Daredevil 5e

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The passage discusses a halfling warrior who finds joy and thrill in battle but also feels disappointment when opponents are defeated too easily. It also provides an overview of the Daredevil class in terms of their motivations and abilities in combat.

Daredevils are motivated to continue adventuring and battling in order to find stronger opponents that can last longer in combat and provide a better challenge/thrill. They may also be seeking money, reputation or something else only achievable through dangerious paths.

Daredevils express themselves in battle and perform beautiful and stylish performances using any tools or environments around them. They find the excitement, adrenaline and risk of combat to be worth dying for as it allows them to do what they love most.

The Daredevil


he howling wind, the great heat of the sun, the Creating a Daredevil
smell of blood and sweat, and the mixture of
ashes and dust in the air. A halfling, with a By creating a Daredevil, you need to think about how it found
smile on her face, stands up in the middle of a out it's place in battle. In what aspect does your character
field of corpses and some remaining orcs. find battle beautiful and exciting? Where does your great will
"Come! Avenge your comrades, put all your comes from? Protecting those who cannot protect
heart into it and make me feel alive!", she themselves, being in the thin line between life and death or
exclaimed, rushing into the middle of the last orcs alive. seeing those who oppose you fall in despair. Did somebody
Wielding crossbows in both of her hands, she danced around teach you how to use it or you learned it by yourself with your
the enemies' blows with grace and style, dodging every single talent? Maybe a relative or a hero of your home town/city
one by a mere inch, and readies herself , with a grim smile on helped you.
her face, for her grand finale. In mere seconds, a volley of What made you start adventuring to keep battling, instead
bolts emerged, piercing every orc, and one by one, they all fell. of other alternatives like arena fighting or protecting a city?
"That was fun!", she shoots joyfully, covered in both hers What else are you looking for outside of battle? Do you want
and the orcs blood. The thrill, however, doesn't lasts long, the to gain money for any particular reason, using your talents to
smile on her face slowly fading into a disappointing look. gain reputation, or do you want to find something in specific
"They were too fragile though... I hope the next ones last a which is only possible to achieve by going through dangerous
little longer...", she says as she sheaths her crossbows and paths?
walks towards her unconscious allies in need of help.
Quick Build
Eccentric Warriors To make a Daredevil quickly, you can follow these
Persistent, stubborn, hot-headed, those with such qualities suggestions. First of all, you should prioritise Strength or
can be turn into lethal weapons in combat, and those Dexterity score, then your Wisdom score, and if possible your
qualified as Daredevils have trained to use them. One could Constitution. Then, you take the folk hero background.
be a Daredevil by being a warrior which started to control his Finally, take proficiency in Athletics or Acrobatics depending
fury of combat to his advantage, or a sage which instead of of your choice between Strength and Dexterity, and pick a
devoiding himself from emotions, decides to embrace and leather armor, a short sword, a dagger and the exploration's
harness it. However, not only do you need those, but you also pack.
need your body and spirit to keep up those emotions and use
them without going overboard. Multiclassing
Artists of Battle You must have atleast : strength 13 or Dexterity 13, and
Wisdom 13 or Intelligence 13
Daredevils use combat to express themselves like a bard
would use a stage to perform. By using any tools, creatures You gain the following proficiencies when multiclassed on
and environment around them, they present a beautiful, this class : Light armor, improvised weapons, martial
thrilling and stylish performance for those who love battle. weapons
Moving around like no others and performing different kind
of attacks and techniques which are only possible in the
presence of such people.
Good Life, Good Death
Performing such risky tasks is what makes Daredevils live
life in no other way. They like to take any opportunity and
challenge whoever they can to be able to do what they love
the most: combat. The excitement and adrenaline it gives
them is well worth dying for.

