Detox Casa

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We are realising more and more that industrial cleaners, sprays, room
fresheners, sofas, carpets give off toxins that our body struggles to detoxify and
therefore can stay in our systems and go on to create potential symptoms.

Now more than ever we are using more chemical products in the house and
getting less fresh air to help our bodies clear them.

Why not make the indoors as healthy of an environment as possible for you and
your loved ones.

We built a list of 20 ways to detox your house. Although some of them are bigger
changes, some of them are easier and smaller to achieve relativity quickly, so
find the ones you can tick off easier whilst at home.

Focusing on prevention is much more effective than cure, so don't delay take
step 1 today.

Step 1
Remove toxic air fresheners, plug-ins and candles
£ They do not help in the fight against bacteria or virus and they pollute the air
you are constantly breathing with chemicals, placing extra burden on your
£ Instead use: Diffuse essential oils instead with an essential oil diffuser e.g.
£ Natural Oils like Tee tree, Eucalyptus can be anti-bacterial and actually good
for your lungs whilst cleansing the air. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 01

Step 2
Get your dust off!

£ Dust those hard to reach areas that haven't been done for I don't know how
long! Dust is very irritating to lungs and leads to allergies and asthma. Get into
all cabinets, on top off the cabinets, underneath them! If you have a pet you
may find the other half of the pet under there!
£ Don't use polish sprays, just use a damp cloth and keep washing in a bowl of
warm soapy water
£ Go minimalistic! Reduce clutter that can catch pesky dust and make wiping
surfaces difficult
£ Remove any plastic plants
£ Anything plastic provides negative air toxins, and these collect dust. You are
much better off with real plants that oxygenates the air. How about growing an
organic indoor herb garden like this to use home grown herbs in cooking. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 02

Step 3
Look for mould, but don't touch!

£ Mycotoxins are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment.

Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mould, which can infest
buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. A majority of mycotoxin exposures are
through food ingestion or airborne exposure, Unfortunately, mycotoxins are
resistant to heat and many processing procedures.
£ Fungi are able to grow on almost any surface, especially if the environment is
warm and wet, or has had food go mouldy in it.
£ So, check your fridge, larder, bathrooms and any warm or wet area.
£ These fungi then release mycotoxins into the environment causing symptoms
of many different chronic diseases. They can alter the workings of the immune
system, and its spore forming ability can creating breathing difficulties by
irritating the lungs. Often, mould goes un-noticed, or ignored, and can very
subtly (or not so subtly) start causing your body a variety of problems.
£ Diseases and symptoms linked to mould exposure include fever, pneumonia-
like symptoms, heart disease, rheumatic disease, asthma, sinusitis, cancer,
memory loss, vision loss, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, depression, ADHD, anxiety,
and liver damage.
£ If you have concerns you have been exposed to mould you can test here – GPL
£ Contact me for mould detox support if you have been exposed to mould or feel
you have related symptoms.
£ Check your washing machine! Ever had your whites get streaks of brown from
the washer? To clean your washing machine naturally by pouring 2 cups of
white vinegar into the drum. Then, mix ¼ cup each of water and baking soda
and pour the solution into the detergent well where you usually put detergent
and fabric softener. Wipe inside the rubber with a hot wet soapy water. You will
be surprised that the thing that cleans your clothes, can actually be quite
grimy to start with and be spreading potential mould or bacteria onto your skin.
Then try the hottest wash it does every week with just a towel and a cleanser to
reduce chances of build-up of grime. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 03

Step 4
On that note… clean out the food cupboards

£ Remember the tin or packet you bought in 2008 that's still there?
£ Not only do they collect dust, encourage mould, but if you haven't eaten it by
now, let's make room for healthy edible offerings, and organise your cupboard
to see what to use creating the next dish you make.
£ Empty them out, wipe them down with warm soapy water
£ Make sure to wash the handles of the cupboard, these are touched a lot by
often dirty hands mid-cooking!
£ I always talk about foods being organic and in BPA free tins (yes, it is even in the
linings of tins which leach into the food contents for years if the 1998 tin is
anything to go on!)
£ I know we are all very aware of foods stores running low, so I won't encourage
food waste, but next time you buy a new tin or packet of lentils have a look at an
organic version like Mr Organic.
£ Place opened packets of lentils / rice into glass kilnar jars to seal them away
from plastic packets 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 04

Step 5
Whilst were talking food…purge the fridge

£ Empty it out, clean it well with warm soapy water.

