The Moderating Role of Human Capital Management PR

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The Moderating Role of Human Capital Management Practices on Employee


Article  in  Journal of Knowledge Management · June 2007

DOI: 10.1108/13673270710752090 · Source: DBLP


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2 authors:

Nick Bontis Alexander Serenko

McMaster University Ontario Tech University


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The moderating role of human capital
management practices on employee
Nick Bontis and Alexander Serenko

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to suggest and empirically test a model that explains employee
capabilities from the knowledge-based perspective. In this model, human capital management
practices are employed as a moderator variable.
Design/methodology/approach – A valid research instrument was utilized to conduct a survey of
14,769 current employees of a major North American financial services institution. The model was tested
by using the partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling technique. A thorough analysis of
Nick Bontis is Associate the role of moderator was carried out.
Professor at DeGroote Findings – Findings provide support for the proposed model and show that employee capabilities
School of Business, depend on his or her training and development as well as job satisfaction levels. Job satisfaction in turn
McMaster University, is affected by training and development, pay satisfaction, supervisor satisfaction, and job insecurity.
Hamilton, Canada. These relationships are moderated by employee perceptions of human capital management practices.
Alexander Serenko is The model exhibits the highest predictive power when the employee perceptions of human capital
Assistant Professor at the management practices are also high.
Faculty of Business Research limitations/implications – With respect to a moderator analysis, no interaction effects of
Administration, Lakehead human capital management policies and other constructs were discovered, and the moderator was
University, Thunder Bay, referred to as a homologizer that modifies the strength of the relationships among constructs through an
Canada. error term. It was discovered that PLS and moderated multiple regression (MMR) produced very similar
structural relationships when a moderator was employed.
Practical implications – The findings may be utilized by knowledge management, organizational
behavior, and human resources practitioners interested in the development of strong employee
Originality/value – This paper represents one of the first documented attempts to utilize human capital
management practices as a moderator in organizational models.
Keywords Human capital, Job satisfaction, Human resource management, Employee development
Paper type Research paper

Employee motivation is a central issue in organizational research because it is a leading
factor to business success. A strong body of academic literature presents various concepts,
theories, and models that attempt to advance people’s understanding of underlying motives
of employee motivation (Kleinbeck et al., 1990; Locke and Latham, 2002; Ambrose and
Kulik, 1999). Employee motivation issues in the context of globalization have become critical
to both scholars and practitioners because of radical changes occurring in the nature of
workplace structures and job markets (Grensing-Pophal, 2002; Erez et al., 2001).
The authors would like to The ultimate goal of this line of research is to develop a realistic nomological network that would
acknowledge the significant
data entry work contributed to provide an accurate description of factors that lead to the improvement in employee
this paper by Mary Kamel. They capabilities. Work motivation cannot be measured directly; it is an invisible, internal, and
would also like to thank the
institution that supported this
theoretical construct (Pinder, 1997). In order to observe it, researchers employ existing theories
research program. and models that capture certain aspects of work motivation. The extant literature presents a

DOI 10.1108/13673270710752090 VOL. 11 NO. 3 2007, pp. 31-51, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1367-3270 j JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT j PAGE 31
‘‘ Employee capabilities reflect an individual’s perception of his
or her own knowledge, skills, experience, network, abilities to
achieve results, and room for potential growth. ’’

number of old, well-established motivational theories and several new ones (Ambrose and Kulik,
1999). The traditional theories are: Motives and Needs (Herzberg et al., 1959; Maslow, 1970),
Expectancy Theory (Vroom, 1964), Cognitive Evaluation Theory (Deci, 1975), Reinforcement
Theory (Skinner, 1969), Equity and Justice Theory (Adams, 1963; Greenberg, 1995),
Goal-setting Theory (Locke and Latham, 1990), and Work Design (Hackman and Oldham,
1980, 1975). The new research approaches are Creativity (Basadur et al., 2000; Shalley, 1991),
Groups (Cordery et al., 1991), and Culture (Borg and Braun, 1996; Hofstede, 1980).
In addition to these research streams, the relatively new knowledge-based disciplines of
knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC) have gathered strong recognition
and representation in academia, business, and government (Bontis, 2002; Choo and Bontis,
2002). A recent meta-analysis of the KM/IC literature demonstrates that this research field is
exploding, and that the total number of KM/IC publications is predicted to exceed 100,000
individual contributions by the year 2010 (Serenko and Bontis, 2004). The KM/IC field draws
heavily from reference disciplines, for example, human resources, organizational behavior,
management information systems and innovation (Bontis, 2001, 1999). By employing a
KM/IC research lens, a novel perspective on previously established views is presented. This
paper attempts to advance the KM/IC field by combining the exiting scientific principles
found in the organizational behavior research with the KM/IC viewpoints. More specifically, it
offers a model of employee capability development. The purpose of this model is to present
a set of constructs and to outline a series of links that may potentially explain the human
capital competitiveness of a firm. The model was tested and validated by the deployment of
a company-wide survey that included 14,769 current employees of an organization. Most
importantly, it was demonstrated that the inclusion of human capital management practices
as a moderating variable improves the predictive power of the model.