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Level Proficiency Bonus Features Max Thrill Points
1st +2 Thrill, Rapid Action, Combo Breaker 5
2nd +2 Quick Hands, Stress Relief 5
3rd +2 Daredevil’s Passion 5
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 7
5th +3 Extra Attack 7
6th +3 Daredevil’s Passion 7
7th +3 Fleet Positioning 7
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 7
9th +4 Adrenaline Rush (x1) 9
10th +4 Daredevil’s Passion 9
11th +4 Extra Attack 9
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 9
13th +5 Adrenaline Rush (x2) 9
14th +5 Bringer of Carnage 9
15th +5 Daredevil’s Passion 12
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 12
17th +6 Master of All Weapons, Adrenaline Rush (x3) 12
18th +6 Daredevil’s Passion 15
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 15
20th +6 Lord of the Battlefield 15

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You gain Thrill points by doing the following:
Daredevil Features Hitting a creature with a melee attack.
As a Daredevil, you gain the following features Hitting a creature with a range attack.
Taking down an enemy.
Hit Points Taking damage.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Daredevil level Dodging an Attack with Rapid Action.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution When you get a point by one of those Thrill Triggers, that
modifier per Daredevil level after 1st Thrill Trigger becomes locked, which makes it impossible to
gain Thrill points from that. By performing another Thrill
Proficiencies Trigger, the locked one unlocks, giving you the possibility to
Armor: light armor gain Thrill from it again, but the newly Thrill Trigger
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons, firearms, becomes locked.
improvised weapons For example, you hit a creature two times with a melee
Tools: none weapon, you will only gain 1 Thrill point. However, the next
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom round, you hit with a range attack, then with a melee attack,
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, then with a range one, you will gain 3 Thrill points.
Medicine, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, and You loose 1 Thrill point if you don’t gain any Thrill during a
Survival. round.
Equipment Rapid Action
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Daredevils are extremely agile, swinging their weapons and
equipment granted by your background: moving around at unnatural speed with style compared to
(a) leather armor or (b) any martial weapon other people.
A martial weapon and a simple weapon You can count as being in Two Weapon Fighting if you hold
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack a one handed light weapon in one hand (or not light if you
have the appropriate feat) and nothing in the other.
Thrill Additionally, when you are about to get hit by a melee or
All Daredevils are different in many ways, but one thing that range attack, you can use your reaction to do an Athletics or
differentiates them from the rest and that brings them all Acrobatic check. You can use that check result as your AC. If
together, is the Thrill of the fight. They live and die for it, it’s lower than your AC + 1/5 of the result rounded down, then
seeking more and more emotions out of risky and dangerous add 1/5 of the result rounded down to your AC. For example,
situations. if you rolled 13 and you have 14 AC, you then gain +2 AC
The Thrill permits Daredevils to go beyond their capacities against that attack since 13/5 is equal to 2 rounded down. If
and execute difficult maneuvers and techniques. you dodge the attack, you then can move 10 feet in any
direction without provoking attacks of opportunity.