£ Particularly the salad draws where uncooked food goes
£ Wash all the veg or packets before putting them back
£ In the current environment we need to deep clean areas that toxins could have
got into, or been touched by someone else
£ Your food has been hand-picked, wrapped up, placed in a bag and you need to
avoid bringing that near your other foods

Step 6
Is your bed a health hazard?

Studies have discovered the average adult will lose a staggering 10 ounces of
fluid a night most of which will soak into their mattress, duvet and pillows.
Studies suggest that humans shed their entire outer layer of skin every 2-4
weeks, most of which is at in the bed or on our clothes.

£ Change your bed sheets regularly and wash on high heat

£ Open the window in the morning and turn down the duvet to let the sheets
£ If you are buying new sheets – try to get organic cotton or bamboo and a
Marino wool mattress protector, which has less toxins, more natural fibres
creating less sweating.
£ Get an allergy free, organic cotton pillow. Think about it, you deep breath for up
to 10 hours right next to this fabric and we are discussing reducing toxin load…
lets go organic
£ As changing your mattress regularly is costly, we could reduce direct stress
upon the mattress by using a thick topper which can be changed more
£ Typical mattresses are loaded with synthetics, formaldehyde, and flame-
retardants which are highly toxic. Consider an organic mattress to breath easy
next to. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 05

Step 7 - this is a big one!
EMF's – reduce your exposure

There is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that too much EMF exposure
can be harmful to our health. So much so that the World Health Organization classified
EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” and this was even way back in 2011. Think
about how much electronic equipment has increased and changed in just under 10

We are now surrounded by 100 million times greater artificial EMF radiation than our

And since then arguments continue around the danger of EMF exposure with
conclusions drawing on potential risk related to the amount and type of EMF exposure
and that the possible long-term effects need further study.
The more surrounded we become by the man-made EMF, the higher over-all levels
we are continuously exposed to.

Appliances like microwave ovens, cars, cell-phones, and their towers, Wi-Fi routers,
TVs, laptops, and even food blenders, kettles and hair dryers given out a surprisingly
large amount, as well as the more obvious power lines and then even high levels if you
were to need MRIs or X-rays. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 06

Unfortunately, there aren't many conclusive studies on this topic, which is a shame
because we are pretty much bombarded with EMF's daily. Most of us live in a home
with the Wi-Fi on 24/7, a smart meter attached to the outside of our living room wall, a
thermostat sending information via Bluetooth to the boiler, and then sleep with our
iPhone by our heads or have them in our pockets in the day. Our children play with our
cell phones or I-pads on their laps to learn and play. This EMF-infused technology has
become a way of life for many of us.

Should we be concerned? Like many other things changing in the world, this is
something to be aware of and take precaution where possible.

According to some scientists, exposure EMFs can affect;

£ nervous system functioncause damage to cells

£ create unusual growths and altered cell replication
£ headaches
£ sleep disturbances
£ depressive symptoms
£ tiredness, fatigue, low energy
£ itching
£ memory or mood changes
£ dizziness, irritability, restlessness and anxiety
£ lack of concentration
£ Tinging burning skin prickling
£ Weakened immunity
£ Ringing in the ears 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 07

If we can't stop it, and we can't work without it, but let us learn about how to be as safe
as we can.

