The Message of The Messengers

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The Message

of the


Saleh As-Saleh

Rajab 1426
Sept. 2. 2005


Allah could not have created this universe without a purpose. He is All-Wise. All-
Knowledgeable. All-MerciIul and All-Just. All oI these attributes entail providing
ways oI guidance that would lead to the proper knowledge oI Him. and thus the right
way to worship Him:

] -~ :-- '~-V ~~=- ] ] -'--' 36 |

"Does man think that he will be left Sudaa
(without a purpose)?" (Qur'an 75: 36)

One oI Allah's ways oI guidance is the oIIice oI Messengership which involves the
Message and the Messenger. The essence oI the Message is to direct man to relate to
His Creator through complete submission and obedience (this is the meaning of

Man does not possess the air he breathes. He does not create. He is not the creator oI
himselI. He needs to know what beneIits him and what harms him. The Message Irom
Allah comprehends everything. It brings man to live Ior a noble purpose. That is why
Allah called the Message oI Islam. an Inspiration and a Light:

] '--V V '--- '- - ~- '- '-:- - ' 4-- '-- 4-- --
'-'-- - '~- - - -+- :- -'--= ] | -' 52 |

"And thus We have sent to you (O Muhammad) Ruhan
of Our command. You
knew not what is the Book (the Qur'an). nor what is Iman (Faith)? But We have
made it (the Qur'an) a Light. whereby We guide whom We will of Our
bondsmen. And verily you are indeed guiding (mankind) to the Straight Path."
(Qur'an 42: 52)

The Inspiration brings Life. and the Light brings Light. Allah gave a beautiIul parable
on the Message and its eIIects. saying:

] '-- '-- -- J-~- J--'- ' --- - ~-'~- '- '-~- - :-
=- = :~- 4-- --- -- '-- -- '-- '-- - --- --:-
--- '- '- '-= ~--- -- :- '-'- J='-- 4-- V - ~---- '--
'--V = :~- ] | -= ' 17 |

He sends down water (rain) from the sky. and the valleys flow according to their
measure. but the flood bears away the foam that mounts up to the surface. and
(also) from that (ore) which they heat in the fire in order to make ornaments or
utensils. rises a foam like unto it. thus does Allah (by parables) show forth truth
and falsehood. Then. as for the foam it passes away as scum upon the banks.

Sudaa. has many meanings including. aimless. without a purpose. not to be held accountable. neglected etc.
Ruhan. an inspiration and a mercy.
while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth. Thus Allah set
forth parables (for the Truth and Falsehood. i.e. Belief and Disbelief)." (Qur'an
13: 17)

The Knowledge about the Message (about Allah, the universe, the purpose of our
existence, what is good and what is bad) is like the water sent down Irom the sky. In
the water there is liIe Ior our bodies and in the Message there is life Ior our hearts.
The parable oI the light was given in the heating Iire which removes impurities
(Ioam) Irom metals like iron. gold. and silver. and what remains is a pure and
beneIicial substance.

The valleys are our hearts. This is where knowledge Ilows to. Some valleys can hold
more water Ilow than others; each has its own capacity. Some valleys have surIaces
that will not hold any water. The same Ior hearts. Some holding more knowledge than
others. while some comprehend and understand little. The Ioam produced during
water Ilow passes away as scum upon the banks and what beneIits mankind remains
on the earth. Similarly. lust. uncontrolled desires. doubts about Allah and His true
religion are iust like Ioam; they shall pass away while belieI in Him and in His
Message will remain. This life links man to his Creator and to all that is created by
Allah. and provides him with codes oI conduct that distinguish him Irom the animal
world. Those who think that man's presence on earth has no purpose are most
certainly wrong:

] -- V '---+- '- '-=- :-- '-- -- '-'- V '- :-'- - 4--- -+- '- :
:-=- V - --- ] | -`'=' 24 |

"And they say: "There is nothing but our life of this world. we die and we live.
and nothing destroys us except the Dahr (time)
". And they have no knowledge
of it. they only conjecture." (Qur'an 45: 24)

Those who are aimless about their purpose oI existence search Ior all possible means
oI "enioyment" and compete Ior it. Their liIe as explained by Allah:

] '+- :-~- V -+- '+- :~-- V -- -+- '+- :+--- V :-- -+-
V' 4-- :--'- - 4-- J - J- '- ] | =` 179 |

"They have hearts (minds) wherewith they understand not. they have eyes
wherewith they see not. and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the Truth).
They are like cattle. nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones."
(Qur'an 7: 179)

In the world oI animals there is a struggle Ior survival! But in the human world there
is a purpose:

Everything is in the Hands oI Allah. He is the disposer oI everything. Time does not cause cheerIul or disastrous
] :- '-- J'-- '-: -'--= _-- : - -'---= '- '-- '+- '-
- = --- --- : -' ] | ` ==' 13 |
"O mankind! We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female.
and made you into nations and tribes. that you may know each other. Verily. the
most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is that (believer) who is best in At-
Taqwa: adhering to the religion of Allah and best in performing good deeds as
prescribed by Allah." (Qur'an 49: 13)

The aim to achieve At-Taqwa is constructive and beneIicial and it stands against
mischieI like "might is right," "my Color is better," "worshipping of idols, lust,
money, or other created entities," and so Iorth:

This is part oI man's purpose on earth. Man's whole liIe is related to His Creator:

] - 4-: V ---'- = '-- '-=- -~- > J- ] | '-`
'-` 162 163 |

"Say (O Muhammad): "Verily. my prayer. my sacrifice. my living and my dying
are for Allah. the Rabb

of the World. He has no partner." (Qur'an 6: 162-163)

All deeds and utterances. open or hidden. and which Allah loves and accepts.
constitute the meaning oI worship. All Iorms oI worship are explained in the Qur'an
and by the Prophet (: sallallaahu 'alaihi was-sallam
). Worship is not leIt Ior our
limited minds to decide upon their ways. Worship is one's liIe according to Islam.
Thus it can only be devoted to our Creator. Allah.