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Combo Breaker Extra Attack
When Daredevils are at their best during the most exciting Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
moments, they are able to go beyond their limits, moving and whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. At 11th
attacking like no other. level, you can attack three times instead of just two.
By using all your Thrill Points if you are at the maximum
number as a free action, you gain the following benefits until Fleet Positioning
the start of your next turn: At 7th level, you can move across the battlefield with style and
If 5 or more points were used, every attack made against grace. As a bonus action, you can use 3 Thrill points to move
you has disadvantage and you can do an additional attack directly next to an enemy without provoking attacks of
this turn. opportunities in 15 feet. You can even pass creatures cases
If 7 or more points were used, you also gain a bonus of without any penalty, and you are not affected by any difficult
movement speed of 15 feet. terrain for this feature.
If 9 or more points were used, you also gain advantage on
the first attack made against a creature. Also if you hit Adrenaline Rush
with 3 or more attacks this round, you can do an At 9th level, you can go behind your body's limits and be
additional one at the end of it. faster and stronger than your regular self.
If 11 or more points were used, you have advantage in By using half of your maximum Thrill points, you gain a
every saving throw. number of bonus actions equal to your Wisdom modifier this
If 12 points were used, you became immune to any round.
condition and damage type, and all your attacks have You can do this feature once per long rest. You gain an
advantage. additional use at 13th and 17th level.
You do not gain any Thrill points while under this effect.
Bringer of Carnage
Quick Hands At 14th level, when you kill a creature, you can frighten any
At 2nd level, Daredevils are able to draw, take or put weapons creature in 5 feet for one round. They must succeed a
quite fast. You can draw and sheath two weapons as a free Wisdom Saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage
action once per turn. you did on the last hit against the killed creature.
Additionally, by using 2 Thrill Points, you can attempt to
Disarm an enemy as a bonus action. Master of All Weapons
At 17th level, you become a master at using any kind of
Stress Relief weapon in any situation. Your weapon’s damage dice augment
Also at 2nd level, Daredevils can now control their impulsion. by one rank (max d12) on one handed weapons and
They can cool off to be able to continue on, even if they loose improvised weapons. Your unarmed strikes also deal 1d6
some of their adrenaline. instead of just 1.
By using Thrill Points as a free action, Daredevils can heal
an amount equal to a number of d4s equal to how many Lord of the Battlefield
Thrill Points you use for this feature + your Wisdom Modifier. At 20th level, you have transcended your old self, becoming a
You can do this feature once per short rest. legendary warmonger, an unstoppable machine of war, driven
by his lost of battle and to be part of the most epic of combats
Daredevil's Passion in history. You gain the following features :
At 3rd level, you find your own way to express and manifest You gain an additional Thrill point from any feature.
your emotions and thrill of battle. Choose between one of the You have 2 bonus actions.
following Passions available: Blade’s Edge, Blooming Rose, You can attack an additional time while you are at your
Divine Wrath, Hitman, Swift Trigger, Weaveshaper. The maximum Thrill number.
passion you choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again
at 6th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. Plus, you also gain +2 in Dexterity or Strength, and
Wisdom or Intelligence. Your maximum for the chosen
Ability Score Improvement abilities is 22.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.

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Daredevil Passions
Blade's Edge Rain of Blades
The passion of the Blade Edge is the more artistic one, being Starting at 15th level, you can throw any number of blades
able to manifest blades thanks to their strong will. you have manifested to a creature within 30 feet and 90 feet
Those Daredevils dance through the battlefield with their with disadvantage as an action. If a creature is taken down
spectral blades, slicing and dashing those who stand on their this way, you regain an additional blade, you gain an
way. additional one and 3 Thrill points. If not, you loose half your
Hail of Blades Blade Dispersion
Starting at 3rd level, by spending 1 Thrill point as a bonus Starting at 18th level, when you do a Combo Breaker, you can
action, you can manifest a spectral blade that hovers next to manifest up to your limit of blades and then add an additional
you for 1 minute. You can have an amount of those blades one for each hostile creature within 15 feet, being able to go
equal to your proficiency bonus. When attacking with blades, beyond your limit of blade until the effect of Combo Breaker
you must roll the attack for each blade. ends.
The blades will attack any creature you attack with your When it ends, all the blades above your limit disappear.
weapon in hand, dealing 1d2 slashing damage each. If you
attack with your blades instead of your weapons in hand, they
then deal 1d4 slashing damage each instead of 1d2. For the
damage of the blades, you don’t add any modifier to it.
By having the maximum number of blades hovering you,
the blades grant you cover and distract your enemies when
you are moving through the field of battle, making you able to
move without provoking any attacks of opportunity.
The blades have the light and finesse property.
Blade Focus
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain one Thrill point for each
third hit within the same turn.
Dashing Blades
Starting at 6th level, if you have at least one blade manifested,
by spending 2 Thrill points as an action, you can move 10 feet
without provoking attacks of opportunity, manifest a new
blade and attack with your blades. You are able to go through
creature spaces without any inconvenience. If your blades hit
3 times with this feature, you can use this again as a bonus
action without any cost.
Additionally, the blades count has being magical weapons
for the purpose of passing resistance.
Blades Shield
Starting at 10th level, as a reaction when getting hit, you can
surround yourself with your blades to protect you from
incoming damage.
Choose an amount of blades to protect you. Each blade
reduces the damage by 10. For each 10 damage it reduces,
one of the protecting blades break.
For example, you take 15 damage from an attack while you
have 4 blades, two of them will cancel the damage and one
will break, while the other three will still protect you.