Theoretical background

The employee satisfaction-employee performance dilemma

Industrial-organizational psychology literature presents a number of factors that motivate
employees to perform well on their jobs. Among them, job satisfaction has been one of the
most respected, yet controversial, research concepts (Judge et al., 2001). Job satisfaction is
an attitudinal variable that reflects an overall assessment of all aspects of one’s job (Spector,
1997). The investigation of workplace attitudes dates back to the 1930s when the Hawthorne
studies were conducted (Roethlisberger and Dickson, 1956). Since then, various projects
analyzing the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance have been
undertaken, but little assimilation has occurred. For example, Brayfield and Crockett (1955)
conducted a meta-analysis of nine studies and concluded that minimal or no relationship
exists between job satisfaction and performance. Vroom (1964) estimated that not more than
2 percent in output variance is explained by a worker’s level of satisfaction. In contrast,
Locke (1970) argued that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are properly conceived of as
outcomes of action, and Herzberg (1957) presented an optimistic view by suggesting that
there is a moderate and consistent relationship between employee satisfaction and his or
her interest in work, pay, achievement, and recognition. Bontis and Fitz-enz (2002) also
argued that employee satisfaction is an important antecedent to various human capital and
knowledge management outcomes.
In response to these viewpoints, Judge et al. (2001) re-examined the state of the literature
relating to the link between job satisfaction and job performance by conducting a

j j
meta-analysis of 312 data sets with a combined sample size of over 54,000. They offer two
major conclusions. First, they believe there is a correlation between job satisfaction and job
performance. Second, Judge et al. (2001) suggest that there exist a number of mediators and
moderators that affect the job satisfaction-job performance relationship. With respect to
mediators, these may be behavioral intentions, low performance as withdrawal, and positive
mood. In terms of moderating variables, these may be personality or self-concept, autonomy,
norms, moral obligation, cognitive accessibility, aggregation, and level of analysis.
Figure 1 outlines a part of the integrative model of the relationship between job satisfaction
and job performance proposed by Judge et al. (2001).
The employment of moderators has been the most common approach to investigate the link
between job satisfaction and job performance. For example, it has been demonstrated that
the strength of the relationship above depends on the nature of a job (Brown and Peterson,
1993), organizational and time pressure (Bhagat, 1982), career stage (Cengiz, 2002; Stumpf
and Rabinowitz, 1981), the affective-cognitive consistency of job attitudes (Schleicher et al.,
2004), job complexity (Ivancevich, 1979), organizational tenure (Norris and Niebuhr, 1984),
and self-esteem (Inkson, 1978). A variety of other moderators has been utilized. However,
there are at least two problems associated with the use of moderators in organizational
behavior research. First, usually only one study tested each moderator that makes it difficult
to conclude on the validity and generalizability of results. Second, most prior investigations
have produced mixed and inconsistent results (Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985). Based on
a quantitative an qualitative meta-analysis of the existing literature, Judge et al. (2001, p. 390)
call for further research ‘‘in terms of moderators of the satisfaction-performance

What are moderator variables?

An overview of academic literature pertaining to the definitions, roles, and predictive abilities
of moderators shows a high degree of variation. For example, some academics state that
moderation occurs when the relationship between X and Y depends on the level of Z,
whereas others believe that a variable may be considered a moderator only if it interacts with
a predictor (for detail, see Carte and Russell, 2003, Table 1, p. 482). Despite this divergence
of opinions, most researchers agree that the presence of a moderator modifies that nature
and/or the strength of the link between two other constructs. Sharma et al. (1981) present a
different perspective on the definition and classification of moderators. Particularly, they
offer a typology of specification variables by describing three distinct categories of
moderators. Figure 2 outlines this typology schema.

Figure 1 The integrative model of the relationship between job satisfaction and job

j j
Figure 2 Typology of specification variables

According to the schema, a variable that is not related to the criterion and/or predictor and
does not interact with the predictor cannot be classified as a moderator. A variable that does
not interact with the predictor, yet is conceptually distinct from both the criterion and
predictor, is an homologizer variable (Zedeck, 1971). It affects the strength of the
relationship through ‘‘partitioning the total sample into homogeneous subgroups with
respect to the error variance’’ (Sharma et al., 1981, p. 292). In other words, it reduces the
error term and increases the amount of explained variance. If a variable that is not related to
the criterion and predictor interacts with the predictor, it is referred to as a pure moderator. A
variable that not only is a predictor itself, but also interacts with the predictor variable is
considered a quasi moderator. Pure and quasi moderators modify the form of the
relationship between the predictor and criterion. Based on these principles, Sharma et al.
(1981) offer a framework for identifying moderator variables. Their approach has been often
utilized in various studies that involved investigations of the roles of moderators (for example,
see Hong and Kim, 2002).

The research framework

In the present study, a knowledge-based viewpoint is accepted as a starting point. It is
hypothesized that, in addition to the moderators and mediators identified in the
organizational behavior literature, a number of knowledge management and intellectual
capital-specific variables may also potentially moderate the job satisfaction-job outcome
relationship. As such, this investigation focuses on the role of moderator variables.
Moderators were chosen over mediators because knowledge-based constructs both
interact and are related to employee perceptions of job attitude and capabilities (see
Figure 2). With respect to this study, employee perceptions of human capital management
(HCM) practices is selected because it represents a collection of items that closely align with
the antecedents of human capital from the IC literature (for a comprehensive review, see
Bontis et al., 2000, 1999; Bontis and Nikitopoulos, 2001).
In addition to job satisfaction, there are a variety of other constructs that reflect an
employee’s attitudes and perceptions of organizational procedures, for example, rewards
and recognition, training and development, supervisor satisfaction, and job insecurity. Each
of them is discussed in detail in the following section. From a conceptual perspective, job
performance is closely related to employee capabilities. Figure 3 outlines the proposed
research framework which includes a direct link between employee perceptions and job
attitudes to employee capabilities moderated by human capital practices.

