and delimited expec-
tations of what MT can do. An MT system can be good for a given domain for
instance, just as a human translator can do better in specific domains. Or in open
domains, MT can help in human translations or in getting an approximate translated
version of virtually any web page.

1.1 Classification of MT systems

MT systems can be classified according to their usage. Some systems are designed
for machine-aided translation, both for Human Translation with Machine Support
and for Machine Translation with Human Support. Here we are more interested in
the third type, Fully Automated Translation, systems that traditionally preferred
speed over quality and that were useful to get an overall idea of text contents, but
that are every time more concerned about quality.

The amount and the linguistic techniques classify MT systems in direct, transfer
and interlingua approaches. The direct approach does a straightforward transla-
tion word-by-word or nowadays phrase-by-phrase. The very firsts systems such as
the Mark II system and the Georgetown GAT system used the direct approach for
the Russian-English language pair. Later, at late 1970s, there were systems which
gave more importance to linguistics. In those transfer systems there is a syntactic
analysis of the sentences of the source language which results in an abstract repre-
sentation of the sentences. This abstract representation is transferred to the abstract
representation of the target language, and then, the output is generated from this
representation. For the interlingua approach the abstract representation is assumed
to be unique for every language.

Another dimension for MT classification is the architecture of the system. Ac-

cording to that we distinguish between rule-based systems and empirical systems.
Rule-based systems need a group of human experts to establish the set of rules that
drives the translation process. This is usually slow, expensive and not portable,
but one obtains high quality syntactics for the translated output. Although both
architectures deal with the three degrees of linguistic processing, rule-based systems
1.2. Difficulties and virtues of MT 3

are usually characterised by doing a syntactic or semantic analysis, and therefore

perform a transfer step. On the other hand, empirical systems were based in their
beginnings in a direct translation but some current systems perform some linguis-
tic analysis as well. Empirical or data oriented systems need a parallel translated
corpus to learn automatically and so there is no need for human contributions at
least during the translation process. The learning during the training step can be
of different kinds; one can learn syntactic rules or lexical translation of phrases for

Within empirical systems two main approaches can be pointed out: Example-
based Machine Translation (EBMT) and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). In
the first case, EBMT, new translations are formed on the basis of the previously
compiled translations. In the second case, SMT, one considers that each sentence of
the target language is a possible translation of a sentence in the source language and
assigns a probability to each of them. The main system used in this work belongs
to SMT, and Section 2.1 is a review of SMT fundamentals.

1.2 Difficulties and virtues of MT

As we have seen, natural languages are very complex by themselves. There are
multiple ways of saying the same thing and a same sentence can have different
meanings according to the context or the intention. Besides, every language is
representative of a culture, and therefore, there are distinctive features and nuances
which cannot be translated from one to another.

Synonymy and especially ambiguity are the major problems for a machine to
translate. Ellipsis also make more difficult the task, since the missing information
that for a human is understood, is lacking for a computer. These smaller tasks
are studied independently within NLP, and their incorporation should contribute
to the quality of the translation. Nowadays, however, there are not MT systems
that generate general high quality translations under the point of view of a human,
although good results for restricted domains can be obtained.

These facts should not discredit fully automatic MT, but one must be aware of
its limitations. Translating is a very ambitious goal and computers can help in the
task. An MT-translated text can help a human to understand the topic of the text
4 Chapter 1. Introduction

in a very fast way. Or MT systems can be designed to work with a specific task and
get an acceptable output. But these outputs must be revised by a human translator,
as human translations are. The usefulness of MT then, lies in the relation between
quality, speed and necessity. MT is useful when one needs a coarse or fast translation
and when helps humans to obtain high quality results after a post-edition. This does
not mean that one has to forget about getting as close as possible to a really fully
automatic high quality translation.

As for the concrete case of SMT, the main advantage is that the systems are in
general language independent. There is no need to develop specific tools for every
language, and the only essential element is a parallel corpus. Of course, systems can
be refined according to the language, but the core of the system remains the same.
On the other hand, since they train over a corpus, the quality of the translation
does depend on whether the sentences belong to the same domain of the corpus
or not. That is general to all statistical-based NLP. Therefore, SMT systems are
fully automatic, general, fast, and give competitive results, but the latter can be
compromised when used in a different domain than the training corpus.

1.3 This work

The aim of this work is to apply MT techniques to translate from Arabic to English
in the context of the 2008 NIST Machine Translation Open evaluation1 .

For the core of the system we choose a SMT architecture. With a standard SMT
system we check the improvements given by adding linguistic information, that is,
maximise the probability not only of the sequence of words, but of its lemma, part-
of-speech and chunk as well. We increase the amount of linguistic knowledge but we
also increase the sparsity in the corpus because the combination of features increases
the vocabulary. We explore several approaches to these combinations.

As a second method, we use machine learning (ML) techniques to select the most
adequate translation phrases and combine them with the output of the SMT sys-
tem. We treat the translation task as a classification problem and use the linguistic
information and the context of each word as features to train the classifiers. This

1.3. This work 5

methodology is used in Word Sense Disambiguation and should help to select the
correct translation of a phrase according to its context. We analyse the results of
this subtask and quantify the impact in the results. The output of this phase is
inserted into the SMT system by enlarging the translation table with every sense
of a phrase and with the inclusion of a new probability score, which accounts for
the result of the classifier. We compare the results with and without this additional
information. This combination of SMT and ML, MLT, is our final proposal for the
Arabic-to-English SMT system.

The outline of the report is as follows. The following chapter is devoted to sum-
marise the basics of statistical machine translation and to sketch the main aspects
of Arabic which are important in the translation process. Chapter 3 describes the
data at our disposal, the preprocess applied to the corpora and the architecture of
our systems. Chapter 4 shows the results for both the base SMT systems and the
hybrid ones with the inclusion of the disambiguated phrases. Finally, we draw our
conclusions in the last chapter and indicate some possible improvements for our final
6 Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2


When dealing with Machine Translation there are two main aspects that must be
taken into account: the approach to be used for translating and the characteristics
of the language pair involved. This chapter shows the basics of the MT models
used in this work, and gives a general description of our source language, Arabic, in
comparison to the target one, English.

2.1 Statistical Machine Translation

We describe in this section SMT as a fully automatic, direct, empirical system.

There exists several modifications and extensions to this basic system, but next we
start by summarising the foundations of a general SMT system.

2.1.1 Word-based SMT

The probabilistic approach to machine translation assigns as translation of an input

sentence in a source language the sentence in the target language that maximizes
probability. That is, one must generate all the possible translations for a given
sentence, calculate their probability P (output|input), and then explore the space
to look for the most probable one. In the following, and in order to maintain the
usual notation, we will denote with the letter e (from English) the translated output

8 Chapter 2. Background

sentence and with f (from f oreing) the input one.

Even though the final goal is to find the sentence e which maximises P (e|f ), the
current statistical machine translation models are based on the contrary assump-
tion. The justification lies on the usage of the Bayes theorem which relates both
conditional probabilities:

P (e) P (f |e)
P (e|f ) = . (2.1)
P (f )

In words, the probability that e is a translation of f can be written as the

product of the conditional probability of f given the input sentence e, P (f |e), and
the a priori probability of e by itself, P (e). Since P (f ) is independent of e, it acts
as just a normalization factor. Finding the sentence e that maximises P (e|f ) is then
equivalent to maximise the likelihood:

T (f ) = ê = argmaxe P (e|f ) = argmaxe P (e) P (f |e) . (2.2)

The calculation of P (f |e) is in principle as hard as the calculation of P (e|f ), so,

under this point of view, this longer path would not be worthy. The improvement
comes from the fact that we are now taking into account the language model P (e),
that is, a collection of probability scores of word sequences in a language that takes
care of the correctness and fluency of the output sentence with independence that it
is a good translation or not. That for instance penalises an output sentence which
is a translation of the input word by word but with an incorrect grammatical order.

These probabilities, P (e) and P (f |e), represent the language model and the
translation model respectively. The first one only needs data in the target language
to be estimated, the second one needs to extract relations from data in both the
target and the source language. The third task, finding argmax, requires a search
in a huge space which is exponential on the size of the input, and it is done by the
2.1. Statistical Machine Translation 9 Language model

The language model is then the part that takes care of the fluency in the target lan-
guage. It could be easily calculated by a count on the corpus, being the probability
of a sentence e the number of times it appears in the corpus N with respect to the
total number of sentences, that is, the maximum likelihood estimate:

P (e) = . (2.3)

Even though these models are not practical because the corpus is not going to
have all the possible sentences, some realistic models are based on this simple idea.
So as to avoid correct sentences with a null probability just because they do not
appear in the corpus, the counting is not done over the whole sentence, but over
small groups of n words, n-grams. The probability for each of these n-grams is the
number of times that these words are seen together divided by the number of times
the last n − 1 words appear together. The total probability of a sentence e is the
product of the probabilities of its n-grams.

The chances of finding all the n-grams within the corpus is higher that finding
the whole sentence, but of course it is not assured. Since P (e|f ) ∝ P (e) the lack of
an n-gram in the corpus invalidates the sentence as an acceptable translation. This
is solved by smoothing techniques which keep part of the probability mass to unseen

We show as an example a trigram model. When smoothing the probability of

the trigram w1 , w2 , w3 is not only Nw1 ,w2 ,w3 /Nw1 ,w2 but part of the probability mass
is given to the lower order n-grams (Eq. 2.4). The dominant term (with weight λ3 )
is still Nw1 ,w2 ,w3 /Nw1 ,w2 , but the bigram w2 , w3 and the word w3 do contribute as
well. In general, every word has a non-null probability even if it is not in the corpus
and therefore, P (e) is not going to be zero because of an unseen word in the training
corpus. The weights λ0 , λ1 , λ2 and λ3 , the smoothing coefficients, are fit with the
development set.

Nw1 ,w2 ,w3 Nw ,w Nw

P (w3|w1 , w2 ) = λ3 + λ2 2 3 + λ1 3 + λ0 (2.4)
Nw1 ,w2 Nw2 Nw
10 Chapter 2. Background

There are several smoothing techniques. The one which just served as example
is a lineal interpolation where for every n-gram the lower order ones are also used.
Others such as the back-off models, only use the lower orders when the n-gram is
not in the corpus. The calculations in this work use an interpolation that discounts
an amount from each n-gram in the corpus. The probability of the low order terms
is in this case proportional to the number of the different words that precede it
(Kneser-Ney smoothing [22, 11]). That makes loose weight to words such as York
if they always appear preceded by the same word, as it happens with New. Translation models: IBM models

The second component involved in the process of translation is the translation model
P (f |e) (see Ref. [5] for a review). To estimate it, it is necessary to extract the infor-
mation from an aligned parallel corpus with a one to one correspondence between
the source and target languages. In an intuitive way, one can see the important
ingredients to model the translation:

One needs to know the translation of every word and the number of words
necessary in the target language, the position they occupy within the sentence and
the number of words that need to be generated. So, the translation model has
several contributions:

• the probability that blava generates the translation blue t(blue|blava): lexical

• the probability that blava generates x words n(x|blue): fertility,

• the probability that blava in the i position generates blue in the j position
d(j|i, m, n): distortion (where m is the length of the input sentence and n of
the output one),
2.1. Statistical Machine Translation 11

• and the probability that a spurious word is generated p1 . These words are
generated from the NULL position which is assigned as the zeroth position of
every input sentence.