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Blooming Rose Battlefield Sweeper
The most bold of Daredevils follow the way of the blooming Starting at 6th level, when you attack a creature, you can with
rose. For them, the more enemies there is, the merrier. the same attack roll attack every creature within 5 feet of it.
Trying to go in the middle of the battlefield, making blood They must still be within your weapon's range. The damage
and guts fly with their unconventional techniques, each from that attack is divided amongst the total of hit creatures.
permits them to forgo some damage but make them able to Additionally, by using 3 Thrill points as a free action, you
hit a maximum of enemies. take less damage equal to your proficiency until the end of
your next turn. For each new enemy attacking you during the
Whirlwind of Blood duration, you can add it again in top of the current reduction.
Starting at 3rd level, by spending 2 Thrill point as an action, One Thousand Petals
you can move up to 5 feet without provoking attacks of Starting at 10th level, as a bonus action after using a thrill
opportunity. After doing so, you can make an attack roll with ability or moving has a bonus action or action, you can do an
a melee weapon, that attack targets each creature you want additional attack.
within 5 feet, but reducing the damage to 50%. After so, you
can move up to 5 feet again without provoking attacks of One Rose Many Corpses
You can also do this with a range weapon, augmenting the Starting at 15th level, you can count Huge or bigger creatures
range to 10 feet, but reducing the damage to 25%. has 2 different creatures.
Additionally, if you take down an enemy with Whirlwind of
Bloodthirst Blood, you can do another one as a bonus action without any
Additionally at 3rd level, as a bonus action, if you have hit cost.
multiple creatures and one of them is or became below 50% Death Lotus
hit points, you can do an unarmed attack against one of them
and gain that amount of damage as hit points. Starting at 18th level, when you do a Combo Breaker, you can
hit any creature within 15 feet of you with one of your
Rose Tempest weapon.
Finally at 3rd level, you gain one Thrill point for each 2
different creatures you hit in a round.

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For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Shield of Faith
Divine Wrath and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you
can cast Shield of Faith using either slot.
Some daredevils follow certain gods to help them on battle,
and some of those have attracted the attention of them. Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
By harnessing and conjuring the will of the gods, You know two 1st-level cleric or paladin spells from the
Daredevils fuelled with divine essence punish any foe on their evocation or abjuration school of your choice.
way and help those in need with a multitude of spells and The Spells Known column of the Divine Wrath
cantrips granted by the divine. Spellcasting table shows when you learn more cleric or
paladin spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must
Spellcasting be an abjuration or evocation spell of your choice, and must
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance,
with the ability to cast divine spells. when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new
spell of 1st or 2nd level.
The spells you learn at 3th, 6th, 10th, 15th and 18th level
can come from any school of magic.
Divine Wrath Spellcasting
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
of the cleric or paladin spells you know with another spell of
Daredevil Cantrips Spells your choice from the cleric or paladin spell list. The new spell
Level Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must
be an abjuration or evocation spell, unless you're replacing
3rd 2 2 1 — — — the spell you gained at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 15th or 20th level from
4th 2 3 1 — — — any school of magic.
5th 2 3 2 ─ ─ — Spellcasting Ability
6th 2 3 2 ─ ─ — Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your cleric and paladin
spells, since your spells are the manifestation of your faith.
7th 2 4 2 1 ─ — You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your
8th 2 5 2 1 ─ — spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a cleric or
9th 2 5 2 1 ─ — paladin spell you cast and when making an attack roll with
10th 3 6 2 1 ─ — one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
11th 3 7 3 2 ─ — Wisdom modifier
12th 3 7 3 2 ─ — Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier
13th 3 8 3 2 1 —
14th 3 9 3 2 1 — Thrill Spell Casting
By showing your dedication while putting yourself in danger
15th 3 9 3 2 1 — and showing it of to the gods, they will let you harness their
16th 3 10 3 2 1 — energy which your body would not normally be prepared to
handle. By using one quarter of your Thrill points, you can
17th 3 10 3 2 2 — cast a cleric or paladin spell. You can do this once per spell
18th 3 10 3 2 2 — slot. It refreshes after a short rest.
19th 3 11 3 2 2 1 Divine Exaltation
20th 3 12 3 2 2 1 Additionally at 3rd level, you gain one Thrill point when you
deal radiant or necrotic damage, or when you cure or protect
with temporary hit points an ally within 10 feet.