1. Take caution with smart phones – they come with a warning to not hold them
within 2cm of your body and yet we hold them attached to our hands, place
them squashed to our ears and brain, and in our pockets near some very
precious delicate areas!
2. Put your phone on airplane mode or OFF at night and leave it downstairs. You
do not need cellular activity anywhere near you for 8 hours over night (a bonus
- your phone battery will thank you).
3. Get an old fashioned alarm clock that doesn't use any WIFI or Bluetooth
4. Even in the daytime, do not hold your phone near you, place it as far away as
possible when not on it, when using it, keep it away from your head, breast,
testicles or any part that you don't want radiating.
5. Opt for 'uncool' wires instead of Bluetooth, we used to manage just fine with
wired headphones, you just have to untangle them sometimes. The frequency
from Bluetooth is similar to microwave ovens which had some of the highest
EMF readings, which are inserted INTO your ears, so even closer to your brain
when using Bluetooth headphones.
6. Keep all wireless devices out of the bedrooms and other rooms you spend a lot
of time in.
7. As a general rule, Children can be more sensitive and vulnerable due to their
small size, thinner skulls and developing brains. Babies in utero are especially
sensitive. Keep phones away from them, don't let them speak with them by
their ears, use speaker phone.
8. Laptops and iPad also emit energy, WIFI, Bluetooth, do not place directly on
your lap to heat up our reproductive areas. Try an EMF laptop blocker board
9. Get rid of your microwave – it is one of the higher EMF emitters, yes you can live
without the microwave, I promise. They have been seen to alter the cell
structure of foods and send out streams of EMF into your kitchen, mostly at
abdomen/ chest / breast height – particularly delicate areas to be radiating.
10. Power down at night – WIFI is a wonderful thing, but it is an EMF monster, turn
your main router off at night, this gives you 8-9 hours less of WIFI signals pulsing
through your house. You do not need internet in your dreams.
11. Keep all wireless devices out of the bedrooms and other rooms you spend a lot
of time in.
12. Be SMART about smart meters– avoid being pushed into getting a Smart meter
as long as you can! If you can't try and get some EMF blocking fabric to cover it.
A hidden source of EMFs in the home could come from your smart meter. This
meter is an electronic device that recorded electric energy consumptions in
frequent intervals, bombarding these signals through your home usually
multiple times per hour to provide CONSTANT wireless communication with the
utility for monitoring and billing. We used to manage just fine providing these
details over the phone or using the internet ONCE every 2 months, not once
every hour.
13. Protect your most used devices if you can 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 08

Some options for EMF reduction support:

Material blocker:
S6RXBF5KMRRB6&qid=1587465061&sr=8-1 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 09

Step 8
Switch to organic personal care products

What goes on the body, goes in the body. If we are trying to reduce toxic exposure
going into the body, and surrounding the body, why not look after what we place onto
our body. The skin is your body's largest organ of elimination, it has many important
functions that we take for granted. It protects us but it also acts as a supplemental
filter to the kidneys for removing wastes from the blood. The skin tries to push out
toxins through the skin, pushing out about two pounds of toxic waste a day in the form
of perspiration. Yet, we spread toxic ingredients all over it. Have you read ingredients
of face scrubs, soaps, face creams, shampoos, toothpastes, and read the process of
bleaching your tampon that you are going to place INSIDE you? Scary.

Up to 60% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed. That means that the products we
put onto our bodies has the ability to affect our health and overall well-being, either
negatively or positively depending on what we allow to be absorbed. The FDA does not
regulate skincare, almost any ingredient can be incorporated in the formulas as long
as it is labelled and it's not a direct poison. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, you
can't recognise what it is, you wouldn't eat it, so don't put it on you. A lot of these
ingredients found in traditional skincare products have now been linked to health
issues such as allergies, eczema, cancer, hormonal disruption, and reproductive
problems. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 10

Take a look at the top

The Top 12 Ingredients to Avoid In Your Skincare:

1. ALUMINUM – found in most pore blocking anti-perspirants (Anti-sweating

means anti toxin removal). By switching to organic deodorant, you allow the
natural process of voiding toxins that need to come out, but you may smell
more 'toxin release of bodily odour for a few weeks initially whilst the pores
unblock – stick with it as it can improve!

2. DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), and TEA (triethanolamine)

typic ally found in foaming products.

3. DMDM HYDANTOIN & UREA (Imidazolidinyl) Preservatives that often release

formaldehyde (highly toxic used to preserve deceased individuals) which may
cause joint pain, skin allergies, headaches, and loss of sleep.


A petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging its pores and
as a result, harmful by interfering with skin's ability to eliminate toxins,
increasing likelihood of acne and other disorders. It is also highly flammable.
The London Fire brigade claims that these creams seep into the bedclothes,
baby clothes, and if someone dropped a cigarette, or came close to a flame,
the clothes or sheets and night clothes "act like a wick allowing flames to
spread across the body and engulf it quickly.

5. PARABENS (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propyl)

Not always labelled, used as preservatives, and may contribute to hormone
imbalance. Found almost everywhere including skincare products such as
moisturizers and deodorants.

6. PEG (Polyethylene glycol)

Ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin's natural moisture factor. It
adjusts the melting point and thickens products.
Usually found in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease.

Chemicals used to increase flexibility and strength of plastics, and not often
listed among the ingredients on products.
Usually found in cosmetics such as fragrance oils and listed under the term


Gaseous hydrocarbons which in a liquid state act as “surfactant”. They
penetrate the skin so quickly and can weaken the protein and cellular
Usually used to make extracts from herbs. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 11

Look for ingredients ending in "-siloxane" or "-methicone." Used in a variety of
cosmetics to soften, smooth and moisten. Suspected endocrine disrupter
and reproductive toxicant (cyclotetrasiloxane). Harmful to fish and other

Detergent that makes products foam, lather, and bubble.
Usually found in 90% of personal-care products that foam!