All of these contributions could be calculated by a straightforward counting with

parallel corpora aligned not only at a sentence level but at a word level too. Since
this kind of corpus is not available, one must construct the alignments as a first step
of every translation model.

An alignment is represented by a vector of integers, with length the number of

translated words and with every component indicating the position of the word in
the original sentence.

The probability of one alignment a, P (a, f |e), is a function of the words in the
sentence pair and the probability tables n, p, t, and d as introduced at the beginning
of the section [5]. The final translation probability of the sentence pair f -e is the
sum of that of every possible alignment and is estimated via unsupervised learning
from a corpus:

P (f |e) = P (a, f |e) (2.5)


The firsts models for SMT defining P (f |e) were proposed at the beginning of the
90’s by Brown et al. [5]. These so-called IBM models are still widely used. The
models go from 1 to 5 in an increasing complexity. Given the prohibitive number
of parameters to be determined during translation, the first models, with strong
enough assumptions so as to allow exact calculations, are used as the seed for the
last and more reliable models.

Model 1 uses the translation probability alone t(fi |ei ); the length of the trans-
lated sentence is fixed with all the possible lengths equiprobable, the fertility is
assumed to be 1 for every word, NULL included, and all distortions with the length
12 Chapter 2. Background

of the sentence known are equiprobable. With these simplifications, the iterative
Expectation-Maximization algorithm [12] drives to an absolute and unique minimum
which does not lead to good alignment probabilities.

Model 2 introduces a slight improvement: it takes into account distortion and,

therefore, the position of the word within the sentence. Model 1 is just a particular
case where distortion is fixed to 1/(n + 1)1 . This way, Model 1’s results can be taken
as initial parameters for Model 2.

Model 3 uses a combination of translation probabilities, distortion and fertili-

ties. However, since the distortion probabilities are independent from one word to
another, some positions can be occupied by several words and others remain empty.
The initial values for t(fi |ei ) and d(j|i, m, n) can be those given by Model 2.

Model 4 is already a step towards a translation based on phrases instead of

words. We define as a phrase a group of words that usually go together and must,
therefore, move together within the sentence. This changes the form of the distortion
probability and two components are needed: one indicating the position of the head
words and another one for the others.

Finally, Model 5 takes into account that two translated words cannot occupy the
same position.

2.1.2 Phrased-based SMT

The model introduced in the previous section is the core of the current state-of-the-
art of Statistical Machine Translation. However, it was soon noticed that translation
is not a word to word process, and that the information of surrounding words would
help and that one word could be translated into more than one element. This mo-
tivated the usage of phrases as translation units. Within this context, a phrase is a
sequence of words that appear together in the source sentence, but it is not neces-
sarily defined according to the syntactic structure of the sentence (see an example
in Figure 2.1).

Distortion in Model 2 and the one defined in the previous section are defined as inverse con-
ditional probabilities.
2.1. Statistical Machine Translation 13

Figure 2.1: Example of all the extracted phrases which are coherent with the shown

The firsts attempts to consider phrases as the atomic units defined the phrases
from word alignments, that is, two phrases are aligned when its words are only
aligned within its limits and never outside the phrase [37]. Once the alignment
between phrases is established, the word alignments are not necessary any more

Word alignment is an active field of research. There exist several heuristics used
to combine the alignments obtained from the two translation directions to improve
the final result:

• Intersection of the alignments in the two directions. It is the most restrictive

combination, and, therefore, gives high-precision alignments and the largest
number of extracted phrases.

• Contrary to the previous one, the union produces less phrases due to the larger
number of alignment points.

• Starting with the intersection and adding some additional alignment points,
some grow heuristics refine the final alignment. The heuristics grow [36] and
grow-diag-final [25] are used in this work and add those points belonging to
the union that connect at least one word which was not yet aligned.

Once selected all the phrases consistent with the alignments, the phrase trans-
lation probability can be calculated by relative frequency. Each source phrase f¯i is
14 Chapter 2. Background

then translated into one phrase in the target language ēi , and afterwards the output
phrases are reordered according to the distortion probability.

There are several extensions to phrase-based models. In the following, we intro-

duce two of them, the ones being used in this work. Log-linear Model

The Log-linear Model is an extension to the original phrase-based approach. It uses

the fact that the maximum likelihood estimate equals the maximum entropy one
in order to move from the product of probabilities, Eq. 2.2, to a linear sum of its
logarithms hm [34]:

argmax P (e|f ) = argmax λm hm (f |e) . (2.6)

Rewritten in this way, it is easy to include additional information. Besides the

language and translation model, this extra information can be a distortion model
Pdi (e, f ) accounting for the amount of reordering, or a word (phrase) penalty model,
accounting for the length of the output. Word penalty w(e) takes care of the length
of the whole translated sentence and phrase penalty ph(e) of the average length
of phrases [44]. In both cases negative values favour longer outputs. All these
additional models are described by a function h(·) and its corresponding weight λ is
adjust with an independent development set with the minimum error rate training
for instance. Factored Translation Models

Another approach designed to include additional information are the so-called fac-
tored models [23]. This extension to phrase-based models considers instead of a
single word a vector of factors each of them representing a feature with some lin-
guistic information. This extra information might be morphological, syntactic or
semantic; it can include the lemma, part of speech, chunk label, statistically derived
word classes, case, gender or whatever feature relevant to the language pair to be
translated. This can be useful for morphologically rich languages such as Arabic;
2.2. Hybrid Machine Translation 15

however, the larger the vector of factors the slower the translation process, and even
more important, it sometimes represents a prohibitive time for training.

The process of translation is divided here in several mapping steps of two kinds.
The first kind translates source factors into the target ones. The second kind gen-
erates the final surface form of the word in the target language given the set of
linguistic factors already in the target language. For example, one could first trans-
late lemmas and morphological information separately and then generate the surface
word given that translated lemma and morphology:

All the components are combined in a log-linear model. Every translation and
generation step is treated as a function h(f |e) as the language model or the re-
ordering model are. This kind of models, factored models and in general log-linear
models, have been implemented in the Moses package [26].

2.2 Hybrid Machine Translation

We have seen in the Introduction that SMT systems are not the only approach to
machine translation, and that the branch of transfer systems is as important and
effective at least in some language pairs. This is especially valid for languages with
very different syntax and rich morphology. It can be therefore interesting to get the
best aspect of each approach to improve the final result. Given the large amount of
models which combine both approaches or others available, we focus here in those
that make use of Word Sense Disambiguation techniques (WSD) to help in the
translation process within a SMT system.
16 Chapter 2. Background

2.2.1 Discriminative phrase selection

The hybrid systems used in this work are based on a SMT one, but we use linguistic
information and the surrounding context in order to translate phrases. It is not a
Syntax-based System, but it uses WSD techniques to select the phrases. The general
WSD task tries to identify which sense of a word must be used in a given sentence.
Here, we understand the different translations of a phrase as different senses of
that phrase, and try to identify which one is the most adequate given the sentence.
Contrary to factored models, this allows to take into account the context of each
phrase to translate it, and phrase selection is treated as a classification problem
instead of a translation probability given by relative frequency counts.

There are several recent methods in the literature to integrate WSD techniques
into the translation process. In 2005, Carpuat and Wu [8] used the WSD predictions
to constrain the possible translations available in decoding time. In the same year
Vickrey et al. [42] applied discriminative models for word selection but used in a
blank-filling task instead of full translation. This work was first extended to the full
translation task [6, 7] and afterwards to translate phrases instead of words [9, 10].

Carpuat and Wu, the authors of Ref. [9], have developed a WSD system which
combines naı̈ve Bayes, maximum entropy, boosting and kernel PCA-based models.
Bangalore et al. [3] rely on a maximum entropy model. Here, we use the model of
Giménez and Màrquez [19] based on the use of Support Vector Machines (SVM)
to solve the multi-class classification problem where every possible translation is a

In that model, given the phrases extracted from the parallel corpus, each oc-
currence of a phrase is taken as a positive example for its current translation and
negative for the rest. This way the multi-class problem is binarized and converted
in a one-vs-all decision as it is graphically seen in Figure 2.2. The feature set for
each example contains information of the source phrase such as lemma, PoS, and
chunk labels for the phrase itself and a context, let’s say 5 words to the left and to
the right, by taking n-grams of the linguistic information.

The result of this model as to its application to machine translation is a proba-

bility table PDPT (e|f ). However, not every phrase will have a DPT (Discriminative
Phrase Translation) prediction, since the number of examples must be reasonable
2.3. Evaluation 17

Figure 2.2: Example of the translation of the phrase apuntis. The true translation is a
positive example to train the SMV; the other possible translations are negative examples.

to train the classifier and the table must be completed with the standard MLE
(Maximum Likelihood Estimation) table. The final probability is included in the
translation system as a component of a log-linear model:

log P (e|f ) ∝ λlm log P (e) + λlg log lex(f |e) + λld log lex(e|f )
+λg log PMLE (f |e) + λd log PMLE (e|f ) + λDPT log PDPT (e|f )
+λdi log Pdi (e, f ) + λph log ph(e) + λw log w(e) , (2.7)

where P (e) is the language model probability, lex(f |e) and lex(e|f ) are the gener-
ative and discriminative lexical translation probabilities respectively, PMLE (f |e) the
MLE generative translation model, PMLE (e|f ) the discriminative one, PDPT (e|f ) the
DPT model, Pdi (e, f ) the distortion model and ph(e) and w(e) correspond to the
phrase and word penalty models.

2.3 Evaluation

Evaluation in MT is an active research field since it is difficult to define what makes

good a translation given that there is not a unique translation for an input. A
18 Chapter 2. Background

system can be evaluated both by humans or automatically.

Manual evaluation is slow and subjective, but one can qualify aspects which
cannot be evaluated by a computer. On the other hand, automatic evaluation uses
objective metrics that allow for a fast qualification of the translation, but not every
detail can be grasped by a metric. In order to compare in an objective and fast
way several systems, this work uses an automatic evaluation, but one must take into
account that that is just comparing the aspects that the used metric does.