You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list.
You learn an additional cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th
Spell Slots
The Divine Wrath Spellcasting table shows how many spell
slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To
cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's
level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you
finish a long rest.

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Mercy and Punishment
Starting at 6th level, you can make your spells and cantrips
do radiant or necrotic damage instead of their original
damage type.
Additionally, you can spend any amount of Thrill points to
help your allies or punish your foes in battle. When using this
ability, choose one of the following effects:
Mercy. As an action or bonus action, you channel your
excitement and happiness of combat into positive energy to
cure a creature within 10 feet. The creature heals himself by
1d4 for each Thrill point + your Wisdom modifier.
Punishment. As an action or bonus action, you can
channel your wrath and frenzy of combat into negative energy
to warm a creature within 10 feet. The creature takes 1d4
radiant or necrotic damage for each Thrill point + your
Wisdom modifier.
Divine Inspiration
Starting at 10th level, after casting a spell, you use the feature
Mercy and Punishment or cast a cantrip as a bonus action
instead of an action.
Faith Trial
Starting at 15th level, you can now cast two spells per spell
slot with Thrill Spell Casting instead of just one.
Starting at 18th level, when you do a Combo Breaker, a holy
aura emerges from you, chastising your foes and blessing
your allies. Within a 30 foot radius, you choose which
creatures are your allies and your foes. You and your allies
are healed for 5d4 + your Wisdom modifier hit points and
your foes take that same amount as radiant or necrotic

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Hitman Target Acquire
Most Daredevils like to do flashy maneuvers and to go from Additionally at 3rd level, you gain one Thrill point when you
enemy to enemy, but a hitman focalises in a single target, hit a creature that you lastly hit.
trying to take advantage from their weak points and taking Effective Tools
them down as fast as possible.
Starting at 6th level, your critical hits with finesse or light
Weak Spots weapons are now 19-20.
Starting at 3rd level, you start to see the weak points of your Also, by spending one Thrill point as a bonus action, you
foes all around them. By exploiting them, you can inflict a can augment the critical change by one if it’s the last hit
high amount of pain to them, making your job easier. creature.
Every creature has 4 weak points, one from each side of Quick Positioning
the creature: top, right, bottom, left. By hitting one with a
finesse or light weapon, your attack will deal an additional At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can move 5 feet and
1d4 damage. If you hit the 4 weak points of the creature, your attack with a light or finesse weapon the last creature you hit.
attack is then an automatic critical hit. Additionally, the weak points damage from the Weak Spots
Hitting another creature will cause to reset the 4 weak feature augments from 1d4 to 1d6 damage.
points for the previous creature.
High Stakes
Executioner’s Laceration Starting at 15th level, when using the Attack action, you can
Additionally at 3rd level, by spending 2 Thrill point as an increase your critical chance by one up to your proficiency
action, you can move next to a creature within 10 feet without bonus against a specific creature until the end of your turn,
provoking any attack of opportunities. If the creature is at but it lowers your AC by the same amount. You must have
50% of its max hit points or less, then you can attack the already hit the target creature before doing.
creature with a finesse or light weapon. You can add 1d4 for Additionally, when you do a critical hit, you gain 2 Thrill
each time you attacked that creature. Doing this resets the Points and you add d6 for the Executioner’s Laceration
number of times you attacked the creature for this feature. feature instead of d4 for each time you hit a creature.
If you take down a creature with this feature, you can do it
again as a bonus action, and you can count as if you hit that Last Breath
creature a number of times equal to half the number of times Starting at 18th level, when you do a Combo Breaker, the
you hit the previous creature that you have taken down. next hit you do will break all the 4 weak points of a creature
and the critical range of the following attacks against it are

