Wages Vs Income
Wages Vs Income
Wages Vs Income
February 2008
It is not uncommon for WIPA personnel to encounter individuals who receive some form of
income, but who are unclear about whether or not this income counts as “wages” for Social
Security purposes. Furthermore, in some instances, it is difficult to determine if the income a
person gets is from wage employment (i.e.: an employer-employee relationship exists) or if the
person is actually self-employed. This is further complicated by the fact that some businesses
pay workers as if they were self-employed (i.e.: independent contractors), when, based on U.S.
Department of Labor wage and hour laws, they actually meet the definition of employees.
The purpose of this document is NOT to make CWICs experts in determinations of wage
employment or self-employment. There are literally hundreds of POMS citations covering this
topic and the issues involve complex legal interpretations. This document was written to provide
a general understanding of how wage employment and self-employment differ, and how SSA
decides which situation applies to a beneficiary with earned income.
Employer-Employee Relationship
When SSA personnel look at income a beneficiary receives the first decision to be made is
whether the income is “earned” or “unearned”. Basically, if an employer-employee relationship
exists, or the individual meets the definition of being self-employed, the income will be counted
as earned. There are four basic types of employment relationship that may exist and each has
specific criteria. Individuals with earned income may be classified as being: 1.) Employees; 2.)
Independent contractors (a specific type of self-employment); 3.) Statutory employees; or 4.)
Statutory non-employees. With only minor exceptions, these classifications virtually are the
same across the SSA, IRS and DOL.
1. Employees
In other words, in wage employment situations, the employer has the right to determine how,
where, and when the employee performs the assigned work. In addition, when an employer-
employee relationship exists, the employer is subject to DOL wage and hour laws and is required
to withhold taxes and FICA contributions from employees’ wages per IRS and SSA rules. At the
end of each year, the employer provides an IRS W-2 form to each employee to document wages
paid and wages withheld. If wages are paid which are below minimum wage, the services must
be in food service or the employer must have an approved sub-minimum wage waiver.
To help Claims Representatives make decisions about when a beneficiary is an employee, Social
Security provides a list of the principle indicators of wage employment in POMS RS 02101.149
– RS 02101.252. These factors vary from profession to profession, but the main indicators are as
• A continuing relationship
Social Security has identified a number of additional criteria to help determine when an
employer-employee relationship exists in circumstances where it is not readily apparent. To
develop this situation further, the Claims Representative will ask the beneficiary if the following
characteristics apply:
1. You are required to comply with where, when and how to work.
2. You have been given training by the employer on how to do the job.
3. Your services are integrated into the normal operation of the business.
4. You have to personally perform the services (no substitutes allowed).
5. The employer hires assistants or coworkers.
6. The arrangement is for continuing or ongoing work, even if the work is sporadic.
7. The employer determines the hours of work.
8. The work is full time. Full time in this case does not mean 40 hours. It means that the
person is restricted from doing other gainful work because of the hours or agreement.
9. The work is required by the employer to be done on site if it could be done elsewhere.
10. The employer specifies in what order the tasks are to be done.
11. You give regular oral or written reports are required by the employer.
12. You receive regular (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) payments for services or guaranteed
minimum salary or draw account.
13. The employer pays your travel and business expenses.
14. You do not have an investment in necessary tools, facilities or equipment.
15. You do not have a loss potential.
16. You do not have the capability of working for multiple employers.
17. Your services are not available to the public.
18. The employer has the right to fire you at any time.
19. You have the right to quit at any time.
Not all of these criteria need to apply in order for SSA to determine that a beneficiary meets the
test of an employee. However, simply meeting one of these criteria would generally not be
sufficient to determine that an employer-employee relationship exists. The weight to be given
these factors is not always constant. Their degree of importance may vary somewhat depending
on the occupation being considered and the reasons for their existence. Some of the factors listed
above would not apply at all to particular occupations. SSA personnel must use judgment and
discretion when applying these guides.
board meetings would not meet the common law test for an employee, but would be
deemed to be in self-employment. A director who does work for the corporation, other
than attending and participating in the meetings of the board of directors, may be an
employee with respect to such work if it is non-directorial in nature.
CWICs need to recognize that beneficiaries who are “officers” of relatively small
companies that have been incorporated may think they are self-employed when, in fact,
SSA considers them to be employees! It is a good practice to check with the local SSA
Field Office whenever dealing with a beneficiary who is a corporate officer to verify
employment status before offering advice. Remember that the difference between being
an employee and being self-employed can have a significant impact on how benefits are
affected – particularly in the SSI program.
2. Independent Contractors
Independent contractors are not employees, but rather constitute a specific type of self-
employment. In determining whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor
under the common law rule, all evidence of control and independence must be considered. The
facts fall into three main categories:
• does the entity have the right to direct and control how the worker performs the specific
task for which the worker is hired;
• does the entity have the right to direct and control the business and financial aspects of
the worker’s activities; and
• the relationship of the parties. A written contract is a very important piece of evidence
showing the type of relationship the parties intended to create. A written agreement
describing the worker as an independent contractor is evidence of the parties’ intent. The
substance of the relationship, not the label, governs the worker’s status. The facts and
circumstances under which a worker performs services are determinative. The substance
of the relationship, not the label, governs the worker’s status.