There exists several metrics. We focus here in those based on the lexical simi-
larities (number of coincident n-grams) between the automatic translation and hu-
man reference translations. Just to name some WER [31], PER [41], NIST [14],
GTM [30], ROUGE [28], BLANC [29], METEOR [2] and BLEU [38] are n-gram
based metrics. BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) is one of the most used
metrics and the one we use as a reference in our results. It calculates an score that
depends on the coincident n-grams up to order 4. As all these metrics have in com-
mon, this score only takes into account how fluent the output is and how equal to a
reference is, but it does not evaluate if the translation captures the meaning of the

2.4 Language pair

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed
with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of

(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

The nature of the language pair is an important aspect in the translation process,
and one should refine and adapt the general machine translation system in order
2.4. Language pair 19

to catch its peculiarities. In the following, we sketch the main features of the two
languages involved in our translation system. Due to the larger differences with
Latin languages, this section focuses on Arabic with just some insights into English.

2.4.1 Arabic

Arabic is a Semitic language belonging to the Afro-Asiatic family. More that 200
million people speak one of the numerous Arabic dialects, and all of them have as
a standard language the Koranic one. After some modifications the language in the
Koran has evolved from being the classical Arabic to the be considered the modern
literary language.

As all of the Semitic languages, Arabic is written from right to left and from top
to bottom. Numbers, however, are written from left to right in the right to left text.
In Modern Standard Arabic, numbers are usually written as Indian numerals while
it is in Moroccan Arabic that numbers are written as what we call Arabic numerals.
Corpora for MT mix both forms:

The syntax, contrary to Catalan or English for instance, follows a VSO structure
(verb-subject-objects). There are also copular sentences without any verb.

The Arabic script is an alphabet with allographic variants, diacritics and liga-
tures. Each character has four allographs depending on its position within the word:
initial, medial, final or as stand alone. The alphabet is composed by 25 consonants,
3 semi-consonants, 3 short vowels, 3 long vowels and 2 diphthongs. The short vow-
els, fatha, kasra and damma, are not letters themselves but diacritics written above
or below consonants. Other diacritics are also used as a non-vowel mark (sukun), as
a double consonant mark (shadda), or as a letter itself (hamza). Figure 2.3 shows
some examples of the diacritics when added to the letter baa.

However, diacritics are not usually seen in written texts. They appear in the
20 Chapter 2. Background

Figure 2.3: Diacritics used in the Arabic script, here added to the letter baa.

Koran, in some other religious texts, classical poetry, textbooks or in complex texts
to avoid ambiguity. However, in most cases, when pronunciation is not especially
important, texts are non-vocalized and non-diacritized. This is mostly the case of the
corpora used for MT. Another character to comment is tatweel, used as elongation
for text highlight or justification. It can be therefore eliminated from the corpora
before training.

Appendix A lists the characters and shows the Arabic glyphs. The same table
shows the Buckwalter transliteration which will be introduced in Section 3.3.1 as
the commonly used romanization system in NLP. Romanization is useful to equate
Arabic and Latin scripts in order to be treated homogeneously by machines. Besides,
it eases the understanding for those not familiarised with the Arabic phonetics.

Words are formed by combination of the previous elements sometimes joined

together by ligatures. A full word agglutinates to the root affixes and clitics. Affixes
mark tense, genus and number. Clitics are divided in proclitics (before the root)
and enclitics (at the end of the word). Proclitics are prepositions, conjunctions and
determiners; enclitics are pronouns and possessives.

Let us see an example. The syntactic phrase and by their virtues is written in

Arabic as an only word   (or wbHsnAthm using Buckwalter’s translitera-
tion). The word can be morphologically segmented as:

enclitic affix stem proclitics

hm At Hsn b w
(their) (s) (virtue) (by) (and)

where it is taken into account that Arabic is read from right to left. More examples
and the full set of clitics are introduced with the tokenization of the corpora in
Section 3.3.1.
2.4. Language pair 21

2.4.2 English

English is an Indo-European language with Latin writing. It is spoken by more

than 300 million people as first language and it is usually the target language for
translation when the system is not designed for a concrete purpose.

Besides the fact that, contrary to Arabic, English it is written from left to right,
syntax has SVO structure (subject-verb-objects). That makes reordering important
in the translation Arabic-to-English. At the level of words, the English grammar
has minimal inflection at least compared with such a morphologically rich language
as Arabic.

There are numerous syntactic details different between both languages and most
of them will be catch statistically. As we have said, one of the advantages of SMT
is that it is in principle a language independent system capable of capturing the
peculiarities of every language.
22 Chapter 2. Background
Chapter 3

System design

This chapter describes the data at our disposal to build the Arabic-to-English trans-
lation system and the software used for the different tasks. It also reports the pre-
processing applied to the raw data and the architecture of the two systems used in
this work.

3.1 Parallel corpora

Parallel corpora are needed in order to estimate the translation models. In the
following, we use corpora belonging to two domains: news and transcriptions from
the United Nations.

3.1.1 News data compilation

The training set is a compilation of six corpora supplied by the Linguistic Data
Consortium (LDC) for the 2008 NIST Machine Translation Open evaluation. The
sources for these corpora are the Agence France Press News Service, An Nahar,
Assabah, Xinhua News Service, Language Weaver News, and Ummah Press Ser-
vice. From the whole corpus, lines1 with a length shorter than 100 words and not

Each line corresponds to the minimum aligned unit. The aligments are given at a fragment
level, which is in most cases larger than one sentence.

24 Chapter 3. System design

more than nine times longer in one language than in the other one are used in the
compilation. That is the optimal length for training the Moses decoder2 and the
length ratio limit for obtaining the alignments with GIZA++3 . With this, 123,662
lines, a 99% of the total, have been obtained, resulting a medium size corpus under
the point of view of collecting alignments. Table 3.1 shows the corpora with the
corresponding identification, the number of lines used and the equivalence in words
for the English and the Arabic parts. The concrete specifications can be read from
the LDC Corpus Catalogue4 .

For the development and test sets we selected 500 lines from the same corpora
with the exception of the Multiple-Translation Arabic and the TIDES MT2004 Ara-
bic evaluation data. The former is a collection of files with 7, 12 or translations only
used for training. The latter is a small compilation coming from sources included
in the other corpora as well. Table 3.2 shows the details of the samples and the
number of lines from each corpus which is proportional to the one in the training

3.1.2 United Nations corpus

Outside the news domain, the corpus of the United Nations offers a great amount
of data ranging from year 1993 to 2002. We have neglected some damaged lines
corresponding to year 2001 and eliminated a fragment written in Russian instead of
Arabic in year 1997. After that we apply the same cleaning as for the news set, i.e.
cutting the lines with more than 100 words or more than nine times longer in one
language than in the other one. With this preprocess we obtain a parallel corpus
with 3,686,372 lines.

We have done three different partitions on the resulting corpus. An small one
with 20,000 lines used for studying the impact of translation with factored models
with information of lemma, PoS and chunks. A second corpus with 125,000 lines
comparable to the news corpus. Finally, we consider a large corpus with 3,400,000
lines. In the three cases we keep 500 lines for development and 500 more for testing.

Corpus LDC id Lines Tokens (Arabic) Tokens (English)
Arabic English Parallel News Part 1 LDC2004T18 61,000 2,179,289 2,273,021
Arabic News Translation Text Part 1 LDC2004T17 18,000 532,771 602,262
Arabic Treebank English Translation LDC2005E46 23,800 660,821 739,695
eTIRR Arabic English News Text LDC2004E72 4,000 97,882 98,655
Multiple-Translation Arabic LDC2003T18 15,533 434,465 507,617
3.1. Parallel corpora

(Part 1 & 2) LDC2005T05

TIDES MT2004 Arabic evaluation data LDC2006E44 1,329 40,667 47,324
Total: 123,662 3,945,895 4,262,740

Table 3.1: Detailed composition of the training data set used for the news translation task.

Corpus LDC id Lines Tokens (dev) Tokens (test)

Arabic English Arabic English
Arabic English Parallel News Part 1 LDC2004T18 280 11,575 11,513 10,740 10,641
Arabic News Translation Text Part 1 LDC2004T17 100 2,776 3,141 2,856 3,276
Arabic Treebank English Translation LDC2005E46 100 2,532 2,875 1,355 1,411
eTIRR Arabic English News Text LDC2004E72 20 625 485 523 544
Total: 500 17,508 18,014 15,474 15,872

Table 3.2: Detailed composition of the development and test data sets used for the news translation task.
26 Chapter 3. System design

3.2 Monolingual corpora

A monolingual corpus is needed in order to estimate the language model. Each of

the parts of a parallel corpus can be used as a monolingual data set, and we calculate
the language model from these data as explained in Section 3.4.

3.3 Linguistic processing

Before using the corpora for MT some linguistic preprocessing must be applied. We
divide the process in two steps. First, the input is converted to a unique codification.
The fact that Arabic and English have two different scripts makes the translation
process harder, and so, we choose to convert the Arabic glyphs to the Latin alphabet
as explained in the following. As a second step, we tokenize both of the input
languages and annotate them with the lemma, part of speech and chunk label for
each word. The concrete tools depend on the language as well.

3.3.1 Arabic

There exist several transliterations to convert Arabic characters to the Latin alpha-
bet. In NLP, the original text encoded in ISO-8859-6 or CP-1256 for example are
usually converted to the Buckwalter transliteration. That is a one to one correspon-
dence between Unicode and UTF-8 codification. Appendix A shows this correspon-
dence between the Arabic glyphs, the Unicode symbol and the Buckwalter UTF-8

We alter the standard transliteration by using the XML-friendly version which

changes the characters <, > and & to I, O and W respectively. That allows to
generate the XML files necessary for the discriminative learning without problems.
The character for madda, | , is a reserved character in the Moses decoder that sepa-
rates the different factors for a word. Therefore, it has been substituted by L after
the annotation process.

Note as well that actual presentation glyphs vary with context as well as entering
3.3. Linguistic processing 27

into various ligatures. Some of these ligatures such as , ,  or  have not been
detected in the automatic transliteration but converted afterwards.

The standard Buckwalter transliteration has been a prerequisite necessary to

annotate the Arabic part of the corpus using the ASVMTools [13]. This software
uses the Yamcha SVM tools [27] to tokenize, PoS tag and Base Phrase Chunk the
input text. ASVMTools includes models trained on the Arabic Penn TreeBank ATB
1 v3.0, ATB 2 v2.0 and ATB 3 v2.0, therefore on a news domain. Finally, since
the public version of ASVMTools does not separate the determiner Al (the), we have
separated it after the annotation process. This separation has been done over all the
words beginning with Al unless over those already appearing in the Arabic WordNet
as full words, keeping the information of lemma, part of speech and chunk label.