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Swift Trigger In and Out Style
Bow, firearm or crossbow, for the Daredevil of the swift Finally at 3rd level, you gain 1 Thrill when you hit an enemy
trigger, those are the perfect weapon to afflict terror in the with a range attack and a melee attack in the same round.
heart of the enemies. Additionally, you count shortbows has being a light weapon
Using range weapons and melee weapons at the same for the purpose of the Rapid Action feature. You can shoot
time, these Daredevils use their positioning to take advantage with a shortbow and load a crossbow even if your other hand
of their range weapons while also being able to pull of some is holding a light weapon.
kick hits on their foes. Evasive Attacks
Can’t Catch Me Starting at 6th level, when you hit a creature, you can move 5
Starting at 3rd level, by spending 1 Thrill point as a reaction feet, without provoking an attack of opportunity from the hit
when you are attacked by a creature who entered within 5 creature if its from a melee attack.
feet of you in this round or as an action, you can pass on top Match Shot
of the chosen creature, moving in a straight line up to 25 feet,
without provoking attacks of opportunity from that creature. Also at 6th level, by expending 2 Thrill points as an action,
Doing so will also give you the opportunity to attack the you can make double perforating shots. The shot can only go
creature while passing through it by using a melee or range up to 30 feet or the normal range of the weapon if it’s shorter
weapon. In any case, you don’t suffer disadvantage for being than 30 feet. You make 2 attacks with range weapons,
in close quarters with a range weapon and you can consider perforating any enemies in a line. The enemies after the first
this a melee attack for the purpose of the Thrill feature. one only take 50% of the damage.
Hybrid Combat Style Swift Menace
Additionally at 3rd level, by spending 1 Thrill point as a bonus Starting at 10th level, each creature you pass through with
action, you can do a melee attack if your last attack was made the Fleet Positioning and Can’t Catch Me have disadvantage
with a range attack this turn, or do a range attack if your last on their first attack made against you and you have advantage
attack was made with a melee attack. on the first range attack made against them until the end of
your next turn.
Deadly Shots
Starting at 15th level, if you take down an enemy with a
Match Shot, you gain 2 Thrill points and the next creature hit
by the shot takes the full damage instead.
Additionally, you gain 1 Thrill point if you hit a creature
with a range weapon within 20 feet.
Starting at 18th level, when you do a Combo Breaker, you
gain an additional Attack action with a range weapon.
Additionally, when a creature moves or enters within 10
feet of you, you can attack it with a weapon without using
your reaction.