The study’s model and hypotheses

Figure 4 outlines the model of employee capability suggested and tested in this study. This
sub-section describes the suggested model and related hypotheses.
Job satisfaction may evoke various attitudes depending on the external environment that, in
turn, form prospective behaviors on the job. For example, job satisfaction leads to a lower

j j
Figure 3 The study’s research framework

Figure 4 The study’s model

propensity of job withdrawal, and job dissatisfaction increases turnover and absenteeism
(Hulin, 1991; Shaffer and Harrison, 1998) influencing productivity. Job satisfaction may
influence a variety of an employee’s affective states, such as mood, that have an impact on a
person’s behaviour, for example, performance and organizational citizenship (Williams et al.,
2000; Williams and Wong, 1999). With respect to this study, employee capabilities (EC) are
chosen as a dependent variable. Employee capabilities are one of the most important
measures affecting organizational performance (Mayo, 2000). Successful organizations
constantly enhance employee capabilities through a variety of special programs (McCowan
et al., 1999). Employee capabilities reflect an individual’s perception of his or her own
knowledge, skills, experience, network, abilities to achieve results, and room for potential

j j
growth. It is believed that highly satisfied employees perceive themselves to be more
competitive than their less satisfied counterparts:
H1. Job satisfaction has a positive direct effect on employee capabilities.

Employee training and development (T&D) programs are included in the policies of many
organizations around the globe (Goldstein, 1989). The first structured programs for
employee educations appeared at the end of the nineteenth century (Grensing-Pophal,
2002). Currently, rapid technological changes and high competition for available jobs have
increased demand for T&D. Effective T&D initiatives offer benefits for both organizations and
employees. Organizations gain because employees increase their performance,
organizational commitment, promotability and become more open to new ideas (Birdi
et al., 1997). Employees value training because it improves their chances for reemployment,
particularly during an economic recession (Millman and Latham, 2001). In present turbulent
time, job security is almost impossible to guarantee. Most employees want to continue being
marketable even when they are satisfied with their jobs. Individuals seek self-development,
and they are more attached to their professional fields rather than to a particular employer
(Bagshaw, 1996). People may consider T&D an investment in the relationship between an
organization and employees (Farrell and Rusbult, 1981). Effective, appropriate, and
successful training experience serves as an indication that an organization is voluntarily
willing to invest in its human capital that both builds employee capabilities and increases
their degree of job satisfaction:
H2. T&D has a positive direct effect on employee capabilities.
H3. T&D has a positive direct effect on job satisfaction.

For several decades, employee perception of pay satisfaction (PS) and fairness has
traditionally been considered one of the key factors influencing the degree of job satisfaction
(Judge and Welbourne, 1994; Lawler, 1981; Heneman and Schwab, 1985; Lawler and
Hackman, 1969; Wolf, 1970; Porter, 1962). The level of PS is affected by pay intervention and
change programs designed by an organization. PS is important because it represents a
significant organizational expense, and it may potentially lead to desirable performance
outcomes (Shaw et al., 1999). Pay serves a variety of functions for employees. The prior
research shows that people’s reactions and attitudes towards a job and a place of work are
partially formed by their perceptions of pay satisfaction, which, in turn are related to the
actual pay level (i.e., absolute pay) (Motowidlo, 1982). Generally, it makes sense to presume
that higher pay should lead to higher pay satisfaction. This intuitive assumption is usually
supported by empirical research. Based on the discussion above, PS is included in the
study’s model:
H4. PS has a positive direct effect on job satisfaction.

The nature and quality of subordinate-supervisor interactions play an important role in

influencing various employee perceptions of the workplace (Schaubroeck and Fink, 1998;
Jaworski and Kohli, 1991; Brown and Peterson, 1993). Consideration, feedback,
acceptance of ideas, concern for a person’s needs, support, communication, and
contingent approving behavior form the subordinate-supervisor relationship. Good
treatment by a superior is usually appreciated by employees. Several investigations
report on the importance of high-quality subordinate-manager relationships. For example,
trust in management and supervisor feedback is strongly, positively correlated with

‘‘ It is believed that highly satisfied employees perceive

themselves to be more competitive than their less satisfied
counterparts. ’’

j j
‘‘ Currently, rapid technological changes and high competition
for available jobs have increased demand for T&D. ’’

organizational commitment (Folger and Konovsky, 1989), and it is negatively correlated with
withdrawal conditions (Schaubroeck and Fink, 1998). Role conflict has a strong negative
effect on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Brown and Peterson, 1993).
According to Konovsky and Cropanzano (1991) supervisor satisfaction (SS) is positively
correlated with job satisfaction. Therefore, it is suggested that:
H5. SS has a positive direct effect on job satisfaction.

