Finals Assessment 1 Human Impacts On The Ocean

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1. Aquaculture - Aquaculture, also known as fish - Viruses and parasites that transfer
farming or seafood farming, is the between farmed and wild species as well
construction of various systems by as among farmed species present a risk
humans to produce seafood for to wild populations or other farms.
human consumption on a large scale.

2. Invasive species  - Invasive species are animals or - Invasive species can have several
plants that come from another part of negative impacts on the areas that they
the world and do not belong in their invade. Perhaps the most significant of
current home. They can be these is the widespread loss of habitat. It
introduced into an environment by can cause environmental harm, economic
ship ballast water, unintentional harm, or impact human health.
release, and, most commonly, by

3. By catch - By catch in simple terms is the - By catch arises because fishing gears
capture of animals that are not part of have imperfect selection properties, but
the targeted or desired catch. It may the problem is made worse by economic
include small individuals of the target pressures resulting from
species or other species with little or overexploitation. This leads to inefficient
no commercial value. use of resources and changes in the
abundance of both target and non-target
species. Some by-catch species,
including certain fish, reptiles, birds, and
mammals, may be threatened with

4. Habitat destruction - Marine habitat destruction and loss - The effect of Habitat destruction is the
are where the marine environment or migration of marine animals. The beauty
the ecological setup is unable to of the coastal places is dictated by the
support life due to degradation. This variety of plants and animals that are
is a process that is contributed by existing. This implies that when the
various natural and human activities. natural habitat is encroached on or even
destroyed, such species of animals and
plants become extinct. The extinction
takes away the beauty of the coastal
areas because its natural aspect is taken

5. Coastal development - It's not shocking that tourism is big - The most serious and well-documented
business. Pristine sandy beaches, problem with coastal development is the
beautiful resorts, and a variety of destruction of coral reefs. Many human-
activities are all within your reach. caused activities, including climate
All is very appealing. When there is a change and ocean acidification,
strong enough demand, people begin endangered coral reefs. However, coastal
to build. They clear land for larger growth has intensified and accelerated
beaches, as well as build hotels, their demise. Humans have cleared
resorts, and airports. These are mangrove forests and seagrass to make
referred to collectively as coastal more beaches, constructed piers and
developments. other structures over reefs, and damaged
turtle nesting sites.
6. Point source pollution - Point-source pollution is easy to - The point source usually comes from
identify. As the name suggests, it the run-off such as “septic tanks, cars,
comes from a single place. The main trucks, and boats, plus larger sources,
point source dischargers are factories such as farms, livestock ranches, and
and sewage treatment plants, which timber harvest areas. This source harms
release treated wastewater. the economy, especially in cities that are
located along the coast. The run-off
causing pollution of water and die-off
fish can have a financial loss for
investors and workers.

7. Nonpoint source pollution - Nonpoint-source pollution is harder - Chemicals that end up on roads and
to identify and harder to address. It is highways flow over and under the
pollution that comes from many ground with rainwater, as do pesticides;
places, all at once. Nonpoint source fertilizers; and carbon-, nitrogen-, and
pollution is a combination of phosphorous-rich particulates, eventually
pollutants from a large area rather reaching the ocean. These travel through
than from specific identifiable rivers and estuaries, making soil a real
sources such as discharge pipes. threat to marine ecosystems. Runoff can
even smother marine plants and coral

(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

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