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Spellcasting Ability
Weaveshaper Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer
Though some study of the arcane, weaveshapers learn who to spells, since your spells are casted thanks to your knowledge
shape the weave around them to cast powerful spells against of casting with magic by shaping and manipulating the Weave
their foes. around you. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers
Instead of just using conventional ways of battle, the to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
weaveshaper can spice up his style, making combat even Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
more exciting with explosions and rays they shape. sorcerer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with
Spellcasting Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
with the ability to cast arcanic spells. Intelligence modifier
Cantrips Shape Casting
You learn two cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell
list. You learn an additional sorcerer cantrip of your choice at Additionally at 3th level, you can act in a way so that you can
10th level. shape then cast a specific school of spell with more ease. To
shape the spells, you must do specific actions in order to
Thrill Casting shape those spells correctly. When the shaping is done, you
Unlike other casters, you don’t use spell slots, but instead you can then cast a spell from that school using 1 less Thrill.
use your Thrill to cast spells. Abjuration. During your turn, use the Dodge or Disengage
You can cast known spells by spending an amount of Thrill Action and dodge one attack, or dodging 2 attacks from
equal to it’s spell slot level multiplied by 3. For example, if you different enemies.
want to cast burning hands as a 1st spell slot, you must Conjuration. During your turn, attack with two different
spend 3 Thrill points. weapons and hit 2 different creatures.
Additionally, you can use Intelligence instead of Wisdom Divination. During your turn, use the Ready action and
for your Daredevil class features. damage an enemy with it, or dodge an attack with Rapid
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher Enchantment. During one round, move at least 10 feet in a
You know two 1st-level sorcerer spells of your choice. straight line towards an enemy, attack a creature and move
You learn a new spell every level. Each of these spells must 10 feet again.
be a sorcerer spell of your choice which you are able to cast Evocation. During one round, hitting a creature 2 times
with your Thrill. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this with a single weapon.
class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Illusion. During your turn, Disarm an enemy with Quick
Hands, or miss one attack and directly hit in the next one.
Necromancy. During your turn, take down a creature, or
Maximum spell level put it bellow or equal to half it hit points.
Transmutation. During your turn, use Stress Relief or do a
Daredevil Level Spell Level critical hit.
3rd 2 Additionally, you can cast any spell at your maximum spell
slot level after using Combo Breaker without any Thrill cost.
9th 3
15th 4 Arcanic Rush
19th 5 Additionally at 3rd level, you gain 1 Thrill when you deal
damage with a spell or cantrip.
Weave Manipulation
Starting at 6th level, when you shape a spell with the spell
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one Shape Casting Feature, by spending 1 Thrill point as a bonus
of the sorcerer spells you know with another spell of your action, you can cast a 1st level spell of the same school of the
choice from the sorcerer spell list. The new spell must be of a shaped spell this round.
level for which you have spell slots.
Rapid Shaping
Starting at 10th level, after casting a spell reduced by the
Shape Casting feature, you can cast a cantrip as a bonus
action instead of an action.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Greater Shaping
Starting at 15th level, when you shape a spell with the spell
Shape Casting Feature, you can do two unarmed attacks just
after casting as a free action.
Additionally, on the first round of combat, you can cast a
1st level or 2nd level spell without using Thrill points.
Exploding Weave
Starting at 18th level, when you do a Combo Breaker, an
explosion of arcanic energy emanates from you. You deal 2d6
force damage to each creature within 15 feet. You can add
1d6 for each Shape Casting school condition you did during
the encounter, with a specific damage type for each. Here is
the corresponding damage type by school:

Damage by Spell School

Spell School Damage Type
Abjuration Bludgeoning
Conjuration Radiant
Divination Cold
Enchantment Poison
Conjuration Fire
Divination Psychic
Necromancy Necrotic
Transmutation Thunder

Additionally, you cast one 5th level spell without spending any
Thrill points and as a bonus action cast a 3rd level without
spending any Thrill points.

Art by LI qian
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Artwork Credits
Cover: Art by 沧海易

Pg 2: Art by 酉 钲

Pg 3: Art by Richard Anderson

Pg 4: Art by seojh1029

Pg 6: Art by yuhime

Pg 7: Art by seojh1029

Pg 9: Art by KaelNgu

Pg 10: Art by kuroi-tsuki

Pg 11: Art by Jeremy chong

Pg 13: Art by LI qian

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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