Various factors, such as the emergence of new technologies, skills obsolescence, industry
deregulation, increased competition on the job market, decreasing union representation,
corporate merges and downsizing, have dramatically transformed the nature of
contemporary jobs into insecure ones (Roskies et al., 1993; Sanderson and Schein,
1986). Most employees realize that they may potentially lose their current job in future. The
degree of an employee’s job insecurity (JI) depends on two factors. The first is perceived
severity of threat. It reflects the subjective assessment of circumstances that may lead to job
loss and their probability of occurrence. The second is perceived powerlessness to
counteract the threat of job loss. It refers to lack of protection, unclear performance
expectations, authoritarian environment, and inadequate dismissal procedures (Greenhalgh
and Rosenblatt, 1984). This radical change in the nature of job security has caused a
fundamental transformation in people’s perceptions of the workplace. The prior research
advocates that perceptions of JI results in resistance to change, propensity to leave, and
decreased efforts (Fox and Staw, 1979; Beynon, 1975; Greenhalgh, 1982). Perceptions of JI
also influence the extent of job satisfaction. For example, Burke (1998) reports that JI has a
negative correlation of 20.17 with job satisfaction. Therefore, it is hypothesized that:
H6. JI has a negative direct effect on job satisfaction.

Recall the incorporation of various moderator variables into the existing organizational
behavior models has produced mixed and controversial results. Despite myriad of those
moderators, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no study has employed
knowledge-based moderator variables. To bridge that void, a moderator reflecting the
HCM practices of an organization is included in the suggested model. Human capital is a
key component of the IC of most contemporary organizations (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
Companies that possess inimitable human capital possess sustainable competitive
advantage in the long run. Also, it is the major source of organizational success and
economic prosperity of nations (Ulrich, 1998; Bontis, 2004). Human capital is a source of
innovation and strategic renewal. It should be noted that there is no literature to support this
attempt, and the employment of HCM as a moderator variable is exploratory in nature. The
following hypothesis is proposed:
H7. The relationships among the constructs within the suggested nomological network
are moderated by employee perceptions of HCM practices.

To estimate all relationships, the following set of related hypotheses is presented:

H7a. The direct effect of job satisfaction on employee capabilities is moderated by HCM
practices, such that the effect is stronger for those individuals who perceive HCM to
be more effective.
H7b. The direct effect of T&D on employee capabilities is moderated by HCM practices,
such that the effect is stronger for those individuals who perceive HCM to be more

j j
H7c. The direct effect of T&D on employee satisfaction is moderated by HCM practices,
such that the effect is stronger for those individuals who perceive HCM to be more
H7d. The direct effect of PS on employee satisfaction is moderated by HCM practices,
such that the effect is stronger for those individuals who perceive HCM to be more
H7e. The direct effect of SS on employee satisfaction is moderated by HCM practices,
such that the effect is stronger for those individuals who perceive HCM to be more
H7f. The direct effect of job loss on employee satisfaction is moderated by HCM
practices, such that the effect is stronger for those individuals who perceive HCM to
be more effective.

In order to empirically validate the proposed model and to test a moderating role of human
capital management practices, a survey of the current employees of a major North American
financial services institution was conducted (further referred to as ‘‘ABC Institution’’). The
research instrument was developed by International Survey Research LLC (ISR) under the
supervision of ABC Institution. ISR is the world’s leading research organization specializing
in the development and implementation of customized employee surveys for various
organizations, multinational companies, and government offices. ISR has over 30 years of
experience, and has surveyed more than 35 million employees from 2,100 companies in 106
countries (see

The survey consisted of two parts. The first part asked questions about the length of
employment and job responsibilities. The second part presented questions pertaining to the
suggested model. A number of other questions were also presented that are not reported in
the present study. No personal questions that might potentially identify respondents were
posted. The order of questions was randomized that reduced common method bias
associated with the administration of unsupervised surveys soliciting self-reported
measures (Podsakoff et al., 2003; Podsakoff and Organ, 1986; Woszczynski and
Whitman, 2004). Note that this research instrument is the intellectual property of ISR, and
as such it may not be presented in this paper as per a non-disclosure agreement with ABC
Institution. All employees of ABC Institution were approached with the request to fill out an
online version of this survey. Their participation was optional and confidential. There were no
rewards or other benefits for the completion of this questionnaire.


Descriptive statistics
The actual response rate to the survey ranged from 20 percent to 40 percent, which is
considered acceptable in this type of research (Frohlich, 2002). Note that the actual
response rate may not be reported since it may potentially lead to the identification of ABC
Institution. Overall, 14,769 usable responses were obtained. Although no gender information
was collected, it was assumed that 50 percent of all respondents were female given that
female employees constitute one-half of the entire workforce of ABC Institution. Figures 5
and 6 present the data pertaining to employment and current job tenure.