(): sallallaahu 'alaihi was-sallam: This is an invocation meaning may Allah exalt his
mention and render him and his message oI Islam. saIe Irom every derogatory thing.
The Message Leads to a Meaningful life

That is why Allah. the most High. says:

] ----=- '-- -'- :~ :-- = :--=-~ :-- --- '+- '- ] | '--` 24 |

"O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when
he ( ) calls you to that which will give you life
." (Qur'an 8: 24)

The Message carries a description oI a complete way of life. The Messengers not only
carry the Message but they explain it in accordance with the teachings revealed to
them by the One Who had chosen them. Allah. He wanted His Message to be
delivered by humans to humans. All oI the Messengers directed man to know Allah.
His Oneness. Uniqueness. Attributes. and Laws. what is permissible and what is not.
what is good and what is bad. the Day oI Judgment. Paradise and Hell. Reward and
Punishment. Accountability. etc. The human mind cannot comprehend all the realities
about these details. The patient knows he needs a Doctor to know the diagnosis oI his
illness and the right cure Ior it. The Messengers are needed to guide mankind through
the details oI what has preceded.

Some think that human intellect is suIIicient to conduct a "beneIicial" liIe on earth.
Allah has honoured man with Iaculties that allow him to distinguish between good
and bad. This is a distinction that elevates man above the animal kingdom. However.
on its own. man's intellect

1- Cannot know about Allah and His Attributes.

2- Cannot know the details oI Allah's religion.

3- Cannot know what pleases Allah and what angers Him.

4- Cannot know when Allah gives reward or sets a punishment nor the measure oI
reward or punishment.

5- Cannot know about the Unseen. unless Allah reveals it.

In this world the disbeliever is "dead." and in the next one. he wishes to die:
] =--- -- ' - ~--- : '- '-- J - :-- -'- ] ) -- 17 (
"And death will come to him from every side. yet he will not die and in front of him. will
be a great torment." (Qur'an 14: 17)

] :- J :=- 4-- '+--- - -+-- ~-=- V ::--- -+--- _~-- V --+= '- -+- :- --- ] ) =' 36 (

"But those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allah) for them will be the Fire of Hell.
Neither it will have a complete killing effect on them so that they die. nor shall its
torment be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every disbeliever!" (Qur'an 35: 36)
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah in his book "Muftah Daar-us-Sa'aadah: The Key to the Abode oI
Happiness (i.e. Paradise). V.2. P 117-Arabic Text".
6- Cannot decide about each and every action whether it is iust or uniust. Man only
knows "general" concepts about good and bad. In some cases certain deeds may seem
to be good. yet they are bad. or at least. doubtIul. The mind is unable to determine
which side is more dominant. The Message brings details about what constitutes the
successIul approach in dealing with such situations.

7- Can reach certain conclusions that are basically hypothetical and open Ior opposing
points oI view. The Revelation is perIect. It does not negate the mind. On the contrary
it directs it to contemplate the surrounding universe. inhabit the earth and invest the
globe's resources in a just way. Revelation is the light by which the mind can search
Ior all that comIorts it. Man cannot beneIit Irom his eyesight. iI he is in darkness.
When the light oI the sun emerges it lights his way. Revelation takes man Irom the
deepest darkness to light:

] - :- _- -+- '- :-- _- '--=- - '-- :=-- 4-- -'--:- '
---=- :-:- : ] | ` -- 1 |

"(This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad- ) in order
that you might lead mankind out of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into
true Light (of belief in the Oneness of Allah and Islamic Monotheism) by their
Rabb's leave to the Path of the All-Mighty. the Owner of all Praise." (Qur'an 14:

The Messengers: The Highest Rank

The Message oI Tawheed
is oI the highest rank in the Sight oI Allah. the Exalted.
The best oI mankind and most close to Him are His chosen Messengers. They are the
ones who received Allah's Salaam (Peace and SaIety):

] --~:-- _-- >~ ] | ''-' 181 |
"And Salaam (Peace) be upon the Messengers." (Qur'an 37: 181)

] ---'- - :- _-- >~ ] | ''-' 79 |
"Salaam (Peace) be upon Noah among the 'Alameen (Mankind. 1inns. and all
that exists)." (Qur'an 37: 79)

] '-=V --=~-- -- '---- -+- ] | 47 |
"And they are in Our Sight. verily. of the Chosen and the Best." (Qur'an 38: 47)

SuIIicient in their honoring is the Iact that Allah designated them as the recipients oI
His Wahye (Revelation).
Allah. the Exalted. trusted them with His Message.
Bestowed upon them various Iorms oI Miracles.
Amongst them are those whom He. the most High. took as Khaleela (chosen
beloved). or Spoke to directly; He liIted some to ranks higher than others.
They were tested more than the rest oI mankind.
All the good in this World and in the HereaIter which Allah Iavors on His slaves
came by the way oI the Messengers. They explained all that is good and how to attain
Allah is known by the way oI the Messengers. They inIormed us oI Allah's
Attributes and how one can worship Him properly.
The highest in rank are the Iive ones Ioremost in their resolve (Uloul 'Azm). They
are: Noah. Ibraaheem (Abraham). Mousa (Moses). 'Eesa (Jesus). and Muhammad
('alaihimus-salaam). The highest in rank is Muhammad ():

] --:- - '-- '- 4-- '-- -- ':- - _ '- --- - --- :
_~-- _~:- ] | -' 13 |

Based upon Ibn Qayyim's essay on the "Ranks oI Al-Mukalafeen (Those who should adhere
to the Islamic Principles and Laws)" in his book Tareequl Hijratayen wa babus-Sa'aadatayen
(The way to the Two Migrations (to Allah and to His Messenger) and the door (that leads to)
the Two Homes oI Happiness (one in this World and the other in the HereaIter). P 514.
Published by Daar Ibnul Qayyim. Ad-Dammam. KSA. 2nd Edition. 1414 (1994)
Tawheed: Oneness and Uniqueness oI Allah as the One qualiIied with all PerIection in
HimselI. His Names & Attributes. and Actions. and the One singled out with Lordship and
Divinity. Nothing is like unto Him. He is the True & Only God that deserves to be
"He (Allah) has ordained for you the same Religion (Islam) which He ordained
for Noah. and that which We have inspired in you (O Muhammad- ). and that
which We ordained for Abraham. Moses and 1esus." (Qur'an 42: 13)

They carried on the most honorable task oI calling people to the Tawheed oI Allah.
They endured all kinds oI hurt by their respective nations but never relinquished the
Message oI Tawheed.