In the following, we show the annotation process and deep into the details for a
segment belonging to the Arabic English Parallel News Part 1:

 #  "$
 #     $  &$  ' ( ) # 
 #  "%&   %&
< seg id = 18 >

  ,-$.  # #  /  ;<

*+"  /0*" 12  '   3 4 5 6 78   
 ,-$.0" 9: 5

# 1 = />  
!$.   @A (+"
   * @BC D BAAA $E & ( F6
 /? 9  $.G
/>    "   
< /seg >

Using the standard Buckwalter transliteration, the above text is converted into:

wt>ty dwl frnsA wbryTAnyA wAyTAlyA w>lmAnyA w>yrlndA w>sbAnyA

wlwksmbwrj fy Almqdmp wbxlAf Al$rkAt Al>wrwbyp fqd wSl Hjm r’ws
Al>mwAl AlmSdrp ll$rkAt AlEAmlp fy mSr Hty dysbmbr 2000 Aly 126 mlyAr
jnyh lEdd 10 |lAf $rkp AstvmAryp m&ssp wfqA lqAnwn AlAstvmAr ..


The process of tokenization segments the words in proclitics, stems+affixes, and

enclitics. Punctuation is considered as an independent token as well. Arabic pro-
clitics are prepositions b (by/with), l (to) and k (as); conjunctions w (and) and f
(then); and the determiner Al (the). All of them unless the determiner Al which
is not separated in the Arabic TreeBank have been segmented by the ASVMTools
28 Chapter 3. System design

tokenizer. The set of enclitics comprises the pronouns and possessive pronouns:
y (my/mine), nA (our/ours), k (your/yours), kmA (your/yours masc. dual), km
(your/yours masc. pl.), knA (your/yours fem. dual), kn (your/yours fem. pl.), h
(him/his), hA (her/hers), hmA (their/theirs masc. dual), hnA (their/theirs fem.
dual), hm (their/theirs masc. pl.) and hn (their/theirs fem. pl.).

An Arabic word may be composed by a conjunction, a preposition and the

determiner at the beginning of the word, as proclitics; the stem and its affixes and
one pronoun at the end, as enclitic. ASVMTools attack the tokenization task as a
1-of-6 classification task for each letter. As an example, our running text converts

w t>ty dwl frnsA w bryTAnyA wAyTAlyA w >lmAnyA w >yrlndA w >sbAnyA w

lwksmbwrj fy Almqdmp w b xlAf Al$rkAt Al>wrwbyp f qd wSl Hjm r’ws
Al>mwAl AlmSdrp l Al$rkAt AlEAmlp fy mSr Hty dysbmbr 2000 Aly 126
mlyAr jnyh l Edd 10 |lAf $rkp AstvmAryp m&ssp wfqA l qAnwn AlAstvmAr

We have highlighted in blue the segmented clitics. Green is used to indicate other
segmentations learned from the Arabic Penn TreeBank, in this case the change from
ll to l Al.

Feminine lemmatization

We do not apply a true lemmatization to the corpus. The affixes are not sepa-
rated from the stem, but we only restore the feminine singular marker p instead of
a t after decliticization. We consider our final tokens the result of this step.

Part of Speech tagging

Following the Arabic TreeBank distribution, the ASVMTools use the 24 PoS tags
from the collapsed tag set. This is now a 1-of-24 classification task with class labels:
3.3. Linguistic processing 29

CC Coordinating conjunction NUMERIC COMMA

CD Cardinal number PRP Personal pronoun
CONJ+NEG PART PRP$ Possessive pronoun
DT Determiner PUNC Punctuation
FW Foreign word RB Adverb
IN Prep./subord. conjunction RP Particle
JJ Adjective UH Interjection
NN Noun, singular or mass VBD Verb, past tense
NNS Noun, plural VBN Verb, past participle
NNP Proper noun, singular VBP Verb, present
NNPS Proper noun, plural WP Wh-pronoun
NO FUNC No function WRB Wh-adverb

Thus the tags account for the singular/plural distinction in nouns, but the dis-
tinction of number and gender in verbs is not reflected.

Base Phrase chunking

With the PoS tagged text, the last learning does a 1-of-19 classification task to
to chunk the phrases according to IOB tagging scheme (Inside-Outside-Beginning).
That applied to ADJP, ADVP, CONJP, NP, PP, PRT, SBAR, UCP and VP con-
forms the 19 tags.

Final annotated text

The labels of the two previous steps are added to the original word. We also repli-
cate the word in order simulate the position of the lemma which is not obtained
for Arabic but it is for English. As a result we rewrite the Arabic part of the cor-
pus with the format word|lemma|P oS|chunk suitable for factored models in Moses.
The separator “|” makes us substitute the character from | to L. Now, after the use
of the trained models from ASVMTools, one can convert the standard Buckwalter
Transliteration to the XML-friendly version as indicated in blue:

w|w|CC|O tOty|tOty|VBP|B-VP dwl|dwl|NN|B-NP frnsA|frnsA|NNP|B-NP

w|w|CC|O bryTAnyA|bryTAnyA|NNP|B-NP wAyTAlyA|wAyTAlyA|JJ|I-NP
30 Chapter 3. System design

w|w|CC|O OlmAnyA|OlmAnyA|NNP|B-NP w|w|CC|O OyrlndA|OyrlndA|NNP|B-NP

w|w|CC|O OsbAnyA|OsbAnyA|NNP|B-NP w|w|CC|O
lwksmbwrj|lwksmbwrj|NNP|B-NP fy|fy|IN|B-PP Almqdmp|Almqdmp|NN|B-NP
w|w|CC|B-PP b|b|IN|B-PP xlAf|xlAf|NN|B-NP Al$rkAt|Al$rkAt|NNS|B-NP
AlOwrwbyp|AlOwrwbyp|JJ|I-NP f|f|CC|B-ADVP qd|qd|RP|B-PRT
wSl|wSl|VBD|B-VP Hjm|Hjm|NN|B-NP r’ws|r’ws|NN|B-NP
AlOmwAl|AlOmwAl|NN|B-NP AlmSdrp|AlmSdrp|JJ|B-ADJP l|l|IN|B-PP
Al$rkAt|Al$rkAt|NNS|B-NP AlEAmlp|AlEAmlp|JJ|I-NP fy|fy|IN|B-PP
mSr|mSr|NNP|B-NP Hty|Hty|IN|B-PP dysbmbr|dysbmbr|NN|B-NP
2000|2000|CD|B-NP Aly|Aly|IN|B-PP 126|126|CD|B-NP mlyAr|mlyAr|NN|I-NP
jnyh|jnyh|NN|I-NP l|l|IN|B-PP Edd|Edd|NN|B-NP 10|10|CD|B-NP
LlAf|LlAf|NN|I-NP $rkp|$rkp|NN|I-NP AstvmAryp|AstvmAryp|JJ|I-NP
mWssp|mWssp|NN|B-NP wfqA|wfqA|NN|B-NP l|l|IN|B-PP qAnwn|qAnwn|NN|B-NP
AlAstvmAr|AlAstvmAr|NN|B-NP .|.|PUNC|O .|.|PUNC|O

Finally, we have manually separated the determiner Al. We keep the annotation
labels obtained from ASVMTools for all the words beginning with Al-, but in case the
full word does not appear in the Arabic WordNet we segment out the determiner and
adapt the chunk label as adequate. We have extracted 309 words from the Arabic
WordNet beginning with Al-. However, since we are comparing the stem and not
the lemma with those words, there is a loss in the precision of the segmentation.
For illustration purposes, we have highlighted in blue the segmented words:

w|w|CC|O tOty|tOty|VBP|B-VP dwl|dwl|NN|B-NP frnsA|frnsA|NNP|B-NP

w|w|CC|O bryTAnyA|bryTAnyA|NNP|B-NP wAyTAlyA|wAyTAlyA|JJ|I-NP
w|w|CC|O OlmAnyA|OlmAnyA|NNP|B-NP w|w|CC|O OyrlndA|OyrlndA|NNP|B-NP
w|w|CC|O OsbAnyA|OsbAnyA|NNP|B-NP w|w|CC|O
lwksmbwrj|lwksmbwrj|NNP|B-NP fy|fy|IN|B-PP Al|Al|DT|B-NP
mqdmp|mqdmp|NN|I-NP w|w|CC|B-PP b|b|IN|B-PP xlAf|xlAf|NN|B-NP
Al|Al|DT|B-NP $rkAt|$rkAt|NNS|I-NP Al|Al|DT|I-NP
Owrwbyp|Owrwbyp|JJ|I-NP f|f|CC|B-ADVP qd|qd|RP|B-PRT wSl|wSl|VBD|B-VP
Hjm|Hjm|NN|B-NP r&apos;ws|r&apos;ws|NN|B-NP Al|Al|DT|B-NP
OmwAl|OmwAl|NN|I-NP Al|Al|DT|B-ADJP mSdrp|mSdrp|JJ|I-ADJP l|l|IN|B-PP
Al|Al|DT|B-NP $rkAt|$rkAt|NNS|I-NP Al|Al|DT|I-NP EAmlp|EAmlp|JJ|I-NP
fy|fy|IN|B-PP mSr|mSr|NNP|B-NP Hty|Hty|IN|B-PP
dysbmbr|dysbmbr|NN|B-NP 2000|2000|CD|B-NP Al|Al|DT|B-PP y|y|IN|I-PP
3.3. Linguistic processing 31

126|126|CD|B-NP mlyAr|mlyAr|NN|I-NP jnyh|jnyh|NN|I-NP l|l|IN|B-PP

Edd|Edd|NN|B-NP 10|10|CD|B-NP LlAf|LlAf|NN|I-NP $rkp|$rkp|NN|I-NP
AstvmAryp|AstvmAryp|JJ|I-NP mWssp|mWssp|NN|B-NP wfqA|wfqA|NN|B-NP
l|l|IN|B-PP qAnwn|qAnwn|NN|B-NP Al|Al|DT|B-NP AstvmAr|AstvmAr|NN|I-NP
.|.|PUNC|O .|.|PUNC|O

Notice that the separation of determiners increases the length of the sentence.
Before any processing, the original sentence has 42 tokens. The number grows up to
54 when the clitics are segmented out, and up to 64 when also are the determiners.
This is just a representation of the global behaviour. The mean length of a sentence
in the news corpus is initially of 27.4 words increasing to 31.8 in the first case and
to 38.2 in the second. That has consequences when cleaning the corpus because
the length of the English sentence remains the same, a mean of 34.5 tokens per
sentence. The limit of GIZA++ for the ratio between the lengths of the sentences
for calculating the alignments eliminates more sentences the more we segment the
original text. In this second case where both clitics and determiners have been
separated from the stem, we have kept sentences shorter than 120 words instead of
the 100 words limit of the other cases. With this we obtain three corpora in the
news domain differentiated by the level of segmentation:

lines tokens toks/line

punct. 124,154 3,402,824 27.4
punct.+clitics 123,662 3,939,726 31.8
punct.+clitics+Al 123,498 4,718,933 38.2

3.3.2 English

The preprocessing with the English language is simpler than for Arabic since it is its
codification the one used as a reference. Then, the only preprocess before annotating
the corpus has been to lowercase and tokenize the sentences.

