Assignment 1

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Group 7

Members: Breno
Batista Caetano
Question 1- What is file system in Linux RedHat ? What are
different Types of file systems? Explain
Answer: The file system in Linux RedHat is the hierarchical structure that organizes all Linux information within the Linux directories.
Linux file system is a unified model of storage and data management, that is, in addition to storing data, Linux file system is useful to
naming, creating, organizing and other data management tasks.
Linux file system has a single root directory, indicated by a slash (/) and each directory after the root directory is separated by
slashes. The directories right after the root directory (first levels directories) are called directories and the others following the
directories are called subdirectories. As shown in the example above:
1- root
2- home directory
3- documents subdirectory
4- driversLicense.png file
Examples of some of the most known types of Linux file systems are:

The different types of • Ext2: introduced in 1994, it was the default Linux file system for almost a decade, until it was

file systems are specific replaced by Ext3 in the 2000s. It was an improvement of the ext file system, offering better
formats for data storage in • Ext3: it is an upgrade of ext2, containing journaling in order to protect the
file systemagainst corruption.
Linux operating systems. • Ext4: introduced in 2008 and it is, since 2010, the default Linux file system since 2010. It is an
upgraded version of Ext2 and it has better design, perform ance, reliability am ong other im provem ents.
Linux has a wide variety of • XFS: in tro d u c e d in 1994, it h a s a g re a t jo u rn a lin g s y s te m w h ic h k e e p s tra c k o f
changes in the file systemand because of it, it is great for recoveries. It was designed to support
different type of file systems •
extremely large file system s, up to 16 exabytes.
Btrfs: introduced in 2009, it has some improvements to the Ext4 file system,
that allows the user opt to a s b e tte r s c a la b ility a n d re lia b ility . B trfs a ls o o f fe rs fe a tu re s lik e fa u lt
tolerance, self-healing properties and easy adm inistration.
partitioning the system
Question 2- Explain the following Linux directories:
/etc/ It contains the system configuration files. These files define the For example: a proprietary program might dump its files in /opt/application when it
parameters, options, settings and preferences applied to Linux OS. Other is installed
Operating Systems provide an interface for configuring the system, but Linux has  
plaintext config files under /etc/. /proc/ The /proc/ directory similar to the /dev/ directory because it
For example: /etc/sudoers controls the permission given to users that controls doesn’t contain standard files. It contains special files that represent system and
their accessibility of the root directory process information. It is a virtual and pseudo-file system to contains info about
   the running processes with a specific process ID or PID
/lib/ It contains the Linux kernel modules and a shared library. It  
comprises libraries needed by the essential binaries in the /bin and /sbin folder /sbin/ The /sbin/ directory is similar to the /bin/ directory. It contains
that are needed by the binaries in the /usr/bin folder are located in /usr/lib. binary executable programs for an administrator that generally intended to be run
  by the root user for system administration.
/media/ It contains subdirectories where removable media devices  
inserted into the computer are mounted. /srv/ It stands for service data. The /srv/ directory contains “data for
For example: when we insert a pen drive into the Linux system, a directory will be services provided by the system.” For using the Apache HTTP server to serve a
automatically created containing the contents of the pen drive website, one will likely store their website’s files in a directory inside the /srv/
/Mnt/ The /mnt/ directory was previously used by system administrators  
to mount temporary file systems while using them. /sys/ It is a virtual filesystem for modern Linux distributions to store and
For example, if one is mounting a allows modification of the devices connected to the system. It is a pseudo file
Windows partition to perform some file recovery operations, one might mount at system provided by the Linux kernel that exports information about various
at /mnt/windows. However, it is possible to mount other file systems anywhere on kernel subsystems, hardware devices, and associated device drivers from the
the system. kernel's device model to user space through virtual files.
/opt/ It stands for optional third party software. The /opt/ directory /usr/ it stands for User Binaries and Read-Only Data. It contains files and
contains subdirectories for optional software packages. It’s commonly used by applications used by the Linux users. Each user has a library located inside the
proprietary software that doesn’t obey the standard file system hierarchy. /usr/ directory. Lastly, the /usr/ directory contains other directories beyond user
libraries, for example architecture-independent files.
Question 3- What is the relationship between computer
hardware and operating system :
Answer: While hardware is the physical components of a computer User
(motherboard, the processor, graphics card, etc) the software is the
programs (instructions) that make the hardware perform specifics O

The operating system is a software that handles all the basics

tasks in the computer, for example: control of peripheral devices, file

and process management, handling input and output, among others. In Operating System
that way, the operating system acts between the computer user and
the computer hardware, by transporting user inputs to the hardware U

and delivering the hardware outputs to the user. P


The operation systems and hardware relation is represented in
the diagram to the right. Hardware

In conclusion, the relationship between computer hardware and operating system consists in the operating
system being a bridge between the computer user and the computer hardware, by enabling the latter perform
the tasks desired by the former.


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