The Duties & Assignments
of the Messengers

The Qur'an and the Sunnah (legal ways) oI the Prophet Muhammad () described the
Duties and the Assignments oI the Messengers as Iollows:

1-The Clear Conveyance of the Message

A) The Proclamation

The Messengers proclaim what they are commanded to reveal without omission or
addition: Allah. the most High. says:

] -- :- '- -- :~ :- '+- '- --'~ ~-- '-- J- -- 4- - 4 ] | --'-'
67 |

"O Messenger (Muhammad) proclaim the Message which has been sent to you
from your Rabb. And if you don't then you have not conveyed His Message."
(Qur'an 5: 67)

B) The Courage

The Messengers proclaim the Message having complete trust in Allah and Iear none
except Him:

] = V - :~=- V -:~=- = V'~ :--- --- ] | ` 39 |

"Those who convey the Message of Allah and fear Him. and fear none save
Allah." (Qur'an 33: 39)

C) Complete Recitation of Texts

} '-' .- =-' '- . | --' 45 |

"Recite (O Muhammad- ). what has been revealed to you of the Book (the
Qur'an)." (Qur'an 29: 45)

The Messenger proclaims without any modiIications and/or changes. This includes
any explanation oI the Revelation. The Messengers are the most qualiIied in their
knowledge about the meaning oI the Revelation. About this Allah () says:

] - -+-- :- '- '--- ---- : -- 4-- '-- :- :---- -+- ] | .=-' 44 |

Based upon Omar Suliman Al-Ashqar's Chapter in his Book: Ar-Russul war-Rissalaat. The
Messengers and the Messages. PP 43-55. Published by Daar An-Nafaa'is. Amman. and
Daarul Falaah. Kuwait. 1412 (1989) edition.
"And We have sent down unto you (O. Muhammad- ) the Reminder and the
Advice (this Qur'an). that you may explain clearly to men what is sent to them
and that they may give thought." (Qur'an 16: 44)

The Messenger may verbally clariIy many matters oI the Revelation and may also
practically demonstrate several aspects oI the Revelation. For example. Prophet
Muhammad () clariIied the meaning oI the word "wrong" in the Aayah (Verse) No.
82 oI Sooratul 'An'aam (the Cattle) as Shirk (oIIering worship to other than Allah).
and not the "wrong" that means "sinIul or bad deeds":

] --+- - - V -+- 4-- --=- -+-'-- :~--- -- :-- --- ] | '-` 82 |

"It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) and confuse not their belief
with wrong
(Shirk: worshipping others besides Allah) for them (only) there is
security and they are the guided." (Qur'an 6: 82)

The Prophet Muhammad () practically demonstrated how to maniIest the
Revelations related to the prayers. pilgrimage. charity. and many other acts oI

D) What if people reject?

II people turn away:
} `-' =-'= '--' ' ' | -= ' 20 |
"But if they turn away. your duty is only to convey the Message." (Qur'an 3: 20)


The duty oI the Messengers does not stop at the clariIication and proclamation oI the
Truth (Revelation). but they must also call mankind to adopt the Message. believe in
it. and act upon it. The Messengers say to the people: "You are the slaves of Allah, He
is your Rabb (Unique Lord) and True God. He wanted us to tell you how to worship
Him. Because we are Messengers assigned by Allah, then you must obey us and
follow us":

] :-'=- :---= = --- V:~ - J - '--- --- ] ] .=-' 36 |

Abdullah bin Mas'oud. may Allah be pleased with him. reported that: "When the Aayah:
] :-- --- --+- - -V -+- 4-- --=- -+-'-- :~--- -- ] ) '-V 82 (
"It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) and confuse not their belief with wrong.
for them (only) there is security and they are the guided." the companions oI the Prophet
() Ielt burdened by it and said: 'Who amongst us does not wrong himselI?' The Prophet ()
said: "Its not as you think! It is (i.e. the wrong in this verse) is what Luqman (the righteous
man whom a Qur'anic chapter carries his name) said to his son (advising him):
] --=- --=- :~- ='- :~ V -- '- ] ) '--- 13 (
"O my son! 1oin not others in worship with Allah. Verily! 1oining others in worship with
Allah is a great Thulm (wrong) indeed." (Qur'an 31: 13). This narration is reported by
Muslim and others.
"And verily. We have sent among every Ummah (nation. community) a
Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah (alone)". and avoid (or keep away
from) Taghut (all false deities)." (Qur'an 16: 36)

] :-= = :-'- ] | '` -' 108 136 144 150163179 |

"So fear Allah (Keep your duty to Him). and obey me (i.e. the Messenger)."
(Qur'an 26: 108. 136. 144. 150. 163. 179)

A Real Example: The Prophet Muhammad ( ) said:

" -'~- '- - :-- -= --- J-'--- ~ --- J-:-= ' '--- - ~- - :
'-- >-- - : : J-- 4-- J-- 4--- '-- 4--- J-- J-- 4- ~-~ -~
'--- '+-- _-- - -= 4-- -'= _- '-- :--- V:~ ~- - -'- '+-- J= -
-=- ~--- >~V -- 4--- : ='- : - -+-- :~:- '= - -+---
- -=- J= >~V J= - >~V J= 4-'= - = :~ --=- '- ~-
J -=- J= '+-- '- " | ---' '=-' - - -'=' --= 1 / 484 |