As before, the linguistic information is added to the probabilistic translation by

considering the lemma, part of speech and chunk position of every word. First,
lemma and PoS have been obtained with SVMTool [18], and Yamcha [27] is used
afterwards for BP chunking. These tools have been trained with the Wall Street
Journal (WSJ) corpus.
32 Chapter 3. System design

The corresponding translation to the example sentence in Arabic is a line com-

posed by three sentences:

France, Britain, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Spain, and Luxembourg came

first. A part from the European companies, the issued capital of
companies operating in Egypt reached LE126 billion up till December
2000. Such capital is of 10,000 investment companies set up under
the investment law.


Since in English there is no difference between lowercase and uppercase letters as

there is in the Buckwalter transliteration, all the English corpus has been lower-
cased. The text has been tokenized using the perl script of Josh Schröder provided
by the ACL 2007 Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation5 . This script
separates punctuation keeping it together in numbers and some abbreviations.

france , britain , italy , germany , ireland , spain , and luxembourg

came first. a part from the european companies , the issued capital
of companies operating in egypt reached le126 billion up till
december 2000. such capital is of 10,000 investment companies set up
under the investment law .


On the contrary to Arabic, the English corpora have been lemmatized. We use
a table with with 185,201 entries where each word is listed with its lemma according
to its part-of-speech.

france|france ,|, britain|britain ,|, italy|italy ,|, germany|germany

,|, ireland|ireland ,|, spain|spain ,|, and|and luxembourg|luxembourg
came|come first.|first. a|a part|part from|from the|the

3.3. Linguistic processing 33

european|european companies|company ,|, the|the issued|issue

capital|capital of|of companies|company operating|operate in|in
egypt|egypt reached|reach le126|le126 billion|billion up|up till|till
december|december 2000.|2000. such|such capital|capital is|be of|of
10,000|10,000 investment|investment companies|company set|set up|up
under|under the|the investment|investment law|law .|.

Part of Speech tagging

Although being a less rich language than Arabic, the tagset labels for English is
larger than the collapsed tagset we use for Arabic. This is because using the full
Buckwalter’s tagset for Arabic increases too much the sparsity and better results
were obtained with a collapsed set obtained from a mapping from the Arabic POS
tagset to Penn English. However, for English we can use de full tagset from the
Wall Street Journal with 36 labels:

CC Coordinating conjunction PP$ Possessive pronoun

CD Cardinal number RB Adverb
DT Determiner RBR Adverb, comparative
EX Existential there RBS Adverb, superlative
FW Foreign word RP Particle
IN Prep./subord. conjunction SYM Symbol (mathematical or scientific)
JJ Adjective TO to
JJR Adjective, comparative UH Interjection
JJS Adjective, superlative VB Verb, base form
LS List item marker VBD Verb, past tense
MD Modal VBG Verb, gerund/present participle
NN Noun, singular or mass VBN Verb, past participle
NNS Noun, plural VBP Verb, non-3rd ps. sing. present
NNP Proper noun, singular VBZ Verb, 3rd ps. sing. present
NNPS Proper noun, plural WDT wh-determiner
PDT Predeterminer WP wh-pronoun
POS Possessive ending WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun
PRP Personal pronoun WRB wh-adverb
34 Chapter 3. System design

BP chunking

The set of chunk labels is the same as for the Arabic corpus, also following the
IOB tagging scheme.

Final annotated text

That is the whole process we need to do for English. So, for the final version of
the corpus we just compile all the information and write it in the format for the
Moses decoder:

france|france|NN|B-NP ,|,|,|I-NP britain|britain|NN|I-NP ,|,|,|O

italy|italy|RB|B-ADVP ,|,|,|O germany|germany|NN|B-NP ,|,|,|O
ireland|ireland|NN|B-NP ,|,|,|O spain|spain|NN|B-NP ,|,|,|O
and|and|CC|O luxembourg|luxembourg|NN|B-NP came|come|VBD|B-VP
first.|first.|RB|B-ADVP a|a|DT|B-NP part|part|NN|I-NP
from|from|IN|B-PP the|the|DT|B-NP european|european|JJ|I-NP
companies|company|NNS|I-NP ,|,|,|O the|the|DT|B-NP
issued|issue|VBN|I-NP capital|capital|NN|I-NP of|of|IN|B-PP
companies|company|NNS|B-NP operating|operate|VBG|B-VP in|in|IN|B-PP
egypt|egypt|NN|B-NP reached|reach|VBN|B-VP le126|le126|NN|B-NP
billion|billion|CD|I-NP up|up|RP|B-ADVP till|till|IN|B-PP
december|december|NN|B-NP 2000.|2000.|CD|I-NP such|such|JJ|I-NP
capital|capital|NN|I-NP is|be|VBZ|B-VP of|of|IN|B-PP
10,000|10,000|CD|B-NP investment|investment|NN|I-NP
companies|company|NNS|I-NP set|set|VBN|B-VP up|up|RP|B-PRT
under|under|IN|B-PP the|the|DT|B-NP investment|investment|NN|I-NP
law|law|NN|I-NP .|.|.|O

3.4 Bare SMT System

Once the data have been prepared and before starting the training process we calcu-
late the language model using the SRILM Toolkit [40]. For words we build the 5-gram
language model by interpolated Kneser-Ney discounting. For linguistic factors such
3.5. Hybrid MT System 35

as lemma, part-of-speech and chunk label we generate 5-gram models without ap-
plying any discounting.

As for the translation model, we need to obtain the word alignments before calcu-
lating the probability tables. We use the GIZA++ Toolkit [35] for that purpose. This
software implements the IBM models but here it is only used to obtain the align-
ments in the two directions of translation. The word classes demanded by GIZA++
are calculated with the mkcls program [32] by Franz Josef Och as well. The final
alignment is obtained by applying the grow-diag-final heuristic (see Section 2.1.2).

From these alignments the maximum likelihood lexical translation tables in both
directions are estimated. On the other hand, all the phrases compatible with the
alignment are extracted and the phrase translation probabilities, again in both di-
rections, estimated. All these steps are done with the training script provided with
the Moses distribution.

As we have said we use the Moses decoder [26, 24]. The decoder implements
a beam search where the output sentence is generated from left to right in form
of hypotheses. Among all the hypothesis, that with the lowest cost (or highest
probability) is selected as best translation.

Finally, we optimise the weights of every probability table by optimising trans-

lation performance on a development set. That sums up to 8 weights λi : 1 corre-
sponding to the language model λlm , 2 for the two directions of the lexical translation
tables λlg and λld , 2 for the two directions of the phrase translation tables λg and
λd , the distortion model λdi , and the phrase and word penalties λph and λw . For
this optimisation we use a minimum error rate training (MERT) [33] where BLEU
is the reference score.

3.5 Hybrid MT System

The hybrid system is obtained by adding a machine learning component to the bare
SMT system. Language models and the MLT translation models are estimated in
the same way, but now we use the methodology in Giménez and Màrquez [19] to
estimate the discriminative phrase translation model.
36 Chapter 3. System design

For every selected phrase, we use linear SVMs and train the classifier for every
possible translation phrase as explained in Section 2.2.1. For that we use the SVMlight
package6 [21]. This stage gives a SVM score for each instance of a phrase, and
that score is converted into a probability using the softmax function as defined in
Ref. [4]. Since this is done for every instance of a phrase, the probability tables
would be enormous, and before calculating them it is convenient to filtrate for only
the phrases appearing in the test.

This new translation table is added logarithmically to the full model as shown in
Eq. 2.7. That allows to use a standard decoder as Moses with the only modification
of a new score in the translation model. The optimisation process is again the same,
a minimum error rate training is applied but now 9 weights must be fit: the 8 from
the bare SMT system plus λDPT .

Chapter 4

Experiments and evaluation

The following issue is to evaluate the systems described in the previous chapter.
Some of the experiments are addressed to explore the effects of the preprocessing
in the translation and others those of linguistic factors. Finally, we evaluate the
improvements given by a discriminative phrase selection.

4.1 Word segmentation of Arabic

The first experiment is devoted to study the impact of word segmentation in Arabic.
For this, we use the three data sets introduced in Section 3.3.1 with three different
levels of tokenization. With the coarser tokenization the sparsity of the vocabulary
increases and the mean length of an Arabic sentence is 0.80 times the English one.
The first level of clitic segmentation diminishes the sparsity and equals the ratio
between lengths to 0.92. With the second level, Arabic sentences are already longer
than the English ones with ratio 1.11. In all these cases we use a language model
computed from each training set without adding data out of domain.

We see in Table 4.1 that the best results are obtained when the sentence length
in both languages is comparable, where only punctuation marks and all the clitics
except Al are segmented. The additional separation of the determiner worsens
the BLEU score by several possible reasons. First, because the method used to
segment out Al can be segmenting true full words. Second, because Arabic has
some determiners which have no analogy in English such as those before adjectives

38 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

that are added when the noun is determined as well. Finally, the difference in the
sentence length can make worse the quality of the alignments.

Arabic→English English→Arabic
dev test dev test
punct. 25.76 23.46 23.50 16.17
punct.+clitics 26.25 23.81 26.54 19.67
punct.+clitics+Al 25.28 23.21 32.46 26.68

Table 4.1: BLEU scores for the translation of the NIST’s news compilation with three
different levels of segmentation (see text).

In fact, El Isbihani et al. [15] tested different segmentation methods and obtain
the best results for the segmentation obtained with ASVMTools, that is without
separating Al-, for a corpus built from the corpora of the Arabic-English NIST task.
The worst results in their case correspond to the method that most segmentates the
corpus with a ratio between the mean Arabic sentence length and the English one
of 1.20.

With these results in mind, we use in the following the Arabic part of the corpus
with the clitic segmentation of ASVMTools. At this point it is worth noticing that
in this work segmentation is useful for the Arabic-to-English translation. In order
to be used for the English-to-Arabic direction, on would need an algorithm to join
the clitics again. This is not a trivial step and should be learned independently.
Since the aim of the work has been the Arabic-to-English task of the NIST 2008,
we postpone this issue for the future. For completeness, Table 4.1 shows the BLEU
scores in this direction of translation too, but higher values must be attributed to
the level of segmentation of the sentences: the more segmented a phrase is, the
higher the number of correct words that involves a correct translation.

4.2 SMT system: combination of models with lin-

guistic information

In this section, we describe a naı̈ve way to include linguistic information within a

statistical framework. For that purpose we use the small training set of the United
4.2. SMT system: combination of models with linguistic information 39

Nations corpus with 20,000 lines. The language model is estimated from the same
training set.

In the first approach, each word of the corpus is concatenated with its lemma
(l), part-of-speech (p) or chunk labels (c). For example, the word books can be
converted into just one token if we include the lemma (wl): books##book, two
options appear for the addition of the part-of-speech (wp): books##NNS and
books##VBZ, and the larger number of alternatives is given with the chunk la-
bels (wc): books##B-NP, books##I-NP, books##B-VP, and so on. The main
disadvantage of this method is that it increases the vocabulary size for a same cor-
pus size:

word word##lemma word##PoS word##chunk
Arabic 805,458 28,356 − 33,912 38,988
English 642,386 19,612 19,951 22,535 29,622

We see that the inclusion of the lemma hardly increases the information, the vocab-
ulary does not augment tremendously. However, the part-of-speech and above all
the chunk label increase the vocabulary size and therefore the sparsity.