Anything that is synthetic or artificial should always raise a red flag. These
are made up of hundreds to thousands of different ingredients not listed on
the label, so you are never sure what you are actually being exposed to.
Usually found in cosmetic and skincare products but also many household
products such as candles, air fresheners, and scented trash bags.

A synthetic antibacterial agent that may disrupt thyroid function and can
degrade into a form of dioxin, a class of chemicals linked to a broad range of
toxicities including cancer.
Usually found in soaps, mouthwash, shaving cream, deodorants,
toothpastes, etc.

These are only scratching the surface of unnatural ingredients we pour over
our body. Next time you shop for you skin, it is really important to read the
ingredient lists thoroughly and not skim over words, especially the ones you
can't pronounce. Your skincare products should be made with pure, organic
ingredients and should not contain any toxins that could affect your health.

Some good sources of organic skin produce

Love Lula
Green people
Neals yard

Tampons 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 12

Step 9
Water-water everywhere, but is it safe water?

£ There isn't much that is more vital to life than water. Humans are made up of about
65% water!
£ We read all the time about tap water is the safest thing to drink. Correct, it is 'safe'
compared to bacteria filled water that would make you very ill very quickly. BUT by
being doused in many chemicals to make it clean, does this actually leave it
harmless? In its original form before it was cleaned, your tap water is linked to the
water from the sewers, which of course, being treated means that ex-sewer water
can now be drank and is considered 100% clean! But to get it clean, there are over
330 identified man-made chemicals detected in UK top water to date! Here just a
taste of the process of tap water
£ Our tap water comes from reservoirs, stocks of water, which comes from
£ Rainwater cleans and flushes pollutants from the skies as it descends onto the
ground, running into our drains, lakes and rivers and reservoirs also carrying
everything that has been sprayed on crops.
£ Any contaminants in our water are the result of human life in the environment and
what we do in that environment, (let's remember that the air is SO polluted, that we
damaged the ozone layer with it), so do we trust what is in the air?
£ Airborne contaminants all around us within our air, particles of pollutants and
chemicals, basically anything that goes up from factories, cars, lorries, planes,
must come down into our water supply

So now we have invisible but contaminated, polluted, antibiotic, pesticide filled water
at this first stage. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 13

Then, our tap water is treated with chemicals and the amount of chemicals that are
used to kill bacteria's and other nasty microorganisms is a lot!

l Liquified chlorine
l Sodium silicofluoride
l Aluminium sulphate
l Fluorosilicic acid
l Calcium hydroxide
l Simazine, Atrazine, DDT, Benz pyrene (weed killer) have also been found in the
water supply.

There is so much research out there for the fluoride and chloride argument that it is
difficult to cover here and there is lots of information out there for you to research to
make your mind up. In summary:

l Chlorine usage has a high acting disinfectant effect for the sole purpose of
killing bacteria's and disease-causing pathogens such as viruses and
protozoans, which actually grow in water supply reservoirs and on the internal
walls of all water tanks and old water mains pipes. It actually temporarily
flushes away the protective film you have over your eyeballs, hence the
stinging red eyes in swimming pools.
l Chlorine is a chemical element, a corrosive and poisonous green/yellow gas
with a suffocating smell used in the war to kill people, and when mixed with
drinking water and swimming pools or public bath water it destroys the
bacteria's that grow in the water.
l There are now links to cancer risks associated to drinking tap water due to the
'by-products' that are formed of chlorination.

Fluoride in our UK water supply has been banned by other European countries.

l It's main purpose is to prevent and reduce dental decay, and yet millions of
peo0ple have tooth decay anyway! Birmingham and West Midlands is
considered to have one of the highest amounts of fluoride in the UK water
supplies and a Birmingham university research study showed West midland
GPs surgeries have identified an increase in the above symptoms 30% more
than other cities in the UK.
l The human thyroid gland has been proven to be affected by fluoride which
results in hypothyroidism and a lower immunity, being linked to gaining of
weight, depression, ageing skin and memory loss and concentration difficulties
to name just a few.

So, now that it's been treated, the water runs through hundreds of miles of pipes, often
made in the Victorian times, with likely cracks, leaks, leaching but also made of lead,
which could result in heavy metal contamination into your blood stream. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 14

Water Conclusion
We are so very lucky to have clean water readily available to us and appreciate that
without the chemicals that are placed in our tap water, we would be in a dire state of
contamination from bacteria's and diseases that would affect us severely and we are
very lucky to have non-contaminated water, but it still does not feel harmless.