"I have seen in my dream as if Gibreel (Gabriel) is by my head and Meeika'eel (the
angel in charge of the rain and plant) by my feet. One of them tells his companion:
give a similitude of him (i.e. Muhammad-); the other replied: "Listen (i.e. O
Muhammad), may your ears hear (by giving audience), and think, may your heart
(mind) understand that the similitude of you and of your nation is that of a King who
acquired for himself a piece of land; on it he built a house and furnished it with a
dining place. He then sent a Messenger inviting people to his food. Some of them
accepted the invitation, while others turned it down. Verily, Allah is The King, and
the land is Islam, and the house is the Jannah (Paradise) and you Muhammad are
the Messenger; whoever responds to you (by obeying you), will enter Islam, and
whoever enters Islam will enter Jannah, and whoever enters Jannah shall eat from
what is in it."


Allah. the One Iree oI all ImperIection. the Most High. says:

] - --- - :~-- V --~:-- J~:- '- ] | -+' 56 |
"And We send not the Messengers save as bearers of good news and warners."
(Qur'an 18: 56)

In this regard. the Prophet () gave an example about himselI where he said:

'- --~ --- = _- :

" '-- '-:- _ J= J-- - = --- '- J-- --- : - --- c-=- ~- - :- '
_-- :--=- :=-'- -:- - -'= -'='- '=-- '=--'- '-:- :---- '- -

Related by Al-Bukhari and At-Tirmidhi. See Saheehul Jami' (Arabic Text) 1/484.
+-'-- :=-'- -+-- -'= -- - :=-- -+-+- - -+--'- c-=- -+=-~-
-+'-= - - ~-= '-- - -'~- - J-- - ~-= '- -'- --'= - J-- 4---
=- ) " --- --- (

"The similitude of me and the Message with which Allah has sent me is like that of a
man who came to some people and said: "I have seen the enemy forces with my own
eyes and I am a naked warner
(to you). So, save yourselves, save yourselves! A
group of his people obeyed him and went out at night, slowly and stealthily and were
safe; while another group belied him and stayed in their place until the morning when
the army ran them and destroyed them. Such is the similitude of those who obey me
and follow what I have brought (i.e. the Message), and of those who disobey me and
belie the Truth which I have brought."

The glad tidings and warnings brought by the Messengers are two Iold: Worldly and
Ior The HereaIter. For the worldly liIe. the glad tidings are Ior those who obey the
Messengers: Allah () says:

] -=--- -:- : _-- : - '=-' J-- - -+-- :=-- --= '- --
:--- :-' '- ~'- - := ] | .=-' 97 |

"Whoever works righteousness. whether male or female. while he (or she) is a
true believer. verily to him We will give a good life (in this World) and We shall
pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do
(i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter)." (Qur'an 16: 97)

] _-~- V J~- >- - - -- ] | = 123 |

"Then whoever follows my Guidance. he will not go astray. nor fall in distress
and misery." (Qur'an 20: 123)

] '- V _- -+---=-~-- '=-'~- :--- ---- :-- - -- = --
- -+- _~ -- -+-- -+- ----- -+--- - - -- ~-=-~ -- - -+-- ---
'-- - ::~- V _-- --- '-- -+-:= ] | -' 55 |

"Allah has promised those among you who believe. and do righteous good deeds.
that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth.
as He granted it to those before them. and that He will grant them the authority
to practice their religion that He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will
surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they
(believers) worship Me and do not associate anything with Me." (Qur'an 24: 55)

A truly naked person. To emphasize the truth about the coming danger. it was within the
Arabian culture that the warner who sees the enemy Iorces would take oII his clothes and use
it as a signal oI warning Ior his own people.
Related by Al-Bukhari. Muslim. and others.
In addition. the Messengers warn those who decide to disobey and turn away Irom
their Creator:

] _-- -'--- :- - :~=- '-- ~-- - '- : - :- - ] | =
124 |

"But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this
Qur'an nor acts on its orders. etc.). verily for him is a life of hardship. and We
shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection." (Qur'an 20: 124)

Allah is all MerciIul and all Just in His reward as well as in His punishment:

] :- '- --' J-- --' -- -- J-- : :- '- ] | -'- 13 |

"But if they turn away. then say (O Muhammad ): 'I have warned you of a
Sa'iqa (a destructive awful cry. torment. hit. a thunder-bolt) like the Sa'iqa bolt
which overtook 'Aad
and Thamud
(people)'." (Qur'an 41: 13)

For the Hereafter, the Messengers bring glad tidings to the obedient ones: Allah ()

] 4- '+-- - --'= '+-V '+-= - := '-= -=-- -:~ = =- -
--=- :-- ] | '--' 13 |

"And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad- ) will be
admitted to Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise). to abide therein. and
that will be the great success." (Qur'an 4: 13)

And Ior those who disobey and transgress. The Messengers bring them the saying oI

] -+- -- - '+-- --'= '- -=-- - - --- -:~ = c- - ]
| '--' 14 |

"And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger. and transgresses His limits.
He will cast him into the Fire. to abide therein. and he shall have a disgraceful
torment." (Qur'an 4: 14)

An ancient nation that lived aIter Noah in the curved sand-hills in the Southern part oI the
Arabian Peninsula. They were intelligent and prosperous but naughty and disobedient to
Allah. The Messenger Hud was sent to them. and when they turned away Irom the Message
oI Tawheed. Allah destroyed them with violent destructive westerly winds. See Qur'an 7: 59.
65; 46: 21. and 69: 6.
Another ancient people who lived to the north oI Madinah in Arabia and on the way to
greater Syria ('Ash Shaam). They were called to believe in the Oneness oI Allah by the
Prophet Salih. Because oI their reiection oI the revelation. they were destroyed by an
earthquake and a thunderbolt. See Qur'an 7: 73-79; 11: 61-68; 54: 23-31 as well as other
Aayaat (verses).