Measurement model
The partial least squares (PLS) method was employed to estimate the measurement model.
PLS is a common structural equation modeling data analysis technique that is commonly
used in business research including various knowledge-based studies in the fields of KM
and IC (Seleim et al., 2004; Bart and Bontis, 2003; Bontis et al., 2002; Bontis and Fitz-enz,
2002; O’Regan et al., 2001; Bart et al., 2001; Bontis, 1998). PLS was chosen over
covariance-based techniques (e.g., LISREL) because it places fewer restrictions on data

j j
Figure 5 Total length of service with ABC Institution

Figure 6 Length of having same job responsibilities

distribution and normality (Gefen et al., 2000; Chin, 1998). PLS also has a number of
advantages over LISREL in terms of the estimation of interaction effects (Chin et al., 2003).
Table I summarizes item statistics and loadings. It shows that the loadings of all items
exceeded the required threshold of 0.7, and therefore explains at least 50 percent of the
variance in a construct (Nunnally, 1978). All residual variance values were relatively low, and
all item-to-total correlations were above the cut-off point of 0.35. Therefore, no measurement
items were dropped.
A matrix of loadings and cross-loadings was constructed to test discriminant validity (see
Table II). In order to establish the discriminant validity of measures, the loadings of a certain
item with its associated construct (i.e., factor or latent variable) were compared to its
cross-loadings. All items demonstrated higher loadings on their associated factors in
comparison to their cross-loadings. Therefore, it was suggested that the discriminant validity
of survey items was established.
Table III outlines item means, reliability, internal consistency, and convergent validity of the
research instrument. All constructs demonstrated high reliability since Cronbach’s alpha of
the scales were above 0.7 (Cronbach, 1951). Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) measures of
internal consistency and convergent validity of a construct were greater than 0.7 and 0.5
threshold respectively. In addition, the measure of convergent validity was estimated by
reviewing the t-tests for the item loadings (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988; Hatcher, 1994). The
inspection revealed that all t-values were significant at 0.000 level. This shows that all
indicators effectively measured the construct they belonged to.

j j
Table I Item statistics and loadings
Item Mean Std dev. Loading Error Item-total correlations

PS1 4.17 1.16 0.841 0.293 0.656

PS2 4.27 1.08 0.777 0.396 0.571
PS3 3.49 1.44 0.734 0.461 0.550
PS4 3.73 1.24 0.751 0.436 0.576
T&D1 4.54 0.87 0.763 0.417 0.568
T&D2 4.31 1.12 0.875 0.234 0.803
T&D3 4.33 1.08 0.901 0.188 0.843
T&D4 4.24 1.76 0.906 0.178 0.844
SS1 4.65 0.80 0.799 0.362 0.739
SS2 4.59 0.92 0.762 0.420 0.701
SS3 4.65 0.82 0.814 0.337 0.754
SS4 4.55 0.96 0.835 0.303 0.790
SS5 4.57 0.92 0.869 0.245 0.831
SS6 4.55 0.93 0.786 0.383 0.730
SS7 4.64 0.82 0.877 0.230 0.840
SS8 4.63 0.81 0.889 0.210 0.855
SS9 4.42 0.95 0.754 0.432 0.691
JI1 1.95 1.29 1.000 0.000 –
JS1 4.60 0.78 0.754 0.430 0.604
JS2 4.57 0.79 0.826 0.317 0.672
JS3 4.57 0.85 0.875 0.234 0.761
JS4 4.36 0.77 0.869 0.245 0.750
EC1 4.67 0.69 0.785 0.384 0.524
EC2 4.55 0.83 0.802 0.357 0.547
EC3 4.68 0.63 0.814 0.337 0.559

Table II Item loadings and cross-loadings


PS1 0.841 0.536 0.486 20.198 0.610 0.422

PS2 0.777 0.509 0.513 20.179 0.534 0.407
PS3 0.734 0.382 0.331 20.149 0.473 0.305
PS4 0.751 0.399 0.368 20.173 0.470 0.331
T&D1 0.550 0.763 0.543 20.215 0.642 0.461
T&D2 0.471 0.875 0.472 20.164 0.468 0.457
T&D3 0.493 0.901 0.517 20.170 0.496 0.499
T&D4 0.526 0.906 0.523 20.192 0.529 0.485
SS1 0.486 0.486 0.799 20.194 0.523 0.424
SS2 0.429 0.466 0.762 20.145 0.438 0.394
SS3 0.470 0.588 0.814 20.170 0.523 0.429
SS4 0.427 0.474 0.835 20.154 0.456 0.390
SS5 0.457 0.482 0.869 20.192 0.501 0.373
SS6 0.419 0.444 0.786 20.147 0.445 0.370
SS7 0.468 0.499 0.877 20.188 0.507 0.374
SS8 0.475 0.512 0.889 20.174 0.512 0.411
SS9 0.441 0.459 0.754 20.177 0.467 0.377
JI1 20.242 20.233 20.226 1.000 20.276 20.207
JS1 0.438 0.462 0.421 20.153 0.754 0.429
JS2 0.577 0.535 0.530 20.242 0.826 0.472
JS3 0.583 0.536 0.522 20.221 0.875 0.456
JS4 0.629 0.521 0.482 20.237 0.869 0.430
EC1 0.373 0.403 0.379 2 0.164 0.464 0.785
EC2 0.393 0.455 0.379 20.157 0.422 0.802
EC3 0.389 0.480 0.405 20.161 0.428 0.814

Table IV offers the correlation matrix and discriminant validity assessment. Fornell and
Larcker’s (1981) measure of discriminant validity was calculated as the square root of the
average variance extracted and compared to the construct correlations. All values were
greater than those in corresponding rows and columns. Based on the above assessment, it

j j
Table III Construct statistics and convergent validity

Arithmetic mean 3.92 4.36 4.58 4.53 4.63

Cronbach’s alpha 0.78 0.89 0.93 0.85 0.72
Internal consistency 0.859 0.921 0.949 0.900 0.842
Convergent validity 0.603 0.746 0.675 0.693 0.641

Table IV Correlation matrix and discriminant validity assessment


PS 0.777
T&D 0.595 0.863
SS 0.554 0.602 0.822
JS 0.673 0.625 0.593 0.833
CCM 0.480 0.555 0.486 0.547 0.800

was concluded that all scales behaved very reliably, demonstrated high convergent and
discriminant validity, and exhibited adequate psychometric properties.