One last thought, if you put our 'safe' fresh tap water into a goldfish bowl, ALL the
goldfish will die in days because of the chlorine and the heavy metals in the water.
How do we expect our bodies to be healthy being made up of 65% of the water we

Get the best water filter system that your allowance will buy to make sure the
hydration you give your body is the cleanest source.
Countertop filter system
Whole house filter means all the water coming into the house is filtered you drink, boil
veggies in and bath in.

Heading to work and only have a tap? Take a large steal water bottle of your own
filtered water. Avoid plastic water bottles, which are not good for the environment nor
your hormones with xenoestrogen affects and potential toxins. (BPA is just one of the
toxins we know about).

There are also charcoal sticks you can use to clean your water, but be aware they
often need several hours to purify the water, so fill it the day before or in the morning
before you drink it in the afternoon. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 15

Step 10 - Swap the suds
Swap your toxin laundry powder for non-toxic

Toxic laundry soup fumes into your clothes and bed sheets for you to soak up via your
skin and breath into your lungs.

Why not get creative and get the freshly washed smell by making your own natural
lavender bags to place in your sock drawers or linen cupboard.

Step 11
Natural cleaning methods – get back to basics

Here are 5 ways to clean without using chemicals, and most of the ingredients you
need to clean and deodorizer your home may already be in your kitchen or easy to

£ Counter tops – For non-porous surfaces combine a 50/50 mixture of vinegar

and water into a spray bottle. Vinegar can be harmful to porous surfaces like
granite, marble and stone. However rubbing alcohol and even vodka are a
good substitution.
£ Stainless Steel – Add mild detergent to warm water. Use a non-abrasive
sponge and wipe surface. Rinse using clean water and polish with a dry, lint-
free cloth.
£ Refrigerator shelves & bins – Add a cup of baking soda to a bowl of water.
Using a sponge, wipe down shelves and bins.
£ Hard Water Deposits – Lemons and lemon juice can remove these hard water
deposits. Make sure to rinse with clean water afterwards.
£ Or purchase a natural cleaner like Ecover. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 16

Step 12

Clean enough to eat off?

£ Find a natural, toxin free dishwasher detergent.
£ Toxic products get all over your hand and into your body as you eat your foods
off your plate that has toxic residue. Plus you breathe it in.
£ Try natural brands like Ecover or Ecoleaf

Step 13

£ If your growing some herbs or veggies, try to use crushed up egg shells around the
seedlings (slugs don't like crawling over them) or wool pellets.
£ Eliminate pesticides and chemicals in the home
£ Find natural alternatives to weed killer, slug killer etc

Step 14

Invest in cookware
We are surrounded by toxin load and one of those loads is metal toxicity. Most
cookware leaches metal into our foods. Boiling bone broth for hours is a great
nutritious source of nutrients for some people but not if contains well boiled metal
from your pans!

The body actually needs trace minerals, but only needs them in trace amounts and by
the time we have breathed in second-hand smoke, car fumes, or chewed on some
lead paint toys or cot bars as a child, we've already got enough in our system!

Choose items made from safe, non-toxic materials like carbon steel, ceramic, lava
rock, porcelain enamel, or tempered glass.

Cast iron and stainless steel are generally okay, though they too can leach heavy
metals – iron and nickel respectively – into your food, so it's generally a good idea to
stick to other materials for long-simmering dishes or recipes that contain a lot of acid,
such as tomato-based foods.

Whatever you choose, avoid uncoated aluminium whenever possible. Aluminium is

often used for conductivity at the core of a pan coated with stainless steel or else
chemically treated to be non-reactive with acidic foods. Pure, unanodized aluminium
pans, however, may be hazardous to your health. Old Teflon used as non-stick
purposes actually leached toxic fumes when heated! 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 17

Step 15

Swap plastic containers for something food safe

£ NEVER heat anything up in plastic
£ Never leave plastic in sun light and eat or drink the contents
£ Don't freeze or store fats in plastic containers as these can leach the plastic
chemicals into the fat for you to then ingest.
£ Use steel, use glass, use bamboo, DO NOT use plastic anymore.
£ BPA was just one of the plastic toxicants that we are now aware of linked to health
problems but researchers will find more chemicals related to health problems in
the same plastic we use now, so just avoid it all together and get ahead of the