The glad tiding and warnings brought by the Messengers are key elements that
inIluence the human soul. Naturally. the soul aspires Ior what is good and likes to
drive away evil. The Messengers enlighten the human soul by inIorming about the
great good that can be achieved as a result oI having the right belieI and doing
righteous deeds. The person will then be eager to acquire such good. On the other
hand. when the soul is inIormed about the great harm that may be inIlicted upon it iI
it reiects Allah and His Message. then it may reIrain Irom committing what may be
harmIul to itselI.

The glad tidings about the great Bounties oI Allah. the Exalted. are something that
brings steadIastness to the heart and satisIaction to the soul as well as pleasure to our
innermost senses. Listen to what Allah. the most High. says about Paradise:

] -::- :~ _-- ` ---'--- '+--- ----- ` --=- -- -+--- :=- `
-- - ' - '- :'- ` :- :-- V '+-- :- -~- V ` '-- +'-
:-=-- ` -=- :+-~- '-- :-= ` -- : ` :---- :-:-- '--' `
:= :--- :-''-- ` '--' V :- '+-- :-~- V ` '- >~ '- >~ >-- V `
---- '= '- ---- '= ` _- :~=- -~ ` :~-- *-= ` J=
--- ` :-~- '- ` :-- +'- ` -:--- V -:=-- V ` :-
-:-:- ` '~- '-'~- '- ` '-- '--=- ` '- : '- :- ` '= V
---- ] | ' : 15 - 38 |

"(They will be) on thrones woven with gold and precious stones ` Reclining
thereon. face to face` They will be served by immortal boys. with cups and jugs
and a glass from the flowing wine ` Wherefrom they will get neither aching of
the head nor any intoxication ` And fruit. that they may choose ` And flesh of
fowls that they may desire ` And (there will be) Houron (fair females). 'Een
(with wide. lovely eyes: as wives for the pious) ` Like unto preserved pearls ` A
reward for what they used to do ` No vain speaking will they hear therein. nor
any sinful speech (like backbiting etc.) ` But only the saying of: Salam! Salam!"
(greeting with peace)
. ` And those on the Right Hand. who will be the
companions of the Right Hand?` (They will be) among thornless lote-trees. `
Among Talh (Banana-trees) with fruits piled one above another. ` In shade long
extended. ` By water flowing constantly. ` And fruit in plenty. ` Whose season is

Abu Hurairah. may Allah be pleased with him. narrated that Allah's Messenger said. "The
first group (of people) who will enter Paradise will be (glittering) like the moon on full-moon
light. They will neither spit therein, nor blow their noses therein nor relieve nature. Their
utensils therein will be of gold and their combs of gold and silver; in their censers (a vessel in
which incense is burned) the aloeswood will be used, and their sweat will smell like musk.
Everyone of them will have two wives; the marrow of the bones of the wives' legs will be seen
through the flesh, out of excessive beauty. They (the people of Paradise) will neither have
difference, nor enmity (hostility) amongst themselves: their hearts will be as if one heart, and
they will be glorifying Allah in the morning and in the afternoon." (Saheeh Al-Bukhari. V.4.
Hadeeth # 468)
not limited and their supply will not be cut off. ` And on couches or thrones.
raised high. ` Verily. We have created them (maidens) of special creation. ` And
made them virgins. ` Loving (their husbands only). equal in age. ` For those on
the Right Hand." (Qur'an 56: 15-38)

And contemplate about the torture oI those in the House oI Misery: Hell:

] '-~- '= '- '-~- '= ` --- :-~ _- ` :-=- - J= ` V
-- : V '- ` -- :-- 4- J-- :-' -+- ] | ' 41 - 45 |

"And. those of the Left Hand. who will be the companions of the Left Hand? `
In fierce hot wind and boiling water. ` And Shadow of black Smoke. ` (That
Shadow) neither cool nor (even) good. ` Verily. before that. they were indulged
in luxury." (Qur'an 56: 41-45)

They preIerred luxury. lust. and worship oI other than Allah over their True Rabb and
Creator. They set up rivals with Allah. This is the result oI their under-estimation.
ungrateIulness and ill-opinion oI Allah:

] :- ---- :-'~- '+- --- - ` :- - := - :- V ` '+-- :--'--
:=-- ` ---=- - --- :- '~- ` --+- : :- '~- ` :- -+- :- -
- -- ] | ' 51 - 56 |
"Then moreover. verily. you the erring. the deniers (of the Resurrection)!` You
verily will eat of the trees of Zaqqum (terribly smelling tree in Hell. Its fruits
have a terribly bitter taste!) ` Then you will fill your bellies therewith.` And
drink boiling water on top of it. ` So you will drink (that) like thirsty camels!`
That will be their entertainment on the Day of Recompense!" (Qur'an 56: 51-56)

4- Soul Correction & Purification

Allah. the One Iree oI all imperIection. the Most High. is All-MerciIul and by His
Mercy He revives and enlightens the souls oI His slaves. This enlightenment is the
Revealed light (i.e. the Qur'an). Allah's Revelation leads man Irom the deepest oI
darkness. the darkness oI Shirk and ignorance to the light oI Tawheed and Islam:

} -''' '-'=' .- + = -- . -' ' - | --' 257 |

"Allah is the Wali (Protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them
out from darkness into light." (Qur'an 2: 257)

The Messengers were the ones who were sent with Guidance Irom Allah. the Exalted.
to lead mankind Irom darkness to light:

] :-- _- '--=- - 4-:- := '-'-'-- _~:- '--~ --- ] | - - 5 [

"And indeed We sent Moses with Our Aayaat (Signs. Proofs. and Evidence)
(saying) 'Bring out your people from darkness into light'." (Qur'an 14: 5)

The light is the Qur'an and Islam; it brings liIe to the hearts:

] --- - '-- - - ~-- :- - '--= -'---'- '--- ' - -
'+-- '=- c-- '--=- ] | '-` 122 |

"Is he who was dead (without faith by ignorance and disbelief) and We gave him
Life (by Knowledge and Faith) and set for him a Light (of belief) whereby he can
walk amongst them. like him who is in the darkness (of disbelief and hypocrisy)
from which he can never come out?"(Qur'an 6: 122)

Without this light the hearts are blind and even dead. Contemplate the supplication oI
the Prophet ():

" ' ' =' .- ='' ": :- --- -- ':-- J= - " -
'= .- - -= '=' '- .- -- - - --= ) =-=-' -'` 198 (

"I ask You (Allah) by every Name that is Yours to ".... make the Noble Qur'an the
"spring" (nourisher) of my heart, and the light of my chest..."