It is not uncommon for employers to incorrectly treat workers as independent contractors when
they actually meet the test for being classified as “employees”. This mis-classification is
sometimes done out of ignorance of the DOL laws, but is occasionally willful in nature.
Employees are sometimes treated as independent contracts to avoid paying minimum wage or
avoid paying the employer taxes associated with employees. If the IRS determines that an
employer has incorrectly treated a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee,
it can assess the employer for all unpaid taxes, with respect to that worker and other workers
performing similar services.
3. Statutory Employees
A statutory employee is a special class of worker which actually meets all the tests for an
independent contractor, but may be treated as an employee for Social Security withholding
purposes (FICA and Medicare taxes). Some workers, who would be otherwise be considered
independent contractors (i.e., self-employed) under the common-law rules for determining
employer-employee relationships, are specifically defined as employees in section 210 of the
Social Security Act. There are only four categories of “statutory employees” as this is a very
limited class of worker.
• A driver who distributes beverages (other than milk) or meat, vegetable, fruit, or bakery
products; or who picks up and delivers laundry or dry cleaning, if the driver is your agent
or is paid on commission.
• A full-time life insurance sales agent whose principal business activity is selling life
insurance or annuity contracts, or both, primarily for one life insurance company.
• An individual who works at home on materials or goods that you supply and that must be
returned to you or to a person you name, if you also furnish specifications for the work to
be done.
• A full-time traveling or city salesperson that works on your behalf and turns in orders to
you from wholesalers, retailers, contractors, or operators of hotels, restaurants, or other
similar establishments. The goods sold must be merchandise for resale or supplies for use
in the buyer s business operation. The work performed for you must be the salesperson s
principal business activity.
Statutory employees are provided a W-2 from the employer with the amount of Social Security
wages in box 3. If an individual is considered a statutory employee, the employer should check
the “statutory employee” block on the W-2 to indicate his or her status. When filing tax returns,
the statutory employee may be able to deduct trade or business expenses from the wages shown
on the W-2 by filing a Schedule C or C-EZ. However, SSA uses the Social Security wages
(reported on the W-2) as the gross income for SGA purposes for DI beneficiaries.
4. Statutory Non-Employees
There are two categories of statutory non-employees: direct sellers and licensed real estate
agents. They are treated as self-employed for all Federal tax purposes, including income and
employment taxes, if:
• Substantially all payments for their services as direct sellers or real estate agents are
directly related to sales or other output, rather than to the number of hours worked, and
• Their services are performed under a written contract providing that they will not be
treated as employees for Federal tax purposes.
Self-Employment Determinations
In order to be covered by Social Security, a self-employed individual must be engaged in a trade
or business and have net earnings from self-employment (NESE). Net Earnings from Self-
Employment (NESE) is the gross income derived by an individual from any trade or business
carried on by that individual less the allowable deductions which are attributable to that trade or
business. Effective with taxable years beginning after 12/31/89, a new deduction of 7.65% is
required when computing NESE.
Net earnings from self- employment (NESE) must be at least $400 for a taxable year before it
will be taxable and creditable as self-employment income (SEI). If NESE is less than $400 for
the taxable year, there is:
• Is the individual holding him/herself out to others as being engaged in the selling of
goods or services?
1. Personal Services - The fact that an individual derives his/her income from a trade or
business is the controlling issue - not the nature or extent of the services.
2. Seasonal - Although length of time is usually an important factor, certain activities that are
considered to be a trade or business are seasonal (e.g. selling ice cream during the summer
months, plowing snow during the winter).
3. Illegality – Even though an activity is illegal, it may still constitute a trade or business.
Individuals engaged in such activities are required by SSA to report their income and pay
self employment taxes.
4. Multiple Enterprises - An individual may have more than one trade or business at the same
time. On the other hand, an individual may have more than one business enterprise, but
one or more may be excluded from the definition of “trade or business”.
5. Hobbies - The buying and selling involved with a hobby is generally done for the purpose
of improving or otherwise furthering the hobby. In these cases, the activities do not
constitute a trade or business.
• What documents has the individual executed? (e.g., SS-4, tax reports or returns, etc.)
• Does the individual feel the activities constitute a trade or business – why or why not?
• Is the individual associating with other individuals in the performance of the activities in
question? If so, in what capacity? (i.e. partner, helper etc.)
• What business firms or other organizations does the individual deal with?
counted, refer the beneficiary to the local SSA field office for a formal determination. In some
cases, it is a good idea to refer the beneficiary to a competent tax advisor before reporting the
income to the SSA. It is critically important for CWICs to have a basic understanding of the
differences between wage employment and self-employment since the income derived from
these activities affect DI/SSI benefits in different ways. However, CWICs are not authorized to
make determinations of what is or is not self-employment income, but must defer to SSA
personnel on these matters.
Contributing Authors and Editors: Lucy Miller and Terri Uttermohlen
The development of this paper was funded by the Social Security Administration under Contract
Number: SS00-07-60050, Training and Technical Assistance for the Work Incentive Planning
and Assistance (WIPA) Program.