Structural model
Bootstrapping was done to derive t-statistics to assess the significance level of the model’s
coefficients and to test the hypotheses. a total of 100 samples of 14,769 cases each were
generated that is the default option of PLS Graph 03.00 (Chin, 2001). Figure 7 presents the
structural model and outlines the results of hypothesis testing. As such, H1 through H6 were
supported at the significance level of below 0.0001.
In order to investigate the predictive power of the predictors, a series of effect size tests were
conducted as recommended by Chin (1998). For this, one link to a dependent construct was
removed at a time, the model was re-estimated, and R-squares were recorded. Two tests
were conducted. Tables V and VI present the R-squared values and the effect sizes for the
employee capabilities and job satisfaction constructs.
As recommended by Cohen (1988), the effect size values of 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 may be
viewed as an estimate whether a predictor has a small, medium, or large effect at the
structural level. No construct demonstrated a large effect size, job satisfaction and T&D had
a small-medium effect size, and only pay satisfaction exhibited a medium effect size. The
contribution of all other constructs to the predictive power of the model was relatively low.

Moderator variable
Recall H6 pertains to the relationships among the constructs within the suggested
nomological network when they are moderated by employee perceptions of HCM practices.
As suggested by Sharma et al. (1981), the first step to identify moderator variables is to
establish whether a significant interaction between the proposed moderator (i.e., HCM) and
other variables (i.e., JS, T&D, PS, SS, and JI) exist. As recommended by Chin and
colleagues (Chin et al., 2003) a product-indicator approach was employed. This is a novel
SEM method that allows testing for interactions effects of large complex models without
making assumptions of multivariate normality.
Testing interactions in PLS is a new approach. Therefore, to ensure the validity of the test, two
methods that should theoretically produce comparable results were employed. In the first
test, indicator scores were standardized that is a required technique. For this, from each
indicator score the corresponding mean was subtracted and the result was divided by the
standard deviation. Product indicators were constructed through explicit multiplication. For
example, for T&D £ HCM interaction construct, every T&D indicator was multiplied by every
HCM indicator (i.e., the T&D £ HCM interaction construct consisted of the following

j j
Figure 7 The structural model – hypotheses testing

Table V The effect size – employee capabilities

R 2included ¼ 0:375 JS T&D

R 2excluded 0.312 0.299

f2 0.050 0.059
Effect size Small-medium Small-medium

Table VI The effect size – job satisfaction

R 2included ¼ 0:566 T&D PS SS JI

R 2excluded 0.532 0.474 0.539 0.559

f2 0.055 0.141 0.044 0.012
Effect size Small-medium Medium Small-medium Very small

indicators: T&D1 £ HCM1, T&D1 £ HCM2, T&D1 £ HCM3, T&D1 £ HCM4, T&D2 £ HCM1,
. . . , T&D4 £ HCM4). All interaction constructs were tested twice:
1. within the suggested nomological network; and
2. individually.
For example, for an individual test of JS £ HCM interaction, only four constructs were added
to the model (i.e., JS, JS £ HCM, HCM, and EC).

j j
In the second test, the HCM construct was added to the PSL model with no path
dependency. The non-moderated model was estimated, and latent variable scores stored in
the spreadsheet[1]. No standardization or centering was done since the factor scores were
already standardized. Interaction constructs were formed by multiplying latent variable
scores of each construct by HCM scores to create a single-item interaction. After that, all
interactions were tested within the proposed nomological network, and effect sizes were
calculated. Table VII offers the beta coefficients of all interaction effects.
Based on the results, two observations are noted. First, although there were some minor
discrepancies in the standardized path coefficients and significance levels, the overall
findings of four independent experiments were relatively consistent. Second, all effect size
values of the interaction effect constructs were very low. This provides some degree of
assurance that the interaction effects between HCM and JS, T&D, PS, SS, and JL do no
exist. With respect to the psychometric properties of interaction constructs, all item loadings
exceeded the required threshold of 0.49 (Chin et al., 2003) with the lowest value of 0.6.
To test for differences in the strength of relationships in terms of the structural model, the total
sample was split into three groups based on the factor score of HCM. Group S1 represents
sample with low (bottom quartile), S2 with medium (quartiles 2 and 3) and S3 with high (top
quartile) HCM factor scores. This approach is common in PLS moderation analysis (for
example, see Igbaria et al., 1994).
In their recent paper that lists nine most mistakes in the use of moderator variables, Carte
and Russell (2003) warn that a PLS-specific problem may potentially occur when
researchers compare different models estimated from each sub-sample. Since PLS
produces new weights and factor loadings to maximize the variance of each latent variable
and related relationships, different item loadings may be generated for the same item
depending on the sub-model. If item loadings are significantly different, path coefficients
may vary among sub-samples because of differences in the measurement models rather
than because of differences on the structural levels. In this case, the interpretation of PLS
results may not accurately reflect the actual moderation effect.
To address the concern above, two moderation tests were conducted: one by using PLS,
and one by using moderated multiple regression (MMR). Table VIII offers the results. As
such, all relationships were significant at the 0.000 level.
To compare the same path coefficient among sub-samples to answer H7a through H7f the
Chow test (Chow, 1960) was conducted. This test is often referred to as a test for structural
change (Davidson and MacKinnon, 1993) because allows determining whether the
coefficients of a regression model are identical in two similar sub-samples. In other words,
by the employment of the Chow test researchers may test whether two sets of observations
can be referred to as belonging to the same regression model. Based on the results, all
changes in the strengths of relationships were significant at the 0.000 level with the lowest
F-value of 91.44. Therefore, given the statistically significant differences in the strengths of
relationships among the select constructs of the sub-samples, it is concluded that human

