Eng 8

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Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________ Score: ____________


SY 2022-2023
Part I. Vocabulary Development. Match column A with column B. Write the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer in the space provided before each item.
Column A Column B
______ 1. abundant A. approve
______ 2. agape B. blame
______ 3. accurate C. disapprove
______ 4. admirable D. empty
______ 5. accomplished E. exact
______ 6. aghast F. group
______ 7. conserve G. healthy
______ 8. condemn H. intelligent
______ 9. debris I. plentiful
______ 10. flabbergasted J. praiseworthy
______ 11. nutritious K. shocked
______ 12. pact L. successful
______ 13. ratify M. surprised
______ 14. reluctant N. to save
______ 15. vacant O. unwilling
P. waste
Q. with a mouth wide open

Part II. Items 16-25. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer in the space provided before each item.

_______ 16. What is a context clue?

A. learning how to read better
B. asking the teacher for help in understanding unfamiliar words
C. using a dictionary to look up words that are difficult to understand
D. clues that good readers use to find the meaning of unknown words in the text
_______ 17. When you are reading and come to an unknown word, what should you do first?
A. Look for clues in the text.
B. Skip it and keep reading.
C. Look it up in a dictionary.
D. Ask the teacher what it means.
_______ 18. What do you call a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?
A. homonym B. synonym C. antonym D. explanation
_______ 19. What is the function of context clues?
A. to provide more information about the main idea
B. to help determine the meaning of the unfamiliar word
C. to distract from an unfamiliar word
D. to shift the main idea of the passage
_______ 20. The obedient child always followed her mother’s requests. That night, she brushed her teeth,
folded her clothes, and went to bed before her mother had to come in and remind her. Which word or
words help you understand the meaning of the word obedient?
A. followed her mother’s request C. brushed her teeth
B. folded her clothes D. That night
_______ 21. If you have trouble understanding a word in a passage or sentence of a story, you may want to
read previous words or the end of the sentence to determine what the word means. What is this strategy
known as?
A. definition B. example C. context clues D. hints
_______ 22. All of the following are types of context clues except one:
A. definition B. example C. extension D. synonyms
_______ 23. Which context clue is defined as the word’s meaning is explained in the sentence?
A. definition B. antonym C. example D. synonym
_______ 24. What do you call words that are used in the sentence that have similar meanings?
A. definition B. antonym C. example D. synonym
_______ 25. In which sentence is the underlined word used correctly?
A. Ashley was a little nervous to meet her grayed teacher.
B. Principle Chen greeted the families at Back to School Night.
C. Running is not allowed in the school hallways.
D. The Smith twins overslept and mist the bus on the first day.
Items 26-29. Reading comprehension. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer in the space provided before each item.

Crazy Records
Ashrita Furman likes to break records. In fact, over the year Furman has set
or broken more than 79 records listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Two of his feats include race-walking the fastest mile while twirling a hula hoop,
and walking 81 miles with a milk bottle on top of his head. He has also held
records for balancing 75 glasses on his chin and for going up and down Mt. Fuji in
Japan on a pogo stick. Why? Mr. Furman feels these activities bring him inner
_______ 26. The main idea of this paragraph is ________________________________.
A. The Guinness Book of World Records
B. Climbing Japan’s Mt. Fuji
C. How to walk with a bottle on your head.
D. Ashrita Furman likes to break records.
_______ 27. How many records did he set in the Guinness Book of World Records?
A. 75 B. 79 C. 77 D. 76
_______ 28. Which sentence is most likely not true?
A. Mr. Furman has good balance. C. Mr. Furman is in poor health.
B. Mr. Furman enjoys his fame. D. Mr. Furman works hard at his records.
_______ 29. In this paragraph, the word feats means ______________________________.
A. balancing acts B. broken records C. accomplishments D. what you walk on
Part III. Items 30-43. Noting Context Clues. In the second column, choose the appropriate meaning for
the italicized word in the first column. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. In the
last column, identify the type of context clues used in the statement found in the first column. Write
only the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. An example is provided below.

Type of Context Clues

A. Inference
Meaning B. Definition
C. Example
D. Antonyms
E. Synonyms
Example: A. good
People who are despicable B. kind
should not be avoided, instead C. mean A
they should be loved. D. nice

The gentleman was portly, but 30) A. thin 31)

his wife was thin. B. slim
C. skinny
D. fat
I meandered through the mall 32) A. hurried 33)
taking my time looking at all the B. ran
clothes in the windows. C. wandered
D. jogged
At the restaurant, we offered a 34) A. bread 35)
variety of beverages, like milk B. drinks
and iced tea. C. silverware
D. milk
The teacher was appalled, or 36) A. pleased 37)
disgusted, by the honey-covered B. surprised
homework the student turned in. C. frustrated
D. disgusted
Grayson was in a jovial mood this 37) A. this morning 38)
morning, smiling and waving to B. to class
everyone as he walked to class. C. as he walked
D. smiling and waving
Students who are tactile learners 39) A. visual 40)
enjoy hands-on activities, such as B. advanced and skilled
experiments or simulations. C. relating to the sense of touch
D. uninterested
There was pandemonium, or 41) A. chaos 42)
chaos among the fans when their B. calm
team won the Super Bowl. C. shouting
D. quiet
Unlike John's room, which was 43) A. messy 44)
immaculate, Jeff's room was very B. clean
messy. C. dirty
D. unorganized
Items 45-48. Inferencing is when you “read between the lines” and use your experience and knowledge
of people to understand what is happening even if the author does not tell you directly. Read the
passages below and answer the question below each one using inferences to figure our your answer.
45. Turner almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his
umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning. Which probably
A. Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts.
B. Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.
C. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.
D. Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.
46. “Larry, as your boss, I must say it’s been very interesting working with you,” Miss Valdez said.
“However, it seems that our company’s needs and your performance style are not well matched.
Therefore, it makes me very sad to have to ask you to resign your position effective today.” What was Miss
Valdez telling Larry?
A. She would feel really bad if he decided to quit.
B. He was being fired.
C. He was getting a raise in pay.
D. She really enjoyed having him in the office.
47. No, Honey, I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just having you for a
husband is the only gift I need. In fact, I’ll just drive my old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy
myself a little present. And if the poor old car doesn't break down, I’ll be back soon. What is the message?
A. I don’t want a gift.
B. Buy me a new car.
C. The mall is fun.
D. I’ll carry a bucket for you.
48. Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica’s turn
to choose, and only Kurt was left. Jessica said, “Kurt.” We can infer that ________
A. Kurt is not a very good player.
B. Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.
C. Kurt was the best player on either team.
D. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt’s feelings.

Prepared by:


T-I, English

Noted by:

MT-I, English
Curriculum Coordinator

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