Step 16

Coffee lovers listen up

£ Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed products, and on top of that – if you have
decaffeinated, the sprayed beans are then placed around even more chemicals
to pull the caffeine out.
£ Use a cafetière that is not plastic. As we discussed above, hot water and plastic is
not a good combination. Get glass or steel.
£ Did you know all paper starts off brown, and then we as humans bleach it white?
For no reason other than, we are fickle, and it looks nicer.
£ So, your cup of coffee now contains a mixture of; pesticides, chemicals, bleach,
boiled chemical water with some added plastic particles.
£ Sounds delicious.
£ How about, simple organic coffee in a glass carafe. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 18

Step 17

Ditch the dry-cleaning aka toxic cleaning

Despite the name sounding innocuous, dry cleaning is actually a very dirty business,
capable of poisoning the people who work the machines, and leaking toxic chemicals
that spread into the surrounding community. Scientists have known for decades that
perchloroethylene, the industry's chemical centrepiece, is dangerous. Studies have
shown associations between exposure and several types of cancer, specifically
bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma. You then wear this
toxin and breath it in.

Protect yourself, protect others, just don't do it.

Step 18

Stop the dirt at the door

Leave your shoes in the porch. Have an indoor pair of shoes if you need the support
from shoes.

Think about where your shoes have been today? Do you want your toddler licking the
bottom of your shoe, or the forkful of food you just dropped on the floor and gave the 3
second rule to? No thank you. Not to mention the potential bacteria, the public toilet with
unmentionables on the floor but also the pesticides and pollutants also. No thank you. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 19

Step 19

Creepy Carpet
£ Consider changing the Carpet to wood floor
£ Carpets are loaded with invisible toxic fumes that are putting your family at risk.
£ Carpets may trap pollutants like dust mites, pet dander and hair, old skin, particle
pollution, lead, mould spores, pesticides, dirt and dust. Toxic gases in the air can
stick to small particles that settle into carpets. Daily activity such as walking or
vacuuming can free these particles from the carpet and spread them into the air
for you to breath in.
£ Furniture, plastics, vinyl products, paint, new cars, clothing, cosmetics, plastic
water bottles, carpet, and mattresses do it, to name just a few. Off-gassing
materials emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and small particulate
substances throughout the life of the material. This can cause many symptoms
including headaches, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, and asthmatic
reactions. Longer-term effects are also possible; some chemicals are strongly
linked to leukaemia and lymphomas, cognitive impairment and hearing loss,
among other conditions.
£ Carpets can omit VOC's for five years or possibly more, as carpet has been
reported to release toxics with wear and tear. Synthetic carpets are made from
nylon fibers with a polypropylene backing, releasing over 40 chemicals including
styrene and 4-phenylcyclohexane (4-PC), both of which come from the latex
backing used on 95 percent of carpets. The “new carpet” odor is the 4-PC off-
gassing, which can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation and may also affect
the central nervous system. 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 21

Step 20

Buying new clothes?

Unlike the nutrition facts on the back of our favourite foods, clothing doesn't come with
a conveniently itemised list of ingredients. Instead the 8,000 synthetic chemicals used
in fashion manufacturing, most of which contain known carcinogens and hormone
disruptors. Toxic synthetics are apparent throughout the many stages of a garment:
from the factory floors where workers are exposed to and breath in their fumes, to the
runoff of dyes and corrosive finishing products that flow into our water sources and
agricultural systems, to the leaching of poisonous substances into our largest
organ–our skin–and deposited into our bloodstream upon every wear.

£ Choose organic cotton or bamboo – yes its more expensive but have less.
£ Choose second-hand clothing that has already 'gassed off' and recycling
clothes is better for the environment. Find a friend the same size and do a
rotational clothes swap challenge.
£ If you get new clothes, leave them hanging in an outside area and then wash
them well before wearing them.
£ If your children need new school uniform, ask around the mums of the year
above or friends that could pass uniform down. No, they may not be as white,
but did you know, school clothes can be one of the highest sources of toxins
due to the bright white and colours, the hard wearing and type of material, and
your children are surrounded by other children wearing them, and themselves
wearing them 5/7 days a week.

Total toxic burden can be a contributory factor in many chronic diseases.

Focusing on prevention is much more effective than cure, so don't delay take step
1 today.

If you want a deeper dive into your personal toxic load and your ability to detox
please book in for a 1-1 appointment:

BOOK NOW 20 Day Step by Step Guide to Detox your house 21

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