The "spring" is the rain that brings life to the earth. He () set it as a similitude to
the Qur'an. since it (the Qur'an) brings liIe to the hearts Similarly Allah resembled it
to the "rain". Here. the Prophet () combined the rain "spring" which brings liIe and
the "light" which brings enlightenment and brightness. So he () invoked Allah to
nourish his heart with the "spring" oI the Qur'an and to enlighten with it his chest
combining Ior it both liIe and light. Allah. the most High. says:

] - --- - '-- - - ~-- :- - '--= -'---'- '--- ' -
'+-- '=- c-- '--=- ] | '-` 122 |

"Is he who was dead (without faith by ignorance and disbelief) and We gave him
Life (by Knowledge and Faith) and set for him a Light (of belief) whereby he can
walk amongst them. like him who is in the darkness (of disbelief and hypocrisy)
from which he can never come out?"(Qur'an 6: 122)

And since the chest is wider than the heart. then the light that goes to it will dissipate
to the heart. On the other hand. since the body and its parts live by the liIe oI the heart
whereby it originates Irom it to the chest then to the body parts. he () asked (in this
invocation) Ior the Qur'an (spring: rain water) which is the substance oI its liIe.

Part oI a lengthy supplication oI the Prophet () that was reported by Ahmad. Ibn Hibban.
Al-Hakim. and others. See As-Silsilah As-Saheehah. the Chain oI Authentic Narrations. by
Shayekh Muhammad Nassir ad-Deen Al-Albani. # 198.
From Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah's explanation oI this great supplication in his book
al-Fawaa'id . P. 24. |Daar al-Bayaan. Damascus|. with slight adaptation.
When the hearts are not enlightened by such nourishment they become blind:

] -~- _- _-- :--- _- -- '~- V _- V '+- '- ] | -=' 46 |

"Verily it is not the eyes that grow blind but it is the hearts which are in the
breasts that grow blind." (Qur'an 22: 46)

The blindness oI the heart represents its astray path. It turns away what is useIul and
goes aIter what is harmIul:

] - :~- V -+--- V'- = - --- ] | -' ' 55 |

"Yet they worship besides Allah that which can neither profit them nor harm
them." (Qur'an 25: 55)

The task oI the Messengers cannot be achieved unless they teach men to know their
Rabb. His Names and Attributes. making their nations knowledgeable about Allah's
angels. His Books. His Messengers. and the right way to worship Him. the most

] -+--- -+- :- '- -+--- :--- -+-- V:~ -- V _- ~- -- :
--=- '--- ] | -=' 2 |
"He is Who has sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad- )
from among themselves. reciting to them His verses. purifying them (from the
filth of disbelief and polytheism). and teaching them the Book (this Qur'an. and
Islamic Laws) and the Hikmah (Sunnah: legal ways. orders. acts of worship. etc.
of the Prophet Muhammad ( )." (Qur'an 62: 2)
5- Correcting Deviant Ideas, False Beliefs, & Immorality

Man is born with an innate nature (Fitrah) oI submission to his Creator. Allah alone.
Mankind were one nation. on the Fitrah. When people started setting up rivals with
Allah (). He sent Messengers to remind people about their Fitrah and to call them to
return to Him:

] - --- - :~-- ---- = ~-- - - '-- ' ] | --' 213 |

"Mankind were one community and Allah sent Prophets with Glad tidings and
Warnings." (Qur'an 2: 213)

Every Messenger called his own nation to the straight path. Islam. and this is
common among all the Messengers. Also each one oI them called Ior the correction
oI any deviation within his own nation. Noah reIused to acknowledge and accept the
worship oI Idols by his people. and so did Ibraheem (Abraham). Hud stood Iirm
against his nation's arrogance and iniustice. Salih battled corruption and malpractice.
and Lut Iought against the Iilth oI homosexuality which took over his people.
Sho'aib (Jethro) resisted his peoples' cheating with their scales and measures. and so
on. All these crimes were deviations Irom the Straight Path and the Messengers
clariIied the Truth and Iought against any dissent and disobedience

6- Establishing the Evidence

Allah. most Maiestic and Exalted is He. sent the Messengers and His Books so that
there can be no excuse Ior mankind on the Day oI Recompense:

] = ='-- '--- :-- >-- - --- - :~-- >~ J~ :- -- | '--' 165 |

"Messengers as bearers of good news as well as of warning in order that
mankind should have no plea against Allah after the Messengers." (Qur'an 4:

And iI Allah. the Exalted. did not send the Messengers. then on the Day oI
Recompense. mankind would come disputing with Allah. the most MagniIicent:

] '-- :-'-- --- - -- -'--- '- :- 4'- ---- V:~ '--- ~-~ V:-
:=- -- J-- - ] | = 134 |

"And if We had destroyed them with torment before this (i.e. the Messenger-
& the Qur'an). they would surely have said: 'Our Rabb! if only You had sent us
a Messenger. we should certainly have followed Your Aayaat (signs. proofs.
verses. lessons. revelations. etc.) before we were humbled and disgraced.'"
(Qur'an 20: 134)