The upper part of Table 4.2 shows the BLEU score for a baseline indicated
by w where the translation is done with the standard SMT system, and for the
combinations wl, wp and wc inserted in the corpus. In general, the Arabic-to-
English direction gets slightly better results than from English to Arabic.

The addition of the lemma into the English part of the corpus –remember that
the Arabic one has not been annotated with lemmas– improves the BLEU score in
both the Arabic-to-English direction and the opposite one. This is because the spec-
ification of lemmas in English can improve the word alignments, and therefore the
global translation. The additional information into the language model contributes
to the improvement as well. The part-of-speech improves the quality only in the
English-to-Arabic translation. The increment of sparsity is more important in the
English part, since the number of tags in Arabic is 24 and in English 36. Then,
the possible improvement in the alignments which is given in both directions can
be compensated by a too sparse English language model. As for the case where the
chunk label is included, wc, the gain in information is widely compensated by the
40 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

consequent augment of sparsity. That worsens the results in both directions, espe-
cially in the Arabic-to-English direction where again the language model reflects the
effect of a larger vocabulary.

Arabic→English English→Arabic
dev test dev test
w (baseline) 24.70 23.82 26.83 22.85
wl 24.74 24.28 26.95 23.34
wp 23.93 23.18 27.00 23.12
wc 22.93 22.07 25.97 22.25
wlf ac 25.06 24.24 26.74 22.72
wpf ac 24.70 23.69 27.00 22.97
wcf ac 23.79 22.97 27.04 23.05
w+l 24.40 23.41 25.53 22.13
w+p 23.07 22.14 25.98 22.06
w+c 23.08 22.03 23.08 19.62
w+wl 24.86 23.98 27.17 23.01
w+wp 24.52 23.53 27.18 22.97
w+wc 23.77 22.69 26.64 22.75
w+wl+wp 23.90 23.74 23.08 19.40

Table 4.2: BLEU scores obtained with a training set of 20,000 lines of the United Nations
corpus. Linguistic information is added to the baseline w by modifications of the token
(wl, wp and wc) or by the addition of translation tables (w + x).

As a second experiment, we combine two translation models as extra components

in a log-linear model. For this, we use the translation table corresponding to the
translation of the words as a single factor with one corresponding to the linguistic
features or combinations of them. We use the sum symbol + to mark this kind
of systems. None of the combinations surpasses the best result given by a direct
concatenation of the word with a feature (Table 4.2).

The combination of one translation table corresponding to the direct translation

of tokens and another one corresponding to one linguistic factor (w + l, w + p and
w + c) is one BLEU point below that obtained for the concatenation of the word
with the feature. The Moses decoder allows for a similar combination with factored
models. In that case there are two language models too, one for each feature, but
4.2. SMT system: combination of models with linguistic information 41

Figure 4.1: BLEU score for the combination of models w⊕wlf ac , w⊕wpf ac and w⊕wcf ac
by a global weight of every individual model. None of the combinations improves the
individual scores.

an only translation table with two factors in a similar way we did in the previous
experiment. We indicate this case with the subindex fac. The use of one translation
table instead of two diminishes by five the number of weights to fit in the tuning
process, and that eases the finding of the absolute minimum. With this, results
improve our combinations w + l, w + p and w + c, but still the concatenations wl,
wp and wc reach better translations under the point of view of the BLEU score.
Table 4.2 also shows other combinations of translation tables, each one with each
correspondent language model, but none of the combinations is better than the use
of the lemma alone wl. With these results, one would expect that the lemmatization
of Arabic is going to help in the translation too.

We have just explained that the combination of two translation tables increases
the number of weights and therefore makes harder the tuning process. As a final
check and focusing again into the Arabic-to-English translation, we combine cou-
ples of translation tables giving a global weight to each of them with the already
optimised λ’s. We indicate this direct sum of translation tables with the symbol ⊕.
Table 4.2 shows and example of this for a case where the translation is done giving
different percentages to the w and wcf ac translation tables.
Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

Translation table w Translation table wcf ac

%w ⊕ %wcf ac BLEU
λdi λlm1 w λlm wc λg λlg λd λld λph λg λlg λd λld λph λw
100 ⊕ 0 23.82 0.0793 0.2229 − 0.0996 0.0831 0.1176 0.0858 −0.0755 − − − − − −0.2359
90 ⊕ 10 22.58 0.0826 0.2278 0.0036 0.0897 0.0747 0.1059 0.0772 −0.0679 0.0014 0.0161 0.0142 0.0034 −0.0011 −0.2341
80 ⊕ 20 22.71 0.0860 0.2327 0.0071 0.0797 0.0664 0.0941 0.0687 −0.0604 0.0027 0.0322 0.0283 0.0068 −0.0022 −0.2323
70 ⊕ 30 22.74 0.0893 0.2376 0.0107 0.0697 0.0581 0.0824 0.0601 −0.0528 0.0041 0.0483 0.0425 0.0102 −0.0033 −0.2306
60 ⊕ 40 22.87 0.0926 0.2425 0.0143 0.0598 0.0498 0.0706 0.0515 −0.0453 0.0055 0.0644 0.0567 0.0136 −0.0044 −0.2288
50 ⊕ 50 22.96 0.0960 0.2474 0.0178 0.0498 0.0415 0.0588 0.0429 −0.0377 0.0068 0.0805 0.0709 0.0169 −0.0055 −0.2270
40 ⊕ 60 22.98 0.0993 0.2523 0.0214 0.0398 0.0332 0.0470 0.0343 −0.0302 0.0082 0.0966 0.0850 0.0204 −0.0066 −0.2252
30 ⊕ 70 22.93 0.1026 0.2572 0.0250 0.0299 0.0249 0.0353 0.0257 −0.0226 0.0096 0.1127 0.0992 0.0238 −0.0077 −0.2235
20 ⊕ 80 22.97 0.1060 0.2621 0.0285 0.0199 0.0166 0.0235 0.0172 −0.0151 0.0109 0.1288 0.1134 0.0272 −0.0088 −0.2217
10 ⊕ 90 23.00 0.1093 0.2670 0.0321 0.0099 0.0083 0.0118 0.0086 −0.0076 0.0124 0.1449 0.1276 0.0306 −0.0099 −0.2199
0 ⊕ 100 22.97 0.1126 0.2719 0.0356 − − − − − 0.0137 0.1611 0.1418 0.0339 −0.0110 −0.2181
w + wc 22.69 0.0724 0.1753 0.0418 0.0254 0.0070 0.0117 0.0567 −0.1045 0.0306 0.0646 0.0313 0.0447 −0.0767 −0.2573
λdi : distortion, λlm w , λlm wc : language models,
λd : phrase translation probability φ(e|f ), λld : lexical weighting lex(e|f ), λg : phrase translation probability φ(f |e), λlg : lexical weighting lex(f |e),
λph : phrase penalty, λw : word penalty.
4.3. Hybrid system: discriminative phrase translation 43

We have done this analysis with three combinations, w ⊕ wlf ac , w ⊕ wpf ac and
w ⊕ wcf ac , and show the corresponding BLEU scores graphically as a function of the
proportion of each component in Figure 4.1. One can see that the combination of
both sources improves the result of the lowest translation table but hurts the score
reached by the most informative feature or combinations of features alone.

4.3 Hybrid system: discriminative phrase trans-


Next, we analyse in more detail the steps and results obtained with the hybrid
system. The whole training is done using the news compilation corpus with 123,662

4.3.1 Phrase extraction

Since the system is a phrase-based translation system, the phrase extraction step
is important for the final result. A larger number of phrases gives more translation
options available to the decoder, and therefore it is usually better recall in front of
precision in what refers to the quality of the extracted phrases. So, phrase align-
ments obtained by the intersection of words alignments produce in general better
translation results than the union, which, on the other hand, leads to the subset of
more precise phrases.

Here, we use two different heuristics to extract the phrases. For the extraction
done with the MLT package we apply the heuristic diag-and as explained in Refs. [25,
36]. The heuristic grow-diag-final is used with the Moses software. Both of the
heuristics complement the intersection points with some points belonging to the
union, but the second one generates more phrases due to an additional final step
that adds some extra alignment points. Table 4.3 shows the number of phrases
extracted by the two methods according to the number of occurrences of the phrase
in the corpus. Besides the different heuristics, we further increase the number of
phrases corresponding to those extracted with the Moses software by considering
phrases up to a length of 7 words instead of 5 words as with MLT. The distribution
is seen in Table 4.4. The proportions through partitions are the same for both
44 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

MLT Moses
Occurrences phrases % phrases %
2-5 239617 74.2 449660 76.8
6-10 43228 13.4 80261 13.7
11-50 30806 9.5 45066 7.7
51-100 4360 1.4 5009 0.9
101-500 3937 1.2 4299 0.7
501-1000 521 0.2 565 0.1
1001-10000 378 0.1 421 0.07
> 10000 22 0.007 26 0.004
Total: 322869 100 585307 100

Table 4.3: Number of phrases extracted according to the number of occurrences in the
corpus, for both the MLT and Moses systems.

heuristics but we obtain a higher number of phrases with grow-diag-final. With

these differences we end up with two sets of phrases. We call MLT set the small set
with 322,869 phrases and Moses set the larger one with 585,307 phrases.

All of these phrases will be used to construct the translation tables by frequency
counts, but we consider only those appearing more than 100 times in the corpus to
be representative enough to train the classifiers. That represents about 1% of the
total amount of phrases, but since they are the most frequent ones they will cover
most of the test set if it belongs to the same domain.

4.3.2 Discriminative phrase selection

Before approaching the full task of translation we show some details of the subtask
of phrase selection. The strength of this method is its capability of using the context
of each phrase and the linguistic information available in order to select the best
translation. This is especially useful to solve ambiguities, a very common semantic
phenomenon in Arabic.

As an archetypical example we comment the different meaning of the word

transliterated as Elm. Due to the non-vocalization of written texts, one can find
Elm meaning “science” (Eilom), “flag” (Ealam) or “to know” (Ealim). These three
4.3. Hybrid system: discriminative phrase translation 45

MLT Moses
Length phrases % phrases %
1 30971 9.6 29949 5.1
2 102710 31.8 127878 21.8
3 94084 29.1 132874 22.7
4 62389 19.3 107589 18.4
5 32715 10.1 84527 14.4
6 - - 61775 10.6
7 - - 40718 7.0
Total: 322869 100 585307 100

Table 4.4: Number of phrases extracted according to its length, for both the MLT and
Moses systems.

words are perfectly distinguishable when speaking but not when reading. The same
happens with ktb, a word that can be read as katab (“to write”), kitab (“book”)
or katib (“writer”). This kind of ambiguity is to be added to homonyms. Besides,
verbal declinations can further increase the number of meanings.