Table VII PLS interaction effects

JS £ HCM 2 EC T&D £ HCM 2 EC T&D £ HCM 2 JS PS £ HCM 2 JS SS £ HCM 2 JS JL £ HCM 2 JS

Interactions were tested within the nomological network

Beta – test 1 0.004 0.007 0.060 0.082 20.038 20.012
t-value test 2 1.636 2.456 0.020 0.280 0.189 0.131
Beta – test 2 20.027 0.073 20.006 0.081 20.014 0.031
t-value test 2 1.480 2.045 0.027 0.518 0.420 0.227
Interactions were tested individually
Beta – test 1 0.015 0.001 0.079 0.108 0.019 20.005
t-value test 2 1.992 0.531 10.339 16.312 1.937 4.589
Beta – test 2 0.016 0.045 20.078 0.008 20.198 0.012
t-value test 2 0.946 1.598 0.954 0.109 2.173 0.474

j j
Table VIII PLS and MMR moderation effects
H7a H7b H7c H7d H7e H7f

HCM – low 0.156 0.233 0.143 0.286 0.154 20.119 0.098 0.208
HCM – medium 0.248 0.248 0.194 0.331 0.188 20.093 0.216 0.329
HCM – high 0.287 0.324 0.251 0.349 0.202 20.075 0.284 0.438
HCM – low 0.162 0.239 0.149 0.285 0.170 20.112 0.103 0.212
HCM – medium 0.253 0.304 0.185 0.333 0.188 20.092 0.215 0.315
HCM – high 0.294 0.326 0.229 0.337 0.229 20.076 0.288 0.425

capital management practices serve as a homologizer moderator (Sharma et al., 1981) that
supports H7. With respect to a set of related sub-hypotheses, support was found for H7a
through H7e. Regarding H7f, an opposite dependency between path coefficients across
sub-groups and HCM was found, so that high level of HCM practices weakens the negative
relationship between job loss and job satisfaction.

Discussion, conclusion, and directions for future research

Recall the purpose of this study was to hypothesize and empirically test a model that
explains employee capability and includes HCM practices as a key moderator variable. The
model was based on the convergence of organizational behavior and knowledge-based
(i.e., KM and IC) disciplines. Based on the results of a survey of 14,769 current employees of
a major financial institution in North America, the model was supported and the importance
of HCM moderator was demonstrated.
With respect to the model, it is demonstrated that it explains 37.5 percent and 56.4 percent in
employee capabilities and job satisfaction levels. Both job satisfaction and T&D have a
strong effect on employee capabilities. The degree of job satisfaction is determined by four
factors: pay satisfaction (b ¼ 0:394), training & development (b ¼ 0:247), supervisor
satisfaction (b ¼ 0:210), and the probability of job loss (b ¼ 20:073). As such, pay
satisfaction is the most essential determinant of an employee’s job satisfaction. H1 through
H6 were supported.
In terms of a moderator analysis, no interaction effects of HCM policies and other constructs
were discovered. There were also two previous attempts to test the effect of KM/IC
interaction variables. Cabrita (in Serenko, 2005) found no substantial interaction effects
among three interaction constructs: human capital £ relational capital, human capital £
structural capital, and structural capital £ relational capital and business performance.
Kankanhalli et al. (2005) included eight KM/IC-related interactions into a model of electronic
knowledge repositories usage but only two of them were significant. This suggests that
KM/IC variables may potentially play a role of homologizer moderators that modify the
strength of the relationships among constructs through an error term. Sharma et al. (1981)
suggest two reasons why the strength of relationship may vary. First, the measurement error
may occur because the survey instrument, such as Likert-type scales, may not be suitable
for every sub-group of the entire population. In this case, an instrument should be adjusted
to fit all sub-samples that exhibit different levels of moderator variable. Second, different
sub-groups may exhibit lack of correlation in terms of predictor variables that is believed to
hold true with respect to the present study. As such, in the sub-sample with high HCM, a
stronger relationship is observed because of strong actual relationships between
dependent and independent constructs. At the same time, in case of low HCM, other
factors that affect independent constructs emerge that decreases both the strength of the
relationship and the predictive power of the model.
This study has several important methodological, theoretical, and practical contributions.
With regards to the methodological findings, it was demonstrated that the interaction