On the Day oI Recompense. each Messenger will be a witness Ior or against his
nation testiIying that he had indeed delivered the Message and established the

} - . .- '-- -- --+ ` '= =- '-- --+-- * ---
- . -' - -- ` ` +- - ' ' -= '` -
| '--' : 41 42 |

"How (will it be) then. when We bring from each nation a witness and We bring
you (O Muhammad- ) as a witness against these people. ` On that Day those
who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish that they were buried in
the earth. but they will never be able to hide a single fact from Allah
." (Qur'an
4: 41-42)

In another part oI the Qur'an. Allah. the most High. says:

] :- V : _-- --+ 4- '--= -+~-- - -+--- --+ - J _- ~-- ]
| .=-' 89 |

"And (Remember) the Day We shall raise from every nation a witness against
them from amongst themselves. And We shall bring you (O Muhammad- ) as a
witness against these." (Qur'an 16: 89)

Those who reiect the Messengers and turn away Irom their guidance cannot but
conIess to the truth once the punishment is inIlicted upon them. Allah. the One Iree
oI all imperIection. the most High. says:

] - := '-:- ' -- '-'~- --'= ~-' -:- - '--~- - ` '-~'- :~'---
:~:- '+-- - ` : '- _- := :~: V ---- ---'~- -- ---
:--~ ` ---'= '- '- '--- '- :-'- ` -'--= _- - :- 4- ~- '--
- --'= --~ ] ] '---` 11 - 15 |

"How many a town (community). that were wrong-doers have We destroyed
and raised up after them another people! ` Then. when they perceived (saw) Our
torment (coming). behold. they (tried to) flee from it. ` Flee not. but return to
that wherein you lived a luxurious life. and to your homes. in order that you may
be questioned. ` They cried: 'Woe to us! Certainly! We have been Thalimeen
(polytheists. wrong-doers. and disbelievers in Allah. etc.)' ` And that cry of
theirs ceased not. till We made them as a field that is reaped. extinct (dead)."
(Qur'an 21: 11-15)

On The Day oI Judgment when they are shown their horrible end. and beIore they
are thrown into Hell. they will be asked about their sins and they will bear witness
against themselves:

] - '+-- _-- '-- =-- - :-- '- :- -- --'- -- '+-- := -+-'~ : ` _-- :-'-
:-- > _- V --- _ - = :- '- '--- '-- --- :- -- '- '= -- ` :-'-
:-~- '= - '- '- J-- -~- '- :- ] ] -- 4- 8 - 10 [

It is obligatory to believe in the Messengership oI the Prophet (). He () conIirmed this
when he said: "By Him (Allah) in whose Hand is Muhammad's soul. there is none Irom
amongst the Jews and the Christians (oI these present nations) who hears about me. but does
not believe in the Message with which I have been sent (i.e. Tawheed). and dies in this state
(oI disbelieI). but he shall be one oI the dwellers oI the (Hell) Fire". Saheeh Muslim. the
Book oI Faith. Vol. 1. Hadeeth # 284.

"It almost bursts with fury: Every time a group is cast therein. its keeper will
ask: "Did no warner come to you?" ` They will say: Yes indeed. a warner did
come to us. but we belied him and said: "Allah never sent down anything (of
revelation). you (warners) are only in great error." ` And they will say: "Had we
but listened or used our intelligence. we would not have been among the dwellers
of the Blazing Fire!" (Qur'an 67: 8-11)

And when they are in the Hell Fire. surrounded by punishment. they will scream
agonizingly. The keepers (angels) oI Hell Fire will tell them:

] - :-'-- '- '- :-'- :-'- _-- :-'- '----'- ---~ ---' 4 -- :-'-
> _- V ] | '= 50 |

"They will say: "Did there not come to you. your Messengers with (clear)
Evidences and Signs?" They will say: "Yes." They will reply. "Then call (as you
like). And the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but in error!" (Qur'an 40:

7- The Legislative Policy of the Nation

Those who accept the Message and the Messengers Iorm an Ummah (nation.
community) need to be governed and their aIIairs disposed. The Messengers perIorm
such a duty ruling and Judging by the Law oI Allah:

] :- '-- -+--- --'- = ] | --'-' 48 |

"So 1udge between them by what Allah has Revealed." (Qur'an 5: 48)

Allah. the Exalted. called upon Prophet David (Dawoud) (). saying:

] -'- '-- -- --'- V _- ---= '--= '- '- = :+- -- V ]
| 26 |

"O David! Verily! We have placed you as a successor on earth. so judge you
between men in truth (and justice) and follow not your desire." (Qur'an 38: 26)

The Prophets oI Bani Israel (The Israelites) were Governors oI their nation. as the
Prophet () said:

" -- ' -- =' '-' '---` +- .-- -- --' " ) '=-' . '-- . .- --
'- (

"The Israelites were ruled by their Prophets, whenever one of their Prophets die,
another one arose (to govern)."

Bukhari. Muslim. Ahmad. and Ibn Maiah.


The Prophets oI Bani Israel were Muslims. who surrendered to Allah's will and
obeyed His commands. This is the essence oI Islam.