We have trained linear SVMs to solve this problem. The features for training the
classifier are extracted from both the source phrase and source sentence in Arabic but
not from the target in English. From the phrase we consider word, part-of-speech,
coarse part-of-speech and chunk labels n-grams. The same features are extracted
from the full sentence with the addition of the bag-of-words which keeps the words
at the right and at the left of the phrase.

The word Elm is found in the corpus together with the article: AlElm. This token
is seen in 114 examples with 10 possible translations, being the most frequents:

AlElm :
Translations flag science knowledge mind the flag
# examples 47 26 15 9 6

We extract the features for each of the examples that occur as translation at
least a 0.5% of the times. In a case like this with 114 examples, all translations are
considered. For instance, for one example where AlElm is translated as “knowledge”:
46 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

Sentence :
w tAbE mr$d AlIxwAn “ In AlElm AlmTlwb fy dyn nA hw kl Elm nAfE tbqY
l AlnAs vmrt h , swA’ kAn ElmAF $rEyAF Ow ElmAF tjrybyAF .

Phrase features :
word n-grams AlElm
PoS n-grams NN
coarse PoS n-grams N
chunk n-grams B-NP

Sentence features :
word (AlmTlwb)1 , (fy)2 , (dyn)3 , (nA)4 , (hw)5 ,
n-grams (” In)−2 , (AlIxwAn)−3 , (mr$d)−4 , (tAbE)−5 ,
(AlmTlwb fy)1 , (fy dyn)2 , (dyn nA)3 , (nA hw)4 ,
(In AlmTlwb)−1 , (AlIxwAn ”)−3 , (mr$d AlIxwAn)−4 , (tAbEmr$d)−5
(AlmTlwb fy dyn)1 , (fy dyn nA)2 , (dyn nA hw)3 ,
(In AlmTlwb fy)−1 , (” In AlmTlwb)−2 , (AlIxwAn ” In)−3 ,
(mr$d AlIxwAn ”)−4 , (tAbE mr$d AlIxwAn)−5
PoS (JJ)1 , (IN)2 , (NN)3 , (PRP$)4 , (PRP)5 ,
n-grams (PUNC IN)−2 , (NN)−3 , (NN)−4 , (VBD)−5
(JJ IN)1 , (IN NN)2 , (NN PRP$)3 , (PRP$ PRP)4 ,
(IN JJ)−1 , (NN PUNC)−3 , (NN NN)−4 , (VBD NN)−5
(JJ IN NN)1 , (IN NN PRP$)2 , (NN PRP$ PRP)3 ,
(IN JJ IN)−1 , (PUNC IN JJ)−2 ,
(NN PUNC IN)−3 , (NN NN PUNC)−4 , (VBD NN NN)−5 ,
coarse PoS (J)1 , (I)2 , (N)3 , (P)4 , (P)5 , (P I)−2 , (N)−3 , (N)−4 , (V)−5
n-grams (J I)1 , (I N)2 , (N P)3 , (P P)4 , (I J)−1 , (N P)−3 , (N N)−4 , (V N)−5
(J I N)1 , (I N P)2 , (N P P)3 ,
(I J I)−1 , (P I J)−2 , (N P I)−3 , (N N P)−4 , (V N N)−5
chunk (I-NP)1 , (B-PP)2 , (B-NP)3 , (I-NP)4 , (B-NP)5 ,
n-grams (O B-SBAR)−2 , (B-NP)−3 , (B-NP)−4 , (B-VP )−5
(I-NP B-PP)1 , (B-PP B-NP)2 , (B-NP I-NP)3 , (I-NP B-NP)4 ,
(B-SBAR I-NP)−1 , (B-NP O)−3 , (B-NP B-NP )−4 , (B-VP B-NP )−5
(I-NP B-PP B-NP)1 , (B-PP B-NP I-NP)2 , (B-NP I-NP B-NP)3 ,
(B-SBAR I-NP B-PP)−1 , (O B-SBAR I-NP)−2 , (B-NP O B-SBAR)−3 ,
(B-NP B-NP O)−4 , (B-VP B-NP B-NP )−5
bag-of-words left: AlIxwAn, mr$d, tAbE
right: $rEyAF, AlmTlwb, AlnAs, Elm, ElmAF, dyn, kAn, kl,
nAfE, swA’, tbqY, tjrybyAF, vmrt
4.3. Hybrid system: discriminative phrase translation 47

MLT phrases Moses phrases

Occurrences # Acc.DPT Acc.MFT # Acc.DPT Acc.MFT
(%) (%) (%) (%)
100-500 3952 68.8 62.0 4310 66.5 58.7
501-1000 521 70.3 63.5 565 68.8 62.3
1001-5000 346 76.2 69.2 393 73.0 66.7
5001-10000 31 77.3 69.0 27 79.5 72.2
10001-50000 15 75.1 66.7 19 74.8 66.6
> 50000 7 75.4 65.8 7 80.7 76.2
Total: 4872 69.6 62.8 5321 67.3 59.8

Table 4.5: Mean accuracy obtained in the phrase translation task by the most frequent
translation (MFT) and with SVMs (DPT) for two sets of phrases. Results are given for
subsets of phrases grouped according to its frequency.

Since this phrase is an only word the phrase features are just unigrams. As for
the sentence, one considers up to trigrams of features for tokens ranging from the
position of the phrase minus five to the position plus five.

Training the classifier with the help of the previous features, we obtain, after a
10-fold cross-validation, an accuracy of 71.3%. The most frequent translation does
it well the 49.6% of times. That is to say, one gets a 40% of relative improvement on
the selection of the phrase translation. In general, the accuracy in the translation
of phrases is improved with respect to that corresponding to the most frequent
translation, but the amount of improvement depends on the phrase, the number of
translations and the number of examples.

Table 4.5 shows the comparison of the accuracy obtained by SVMs, the Discrim-
inative Phrase Translation (DPT), and that given by the Most Frequent Translation
(MFT) for both the set of phrases extracted with MLT and Moses. The most fre-
quent phrases of the MLT set get a larger improvement, but the low frequency ones
improves one point more in the Moses set than in the MLT set. This is why, globally,
the Moses set gets more benefits from the SVM classification. An increment of 7.5%
in accuracy is obtained in this case for DPT.
48 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

4.3.3 Full translation

Finally, we integrate DPT predictions into the SMT system. To do this, we calculate
the DPT predictions for all possible translations of all source phrases appearing
in the test (or development) set. The input text is transformed by introducing
identifiers in order to distinguish every distinct instance of every distinct phrase.
These identifiers correspond to the number of occurrences of the word seen in the
test set before the current one. For instance, the second time1 the transliterated
word AlElm appears in the set is annotated as AlElm1 :

wywm AlAHd8 ,371 $hdt3 Edp8 mdn1 Af gAnyp tZAhrAt AHtjAj ElY456
Alrswm39 Alms}yp l873 Alnby (186 S )186 ,372 Hyv28 tm22 AHrAq AlElm1
AldnmArky .1128

For those words without subindex there is not DPT prediction.

In a similar way, translation tables must be modified. Now, each occurrence of

every source phrase has a distinct list of phrase translation candidates with their
DPT predictions. DPT predictions are only estimated for the phrases appearing
in the test set. Still, indexing increments tremendously the size of the translation
table, and, even when filtered for only the phrases in the test set, the resulting tables
become larger than 1GB and do not fit into memory in decoding time. Therefore,
we only keep the first 50 translations2 for every phrase. Translations were ordered
according to the discriminative probability or by weighting all the scores. This
second method showed to be most robust with respect to the ordering done without
the DPT prediction, although this way its addition changes the phrases to be kept
for decoding.

Table 4.6 shows all the translations available for the phrase AlElm the second
time it appears in the test set. In this case, the chosen translation would be the
same both according to PDP T (e|f ) and to PM LE (e|f ), but one can already see in the
table that the distribution of the probability mass is different for both predictions
and that can alter the best choice.

Indexing begins at 0.
Using more than 20 translations per phrase during decoding was found to provide no im-
provement when applied to our baseline with respect to the case where only 20 translations are
4.3. Hybrid system: discriminative phrase translation 49

fi ej PDP T (e|f ) PM LE (f |e) lex(f |e) PM LE (e|f ) lex(e|f )

AlElm1 flag 0.1986 0.6438 0.5417 0.3241 0.2826
AlElm1 the 0.0419 0.0001 0.0001 0.0207 0.0217
AlElm1 mind 0.0401 0.0608 0.0425 0.0620 0.0543
AlElm1 the flag 0.0397 0.4000 0.5417 0.0414 0.0786
AlElm1 flag during 0.0394 0.6667 0.5417 0.0138 0.0001
AlElm1 knowledge 0.0392 0.0846 0.0798 0.1103 0.0924
AlElm1 flag caused 0.0387 1.0000 0.5417 0.0138 0.0001
AlElm1 science 0.0377 0.1529 0.1477 0.1793 0.1413
AlElm1 education 0.0377 0.0018 0.0029 0.0138 0.0163
AlElm1 in mind 0.0371 0.0571 0.0425 0.0138 0.0004

Table 4.6: Example of a fragment of the translation table indexed in order to take into
account DPT predictions.

In case we do not have a DPT prediction for a phrase, we complete the translation
table by using the MLE prediction. We realised that the normalization of the DPT
scores is not equal to one anymore, and that could be damaging the final results. In
the future, we are planning to do a discounting and complete the translation table
by assigning a small probability to the undetermined DPT predictions.

Notice that we make available to the decoder several scores. Therefore, the
decoder does not always use the DPT prediction as the best translation. DPT is
competing with the MLE prediction and the remaining features shown in Equa-
tion 2.7. The weight of every score is determined during the tuning process. In our
results, the DPT prediction always has a larger weight than the MLE one, being
λDP T ∼ 3λM LE . We checked another configuration as well, where the discriminative
probabilities PDP T (e|f ) replace PM LE (e|f ) instead of being added as an additional
feature. We denote by DPT this last system where the DPT prediction replaces the
MLE one, and by DPT+ the system where the DPT prediction is added.