j j
constructs created through the explicit multiplication of all standardized indicators produce
results very similar to those developed through the multiplication or non-standardized latent
variable scores produced by PLS. This is an important finding since very complex models
with interaction effects may employ over 200 indicators that is not currently supported by
PLS Graph 03.00. In this case, researchers may employ the approach described in Test 2,
that will hopefully produce valid results.
Testing the interaction effects within a proposed nomological network and in isolation
produce relatively similar standardized path coefficients and different significance levels so
that isolated interactions tend to generate higher t-values. In this study, this discrepancy did
not have an effect on the findings; however, future researchers should be aware of this when
employing PLS. Also, the application of the PLS moderation approach and the moderated
multiple regression procedure produced very similar results. At the same time, the authors
caution that the results of this finding do not disprove the potential existence of gamma
differences PLS errors (Carte and Russell, 2003) that future researchers may encounter.
In terms of practice, it should be noted that KM strategies involving the development of
intellectual capital must take into consideration the role that both antecedents and
moderators play in the development of human capital. Too often, executives focus on the
development of employee capabilities by examining traditional issues such as satisfaction,
compensation and training without much emphasis on scrutinizing their HR practices that
must also support these drivers. In some cases, an emphasis on human capital
development is totally missing from the management analysis of annual reports (Bontis,
2003). This study highlights the importance once again of how KM practice must consider
the critical role that HR policy plays in the development of employee capability.
With respect to future research, a longitudinal study may be conducted. An ‘‘ideal’’
longitudinal study is a long-term project in which the same individuals, organizations,
financial coefficients, etc. are measured on the same variables. To achieve this, the survey
instrument utilized in the present investigation should be administered to employees of ABC
institution on a yearly basis. Mathematical and statistical models may be applied to
understand patterns and trends in collected data. These methods may be borrowed from
reference disciplines such as physical, biological, and social sciences (Collins and Horn,
1991; Singer and Willett, 2003). Several approaches may be utilized. One way would be to
analyze longitudinal data by the employment of latent growth models (LGM) (McArdle,
1998). LGM may be used to show trends in around groups and individual differences in
growth functions. Second avenue would be to utilize configural models for longitudinal
categorical data (Wood, 1998). Configural frequency analysis looks at patents of response
across categorical variables over time. The last, but not least, approach would be to
combine the study’s model with two other modes: a customer satisfaction model and
financial model based on the data of ABC Institution. Figure 8 outlines the nomological
network of the proposed investigation.
Based on this network, it can be presumed that employee capabilities, which are positioned
as the endogenous construct of the study’s model, may have a strong positive relationship
with one of more customer satisfaction constructs. Customer satisfaction constructs may, in
turn, positively influence financial performance of ABC Institution. Assuming that longitudinal
data for these three models are available, it may be possible to identify three key

Figure 8 The nomological network for future longitudinal investigations

j j
‘‘ Too often, executives focus on the development of employee
capabilities by examining traditional issues such as
satisfaction, compensation and training without much
emphasis on scrutinizing their HR practices that must also
support these drivers. ’’

1. beta, which represents the strength of the relationship;

2. t-value, which shows statistical significance of this relationship; and
3. optimal time lapse (L) between the increase in an exogenous construct and the highest
increase in an endogenous construct.
The structural statistical modeling techniques and contemporary software packages such
as PLS and LISREL may be applied to test these models.
The major limitation of this study is that the findings may be generalized to the North American
financial sector only. Researchers who will attempt to replicate this investigation in other parts
of the world may obtain different results. This may be due to diverse business practices,
cultural issues, and values in other regions. In addition, human management practices may
dramatically differ among North American companies and those operating in the former
centrally planned economies, such as Russia or China, as well as businesses in the Muslim
countries. The strengths of relationships among the model’s constructs may also depend on
the current economic conditions. For example, during high unemployment periods, some
people may be highly satisfied with their jobs regardless of their level of satisfaction with a
supervisor. At the same time, when many alternative or even better jobs are available, the treat
of a job loss may not have a noticeable impact on an employee’s level of job satisfaction.
The fields of KM and IC are relatively young. This investigation demonstrates that the
application of scientific principles from reference disciplines may potentially improve the
state of the field and foster the discovery of new phenomena. The authors hope that the
present investigation will inspire academics to initiate similar studies aimed to develop new
theories and to test existing ones. However, despite the relative success of the present
project, the authors caution that the nature of the knowledge-based constructs and the role
they play in moderating the effects of other variables are not completely understood. More
research is needed to further explore these phenomena.

1. This procedure is appropriate according to a personal communication with Dr Wynne W. Chin.

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About the authors

Nick Bontis is Associate Professor of Strategy at the DeGroote Business School, McMaster
University. He received his PhD from the Ivey Business School, University of Western
Ontario. His doctoral dissertation is recognized as the first thesis to integrate the fields of
intellectual capital, organizational learning and knowledge management and is the number
one selling thesis in Canada. He has published extensively in a variety of academic journals
and has completed three books. He is recognized the world over as a leading professional
speaker and consultant in the field of knowledge management. Nick Bontis is the
corresponding author and can be contacted at: [email protected]
Alexander Serenko is Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at the Faculty
of Business Administration, Lakehead University. Dr Serenko holds a MSc. in computer
science, an MBA in electronic business, and a PhD in Management Science/Systems from
McMaster University. Dr Serenko’s research interests pertain to user technology adoption,
knowledge management, and innovation. His articles have appeared in various refereed
journals, and he has received awards at numerous Canadian, American, and international

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