Allah. the most High. conIirms that the Torah (in its original unaltered text) revealed
to Mousa (Moses:) was a source oI Governorship and Guidance:

] ' - --- :--~ - -- :---- '+- --=- :- - '+-- :-- '-- :- '- ]
| --'-' 44 |

"Verily. We did send down the Torah (to Moses). therein was guidance and
light. by which the Prophets. who surrendered to Allah's will. judged the 1ews."
(Qur'an 5: 44)

In all matters oI Judgment. the Messengers were obedient to Allah:

] = '= --- :~ :- =- - ] | '--' 80 |

"He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad- ) has indeed obeyed Allah."
(Qur'an 4: 80)

The slave oI Allah will not attain the pleasure oI Allah without the obedience to His

} -- ' - - --= --' - -= -- . | ' -= 31 |

"Say (O Muhammad- -to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah. then follow me
(i.e. accept Tawheed as explained in the Qur'an and Sunnah). Allah will love you
and forgive you your sins." (Qur'an 3: 31)

That is why when they are called to Allah. the Muslims should always say: We hear
and we obey:

] '--~ :-:-- -+--- --=-- -:~ = _- :- ---:-- :- ' '--
:=---- - 4-- '-= ] | -' 51 |

"The only saying of the faithful believers. when they are called to Allah (His
Words. the Qur'an) and His Messenger- . to judge between them. is that they
say: "We hear and we obey". And such are the successful (who will live forever
in Paradise)." (Qur'an 24: 51)

Knowing of Messengers and Their Nations

There was no nation leIt without a Messenger sent by Allah. the most High with a
special prescribed law Ior his people. or a prophet sent to revive prescribed laws given
previously. Allah. the most High. says:

] :-'=- :---= = --- V:~ - J - '--- --- ] ] .=-' 36 |

"And verily. We have sent among every Ummah (nation. community) a
Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah (alone)". and avoid (or keep away
from) Taghut (all false deities)." (Qur'an 16: 36).

And He. the Exalted. said:

] :- -- '+-- '-= '- - - :--- :-~- =-'- '--~ '- ] | =' 24 |

Verily we have sent you (O Muhammad ) with the truth. a bearer of glad
tidings. and a warner. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed
among them. (Qur'an 35: 24).

Some of the Messengers whose names we know of by
Textual Proofs from the Qur'an
and (or) Authentic Sunnah are:

Messenger Name Nation Location Benefit
1-Adam First Nation Irom
His OIIspring
No authentic speciIication on
First prophet. In his time
People were on Tawheed so
there was no need Ior
2-Nuh (Noah) Nations beIore the
- First Messenger. The
disbelievers in his times were
destroyed by the Ilood.
including his own son.
3-Hud Al-Arab Al-
Baa'idah (the
extinct Arabs)
An ancient nation that lived
aIter Noah in the curved
sand-hills in the Southern part
oI the Arabian Peninsula.
They were intelligent and
prosperous but naughty and
disobedient to Allah. When
they turned away Irom the
Message oI Tawheed. Allah
destroyed them with violent
destructive westerly winds.
See Qur'an 7: 59. 65; 46: 21.
and 69: 6.

Said to be descendents oI
Irem (Aram). the son oI
Saam. the son oI Noah.
4-Salih Al-Arab Al-
Baa'idah (the
extinct Arabs)
An ancient nation that lived
the aIter Noah in the rock
tract in North-West part oI
the Arabian Peninsula.
As Hud. descendents oI Irem
etc. They reiected Tawheed
and so were destroyed by a
Saa'iqah (destructive awIul
cry. torment. hit. a
thunderbolt. etc.) See Qur'an:
11:61-68 51:44; 41:13; 91:11.
As-Saabi'ah An ancient nation who lived
in ancient Iraq. They
worshipped the planets (sun.
moon. stars). Then he
emigrated to Palestine in
Allah granted him Ishaaq
( Isaac) and Ismaa'eel (
Ishmail). He came with his
son Ismaa'eel () to
Makkah. and Irom Ismaa'eel's
side. the greatest oI all the
Prophets and Messengers.
Muhammad (). was born.
See Qur'an: 6:74-84. 14: 37-
39; 2: 125-132
6-Lut Peoples oI the
towns oI Sodom in
These people ascribed
partners to Allah and
committed sodomy
Lut was a student oI
Ibraaheem ( `-' +-'=). He
sent him to Sodom's people
inviting them to Tawheed.
They reiected the call and
they were destroyed by
violent storm oI stones
(haasib). See Qur'an 11:70.
74. 81.89; 15:59. 61; 22: 43;
26: 160-161. 167; 27: 56;
29:26; 38:13; 50:13; 54: 33-
34; 66:10.
7-Ismaa'eel To the tribes oI Al-
'Amaliqah and
Jurhum Yemeni
In the Mountains around
He was born beIore his
brother Prophet Isaac ( +-'=
`-'). Received revelation.
but we dont know about its
In Palestine The Iather oI Prophet
Ya'qoob (Israa'eel). Received
revelation but we dont know
about oI its name
9-23 Ya'qoob (Israa'eel) and his twelve sons (al-Asbaat) and from
them is Yusuf (1oseph). From their descendents came the Prophets and
Messengers oI Banee Israa'eel (oII spring oI Israa'eel). Including:

`Ayyoub (1ob) `Daawoud (David) `Ilyas (Elias)
`Thul Kifl (Isaiah) `Sulaiman (Solomon) `Al-Yasa' (Elisha)
`Mousa (Moses) `Zakariah `Yunus (1onah)
`Haroun (Aron) `Yahya (1ohn) `'Eesa (1esus)
`Idrees (Enoch)
The last Prophet sent to
Banee Isra'eel was 'Eesa
(Jesus: ). Yunus sent to
Ninawa in Northern Iraq.
Ayyoub and Thul KiIl sent to
around Damascus. Syria.
Idrees is wrongly stated by
some historians to be beIore
Noah. See Qur'an 2: 136; 4:
163; 6: 83-86; 21:85.
24-Shu'aib Sent to the people
oI Madyan
Close to Ma'aan area. South-
West oI Jordan)
From the descendents oI
Madyan. son oI Ibraaheem.
See Qur'an 11:84.
bin Noon
- - Reported by Imaam Ahmad.
and authenticated by Ibn
Haiar (al-Fath 6:255 and al-
Albaani (as-Silsilah 202). The
sun was delayed Irom setting
Iollowing his invocation so
that he can conclude his
Jihaad on his way to Baitul
Maqdiss (Jerusalem)
26-Muhammad Sent to mankind
and jinns.
The Message was revealed to
him in Makkah
The Iinal and last Messenger.

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