In order to study the impact of DPT predictions we perform a deep analysis

by using an heterogeneous set of metrics for evaluation. In previous sections, we
only used lexical metrics to evaluate the quality of the translation. Here, we use the
IQMT package [17], which provides a rich set of more than 500 metrics at different
50 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

Level Metric SMT DPT DPT+

1-PER 0.5248 0.5224 0.5221

1-WER 0.3166 0.3075 0.3081
1-TER 0.3679 0.3606 0.3613
BLEU 0.2388 0.2387 0.2396
NIST 6.4044 6.3263 6.3225
GTM (e=1) 0.5708 0.5730 0.5705
GTM (e=2) 0.2166 0.2154 0.2161
Lexical GTM (e=3) 0.1756 0.1743 0.1750
RG-L 0.5290 0.5305 0.5276
RG-S 0.3442 0.3443 0.3410
RG-SU 0.3634 0.3635 0.3604
RG-W-1.2 0.3085 0.3111 0.3091
MTR-exact 0.4948 0.4991 0.4974
MTR-stem 0.5142 0.5164 0.5153
MTR-wnstm 0.5183 0.5207 0.5193
MTR-wnsyn 0.5396 0.5430 0.5413
SP-Op- 0.4150 0.4218 0.4185
SP-Oc- 0.4193 0.4237 0.4214
Shallow SP-NISTl 6.5745 6.4771 6.4790
Syntactic SP-NISTp 5.6618 5.6225 5.6161
SP-NISTiob 4.7187 4.6627 4.6795
SP-NISTc 4.1460 4.0858 4.1047
DP-Ol - 0.2019 0.2057 0.2049
DP-Oc - 0.3344 0.3314 0.3318
DP-Or - 0.2347 0.2319 0.2319
DP-HWCw 0.0575 0.0556 0.0574
Syntactic DP-HWCc 0.2118 0.2168 0.2181
DP-HWCr 0.1422 0.1474 0.1484
CP-Op - 0.4133 0.4183 0.4158
CP-Oc - 0.3823 0.3868 0.3847
CP-STM 0.2150 0.2144 0.2128
NE-Me - 0.2963 0.2979 0.2933
NE-Oe - 0.3518 0.3515 0.3472
Shallow NE-Oe - 0.4161 0.4217 0.4185
Semantic SR-Mr - 0.0868 0.0841 0.0848
SR-Or - 0.2073 0.2059 0.2048
SR-Or 0.4143 0.4076 0.4104
DR-Or - 0.2101 0.2192 0.2157
Semantic DR-Orp - 0.3139 0.3272 0.3204
DR-STM 0.1563 0.1508 0.1591

Table 4.7: Automatic evaluation of MT results

4.3. Hybrid system: discriminative phrase translation 51

linguistic levels3 . We have selected a representative set of metrics, based on different

similarity criteria:

• Lexical n-gram similarity (on word forms).

• Shallow-syntactic similarity (on part-of-speech tags and base phrase chunks).

• Syntactic similarity (on dependency and constituent trees).

• Shallow-semantic similarity (on named entities and semantic roles)

• Semantic similarity (on discourse representations).

A deeply detailed description of the metric set may be found in the IQMT tech-
nical manual [16].

Table 4.7 shows the results for the two systems with DPT prediction (DPT and
DPT+ ) together with a baseline where there is no DPT prediction (indicated by
SMT in the table). In general, improvements are not significant for lexical metrics,
except for the case of semantic metrics based on discourse representations and some
syntactic metrics based on constituent and dependency parsing.

At the lexical level, while metrics based on rewarding longer n-gram matchings
tend to prefer the SMT baseline, variants of ROUGE and METEOR tend to prefer
the DPT system. Interestingly, the DPT+ attains the highest score only according
to BLEU, although not significantly.

At the shallow-syntactic level, metrics based on lexical overlapping over parts-of-

speech and base chunk phrases prefer the DPT and DPT+ alternatives, with a slight
advantage in favour of the DPT system. However, NIST variants over sequences of
lemmas, parts-of-speech, chunk labels and chunk types consistently prefer the SMT

At the properly syntactic level, metrics exhibit very different behaviours. For
instance, with respect to metrics based on lexical overlapping over dependency trees,
while the ‘DP-Ol -’ metric (i.e., overlapping between lexical items hanging at the
same level of the tree) gives a clear advantage to DPT systems, the ‘DP-Oc-’ (i.e.,

The IQMT software is available at∼nlp/IQMT.
52 Chapter 4. Experiments and evaluation

lexical overlapping between grammatical categories) and ‘DP-Or -’ (i.e., lexical over-
lapping between grammatical relations) metrics prefer the SMT baseline. In con-
trast, metrics based on head-word chain matching (HWC) over dependency trees and
metrics based on lexical overlapping over constituent trees clearly prefer the DPT
alternatives. Finally, the syntactic tree matching (STM) metric confers a similar
score to the three systems.

At the shallow-semantic level, whereas metrics based on lexical overlapping and

matching between named entities (NE) seem to prefer the DPT system, metrics
based on semantic roles (SR) prefer the SMT baseline.

Finally, at the semantic level, metrics based on lexical overlapping between dis-
course representations (DR) confer a significant advantage to the DPT alternatives,
specially in the case of the DPT system. The semantic tree matching (STM) metric
gives a slight advantage to the DPT+ system.
Chapter 5

Summary and conclusions

This work has been a first approach to the Arabic-to-English translation task. We
have built a news training set from the compilation of six corpora supplied by the
Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) for the 2008 NIST Machine Translation Open
evaluation. For complementary tests, we use parts of the United Nations corpus as

The final corpora have been enriched by annotating the sentences with linguistic
information such as part-of-speech, chunk, and lemmas for the English part. This
allowed us to include linguistic information within a standard SMT system.

As a first step, we explore the effects of the Arabic preprocessing in the translated
output. Since Arabic is an agglutinative language, the level of segmentation is
important to optimize the learning during the training process. The best results
have been obtained for a clitic segmentation that do not separate the Al- determiner.
This way, the source and target language have similar sentence lengths and the
higher quality of the alignments due to that fact improves the BLEU score of the

In a second part, we checked the impact of the inclusion of the linguistic in-
formation given by several methods. A direct concatenation of every word with its
corresponding lemma gave the best translation results, despite only the English part
of the corpus was annotated with lemmas. For the addition of parts-of-speech and
chunks, the higher sparsity of the data compensated the increment in information,
and we obtained no significant improvement.

54 Chapter 5. Summary and conclusions

The last part and our final proposal for the Arabic-to-English translation task
for the 2008 NIST Machine Translation Open Evaluation corresponds to an SMT
system that uses WSD techniques to select the best translation of a phrase given a
source sentence. This method allowed us to take into account the context of each
phrase. Phrase selection is treated here as a classification problem and linear SVMs
are used to select the most adequate translation by using the context of the phrase
and the linguistic information associated as features.

Although we get an increment of a 7.5% in accuracy for the subtask of phrase

selection, the full translation task does not obtain significant improvements. Within
the NIST 2008 evaluation context, our system has obtained a BLEU score (30.31)
in the middle of the way of the best system (BLEU=45.57) and the worst one
(BLEU=14.15). Nevertheless, most of the systems outperformed our results, being
the mean BLEU score of 37.32.

However, we believe that the increment of 7.5% in accuracy in phrase selection is

indicative of the possibilities of the method and we attribute the lack of improvement
to a bad integration of the DPT predictions into the SMT system. According to
this, we consider these results just preliminary results and propose several steps to
improve the performance in a future work:

• Starting with the integration of the DPT predictions into the SMT system, we
will further study different methods to complete the DPT probability scores in
the translation table in the cases where there is not DPT estimation because
of the lack of examples.

• Just as one uses both the MLE generative and discriminative translation
model, PMLE (f |e) and PMLE (e|f ), the discriminative learning in the Arabic-to-
English and the English-to-Arabic directions would provide us with the equiv-
alent probability scores for the DPT predictions: PDPT(f |e) and PDPT (e|f ). We
expect this additional feature to further improve the translation.

• Since other metrics can be more sensible to WSD than BLEU, the tuning of
the λ parameters in the mert optimization with respect to the BLEU score is
maybe not the best option. We will check other metrics. The optimization
algorithm itself could be also substituted by another minimization method
that explores more deeply the parameter space.

• Finally, a better preprocess of Arabic should help the training process. Up

to now, we do not know of any free full Arabic lemmatizer, but given the
positive impact of English lemmas in the second part of this work, the Arabic
ones should be also important for the final result, especially in this Arabic-to-
English direction. We plan to explore the effect of Arabic lemmas when added
as a feature for the SVMs, together with the inclusion of other features.
56 Chapter 5. Summary and conclusions

This work has been done within the OpenMT project of the Spanish Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia in the Grup de Processament del Llenguatge Natural of the
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

I would like to thank the support of my supervisors, and, especially, I’m very
grateful to Jesús Giménez for his help, motivation and enthusiasm.

Appendix A

Buckwalter transliteration

Arabic alphabet and the Buckwalter transliteration of each of the Arabic glyphs in
its stand alone form. The Unicode symbol is given as well.

Name Unicode name Unicode Buckwalter Glyph

hamza-on-the-line Arabic letter hamza U+0621 ’
madda Arabic letter aleph
with madda above U+0622 |
hamza-on-’alif Arabic letter aleph
with hamza above U+0623 >
hamza-on-waaw Arabic letter waw
with hamza above U+0624 &
hamza-under-’alif Arabic letter aleph
with hamza below U+0625 <
hamza-on-yaa’ Arabic letter yeh
with hamza above U+0626 }
bare ’alif Arabic letter alef U+0627 A
baa’ Arabic letter beh U+0628 b
taa’ marbuuTa Arabic letter teh marbuta U+0629 p
taa’ Arabic letter teh U+062A t
thaa’ Arabic letter theh U+062B v
jiim Arabic letter jeem U+062C j
Haa’ Arabic letter hah U+062D H

60 A. Buckwalter transliteration

Name Unicode name Unicode Buckwalter Glyph

khaa’ Arabic letter khah U+062E x
daal Arabic letter dal U+062F d
dhaal Arabic letter thal U+0630 *
raa’ Arabic letter reh U+0631 r
zaay Arabic letter zain U+0632 z
siin Arabic letter seen U+0633 s
shiin Arabic letter sheen U+0634 $
Saad Arabic letter sad U+0635 S
Daad Arabic letter dad U+0636 D
Taa’ Arabic letter tah U+0637 T
Zaa’ (DHaa’) Arabic letter zah U+0638 Z
cayn Arabic letter ain U+0639 E
ghain Arabic letter ghain U+063A g
taTwiil Arabic letter tatweel U+0640
faa’ Arabic letter feh U+0641 f
qaaf Arabic letter qaf U+0642 q
kaaf Arabic letter kaf U+0643 k
laam Arabic letter lam U+0644 l
miim Arabic letter meem U+0645 m
nuun Arabic letter noon U+0646 n
haa’ Arabic letter heh U+0647 h
waaw Arabic letter waw U+0648 w
’alif maqSuura Arabic letter alef maksura U+0649 Y
yaa’ Arabic letter yeh U+064A y
fatHatayn Arabic fathatan U+064B F
Dammatayn Arabic dammatan U+064C N
kasratayn Arabic kasratan U+064D K
fatHa Arabic fatha U+064E a
Damma Arabic damma U+064F u
kasra Arabic kasra U+0650 i
shaddah Arabic shadda U+0651 ∼
sukuun Arabic sukun U+0652 o
dagger ’alif Arabic letter superscript alef U+0670 ‘
waSla-on-alif Arabic letter alef wasla U+0671 {

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